Fable: The Lost Chapters: An excellent collection of tips and secrets (silver keys, chests, weapons, leveling up, quests, your own brothel, your own tattoos, etc.). Down with epic pathos! Fable 2 secrets xbox 360

Tips for beginners

Newcomers to the world of Fable will have a hard time surviving.
But don't worry, I will try to help you with this.
As you begin your combat activities, you begin to receive experience points.
You can spend them on anything. But in order to protect you from wasting experience on unnecessary spells, I want to recommend the following:

    At the beginning of the game, it is best to level up your physique, stamina, and health.
    This is necessary so that you do not die from a fight with some pathetic hobb.
    Skills also need to be upgraded. But they already play a secondary role than strength.
    I advise you to upgrade them in priority order:
    1. Speed(Increases attack speed. Quite a necessary thing)
    2. Accuracy(Not a particularly necessary thing at the beginning of the game, but still)
    3. Cunning(Wasting experience on it at the beginning is stupid. But it will come in handy in Oakvale)
    1. Physical shield
    In fact, a very necessary spell, even if not many people think so.
    I advise you to fully upgrade it before entering the Arena.
    Why is it so useful? The answer is simple: it reflects enemy attacks.
    When activated, the spell prevents enemies from injuring you.
    Actually, the combat multiplier does not drop. And the higher the combat multiplier, the more experience points you can collect. That is, if you want to quickly gain experience at the beginning of the game, then go to Hobb's Cave, activate the spell, increase the combat multiplier and rejoice at how much experience you have gained.
    Also, every time you miss a hit, you waste mana. Therefore, stock up on potions.
    When moving from one location to another - combat multiplier decreases 2 times.
    Please take this into account.
    2. Hail of Arrows(Different translations have different meanings)
    When shooting from a bow, not one arrow flies out at a time, but as many as 5. Accordingly, the damage will be much higher.
    3. Wrath of the Underworld
    A very necessary spell in the Arena. When activated, a circle is formed around the hero, in which tongues of flame burst out from under the ground. It is very good to use when you are surrounded by many enemies and you need to get rid of them quickly.
    4. Time dilation
    A necessary thing in the fight against bosses. Slows down time for everything and everyone, except the hero himself. Welcome to the Matrix :D
Everyone chooses for themselves what to use and what not to use. I only advise.
There are a bunch of completely useless spells. Think before you spend experience.

Easy Money

At the beginning of the game, it is quite difficult to earn enough capital in order to buy the necessary ammunition for battles. But I will help you with this.
So how can you make money early in the game?

Method No. 1
It requires perseverance and patience. Yes, he's a little dishonest.
So I advise fans of “pure” games to ignore this point.
There is gambling at the Bowerstone Inn. Namely, finding card pairs.
Everything is given 30 seconds. And during this time you need to match 8 pairs of cards.
Quite difficult, but if you find an approach, it can be easily implemented.
What's the point? But the point is that when you have been dealt cards, you open the first row, remember the cards, press ESC and write down the whole thing on a piece of paper prepared in advance. Then repeat all this with the remaining 3 rows. Well, what to do next, I think, is already clear. Since the maximum bet is only 1000, you won’t make much profit from this business. But on best armor there is certainly enough in this city.

Method No. 2
This method will require some advancement in the game world.
You need to get to the mission where you need to lead the traders through the Darkwood to the Hill Fields. So, as you complete this quest, you will find yourself in the location where the merchants’ camp is located. There is one NPC there selling gifts. Jets, emeralds and all that. Everything is simple here. You buy and sell them immediately. The profit for one such operation is ~7000. Be a little more diligent and you will no longer deny yourself anything.

Method No. 3
This is a pure kind of cheating of game currency. But if you have no desire to get it through more honest means, read on.
Do you have money and have you completed the Arena? Welcome to North Bowerstone.
There is a shop there where a merchant sells emeralds.
You buy ALL the emeralds and immediately sell them to him.
The profit is very large and very easy.

Now I will describe ways to make money more honestly.

Method No. 1
Trophies. On the one hand, it’s a useless thing, but no.
When you buy a house, you equip it to the maximum.
Come in and look for signs on the walls.
Approach it so that it lights up blue.
Then, without leaving, you go into your inventory\things\trophies.
Select a trophy and click apply.
The higher its value, the more profit you will attract.
Then get out of the house and sell it.
Come in and take the trophy. You repeat everything from the beginning.

Method No. 2
Trade. Useful in the initial stages of development.
The value of some things varies depending on the area.
In cities and taverns, everything is expensive, but you can buy it from merchants who roam the world of Albion at a minimal price. You buy things/food/items from merchants and sell them to city stores or taverns at exorbitant prices. You won’t get particularly rich, but the question won’t arise: “I already have everything, what’s the point of further playing?”

Method No. 3
Gambling. Don't underestimate them. With due attention and good skill, you can replenish your bag of gold with new coins.


So, my young friend, now I will teach you the art of theft. There is nothing complicated, you just need patience and reaction. To steal items, you need to improve your cunning. The higher it is, the better. However, if it is less than three, then, alas, nothing will work out for you. This way you can earn good money.
Let's get down to business. This method is best used in gun shops and clothing stores.
However, you can go and steal an apple from the item merchant, but that's not what we need. Your profit will depend on the value of the things you steal. That is, they can be both valuable and cheap. Best used in large stores where there are a lot of things.

We will need:
- Beer
- Patience

You go to the store with beer, approach the merchant and give him the beer.
8 mugs will be enough for him to wander around the store like a zombie.
Next you have a choice:
-Wait until night
-Escort the merchant from the store

If you have chosen first option, then be prepared to wait.
This method contains much more risk than the second.
But if you are an extreme sports fan, read on.
After the merchant wanders around the store for a long time, night falls.
We are waiting for this miracle to stop in place and fall asleep.
We turn on CAPS LOCK (Default - sneak), and approach the thing and steal it.
Also keep an eye on the minimap. If it opens, wait until the NPC looking at you leaves. Since the door to the store is open, someone might come in. But this usually doesn't happen at night.

If you have chosen second option, then this is the right decision.
At the beginning, everything is exactly the same as in the first one - take beer and get the merchant drunk.
When he starts wandering around the store, you push him out the door. It is advisable to push it away from the porch. He will never find his way back. Steal whatever your heart desires.
However, if you do this during the day, there is a chance that someone will come into the store.
This happens rarely, but be on the lookout.

What to do after you've cleaned out the store?
Go and sleep on the bed 2 times (if you finished during the day). In the morning you go to the store again and sell all the stolen things. Repeat if necessary.
As for me, this method is much more interesting than trading emeralds.
And yes, don't forget to save before raids.
In case you are noticed, in order not to pay a fine, load your latest save.

You are already quite a cool and famous hero. It's time for you to master magic properly. But there is no experience to improve spells. What to do?
There is a mission with Jack-of-the-Shadow (in different translations in different ways).
So, in the middle of this mission you appear in the Hobbs' Cave.
Go to the door at the end of the location and open it. You find yourself in a more or less round hall.
The monsters here are endless. We turn on our “Physical Shield” spell and multiply our combat multiplier. Try not to let him fall. This way you will gain more experience.
Personally, I had the patience to get my combat multiplier to 190.
This took me about 25 minutes of real time. But I got 1,000,000 experience.
If you are very lucky and have potions with you that increase your stats, feel free to drink them. It’s just better to do this with a high combat multiplier.
Normally, such potions give 1000 points. If you drink it when you stuff it,
for example, 134x - your points will not be 1000, but as much as 134 thousand.
In addition to all this, while gaining experience, you can eat food that gives characteristics - thereby increasing the amount of experience gained.

Almost everyone who reached the Avo temple asked the question, “How can I get this sword out of the stone?” Only today, here and now, will you learn the whole truth. To pull a sword out of a stone you need to fully upgrade your physique, stamina and health. The sword itself does 198 damage and costs like your kidney 44,100 coins. This is far from the best option, but for the middle of the game it is quite suitable. So if you find a better unit, you can safely sell it.

This is what every hero in the Guild dreams of from early childhood. You can only get the Avo sword if you give up the Sword of Ages in the battle with Jack. How to find him? After the quest "The Lost Sword", where you need to read the book in Maze's tower, go outside to the graves and talk to one of them at night. After this there will be a short cutscene with a monologue where you are recognized as worthy of the sword. The sword itself deals 230 damage and costs 126,250. Its stats are similar to its dark brother, the Sword of Ages. Although this sword does not have the highest damage in the game, the modifiers installed on it + its lightness allow you to deal much more damage during the time it takes you to swing a heavy sword with high damage. This makes it the best weapon in the game.

A complete analogue of its “lighter” brother. You can get it by going to dark side and killing his sister Teresa. What to do and which sword to choose is up to you to decide. It also deals 230 damage and costs 126250. The choice is yours.

A huge mace with spikes. It is a two-handed weapon and is rumored to have belonged to the Archon's bodyguard. Of course, I don’t know who this is. Has 255 damage and costs 62475 coins. I'm not a fan of these weapons, so I can't say that I like them. You can get this device by donating 40,000 coins to the Avo Temple. You just need to do this at noon. You will also be given good points for this.

In my opinion, this is one of the few weapons in Fable TLC that looks very impressive. This beauty costs 69825 and deals 285 damage. Is two-handed heavy weapons, which is clearly inferior to the light and maneuverable tear of Avo. But if you are already fully upgraded, and this is most likely the case, since this sword can be obtained almost at the very end, then it is quite suitable for you. You can pick it up in the Necropolis behind the demonic door. To open this door, you need to give it all the keys. But don't rush to do it. In the Necropolis, in the chests, lies the highest-end armor in the game. It makes sense to get it first and then hand over the keys. You can find out what kind of armor there is in the “Armor” section, which is below.

The object of desire and adoration of all schoolchildren who played this game. To the question of his 7-year-old brother, “What is the biggest, coolest and most powerful sword in fable?” Feel free to answer "Solus". And not in vain, because it deals 314 damage, which allows, when hit by a shield, to send the enemy’s head on a journey through neighboring galaxies. In addition to devastating damage, it also has a crushing cost of 69,825 coins. If you have money, buy it, it won't be a waste. If not, then save up or look at the 3rd method in the “Easy Money” section of this guide. The disadvantages of this sword include its heaviness. If you're a jerk, it's not for you. Also, do not forget that for one blow with this sword, Avo’s tear deals more blows, which ultimately gives the total amount of damage more. But in combination with the Berserk spell, you can chop enemies in half in one blow. Avo’s tears can no longer do this. And of course, a screenshot of this beauty - enjoy.

Skorm's Bow
This is the most powerful bow in the game. And you can get it almost at the beginning. But to be sure, do this after completing the mission “Camp Two-Knives”. Your task: make sacrifices to the magicians in the chapel of Skorm. This chapel is located in Darkwood. The entrance to it is located near the traders' shelter. Sacrifices must be made at midnight from Friday to Saturday. Your very first day in Albion (day 0) is Sunday, so start donating people a few minutes before days 6, 13, 20, 27 (days can be viewed in your character statistics). To obtain the weapon, you need to earn enough evil points by sacrificing followers. Hire mercenaries in Oakvale, South Bowerstone, Temple of Avo and Camp Two-Knives and lead them to the Temple of Skorm. Don't forget to save before the process. The threshold value of evil points is 500 units. If you got that much for one sacrifice, you'll definitely get a bow.

Meet the Archon armor, it is the best in the game. Armor class - 1109. You can get it in Necropolis by opening a silver chest that requires 25 keys. After this, you will no longer need the keys, so you can give them to the demonic door, which is located behind the bridge. Behind the door lies the “Life Taker” sword. You can read about it in the "Weapons" section. Also, since we will not consider other types of armor, I would like to say that the top armor (until you find this one) is dark / light plate. Her armor class is 938 + helmet 100. Total = 1038. Well, I would like to note that the dark / light helmet looks very cool. In the meantime, look at the Archon's armor in all its glory :)

Perhaps many of you have noticed a certain cellar behind the tavern that is always closed.
How to get there? Everything is extremely simple. At the Observation Square location, there is a statue that, for the most part, does not point anywhere. So, wait until she points to Bowerstone and you can safely go to the basement. It will be open. However, there is nothing particularly valuable there. So you don't have to do all this. What the statue looks like on the Observation Square - see below.

Did you like the game but have you almost completed it? No problem! After completing it, while turning on the end credits, watch them to the end without pressing the Esc key. After watching the credits, you can continue playing. There will be no new quests, no. But it will be possible to complete the old ones, if there are any left. The world of Albion itself is quite interesting even without quests. True, over time, after studying every square meter, it becomes a little boring, but it’s not so scary. Happy research :)

YOUNG Freeloader
While studying at the Guild of Heroes, you will find an NPC (at the entrance to the tavern) who will ask you to exterminate the annoying sparrows. There are 7 of them in total. But if you kill 6 first, go to the NPC for a reward, and then finish off the last one, you will get more coins rather than kill all the sparrows at once and take the reward.

There is a fight club in Camp Two-Knives. If you haven’t yet leveled up your fighting skills, then there is a way to win fights extremely easily. Just call a few robbers with you, wait until nightfall and go join the fight club. Your podans (robbers) will give cabbage soup to each of your opponents, which will give you an easy victory.

During the quest to find the Archaeologist, you will need to open the demonic door. But to open it, you need to enter the name of the door (HITS) on the stones. If you enter - S H I T instead of HITS, then two werewolves will attack you. I think those who played the game without a cracker know about this feature.

When you leave the Guild, the first quest you will take is to kill the Queen Wasp, who attacked the park. If you don't take it, the events of the game will stop and you will be able to travel throughout Albion. Thus, it will be good to pump up like this. But I don’t see much point in this because further game It will simply not be interesting.

The aging factor constantly haunts the player from the very beginning of the game. Along with age, appearance also changes, but there is one small feature. No one in Albion ages except you. "What kind of crap is that?" - you ask. Welcome to Fable, it's normal here. The only aging characters in the game (besides you) are Whisper, Briar Rose and the girl with the bear cub. But you still won’t be able to plant the latter because it only matures up to the “Not yet” bar. It's a shame.

I don't know if you noticed, but if you follow the residents in the morning, you will see that they are having breakfast! The husband sits down decorously at the table, and his wife also serves him breakfast. True, the morning menu includes only an apple, but that’s a fact!

This secret is little known and not particularly useful, but it is definitely worth attention. If you kill 1020 guards in Oakvale at once, the guards will be replaced by white werewolves. This activity will take you about 5 hours, or even more.

Temnolessky brothel is a place where all your desires come true. This location is full of opportunities both in terms of your personal life and enrichment and leveling up of your hero. So, we appear in a brothel and immediately want what we came here for - to make our “dreams” come true. There is a demonic door in the backyard of the brothel. To open it, you need to fuck more than 10 girls. After this, it will open, but there is nothing valuable inside. Owns the Pereschup brothel. And he has one weakness - alcohol. This is what we will use now. We give him 6-8 glasses of beer, then a video starts in which he will tell you where the invoice for the brothel is buried. We go to the statue and dig up the invoice. After this you will have a choice:
- Become the owner of a brothel and have all the women for free (+1710 coins every three days)
- Turn a brothel into a shelter for women (You will receive kindness points and respect from women)
However, for exotic lovers there is another opportunity to get an invoice for a brothel without soldering Kuroshup. Dress up as a woman (dress + red wig on the 2nd floor) and you can sleep with him. The statistics will then say that you are bisexual. If you wish, you can serve other clients. This is Fable, I have nothing more to say.

If you haven’t found any secret here, it means it’s not particularly interesting or doesn’t have any practical use. Mostly secrets are published here, with the help of which you can obtain significant benefits in material terms. I don’t see much point in Easter eggs that don’t carry any meaning. If you think that your secret simply must be here, write it in the comments. If it is unique, it will be added here, and the nickname of the person who suggested it will be highlighted in large font. Popularity and all that.


Personally, I don’t see the point in this section, since the game can be completed without any hints from the other side. The whole process is intuitive and no one will have any difficulties. But if you suddenly encounter insurmountable obstacles, then there is a video below complete passage in Russian. Information on how to install the same crack as in the video is also available in this manual.

Silver keys



Since the community of the Fable TLC game is almost inactive, since the writing of the manual, it has practically not changed because there was no audience. But despite this, almost 4 years later, the management has changed dramatically. All sections were completely rewritten from 0, a bunch of new and not very interesting information was added. Also, graphics and a few jokes were added, which were sorely lacking to diversify the text array. In this guide, I have collected everything that an ordinary gamer needs who does not want to waste his time searching for information on the Internet. Everything is collected here in one place. For some there is a lot of information, for others not enough. I tried to touch on all the important aspects of the game, thereby not forcing any actions on the player. Here you will not find any instructions for passing. Only those aspects are described here, the answers to which may arise during difficult moments or choosing equipment / searching for secrets. I hope this guide is useful to you and remember that if you have questions, ask them in the comments. I look at them as much as possible and answer you. Also, when copying this manual, we kindly ask you to provide a link to the source. And of course, if you think that there is not the information that should be here, write it in the comments and if I consider it necessary, I will add it to the guide with attribution. Or you can write your own guide describing this information and also send it to me. It will be added to the manual. I wish you a pleasant game and thanks to 4000+ unique visitors :)

UPD: Manual update date - 09/02/2017
UPD2: Small text fixes + updating of some sections. Also, the graphic content has been slightly changed. Yes, I'm still trying to make a complete and comprehensive guide to Fable. Update date - 04/01/2018.

Favorite game

Why Fable The Lost Chapters is the best thing that happened in your life?

Where else if not in Fable can you dress up as a woman and serve the unsuspecting clients of a brothel? Only here you can get the seller drunk, then send him out of the store and eventually steal all the things to sell them to him tomorrow. Here you can kick chickens, marry men, watch how you grow old, but everyone around you does not. Here you will be deceived if you are too trusting and punished if you do not know how to steal. You will be able to fart in the face of the offender, seduce men, poke fucks at everyone (even the measure), beat tattoos and do whatever your heart desires with your hair. Only in Fable are yellow apples called green, heroes go with the title of “Kuroshupov”, NPCs eat only apples for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and men make love with their mistresses right in the back yard. Here you can change into enemy clothes and pass by the enemy post without any problems. In the world of Albion, your every action affects not only you, but everything at once. Here you will find riddles that you need to solve yourself, a rich selection of magic and, of course, dynamic battles. And that is why, going through this masterpiece for the 9th time, I experience new sensations every time. Just 10 chickens out of 10. A must-have for any lover of quality and a good plot.

Deficiency role playing games about wizards, knights and all sorts of undead in recent years there was no “tsat”, and in the coming years there is no “tsat” expected. In four out of five RPGs, we are presented with a standard fantasy world, inhabited by good paladins and knights, evil wizards, vile orcs and other annoying characters. And every time a dish called “Another role-playing game” is served with such pathos that sometimes one becomes sick of the importance of the great mission that the player is entrusted with fulfilling. Luckily, not all developers believe that a fantasy RPG needs to be deadly serious. And the brainchild of Lionhead Studios called Fable II is further confirmation of this.

The first part of this RPG passed by most domestic players in the year of release for one simple reason: it was released only for Xbox consoles, and there are very, very few owners of this miracle of technology in Russia. Only a year later, Fable was released in a version for personal computers, and for Macintosh owners - in March 2008. The second part will also be released only for consoles, this time the Xbox 360.

This time we have before us an adventure in a fantasy world designed for one and a half to two dozen hours. Magic and monsters included. Third person view and quite advanced for an RPG combat system. And also a simple plot: in childhood, the hero’s relatives were killed, he grew up and began to take revenge. At first glance it looks boring and unoriginal, but fortunately, everything is not like that at all.

From the first minutes of the game, Fable II immediately makes it clear that you should not expect an abstruse narrative or any hints about the seriousness of what is happening. How can this even come to mind if the game begins with the main character, excuse me, being shitted on the head by a bird? However, God bless him, the feathered one. The game begins with the protagonist’s childhood (gamers are given the choice of who to play as a boy or a girl). This very “childhood” is, on the one hand, a training level - the tricks and subtleties of Fable II are unobtrusively explained to the player. For example, how to earn the love of townspeople or how to save a dog from a bully. On the other hand, the first stage of Fable II quite clearly tells the story of what the player will have to wander around the world (which is called Albion) in the next fifteen to twenty hours. The main character gets into a very unpleasant story, as a result of which his sister is killed, and he himself miraculously remains alive. According to the laws of the genre, all that remains is to grow up, and then immediately go to take revenge on the offenders. The player will be helped by a dog that knows how to gnaw enemies and look for treasures.

The matured hero can travel throughout Albion. Instead of a toy weapon, he is given a real one (however, such that it is not much more useful than a wooden sword from childhood), in addition to this - several potions and unpretentious-looking clothes. A great journey begins, go wherever you want, do whatever you want. There are no character classes as such, and players are quite limited in character development in terms of any combat characteristics. You can only develop three basic skills: physical strength, which affects hand-to-hand combat, agility, which affects the hero’s movement speed and shooting from firearms, as well as magical skills, on which you know what depends.

The world of Fable II is quite large, but it is not as huge as, for example, Oblivion. And in this case, this is more of an advantage than a disadvantage. Those who are not warmed by the idea of ​​​​"living" in the game will not have to fear that they will be able to get lost in the vastness of Albion. Plus, Fable II has a convenient navigation system: if you are too lazy to learn the way to the nearest city, you can turn on the “glowing path” (this is something like a magic GPS) and, without wasting time wandering around the game world, get where you need to go.

In addition to tasks that are part of the main storyline(find and take revenge, I remind you), the player will have to complete secondary tasks. Most of them are based on the same formula: go there, kill so-and-so, save so-and-so, come back for the money. Despite the seeming triviality of the process, walking, saving and returning does not get boring. And for many reasons.

Fable II has a pretty good combat system. You can fight enemies using bladed or firearms, as well as magic. Accordingly, by skillfully combining them, you can (and should) deal with your adversaries very effectively. Particularly beautiful and spectacular moments of battles are shown with the camera zooming in and time slowing down, and it looks very, very cool.

The wonderful banter over fantasy toys in most of the quests also adds positive emotions. For example, there is an ominous organization in the game called the Temple of Darkness, which will become a home for those who want to become the personification of evil in Fable II. And in order to become a full participant in this organization and sacrifice people, you must commit a monstrous evil. Which turns out to be eating five fried chickens. Although from someone’s point of view, killing a chicken may be comparable to killing a person, yes, but in Fable II this whole mess with the Temple of Darkness is presented in such a way that it inevitably becomes funny. In the good sense of the word.

The quests themselves also often bring surprises. For example, they give you the task of finding a bride for a farmer’s son. The hero runs and searches for a long time. Finds it. Exactly so that upon returning to the farmer he finds out that his son is not really interested in girls and he likes boys more. All that remains is to say “Ugh!” continue to look for adventures.

In general, by the way, suspiciously a lot of attention was paid to the topic of people with not the most traditional sexual orientation in Fable II. Apart from the aforementioned farmer's son, on the way to victory the hero will meet numerous gays and lesbians, an ominous transvestite (in the plot he must be killed), and in one of the locations the character is constantly pestered by male prostitutes. The cherry on top of this rainbow cake is hidden quest, appearing at the very end of the game, the essence of which is to change the gender of the main character. Here we will refrain from comments and hypotheses, but we will inevitably treat Lionhead with caution and, just in case, we will prepare for Fable developers II pair.

In addition to the main and side quests, there is a lot to do in the world of Fable II. To earn money to buy weapons, useful potions and other things, you can get a job. At first, the choice is quite modest: work at a forge, at a logging site and in a pub is available. Accordingly, it is necessary to forge swords, chop wood and pour beer into mugs. Each such "job"

is a simple mini-game and gets boring pretty quickly. But in order to make capital in the early stages of the game, you can be patient. Then, as the hero gains fame, other, more diverse ones become available. different types activities. For example, shooting fugitives or kidnapping people. Again, it depends on whether the hero committed “good” or “bad” actions during the game. You can also earn money by gambling in pubs. Only these games are rather strange and not very interesting. It’s better to pour beer in the same pub, it will make more sense and make more money.

When the necessary weapons and clothing have been purchased, you need to start buying real estate. And there is a lot of room for activity here, believe me. At the beginning, you can buy cheap houses and rent them out, then move on to more expensive real estate, and gradually earn money for a huge castle. The developers claim that rent from housing rentals and earnings from purchased stores are transferred to the player's account every five minutes, even when he is not playing Fable II. To do this, you most likely need to connect to the network. Xbox Live to synchronize time, since nothing like this happens offline. The solution is quite logical, since only after disconnecting from the network can you change the system time to another and, for example, set the date to 2020. We’re too lazy to count how much money would be in the hero’s account then, but believe me, it’s unlikely that we’ll be able to spend this amount in Fable II.

Well, a few words about the hero’s social activity. In order to shop in discount stores, buy cheaper houses and enjoy other benefits of the people's favorite, you will have to win the hearts of the peaceful inhabitants of Albion by all available means. You can communicate in different ways: play the lute, dance, or show the severed head of a killed enemy. You can grimace, burp and make other, even more indecent sounds to make the townspeople laugh. Well, if you don’t care about your opinion of yourself, you can send passers-by on erotic walks, point your middle finger and shout at them. The model of behavior depends, again, on who you want to be: a renowned saint or a legendary brawler.

And now about the unpleasant stuff. Straight up and straight forward: Fable II's biggest flaw is its controls. Its unfinished nature manifests itself everywhere: in mini-games, in battles, and when attempting any interaction with the outside world.

During fights, magic behaves very strangely. If immediately after the hero completes, for example, a blow with a sword, you try to immediately use a spell, nothing will work. The hero will thoughtfully, slightly groaning in pain, stand rooted to the spot and fight off the blows of enemies with his face and other parts of the body. The pause of about one and a half to two seconds between the transition from a sword strike to magic is not indicated in any way, and this is definitely bad. Devil May No one is demanding Cry from Fable II, but at least making the controls more responsive would be nice. The shortcoming, in principle, is not very serious, but still annoying.

In addition, in two out of five cases, when trying to open a chest of gold, steal a sweatshirt from a closet, or perform any other similar action, the hero refuses to do anything. This is despite the fact that the “Use” option appears on the screen. You can press the action button for half an hour and nothing will happen. If you please, turn a couple of circles around the chest to understand at what angle you need to stand in order for this “use” to happen. And that's bad. We can only hope that all these shortcomings will be eliminated in the near future.

Many players may not like the fact that dying in Fable II has almost no negative consequences. If the hero is killed during the battle, he will come to life after one and a half seconds. All the character will pay with is lost experience (the losses, believe me, are scanty), and appearance (an extra scar will appear). This deprives the battles of intrigue, and the point of spending money on healing elixirs, which cost quite a lot of money, disappears.

I was disappointed that there was no co-op mode in the final version of the game. Yes, they promise to “attach” it to Fable II immediately on the release day. But while co-op is missing, we won’t praise the game for it.

Fans of classic RPGs may be put off by the even more stripped-down hero development system inherited from the first part. There are not enough all kinds of skills, and you don’t have to choose what to develop and what to sacrifice: by the end of the game, the character is “pumped up” to the maximum and has no weaknesses as such at all. Well, it's not such a flaw, it's just the way the game is. You will have to choose very often during the passage of Fable II, and many of the hero’s decisions will influence further development events in the game.

Despite all these minor and not so minor flaws, Fable II will certainly not disappoint all those who liked the first part of the game. The sequel has everything a fan of the series needs: significantly improved graphics, a more spacious world, a bunch of tasks, in general - good old Fable with changes, improvements and additions. Fans of games like Oblivion should approach Fable II with caution: you'll need a sense of humor and an awareness that not all RPGs are meant to be the same. Well, if you have never played an RPG at all, you can safely try playing Fable II. The game turned out to be funny, interesting, quite long and very easy.

And to hell with this epic fantasy pathos.

The personality of Peter Molyneux needs no introduction. Old-timers probably remember the master’s hand in such projects as Populous and Dungeon Keeper, while the current generation is more familiar with his work in the Black&White duology and the game Fable. At the beginning of the new century, Molyneux decides to temporarily leave his hobby, the genre of so-called god-simulators, in order to try his hand in other directions. His first project is Fable for Xbox. A little later, a modified version of the game appears called Fable: Lost Chapters, which is also released on personal computers. The release of this project on several gaming platforms turned out to be so successful and was so warmly received by players and critics that in 2006 the ubiquitous Microsoft acquired the Lionhead company. It is clear that with such success of the previous project, the issue of producing a sequel was just a matter of time. Now Fable 2 is in the final stages of development, and we present our readers with a detailed preview of this extraordinary game.

The events of the second part will unfold approximately 500 years after the end of the original game, all in the same fairy-tale kingdom of Albion. The details of the plot are still kept secret, but the main idea behind Fable 2 was to make the game completely free, non-linear, without being tied to a clear sequence of missions.

Players will have the opportunity to grow their character, starting from a young age and right up to gray hair. Special attention is paid to changing the body - according to appearance There will be a lot to know about the characters. For example, to guess what kind of weapon he prefers (archers are slender, swordsmen are more broad-shouldered), how much he takes care of his appearance, and so on. But the most important thing: all actions and actions performed by the player will have a direct impact not only on the character himself, but also on the world around him. Molyneux promises that any change, even the smallest one, in the game will have far-reaching consequences. A choice made once at the beginning of the game can, after some time, affect the “political” situation in the kingdom, the fate of specific people, and even the appearance of cities. In a word, players should receive that same “absolute” freedom that they did not get in Fable: Lost Chapters.

The list of the main innovations of Fable 2 looks much more interesting. Conventionally, they can be divided into 4 categories: 1) The appearance of a dog in the game - a permanent four-legged friend with quite interesting “functionality”. 2) Redesigned combat system. 3) Unique cooperative mode based on gamertags. 4) Family and family relationships. Now let's look at each of the points in more detail.

So, in Fable 2 you will finally have the opportunity to get yourself a favorite dog. Which, moreover, will grow with its owner. At first, it will be a young, cute puppy with furry paws and a wagging tail. However, over time, he will grow into a purebred dog, which will accompany the owner everywhere and even fight with him “shoulder to shoulder.” What’s even more interesting is that the dog’s appearance will change in accordance with the play orientation of its owner. A kind and friendly character will have a four-legged friend who will look like a fluffy, cute husky (lapdog, poodle, shepherd dog - underline as appropriate). But the scoundrel’s dog looks like a feisty Doberman with long fangs, powerful muscles and a grumpy disposition. It’s better not to hand-feed this!

Of course, the dog will not only accompany the owner on his travels, but also help in “ military affairs" As soon as a fight breaks out, the dog will automatically begin to attack enemies. Moreover, precisely those who are this moment pose the greatest danger to its owner. For example, if the hero encounters a group of robbers armed with bladed weapons and pistols, the dog will rush forward and first of all grab the leg of the owner of the firearm. On the other hand, if its owner himself prefers to deal with enemies from a distance (say, with a gun), then the dog will protect him from adversaries with melee weapons, so that they cannot get close to the shooter.

No matter how events develop, the dog does not need supervision (read: management). She will independently run after her owner, wag her tail, and in case of a fight, rush at enemies. Since the dog has a more acute sense of smell, it will be able to find some camouflaged objects, attracting the attention of its owner to them, and also warn him of impending danger with a loud bark. The dog can even guide the player to a distant target, acting as a living GPS navigator.

However, our smaller friends also have their drawbacks. A four-legged friend, like any other Living being, susceptible to injury and injury. The sight of a limping, whining pet will make even the most notorious scoundrels show compassion and heal the dog with a simple spell. If you leave a crippled dog to the mercy of fate, it will still find its owner. Even after a few days. And just like that, whining, he will wander after him, clasping his untreated paw... It’s not for nothing that dogs are called the most loyal creatures.

In your free time from wanderings and fights, you can simply play with your favorites - for example, throwing away a ball bought for the occasion. And the dog will always bring it again, hoping for another throw. And then everything depends on the “character” of the pet. Like most dogs, he may not want to give the toy to his owner. Strict imperative intonations will help here, making him understand that he needs to listen to the owner always and everywhere. Or a portion of simple human affection. Or a bone. Or even a kick in the croup.

The behavior of dogs is very natural, not only in terms of behavior, but also in terms of animation. They even lift their legs up against the tree, as if they were alive. The most interesting thing is that “evil” shepherd dogs can perform the same trick over the bodies of fallen enemies... Truly, you will have to think three times before deciding on the karma of your character. Because we are responsible for those we have tamed.

The new combat system is closely tied not only to the controls, but also to the game interface in general. Already in Lost Chapters it was quite compact, and in new version games will practically disappear altogether. Many of its functions will be rethought. For example, the game will allow you to instantly explore nearby surroundings using one button – LB. In this case, the camera seems to “take off” from the hero’s back, rises into the air and automatically focuses on the most interesting event/object nearby.

Fable 2 generally takes a rather interesting approach to storytelling. All cutscenes in the game (with the exception of the introductory one, which will last just under two minutes) start when the player presses the watch button. During a demo of an early version of the game, Molyneux showed an incident of a bandit attack on the town of Bowerstone. When the hero standing on one of the streets began to “look around,” the camera focused on how a group of villains was killing a civilian on a nearby street. After the massacre, the bandits “spotted” an observer standing nearby and headed towards him, clearly not with the intention of wishing him good health. An excellent occasion to demonstrate a new combat system.

Fable 2's combat system is as simple as it gets. All actions in a certain category of weapons are performed using a single button. For example, in the case of using melee weapons, quickly pressing the “X” button means a strike, holding the button means a block, and if you hold and release the button, the hero will perform a special attack. Although in order to perform a special attack, you will have to hold the button for some time to accumulate a special “rage” scale. If the character receives a blow at this moment (even while in a block state), then the scale is reset to zero and you have to start all over again.

Depending on how quickly the player presses the button and how long he holds it, the hero's fighting style and the blows he inflicts will change. Thus, with just one key you can “wind up” entire combinations of strikes. Pressing twice quickly, briefly pausing, and pressing and holding again is one combination. Press once, hold, then two more times quickly - this is another one. And so on. Each fight is like a dance with weapons, and a sense of rhythm will play an important role in how well the player can fight. In order for the player to better feel the rhythm, during the battle special combat music is turned on, which, with the beating of drums, “tells” exactly when to press the button.

The other two buttons will be dedicated to the categories of ranged weapons and magic. In the case of using firearms (after 500 years this will no longer be a novelty on Albion), the scheme operates in the same way as in contact combat. Simply by pressing the “Y” button, the character will fire “cowboy-style” from the hip, without particularly aiming. By holding the same button a little longer, he will be able to aim more carefully and deal significant damage. Apparently, the same situation is expected with the reading of magic spells. Alas, the developers talked least about this side of the game. We only know that there will be only eight basic spells in Fable 2. Such a low number is compensated by the possibility of “pumping” them, which ultimately leads to almost 80 final subspecies.

Depending on your fighting style, the game will periodically throw in beautiful Matrix-style endings. For example, when an adversary, having received a fatal charge from a musket in the belly, spectacularly soars into the air and, swinging his limbs, lands in the nearest bushes... In most cases, such scenes occur during counter-attacks, which require a certain reaction and a bit of luck from the player. A counter-attack is made at the moment when the enemy is just starting to strike. After the player character seizes the initiative, the inevitable “movie” follows. This whole procedure is accompanied by spectacular camera angles from several positions, zooming, and the obligatory use of slo-mo.

By the way, during such cinematic endings, main character does not turn into an indifferent spectator, but still has the opportunity to “finish off” an enemy who is in prostration (or flight). For example, effectively kick him or give him additional acceleration with an elbow strike...

A lot also depends on the environment within which the battles take place. If the character is near a bottle or chair, he will be able to pick up this object and bring it down on the enemy's head. Near the wall - slam your opponent against a stone with all his might, so much so that he breaks his neck. In a bar, it will be quite possible to bring down a chandelier on the enemy’s head, and so on. The animation and movements of the player during battles and “fatalities” will be influenced by a lot of different factors - starting with age (it is clear that it is much more difficult for a child to push a large opponent against a wall), continuing with the level and skills of the player and ending with his worldview.

At the beginning of the game, it will be quite possible to get by with randomly poking the attack button. However, at later stages this trick will no longer work with the same effectiveness, because the enemies will become wiser. You will still be able to win using the above-mentioned method, but you will have to spend more time, and the scars will noticeably increase. But for hardcore players who have bothered to study the combinations, there will be real freedom here. Having felt the rhythm of the battle, they will be able to dance around their enemies and sting them painfully, remaining practically unpunished.

But there will be no death - as such - in Fable 2. Just like there will be no return of the hero to the nearest save. Instead, the hero will simply “fall” to the ground, rise to his feet, and immediately continue fighting enemies. But every death must have its price. When the player character loses all health, he will find himself lying on the ground, and the surrounding monsters will happily begin to kick his body. In order to get back on his feet, the player will have to make a choice - lose experience, money or fame. If the player decides not to pay any price, he will still rise, but another "indelible" scar will appear on his body. Over time, the stingy character will look like a pincushion - there will be so many marks on him. Residents of the kingdom will be able to determine just by the appearance of the hero how experienced he is in battle, which will affect their further attitude towards him. If you wish and have a certain amount of money, the scars can be hidden by contacting a local “plastic surgeon”.

One of the most striking and anticipated innovations in the game is the possibility of offline cooperative playthrough of the game with a friend, shoulder to shoulder. And in the final version they also promise an online mode. Co-op battles were originally planned to be added to the first part of Fable, but for a number of reasons it was never there.

The most interesting moment in new system is that the players participate in the game on not entirely equal terms. The main player has more privileges, while his “guest” is equated to a mercenary and is somewhat disadvantaged in his rights. For example, minor characters will not be allowed to take dogs with them. However, this is not the most important thing.

Information about the second participant is retrieved by the game from the Xbox live database, and after the end of the joint adventures, all the experience and money received by the second player are credited to his account. Main player before start cooperative game will be able to establish the amount of fame, experience and money that each of the characters will receive during their collective adventures. This allows us to create the most flexible conditions for cooperation. Let’s say that if one of the heroes needs to grow faster in development, then he can get priority rights to the experience gained in a joint battle, while the other character will take the lion’s share of fame and money.

During a cooperative game, two characters of opposite sexes can come together and have the opportunity to communicate with each other, show certain emotions and even flirt. Or - if one of the characters is married - simply accompany each other in all adventures. It looks especially cute to visit the heroic families together.

At the press screening of the almost finished game, Molyneux and his friend, as they say, “simulated” the situation. Two heroes - a woman (the main character) and a man (mercenary) - returned from distant travels to their mother's home. Small children ran out into the street to greet their mother, whom they had not seen for a long time, but the husband was clearly unhappy that the beloved had been absent for so long, and even brought some well-built warrior with her in tow. Jealousy? She's the one. Having heard several not entirely flattering epithets addressed to him, the mercenary, without hesitation, pulled out a pistol and shot his raging husband...

The developers unanimously convinced that this was a completely ordinary game situation, which would also have consequences. Let's say, if the mother does not settle down right away, but continues to wander, then her fatherless children will completely lose parental care and end up in an orphanage. Of course, no one will stop the mother from finding her children again later, but they are unlikely to be the same carefree tomboys who greeted her at the door - Fable 2 is very realistic when it comes to such serious issues. That is why you need to choose your companion carefully. The hero himself is not able to kill his spouse, and one accidental (or intentional) shot from a partner can easily put an end to the happy “family life” of another player. In addition, if the employer’s character has a good reputation and bright karma, but gets a notorious villain as a partner, this will immediately affect the attitude of the people they meet towards the “duet”. A mercenary cannot completely destroy the employer’s good name, but it is possible to cast a fair shadow on him.

But when it comes to real enemies, a partner is only useful. Co-op combat even rewards players for performing combos together. If one character sends an enemy into the air with a powerful blow, and the other shoots him down while “flying,” both of them are awarded bonus experience points.

The experience itself is presented in the game in the form of small luminous balls that fall out of the bodies of adversaries during battle. Naturally, the more effectively the players conduct the battle, the more experience they gain. Since the strength of enemies in cooperative mode increases very little, both participants in a joint battle are directly interested in learning better paired combinations - this is the only way to get really good profit from the battle. Another incentive to play together.

Another important feature of the cooperative mode is the ability of the main character to give things to his mercenary. And, of course, players will have to face the famous demonic doors, the idea of ​​creating which successfully migrated from the first part of the game to the second. As before, in order to open the doors and receive valuable prizes, you will have to fulfill certain conditions... But some of the doors will forever remain closed to those who neglect the cooperative mode.

As for gold, the local game currency, it is not mined in battles. To get rich, you will either have to get a job (oh, how realistic everything is), or invest money profitably - for example, in the same real estate. In the demo version of the game, the developers showed off the city of Bowerstone, which players may remember from the original game, where it was just a small settlement. After 500 years it turned into a large medieval metropolis. The variety and size of local gaming cities is truly impressive, approaching The Elder Scroll: Oblivion.

Here you can also see with your own eyes a lot of all kinds of residential and municipal buildings, market areas with trading stalls, eateries and castles. And almost every building can be purchased as a property - if there is enough money for it. What's even more interesting is that most buildings available for sale will have quests associated directly with either them or their owners.

When it comes to that much-needed "despicable metal," Fable 2 has a few more options for mining it. Except permanent job with “full-time work”, it will be possible to combine several professions - for example, day and night. The list of available specialties has not yet been regulated, but with a high degree of probability they will include the positions of a bartender, a blacksmith and an assassin. And in your free time, no one bothers you to earn extra money as an adventurer and carry out all sorts of errands. By the way, you can get more money in a simple way- joining his friend and becoming a mercenary for him.

Another way to earn some gold for pocket money is through gambling. An analogue of local “tavern” entertainment is called Keystone and is a hybrid of several casino games: roulette, craps, odd-even (red and black) and others. What's even more interesting is that the mini-game will be available to download via Xbox Live Arcade in the weeks leading up to Fable 2's release, allowing players to earn enough cash to get an "easy start" into the main game, which will arrive later.

According to statistics announced by the developers themselves, only about 10% of those playing the original Fable chose to complete the game for evil characters. Most likely, a similar situation is expected with the release of the sequel. However, Peter Molyneux strives to saturate the game as much as possible with situations in which the choice between a good and a bad deed will not be so obvious. In some cases, a player who wishes to stay on " bright side“You’ll have to make a fair amount of sacrifice. And this “something” could be his family.

Any family is based on the relationship between two people. And Fable 2 should become the standard for these relationships in relation to virtual worlds. A male player character will be able to “show up” to almost any girl he likes, start a conversation with her, give her a gift, make an impression, etc. Then everything will go according to the established pattern - flirting, dating, kissing and sex. Or flirting, dating, wedding, sex. Here, who has what moral principles and principles. Marriage will not only take place - here you can even marry representatives of the same gender as the character! But in the event of a wedding, you can count on a dowry, which will be provided by your father-in-law or mother-in-law.

As for sex, they won’t show it - the screen will simply go dark. So lovers of “hot coffee” and others like it can easily forget about Fable 2. Moreover, here, as in real life, making love without contraception leads to the appearance of offspring...

The stage of pregnancy will be different for everyone. Men will only have to worry about ensuring that their beloved does not need anything, while female characters learn all the delights of intrauterine life from their own experience. During pregnancy, women grow a very real belly. And the longer the period, the more the presence of the belly will affect the heroine’s behavior...

But as soon as babies start crawling around the house, the player can safely call himself a family man. Naturally, the developers plan to make the family in Fable 2 as real as possible.

The gaming family completely relies on the “breadwinner”. Considering that it is not so easy to get money here, you need to think carefully before acquiring offspring, the maintenance of which costs a pretty penny. If the player begins to ignore the natural needs of his household and does not bring them food on time, they will starve and lose weight. Children will run after the “folder” and plaintively announce that they really want to eat... Taking out a piece of apple pie and eating it in front of your own children screaming from hunger is a great way to spoil karma a little more.

Characters with an overly positive worldview will have the same “angels” who obey their parents in everything, are meek and peace-loving. A villain is highly likely to give birth to offspring of bullies, parasites and brawlers. The same applies to your personal relationship with your child. Feed him sweets and take care of him - and he will adore you, dreaming of someday becoming like his parent. Starve the brat, or let your mercenary shoot his father in front of his eyes - and he is unlikely to experience tender feelings for you ever again.

Graphically, the project is fully consistent with today's realities, while maintaining a recognizable corporate style. Huge world occupies an area several times larger than in the original game. Beautiful forests, dynamic lighting and shadows, bright, vibrant colors - everything is here. The work of artists and designers is especially impressive - both buildings and monsters are consistently made high level. But the most important thing is that there is still a feeling that you are in a fairy tale.

And finally, some interesting numbers. Albion in Fable 2 will be approximately 10 times the size of the original world, with 11 fully explorable regions and approximately 30 dungeons. The game will feature about 100 customizable weapons, 70 types of clothing and uniforms, 20 tattoos and hairstyles. In addition, players will be able to take part in 150 unique missions, play half a dozen built-in mini-games at any time, and the total volume of dialogue will exceed 160,000 lines. This is what it will be like – Fable 2. Potentially, one of the best virtual fairy tales of our time.


Peter Molyneux is preparing to surprise once again. Taking as a basis the best developments of the original Fable and enriching game process With several promising innovations, he's getting closer every day to creating the game of his dreams. In which everyone can do what they love, start a family, or become the most recognizable person in Albion. Where good and evil go hand in hand and do not always interfere with each other. Where there is always work to be done for strong hands, and a goal for the sword. Fable 2 will include everything that did not “fit” in the first part, and much, much more. Anyone can visit the fairy tale, and very, very soon.

Tip for beginners:
Here are the tactics for leveling up your character from the very beginning:
First, pump up health and strength at least (up to four)
2) Then mana
3) Then a physical shield.
You need health so that if you suddenly run out of mana, you can escape alive.
Mana is needed in order to physically. The shield did not end longer.
With a physical shield you can take on the missions “Without a Scratch” and “Naked”.

Always buy as many bottles as possible to increase your life.

Tips for leveling up
At the very beginning of the game, pump up your physical shield, slowdown, push and the total amount of mana from magic, strength (or physique, in all translations differently; in general, melee damage), accuracy and speed to the maximum, the rest is almost not used . There will be no problems with money even without buying and selling, which, by the way, is best used in Darkwood Camp and Boverstone North, and the effect depends on appearance, worldview, and cunning, so buy mana potions, activate a physical shield, shoot enemies from afar , and when they come running from this far (if they come running at all), cut them down with a sword. There will be a lot of experience from this, since the combat multiplier does not drop when you miss hits.
With bosses you can use magic that increases the power of a bow strike, I cast it three times - the first time Jack, who was still fiddling with masks, did not manage to hit me even once.
The best armor in Necropolis is in a silver chest that requires 25 keys, so it's worth collecting them for. Best weapon: a heavy sword in Boverstone North for 76,000, but much better than the Tear of Avo or the Sword of Eternity, which you get after the first kill of Jack, but since you can’t get to these weapons right away, buy a couple of sets of light weapons (swords are preferable - if the enemy is stunned and fallen, you can stab him right away, but with an ax you can only kick him with damage 10 per kick, in practice this means that you will kick the race for about five minutes) with different attachments for different situations and types of weather. The best bow is given in the temple of Skrom for sacrifices. But there is a little secret - bring the mercenaries exactly at midnight. I managed to get the bow in two trips. There is also a crossbow in Darkwood for 20 keys, but a crossbow is worse than a bow according to the developers’ principle, and it’s more difficult to get.
Total 92 combat multiplier. The truth in the mission Try to stop Jack of Blades, where the monsters are endless...

How to make your own tattoo?

Do you naturally think that everyone who plays the game has the same character? No, it's a mistake. Everyone is trying to change the character to make him different from others. So, if you have a desire to make a hero different from everyone else, then you should read this article. Well, let's get started.

Open the folder with the tattoos (it is located in the “Windows folder disk”:\My Documents\My Games\Fable”). We look for our Tatoos folder, go into it, find our profile (the folder with your name in the game) and open it. Inside you will find: arms.bmp, back.bmp, chest.bmp, face.bmp and legs.bmp. Next, we open any of these files in Paint"e and edit. After all the work on the file, save it and go into the game. Then we look for an NPC who will give you the treasured tattoo, it will look the same as all the others, in the form of a tattoo cards.
We buy it, and it is automatically applied to the hero, then we take off his clothes and admire our creation.

I also advise you to make a copy of the file you are changing, because no one guarantees you that everything will go smoothly, and the game may not start after modding.

Fast money
1) buy a house
2) break the door and leave your trophy (the more expensive it is, the better)
3) we sell the house along with the trophy (the sale price increases due to the trophy)
4) after the sale, we take the trophy from the house
5) buy again

You can repeat as much as you like.

Simple troll killing
The easiest way to kill earth, stone and ice trolls without losing lives is to pump up the “fire strike” magic (the hero hits the ground with his fist, fire spreads from the impact) to at least the 1st level. Hit the troll close (even with a stick), and when he raises his hands to hit, it’s best to use “fiery strike” Shift+LMB, he will hit, but life and experience will not be taken away...

You can become the owner of a brothel. for this you need:
1) Six glasses of beer.
2) Dress up as a woman (Wig required)
3) Give beer to Strarik, the owner of the Brothel.
4) During sleep, he will tell you where the brothel's files are buried.
5) Present the papers to the old lady who is standing next to Group.
6) Then you have 2 Options: Either make the brothel a haven for women, or don’t do it, collect rent from the brothel, and have all its women for free.
By the way, by dressing up as a woman, you can have men walk around the Brothel territory for 200 coins (They pay you)

Arena walkthrough
1) When fighting with ordinary monsters, it is advisable to use the magic “God’s Wrath” or “Wrath of Hell”.
2) One of the most difficult things in the arena is the fight with the stone trolls. Run behind one and hit him, His jumps can be ignored. The second one will throw stones at him.

There is a quest - find all the hero dolls and donate them to Bowerstone School. I know where to get three. Gambling is a useful thing, as described above. If you play long and successfully in the village where Balverin-Knothole Glade was killed, the game master will give you a hero doll (the doll of the hero’s mother). And at the same time, you can easily earn money for good armor before the fight in the Arena. In Bowerstone Manor, a hero doll is sold in the store. And I took another one from the assassin who attacked me.
Weapon Tips
The coolest melee weapon is not behind the demon door in Necropolis, but in trading store in North Bowerstone - a kind of wavy sword.
But it turns out that the damage parameter is not the main indicator of lethality; the “Value” parameter is much more important. Let's just say that the "damage" parameter is fully effective only with a successful combination, and different types of weapons distribute the damage inflicted differently on each subsequent blow. Therefore, light weapons with less “damage” but with the same “value” are often more effective than heavy ones, since they can be wielded 2 times faster.
Thus, the light sword “Tear of Avo” (or the sword of Skorm, depending on the plot you choose) takes first place in terms of lethality, its “value” parameter is almost 2 times higher than that of that wavy sword, so do not forget to complete the quest of the same name.
This can also be easily checked: hit an enemy with a specific weapon and see how many points he has decreased - good proof of the importance of the “value” parameter.
And one more thing, a thin hero takes the weight of a weapon, but a pumped-up hero with his own strength;) Therefore, numerous experiments will not be superfluous.
Well, the coolest bow is, naturally, the Skorma Bow. Where to get it is written above. Its maximum hit takes away 600 hit points from NPCs like the bandit.

Gray key
To get the gray key in the second part of Headman's Hill (if you don't want to marry Lady Gray), complete the Mayor's Invitation quest before the battle with Thunder, and when he throws you down, just fish the key out of the water, save, load this save, and just leave the place of the fight in North Bowerstone, take the Mayor's Investigation quest, go through and do not marry Lady Gray.

Demon Doors
How to open demon doors? And like this:

How to open: You need to use the lamp that you have in your inventory on it.

2. Door in Lookout Point.

How to open: The door will open during the main quest near the end of the game. You definitely won't miss this moment.

3. Door to Greatwood Gorge.

How to open: Kill any NPC in front of this door or eat 10 crunchy chicks. The door will also open if you are 100% evil.

4. Door to Greatwood Caves.

How to unlock: You need to raise your combat multiplier to 14 or higher. The best way to do this is to go all the way down into Hobbe. Rise to the exit, putting a physical shield on yourself, and kill all the Hobbies that get in your way. Force push helps a lot in this matter. At the exit from the cave, the combat multiplier will be reset to half, so you need to pump it up to 30 or higher.
Alternatively, you can shoot the earth troll near the door with your bow. This will also be a good thing to increase combat multiplier, and the troll will not die so quickly.

5. Door to Rosewood Cottage.

How to open: Give the door some gift from the gifts section of your inventory. Just make sure your door is “lit” before doing this.

6. Door to Darkwood Marsh.

How to open: Everything is simple here. The door will release four waves of guards at you. Kill them all and the door will open.

7. Door to Darkwood Bordello.

How to open: For this door to open, you must have 10 in your statistics in the “How many times have you had sex” column.

8. Door to Barrow Fields.

How to open: To open the door, you must be fat. To do this you need to eat and drink. The cheapest way is to buy and eat 60 carrots. Or eat meat and drink large quantities of beer.

9. Door to Gray House.

How to open: To open it you must be married to Lady Gray.

10. Location: Abandoned Road.

How to open: Approach the door first with a full set of Bright Plate
Mail suit, then into Will Users suit and finally into Bandits suit.

11. Door to Witchwood Stones.

How to open: This door opens as part of the story quest. So you are unlikely to miss it or get to it earlier. To open it, you need to get the word H.I.T.S. hitting magic stones in the same location.

12. Door to Knothole Glade.

How to open: Shoot the door with a bow. Just before this, you need to pull the bowstring as long as possible to achieve maximum shot power. It is also better to use a powerful bow for this.

13. Door to Headmans Hill.

How to open: No way. This door serves a different purpose and will open during the quest if you decide to marry Lady Grey.

14. Door to Lychfield Graveyard.

How to open: The door also opens during story quest. You need to find Nostro's things in the cemetery and bring them back to his grave.

15. Door to Necropolis.

How to open: The door takes all your silver keys (regardless of their number). So make sure you don't need them anymore

All silver keys:
1. Guild Woods. Fish the bubbles near the entrance on the right side. (You will, of course, need a fishing rod for this).
2. Lookout Point. Cut through the bushes next to the statue in the center of the location.
3. Bowerstone South. The key is on the second floor of the tailor's shop (which is next to the entrance to the city).
4. Bowerstone South. Donate 25 books to the school.
5. Bowerstone Manor. The key can be obtained as soon as you gain access to this location. Either marry Lady Gray or pawn her and become mayor yourself. The key is in the bed in Lady Gray's bedroom.
6. Fisher Creek. Fish above one of the bubbles north of the fisherman's house.
7. Fisher Creek. Win a fishing competition.
8. Orchard Farm. Fish over the bubbles from the pier.
9. Greatwood Lake Go up to the closed bridge over the waterfall.
10. Rose Cottage. Look for a ring of roses and dig in the center.
11. Hobe Cave. Focus Chamber. Look for a ring of mushrooms and dig in the center.
12. Ancient Cullis Gate. Fish over the bubbles from the bridge.
13. Darkwood Lake. In this location there is a large painted stone. It has a hole at the top. Shoot him with a bow and get the key.
14. Gray House. Fish above the bubbles near the Demon Door.
15. Oakvale. Memorial Garden. Dig under the large statue in the center.
16. Oakvale. Win a chicken kicking competition.
17. Twinblade's Camp. Dig next to the chest near the southern edge of the map.
18. Witchwood Stones. Fish above the bubbles near the Demon Door.
19. Witchwood Lake. Dig under the statue illuminated in red, not far from the entrance to the location.
20. Knothole Glade. In the area of ​​the house for sale (between the houses), look for a circle of grass and dig in the center.
21. Windmill Hill. Look for a circle of flowers near the road (in the field on the left side), dig in the center.
22. Windmill Hill. Dig in the flower mug next to the mill.
23. Lychfield Graveyard. Dig on the grave in the southern part of the map, near the crypt.
24. Lychfield Graveyard. Look in the sarcophagus, in the crypt near the southern part of the map.
25. Lychfield Graveyard. Fish over the bubbles in the pond west of the cemetery caretaker's house.
26. Cliffside. Look for a ring of mushrooms and dig in the center.
27. Headsman's Hill. You will not receive this key unless you agree to marry Lady Gray. During the wedding quest, you will fight Thunder. He will throw you off the cliff into the lower (previously inaccessible) part of the location. Fish in the pond there and get the key.
28. Hook Coast. Search in the closet inside the lighthouse.
29. The Bay. Dig on the grave next to the abandoned building.
30. Necropolis. Fish above the bubbles near the Demon Door.

Chests opened with silver keys and their contents

Location: Heroe's Guild.
Number of keys: 20.
Contents: The Murren Greathammer (two-handed hammer).

Location: Greatwood Lake.
Number of keys: 5.
Contents: Elixir of .

Location: Hobbe Cave. Cave Larder.
Number of keys: 5.
Contents: Will Master's Elixir.

Location: Darkwood Lake.
Number of keys: 15.
Contents: Arken's Crossbow.

Location: Gray House.
Number of keys: 10.
Contents: Sharpening Augmentation (stone for inserting into weapons).

Location: Witchwood Stones (behind Demon Door).
Number of keys: 15.
Contents: Health Augmentation (stone for inserting into weapons).

Location: Headsman's Hill (in a cave).
Number of keys: 15.
Contents: Mana Augmentation (stone for inserting into weapons).

Location: Bowerstone Manor (in Lady Gray's bedroom).
Number of keys: 15.
Contents: Katana Hiryu (the actual katana).

Location: Circle of the Dead.
Number of keys: 10.
Content: iercing Augmentation (stone for inserting into weapons).

Location: Hook Coast.
Number of keys: 15.
Contents: The Murren Greataxe (two-handed axe).

Location: The Lost Bay.
Number of keys: 30.
Contents: The Avenger (one-handed sword) + various stones.

Location: Necrpolis.
Number of keys: 25.
Contents: Full set of Archon armor (recommended).

Blue mushrooms
In the quest where you need to collect 4 blue mushrooms there is a little “secret”:
1. My aunt’s first mushroom in the “Picnic Zone”
2. Second - In the Guild of Heroes, near the Demon's door. (Bubbles above the water - use a fishing rod)
3. The third in the Guild forest with the Man (Kill him or Complete his quest)
4. Fourth from the seller in Barrow Fields (Hill Fields) - Can be bought ($1000) or stolen ($750 fine, +8 to evil)
That's the whole secret.

Like 31

Vasily, as in the second. In the third, everything is the same, but done at a much higher level + there is an interesting second half of the game. Not just for role-playing games, but games in general.

Agi, ahh...clearly, this is not my target audience, that’s why I didn’t hear anything. Let’s not start with the fairy-tale part, but the other criteria (a crowd of monsters, friends on the team, a similar setting) look a little pathetic to buy the game for free. Just look at what is still left of Fabli without its main creator.

Its main creator has been a purely nominal figure and a promise for many years. All the journalists in the world laughed at him. This was widely ranked not only in the Russian gaming press, otherwise I would not have written this. No “main creator” in his right mind would meet journalists and feed them with promises over and over again and constantly describe what awaits them in the company’s next games in such GENERAL terms that even an eighth-grader could prepare his speech better.

Great storyteller. Feeds with fairy tales, feeds. But nothing good comes of it. Black and White 2 came out crap, all Fable after the first part came out pop and weak shadows. The remakes alone were successful.

No need. Uncle Petya, of course, was a storyteller (there are rumors that he was even crazy), but he released The Movies great game, in which almost all of his promises were fulfilled. And the setting of Fable, so praised by you, is also his merit.

As Molyneux talked about the first Fable this is the merit of the entire studio. He very often emphasized this fact in his interviews. You can even Google them or search on YouTube. He constantly says in the plural “we thought”, “we decided that it would be better this way”, “this is the merit of our... (name)”.

And I can’t say anything bad about The Movies either. But this is so old that it is no longer relevant now. The meaning of merit? If this is just a toolkit for the player's imagination? In the same way, we can now say that Media Molecule are geniuses who came up with LBP. But they never really single out anyone from their ranks. And here, you know, Molyneux gave ideas about what instruments and scenery to include in this or that film? Yes, this is funny. What's so genius about this?

Molyneux's Time is the first Dungeon Keeper, Populous, Black and White, Fable and The Lost Chapters expansion.

Everything after that is a series of mistakes and endless promises, sweet smiles. Molyneux was deflated.

Maybe The Movies you mentioned above are ok.

Molyneux always puts the blame on others. The fact that the Dungeon Keeper remake failed is, you see, the publisher's mistake. And similar excuses.

I even have doubts about Theme Hospital did HE really come up with my favorite childhood game?

The Movies is great in almost the same way The Sims with its idea, which by definition cannot become outdated. Although it would also not hurt her to get the embodiment of ideas that were unrealized at one time, which have become possible today.

As for “we”, these are basic rules of politeness. God, he praised the guy who delivered their pizza in the credits. And what? Also a contribution to the game.

Stoker, well, I didn’t like at all that in the third part they threw out all the RPG elements, leaving only essentially the tinsel of it all. I mean gear that didn’t affect anything and was just a pleasant element, there was no leveling up as such, but spirituality remained here, I agree, it’s just that the second one came out warmer or something, this is such a more personal moment, after all, tastes are an individual thing.

This is where I really didn’t quite catch up:

Because all my life I thought that the second part, on the contrary, came out darker than ever and I can’t remember a single bright spot there. A sister is killed for no reason, people are driven into slavery by a giant machine, ghosts want to kill their brides, and so on. And also a dog...

Well, the gear and the elimination of RPG elements this also happened in the second part. Right when they suggested wearing camisoles instead of armor and buying furniture with condoms in stores, instead of spending money on normal things.
