Enemy front weapon in the game. Enemy Front. No change on the Western Front. ⇡ Freedom fighters

Minimum Requirements Processor Intel Core 2 Duo E4700 2.6 GHz/AMD Athlon 64 X2 5800+ 3.0 GHz, 3 GB RAM, video card supporting DirectX 9.0c and 512 MB memory, for example NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT/AMD ATI Radeon HD 3850, 10 GB on hard drive Recommended Requirements Processor Core 2 Quad Q6400 2.13 GHz/AMD Athlon II X4 6400e 2.2 GHz, 4 GB RAM, video card with 1 GB memory, for example NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460/AMD ATI Radeon HD 6850 release date June 10, 2014 Age limit from 18 years old Platforms PC, PS3, Xbox 360 Official site

Game tested on PC

The next announcement from City Interactive is unlikely to cause a surge of enthusiasm, especially after the extremely weak Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2. However, persistent developers have been poring over Enemy Front all this time, trying once again to break the curse of the “Polish shooter”. The project took three whole years to create - it should be noted that the time was not wasted.

⇡ Freedom fighters

In recent years, the theme of World War II has been extremely unpopular in the action genre, but is now gaining momentum again. Most recently, the fervently fantastic Wolfenstein: The New Order died down, and looms on the horizon Sniper Elite 3, in which we will go to the vastness of Africa. Enemy Front illuminates this sad page in human history from a side unusual for virtual entertainment. No landings in Normandy, battles near Moscow or the capture of the Reichstag. Instead, the team selected places and battles that had not previously been covered by the gaming industry, but also took place in history. The author, unfortunately, is not an expert in this field, so I cannot say to what extent the phrase “based on real events” can be applied to the project.

The story will be about Robert Hawkins, a military journalist covering the horrors of war. For a good half of the game we will have to watch the preparations, and then become a direct participant in the Warsaw Uprising. The city is almost completely in ruins. Enemy Front is not about grandiose clashes, but about the actions of the resistance, along with which our protagonist will have to literally gnaw out every building, every street, every square meter of land from the Nazis.

An enemy ammunition depot was blown up. It's a pity that this has absolutely no effect on anything

City Interactive did a good job of creating a depressing mood. These are not the jingoistic first releases of Call of Duty or the deliberately tragic Brothers in Arms. This is a sad story about the choices that every person must make. It is told without much gloss, a big budget or a Hollywood production, but it is precisely this simplicity and spontaneity that captivates. In those moments when the Nazis loosen their grip and the sky ceases to be red and gray from explosions, Robert tells his story - how he ended up in the resistance, where he learned to deftly wield a rifle and a machine gun. During these flashbacks, we will be taken to France, Norway, and even to the very rear of the enemy - to a secret base in Germany.

The landscapes of France are deceptively calm

⇡ Guerrilla reporter

The war will have to be waged largely by guerrilla methods. The creators tried to diversify the gameplay as much as possible and move away from the concept of a scripted attraction. Running madly with MP 38 at the ready will not work: Hawkins is not particularly durable or speedy. If you prefer an aggressive approach, then be sure to use cover. It lacks the realistic shooting sensations inherent in Starbreeze projects. The dynamics of the character's movement are conveyed well, but using weapons is not so pleasant. Overall it turned out better than in some old Call of Duty, but not as good as we would like.

You can do a little smarter than just copying Rambo. Enemy Front adopted some of the mechanics from the studio's previous project, Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2. Can be found on the ground advantageous position, lie down by a tree and shoot Wehrmacht soldiers with a sniper rifle. There is no need to adjust for the wind - you just need to take into account the speed of the bullet, and then savor well-aimed hits in slow motion. It’s not as beautiful as in Sniper Elite V2, but I don’t want to swear at all. On the other hand, you can sneak into the enemy camp as an unnoticed shadow, killing enemies one by one.

We will spend half the game in such scenery

City Interactive has put a lot of features into the game. For example, sneaking up on a Fritz from behind, Robert can use him as a human shield and fire back with a pistol. Loud sounds can mask shots, allowing our hero to remain undetected without using a silencer. Sometimes it is even allowed to cause an accident for some unlucky warriors, say, by dropping a cargo container on them or releasing the brakes of a truck on a hill. The developers practically do not limit the ways of passing. The maps are spacious, with several routes to the goal, so there is plenty of room to turn around. Sometimes nonlinearity even appears and you are allowed to choose further move tasks.

But, unfortunately, the creators do not push us to experiment. There are not so many opponents, and you don’t have to be particularly sophisticated. Slipping past the patrol is not a problem, which is why any sense of sabotage and planning is lost. The idea with secondary tasks, which are encountered every now and then during missions, also remains unclear. For example, in a destroyed city you can meet a group of prisoners who are about to be shot. There is an opportunity to intervene and make noise, or to pass by. But this will not affect the further narrative or the game situation in any way. In general, all these explosions of anti-aircraft guns with tanks and the theft of secret documents are not motivated by anything - it’s not for the sake of knocking out “achievements” to do this.

Enemy Front also has multiplayer, which is doomed to be completely empty in the near future. Of the three modes, we were able to try only two: classic Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch. This is a standard online add-on, as is often the case in such games, but the guerrilla motif and wide maps borrowed from the plot part add their own flavor. On the one hand, death can wait at any window, and on the other, after the first successful kill you have to urgently change your position, because your victim will soon come for revenge. Good entertainment for the evening, but nothing outstanding.

In the end, the developers still include “a little Call of Duty”

Enemy Front was a pleasant surprise. Your humble servant, to be honest, did not expect anything good from the project. Perhaps due to the lack of expectations, he gave pleasant emotions. After all, this is a rather fascinating and unusual story for the chosen setting, albeit told with limited funds. What’s important is that it is head and shoulders above City Interactive’s previous works.


  • a look at World War II from a new perspective for games;
  • varied gameplay that strives to get away from the “rails”;
  • The dynamics of the hero's movements are well conveyed.


  • there are not enough incentives to experiment during the passage;
  • sluggish shooter mechanics;
  • pointless side quests.
Graphic arts Don't look at the CryEngine 3 logo - Enemy Front cannot demonstrate the beauty of the level of the corresponding game. The picture is quite typical for shooters mediocre, but sometimes there are very nice panoramas. 7
Sound Bombs thunder, bullets whistle overhead, and in particularly tense moments the music tries to build up the atmosphere. The developers have done a good job, but it’s difficult to note anything outstanding. 6
Single player game An unexpectedly fun shooter that allows you to play in different styles - from open confrontation to covert operations. Each element is well thought out, but Enemy Front fails to generate interesting situations: the enemies are stupid, there are few of them, and the spacious maps are stingy with events. 7
Group game Guerrilla warfare with other people can keep you busy for a couple of evenings. The modes are banal, but due to good body physics and complex multi-level maps, it’s interesting to play. 7
General impression Enemy Front was a big step forward for City Interactive. This is a thoughtful and atmospheric shooter that lacks only budget and production. If the developers continue in the same spirit, they will one day make it to the big leagues. 7

Enemy Front


They ruined my emotional opus, but oh well. I'll write another one. Let's go point by point:
If in 1941 Germany began to impose on the states, we would have imposed the same on the states. If you are so interested in history, then you probably know that the Germans were almost our allies. At least on paper in contracts. And it would be more convenient for the states to pour in from the territory of the USSR. Surely they would have held hands and hugged each other and declared Nazism a form of communism, and for one thing they would have thinned out their chosen ones. Although the last Wolfenstein showed that as soon as the Soviets rushed into the forests in horror, Omeriga was calmly bombed and captured. Quite an option. If the Germans had won, they would have recruited troops on the territory of the USSR in order to dump hot drinks on the Americans already on their continents. There are heaps of food and resources on our territory. In general, if the Soviets were gone, there would be no force left to calm the Germans. By the end of the war, their technology was significantly superior to that of the Allies and ours. There was a problem with the material. Therefore, Uber technology did not play a special role. Why did jet planes fly immediately after the war, almost all at the same time, and with the same characteristics???

If the Japanese had attacked Murmansk, they would have been subjected to hara-kiri and other yaoi with tentacles very quickly. The whole problem of the war with the Japanese was the long sea distances, where it was neither normal to organize supplies nor to quickly transfer troops. The Americans fought through aircraft carrier forces - and they still have aircraft carrier formations imba and must have. So, if your brain allows you to look at the map, you will understand that the Japanese command probably could not have done anything more stupid. Sailing across half the world, experiencing difficulties with supplies, and most of the way along the Arctic, through territory controlled by the enemy. Bravo, nya kawaii.
Pearl Harbor is an example of a superbly planned operation. The Japanese were expected in a completely different place. This is why you shouldn’t cite “Murmansk as an example.” You need to think first before blurting out. Where could the Japanese strike the USSR in order to inflict significant damage to materiel and morale? In Moscow, where was Hitler so eager to go?

And thanks for the Studebakers, tushnyak and cobras, of course, and the tushnyak vaguely resembled domestic, for which it was accepted with a bang, but where did that very silo called “External Public Debt of the USSR” come from? Yes, only for now some are ready to crawl on their bellies and thank the allies for lend-lease , the dry facts say: the contracts were not fulfilled in full and not on time, the supplied equipment needed ammunition of its caliber, spare parts, and service. Very often, cars arrived with spent resources, needed repairs, and fell like dead weight. Moreover, if our Stalinist Falcons were glad to have a cobra with powerful weapons, then generals Lee and Sherman spat fuel oil. The only normal combat-ready modification of the Sherman Firefly was not supplied to us.
The critically needed B-17-24-29 strategic bombers for the Soviets were never delivered. Although we really needed strategic bomber aviation.
And relative to the output of USSR products and materials, lend-lease will be less than 5%. In general, help is good, but it was not always on time. More than 70% of lend-lease deliveries were made from the second half of 1943, and slightly more than 50% of the total in Last year war, when the Soviets themselves gained strength. I wrote it clumsily, but from 43 to 45-70%, directly from them 44-45-50%
In the end, it turned out that the help was important and saved many lives, but not as critical as you describe it. If it had been provided in full, in the right quality and on time, the war would have been won even faster. In the meantime, it seems that the assistance was provided for show and the right to be called an ally, and in no case to strengthen the combat power of the Red Army. And the second front in 44 pursued only one goal: to prevent the Red Army from entering Europe.

In general, judging by the fact that you are 26 years old, you have the honor of learning history not from Soviet textbooks (precisely Soviet, not Soviet), but from the textbooks of our friend from America Soros (they can be called Soviet). The Soros Charitable Foundation was actively printing textbooks for schoolchildren in 95-2001, carefully during your active schooling. And these books, due to their incredible cheapness, were purchased in enormous quantities. And it is there that the role of the Soviet Union in grinding down Hitler’s war machine is belittled and the timid attempts to fight him and the Japanese of our valiant allies are elevated.
I don’t know about your grandfathers, but mine showed their medals. And they told how hard it was for them and how strong the enemy was. And the Germans were not lousy and ragged with jammed rifles. They walked strong and confident, well-equipped and well-fed. Well-trained, healthy big boys who are confident that they are right. It was from 43 that the Germans began to become lousy and rot in their dirty linen. When my grandfathers, one crushed with caterpillars, and the second shot from his trusty DP, drove them back to Europe. And they stood for their land, for my parents and for me in the end. And it is their stories that seem truer to me than the nonsense from the Discovery Channel that you told us here. About the landing in Normandy, for example.
Although there were also liquid worms, weak in the belly, which are now fashionable to be shown as the basis of the Red Army.

American journalist Robert Hawkins, sitting on the porch of a house in some godforsaken village, had no idea that he would end up in a war and become a real hero, whose name would be immortalized in alternative history textbooks!

Germany occupied the Sudetenland, Chamberlain was inactive, and on the sidelines they began to say that Poland would be next. But GG didn’t care too much about this: he, like a typical journalist, was just waiting for something new and extraordinary. He, in general, did not care about any consequences if it promised a sensation.

Enemy Front is not just a description of the everyday life of the Resistance during World War II, it is also a personal story of the character, who from a quiet and measured life ends up in real hell, the realities of which he had absolutely no idea about. The story of the metamorphosis of the character of the American journalist is a key part of Enemy Front: everything revolves around him, and everything else is just background.

The main merit of the developers from City Interactive was not the balanced and exciting gameplay, namely main character, which, as the game progresses, you begin to worry about and even involuntarily try on his tattered skin. Its transformation, in which the player is directly involved, is interesting to watch. This is an unusual technique for recent shooters, but it really worked.

However, the rest of the characters are not at all impersonal, as is often the case, and I’m not even talking about the minor characters who act on our side, but rather about those with whom we have to fight - the Germans. At first it may seem that personalized Nazis in stereotypical form and Panzerfausts behind their backs are just dummies that lie in your path in hundreds of corpses, but if you look closely and listen carefully, you can understand that this is not so. There is an interesting moment in the game when German soldiers are walking through a devastated French village and one of them expresses open doubts about whether it was worth shooting civilians who helped the partisans. At the bar, another fascist soldier over a glass of schnapps talks about how he misses his wife, and then everyone starts joking about the crappy French drink. All these moments humanize your enemies, and you no longer shoot at models of people, but kill real soldiers, each of whom has, albeit a small, but still a story.

The big picture storyline good too. If you close your eyes to the fact that the presentation of the story is entirely dedicated to Poland, then the feeling, on the whole, is more than pleasant. Yes, you will have to fight in both France and Norway, but you will fight under the “flag” of the Home Army - the Polish resistance movement, and here everything is not so simple. On the one hand, the atmosphere is very realistic: Hawkins does what a Polish partisan should do - derails trains, commits sabotage and conducts small sweeps of key points, and the rebel commanders, although superficially, say that their enemies are not only the Germans , but also Soviet troops. On the other hand, there is a slight imbalance in the presentation of negative aspects from the history of the Home Army, such as ethnic cleansing or intra-Polish rivalry with other resistance groups. Against the backdrop of the careful depiction of the historical portrait of the Polish partisans, this looks awkward and cannot be justified by game conventions.

But Enemy Front does not forget to answer the questions that constantly arise in the player’s head. For example, half of the company can only be amazed at how the most ordinary journalist learned to handle things so masterfully firearms. IN certain moment, in one of the dialogues, Robert explains this in one succinct phrase. Often something important for understanding what is happening can be extracted from banal jokes. In general, one gets the strong impression that Polish developers are good at writing small local stories, but cannot implement them well. And in the end, if you remove the strong idea, you are left with an ordinary mediocre shooter without any frills.

Significant disadvantages include stupid opponents and their monotony, the almost complete absence of an interactive environment and bugs with textures. German soldiers behave most stupidly during stealth missions: even if Robert crawls under the enemies’ very nose and manages to hide in the bushes until the stealth scale is full, no one will raise the alarm! The same problem with quiet murders: a fascist, immersed in his lofty thoughts, will ignore the groans and pleas for help of his brother in arms, who is stabbed with a knife two steps away from him, after which he himself will meekly accept death, honestly believing that he is dying for high ideals! Finding destructible objects in Enemy Front is almost impossible: shoot at the driver at the window of a moving truck as much as you like, the glass will remain intact... however, the driver dies, which is good news!

Over time, you can even get used to the German machine guns sticking straight out of the wall and ambushing you. This, of course, has virtually no effect on the gameplay, but it is terribly annoying. What would not have been called shortcomings eight years ago now looks like a completely frivolous approach to the matter and will certainly scare away many modern gamers from the game.


Enemy Front is a great story with mediocre execution. This is also one of those rare shooters in which the number of shootings could have been reduced. However, the Polish and Norwegian resistance are usually overlooked in WWII games, and perhaps this is the reason for you to play Enemy Front.
Final score: 6.5 points out of 10.

Good day everyone, gentlemen.

Do you think video games with World War II themes are already a thing of the past? No matter how it is! From time to time, very worthy projects appear that can challenge the titans of the genre like Call of Duty and Battlefield. And when they appear, after completing the game you realize that you didn’t waste your time exploring virtual locations, unusual plot twists, and much more.

And my post" Enemy Front: game review" will tell you about one of the best shooters in recent times in the theme of World War II.

Enemy Front: game review, Warsaw Uprising and fighter-reporter

Enemy Front was released on June 10th of this year. The development studio and publisher was the Polish company (joint stock company, to be more precise) City Interactive. City Interactive was involved in the Code of Honor, Terrorist Takedown and Sniper: Ghost Warrior series. The Poles have already shown what to cut decent games they know how and can.

What is inside?

Inside we have quite good game. The plot is good: correspondent Robert Hawkins wanted to warn the whole world about the threat from the Nazis, but something happened to him in Spain that forced the Gestapo to shake its fat and begin to pursue Robert. Getting ready to return home, the newspaperman is surrounded and unwillingly joins the Warsaw Uprising.

I took a little interest in the Warsaw Uprising, which took place in 1944 (I just read Wikipedia). Militarily, the uprising was against the German occupation, and politically, it was against the imminent liberation of Poland by the Red Army. Although the USSR provided support to the rebels (cargo, enemy bombing, air cover of the rebel areas), the Poles still demand an apology from Russia and the Western powers for the lack of support.

In general, assessments of the uprising are very ambiguous. And in the game we have to engage in sabotage behind enemy lines, rescuing comrades, and defending territories occupied by the uprising. Robert himself is often accused by other heroes of wanting to get good photos for the article through participation in military operations. However, this is secondary.

You can try going to stealth mode or shoot everyone openly. Personally, I choose the second method. You can take out binoculars and scout the area, marking enemies in advance. And then kill everyone from behind or take the German hostage. There are moments a la Call of Duty: we kick down the door and, in slow-motion mode, unceremoniously shoot everyone in the room. Sometimes it makes you happy, and sometimes it just infuriates you, because we have already seen this in other games.

The sniper simulator is surprisingly well implemented. We hold our breath and time slows down, which helps us hit the enemy. It doesn’t smell like realism, but it makes me happy. And especially tasty shots are made in the Sniper Elite style: the trajectory of the bullet from the rifle to the enemy is shown.

Otherwise, we do the usual things: use heavy machine guns, lay mines, break into houses, blow up tanks, etc. It's a pity that you can't use technology. Large and beautiful maps are good, but running around them on foot is a very difficult task. And the graphics are very good: CryEngine 3 solves it. Beautiful forests, realistic environment.

Bottom line

Enemy Front is quite good and worth playing through at your leisure. If you miss it, you are unlikely to lose anything from it. But such projects come out quite rarely. Even though games based on the Second World War are already morally outdated, Enemy Front is worth it to once again remember your youth and kick the fascists’ asses.

For this post of mine" Enemy Front: game review"Finished, thank you all for your attention.

The Polish studio CI Games is far from new to gaming industry. For the past twelve years, it has been trying, without much success, to win the hearts of players by releasing its low-budget Class B action films. Legends are slowly forming around them, and some players have even dubbed such projects “Polish half-baked shooters.” Having played many of their games, there is a strange feeling that time has no power over the developers, as if they were stuck somewhere in the early 2000s and still cannot understand that global trends have changed a lot, and the gaming community is no longer willing to play stupid games shooting for a couple of hours. Unfortunately, the studio's latest long-suffering creation is a first-person shooter Enemy Front not much different from the previous works of Polish masters.

When the game was first announced three years ago and they said in passing that the development was being done by Stuart Black himself, the creator of the excellent first-person shooter Black, everyone was slightly euphoric and expected to get a solid action movie, the main action of which takes place during the Second World War. As time passed, the project acquired the first details and videos with gameplay, and it seemed that just a little more and we would get one of the best representatives of its genre. The developers made loud promises about an open world and non-linear progression, interesting stealth and the difficult fate of the main character. But everything came to an abrupt end in 2012, when Mr. Black told the studio to go to hell, packed his bags and sailed from Poland back to his native States. What happened? It turns out that the heads of the studio did not like the game prototype created by a famous designer and they decided to completely rewrite the plot, replace the main character and generally rethink the entire gameplay based on open world and the complex artificial intelligence of the Krauts. Well, what happened next was what Mr. Black said before loudly slamming the door - the developers followed the lead of the masses and decided to make low-quality “consumer goods”, which they released on the market.

So, the main character is not a Pole, as was originally planned, but the American war correspondent Robert Hawkins, who went through fire, water and copper pipes, visited the Moon and fought in an unequal battle with Adolf Hitler himself... wait, excuse me, I took the script of one great episode about the machinations of the Third Reich, but no matter how funny it may sound, the protagonist of Enemy Front is no different from the same Blazkovich of Wolfenstein 3D or the immortal Captain Price from the very first part of Call of Duty. Why so categorical? Because the last two fit harmoniously into the concept of their series, but Hawkins did not. The frail writer somehow miraculously walked through almost all of Europe, slaughtered hundreds of Nazis, blew up dozens of tanks, and even mined a secret base for the production of V2 missiles. How, when and for what did he do all this? For the sake of a common victory or a successful shot that could end up on the front page of who knows what newspaper? And why then did the Warsaw Uprising lose if they had this “Rambo” on their side? And so many such questions accumulate towards the final credits that you don’t even know where to go from this tasteless mess of epic moments, seasoned with tragic inserts showing all the cruelty of the Nazi machine towards the common population different countries. And, if it had not been presented with such pathos as in this game, where each mission begins with a sugary speech by the main character, which should raise the morale of the Poles living in occupied Warsaw and prepare them for an uprising against the Third Reich, but instead has the completely opposite effect. It irritates the ear and there is no doubt that if there had been a real Polish resistance, Mr. Hawkins would have long been taken away from the microphone and given a couple of slaps in the face for arrogance, and maybe he would have been thrown into a real battle, after which he would hardly have survived. All these episodes frankly spoil the overall picture, distracting players from the Polish uprising itself. The narrative itself is very uneven, throwing the overall plot from side to side and not letting you really understand what the hell happened and when this obscenity will end. Ugly short production videos cannot please you with either high-quality direction or well-animated characters. It’s good, at least the tragic ending of the Warsaw Uprising was not rewritten and everything was left as it really was, without flags proudly planted on the bodies of the fallen Brown Shirts and the joyful dancing of handsome Polish men with Americans on their corpses.
As for gameplay, then things are not much better here. At first, it seems that the developers are having a hard time giving you a choice when completing a task, that there is at least some difference between blowing up a weapons warehouse and freeing hostages. But after completing the first mission, this feeling quickly disappears, replaced by the stupid realization that all levels are linear. It seems that the locations are large, and the hero can quietly sneak through the bushes to Nazi soldiers and officers in order to cut the latter’s throats or take them as a human shield. You are even allowed to drag bodies and throw stones to distract enemies with noise. However, all this frankly does not work, because there are very few enemies in large open areas, and there are practically no interesting game situations. So in half an hour active play you just don’t give a damn about everything, pick up a bigger gun and start a real bloodbath. But here, too, the developers made a mistake: the weapons and grenades are almost endless, since boxes of ammunition are scattered everywhere, the hero himself is also distinguished by enviable health, he is almost impossible to kill. The Fritz, in turn, shoot back with a bang and without any particular problems, while showing their weakness and stupidity in comparison with the brave Yankees. They don’t really know how to hide behind cover, they throw grenades in your direction without much enthusiasm, and if you try to get around them, they won’t even realize that you’ve been crawling behind them for a long time. There are a lot of weapons, but they all shoot very clumsily, making faint sounds, as if you weren’t holding them in your hands. As a result, dynamic battles quickly turn into a boring action that you want to quickly skip. Occasionally, developers insert scenes with knocking out front doors with a horde of Nazis behind it: however, such a carbon copy of Call of Duty looks cheap and not very beautiful, especially when you see the faces of your enemies, who, when they see you, take on such unnatural expressions as if they were only that they tortured for a long time and painfully. There are missions in the game where it is best to use sniper rifles, but here Enemy Front is much inferior to the studio’s previous project Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2, dedicated to the difficult everyday life of a lonely sniper. In the end, the single-player campaign flies before your eyes in 5-6 hours at the highest difficulty level and somehow you don’t want to ask for more. If you still want to stay a little longer in the virtual capital of Poland, then you always have multiplayer at your disposal. True, there are practically no players there, and there are only three game modes: the developers limited themselves to standard Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and an analogue of “King of the Hill” - Radio Transmission. You can drive one evening, but no more.
The newfangled CryEngine 3 engine is responsible for the graphical side of Enemy Front, but the game is disgusting on consoles: terrible textures, low resolution and a poorly designed color rendering system make the picture too bright and unpleasant for the eye. But there are no special complaints about the location designers. France is replete with fields of red poppies and cute little villages, the Norwegian storm intimidates with its deadly cold, alone Moonlight night in the very heart of Germany lulls your gaze, and the burning Warsaw makes you remember that you are, after all, on the front line, where people are constantly dying. And yes, the soundtrack is lackluster and unmemorable, it feels like the game only plays a maximum of two melodies per fret and they don’t allow you to be fully involved in the events happening around you.

If Enemy Front had been released ten years ago, it could have been called a good representative of its genre, but today this project looks too archaic, taking a little from all other shooters about the Second World War, while forgetting to add something from myself. A sub-drama and a sub-action film, trying to somehow get out of one of the most tragic pages in the history of Poland. We were promised to show the real tragedy of one people, their unsuccessful attempts to be free, both from the Third Reich and from the Soviet regime, but what we received was an average shooter, which we didn’t even want to take on. It would seem that the guys had everything: time, an interesting fragment from the history of that terrible war, which had never been mentioned in other games on a similar topic, and a more or less adequate budget. But in the two years allotted to them, they managed to put it all somewhere and release to the market a gray, unfinished prototype with a bunch of good ideas that were never properly implemented.
