There are secrets of the world of warships. Game World of Warships. Review and walkthrough of the game World of Warships. Choose a military mode

Good day to all!

Ships came to the aid of planes and tanks!

Wargaming once again surprised and delighted everyone by releasing new toy World of Warships.

Here you will not see the dynamic battles that are inherent in previous games.

In WoWs, events do not develop rapidly, and ship battles take place over a long period of time, slowly.

Therefore, many are interested in how to play World of Warships?

Let me note right away that the game turned out to be good, real tactical strategy, where you should not be lazy and calculate your options several times, plan and only then rush to the front line.

The new MMO action game in the genre of naval battle simulator turned out to be interesting. Each ship has a variety of weapons for different purposes, and many crew members.

Controlling ships is interesting and difficult at the same time. Therefore, before you start, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the main points - how to play World of Warships correctly.

But first, let's talk about how to start playing the game.

From this article you will learn:


Just like in tanks and planes, you must first register in WoWs. If you have an account in World of Warplanes or World of Tanks, you can use an account in any of these games.

After registration, download the game and immediately see the inscription that appears on the screen. You are notified that you have the first rank, which allows you to engage in battles with bots.

Cruisers immediately become available to the player. More advanced ships will be available to play with a little later.

In the meantime, after you enter the game, your choice is Hashidate - Japan and Erie - USA. You are starting to get the hang of it. It's simple.

Versatility and Tactics

The mechanics of the game are such that it makes all players think seriously about tactics. Here the game speed is higher, the damage is more varied, there is more protection and damage, and the maps themselves are much more spacious.

By the way, the maps in World of Warships are made with specific directions for movement and they are mostly symmetrical. Here it is important to take a trump spot and sit there, causing damage to enemy ships.

Answer the question “how to play World of Warships?” in a few words - think through your actions in advance and do it constantly.

Commands and classes and their meaning

In WoWs, ships are divided into nations and classes.

  1. Aircraft carriers - the trump card of these ships is fast maneuverability and high speed. All classes of ships are very afraid of them, because of their formidable weapons - torpedoes.
  2. Battleships - dominate battles, equipped with the most powerful armor and guns, plus they can be equipped with reconnaissance aircraft (seaplanes).
  3. Cruisers - their speed is much higher than that of battleships. The main targets for their ships are the destroyer, since the cruiser deals with them most famously in naval battles.
  4. Destroyers are super ships that can lay smoke screens, as they are equipped with unique equipment.

More detailed description ships can be found in previous ship guides. It is not the choice of ship that is of paramount importance. The main role in WoWs is given to team play.

Imagine how spectacular it will be when a dangerous opponent is pinned down by your planes and torpedoes of an allied destroyer! I suggest you look at this at video for the game, you will admire it!

In WoWs, situations change constantly, literally every minute. Each player must not only plan, but also have several plans in reserve in case of unforeseen developments.

The main thing is to constantly move, move around. Stopping ships is equivalent to their death.

Use different techniques. So, destroyers can camouflage themselves. Cruisers and firefly destroyers have torpedoes - the most formidable weapon.

The game has several battle modes - battles with bots (Player versus Environment) and a scoring mode. In the first version, battles take place in teams against bots.

It is worth noting that the bots here are quite “smart”, so the battles are quite dynamic, but it is not so offensive for the computer to lose.

In the second option, players will have to capture and then control a certain area of ​​the map for a long time.

In this case, it is important to perform the correct maneuvers and distribute forces.

One last thing - in World of Warships, maps are researched for credits and experience, just like in their previous “fellow games.”

You can earn credits as quickly as possible in the same way - either by converting experience into silver, or by purchasing a premium account.

These are the main points about the game. Want to know more detailed information? I recommend reading World of Warships guides for beginners.

If your friends ask you how to play the WoWs game, show them the right way - let them read the review articles on our blog.

Start playing, master the ships and start exciting naval battles. Looking for like-minded gamers?

Subscribe to blog news, here you can always find fans of games of any genre and just have a nice chat.

With that, friends, let me take my leave. I hasten to write other, no less useful posts for all fans online games. Bye!


If you haven't started playing yet World of Warships, or started, got upset, quit, and went in search of normal, human leadership, then here you are. You've come to the right place. There is no other game like World of Warships on the Internet. It is completely pointless to compare it with anything, because here every fragment, every nuance is unique. In a word, we are pleased to present to you general guide, an initial gameplay guide to World of Warships for beginners.

Movement is life.

There are different tactics for different ships. It’s better not to drag out the endgame with a battleship, and draw out your finest hour at the beginning of the battle. Destroyers, on the contrary, the longer you live, the more valuable they are. Cruisers are something like heavy tanks in World of Tanks: always relevant, always useful, versatile and effective. Aircraft carriers operate well at a distance, fight enemy aircraft, and are a nightmare for the enemy. But it’s the gameplay component that unites them. This is speed and maneuverability, or more precisely, the need to maintain speed and maneuver. If in Tanks you cannot aim properly in order to hit properly, and even pump up special skills for shooting at a smooth speed, then here you can shoot quite accurately even at the most fast speed, due to large distances. Movement is life. The faster you stop, the faster you will be hit. Therefore, never drop anchor, always move at full speed, controlling the course. This is useful.

Use the terrain.

Our game is called World of Warships, but this does not mean that we will have to fight exclusively in the open space without obstacles. On most maps you encounter, there will be obstacles. These will mainly be small islands and networks of islands merging into archipelagos. Use them. If you are a large carrier, avoid these islands as you will quickly lose superiority there. If you are a maneuverable destroyer, then swim along and around them, and flirt with cannons with everyone you meet. Sailing around a couple of islands, you can hook a couple of enemy ships that will set off after you, and here everything depends on your personal skill and the agility of the ship. Islands are also natural helpers that will help you get rid of persecution. If you see that you are in a difficult situation and that going straight may not save you. Then swim to the nearest islands, or to the island. There you have a much better chance of circling your pursuers, eliminating the need to hide from an enemy torpedo.

Choose the right type of shells.

The main caliber turrets are maximally armored, but the only protection for the remaining modules is often their number.

You will have armor-piercing, high-explosive shells, as well as torpedoes at your disposal. Everything is clear with armor-piercing units: they are the most reliable types of combat units. Quite strong damage with standard armor penetration. This type can be used against almost all enemy ships, excluding the weakest. With high-explosive ones, everything is more complicated. Not everyone immediately understands the difference, thinking that if the damage is higher, then you need to hit with high explosives. But in fact, not only damage is important, but also the penetration rate. In other words, harming your enemy depends on two factors, which in the right sequence must complement each other. First, the projectile must penetrate the armor, and after that it must cause damage. The armor-piercing one does the best job of penetrating, but the damage it does is often insufficient. The high-explosive one is best at dealing damage, but it is almost impossible to penetrate armor. So you have to invent it. Launch landmines at the weakest ships. In particular, regarding the destroyer. Destroyers strongly dislike landmines due to the paper nature of their armor. But it’s better not to hit battleships or cruisers with landmines unless you can target and accurately shoot directly at the key sections of the ship: the main turrets with guns, torpedo compartments and the deck. Simply firing landmines at the side of the armor is pointless. In general, land mines are strictly for amateurs and aesthetes.

Therefore, hit with armor-piercing shells more often, and, if you have time and desire, hit vulnerable, vital places. Each ship has them in different places, so it is impossible to describe in one article the places where they need to be hit, but instead we can say that absolutely all ships have one sore spot - the armor, below the waterline. The waterline is a “water line”, a line marked with a red stripe, located at the place where the water begins, where the waves overwhelm the ship. Yes, it won’t be easy to hit, because it turns out that the shells need to be aimed virtually under the water, penetrating the armor somewhere down there, where it’s not visible. But this is difficult only at first glance. After a few fights, you should have no problem hitting your opponent with this type of hit.

Shells that hit below the waterline tend to cause a lot of damage, and often contribute to the most desired effect, namely sinking the enemy team's vessel.

Maneuver, maneuver, spin.

Everyone knows the children's patter: we maneuvered, we maneuvered, but we didn’t manage to maneuver. It doesn't suit us. We must not only maneuver, but also extricate ourselves from difficult situations by abruptly changing course. It’s worth saying right away that there is no need to repeat the captain’s mistake on the Titanic, and not put it in full reverse at the sight of an iceberg, when before that the ship was moving at full speed. This will be a bad reception. Our choice is left/right movement. You won’t be flooded, you won’t shake your ammunition rack, and you won’t lose the crew that fell overboard. Therefore, get used to sudden maneuvers. Get ready for the fact that if the first shell fired at you missed, then the second, third and tenth will hit the target. The first shot is a sighting shot. After this, an experienced sailor will most likely hit you in the side without missing a beat. So try to speed up or slow down a little. But the best thing is to turn parallel to the shots, whether they are shots from artillery guns or from torpedo compartments.

If you turn towards the enemy bow or stern, you will not only greatly reduce the target area for him, but also partially cover the pain points of your ship.

Use torpedoes correctly.

Based on the previous advice, where everyone could understand the usefulness of hitting under the waterline, it should be added that in this regard, torpedoes will play the best service for you. Firstly, they will get exactly where they need to be, and secondly, if you launch them correctly, then a hit is certainly guaranteed. So, first, let's figure out how best not to use torpedoes. It is better not to fire them from a distance of more than 2-3 kilometers, it is better not to fire them in one salvo, and it is better not to fire them into a ship that is moving parallel to the shot or is about to maneuver. Start over. Torpedoes are certainly effective, but they are slow and noticeable. If the victim is not sleeping and has not played too much, then, as a rule, she will react to such a launch. To prevent the victim from being able or not having time to react, shoot from close range. Ideal option: point-blank, or almost point-blank. Maximum – 2-3 kilometers. Of course, there are cases in which you will need to launch torpedoes at random, simply in the direction of the expected enemy, assuming his presence in a specific place. But in most cases, you will miss, if only because the torpedoes will diverge in width, and the enemy will simply have time to turn along the shot, exposing not the side, but the bow or stern, becoming “narrow”. Therefore, try to complement your shot with someone else's shot, so that the shot turns out to be a dense fan from which there is no return. Well, and, of course, you shouldn’t fire a torpedo at an outgoing or approaching ship. Hit it only in the side, then the chances of hitting it are much greater.

Shoot as often as possible.

There is one rule of victory in World of Warships - capture the base or destroy enemy ships. The second one is better, since without it the first option is difficult to implement. The health of ships is removed by shots, so the more often you shoot, the greater the chance that the shots will hit the target. Don't be shy and don't wait for some very lucky opportunity. This may not happen. Instead, shoot always and everywhere. If you see that there are a couple of enemy ships behind the rock, shoot artillery there. With all the curtseys to torpedoes, it is the artillery that inflicts overwhelming damage. This is what you need to use more often. But there is no need to wait for a 100% opportunity or aim for the perfect target. This game is not about that. It's about systematic shooting in constant movement. Well, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to say that only by making a few hundred, and maybe thousands of shots, will you learn to shoot correctly, because if you don’t learn, you won’t be able to win, since the main thing in World of Warships is not as much skillful maneuvering as competent shots at the enemy.

This concludes our guide for beginners to World of Warships. We hope you found it useful.

Hi all. The Gamebizclub team is in touch and today we continue our series of articles about the World of Warships gaming universe. Most likely, you have already received general information about the game from ours. In this article, we invite our readers to study in more detail the new MMO action game from the Wargaming studio and get an answer to the main question - how to play World of Warships and become a successful player? Our tips will help beginners understand all the intricacies of the gameplay and take the first steps towards achieving the status of an experienced captain.

Don't neglect training

As you know, knowledge is never superfluous. Some players prefer to explore game world in the process of passing. However, by studying the tutorials for beginners before starting the game, you can save a lot of time and avoid many common mistakes.

How to get training in World of Warships? The basics can be found on the official website of the game. The time it takes to download and install the client will be enough to familiarize yourself with general information about the gameplay, types of ships, main teams and battle modes. This will make it easier to understand where to start your development in the game and how to use your capabilities to the maximum. The knowledge gained can be applied in the first battles. At the initial level, players fight with bots, not with real people. Having chosen a nation and their first ship, newcomers have the opportunity to try their hand at fighting artificial intelligence. These battles allow you to familiarize yourself with the controls and feel the atmosphere of the game.

Consider your boat's capabilities

There are four classes of ships available to players in WoWS: destroyers, cruisers, battleships and aircraft carriers. Each of them has its own characteristics. When building battle tactics, you need to remember the strengths and weaknesses of the selected vessel. For example, if you go into battle on a destroyer, you will have to constantly maneuver, avoiding enemy attacks, since even one well-placed shell can penetrate your armor.

Captains of heavy battleships are not so afraid of single shots. Their main threat is torpedoes. It is necessary to take into account that the battleship accelerates very slowly, and it cannot be called particularly maneuverable. Therefore, the captains of such ships should not rush into the very epicenter of the battle, where they have no chance of hiding from enemy attacks.

Cruisers attract beginner players with their versatility. But it is precisely this feature, oddly enough, that is their main drawback. They are a cross between battleships and destroyers. Devoid of their main disadvantages, cruisers also do not have significant advantages. Playing on such a vessel requires some experience and the ability to work in a team. After all, captains of ships of this class can achieve the best results when operating in a group with a battleship and other cruisers.

The most controversial type of combat vehicle in WoWS can be called aircraft carriers. Their impressive potential can turn the heads of novice captains. However, in the hands of inexperienced players, these powerful weapons of destruction are practically useless. Playing on an aircraft carrier requires a holistic view of the battlefield. This class is designed for players who know how to build complex tactical schemes. After all, the captain has at his disposal three types of combat aircraft, each of which has its own purpose.

The choice of ships in WoWS is quite large. The question arises: is it worth playing on different classes of ships or is it better to stick to just one? The best thing to do would be to try different variants and choose the one that best suits your playstyle. We recommend reading our article about, it details both premium ships and representatives of the main development branches.

Use projectiles wisely

WoWS players have access to three types of shells: high-explosive fragmentation, armor-piercing and torpedoes. By studying the features of each of them, the ship's captain can significantly increase the effectiveness of attacks. It is worth noting that there are no upgraded shells for gold in the game. This to some extent equalizes the opportunities for premium account holders and gamers who play for free.

A high-explosive fragmentation projectile (HEF) has an explosive effect. It's too weak to penetrate armor. It can be used to cause superficial damage or set fire to an enemy ship. OFS are quite effective in combat with destroyers. Also, well-aimed fragmentation shells can destroy individual modules of an enemy ship.

The armor-piercing projectile (AP) is the main equipment of armored battleships. Their use is somewhat reminiscent tank battle. The ballistic features of the AP allow it to penetrate serious armor in two cases. The first is a direct fire strike. When a projectile enters a ship's armor at right angles, its destructive force is hindered by less steel. Option number two is mounted shooting from a decent distance. As a result of such an attack, a shell can hit the deck - the most unprotected area of ​​the ship.

When choosing shells, it is important to correctly evaluate their characteristics. Often, novice players do not understand how fragmentation shells differ from armor-piercing shells. Due to higher damage indicators, beginners mistakenly assume that OFS are obviously more effective than BB. However, an equally important indicator is the penetration power. By combining different types of shells and using them in the correct sequence, you can neutralize even an impregnable enemy battleship, not to mention cruisers and destroyers.

Torpedoes can deliver devastating blows to enemy ships, as they hit the waterline and almost certainly penetrate armor. However, to achieve the desired effect, the player will have to try. The main disadvantage of torpedoes is that compared to other types of projectiles they are quite slow. And therefore it is much easier to dodge them.

In order for a torpedo to hit its target, several rules must be followed. Firstly, this self-propelled projectile should not be fired from a distance of more than 2-3 kilometers. The ideal option is point-blank shooting. In this case, the enemy will not be able to avoid the blow. But by launching torpedoes at random, you can not only waste them, but also cause damage to your allies. Game statistics show that it is with shells of this type that players most often mistakenly hit members of their team. Secondly, you should not fire torpedoes after an outgoing or maneuvering ship. The chance of a hit will be much higher if your target is the side of the ship.

Master the principles of team play

To paraphrase a well-known proverb, we can say with confidence that one at sea is no warrior. Different classes of ships complement each other in battle, creating a cohesive team. The ability to competently coordinate your actions while in a squad with real people largely determines the outcome of the battle.

If you have already mastered the basics of WoWS, chosen a suitable ship for yourself and learned how to control it, it’s time to try yourself in team play. By teaming up with friends or any free players in squads, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of the battle and get much more benefit from it. To become part of the team, you need to go to the port and click on the corresponding button located at the top of the screen, next to the “Battle” button. You can join an existing squad or invite players to yours.

Why WoWS is considered first team play? As mentioned above, each type of ship available to players has its own pros and cons. There are no ideal courts here. Cruisers, battleships and destroyers complement each other, creating a single game mechanism. Each participant becomes a unique piece of the puzzle, a necessary link in the team structure. That is why their effectiveness depends on the coordination of the players’ actions.

It will also be useful for beginners to know that the game has an automatic system to prevent “teamkill”, i.e. destruction of allies. If a player damages a member of his team or even sends his ship to the bottom, he will receive a penalty. For such actions against brothers in arms, gamers will have to pay with their experience and credits. In addition, by attacking a team member, the player receives a “teamkiller” rating. At high values, shooting at allied ships entails mirror damage. You can lower your rating by destroying enemies with the same weapon that was used against a team member.

The tips we gave in this article will help you take your first steps in the World of Warships game and avoid some mistakes common to beginners. However, no theory can replace personal experience. Therefore, we say goodbye to our readers, giving them the opportunity to use the acquired knowledge in practice. Read our blog, subscribe to updates - and you can get a lot more interesting information about World of Warships and other computer games.

World of Warships is a shareware multiplayer tactical action game dedicated to exciting naval battles. More than a hundred warships are available in the game, the prototypes of which were real equipment from the Second World War. You will find sophisticated marine technology from Japan, the USA, Great Britain, the USSR and Germany. Teams consist of 12 ships on each side. The task of each team is to capture the enemy base or destroy all enemy ships. If two bases are captured simultaneously (or almost simultaneously), two teams are destroyed, or the battle time is exhausted, which is 20 minutes, a draw is declared.

Client games are the most common type of computer entertainment. Their main feature indicated in the name itself: such projects use a special set of files to launch. It is called a distribution for short.

Unlike browser games, the files of which are stored somewhere far away on the server, in the case of client games the user must install it. On the one hand, this is not always convenient, because client game cannot be launched instantly on any computer. On the other hand, the presence of a downloadable client makes it possible to significantly improve the graphics and content of the game.

In order to launch and comfortably play World of Warships, you need to make sure that the computer at hand meets the system requirements of this game.

System requirements can almost always be found on the official website.

Minimum requirements:

Windows 7, Core2Duo 2.7 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 28 GB HDD, 9.0c GeForce 8800GT/9600GT, Keyboard

Successful World walkthrough of Warships You will be provided with knowledge of game nuances and secrets, some of which are presented in our knowledge base. We advise you to read the information provided before starting your journey in this naval online gaming project.

Since a wide number of gamers who love MMO-action military theme more than familiar World of Tanks, then we will try to lay out many nuances in comparison with this game project.

Versatility of gameplay

Particular attention should be paid to the mechanics of the game. The controls in the game are quite simple, but despite this, you have to seriously think about tactics. There is a greater variety of damage inflicted, maps are more spacious, there are more ways to defend and deal damage, and the game speed is higher.

Knowledge of the map, for example, is not mandatory, as in WoT. In this game project there is no room to play depending on armor or terrain. In World of Tanks cards more symmetrical with specific directions marked on them for further advancement. All you have to do is take an advantageous position to strike and wait. This won't work in World of Warships. You will need to constantly think through your next steps.

A lot depends on the classes and team

Completely conditional, but the class of ships can also be compared with the classes of tanks. Battleships can be classified as heavy tanks, cruisers as medium tanks, destroyers as light tanks, and aircraft carriers as artillery tanks. Each has its own clear task and several ways of application. For example, a heavy IS-7 in WoT will have enough time to return to base to assist in defense. But a battleship is unlikely to be able to do this.

Regarding aircraft carriers, they can be classified as a radically new type of equipment, which has its own gameplay. They, like artillery, have the ability to cause damage to the enemy across half the map. But to do something like this, you need a great understanding of battle strategy.

All aircraft that fly out to attack the enemy are given separate orders. There are several types of planes in the game and each of them combat mission does it in its own way. Somehow it turns out additional game in Game.

Team play plays a fairly large role in World of Warships. For example, a very dangerous enemy can be squeezed from all sides by your planes and torpedoes of an allied destroyer - this will not leave the enemy a single chance of salvation.

Constant movement

Ambushing and waiting patiently for enemy units is not at all the style of gunships. In this gaming space, the situation changes every minute and you have to adapt on the fly. Having drawn up a certain plan of action, do not forget to create a couple of backup options in case events begin to develop not according to plan.

Stopping a ship in the waters can actually be equated to death. In WoT, on the contrary, when the number of various maneuvers increases, you can most often go to the hangar. Therefore, it is possible to ambush ships only with the trick included in the next paragraph.

Use new techniques

In this game project, firefly destroyers and medium cruisers are equipped with formidable weapons - torpedoes. Can you even imagine for a minute that in World of Tanks light tank manages to destroy a representative of the top ful heavy tank just a gulp of one drum. But an accurate hit by almost all torpedoes gives a greater chance that the enemy battleship will be sunk.

Destroyers have the ability to camouflage themselves while moving. For this purpose, staging of smoke is provided. But it is worth remembering that the smoke is not endless. This is in some ways similar to the “fog of war” in strategy games, which can be placed anywhere you need it.

The enemy can only see a dense and large smoke screen. Therefore, focusing on the illumination of enemy ships, one can fire from such a curtain with almost impunity. Of course, unless you are on the edge of the smoke. From this place a shot can give you away. And it’s even impossible to imagine that in WoT it would be possible to arrange bushes in this way.

Combat World modes of Warships

Choose a military mode

“Ships” has a PvE mode, where you have to fight against computer bots. Tanks players do not have this opportunity. In World of Warships, playing against bots is not an easier gameplay option. This is the same game, only easier from the point of psychological stress. A team of real players plays against bots who are endowed with sufficient intelligence. First of all, in this mode, if you lose to the computer, it won’t be so offensive. Plus, while playing with real opponents, some offensive message may appear in the chat addressed to you.

Also in this project a game mode for points has been developed. Here you are given the task of capturing and controlling a certain area of ​​the map for some time. In this case, it is necessary to correctly distribute forces and, in addition to this, to make the right maneuver, and not try to crush the enemy with fire. Destroying the enemy will certainly help, but still. In some ways, this mode has similarities with the introduction of several bases to capture during team confrontations in World of Tanks.

It is also worth noting some other aspects of the World of Warships gameplay. You can explore ships for experience and credits, which you can quickly earn by having premium accounts and transferring experience for gold. There is also the opportunity to become the owner of a premium ship.

To successfully command the navy, you need to know the characteristics of each of the classes of ships presented.


Combat vessels of this class are the fastest of all presented. During historical events, representatives of this class were very maneuverable and high-speed ships, on board which were located deadly weapons - torpedoes. It was these torpedoes and speed that made destroyers a threat to any class of ship. They were developed in the same way in this game project.

The power of a torpedo explosion should not be underestimated. After all, one torpedo holds 400 kg of explosives. A precise hit by such a torpedo on a target below the waterline can cause irreparable damage. And to destroy everything that moves, four of these are enough.

Destroyers are also equipped with another feature - a smoke screen. If used correctly, your fleet will have a significant tactical advantage. But you should be extremely careful. If smoke is used incorrectly, it can only cause harm and it will not be an enemy fleet at all. Therefore, destroyers should be chosen by more experienced players who have the knowledge of what and how to do.

Battleships (battleships)

In a situation where there is no opportunity to cheat and maneuver, by the way, the enormous firepower of battleships is greater than ever. They are the heaviest gunships, designed to sink anything that floats. The longest-range naval weapon, capable of hitting targets on land and sea - this is what battleships were like before the advent of aircraft carriers.

These sea vessels were equipped with the heaviest armor, which perfectly protected them from all types of weapons. At that time, missiles were still too weak to survive such armor. However, they also have a weakness - low maneuverability.

Representatives of this class pose a danger to almost everyone, with the exception of destroyers. After all, you still need to hit them. And given the speed of the battleship, this is practically impossible to do.

The destroyer has plenty of time to quietly circle the battleship while it tries to adjust its slowly rotating guns. Well, what can you do, what is the caliber of the weapon, so is the rotation speed. It is not at all quick to aim heavy turrets at the target. But armored targets, other battleships, and cruisers may take a hit. Get out, shoot and move on. Of course, not without due support from allies.

In this game project, not all situations need to be solved with the help of the main caliber. And the most striking confirmation of this are the cruisers. They are capable of accommodating a wide variety of weapons. In most of the parameters they are average. They combine some of the characteristics of light destroyers and heavy battleships (artillery weapons).

The cruiser can rightly be called the most flexible type of military vessel. He is the brightest representative of air defense and always rushes to where representatives of other classes of ships are trying to quickly escape - straight into the attacking enemy aircraft. The cruiser can be artillery, equipped with powerful armor and heavy weapons. You can do it, for example, in a universal Japanese version, where artillery and torpedo weapons are combined. It depends on your wishes and possibilities.

It is also worth noting the fact that each individual fighting machine through the efforts of the developers, it represents all the ships in this series. It follows from this that a single combat vehicle is a bright representative of all ships of this class and all the characteristics of the ships are a collective image.
Moreover, using this series, you will see that cruisers are not just a statistical set of certain modules, but a certain organism that dynamically develops.

Taking part in combat confrontations, you have the opportunity to increase the strength of the propulsion system, the power of radars, change the main caliber turrets, and increase the caliber of the gun. The possibility of such modifications for this type of ship is very important, because thanks to the replacement of modules, in most cases ships can be significantly changed in their specifications.

Only in this way will it be possible to change not all ships. This is only possible for those that were modified by such modifications during historical events. The diversity of the cruiser class is also influenced by national characteristics. For example, Japanese cruisers have a greater range of hitting the target, while American cruisers have a longer range best armor and radars.

Aircraft carriers

The fourth class of warships in World of Warships are aircraft carriers, which are second in size, second only to battleships. In terms of speed of movement, they outpace battleships and are approximately the same as cruisers. They are endowed with high speed in order to easily change position. During the offensive they are closest to enemy ships, and in case of retreat they easily move to the edge of the map. To catch an aircraft carrier, you need to put in a lot of effort and skill.

They differ from other classes of ships in that they are endowed with the ability to “shine” better than other ships. Plus, they are endowed with colossal striking power, which even the power of battleships cannot compare with.

Regarding their strengths, aircraft carriers differ from others in the range of their air groups, which can easily fly across the entire map space. In this world, where warships reign, aircraft can attack the enemy from the most unexpected angles. For example, taking advantage of a mountain, the enemy covered part of his fleet so as not to receive a direct blow. An air group is able to go around the mountain and attack unsuspecting enemy ships, thus entering from the rear.

But there is also a weak side of this class of military equipment - aircraft can be shot down. And the more aircraft the enemy manages to shoot down, the less damage they will be able to inflict on his fleet.

Despite their disadvantages, the mobility and tactical diversity of aircraft carriers make them the most interesting class in world of Warships. You will encounter the following types of aircraft:

  1. scouts;

  2. fighters;

  3. bombers;

  4. torpedo bombers.
WITH scouts things are quite simple. Once in the air, the planes illuminate the map. You just need to move them from one corner to another on the map. This way you can find out where the enemy fleet is hidden.

Before fighters there is a more serious task ahead. You can send your fighters to destroy enemy scouts, as well as his fighters. They can also be used to destroy enemy strike aircraft, thus reducing the damage they cause.

Torpedo bombers They are not fast and maneuverable. They are faced with the task of delivering a torpedo to the target. To do this, it is best for him to enter from the side and drop a deadly load on a given target. The most ideal option would, of course, be to simultaneously release torpedoes from both sides. This option does not allow the enemy to dodge the blow.

U bombers The choice of offensive actions is a little more varied. To attack, they just need to enter from any side: either from the sides or from the front. Of course, in front will be the best option, because planes flying towards the ship are under the guns of anti-aircraft guns for a minimum amount of time.

The aircraft carriers are similar in their armament and therefore the game on them is approximately the same. But there are still some differences in design, size and armor. So you have the opportunity to have your own version of gaming actions. Some aircraft carriers with good armor cannot even sink a cruiser with its artillery. Therefore, aircraft carriers are quite suitable for use on the first line.

World of Warships combat modes

To date, the game has three battle modes: random, cooperative and training.

Random battle mode

In its turn random battle can be of three types:
  1. counter battle (one base);

  2. normal battle (two bases);

  3. superiority.

Fight with one base - counter

There is only one base on the map, which does not belong to anyone. If only one team's ships are in this zone, the capture counter starts.

To win, you must fulfill one of the following conditions:

  • after the counter reaches 100%, victory is awarded to the team that managed to capture the base;

  • If all the ships of one of the opposing teams are completely destroyed, victory is assigned to the surviving team.

Fight with two bases - normal

Initially, there are two bases on the map, each of which belongs to one team of participants.

The victory is protected under the following conditions:

  • if the base was captured, then the team that captured it wins;

  • If all the ships of one of the opposing teams are destroyed, then victory, of course, remains with the surviving team.
Conditions for capturing a base
If a ship is in the waters of a common zone or at a base that belongs to the opposing team, and at that time there are no enemy ships in the territory of this zone, then the zone is considered “captured”.


  • a corresponding sound signal is issued for players of both opposing teams;

  • The process of zone capture is also displayed. The time allotted to capture the zone is 360 seconds. This time depends on the number of ships that take part in capturing the base.

If there are destroyed ships in the zone, this in no way affects the capture.

The capture indicator displays its maximum progress among all ships present here.

The capture speed depends on only two ships out of all that are at the enemy base. But at the end of the operation, capture points will be awarded to all ships located in this zone.

Shooting down a grapple is possible if damage is caused to the ship that is taking part in the grapple. In this case, it is possible to reset the capture progress to only half.


The team is given a goal of gaining 1000 points, beating the enemy team. It is also necessary to prevent the team from having zero points.

To score points, a team must:

  1. capture and hold control points (CT). CTs differ from regular combat in their operating principle of bases:

  • captured control points bring their owner 3 points every second;

  • Several CTs are placed on the map, their number may vary;

  • 45 seconds of time are allotted for CT acquisition;

  • CT scans can be recaptured. Having recaptured a CT from the enemy, your team immediately begins to receive points from it;

  • When located on the territory of a CT, it can be protected from capture or recapture.
  • destroy enemy ships
    • By destroying an aircraft carrier or battleship, you are awarded 60 points. And by destroying a cruiser or destroyer - 25 points;

    • Losing an allied ship results in a penalty for the crew. Having lost an aircraft carrier or battleship, the score is reduced by 90 points, and having lost a cruiser or destroyer - 40;

    • the team that scores the first 1000 points automatically becomes the winner;

    • a team that has lost all experience points automatically becomes defeated;

    • provided that the entire enemy fleet is destroyed, the team is awarded victory;

    • If none of the teams managed to score the required amount of points to win at the end of time, then a draw is awarded.

    Co-op battle mode (with bots)

    This game project also provides for confrontations against bots (PvE). Teams of up to 8 players take part in the battle. If before the battle the team does not recruit the required number of participants, then these places are filled with bots. This mode brings half as many credits and points. also in this mode The “superiority” type of combat is impossible.

    Combat mode – training

    Designed so that new players can familiarize themselves with gameplay and practice a little before taking part in real confrontations.

    In such a fight, of course, you do not earn any experience. If the ship is damaged, it is repaired automatically and free of charge. Payment for equipment is made in the usual way.

    Worth remembering

    To defeat the enemy in battle, you need to stock up on a variety of strategies and a large number of tactical decisions. Dealing a decisive blow to the enemy fleet is possible in different ways, which you choose yourself: whether to arrange a surprise ambush for the enemy, an insidious flanking attack, or go into open confrontation “head-to-head”.

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