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APPENDIX 1 Conversion table for symbol

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For image various objects and processes, their qualitative and quantitative characteristics are used on maps special languagesymbols (symbols).

Conventional signs on geographical maps Oh perform two functions at once - they determine the spatial position of objects and indicate their appearance and some characteristics. There are area (or scale), linear, non-scale and explanatory symbols. The list of all symbols used on the map and their explanations contains legend to the map. From reading the legend you can get an idea of ​​the map without looking at it.

Objects depicted on maps can be any objects, phenomena or processes. A wide variety of methods are used to depict them. Let's look at the cards we already know.

The relief of the Earth is depicted layer-by-layer painting. Thus, lowlands with heights from 0 to 200 m are painted green, and hills with heights from 200 to 500 m are painted light brown. What height each color corresponds to can be seen from the table at the bottom of the map. It's called the height scale. Using it, you can quickly determine the approximate height of any part of the territory. The depth scale is also constructed. The heights of some mountain peaks or lowlands, as well as the depths of ocean trenches, are shown on the map and globe in meters.

Earth's mineral resources (coal, oil, gas, gold, diamonds, etc.) are shown on the map special icons. These are international icons, they are understandable to everyone.

Isolines(from the Greek isos - equal) - lines on geographical maps, passing through points with the same values ​​of some geographical phenomenon, for example, atmospheric pressure - isobars, air temperature - isotherms, heights earth's surfaceisohypses (horizontal).

Method of habitats used on maps of vegetation, fauna, and forest maps. With its help, the distribution areas (areas) of certain species of plants, animals or forests of different composition are shown: coniferous, mixed, etc.

Traffic signs depict movement of various objects and phenomena on the map: sea currents, winds, air masses, as well as transport of goods and passengers.

High quality background used, for example, to depict the religious or national composition of the population.

Card chart depicts on the map geographical features or phenomena with diagrammatic figures, for example, the industry of large cities on an industrial map.

Map- a schematic map that does not have a grid, depicts geographical objects and phenomena simply and clearly. For example, a map of the weather, a map of the country’s trade relations, maps of routes and travel, etc.

Selected symbols for topographic plans at scales 1:500 and 1:1000:

Name with characteristics of the topographic object Conditional topographic signs on the terrain plan
1 Points of the state geodetic network
10 Buildings: Residential fire-resistant: (stone, brick, concrete) 1) one-story; 2) more than one floor 1) 2)
11 Fire-resistant non-residential buildings: (stone, brick, concrete) 1) one-story; 2) more than one floor 1) 2)
12 Non-fire-resistant residential buildings: (wooden, adobe, etc.) 1) one-story; 2) more than one floor 1) 2)
13 Non-residential buildings are non-fire-resistant (wooden, adobe, etc.) 1) one-story; 2) more than one floor 1) 2)
14 Buildings under construction
15 Dilapidated and destroyed buildings
16 Floor height mark for the first floor (inside the contour); Ground mark on the corner of the house
17 Church buildings: 1) stone with domes of different heights; 2) wooden with one dome 1) 2)
18 Mosques: 1) stone; 2) wooden 1) 2)
19 Small buildings: 1) individual garages; 2) toilets 1) 2)
20 Slopes: Unreinforced (number 2, 5 – slope height in meters)
21 Unreinforced slopes (figure 102, 5 – slope height in meters)
22 Reinforced slopes (number 102, 5 – slope height in meters; inscription - a method of strengthening)
23 Open-pit mining of solid minerals (quarries, etc.) (figure – depth in meters)
24 Gas stations
25 Electrical substations, transformer booths with their numbers
26 Wells and wells combined with water towers
27 Electric lamps on poles
28 Inspection wells (hatches) of underground communications:
1) without appointment;
2) on water supply networks;
3) on sewer networks;
4) on heating networks;
5) on gas pipelines
1) 2)
3) 4)
29 Power transmission lines (power lines) in an undeveloped area (numbers - truss heights in meters, voltage in kV, number of wires or cables):
1) high voltage power lines on reinforced concrete trusses;
2) high voltage power lines on metal trusses;
3) high-voltage cable overhead power lines on reinforced concrete and wooden poles;
4) Low voltage power lines on metal and wooden poles
1) 2)
3) 4)
30 Power lines (power lines) in a built-up area:
1) high voltage power lines on wooden trusses;
2) high voltage power lines on poles;
3) high-voltage cable overhead power lines on poles;
4) Low voltage power lines on wooden poles
1) 2)
3) 4)
31 Pipelines: Above ground ( G– gas pipeline, IN- water pipes, TO– sewerage, N– oil pipelines; pipe material - bet., st. and etc.; numbers – pipe diameter in millimeters): 1) above-ground on the ground; 2) on supports (numbers – height of supports in meters) 1)
32 Underground pipelines: 1) pipelines with inspection wells (numbers – numbers and elevations of wells; Ch. 12— depth of pipes); 2) pipelines laid side by side in one trench (numbers - number of gaskets); 3) direction of fluid flow in gravity gaskets 1)
33 Waste grates
34 Above-water pipelines on supports (green wash)
35 Pipelines on the bottom surface (green wash)
36 Communication lines and technical means of control, overhead wire (telephone, radio, television, etc.)
37 Masts, towers, radio and television repeaters (the numbers are their heights in meters) 1:1000 1:500
38 Landfill (dashed lines in brown)
40 Wasteland, Construction sites
42 Roads:

1) highways (covering material – concrete); cuvettes in green.

2) roads with improved surface (asphalt); cuvettes in green.



43 Roadways and sidewalks:
Pink wash
1) roadways of streets with curb stones;
2) roadways of streets without side stones;
3) paved sidewalks;
4) unpaved sidewalks
44 Unpaved roads:

1) improved dirt roads; cuvettes in green.

2) dirt roads (field, forest, country roads);

45 Roads in excavations (numbers – depth of excavations in meters); cuvettes in green.
46 Railways
47 Narrow gauge railways (purpose and gauge width in millimeters)
48 Railways on embankments (figures – height of embankments in meters)
49 Station tracks 1:1000 1:500
50 Pedestrian bridges over railways(letters – bridge material)
52 Horizontals (in brown):

1) thickened (through a given interval of section height);

2) basic;

3) semi-horizontal (half the height of the section);

4) quarter-horizontal (at 1/4 of the section height)

53 Slope direction indicators (berg strokes)
54 Elevation marks
55 Earthen cliffs (in brown): (numbers – depth in meters)
56 Pits (numbers – depth in meters)
57 Mounds (numbers – height in meters)
59 Watercourses, coastlines and water edge markers (elevation and date of measurement), Land and water boundaries in green, shaded in blue.
60 Streams (width not expressed in plan scale) in blue.
61 Characteristics of watercourses: 1) direction and speed of flow in m/s; 2) width in meters (numerator), depth in meters and bottom soil (denominator)
62 Bridges:
1) on a general span structure (metal - metal, stone - stone, reinforced concrete - reinforced concrete, numbers - load capacity in tons);
2) small wooden ones;
3) on foot
1) 2)
63 Vegetation: Contours of vegetation, agricultural land, soil, etc.
64 Characteristics of forest tree stands by composition: 1) deciduous; 2) conifers; 3) mixed; according to qualitative data: 4) average height of trees in meters (numerator), average thickness of trunks in meters (denominator), average distance between trees in meters (number on the right), tree species 1) 2)
3) 4)
65 Natural high forests
66 Young forest plantations (figure – average height in meters)
67 Forest areas cut down
68 Shrubs separate groups
69 Thickets (indicating species and average height)
70 Vegetation is herbaceous, meadow
71 Fruit orchards (figure – average height in meters)
72 Lawns, flower beds
73 Arable land
74 Hayfields with groups of bushes
75 Pasture with open woodland
76 Soils:

1) smooth sands (brown);

To use a topographic map correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with the generally accepted symbols and designations. When creating topographic maps and plans, various objects located on the displayed area are indicated by special symbols.

The main objects on the map include the following points:

  1. Cities.
  2. Villages.
  3. Rivers, ponds and other bodies of water.
  4. Mountains.
  5. Industrial enterprises.

The presented list does not include all objects located on the maps.

Types of symbols

Symbols of topographic maps can be scale (contour), non-scale, linear, explanatory.

Scale symbols of topographic maps are used to depict terrain features that are expressed at the appropriate scale. The area of ​​such objects can be measured directly on the map using a graduated ruler.

For example, in order to approximately find out the size of a lake, forest, or settlement, you need to calculate the area of ​​the object on the map (draw it into 1 cm2 cells, count the number of full and incomplete cells), and then, using a scale, convert the result to kilometers.

Using off-scale symbols, specific objects located on the ground that are not shown to the scale of the map are shown. For example, if it is necessary to put on a map a separate pillar, tree, building, geodetic point, etc. They are deliberately depicted in an enlarged form.

To indicate the exact position of a given object on the map, the main point is placed in the center of the symbol - square, circle, asterisk, etc.

Linear symbols depict horizontal lines and extended objects on the ground. These include the following designations:

  • railways;
  • highways;
  • electrical lines;
  • clearings;
  • rivers, streams;
  • boundary designations.

The extent of such objects is expressed in accordance with the map scale. The width of these symbols is shown regardless of scale. It usually exceeds the actual dimensions. The longitudinal axis of the symbol is applied to the area plan in accordance with the location of the object (parallel).

To give additional characterization to one or more objects on the ground, explanatory conventional topographic signs, symbols and captions are used.


  • the outlines of a deciduous or coniferous tree in a forest area indicate the predominant species of plantings, the average height and thickness of their trunks;
  • using transverse strokes on the conventional railway track icon, the number of tracks is indicated;
  • letters and numbers on the highway - road surface material, route width;
  • designation of bridge dimensions, as well as their load capacity.

Explanatory symbols on topographic maps and plans provide more complete information about the nature of a given area.

Proper names, explanatory inscriptions, etc. are written on the topographic map in a special font; the letters have a certain size.

Acceptable conventions on the map

Sometimes a topographic map contains a symbolic image of individual objects. For example, the external boundaries of a specific settlement. At the same time, main highways and intersections are indicated. If some buildings are depicted, they characterize the building density, but not their exact number.

To show the dense arrangement of homogeneous objects (houses, mounds, wells, etc.), only objects located on the boundaries of a given area are depicted, in accordance with their exact location.

Conventional symbols of industrial enterprises (factories, factories) are placed in places where the main building or the highest factory chimney is located.

Symbol sizes

To the left of the symbol there are numbers displaying its dimensions in millimeters on the map. The two signatures indicate the height and width of the rectangular sign. If there is one inscription, this indicates that both quantities are equal to each other.

Everyone knows conventional icon- the circle has a digital signature indicating its diameter. A star is the diameter of the circumscribed circle, an equilateral triangle is its height.

Symbol colors

Regardless of the scale of the map, various topographical symbols are painted in certain colors and shades:

  1. Border contours, line marks of land plots are black.
  2. Relief elements - brown background color.
  3. Rivers, glaciers, swamps - blue lines, shading.
  4. Water mirror - blue background.
  5. Areas with trees and shrubs - green.
  6. Vineyards - light green.
  7. Fire-resistant buildings, asphalt roads - orange.
  8. Non-fireproof buildings, dirt roads - yellow.

In addition to conventional symbols, topographic maps contain their own names in abbreviated form for various regions, districts, and other significant objects (Moscow, El.-St., South-West, Bol. - swamp). Additional information is provided on topographic maps using standard fonts.

For example, the depth, flow of the river, as well as the possibility of navigation along it. Special fonts indicate the heights of the hills, the depths of the wells, and the number of people in towns and cities.


And asphalt, asphalt concrete (road surface material)
auto automobile plant
alb. alabaster plant
eng. hangar
anil. aniline dyeing plant
AO Autonomous Region
apat. apatite developments
ar. aryk (canal or ditch in Central Asia)
art. k. artesian well
arch. archipelago
asb. asbestos factory, quarry, mine
ASSR Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
astr. astronomical point
asf. asphalt plant
aerd. aerodrome
airp. airport


Used cobblestone (road surface material)
b., ball. beam
B., Bol. Big one. -oe, -ie (part of proper name)
bar. barracks
bass. pool
ber. birch (wood species)
Beth. concrete (dam material)
biol. Art. biological station
bl.-p. checkpoint (railway)
bol. swamp
Br paving stones (road covering material)
br. ford
br. could. mass grave
b. tr. transformer booth
bulg. bulgunnyakh (separate hillock of natural formation)
boom. paper industry (factory, mill)
Boer. drilling rig, well
buh. bay


In viscous (river bottom soil) (hydrography)
vag. car repair, car building plant
vdkch. water pump
vdp. waterfall
vdpr. Art. waterworks
vdhr. reservoir
Vel. Great, -aya, -oe, -ie (part of its own name)
vet. veterinary station
wine winery, distillery
railway station railway station
Vlk. volcano
water water tower
High Vyselki (part of its own name)

G gravel (road surface material)
woof harbor
gas. gas plant, gas rig, well
gazg. gas holder (large gas tank)
gal. haberdashery industry (plant, factory)
pebble pebbles (mining product)
gar. garage
hydrol. Art. hydrological station
Ch. Chief (part of proper name)
clay clay (mining product)
alumina alumina refinery
hound pottery factory
mountains hot spring
gost. hotel
prokh. mountain pass
dirty mud volcano
Fuel and lubricants (warehouse)
g.-sol. bitter-salty water (in lakes, springs, wells)
gsp. hospital
hydroelectric power plant

D wooden (material of bridge, dam)
dv. yard
det. d. orphanage
jute. jute mill
D.O. holiday home
domostr. house-building plant, ancient plant woodworking industry (plant, factory)
ancient ug. charcoal(firing product)
firewood wood warehouse
trembling yeast plant

er. erik (narrow deep channel connecting the river bed with a small lake)

Reinforced concrete reinforced concrete (bridge, dam material)
zhel. ferruginous source, place of iron ore mining,
iron processing plant,
yellow-sour iron acid source

Zap. Western, -aya, -oe,-y (part of its own name)
zap. zapan (backwater, river bay)
zap. reserve
falling asleep backfilled well
zat. backwater (a bay on a river used for wintering and ship repairs)
beast. Fur breeding state farm, nursery
Earth earthen (dam material)
earth dugout
mirror mirror factory
grain grain farm
winter wintering, winter quarters
angry gold (mine, deposit)
gold-plate gold-platinum developments

games. toy factory
Izv. lime quarry, lime (firing product)
emer. emerald mines
inst. institute
claim fiber artificial fiber (factory)
ist. source

K rocky (river bottom soil), crushed stone (road surface material), stone (bridge, dam material)
K., K. well
Kaz. barracks
Kam. quarry, stone
stone-fraction stone crushing plant
Kam. stb. stone pillar
Kam. ug. hard coal (mining product)
can. channel
rope. rope factory
kaol. kaolin (mining product), kaolin processing plant
doodle Karakul farming state farm
quarantine quarantine
Couch. rubber plant, rubber plantation
ceramic ceramic factory
kin. cinematographic industry (factory, plant)
brick brickworks
CL clinker (road surface material)
klkh. collective farm
leather tannery
coke. coke plant
combo compound feed plant
compress Art. compressor station
con. horse breeding farm, stud farm
cond. confectionery factory
hemp hemp-growing state farm
cons. canning factory
boiler basin
koch. nomadic
cat shed
Kr., Red. Red, -aya, -oe, -ye (part of its own name
crepe. fortress
croup cereal factory, grain mill
godfather idol
chickens resort

lag lagoon
lacquer paint factory
A lion. Left, -aya, -oe, -s (part of proper name)
forest forester's house
forester forestry
lesp. sawmill
years. letnik, summer camp
treat hospital
LZS forest protection station
lim. estuary
foliage larch (forest species)
flax flax processing plant

M metal (bridge material)
m. cape
poppy. pasta factory
M., Mal. Small, -aya, -oe, -y (part of its own name)
margar. margarine factory
oil mill oil mill
oil butter factory
mash. machine-building plant
furniture furniture factory
medpl. copper smelter, plant
copper copper developments
meth metallurgical plant, metal products plant
metal-arr. metalworking plant
meth Art. weather station
fur. fur factory
MZhS machine-livestock station
min. mineral spring
MMS machine reclamation station
could. grave, graves
they say dairy plant
mol.-meat dairy and meat farm
mon. monastery
marble marble (product of extraction)
MTM machine and tractor workshop
MTF dairy farm
music instr. musical instruments(factory)
torment flour mill
soap soap factory

obs. observation tower
fill well filling capacity
national env. national district
invalid inactive
oil oil production, oil refinery, oil storage facility, oil rig
Lower Lower, -yaya, -ee, -ie (part of its own name)
low lowland
Nick. nickel (mining product)
New New, -aya, -oe, -e (part of proper name)

island, islands, islands
oaz. oasis
observ. observatory
ovr. ravine
sheep sheep breeding state farm
fireproof refractory products (factory)
lake lake
Oct. Oktyabrsky, -aya, -oe, -ie (part of its own name)
op. greenhouse
ost. stop point (railway)
dept. temporary storage facility state farm department
OTF sheep farm
willing hunting hut

P sandy (river bottom soil), arable land
p., village village
memory monument
steam. ferry
parf. perfume and cosmetics factory
pass. apiary
lane pass (mountain), transportation
dog. sand (mining product)
cave cave
beer brewery
Pete. nursery
food conc. food concentrates (plant)
pl. platform (railway)
plastic plastics (factory)
plat. platinum (mined product)
breeding breeding livestock farm
plodvin. fruit-growing state farm
fruit fruit and vegetable farm
fruit-yang fruit and berry state farm
burial stagnation border post
burial kmd. border commandant's office
loaded loading and unloading area
pl. fire tower (depot, barn)
polygame printing industry (combine, factory)
floor. Art. field camp
por. threshold, thresholds
village pl. landing pad
fast. dv. inn
pond, strait, passage (under the overpass)
Right Right, -aya, -oe, -s (part of proper name)
Priest. pier
Prov. provinces
wire wire factory
prot. duct
strand spinning mill
PS Village Council
PTF poultry farm
put. n. waypoint

glad. radio factory
radio station radio station
once. traveling
development ruins
resolution destroyed
res. rubber products (plant, factory)
rice. rice-growing state farm
R. worker's village
PC District Council (RC - district center)
ore mine
hands sleeve
fish fishing (plant, factory)
fish village fishing village

rank sanatoriums
cap. barn
sah. sugar factory
sah. cane sugar cane (plantation)
NE North-Eastern
Holy Saint, -aya, -oe, -s (part of its own name)
St. over
beets beet growing state farm
pig pig-breeding state farm
lead lead mine
temporary storage facility state farm
North Northern, -aya, -oe, -y (part of its own name)
sat down Art. breeding station
seed seed-growing state farm
chamois sulfur spring, sulfur mine
NW North-West
strength silo tower
silica silicate industry (plant, factory)
sk. rock, rocks
skip. turpentine plant
skl. stock
slate shale developments
resin tar factory
Sov. Soviet, -aya, -oe, -ie (part of its own name)
soy soybean state farm
Sol. salt water, saltworks, salt mines, mines
sop. hill
variety. Art. Sort Facility
saved. Art. rescue station
speech. match factory
Wed, Wed. Middle, -yaya, -ee, -ie (part of proper name)
SS Selsovet (rural settlement center)
St., Star. Old, -an, -oe, -y (part of proper name)
herd stadium
became. Steel Plant
mill. encampment, camp
stb. pillar
glass Glass factory
Art. pumping pumping station
page under construction
pp. m. building materials factory
STF pig farm
court. ship repair, shipyard
bitches cloth factory
dry dry well
sushi drying room
agricultural agricultural
agricultural mash. agricultural engineering (factory)

T hard (river bottom soil)
tab. tobacco-growing state farm, tobacco factory
there. customs
text. textile industry (combine, factory)
ter. waste heap (waste rock dump near mines)
tech. technical College
Comrade Art. freight station
tol. roofing felt plant
peat. peat developments
tract. tractor plant
trick. knitting factory
tun. tunnel
CHP combined heat and power plant

ug. brown coal (mining product)
ug.- sour. carbon source
Ukrainian strengthening
ur. tract
ug. gorge

f. fort
fact. trading post (trading settlement)
fan. plywood factory
porcelain porcelain and earthenware factory
fer. farm
fz. fanza
firn. firn field (snow field of grainy snow in high mountain areas)
phosph. phosphate mine
ft. fountain

x., hut. farm
hizh. hut
chem. Chemical plant
chemical-pharmaceutical chemical-pharmaceutical plant
bread bread factory
clap cotton-growing state farm, cotton gin plant
cold. fridge
hr. ridge
chromium. chrome mine
crunch. crystal factory

C cement concrete (road surface material)
Ts., Tsentr. Central, -aya, -oe, -e (part of its own name)
color. non-ferrous metallurgy (plant)
cem. cement factory
teas tea-growing state farm
tea tea factory
h. met. ferrous metallurgy (factory)
chug iron foundry

check mine
shiv. shivera (rapids on the rivers of Siberia)
cipher slate factory
school school
Slag slag (road covering material)
Shl. Gateway
sword twine factory
PC. gallery

Crushed stone (road covering material)
slot alkaline spring

Elev. elevator
email subst. electrical substation
el.-st. power station
email -tech. electrical plant
ef.-oil essential oil crops state farm, essential oil processing plant

SE South-Eastern
South Southern, -aya, -oe, -e (part of its own name)
SW South-West
legal yurt

yag. berry garden

Indian Solitaire