Empire war forces corruption walkthrough. Walkthrough of Star Wars Empire At War for the Rebel Alliance. Bait on a hook

Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption

Star Wars: Empire at War has become one of the best games about the universe. But the addition surpassed it head and shoulders. It didn’t just add a new race, its style of warfare is fundamentally different from that practiced by our already familiar rivals from the Empire and the rebels. And while they fight among themselves for control of the planets, a third force buys and intimidates, kidnaps and pirates. Are you not ready for fair fights? Tiber Zann's criminal empire awaits you!

Let's start with the fact that nothing was left unattended. Almost all parts of the game were somehow redrawn and changed. No, the basic rules remained exactly the same - combat in space, combat on the surface, capturing planets and getting money. But after numerous additions, it is now extremely difficult to find out much. Although we will start with a new faction in the game - the Syndicate - and tell you who they are, as well as who and how they eat.


The Syndicate, of course, is also not averse to capturing the entire Galaxy, taking it under its control. But he prefers to rule the life of the planets, corrupting their authorities. Moreover, the enemy sees that there is shadow business going on on the planets, but sometimes it is more expensive for themselves to stop this activity. After all, in order to corrupt the planet, the Syndicate needs to invest 1000 coins (and do something else depending on the types of corruption), and to return the planet to the rule of law, one and a half thousand money is required, and not every hero is able to do this. For example, for the rebels, Yoda is in charge of restoring law on the planet, and for the imperials, Palpatine is in charge (although they are not alone in this matter). However, it is not always possible to tear a hero away from business and send him to restore order. So you have to watch the yellow clouds of lawlessness around the planets with a feeling of hopelessness. True, when the planet changes hands, some types of corruption (those that depend on officials, such as intimidation, kidnapping, bribery) disappear on their own.

This is interesting: although the campaign to take over the Galaxy assumes that everyone is fighting against everyone, the main enemy of the Syndicate is the Empire. Therefore, it is more difficult to fight with the Empire than with anyone else - two opponents will conduct military operations against it at once.

The Syndicate doesn't do nonsense like technology research. He buys the necessary technologies on the black market. That is, another element has been added to the cycle of technological development: the Empire explores, the rebels steal from it, and buy what they need on the black market from both. The main thing is to carry out an appropriate corruption action against both sides, after which Tiber Zan, Urai Fen or Silri can go for technology. By the way, this trick gives some advantage to the Syndicate in the early stages: its factories can immediately build any equipment. Only using the abilities that should be attached to this very technique will not work.


What are actions to involve the planet in a criminal network? We simply send the Syndicate produced in the palace, and it carries out some kind of action on the planet, after which it disappears forever. In total, no more than three different actions can be carried out on each planet, and, having once placed the planet on one or another path of crime, it is possible to change direction only after the law is restored there again. Note that we do not select stocks from the entire list; the set for each planet is strictly fixed. But if a hero or troops are required to introduce corruption on a planet, then they are unique to each planet. So, on one, only Tiber Zan can perform some action, and on the other, it must be performed by Urai Fen.

This is important: it only flies out per share. The hero starts his mission from absolutely any planet and returns to it as soon as everything is over. At the same time, the hero will not die if he is killed during the mission - he will return to his home planet as if nothing had happened. But the troops required for the mission remain on the planet where it took place.

Intimidation. This combat action, which involves a ground battle, so money and a Syndicate hero are required. You just need to get to the person being intimidated, and then the effect of its special features will be blocked on the planet for the rest of the game. Although this is an initial mission, without at least one effective intimidation, no racket can be carried out.

This is interesting: although at least one action is required to complete missions, some missions require a larger number of active actions, although not more than three.

Piracy. Also a combat action, but in space. Which means money and a hero again. We are unlikely to get battleships for this mission, but cruisers are easy. Something must be destroyed, and then the goal will be achieved. At the same time, we will be able to build a new type of ship (the model is borrowed, of course, from an enemy ship). If the enemy drives his squadrons through this planet, then we will receive money for the passage. And there will be some profit from trade. Piracy gives rise to such missions as and.

Kidnapping. Its characteristics are similar to intimidation, only you need to break through to the kidnapped person, and then the shuttle will pick him up. In this case, we receive a certain amount of money (usually we simply return what we spent). However, without kidnapping there is no bribery.

Racket. If you have at least one intimidation operating somewhere, then you can start using racketeering. It also requires assault troops of mercenaries and money for the operation. At the same time, the influx of money into the Syndicate increases, regardless of whether the planet is our own or someone else’s. In addition, when you destroy enemy troops on these planets, you will receive.

Bribe. Requires an active kidnapping and money to carry out the mission, sometimes troops. As a result, we receive information about the state of affairs on the planet (the movement of fleets around it), and also during the attack of the planet by the forces of the Syndicate, it will not have garrison troops (and in a space battle against the Empire, the Imperials will not have fighters either). Also, the presence of at least one bribe makes it possible to create somewhere.

Black market. If piracy is thriving somewhere and you have money for an operation, then you can carry out this action. After the opening of the black market, the hero can fly to the planet with the intention of purchasing new technology (five each from the Empire and the rebels). Different markets may have different prices for the same technology. At the same time, there are no other benefits from it, and this is a form of corruption that should then be changed to another.

Slavery. You need at least one active piracy, troops and money for the operation. But after this, in conflicts on the planet, the local population will choose your side (or beat both combatants, if both sides are your opponents). In addition, in all your barracks it will be possible to produce militia from the population of these planets. Let me note right away that slaves, for whom just one act of piracy is enough, are useless helpers. But those that require at least three active pirates often have very interesting special abilities.

Requires at least one successful bribe, money and troops. The local population will fight for us in all conflicts. But if someone guesses to remove this form of corruption, then an uprising will occur, after which the planet will become neutral, and all buildings on the planet will be destroyed.

Another advantage of corruption is that Syndicate fleets can pass through these planets without a battle, only by paying local officials. So you can slowly get into some deep behind enemy lines. The main thing is to have money for the passage. Also, with any form of corruption, you can observe the plan of the base on the planet and learn about all the troops on earth and in space.

Syndicate buildings

In the main game, we weren't allowed to have much fun building. The main buildings were pre-established and were not subject to revision. However, the Syndicate managed to distinguish itself here too, receiving several original buildings. Firstly, the syndicate members are clearly from that breed of anti-aircraft gunners who do not fly themselves and do not let others fly. That's why they like to build an anti-gravity jammer, and then enemy fast ships barely crawl across the battlefield.

The second difference was the two types of guns. The first ones shoot at everything, while completely ignoring shields. The second ones fire torpedoes, and very far away, but do not shoot at flying targets. But for this, all additional buildings are extremely expensive for the Syndicate.

Space also has its own quirks - the plasma gun is not built on the ground, like everyone else, but on a third-level space station. Which dramatically increases the chances of survival of this station.

Space is the place where the least amount of change has occurred. The first of them is that the rebels and the Empire can build repair stations on defense satellites and restore their ships. The Syndicate can instead install long-range jammers that will interfere with enemy missile fire.

The second is the introduction of the avant-garde (it also exists on earth, but there the effect is much less). The idea is that only one pre-designated ship appears in space, and all the others are called according to the list. The main benefit of this is that previously shuttles with landing forces were easily thrown into battle, taking the place of more useful ships, but there was no sense in them. An additional use case is to place a nimble hero in the vanguard, who will rush to the enemy base and immediately call in battleships, which would fly from the starting point for several minutes. Surprise!

The Imperials had quite a few updates. The main infusions have taken place in the lists of fighters and heroes; there is not a single new medium-class ship. Here they are full list.

TIE Interceptor. An improved version of the TIE fighter, superior in all components. It is considered to be superior to standard Rebel fighters in all respects. The detachment, like its predecessors, has 7 units. Actually, they replace TIE fighters on all ships except.

TIE phantom. An improved version of the TIE Scout. They have a hyperdrive (can travel between systems), and are also equipped with shield and camouflage generators. Only one of the generators can be turned on at a time, but the main purpose is that they travel undetected between enemy systems and conduct reconnaissance. There are only three phantoms in the link. General Rom Mohk is replaced by bombers.

TIE Defenders. These are previously unknown fighter-bombers. That is, they can also solve the problems of fighters (although three are not enough for such purposes), but they are mainly engaged in solving problems with the help of bombing. In addition to conventional weapons, they can convert the protective field into fuel for weapons, increasing their power. Another weapon is the ion cannon, which shoots down shields or disables enemy ships for a while. An excellent weapon against enemy battleships and space stations.

The characteristics are the same as the first one. It’s just that the first one has already been destroyed and cannot be restored. Of course, this only works in campaign mode.

The only representative of the super battleship class. Naturally, only available in the campaign. This ship has as many as three points of force shields, that is, by destroying one of them, you still will not deprive this battleship of its force field. Its main ability (besides the quite usual capture of enemy ships with a force beam) is the constant production of new fighters (you just need to constantly press the button to call them), in total - 4 fighters, 4 bombers, 6 interceptors and 1 defender. Everyone is called up forcibly, unlike other battleships, on which new ones replace the dead. Although there are countless weapons on him even without these weapons. Among other things, Darth Vader himself flies on this ship.

Another ship just from the campaign. Flagship battleship Roma Mokhka. On it, this admiral produces dark Jedi. Usually he doesn’t fight with anyone, although he matches in terms of weapons and armor. This is the auxiliary ship.

Grand Admiral Thrawn's flagship, the only ship available outside of the campaign. The armor and set of weapons is no different from. However, ships closest to them deal more damage to the enemy. And the Grand Admiral himself can briefly use an ability in which his battleship fires at one target, while its rate of fire and damage from hits are doubled.


The Rebels received even less than the Empire. But there is still something.

B-wing. Improved bombers. There are only three in a flight, but each one has three torpedoes (and regular ones have one). Another advantage over simple bombers is that B-wings can fold their wings and accelerate sharply, due to which they can slip through the anti-aircraft fire zone and are guaranteed to strike an enemy station or battleship.

MS-30s. A high-speed hunter of enemy cruiser-class battleships. On its nose there are two batteries of proton torpedoes, which it fires in a salvo. It is worse with small ships, since firing is carried out in a fan and not all torpedoes hit the target. To protect against fighters, use a battery of light lasers and an ability (a ring of bombs is thrown around, which explode, destroying everything they hit). An extremely useful and functional thing, especially in the second row.

Rogue Squadron. Luke left the Navy and this unit was formed from new pilots. 6 powerful fighters that can fold their wings and fly faster. They can also temporarily increase the rate of fire and damage dealt in battle. The best (and only) remedy against. Of course they are heroes.


These fighters are new to the arena of interstellar battles today, so they have the biggest addition to the family. Although the total number of ships they have is clearly less than that of other parties. But let's not forget about piracy, in which the Syndicate can borrow other people's models. So...

A good maneuverable fighter for which you can research technologies that reduce damage from enemy laser beams (which will further increase its survivability). It handles any old fighters very easily. With new ones - on equal terms. As an additional ability, it throws mine droids that only work against fighters or destroyers. But if you successfully release them during a space battle, the enemy’s losses can be very high. There are 5 fighters in the flight.

Standard bomber. It differs from the very initial ones in that it has two torpedoes at once. The armament is located in a separate rotating turret, which slightly increases the chances against fighters. Can jam radar, making it difficult for the enemy to detect your troops on the radar. There are three bombers in the flight.

At first glance, it is a typical destroyer designed to fight enemy fighters. However, it does have an excellent persistent missile defense capability. This ship independently shoots off all missiles flying directly at it and just past it. Therefore, it is even more difficult for fighters to cope with it than with ships of a similar class - they can only be taken by cruisers.

This ship came from the main game, having been upgraded. It is an auxiliary ship for combating insolent enemy destroyers. It is better not to let him go to the front line, since even with a good shield, the armor is still rather weak. In a word, he is not at all an obligatory fighter in the squadron. Weapons include two turbolaser batteries and a missile silo on the bow. the difference is that for some time the missile battery goes into continuous firing mode and the missiles flow in a stream.

A heavy cruiser, which is considered a hunter of ships of a similar class. However, due to the presence of 2 batteries of automatic cannons, it also stands up well against fighters and destroyers (against the latter there are also 2 batteries of turbolasers), because the guns ignore all shields. However, despite his excellent armor, he has no power shields at all, so it’s better not to mess with battleships - he’ll get hit and won’t even notice. Among the abilities there is camouflage, when using which the cruiser is invisible until it shoots (very useful when battleships crawl onto the battlefield), and self-destruction (when it is completely dying, it turns on the camouflage, flies closer and sets off a self-detonation). A very useful ship that should be in any fleet.

A battleship that prefers to destroy enemy battleships. In addition to 2 batteries of turbolasers, he is also armed with two special weapons. The first knocks out the shields and damages the electronics. The second deals huge damage, killing missile ships on the spot and demolishing the turrets of cruisers with one hit. It has the effect that it kills all fighters and bombers at the point of impact. It is recommended to shoot at hangars from it, because there is always someone hovering around them. It is completely defenseless against fighters and bombers; there must be cover. Special ability - self-destruction, like... Can support ground operations with its fire.

A kind of auxiliary battleship, which, due to its armament (2 automatic cannons, 4 turbolaser batteries and 2 ion cannons), is universal, but at the same time it does not have any strong points. It is most organically combined with, which protects from any annoying little thing, dispersing it with powerful volleys. He can steal the energy of enemy force shields, strengthening his weapon systems. The rebels' shield recharge ability is disrupted.

Tiber Zann's flagship. This is a reinforced version, its shields and armor are more powerful. It is distinguished by the following abilities: it can camouflage itself and strengthens the first special weapon, which can even penetrate several enemy ships with one shot. Otherwise, it is still the same, that is, leaving it alone is not recommended.

And this is Bossk's personal ship. She loves to hunt light cruisers and bombers; things are worse with destroyers and fighters, but this ship can easily get away from them due to its excellent speed and maneuverability. As a special ability, it creates radar jammers that hide our troops from the enemy’s view.

A robot named IG-88 flies on this ship. A very fast heavy fighter that is excellent at dealing with enemy fighters. It is valuable for its special abilities when it reduces the accuracy of fire from surrounding ships, drains the energy of their shields and blocks special abilities.

The earth is at your feet

But on earth, in contrast to space, a number of quite significant changes have appeared. The first of these is mobile defense platforms. They are created by each side in their main building, after which they are sent to the desired point. There they turn around and then stand in this place until they are destroyed or the mission ends (but you can also sell the contents of the platform). Each side has its own set of platforms.

Bunkers have appeared, each of which can hold 5 infantrymen. True, it must first be built.

Each side received troop transports. I can’t say that they are definitely always useful, but sometimes they, with their ability to transport infantry in the holds, can be used. By the way, they can also transport undeployed MOPs.

Some abilities are now used automatically. That is, they do not necessarily need to be used.

Landscape areas with characteristic features appeared. Thus, only infantry can often pass through the forest, and lava reduces the amount of life of those who make their way through it. Water slows down movement. From the heights, the defenders can continue to shoot at the attackers.

Orbital bombardment appeared. If a faction has a battleship in orbit (the Syndicate only has one), then the enemy on the ground can be fired upon from its guns.

The campaign has introduced such a useful feature as a base map, where you can move buildings to form a more successful battle formation. But outposts appeared in some missions - platforms for the construction of factories. Two of them, the mining plant (increases income) and the Hutta Palace (produces swamp gliders, light walkers and skiffs), can be built by either side. Another building is unique to everyone. The Syndicate is building an anti-gravitator jammer, the Alliance is building a satellite communications terminal (allows you to open sections of the map for a short time), the Empire is building a magnetic pulse gun (a gun that fires over a certain distance and disables enemy equipment). I can’t say that any of this is irreplaceable, but sometimes it is useful.

The Empire received many heroes in space, so on earth it will have to make do exclusively with old men. But interesting specimens of other troops appeared.

Dark warrior, project I. In the campaign, like all other dark warriors, is produced only on. There are three in the squad. These fighters are designed for hand-to-hand combat only, but can deflect blaster shots aimed at them with shields on their arms. They do not move very fast, which is compensated by the ability that allows them to run one and a half times faster. However, particularly nimble opponents will still be faster. As fighters, they are quite mediocre, so I don’t recommend them for use.

This is important: dark warriors are droids, not people. That's why they are repaired, not cured.

Dark Warrior Project II. The two soldiers of this unit are armed with light cannons and are excellent at shooting both infantry and light vehicles. If you don’t throw them at the front line, then they are worth the money. The special ability is a rocket pack that transports these warriors to a given position. When they fly, they don't shoot. Often used as scouts.

Dark Warrior Project III. There is only one warrior in the squad. It can simply shoot powerfully, or it can strengthen itself and open fire with seismic missiles, which deal damage over an area (infantry will be in trouble). Like the previous version, it can fly. Not very useful due to small quantity.

Noghri Assassins. For some reason, the Empire is no longer allowed to build assassins and smugglers (bug), but in the campaign to capture the planet Khonoghr they will have such fighters. At the same time, their effectiveness has increased so much that assassins can kill not only minor heroes, but also ordinary ones (except for faction leaders such as Yoda or Tiber Zann). In ground combat, these are three people who kill one infantryman with each shot (and shoot very far away). When they start to be beaten, they turn on their disguise. They also kill heroes very well (especially if they are even a little distracted).

An infantry transport that has several machine guns and a missile defense system that destroys missiles aimed at it. It is often useful in a defensive war, when it protects troops from missiles flying at them.

Now the Empire can fly too. To do this, she has a squad of aircraft on anti-gravitators. They engage and slow down targets with their beams, turn off the electronics on tanks, and they don’t move anywhere. At the same time, the life of the sufferers is shortened. Lasers are also used against enemy gliders. They work great against nimble enemy heroes. There are three in a squad and they are extremely powerful weapons.

Mobile defense platforms. The Imperials can generate EM fields (deflect enemy missiles), shoot from a seismic grenade launcher and deploy a sensor node, which can also shoot back energy weapons.


But for the rebels, everything is just the opposite - they are nothing but heroes.

Transport for infantry from the rebels. His advantage over others is that he can fly. That is, he doesn’t care about the folds of the terrain and will jump over any obstacles. There is a light laser on board - it can cause a little trouble for the enemy.

Mobile defense platforms. The rebels have learned to make a mobile shield generator (at a short distance all troops are covered with a force shield), a repair station or a rapid-fire laser cannon.

Luke Skywalker. Having destroyed, Luke finally switched from pilots to Jedi and now uses the Force to heal from enemy blaster fire. Therefore, it is necessary to launch some hand-to-hand fighters or missile shooters against him. He can throw his sword like a boomerang. Finally, the ability makes Luke invisible. An average all-round fighter.

Yoda. And this master loves to use it, while he bounces like a ball and with at breakneck speed chops the enemy to pieces. During the action, you can easily chop up a couple of infantry detachments, and even the heroes will not be happy. Using the ability, he enters a trance and temporarily opens the card. This is followed by bombing the enemy with long-range weapons. Very strong hero, the presence of which on the map solves many problems.

Garm Bel Iblis. He rides around in a huge tank called. If the enemy does not have anti-tank weapons while he is called, you can surrender. Because this is a terrible lover of pressure. And not only some infantry, but also light equipment, for example, the same AT-ST. It is impossible to destroy only what is higher than it or flies. By transferring power from the shields, it can produce a powerful explosion around itself. However, the range of this ability is short, and at this time the enemy often deals damage to himself. Therefore, I do not recommend it for use. It's better to just fire all six of his guns and roll around on the enemy rather than mess around with explosions. Can also transport infantry. If you put it into action in a timely manner, it brings victory. If the enemy manages to gather his strength, they will destroy this hero themselves.


The Syndicate is again in the role of newcomers, so this time they have the largest number of troops. By the way, the peculiarity of the Syndicate troops is that they have a lot of weapons that ignore power shields.

Mercenary assault squad. Includes three squads of three people. They are armed with blasters, which can later be upgraded to disintegrators. In this case, they become a great threat to all living and mechanical things. They can use stimulants that will speed them up and increase damage, but will greatly damage the health of these soldiers.

Mercenary platoon. Also 3 squads, but with 4 fighters each. They shoot from grenade launchers, that is, they can shoot overhead and through obstacles. In addition, they are able to lay contactless mines, which greatly reduce the life of enemy infantry. Well, still the same stimulation. Excellent fighters in defense against enemy infantry.

Destroyer droid. A cunning machine that moves quickly, but at the same time rolls up shields. When the droid stands on the desired point, the shields unfold again, and then it is difficult to destroy it. Armed with two types of weapons - a blaster (deals great damage) and an ion cannon (destroys shields), which must be changed manually. Very beneficial in terms of long-term protective structures. And it’s better to race them separately so that they don’t move at the speed of the crowd. The squad has three cars.

Stealth transport F9-TZ. Stealth transport on anti-gravitators (can pass over water or swamp). This ability is not permanent, but switchable. Can't shoot.

Mobile missile system MAL. Heavy artillery, three pieces per squad. It can shoot, no, but it’s better to install it in position, then it will shoot further and more powerfully. He can change his weapon to carbonite missiles, which also slow down the enemy a little. Carbonite ones shoot out one piece at a time, and regular ones - whole packs at a time.

Self-propelled pulse gun MZ-8. A squad of four self-propelled guns. Slow and poorly protected, but excellent at destroying enemy buildings and equipment from somewhere on the second line. Well suited for breaking enemy defenses if there is someone to cover them. Special ability - self-destruction with a large explosion radius. But will you have time to apply it?

Assault tank. Powerful all-round tank. The main combat unit of the Syndicate. Fast and with powerful weapons. He experiences some problems with infantry, as he knocks them out one by one, but he deals with equipment perfectly well. It also shoots excellently at air targets. Special ability - causes fire on itself, distracting it from some more important targets (only affects armored vehicles, turrets and droids), while the shooters miss terribly. The unit has three vehicles.

Militants from the planet Dathomir. They ride into battle on rancor monsters and die along with them. Very effective against buildings and large equipment (small things will most likely just run away). Animals under control break everything that falls under their heavy paw. There is an ability against infantry, with up to two units of infantry or vehicles, from which life is sucked (and for the rancor it is restored). There is only one in the unit, but several on rancors - an absolutely terrible force.

A squad of three predators who perfectly sense the Force and track and kill Jedi and Sith. Plus they see the invisible. Therefore, if the enemy is carried away by the heroes, remind him that things can very well change.

Ewok trainer. In the campaign, we only get it if we capture the Ewok planet as slaves. The squad has one trainer each, who carries with him a bag of Ewoks. As soon as the trainer sees the enemy, he releases the Ewok with dynamite tied to him, and he wanders towards the enemy. The consequences of an explosion are usually horrific. Several trainers produce a powerful effect. You just have to remember to cover them.

A minor character who usually spreads corruption. On the ground, he is a regular shooter with a high rate of fire. In addition, he knows how to throw explosives at the enemy, after which we press the explosion button (he himself does not like to press the button). So heavy equipment is very afraid of them, and the infantry even respects them very much. In the Galaxy, it can also destroy enemy structures.

Mobile defense platforms. Includes a mobile jammer (deflects missiles), a missile turret (can also fire at aircraft) and a yalasamiri cage (they create a radius in which the Force is completely blocked).

Tiber Zann. The leader and most powerful of the heroes. His most characteristic ability is bribery. He immediately offers money to everyone he sees, and they come over to his side. At the same time, he can easily exceed the troop limit. Only droids and heroes are immune to this influence. The second skill is invisibility, so you won’t find it so easily on the battlefield. His weapon is a shotgun, from which he can easily mow down entire units with one shot. As a hero he is very strong. The main thing is to turn off automatic bribery, so as not to buy any nonsense, and buy strong fighters manually.

Urai Fen. Just like Zann, he knows how to disguise himself. Fights hand-to-hand and knows how to regenerate life. A characteristic special ability is the ability to temporarily paralyze infantry units within a certain radius of oneself. Quite a nice hero who wins against most melee combats (due to the fact that he is healed).

Silri. Clan leader. Like other night sisters, she takes advantage of the outflow of life. But she doesn’t ride the rancor herself, but calls him, and he runs separately. The rancor turns out to be smaller in size and has worse health, but it deals better with infantry and copes with turrets no worse than other rancors. This ability only recharges after the rancor is killed. Silri herself fights with an energy whip.

IG-88. An assassin droid that shoots from sniper rifle portions of poisonous gas, and it is rather some kind of infection that poisons all units that come into contact with the affected. This also works on our own. The special ability is radioactive contamination; when an enemy gets into this area, he quickly loses his life. Due to these abilities, he is extremely effective in defense. On a galactic scale, he knows how to break things, although after that he also leaves the game.

Bossk. Another hitman who... ground combat sprays enemies with a flamethrower (even vehicles get it). Shoots into the distance either from a blaster or plasma grenades (they cause area damage and last for some time). As a hero - so-so. But on a galactic scale, he knows how to kill enemy heroes.


The goals of the Syndicate are very simple - to corrupt all planets and make the entire Galaxy one giant Syndicate. Cool? Who's wasting money here? True, missions are often so simple and short that you are simply amazed...

1. Prison

In fact, this is not the first mission. Because the first task really takes place in the training campaign. There, over the course of several missions, we work for Jabba the Hutt, then we steal an artifact from him and give it to Urai Fen, and we ourselves end up in prison (therefore, I highly recommend going through the training campaign).

As a result, Jabba the Hutt sends assassins, and Zann is forced to start a riot in the prison. You need to destroy the guards and turn off the control panels, getting other prisoners to help you. As a result, we get to the place where Urai Fen came to pick us up, and we leave the prison.

2. Necessary

After getting out of prison, we were given the task of recruiting. We have the palace, so we just buy this minor character.

3. Problem

As if we didn't go through the training campaign! We need to send the newly hired person to Khonogr and intimidate the local government.

4. Second task

Since one intimidation has already been successful, we must carry out the task of racketeering on Shola, which will also bring us some money.

5. Piracy on Mandalore

Corruption is spreading across the galaxy. Now we must pirate Mandalore, for which we will receive from the imperial forces.

6. On the rubble

A battle took place on Yavin 4 in which it was destroyed. However, before her death, Imperial officers had to throw away the data capsules. Therefore, Zann goes there with the fleet to search for the capsules. Unfortunately, this planet is quite far from us, so you will have to either clean out the planets on the way to it, or corrupt them. We don’t skimp on the fleet, because there we will have a big battle with the rebels, imperials and the Syndicate faction hostile to us. To make life easier in one place (if you go through the map clockwise), you can bribe 4 who will get involved in a battle with the rebels, and all we have to do is finish off the survivors. On the other side of the map we are attacked by hostile syndicates, but we don’t have to accept the fight and leave, let them fight the rebels. As soon as we find all 4 capsules, the mission will end.

7. The black market works

After the previous mission, Jabba the Hutt will bombard our home planet, and in order to take revenge, more powerful troops are required. Therefore, we need to carry out a mission to organize a black market in Kuat.

8. Tiber's reconnaissance

And now on the same Kuat you need to purchase at least one technology by Tiber Zann (but better all three). You can also set up a black market with the rebels and buy their technology. At the same time, it will appear in our fleet.

9. Corruption in Saleikami

It's time to take revenge on Jabba. To do this, it is necessary to corrupt his home planet. It is best to run a racket on it. Not only will we receive money, but we will also receive it for the destruction of enemy equipment.

10. Sabotage on Saleikami

It’s still too early to land on this planet, so we’ll send it there first. He must carry out sabotage by destroying the force field.

11. Communication failure

And now the time has finally come to take revenge. We assemble a detachment led by Urai Fen and send it to Saleikami. It’s quite easy to destroy the defenders, but the leader himself is not there yet. But we learn that Jabba left for Hypori.

12. Ghosts of the past

A robot factory from the clone war era has been found on Hypori. So now we gather an army under the command of Tiber Zann (however, do not forget about Urai Fen) and land him there. The plant operates in an auto-protection system, and robots are constantly being restored in some places. Sometimes we come across remote controls. If we blow them up, the gates will close behind us, and the robots will remain behind them, reducing the army of those fighting us. We must get to the main control panel, where Urai Fen will turn off the protection that breeds robots. After this, Bossk will appear, which you can buy out. However, it turns out that this was a setup and now Jabba will take over the defenseless plant. So Fen should run to the spare console and set up the robots for us. We fight off the first attack, Fen runs to the control panel, and we move to the site where Jabba lands. And then we capture control points (so that Jabba cannot land his troops) and leave them under the protection of robots. After this, we get the opportunity to build robot factories on each planet.

13. Clearing the route

The Empire is using the scanner too well on Dathomir, and we must stop it. We arrange corruption there, after which we destroy the scanner itself.

14. Dark Ally

And now the continuation on the same Dathomir. We need to land Tiber Zann and Urai Fen there. There are people on the planet who can tell us something about the artifact we stole from Jabba. But for now they are in prison, and first we must get to them.

We go east, without touching the rancors along the way. Eventually we reach the defensive complex. However, if you turn north there, you can bypass this complex and go to a place where there are fewer defenders and there is a lot of equipment. There are a bunch of barrels of fuel on the map, which, when blown up, can burn enemy infantry. As a result, we open a prison, from where we get three people and a bunch of other useful people.

However, the freed ones are weak and say that we need to free Silri, who alone is capable of studying the artifact. If you put rancors on them, then the destruction of enemy fortifications will be very simple. You can go south and destroy the mines, for each of which you will pay 6,000. Now you can hack the gate. True, after this the ruler of the planet will begin to call for reinforcements from space, but to stop this it is necessary to blow up three communication stations. One of them will be on the way to the gate, the second right behind it, and it will be guarded by one AT-AT (we will bribe it), and three more such cars will stand nearby, completely unoccupied. The path to the prison is guarded by a bunch of guns, but you can drive the AT-AT to the generator and destroy it, de-energizing the guns, after which it will be extremely easy to get to the prison.

Silri agrees to help us, but in exchange for the death of the planet's ruler. On the way to it, we neutralize a couple more AT-ATs and destroy the third communication station, as well as another generator. It will not be difficult to remove the ruler himself.

But after this mission, expect a couple of visits from the imperial fleets to Mau and Khonoghr. Only then should you move on to further actions.

15. Skirmish in Cloud City

Silri deciphered the artifact and said that there was nothing good in it. Therefore, it was decided to sell it to the Empire. However, for our help we are asked to fly to Bespin and bring back a portion of Tibanna gas from there. The problem is that this is Darth Vader's favorite planet and there is no need for problems with him. But Tiber Zann decides to blame the kidnapping on the gas customer.

To download gas, we have 5 robots that go to the compressors in one direction. At this time, our soldiers protect the robots, preventing them from being destroyed. Then we need to hack 4 control points, where we replace the data. We need to bring Urai Fen there, and he will reprogram the computers at the points. Before visiting the last point, Darth Vader himself will arrive. Here it is worth capturing the AT-ST and letting it run around in a circle, and let the Sith Lord chase after them, while at the same time they destroy the rest of the Sith. All that remains is for IG-88 to hack the server, and after that everyone can be taken to the retreat point. For this mission we will receive several new classes of ships. And at the same time - several more fleets of vengeance from the Empire.

16. Bait on the hook

We are finally brought in contact with the Imperials and offered to give them an artifact in orbit of the planet Carida. Before the mission, it is best to carry out the third piracy. We build a fleet of cruisers and go there. Naturally, this is a trap, and a large army of the Empire is already waiting for us there. In a series of surprises on both sides, Tiber Zann receives his flagship. However, this is not the last surprise - Bossk steals the artifact and escapes to the Empire’s flagship, which soon disappears into hyperspace. All we can do is destroy the entire remaining fleet of the Empire and leave. We are waiting for the Imperials to visit us again.

17. Chasing the Artifact

Zann keeps remembering the bunker, which contains a lot of treasures. However, this requires the emperor's private key. Fortunately, the Emperor himself is gathering forces to fight the rebels elsewhere, so we land almost safely on Coruscant.

Here the heroes are divided. Zann must destroy the monitors from which the guards are watching everything that happens. He goes from one monitor to another, destroying or luring stormtroopers. Eventually he will meet with the adepts of the Force. Here it is important to first destroy the container with bacta, where they run to be treated. And then it will be easy to kill adherents and cut off security systems.

Now comes the time for Silri, who sensed the artifact and goes after it. Killing the Imperials along the way, she will eventually steal the artifact, but on the way back she will have to fight off the Force adepts. Therefore, on the way to the artifact, it would not be a bad idea to build your own in place of the enemy’s cannons. At the end she will reach a closed door, and then Urai Fen will come into play.

The hair dryer needs to destroy the power cables, which the adepts are preventing him from doing. We just try not to gather a crowd around us, and then Fen will easily get to the desired point.

Finally, all the heroes get together and begin to make their way towards the transporter. But then the defense system is activated, and we are attacked by the dark warriors of the third project. Not far from the security room you can deploy MOPs (the anti-missile one will be especially useful). Having repelled the attack of the dark warriors, we turn off the security system and go back to the transporter, near which we meet the Sith. Here we are given three more MOPs, and we can put a couple of missiles and one. Then the Sith will not be able to teleport, and we can easily destroy him. We get to the exit and fly away.

18. The Emperor's New Weapon

After the battle between the Empire and the Alliance, the emperor died. Tiber Zann decides to fly to Kuatt and quietly seize an Empire ship. We form a fleet and send it there.

However, there is already a war going on on Kuatta between the Imperials and the rebels. We enter into a temporary alliance with the Alliance, and we ourselves are trying to bring the landing shuttle to. But first we need to destroy all the repair bases of the Empire so that they cannot be repaired, and then disable one of the bases. The rebels can handle the other two themselves.

However, after the capture, the rebels begin to consider us enemies. The main thing here is to destroy, who was the leader of the rebels. However, as soon as the rebels surrender, our laser breaks down and Darth Vader approaches with his super battleship. We need to hold out for a while, then the laser will be repaired and we will destroy the remaining opponents.

However, the story does not end there. Considering what Silri received from studying the artifact, an inevitable continuation awaits us. The most dark side Strength?

As soon as the trainer sees the enemy, he releases the Ewok with dynamite tied to him, and he wanders towards the enemy. The consequences of an explosion are usually horrific. Several trainers produce a powerful effect. You just have to remember to cover them.

A minor character who usually spreads corruption. On the ground, he is a regular shooter with a high rate of fire. In addition, he knows how to throw explosives at the enemy, after which we press the explosion button (he himself does not like to press the button). So heavy equipment is very afraid of them, and the infantry even respects them very much. In the Galaxy, it can also destroy enemy structures.

Mobile defense platforms. Includes a mobile jammer (deflects missiles), a missile turret (can also fire at aircraft) and a yalasamiri cage (they create a radius in which the Force is completely blocked).

Tiber Zann. The leader and most powerful of the heroes. His most characteristic ability is bribery. He immediately offers money to everyone he sees, and they come over to his side. At the same time, he can easily exceed the troop limit. Only droids and heroes are immune to this influence. The second skill is invisibility, so you won’t find it so easily on the battlefield. His weapon is a shotgun, from which he can easily mow down entire units with one shot. As a hero he is very strong. The main thing is to turn off automatic bribery, so as not to buy any nonsense, and buy strong fighters manually.

Urai Fen. Just like Zann, he knows how to disguise himself. Fights hand-to-hand and knows how to regenerate life. A characteristic special ability is the ability to temporarily paralyze infantry units within a certain radius of oneself. Quite a nice hero who wins against most melee combats (due to the fact that he is healed).

Silri. Clan leader. Like other night sisters, she takes advantage of the outflow of life. But she doesn’t ride the rancor herself, but calls him, and he runs separately. The rancor turns out to be smaller in size and has worse health, but it deals better with infantry and copes with turrets no worse than other rancors. This ability only recharges after the rancor is killed. Silri herself fights with an energy whip.

IG-88. An assassin droid that shoots portions of poisonous gas from a sniper rifle, and it is rather some kind of infection that poisons all units that come into contact with the affected ones. This also works on our own. The special ability is radioactive contamination; when an enemy gets into this area, he quickly loses his life. Due to these abilities, he is extremely effective in defense. On a galactic scale, he knows how to break things, although after that he also leaves the game.

Bossk. Another assassin who, in ground combat, sprays enemies with a flamethrower (and even hits vehicles). Shoots into the distance either from a blaster or plasma grenades (they cause area damage and last for some time). As a hero - so-so. But on a galactic scale, he knows how to kill enemy heroes.


The goals of the Syndicate are very simple - to corrupt all planets and make the entire Galaxy one giant Syndicate. Cool? Who's wasting money here? True, missions are often so simple and short that you are simply amazed...

In fact, this is not the first mission. Because the first task really takes place in the training campaign. There, over the course of several missions, we work for Jabba the Hutt, then we steal an artifact from him and give it to Urai Fen, and we ourselves end up in prison (therefore, I highly recommend going through the training campaign).

As a result, Jabba the Hutt sends assassins, and Zann is forced to start a riot in the prison. You need to destroy the guards and turn off the control panels, getting other prisoners to help you. As a result, we get to the place where Urai Fen came to pick us up, and we leave the prison.

2. Necessary

After getting out of prison, we were given the task of recruiting. We have the palace, so we just buy this minor character.

3. Problem

As if we didn't go through the training campaign! We need to send the newly hired person to Khonogr and intimidate the local government.

4. Second task

Since one intimidation has already been successful, we must carry out the task of racketeering on Shola, which will also bring us some money.

5. Piracy on Mandalore

Corruption is spreading across the galaxy. Now we must pirate Mandalore, for which we will receive from the imperial forces.

6. On the rubble

A battle took place on Yavin 4 in which it was destroyed. However, before her death, Imperial officers had to throw away the data capsules. Therefore, Zann goes there with the fleet to search for the capsules. Unfortunately, this planet is quite far from us, so you will have to either clean out the planets on the way to it, or corrupt them. We don’t skimp on the fleet, because there we will have a big battle with the rebels, imperials and the Syndicate faction hostile to us. To make life easier in one place (if you go through the map clockwise), you can bribe 4 who will get involved in a battle with the rebels, and all we have to do is finish off the survivors. On the other side of the map we are attacked by hostile syndicates, but we don’t have to accept the fight and leave, let them fight the rebels. As soon as we find all 4 capsules, the mission will end.

7. The black market works

After the previous mission, Jabba the Hutt will bombard our home planet, and in order to take revenge, more powerful troops are required. Therefore, we need to carry out a mission to organize a black market in Kuat.

8. Tiber's reconnaissance

And now on the same Kuat you need to purchase at least one technology by Tiber Zann (but better all three). You can also set up a black market with the rebels and buy their technology. At the same time, it will appear in our fleet.

9. Corruption in Saleikami

It's time to take revenge on Jabba. To do this, it is necessary to corrupt his home planet. It is best to run a racket on it. Not only will we receive money, but we will also receive it for the destruction of enemy equipment.

10. Sabotage on Saleikami

It’s still too early to land on this planet, so we’ll send it there first. He must carry out sabotage by destroying the force field.

11. Communication failure

And now the time has finally come to take revenge. We assemble a detachment led by Urai Fen and send it to Saleikami. It’s quite easy to destroy the defenders, but the leader himself is not there yet. But we learn that Jabba left for Hypori.

12. Ghosts of the past

A robot factory from the clone war era has been found on Hypori. So now we gather an army under the command of Tiber Zann (however, do not forget about Urai Fen) and land him there. The plant operates in an auto-protection system, and robots are constantly being restored in some places. Sometimes we come across remote controls. If we blow them up, the gates will close behind us, and the robots will remain behind them, reducing the army of those fighting us. We must get to the main control panel, where Urai Fen will turn off the protection that breeds robots. After this, Bossk will appear, which you can buy out. However, it turns out that this was a setup and now Jabba will take over the defenseless plant. So Fen should run to the spare console and set up the robots for us. We fight off the first attack, Fen runs to the control panel, and we move to the site where Jabba lands. And then we capture control points (so that Jabba cannot land his troops) and leave them under the protection of robots. After this, we get the opportunity to build robot factories on each planet.

13. Clearing the route

The Empire is using the scanner too well on Dathomir, and we must stop it. We arrange corruption there, after which we destroy the scanner itself.

14. Dark Ally

And now the continuation on the same Dathomir. We need to land Tiber Zann and Urai Fen there. There are people on the planet who can tell us something about the artifact we stole from Jabba. But for now they are in prison, and first we must get to them.

We go east, without touching the rancors along the way. Eventually we reach the defensive complex. However, if you turn north there, you can bypass this complex and go to a place where there are fewer defenders and there is a lot of equipment. There are a bunch of barrels of fuel on the map, which, when blown up, can burn enemy infantry. As a result, we open a prison, from where we get three people and a bunch of other useful people.

However, the freed ones are weak and say that we need to free Silri, who alone is capable of studying the artifact. If you put rancors on them, then the destruction of enemy fortifications will be very simple. You can go south and destroy the mines, for each of which you will pay 6,000. Now you can hack the gate. True, after this the ruler of the planet will begin to call for reinforcements from space, but to stop this it is necessary to blow up three communication stations. One of them will be on the way to the gate, the second right behind it, and it will be guarded by one AT-AT (we will bribe it), and three more such cars will stand nearby, completely unoccupied. The path to the prison is guarded by a bunch of guns, but you can drive the AT-AT to the generator and destroy it, de-energizing the guns, after which it will be extremely easy to get to the prison.

Silri agrees to help us, but in exchange for the death of the planet's ruler. On the way to it, we neutralize a couple more AT-ATs and destroy the third communication station, as well as another generator. It will not be difficult to remove the ruler himself.

But after this mission, expect a couple of visits from the imperial fleets to Mau and Khonoghr. Only then should you move on to further actions.

15. Skirmish in Cloud City

Silri deciphered the artifact and said that there was nothing good in it. Therefore, it was decided to sell it to the Empire. However, for our help we are asked to fly to Bespin and bring back a portion of Tibanna gas from there.

Star Wars: Empire at War has become one of the best games about the universe " Star Wars" But the addition surpassed it head and shoulders. It didn’t just add a new race, its style of warfare is fundamentally different from that practiced by our already familiar rivals from the Empire and the rebels. And while they fight among themselves for control of the planets, a third force buys and intimidates, kidnaps and pirates. Are you not ready for fair fights? Tiber Zann's criminal empire awaits you!

Let's start with the fact that nothing was left unattended. Almost all parts of the game were somehow redrawn and changed. No, the basic rules remained exactly the same - combat in space, combat on the surface, capturing planets and getting money. But after numerous additions, it is now extremely difficult to find out much. Although we will start with a new faction in the game - the Syndicate - and tell you who they are, as well as who and how they eat.


The Syndicate, of course, is also not averse to capturing the entire Galaxy, taking it under its control. But he prefers to rule the “shadow” life of the planets, corrupting their authorities. Moreover, the enemy sees that there is shadow business going on on the planets, but sometimes it is more expensive for themselves to stop this activity. After all, in order to corrupt the planet, the Syndicate needs to invest 1000 coins in the “vulture” (and do something else depending on the types of corruption), and to return the planet to legality, one and a half thousand money is required, and not every hero is able to do This. For example, for the rebels, Yoda is in charge of restoring law on the planet, and for the imperials, Palpatine is in charge (although they are not alone in this matter). However, it is not always possible to tear a hero away from business and send him to restore order. So you have to watch the yellow clouds of lawlessness around the planets with a feeling of hopelessness. True, when the planet changes hands, some types of corruption (those that depend on officials, such as intimidation, kidnapping, bribery) disappear on their own.

This is interesting: although the campaign to conquer the Galaxy assumes that everyone is fighting against everyone, the main enemy of the Syndicate is the Empire. Therefore, it is more difficult to fight with the Empire than with anyone else - two opponents will conduct military operations against it at once.

The Syndicate doesn't do nonsense like technology research. He buys the necessary technologies on the black market. That is, another element has been added to the cycle of technological development: the Empire explores, the rebels steal from it, and the “shadow people” buy what they need on the black market from both. The main thing is to carry out the appropriate corruption action against both sides, after which Tiber Zan, Urai Fen or Silri can go to the “suppliers” for technology. By the way, this trick gives the Syndicate some advantage in the early stages: its factories can immediately build any equipment. Only using the abilities that should be attached to this very technique will not work.


What are actions to involve the planet in a criminal network? We simply send a “vulture” produced in the Syndicate palace, and he carries out some kind of action on the planet, after which he disappears forever. In total, no more than three different actions can be carried out on each planet, and, having once placed the planet on one or another path of crime, it is possible to change direction only after the law is restored there again. Note that we do not select stocks from the entire list; the set for each planet is strictly fixed. But if a hero or troops are required to introduce corruption on a planet, then they are unique to each planet. So, on one, only Tiber Zan can perform some action, and on the other, it must be performed by Urai Fen.

It is important: Only the “vulture” flies to the action. The hero is “pulled out” for his mission from absolutely any planet and returns to it as soon as everything is over. At the same time, the hero will not die if he is killed during the mission - he will return to his home planet as if nothing had happened. But the troops required for the mission remain on the planet where it took place.

Intimidation. This is a combat action involving ground combat, so money and a Syndicate hero are required. You just need to get to the person being intimidated, and then the effect of its special features will be blocked on the planet for the rest of the game. Although this is an initial mission, without at least one effective intimidation, no racket can be carried out.

This is interesting: Although “second level” missions require at least one “first level” action, some missions require a larger number of active actions, although not more than three.

Piracy. Also a combat action, but in space. Which means money and a hero again. We are unlikely to get battleships for this mission, but cruisers are easy. Something must be destroyed, and then the goal will be achieved. At the same time, we will be able to build a new type of ship (the model is borrowed, of course, from an enemy ship). If the enemy drives his squadrons through this planet, then we will receive money for the passage. And there will be some profit from trade. Piracy gives rise to missions such as "black market" and "slavery".

Kidnapping. Its characteristics are similar to intimidation, only you need to break through to the kidnapped person, and then the shuttle will pick him up. In this case, we receive a certain amount of money (usually we simply return what we spent). However, without kidnapping there is no bribery.

Racket. If you have at least one intimidation operating somewhere, then you can start using racketeering. It also requires assault troops of mercenaries and money for the operation. At the same time, the influx of money into the Syndicate increases, regardless of whether the planet is our own or someone else’s. In addition, when you destroy enemy troops on these planets, you will receive “destruction interest.”

Bribe. Requires an active kidnapping and money to carry out the mission, sometimes troops. As a result, we receive information about the state of affairs on the planet (the movement of fleets around it), and also during the attack of the planet by the forces of the Syndicate, it will not have garrison troops (and in a space battle against the Empire, the Imperials will not have fighters either). Also, the presence of at least one bribe makes it possible to create a “fifth column” somewhere.

Black market. If piracy is thriving somewhere and you have money for an operation, then you can carry out this action. After the opening of the black market, the hero can fly to the planet with the intention of purchasing new technology (five each from the Empire and the rebels). Different markets may have different prices for the same technology. At the same time, there are no other benefits from it, and this is a form of corruption that should then be changed to another.

Slavery. You need at least one active piracy, troops and money for the operation. But after this, in conflicts on the planet, the local population will choose your side (or beat both combatants, if both sides are your opponents). In addition, in all your barracks it will be possible to produce militia from the population of these planets. Let me note right away that slaves, for whom just one act of piracy is enough, are useless helpers. But those that require at least three active pirates often have very interesting special abilities.

"Fifth column". Requires at least one successful bribe, money and troops. The local population will fight for us in all conflicts. But if someone guesses to remove this form of corruption, then an uprising will occur, after which the planet will become neutral, and all buildings on the planet will be destroyed.

Another advantage of corruption is that Syndicate fleets can pass through these planets without a battle, only by paying local officials. So you can slowly get into some deep behind enemy lines. The main thing is to have money for the passage. Also, with any form of corruption, you can observe the plan of the base on the planet and learn about all the troops on earth and in space.

Syndicate buildings

In the main game, we weren't allowed to have much fun building. The main buildings were pre-established and were not subject to revision. However, the Syndicate managed to distinguish itself here too, receiving several original buildings. Firstly, the syndicate members are clearly from that breed of anti-aircraft gunners who do not fly themselves and do not let others fly. That's why they like to build an anti-gravity jammer, and then enemy fast ships barely crawl across the battlefield.

The second difference was the two types of guns. The first ones shoot at everything, while completely ignoring shields. The second ones fire torpedoes, and very far away, but do not shoot at flying targets. But for this, all additional buildings are extremely expensive for the Syndicate.

Space also has its own quirks - the plasma gun is not built on the ground, like everyone else, but on a third-level space station. Which dramatically increases the chances of survival of this station.


Space is the place where the least amount of change has occurred. The first of them is that the rebels and the Empire can build repair stations on defense satellites and restore their ships. The Syndicate can instead install long-range jammers that will interfere with enemy missile fire.

The second is the introduction of the avant-garde (it also exists on earth, but there the effect is much less). The idea is that only one pre-designated ship appears in space, and all the others are called according to the list. The main benefit of this is that previously shuttles with landing forces were easily thrown into battle, taking the place of more useful ships, but there was no sense in them. An additional use case is to place a nimble hero in the vanguard, who will rush to the enemy base and immediately call in battleships, which would fly from the starting point for several minutes. Surprise!


The Imperials had quite a few updates. The main infusions have taken place in the lists of fighters and heroes; there is not a single new medium-class ship. Here is their complete list.

TIE Interceptor. An improved version of the TIE fighter, superior in all components. It is considered to be superior to standard Rebel fighters in all respects. The detachment, like its predecessors, has 7 units. Actually, they replace TIE fighters on all ships except the Peacemaker.

TIE phantom. An improved version of the TIE Scout. They have a hyperdrive (can travel between systems), and are also equipped with shield and camouflage generators. Only one of the generators can be turned on at a time, but the main purpose of the “phantoms” is that they travel undetected between enemy systems and conduct reconnaissance. There are only three phantoms in the link. On General Rom Mohk's Hammer, "phantoms" replace bombers.

TIE Defenders. These are previously unknown fighter-bombers. That is, they can also solve the problems of fighters (although three are not enough for such purposes), but they are mainly engaged in solving problems with the help of bombing. In addition to conventional weapons, “defenders” can convert the protective field into fuel for weapons, increasing their power. Another weapon is the ion cannon, which shoots down shields or disables enemy ships for a while. An excellent weapon against enemy battleships and space stations.

"Death Star II". The characteristics are the same as the first one. It’s just that the first one has already been destroyed and cannot be restored. Of course, this only works in campaign mode.

"Executioner". The only representative of the super battleship class. Naturally, only available in the campaign. This ship has as many as three points of force shields, that is, by destroying one of them, you still will not deprive this battleship of its force field. Its main ability (besides the quite usual capture of enemy ships with a force beam) is the constant production of new fighters (you just need to constantly press the button to call them), in total - 4 fighters, 4 bombers, 6 interceptors and 1 defender. Everyone is called up forcibly, unlike other battleships, on which new ones replace the dead. Although there are countless weapons on him even without these weapons. Among other things, Darth Vader himself flies on this ship.

"Hammer". Another ship just from the campaign. Flagship battleship Roma Mokhka. On it, this admiral produces dark Jedi. Usually he does not fight with anyone, although in terms of weapons he corresponds to the “Peacemaker”, and in terms of armor he corresponds to the “Destroyer”. This is the auxiliary ship.

"Admonitor". Grand Admiral Thrawn's flagship, the only ship available outside of the campaign. The armor and set of weapons is no different from the Destroyer. However, the ships closest to the Admonitor cause more damage to the enemy. And the Grand Admiral himself can briefly use an ability in which his battleship fires at one target, while its rate of fire and damage from hits are doubled.


The Rebels received even less than the Empire. But there is still something.

B-wing. Improved bombers. There are only three in a flight, but each one has three torpedoes (and regular ones have one). Another advantage over simple bombers is that B-wings can fold their wings and accelerate sharply, due to which they can slip through the anti-aircraft fire zone and are guaranteed to strike an enemy station or battleship.

MS-30s. A high-speed hunter of enemy cruiser-class battleships. On its nose there are two batteries of proton torpedoes, which it fires in a salvo. It is worse with small ships, since firing is carried out in a fan and not all torpedoes hit the target. To protect against fighters, use a battery of light lasers and the ability to “release cluster bombs” (a ring of bombs is thrown around, which explode, destroying everything they hit). An extremely useful and functional thing, especially in the second row.

Rogue Squadron. Luke left the Navy and this unit was formed from new pilots. 6 powerful fighters that can fold their wings and fly faster. They can also temporarily increase the rate of fire and damage dealt in battle. The best (and only) remedy against Death Star II. Of course they are heroes.


These fighters are new to the arena of interstellar battles today, so they have the biggest addition to the family. Although the total number of ships they have is clearly less than that of other parties. But let's not forget about piracy, in which the Syndicate can borrow other people's models. So...

"Star Viper" A good maneuverable fighter for which you can research technologies that reduce damage from enemy laser beams (which will further increase its survivability). It handles any old fighters very easily. With new ones - on equal terms. As an additional ability, it throws mine droids that only work against fighters or destroyers. But if you successfully release them during a space battle, the enemy’s losses can be very high. There are 5 fighters in the flight.

"Skiprey." Standard bomber. It differs from the very initial ones in that it has two torpedoes at once. The armament is located in a separate rotating turret, which slightly increases the chances against fighters. Can jam radar, making it difficult for the enemy to detect your troops on the radar. There are three bombers in the flight.

"Crusader". At first glance, it is a typical destroyer designed to fight enemy fighters. However, it does have an excellent persistent missile defense capability. This ship independently shoots off all missiles flying directly at it and just past it. Therefore, it is even more difficult for fighters to cope with it than with ships of a similar class - they can only be taken by cruisers.

Interceptor IV. This ship came from the main game, having been upgraded. It is an auxiliary ship for combating insolent enemy destroyers. It is better not to let him go to the front line, since even with a good shield, the armor is still rather weak. In a word, he is not at all an obligatory fighter in the squadron. Weapons include two turbolaser batteries and a missile silo on the bow. The “signature” difference is that for some time the missile battery goes into continuous firing mode and the missiles flow in a stream.

"Revenge". A heavy cruiser, which is considered a hunter of ships of a similar class. However, due to the presence of 2 batteries of automatic cannons, it also stands up well against fighters and destroyers (against the latter there are also 2 batteries of turbolasers), because the guns ignore all shields. However, despite his excellent armor, he has no power shields at all, so it’s better not to mess with battleships - he’ll get hit and won’t even notice. Among the abilities there is camouflage, when using which the cruiser is invisible until it shoots (very useful when battleships crawl onto the battlefield), and self-destruction (when it is completely dying, it turns on the camouflage, flies closer and sets off a self-detonation). A very useful ship that should be in any fleet.

"Aggressor". A battleship that prefers to destroy enemy battleships. In addition to 2 batteries of turbolasers, he is also armed with two special weapons. The first knocks out the shields and damages the electronics. The second deals huge damage, killing missile ships on the spot and demolishing the turrets of cruisers with one hit. It has a “volumetric” effect, so it kills all fighters and bombers that are at the point of impact. It is recommended to shoot at hangars from it, because there is always someone hovering around them. It is completely defenseless against fighters and bombers; there must be cover. Special ability - self-destruction, like "Revenge". Can support ground operations with its fire.

"Kedalbe". A kind of auxiliary battleship, which, due to its armament (2 automatic cannons, 4 turbolaser batteries and 2 ion cannons), is universal, but at the same time it does not have any strong points. It is most organically combined with “Aggressors”, which it protects from any annoying little thing, dispersing it with powerful volleys. He can steal the energy of enemy force shields, strengthening his weapon systems. The rebels' shield recharge ability is disrupted.

"Merciless". Tiber Zann's flagship. This is a reinforced version of the “Aggressor”, its shields and armor are more powerful. It is distinguished by the following abilities: it can camouflage itself and strengthens the first special weapon, which can even penetrate several enemy ships with one shot. Otherwise, it is still the same “Aggressor”, that is, leaving it alone is not recommended.

"Hound's Fang" And this is Bossk's personal ship. She loves to hunt light cruisers and bombers; things are worse with destroyers and fighters, but this ship can easily get away from them due to its excellent speed and maneuverability. As a special ability, it creates radar jammers that hide our troops from the enemy’s view.

"IG-2000". A robot named IG-88 flies on this ship. A very fast heavy fighter that is excellent at dealing with enemy fighters. It is valuable for its “system interference” special ability, when it reduces the accuracy of fire from surrounding ships, drains the energy of their shields and blocks special abilities.

The earth is at your feet

But on earth, in contrast to space, a number of quite significant changes have appeared. The first of these is mobile defense platforms. They are created by each side in their main building, after which they are sent to the desired point. There they turn around and then stand in this place until they are destroyed or the mission ends (but you can also sell the contents of the platform). Each side has its own set of platforms.

Bunkers have appeared, each of which can hold 5 infantrymen. True, it must first be built.

Each side received troop transports. I can’t say that they are definitely always useful, but sometimes they, with their ability to transport infantry in the holds, can be used. By the way, they can also transport undeployed MOPs.

Some abilities are now used automatically. That is, they do not necessarily need to be used.

Landscape areas with characteristic features appeared. Thus, only infantry can often pass through the forest, and lava reduces the amount of life of those who make their way through it. Water slows down movement. From the heights, the defenders can continue to shoot at the attackers.

Orbital bombardment appeared. If a faction has a battleship in orbit (the Syndicate has only the “Aggressor”), then the enemy on the ground can be fired upon from its guns.

The campaign has introduced such a useful feature as a base map, where you can move buildings to form a more successful battle formation. But outposts appeared in some missions - platforms for the construction of factories. Two of them, the mining plant (increases income) and the Hutta Palace (produces swamp gliders, light walkers and skiffs), can be built by either side. Another building is unique to each “builder”. The Syndicate is building an anti-gravitator jammer, the Alliance is building a satellite communications terminal (allows you to open sections of the map for a short time), the Empire is building a magnetic pulse gun (a gun that fires over a certain distance and disables enemy equipment). I can’t say that any of this is irreplaceable, but sometimes it is useful.


The Empire received many heroes in space, so on earth it will have to make do exclusively with old men. But interesting specimens of other troops appeared.

Dark Warrior Project I. In the campaign, like all other dark warriors, it is produced only at the Hammer. There are three in the squad. These fighters are designed for hand-to-hand combat only, but can deflect blaster shots aimed at them with shields on their arms. They do not move very fast, which is compensated by the “sprint” ability, which allows them to run one and a half times faster. However, particularly nimble opponents will still be faster. As fighters, they are quite mediocre, so I don’t recommend them for use.

It is important: dark warriors are droids, not humans. That's why they are repaired, not cured.

Dark Warrior Project II. The two soldiers of this unit are armed with light cannons and are excellent at shooting both infantry and light vehicles. If you don’t throw them at the front line, then they are worth the money. The special ability is a rocket pack that transports these warriors to a given position. When they fly, they don't shoot. Often used as scouts.

Dark Warrior Project III. There is only one warrior in the squad. It can simply shoot powerfully, or it can strengthen itself and open fire with seismic missiles, which deal damage over an area (infantry will be in trouble). Like the previous version, it can fly. Not very useful due to small quantity.

Noghri Assassins. For some reason, the Empire is no longer allowed to build assassins and smugglers (bug), but in the campaign to capture the planet Khonoghr they will have such fighters. At the same time, their effectiveness has increased so much that assassins can kill not only minor heroes, but also ordinary ones (except for faction leaders such as Yoda or Tiber Zann). In ground combat, these are three people who kill one infantryman with each shot (and shoot very far away). When they start to be beaten, they turn on their disguise. They also kill heroes very well (especially if they are even a little distracted).

"Juggernaut". An infantry transport that has several machine guns and a missile defense system that destroys missiles aimed at it. It is often useful in a defensive war, when it protects troops from missiles flying at them.

"Lancet". Now the Empire can fly too. To do this, she has a squad of aircraft on anti-gravitators. They engage and slow down targets with their beams, turn off the electronics on tanks, and they don’t move anywhere. At the same time, the life of the sufferers is shortened. Lasers are also used against enemy gliders. They work great against nimble enemy heroes. There are three in a squad and they are extremely powerful weapons.

The Imperials can generate EM fields (deflect enemy missiles), shoot from a seismic grenade launcher and deploy a sensor node, which can also fire back with energy weapons.


But for the rebels, everything is just the opposite - they are nothing but heroes.

"Gallofrey." Transport for infantry from the rebels. His advantage over others is that he can fly. That is, he doesn’t care about the folds of the terrain and will jump over any obstacles. There is a light laser on board - it can cause a little trouble for the enemy.

Mobile defense platforms. The rebels have learned to make a mobile shield generator (at a short distance all troops are covered with a force shield), a repair station or a rapid-fire laser cannon.

Luke Skywalker. Having destroyed the Death Star, Luke finally switched from pilot to Jedi and now uses the Force to heal from enemy blaster fire. Therefore, it is necessary to launch some hand-to-hand fighters or missile shooters against him. He can throw his sword like a boomerang. Finally, the Force Cloak ability makes Luke invisible. An average all-round fighter.

Yoda. And this master loves to use the “Force attack”, while he bounces like a ball and chops the enemy to shreds at breakneck speed. During the duration of the “attack”, you can easily chop up a couple of infantry detachments, and even the heroes will not be happy. Using the ability, the “Eye of Power” enters a trance and temporarily opens the card. This is followed by bombing the enemy with long-range weapons. A very strong hero, whose presence on the map solves many problems.

Garm Bel Iblis. He rides around in a huge tank called the Gargantua. If the enemy does not have anti-tank weapons while he is called, you can surrender. Because this is a terrible lover of pressure. And not only some infantry, but also light equipment, for example, the same AT-ST. It is impossible to destroy only what is higher than it or flies. By transferring power from the shields, it can produce a powerful explosion around itself. However, the range of this ability is short, and at this time the enemy often damages the Gargantua itself. Therefore, I do not recommend it for use. It's better to just fire all six of his guns and roll around on the enemy rather than mess around with explosions. Can also transport infantry. If you put it into action in a timely manner, it brings victory. If the enemy manages to gather his strength, they will destroy this hero themselves.


The Syndicate is again in the role of newcomers, so this time they have the largest number of troops. By the way, the peculiarity of the Syndicate troops is that they have a lot of weapons that ignore power shields.

Mercenary assault squad. Includes three squads of three people. They are armed with blasters, which can later be upgraded to disintegrators. In this case, they become a great threat to all living and mechanical things. They can use stimulants that will speed them up and increase damage, but will greatly damage the health of these soldiers.

Mercenary platoon. Also 3 squads, but with 4 fighters each. They shoot from grenade launchers, that is, they can shoot overhead and through obstacles. In addition, they are able to lay contactless mines, which greatly reduce the life of enemy infantry. Well, still the same stimulation. Excellent fighters in defense against enemy infantry.

Destroyer droid. A cunning machine that moves quickly, but at the same time rolls up shields. When the droid stands on the desired point, the shields unfold again, and then it is difficult to destroy it. Armed with two types of weapons - a blaster (deals great damage) and an ion cannon (destroys shields), which must be changed manually. Very beneficial in terms of long-term protective structures. And it’s better to race them separately so that they don’t move at the speed of the crowd. The squad has three cars.

Stealth transport F9-TZ. Stealth transport on anti-gravitators (can pass over water or swamp). This ability is not permanent, but switchable. Can't shoot.

Mobile missile system MAL. Heavy artillery, three pieces per squad. It can shoot without “turning around”, but it is better to install it in position, then it will shoot further and more powerfully. He can change his weapon to carbonite missiles, which also slow down the enemy a little. Carbonite ones shoot out one piece at a time, and regular ones - whole packs at a time.

Self-propelled pulse gun MZ-8. A squad of four self-propelled guns. Slow and poorly protected, but excellent at destroying enemy buildings and equipment from somewhere on the second line. Well suited for breaking enemy defenses if there is someone to cover them. Special ability - self-destruction with a large explosion radius. But will you have time to apply it?

Assault tank "Canderos". Powerful all-round tank. The main combat unit of the Syndicate. Fast and with powerful weapons. He experiences some problems with infantry, as he knocks them out one by one, but he deals with equipment perfectly well. It also shoots excellently at air targets. Special ability - causes fire on itself, distracting it from some more important targets (only affects armored vehicles, turrets and droids), while the shooters miss terribly. The unit has three vehicles.

"Night Sisters" Militants from the planet Dathomir. They ride into battle on rancor monsters and die along with them. Very effective against buildings and large equipment (small things will most likely just run away). The animals under the control of the “sisters” break everything that falls under their heavy paw. Against infantry there is the ability “small outflow of life”, in which up to two units of infantry or equipment are “captured”, from which life is sucked out (and in the rancor it is restored). There is only one “sister” in the unit, but several “sisters” on rancors are an absolutely terrifying force.

"Vornskr." A squad of three predators who perfectly sense the Force and track and kill Jedi and Sith. Plus they see the invisible. Therefore, if the enemy is carried away by the heroes, remind him that things can very well change.

Ewok trainer. In the campaign, we only get it if we capture the Ewok planet as slaves. The squad has one trainer each, who carries with him a bag of Ewoks. As soon as the trainer sees the enemy, he releases the Ewok with dynamite tied to him, and he wanders towards the enemy. The consequences of an explosion are usually horrific. Several trainers produce a powerful effect. You just have to remember to cover them.

"Vulture". A minor character who usually spreads corruption. On the ground, he is a regular shooter with a high rate of fire. In addition, he knows how to throw explosives at the enemy, after which we press the explosion button (the “vulture” himself does not like to press the button). So heavy equipment is very afraid of them, and the infantry even respects them very much. In the Galaxy, it can also destroy enemy structures.

Mobile defense platforms. Includes a mobile jammer (deflects missiles), a missile turret (can also fire at aircraft) and a yalasamiri cage (they create a radius in which the Force is completely blocked).

Tiber Zann. The leader and most powerful of the heroes. His most characteristic ability is bribery. He immediately offers money to everyone he sees, and they come over to his side. At the same time, he can easily exceed the troop limit. Only droids and heroes are immune to this influence. The second skill is invisibility, so you won’t find it so easily on the battlefield. His weapon is a shotgun, from which he can easily mow down entire units with one shot. As a hero he is very strong. The main thing is to turn off automatic bribery, so as not to buy any nonsense, and buy strong fighters manually.

Urai Fen. Just like Zann, he knows how to disguise himself. Fights hand-to-hand and knows how to regenerate life. A characteristic special ability is the ability to temporarily paralyze infantry units within a certain radius of oneself. Quite a nice hero who wins against most melee combats (due to the fact that he is healed).

Silri. Leader of the "night sisters" clan. Like other night sisters, she takes advantage of the outflow of life. But she doesn’t ride the rancor herself, but calls him, and he runs separately. The rancor turns out to be smaller in size and has worse health, but it deals better with infantry and copes with turrets no worse than other rancors. This ability only recharges after the rancor is killed. Silri herself fights with an energy whip.

IG-88. An assassin droid that shoots portions of poisonous gas from a sniper rifle, and it is rather some kind of infection that poisons all units that come into contact with the affected ones. This also works on our own. The special ability is radioactive contamination; when an enemy gets into this area, he quickly loses his life. Due to these abilities, he is extremely effective in defense. On a galactic scale, he knows how to break the Death Star, however, after that he also leaves the game.

Bossk. Another assassin who, in ground combat, sprays enemies with a flamethrower (and even hits vehicles). Shoots into the distance either from a blaster or plasma grenades (they cause area damage and last for some time). As a hero - so-so. But on a galactic scale, he knows how to kill enemy heroes.


The goals of the Syndicate are very simple - to corrupt all planets and make the entire Galaxy one giant Syndicate. Cool? Who's wasting money here? True, missions are often so simple and short that you are simply amazed...

1. Prison

In fact, this is not the first mission. Because the first task really takes place in the training campaign. There, over the course of several missions, we work for Jabba the Hutt, then we steal an artifact from him and give it to Urai Fen, and we ourselves end up in prison (therefore, I highly recommend going through the training campaign).

As a result, Jabba the Hutt sends assassins, and Zann is forced to start a riot in the prison. You need to destroy the guards and turn off the control panels, getting other prisoners to help you. As a result, we get to the Millennium Falcon, on which Urai Fen flew for us, and leave the prison.

2. Vultures are needed

Having got out of prison, we were given the task of recruiting a “vulture”. We have the palace, so we just buy this minor character.

3. The “vulture” task

As if we didn't go through the training campaign! We need to send the newly hired “vulture” to Khonogr and intimidate the local government.

4. The second task of the “vulture”

Since one intimidation has already been successful, we must carry out the task of racketeering on Shola, which will also bring us some money.

5. Piracy on Mandalore

Corruption is spreading across the galaxy. Now we must pirate Mandalore, for which we will receive a “Tartan” from the imperial forces.

6. On the wreckage of the Death Star

A battle took place on Yavin 4 in which the Death Star was destroyed. However, before her death, Imperial officers had to throw away the data capsules. Therefore, Zann goes there with the fleet to search for the capsules. Unfortunately, this planet is quite far from us, so you will have to either clean out the planets on the way to it, or corrupt them. We don’t skimp on the fleet, because there we will have a big battle with the rebels, imperials and the Syndicate faction hostile to us. To make life easier in one place (if you go through the map clockwise), you can bribe 4 “Tartans”, who will get involved in a battle with the rebels, and all we have to do is finish off the survivors. On the other side of the map we are attacked by hostile syndicates, but we don’t have to accept the fight and leave, let them fight the rebels. As soon as we find all 4 capsules, the mission will end.

7. The black market works

After the previous mission, Jabba the Hutt will bombard our home planet, and in order to take revenge, more powerful troops are required. Therefore, we need to carry out a mission to organize a black market in Kuat.

8. Tiber's reconnaissance

And now on the same Kuat you need to purchase at least one technology by Tiber Zann (but better all three). You can also set up a black market with the rebels and buy their technology. At the same time, the Crusader will appear in our fleet.

9. Corruption in Saleikami

It's time to take revenge on Jabba. To do this, it is necessary to corrupt his home planet. It is best to run a racket on it. Not only will we receive money, but we will also receive it for the destruction of enemy equipment.

10. Sabotage on Saleikami

It’s still too early to land on this planet, so first we send the “vulture” there. He must carry out sabotage by destroying the force field.

11. Communication failure

And now the time has finally come to take revenge. We assemble a detachment led by Urai Fen and send it to Saleikami. It’s quite easy to destroy the defenders, but the leader himself is not there yet. But we learn that Jabba left for Hypori.

12. Ghosts of the past

A robot factory from the clone war era has been found on Hypori. So now we gather an army under the command of Tiber Zann (however, do not forget about Urai Fen) and land him there. The plant operates in an auto-protection system, and robots are constantly being restored in some places. Sometimes we come across remote controls. If we blow them up, the gates will close behind us, and the robots will remain behind them, reducing the army of those fighting us. We must get to the main control panel, where Urai Fen will turn off the protection that breeds robots. After this, Bossk will appear, which you can buy out. However, it turns out that this was a setup and now Jabba will take over the defenseless plant. So Fen should run to the spare console and set up the robots for us. We fight off the first attack, Fen runs to the control panel, and we move to the site where Jabba lands. And then we capture control points (so that Jabba cannot land his troops) and leave them under the protection of robots. After this, we get the opportunity to build robot factories on each planet.

13. Clearing the route

The Empire is using the scanner too well on Dathomir, and we must stop it. We arrange corruption there, after which we destroy the scanner itself.

14. Dark Ally

And now the continuation on the same Dathomir. We need to land Tiber Zann and Urai Fen there. There are “sisters” on the planet who can tell us something about the artifact we stole from Jabba. But the “sisters” are still in prison, and first we must get to them.

We go east, without touching the rancors along the way. Eventually we reach the defensive complex. However, if you turn north there, you can bypass this complex and go to a place where there are fewer defenders and there is a lot of equipment. There are a bunch of barrels of fuel on the map, which, when blown up, can burn enemy infantry. As a result, we open a prison, from where we get three “sisters” and a bunch of other useful people.

However, the freed “sisters” are weak and say that we need to free Silri, who alone is capable of studying the artifact. If you put the “sisters” on rancors, then the destruction of enemy fortifications will be very simple. You can go south and destroy the mines, for each of which you will pay 6,000. Now you can hack the gate. True, after this the ruler of the planet will begin to call for reinforcements from space, but to stop this it is necessary to blow up three communication stations. One of them will be on the way to the gate, the second right behind it, and it will be guarded by one AT-AT (we will bribe it), and three more such cars will stand nearby, completely unoccupied. The path to the prison is guarded by a bunch of guns, but you can drive the AT-AT to the generator and destroy it, de-energizing the guns, after which it will be extremely easy to get to the prison.

Silri agrees to help us, but in exchange for the death of the planet's ruler. On the way to it, we neutralize a couple more AT-ATs and destroy the third communication station, as well as another generator. It will not be difficult to remove the ruler himself.

But after this mission, expect a couple of visits from the imperial fleets to Mau and Khonoghr. Only then should you move on to further actions.

15. Skirmish in Cloud City

Silri deciphered the artifact and said that there was nothing good in it. Therefore, it was decided to sell it to the Empire. However, for our help we are asked to fly to Bespin and bring back a portion of Tibanna gas from there. The problem is that this is Darth Vader's favorite planet and there is no need for problems with him. But Tiber Zann decides to blame the kidnapping on the gas customer.

To download gas, we have 5 robots that go to the compressors in one direction. At this time, our soldiers protect the robots, preventing them from being destroyed. Then we need to hack 4 control points, where we replace the data. We need to bring Urai Fen there, and he will reprogram the computers at the points. Before visiting the last point, Darth Vader himself will arrive. Here it’s worth capturing the AT-ST and letting it run around in a circle, and let the Sith Lord chase after them, while the “vultures” destroy the rest of the Sith. All that remains is for IG-88 to hack the server, and after that everyone can be taken to the retreat point. For this mission we will receive several new classes of ships. And at the same time - several more fleets of vengeance from the Empire.

16. Bait on the hook

We are finally brought in contact with the Imperials and offered to give them an artifact in orbit of the planet Carida. Before the mission, it is best to carry out the third piracy. We build a fleet of cruisers and go there. Naturally, this is a trap, and a large army of the Empire is already waiting for us there. In a series of surprises on both sides, Tiber Zann receives his flagship. However, this is not the last surprise - Bossk steals the artifact and escapes to the Empire’s flagship, which soon disappears into hyperspace. All we can do is destroy the entire remaining fleet of the Empire and leave. We are waiting for the Imperials to visit us again.

17. Chasing the Artifact

Zann keeps remembering the bunker, which contains a lot of treasures. However, this requires the emperor's private key. Fortunately, the Emperor himself is gathering forces to fight the rebels elsewhere, so we land almost safely on Coruscant.

Here the heroes are divided. Zann must destroy the monitors from which the guards are watching everything that happens. He goes from one monitor to another, destroying or luring stormtroopers. Eventually he will meet with the adepts of the Force. Here it is important to first destroy the container with bacta, where they run to be treated. And then it will be easy to kill adherents and cut off security systems.

Now comes the time for Silri, who sensed the artifact and goes after it. Killing the Imperials along the way, she will eventually steal the artifact, but on the way back she will have to fight off the Force adepts. Therefore, on the way to the artifact, it would not be a bad idea to build your own in place of the enemy’s cannons. At the end she will reach a closed door, and then Urai Fen will come into play.

The hair dryer needs to destroy the power cables, which the adepts are preventing him from doing. We just try not to gather a crowd around us, and then Fen will easily get to the desired point.

Finally, all the heroes get together and begin to make their way towards the transporter. But then the defense system is activated, and we are attacked by the dark warriors of the third project. Not far from the security room you can deploy MOPs (the anti-missile one will be especially useful). Having repelled the attack of the dark warriors, we turn off the security system and go back to the transporter, near which we meet the Sith. Here we are given three more MOPs, and we can put a couple of missile ones and one “against the Force”. Then the Sith will not be able to teleport, and we can easily destroy him. We get to the exit and fly away.

18. The Emperor's New Weapon

After the battle between the Empire and the Alliance, the emperor died. Tiber Zann decides to fly to Kuatt and quietly seize the Empire ship Eclipse. We form a fleet and send it there.

However, there is already a war going on on Kuatta between the Imperials and the rebels. We enter into a temporary alliance with the Alliance, while we ourselves try to guide the landing shuttle to the Eclipse. But first you should destroy all the repair bases of the Empire so that they cannot be repaired, and then disable one of the bases. The rebels can handle the other two themselves.

However, after the capture of the Eclipse, the rebels begin to consider us enemies. The main thing here is to destroy the Millennium Falcon, which was the leader of the rebels. However, as soon as the rebels surrender, the laser on the Eclipse breaks down and Darth Vader approaches with his super battleship. We need to hold out for a while, then the laser will be repaired and we will destroy the remaining opponents.

However, the story does not end there. Considering what Silri received from studying the artifact, an inevitable continuation awaits us. Is the darkest side of the Force coming?

Star Wars: Empire at War has become one of the best games about the Star Wars universe. But the addition surpassed it head and shoulders. It didn’t just add a new race, its style of warfare is fundamentally different from that practiced by our already familiar rivals from the Empire and the rebels. And while they fight among themselves for control of the planets, a third force buys and intimidates, kidnaps and pirates. Are you not ready for fair fights? Tiber Zann's criminal empire awaits you!

Let's start with the fact that nothing was left unattended. Almost all parts of the game were somehow redrawn and changed. No, the basic rules remained exactly the same - combat in space, combat on the surface, capturing planets and getting money. But after numerous additions, it is now extremely difficult to find out much. Although we will start with a new faction in the game - the Syndicate - and tell you who they are, as well as who and how they eat.


The Syndicate, of course, is also not averse to capturing the entire Galaxy, taking it under its control. But he prefers to rule the “shadow” life of the planets, corrupting their authorities. Moreover, the enemy sees that there is shadow business going on on the planets, but sometimes it is more expensive for themselves to stop this activity. After all, in order to corrupt the planet, the Syndicate needs to invest 1000 coins in the “vulture” (and do something else depending on the types of corruption), and to return the planet to legality, one and a half thousand money is required, and not every hero is able to do This. For example, for the rebels, Yoda is in charge of restoring law on the planet, and for the imperials, Palpatine is in charge (although they are not alone in this matter). However, it is not always possible to tear a hero away from business and send him to restore order. So you have to watch the yellow clouds of lawlessness around the planets with a feeling of hopelessness. True, when the planet changes hands, some types of corruption (those that depend on officials, such as intimidation, kidnapping, bribery) disappear on their own.

This is interesting: although the campaign to conquer the Galaxy assumes that everyone is fighting against everyone, the main enemy of the Syndicate is the Empire. Therefore, it is more difficult to fight with the Empire than with anyone else - two opponents will conduct military operations against it at once.

The Syndicate doesn't do nonsense like technology research. He buys the necessary technologies on the black market. That is, another element has been added to the cycle of technological development: the Empire explores, the rebels steal from it, and the “shadow people” buy what they need on the black market from both. The main thing is to carry out the appropriate corruption action against both sides, after which Tiber Zan, Urai Fen or Silri can go to the “suppliers” for technology. By the way, this trick gives the Syndicate some advantage in the early stages: its factories can immediately build any equipment. Only using the abilities that should be attached to this very technique will not work.


What are actions to involve the planet in a criminal network? We simply send a “vulture” produced in the Syndicate palace, and he carries out some kind of action on the planet, after which he disappears forever. In total, no more than three different actions can be carried out on each planet, and, having once placed the planet on one or another path of crime, it is possible to change direction only after the law is restored there again. Note that we do not select stocks from the entire list; the set for each planet is strictly fixed. But if a hero or troops are required to introduce corruption on a planet, then they are unique to each planet. So, on one, only Tiber Zan can perform some action, and on the other, it must be performed by Urai Fen.

It is important: Only the “vulture” flies to the action. The hero is “pulled out” for his mission from absolutely any planet and returns to it as soon as everything is over. At the same time, the hero will not die if he is killed during the mission - he will return to his home planet as if nothing had happened. But the troops required for the mission remain on the planet where it took place.

Intimidation. This is a combat action involving ground combat, so money and a Syndicate hero are required. You just need to get to the person being intimidated, and then the effect of its special features will be blocked on the planet for the rest of the game. Although this is an initial mission, without at least one effective intimidation, no racket can be carried out.

This is interesting: Although “second level” missions require at least one “first level” action, some missions require a larger number of active actions, although not more than three.

Piracy. Also a combat action, but in space. Which means money and a hero again. We are unlikely to get battleships for this mission, but cruisers are easy. Something must be destroyed, and then the goal will be achieved. At the same time, we will be able to build a new type of ship (the model is borrowed, of course, from an enemy ship). If the enemy drives his squadrons through this planet, then we will receive money for the passage. And there will be some profit from trade. Piracy gives rise to missions such as "black market" and "slavery".

Kidnapping. Its characteristics are similar to intimidation, only you need to break through to the kidnapped person, and then the shuttle will pick him up. In this case, we receive a certain amount of money (usually we simply return what we spent). However, without kidnapping there is no bribery.

Racket. If you have at least one intimidation operating somewhere, then you can start using racketeering. It also requires assault troops of mercenaries and money for the operation. At the same time, the influx of money into the Syndicate increases, regardless of whether the planet is our own or someone else’s. In addition, when you destroy enemy troops on these planets, you will receive “destruction interest.”

Bribe. Requires an active kidnapping and money to carry out the mission, sometimes troops. As a result, we receive information about the state of affairs on the planet (the movement of fleets around it), and also during the attack of the planet by the forces of the Syndicate, it will not have garrison troops (and in a space battle against the Empire, the Imperials will not have fighters either). Also, the presence of at least one bribe makes it possible to create a “fifth column” somewhere.

Black market. If piracy is thriving somewhere and you have money for an operation, then you can carry out this action. After the opening of the black market, the hero can fly to the planet with the intention of purchasing new technology (five each from the Empire and the rebels). Different markets may have different prices for the same technology. At the same time, there are no other benefits from it, and this is a form of corruption that should then be changed to another.

Slavery. You need at least one active piracy, troops and money for the operation. But after this, in conflicts on the planet, the local population will choose your side (or beat both combatants, if both sides are your opponents). In addition, in all your barracks it will be possible to produce militia from the population of these planets. Let me note right away that slaves, for whom just one act of piracy is enough, are useless helpers. But those that require at least three active pirates often have very interesting special abilities.

"Fifth column". Requires at least one successful bribe, money and troops. The local population will fight for us in all conflicts. But if someone guesses to remove this form of corruption, then an uprising will occur, after which the planet will become neutral, and all buildings on the planet will be destroyed.

Another advantage of corruption is that Syndicate fleets can pass through these planets without a battle, only by paying local officials. So you can slowly get into some deep behind enemy lines. The main thing is to have money for the passage. Also, with any form of corruption, you can observe the plan of the base on the planet and learn about all the troops on earth and in space.

Syndicate buildings

In the main game, we weren't allowed to have much fun building. The main buildings were pre-established and were not subject to revision. However, the Syndicate managed to distinguish itself here too, receiving several original buildings. Firstly, the syndicate members are clearly from that breed of anti-aircraft gunners who do not fly themselves and do not let others fly. That's why they like to build an anti-gravity jammer, and then enemy fast ships barely crawl across the battlefield.

The second difference was the two types of guns. The first ones shoot at everything, while completely ignoring shields. The second ones fire torpedoes, and very far away, but do not shoot at flying targets. But for this, all additional buildings are extremely expensive for the Syndicate.

Space also has its own quirks - the plasma gun is not built on the ground, like everyone else, but on a third-level space station. Which dramatically increases the chances of survival of this station.


Space is the place where the least amount of change has occurred. The first of them is that the rebels and the Empire can build repair stations on defense satellites and restore their ships. The Syndicate can instead install long-range jammers that will interfere with enemy missile fire.

The second is the introduction of the avant-garde (it also exists on earth, but there the effect is much less). The idea is that only one pre-designated ship appears in space, and all the others are called according to the list. The main benefit of this is that previously shuttles with landing forces were easily thrown into battle, taking the place of more useful ships, but there was no sense in them. An additional use case is to place a nimble hero in the vanguard, who will rush to the enemy base and immediately call in battleships that would fly from the starting point for a few more minutes. Surprise!


The Imperials had quite a few updates. The main infusions have taken place in the lists of fighters and heroes; there is not a single new medium-class ship. Here is their complete list.

TIE Interceptor. An improved version of the TIE fighter, superior in all components. It is considered to be superior to standard Rebel fighters in all respects. The squad, like its predecessors, has 7 units. Actually, they replace TIE fighters on all ships except the Peacemaker.

TIE phantom. An improved version of the TIE Scout. They have a hyperdrive (can travel between systems), and are also equipped with shield and camouflage generators. Only one of the generators can be turned on at a time, but the main purpose of the “phantoms” is that they travel undetected between enemy systems and conduct reconnaissance. There are only three phantoms in the link. On General Rom Mohk's Hammer, "phantoms" replace bombers.

TIE Defenders. These are previously unknown fighter-bombers. That is, they can also solve the problems of fighters (although three are not enough for such purposes), but they are mainly engaged in solving problems with the help of bombing. In addition to conventional weapons, “defenders” can convert the protective field into fuel for weapons, increasing their power. Another weapon is the ion cannon, which shoots down shields or disables enemy ships for a while. An excellent weapon against enemy battleships and space stations.

"Death Star II". The characteristics are the same as the first one. It’s just that the first one has already been destroyed and cannot be restored. Of course, this only works in campaign mode.

"Executioner". The only representative of the super battleship class. Naturally, only available in the campaign. This ship has as many as three points of force shields, that is, by destroying one of them, you still will not deprive this battleship of its force field. Its main ability (besides the quite usual capture of enemy ships with a force beam) is the constant production of new fighters (you just need to constantly press the button to call them), in total - 4 fighters, 4 bombers, 6 interceptors and 1 defender. Everyone is called up forcibly, unlike other battleships, on which new ones replace the dead. Although there are countless weapons on him even without these weapons. Among other things, Darth Vader himself flies on this ship.

"Hammer". Another ship just from the campaign. Flagship battleship Roma Mokhka. On it, this admiral produces dark Jedi. Usually he does not fight with anyone, although in terms of weapons he corresponds to the “Peacemaker”, and in terms of armor he corresponds to the “Destroyer”. This is the auxiliary ship.

"Admonitor". Grand Admiral Thrawn's flagship, the only ship available outside of the campaign. The armor and set of weapons is no different from the Destroyer. However, the ships closest to the Admonitor cause more damage to the enemy. And the Grand Admiral himself can briefly use an ability in which his battleship fires at one target, while its rate of fire and damage from hits are doubled.


The Rebels received even less than the Empire. But there is still something.

B-wing. Improved bombers. There are only three in a flight, but each one has three torpedoes (and regular ones have one). Another advantage over simple bombers is that B-wings can fold their wings and accelerate sharply, due to which they can slip through the anti-aircraft fire zone and are guaranteed to strike an enemy station or battleship.

MS-30s. A high-speed hunter of enemy cruiser-class battleships. On its nose there are two batteries of proton torpedoes, which it fires in a salvo. It is worse with small ships, since firing is carried out in a fan and not all torpedoes hit the target. To protect against fighters, use a battery of light lasers and the ability to “release cluster bombs” (a ring of bombs is thrown around, which explode, destroying everything they hit). An extremely useful and functional thing, especially in the second row.

Rogue Squadron. Luke left the Navy and this unit was formed from new pilots. 6 powerful fighters that can fold their wings and fly faster. They can also temporarily increase the rate of fire and damage dealt in battle. The best (and only) remedy against Death Star II. Of course they are heroes.


These fighters are new to the arena of interstellar battles today, so they have the biggest addition to the family. Although the total number of ships they have is clearly less than that of other parties. But let's not forget about piracy, in which the Syndicate can borrow other people's models. So...

"Star Viper" A good maneuverable fighter for which you can research technologies that reduce damage from enemy laser beams (which will further increase its survivability). It handles any old fighters very easily. With new ones - on equal terms. As an additional ability, it throws mine droids that only work against fighters or destroyers. But if you successfully release them during a space battle, the enemy’s losses can be very high. There are 5 fighters in the flight.

"Skiprey." Standard bomber. It differs from the very initial ones in that it has two torpedoes at once. The armament is located in a separate rotating turret, which slightly increases the chances against fighters. Can jam radar, making it difficult for the enemy to detect your troops on the radar. There are three bombers in the flight.

"Crusader". At first glance, it is a typical destroyer designed to fight enemy fighters. However, it does have an excellent persistent missile defense capability. This ship independently shoots off all missiles flying directly at it and just past it. Therefore, it is even more difficult for fighters to cope with it than with ships of a similar class - they can only be taken by cruisers.

Interceptor IV. This ship came from the main game, having been upgraded. It is an auxiliary ship for combating insolent enemy destroyers. It is better not to let him go to the front line, since even with a good shield, the armor is still rather weak. In a word, he is not at all an essential fighter in the squadron. Weapons include two turbolaser batteries and a missile silo on the bow. The “signature” difference is that for some time the missile battery goes into continuous firing mode and the missiles flow in a stream.

"Revenge". A heavy cruiser, which is considered a hunter of ships of a similar class. However, due to the presence of 2 batteries of automatic cannons, it also stands up well against fighters and destroyers (against the latter there are also 2 batteries of turbolasers), because the guns ignore all shields. However, despite his excellent armor, he has no power shields at all, so it’s better not to mess with battleships - he’ll get hit and won’t even notice. Among the abilities there is camouflage, when using which the cruiser is invisible until it shoots (very useful when battleships crawl onto the battlefield), and self-destruction (when it is completely dying, it turns on the camouflage, flies closer and sets off a self-detonation). A very useful ship that should be in any fleet.

"Aggressor". A battleship that prefers to destroy enemy battleships. In addition to 2 batteries of turbolasers, he is also armed with two special weapons. The first knocks out the shields and damages the electronics. The second deals huge damage, killing missile ships on the spot and demolishing the turrets of cruisers with one hit. It has a “volumetric” effect, so it kills all fighters and bombers that are at the point of impact. It is recommended to shoot at hangars from it, because there is always someone hovering around them. It is completely defenseless against fighters and bombers; there must be cover. Special ability - self-destruction, like "Revenge". Can support ground operations with its fire.

"Kedalbe". A kind of auxiliary battleship, which, due to its armament (2 automatic cannons, 4 turbolaser batteries and 2 ion cannons), is universal, but at the same time it does not have any strong points. It is most organically combined with “Aggressors”, which it protects from any annoying little thing, dispersing it with powerful volleys. He can steal the energy of enemy force shields, strengthening his weapon systems. The rebels' shield recharge ability is disrupted.

"Merciless". Tiber Zann's flagship. This is a reinforced version of the “Aggressor”, its shields and armor are more powerful. It is distinguished by the following abilities: it can camouflage itself and strengthens the first special weapon, which can even penetrate several enemy ships with one shot. Otherwise, it is still the same “Aggressor”, that is, leaving it alone is not recommended.

"Hound's Fang" And this is Bossk's personal ship. She loves to hunt light cruisers and bombers; things are worse with destroyers and fighters, but this ship can easily get away from them due to its excellent speed and maneuverability. As a special ability, it creates radar jammers that hide our troops from the enemy’s view.

"IG-2000". A robot named IG-88 flies on this ship. A very fast heavy fighter that is excellent at dealing with enemy fighters. It is valuable for its “system interference” special ability, when it reduces the accuracy of fire from surrounding ships, drains the energy of their shields and blocks special abilities.

The earth is at your feet

But on earth, in contrast to space, a number of quite significant changes have appeared. The first of these is mobile defense platforms. They are created by each side in their main building, after which they are sent to the desired point. There they turn around and then stand in this place until they are destroyed or the mission ends (but you can also sell the contents of the platform). Each side has its own set of platforms.

Bunkers have appeared, each of which can hold 5 infantrymen. True, it must first be built.

Each side received troop transports. I can’t say that they are definitely always useful, but sometimes they, with their ability to transport infantry in the holds, can be used. By the way, they can also transport undeployed MOPs.

Some abilities are now used automatically. That is, they do not necessarily need to be used.

Landscape areas with characteristic features appeared. Thus, only infantry can often pass through the forest, and lava reduces the amount of life of those who make their way through it. Water slows down movement. From the heights, the defenders can continue to shoot at the attackers.

Orbital bombardment appeared. If a faction has a battleship in orbit (the Syndicate has only the Aggressor), then the enemy on the ground can be fired upon from its guns.

The campaign has introduced such a useful feature as a base map, where you can move buildings to form a more successful battle formation. But in some missions, outposts appeared - platforms for the construction of factories. Two of them, the mining plant (increases income) and the Hutta Palace (produces swamp gliders, light walkers and skiffs), can be built by either side. Another building is unique to each “builder”. The Syndicate is building an anti-gravitator jammer, the Alliance is building a satellite communications terminal (allows you to open sections of the map for a short time), the Empire is building a magnetic pulse gun (a gun that fires over a certain distance and disables enemy equipment). I can’t say that any of this is irreplaceable, but sometimes it is useful.


The Empire received many heroes in space, so on earth it will have to make do exclusively with old men. But interesting specimens of other troops appeared.

Dark Warrior Project I. In the campaign, like all other dark warriors, it is produced only at the Hammer. There are three in the squad. These fighters are designed for hand-to-hand combat only, but can deflect blaster shots aimed at them with shields on their arms. They do not move very fast, which is compensated by the “sprint” ability, which allows them to run one and a half times faster. However, particularly nimble opponents will still be faster. As fighters, they are quite mediocre, so I don’t recommend them for use.

It is important: dark warriors are droids, not people. That's why they are repaired, not cured.

Dark Warrior Project II. The two soldiers of this unit are armed with light cannons and are excellent at shooting both infantry and light vehicles. If you don’t throw them at the front line, then they are worth the money. The special ability is a rocket pack that transports these warriors to a given position. When they fly, they don't shoot. Often used as scouts.

Dark Warrior Project III. There is only one warrior in the squad. It can simply shoot powerfully, or it can strengthen itself and open fire with seismic missiles, which deal damage over an area (infantry will be in trouble). Like the previous version, it can fly. Not very useful due to small quantity.

Noghri Assassins. For some reason, the Empire is no longer allowed to build assassins and smugglers (bug), but in the campaign to capture the planet Khonoghr they will have such fighters. At the same time, their effectiveness has increased so much that assassins can kill not only minor heroes, but also ordinary ones (except for faction leaders such as Yoda or Tiber Zann). In ground combat, these are three people who kill one infantryman with each shot (and shoot very far away). When they start to be beaten, they turn on their disguise. They also kill heroes very well (especially if they are even a little distracted).

"Juggernaut". An infantry transport that has several machine guns and a missile defense system that destroys missiles aimed at it. It is often useful in a defensive war, when it protects troops from missiles flying at them.

"Lancet". Now the Empire can fly too. To do this, she has a squad of aircraft on anti-gravitators. They engage and slow down targets with their beams, turn off the electronics on tanks, and they don’t move anywhere. At the same time, the life of the sufferers is shortened. Lasers are also used against enemy gliders. They work great against nimble enemy heroes. There are three in a squad and they are extremely powerful weapons.

The Imperials can generate EM fields (deflect enemy missiles), shoot from a seismic grenade launcher and deploy a sensor node, which can also fire back with energy weapons.


But for the rebels, everything is just the opposite - they are nothing but heroes.

"Gallofrey." Transport for infantry from the rebels. His advantage over others is that he can fly. That is, he doesn’t care about the folds of the terrain and will jump over any obstacles. There is a light laser on board - it can cause a little trouble for the enemy.

Mobile defense platforms. The rebels have learned to make a mobile shield generator (at a short distance all troops are covered with a force shield), a repair station or a rapid-fire laser cannon.

Luke Skywalker. Having destroyed the Death Star, Luke finally switched from pilot to Jedi and now uses the Force to heal from enemy blaster fire. Therefore, it is necessary to launch some hand-to-hand fighters or missile shooters against him. He can throw his sword like a boomerang. Finally, the Force Cloak ability makes Luke invisible. An average all-round fighter.

Yoda. And this master loves to use the “Force attack”, while he bounces like a ball and chops the enemy to shreds at breakneck speed. During the duration of the “attack”, you can easily chop up a couple of infantry detachments, and even the heroes will not be happy. Using the ability, the “Eye of Power” enters a trance and temporarily opens the card. This is followed by bombing the enemy with long-range weapons. A very strong hero, whose presence on the map solves many problems.

Garm Bel Iblis. He rides around in a huge tank called the Gargantua. If the enemy does not have anti-tank weapons while he is called, you can surrender. Because this is a terrible lover of pressure. And not only some infantry, but also light equipment, for example, the same AT-ST. It is impossible to destroy only what is higher than it or flies. By transferring power from the shields, it can produce a powerful explosion around itself. However, the range of this ability is short, and at this time the enemy often damages the Gargantua itself. Therefore, I do not recommend it for use. It's better to just fire all six of his guns and roll around on the enemy rather than mess around with explosions. Can also transport infantry. If you put it into action in a timely manner, it brings victory. If the enemy manages to gather his strength, they will destroy this hero themselves.


The Syndicate is again in the role of newcomers, so this time they have the largest number of troops. By the way, the peculiarity of the Syndicate troops is that they have a lot of weapons that ignore power shields.

Mercenary assault squad. Includes three squads of three people. They are armed with blasters, which can later be upgraded to disintegrators. In this case, they become a great threat to all living and mechanical things. They can use stimulants that will speed them up and increase damage, but will greatly damage the health of these soldiers.

Mercenary platoon. Also 3 squads, but with 4 fighters each. They shoot from grenade launchers, that is, they can shoot overhead and through obstacles. In addition, they are able to lay contactless mines, which greatly reduce the life of enemy infantry. Well, still the same stimulation. Excellent fighters in defense against enemy infantry.

Destroyer droid. A cunning machine that moves quickly, but at the same time rolls up shields. When the droid stands on the desired point, the shields unfold again, and then it is difficult to destroy it. Armed with two types of weapons - a blaster (deals great damage) and an ion cannon (destroys shields), which must be changed manually. Very beneficial in terms of long-term protective structures. And it’s better to race them separately so that they don’t move at the speed of the crowd. The squad has three cars.

Stealth transport F9-TZ. Stealth transport on anti-gravitators (can pass over water or swamp). This ability is not permanent, but switchable. Can't shoot.

Mobile missile system MAL. Heavy artillery, three pieces per squad. It can shoot without “turning around”, but it is better to install it in position, then it will shoot further and more powerfully. He can change his weapon to carbonite missiles, which also slow down the enemy a little. Carbonite ones shoot one at a time, and regular ones - whole packs at a time.

Self-propelled pulse gun MZ-8. A squad of four self-propelled guns. Slow and poorly protected, but excellent at destroying enemy buildings and equipment from somewhere on the second line. Well suited for breaking enemy defenses if there is someone to cover them. Special ability - self-destruction with a large explosion radius. But will you have time to apply it?

Assault tank "Canderos". Powerful all-round tank. The main combat unit of the Syndicate. Fast and with powerful weapons. He experiences some problems with infantry, as he knocks them out one by one, but he deals with equipment perfectly well. It also shoots excellently at air targets. Special ability - causes fire on itself, distracting it from some more important targets (only affects armored vehicles, turrets and droids), while the shooters miss terribly. The unit has three vehicles.

"Night Sisters" Militants from the planet Dathomir. They ride into battle on rancor monsters and die along with them. Very effective against buildings and large equipment (small things will most likely just run away). The animals under the control of the “sisters” break everything that falls under their heavy paw. Against infantry there is the ability “small outflow of life”, in which up to two units of infantry or equipment are “captured”, from which life is sucked out (and in the rancor it is restored). There is only one “sister” in the unit, but several “sisters” on rancors are an absolutely terrifying force.

"Vornskr." A squad of three predators who perfectly sense the Force and track and kill Jedi and Sith. Plus they see the invisible. Therefore, if the enemy is carried away by the heroes, remind him that things can very well change.

Ewok trainer. In the campaign, we only get it if we capture the Ewok planet as slaves. The squad has one trainer each, who carries with him a bag of Ewoks. As soon as the trainer sees the enemy, he releases the Ewok with dynamite tied to him, and he wanders towards the enemy. The consequences of an explosion are usually horrific. Several trainers produce a powerful effect. You just have to remember to cover them.

"Vulture". A minor character who usually spreads corruption. On the ground, he is a regular shooter with a high rate of fire. In addition, he knows how to throw explosives at the enemy, after which we press the explosion button (the “vulture” himself does not like to press the button). So heavy equipment is very afraid of them, and the infantry even respects them very much. In the Galaxy, it can also destroy enemy structures.

Mobile defense platforms. Includes a mobile jammer (deflects missiles), a missile turret (can also fire at aircraft) and a yalasamiri cage (they create a radius in which the Force is completely blocked).

Tiber Zann. The leader and most powerful of the heroes. His most characteristic ability is bribery. He immediately offers money to everyone he sees, and they come over to his side. At the same time, he can easily exceed the troop limit. Only droids and heroes are immune to this influence. The second skill is invisibility, so you won’t find it so easily on the battlefield. His weapon is a shotgun, from which he can easily mow down entire units with one shot. As a hero he is very strong. The main thing is to turn off automatic bribery, so as not to buy any nonsense, and buy strong fighters manually.

Urai Fen. Just like Zann, he knows how to disguise himself. Fights hand-to-hand and knows how to regenerate life. A characteristic special ability is the ability to temporarily paralyze infantry units within a certain radius of oneself. Quite a nice hero who wins against most melee combats (due to the fact that he is healed).

Silri. Leader of the "night sisters" clan. Like other night sisters, she takes advantage of the outflow of life. But she doesn’t ride the rancor herself, but calls him, and he runs separately. The rancor turns out to be smaller in size and has worse health, but it deals better with infantry and copes with turrets no worse than other rancors. This ability only recharges after the rancor is killed. Silri herself fights with an energy whip.

IG-88. An assassin droid that shoots portions of poisonous gas from a sniper rifle, and it is rather some kind of infection that poisons all units that come into contact with the affected ones. This also works on our own. The special ability is radioactive contamination; when an enemy gets into this area, he quickly loses his life. Due to these abilities, he is extremely effective in defense. On a galactic scale, he knows how to break the Death Star, however, after that he also leaves the game.

Bossk. Another assassin who, in ground combat, sprays enemies with a flamethrower (and even hits vehicles). Shoots into the distance either from a blaster or plasma grenades (they cause area damage and last for some time). As a hero - so-so. But on a galactic scale, he knows how to kill enemy heroes.


The goals of the Syndicate are very simple - to corrupt all planets and make the entire Galaxy one giant Syndicate. Cool? Who's wasting money here? True, missions are often so simple and short that you are simply amazed...

1. Prison

In fact, this is not the first mission. Because the first task really takes place in the training campaign. There, over the course of several missions, we work for Jabba the Hutt, then we steal an artifact from him and give it to Urai Fen, and we ourselves end up in prison (therefore, I highly recommend going through the training campaign).

As a result, Jabba the Hutt sends assassins, and Zann is forced to start a riot in the prison. You need to destroy the guards and turn off the control panels, getting other prisoners to help you. As a result, we get to the Millennium Falcon, on which Urai Fen flew for us, and leave the prison.

2. Vultures are needed

Having got out of prison, we were given the task of recruiting a “vulture”. We have the palace, so we just buy this minor character.

3. The “vulture” task

As if we didn't go through the training campaign! We need to send the newly hired “vulture” to Khonogr and intimidate the local government.

4. The second task of the “vulture”

Since one intimidation has already been successful, we must carry out the task of racketeering on Shola, which will also bring us some money.

5. Piracy on Mandalore

Corruption is spreading across the galaxy. Now we must pirate Mandalore, for which we will receive a “Tartan” from the imperial forces.

6. On the wreckage of the Death Star

A battle took place on Yavin 4 in which the Death Star was destroyed. However, before her death, Imperial officers had to throw away the data capsules. Therefore, Zann goes there with the fleet to search for the capsules. Unfortunately, this planet is quite far from us, so you will have to either clean out the planets on the way to it, or corrupt them. We don’t skimp on the fleet, because there we will have a big battle with the rebels, imperials and the Syndicate faction hostile to us. To make life easier in one place (if you go through the map clockwise), you can bribe 4 “Tartans”, who will get involved in a battle with the rebels, and all we have to do is finish off the survivors. On the other side of the map we are attacked by hostile syndicates, but we don’t have to accept the fight and leave, let them fight the rebels. As soon as we find all 4 capsules, the mission will end.

7. The black market works

After the previous mission, Jabba the Hutt will bombard our home planet, and in order to take revenge, more powerful troops are required. Therefore, we need to carry out a mission to organize a black market in Kuat.

8. Tiber's reconnaissance

And now on the same Kuat you need to purchase at least one technology by Tiber Zann (but better all three). You can also set up a black market with the rebels and buy their technology. At the same time, the Crusader will appear in our fleet.

9. Corruption in Saleikami

It's time to take revenge on Jabba. To do this, it is necessary to corrupt his home planet. It is best to run a racket on it. Not only will we receive money, but we will also receive it for the destruction of enemy equipment.

10. Sabotage on Saleikami

It’s still too early to land on this planet, so first we send the “vulture” there. He must carry out sabotage by destroying the force field.

11. Communication failure

And now the time has finally come to take revenge. We assemble a detachment led by Urai Fen and send it to Saleikami. It’s quite easy to destroy the defenders, but the leader himself is not there yet. But we learn that Jabba left for Hypori.

12. Ghosts of the past

A robot factory from the clone war era has been found on Hypori. So now we gather an army under the command of Tiber Zann (however, do not forget about Urai Fen) and land him there. The plant operates in an auto-protection system, and robots are constantly being restored in some places. Sometimes we come across remote controls. If we blow them up, the gates will close behind us, and the robots will remain behind them, reducing the army of those fighting us. We must get to the main control panel, where Urai Fen will turn off the protection that breeds robots. After this, Bossk will appear, which you can buy out. However, it turns out that this was a setup and now Jabba will take over the defenseless plant. So Fen should run to the spare console and set up the robots for us. We fight off the first attack, Fen runs to the control panel, and we move to the site where Jabba lands. And then we capture control points (so that Jabba cannot land his troops) and leave them under the protection of robots. After this, we get the opportunity to build robot factories on each planet.

13. Clearing the route

The Empire is using the scanner too well on Dathomir, and we must stop it. We arrange corruption there, after which we destroy the scanner itself.

14. Dark Ally

And now the continuation on the same Dathomir. We need to land Tiber Zann and Urai Fen there. There are “sisters” on the planet who can tell us something about the artifact we stole from Jabba. But the “sisters” are still in prison, and first we must get to them.

We go east, without touching the rancors along the way. Eventually we reach the defensive complex. However, if you turn north there, you can bypass this complex and go to a place where there are fewer defenders and there is a lot of equipment. There are a bunch of barrels of fuel on the map, which, when blown up, can burn enemy infantry. As a result, we open a prison, from where we get three “sisters” and a bunch of other useful people.

However, the freed “sisters” are weak and say that we need to free Silri, who alone is capable of studying the artifact. If you put the “sisters” on rancors, then the destruction of enemy fortifications will be very simple. You can go south and destroy the mines, for each of which you will pay 6,000. Now you can hack the gate. True, after this the ruler of the planet will begin to call for reinforcements from space, but to stop this it is necessary to blow up three communication stations. One of them will be on the way to the gate, the second right behind it, and it will be guarded by one AT-AT (we will bribe it), and three more such cars will stand nearby, completely unoccupied. The path to the prison is guarded by a bunch of guns, but you can drive the AT-AT to the generator and destroy it, de-energizing the guns, after which it will be extremely easy to get to the prison.

Silri agrees to help us, but in exchange for the death of the planet's ruler. On the way to it, we neutralize a couple more AT-ATs and destroy the third communication station, as well as another generator. It will not be difficult to remove the ruler himself.

But after this mission, expect a couple of visits from the imperial fleets to Mau and Khonoghr. Only then should you move on to further actions.

15. Skirmish in Cloud City

Silri deciphered the artifact and said that there was nothing good in it. Therefore, it was decided to sell it to the Empire. However, for our help we are asked to fly to Bespin and bring back a portion of Tibanna gas from there. The problem is that this is Darth Vader's favorite planet and there is no need for problems with him. But Tiber Zann decides to blame the kidnapping on the gas customer.

To download gas, we have 5 robots that go to the compressors in one direction. At this time, our soldiers protect the robots, preventing them from being destroyed. Then we need to hack 4 control points, where we replace the data. We need to bring Urai Fen there, and he will reprogram the computers at the points. Before visiting the last point, Darth Vader himself will arrive. Here it’s worth capturing the AT-ST and letting it run around in a circle, and let the Sith Lord chase after them, while the “vultures” destroy the rest of the Sith. All that remains is for IG-88 to hack the server, and after that everyone can be taken to the retreat point. For this mission we will receive several new classes of ships. And at the same time - several more vengeance fleets from the Empire.

16. Bait on the hook

We are finally brought in contact with the Imperials and offered to give them an artifact in orbit of the planet Carida. Before the mission, it is best to carry out the third piracy. We build a fleet of cruisers and go there. Naturally, this is a trap, and a large army of the Empire is already waiting for us there. In a series of surprises on both sides, Tiber Zann receives his flagship. However, this is not the last surprise - Bossk steals the artifact and escapes to the Empire’s flagship, which soon disappears into hyperspace. All we can do is destroy the entire remaining fleet of the Empire and leave. We are waiting for the Imperials to visit us again.

17. Chasing the Artifact

Zann keeps remembering the bunker, which contains a lot of treasures. However, this requires the emperor's private key. Fortunately, the Emperor himself is gathering forces to fight the rebels elsewhere, so we land almost safely on Coruscant.

Here the heroes are divided. Zann must destroy the monitors from which the guards are watching everything that happens. He goes from one monitor to another, destroying or luring stormtroopers. Eventually he will meet with the adepts of the Force. Here it is important to first destroy the container with bacta, where they run to be treated. And then it will be easy to kill adherents and cut off security systems.

Now comes the time for Silri, who sensed the artifact and goes after it. Killing the Imperials along the way, she will eventually steal the artifact, but on the way back she will have to fight off the Force adepts. Therefore, on the way to the artifact, it would not be a bad idea to build your own in place of the enemy’s cannons. At the end she will reach a closed door, and then Urai Fen will come into play.

The hair dryer needs to destroy the power cables, which the adepts are preventing him from doing. We just try not to gather a crowd around us, and then Fen will easily get to the desired point.

Finally, all the heroes get together and begin to make their way towards the transporter. But then the defense system is activated, and we are attacked by the dark warriors of the third project. Not far from the security room you can deploy MOPs (the anti-missile one will be especially useful). Having repelled the attack of the dark warriors, we turn off the security system and go back to the transporter, near which we meet the Sith. Here we are given three more MOPs, and we can put a couple of missile ones and one “against the Force”. Then the Sith will not be able to teleport, and we can easily destroy him. We get to the exit and fly away.

18. The Emperor's New Weapon

After the battle between the Empire and the Alliance, the emperor died. Tiber Zann decides to fly to Kuatt and quietly seize the Empire ship Eclipse. We form a fleet and send it there.

However, there is already a war going on on Kuatta between the Imperials and the rebels. We enter into a temporary alliance with the Alliance, while we ourselves try to guide the landing shuttle to the Eclipse. But first you should destroy all the repair bases of the Empire so that they cannot be repaired, and then disable one of the bases. The rebels can handle the other two themselves.

However, after the capture of the Eclipse, the rebels begin to consider us enemies. The main thing here is to destroy the Millennium Falcon, which was the leader of the rebels. However, as soon as the rebels surrender, the laser on the Eclipse breaks down and Darth Vader approaches with his super battleship. We need to hold out for a while, then the laser will be repaired and we will destroy the remaining opponents.

However, the story does not end there. Considering what Silri received from studying the artifact, an inevitable continuation awaits us. Is the darkest side of the Force coming?
