Factorio how to play what to do. Factorio won't start? Is the game slow? Crashes? Buggy? Solving the most common problems. Choosing the right location for your Factorio base

If you are faced with the fact that Factorio slows down, crashes, Factorio does not start, Factorio does not install, controls do not work in Factorio, there is no sound, errors pop up, saves do not work in Factorio - we offer you the most common ways to solve these problems.

First, check whether your PC's specifications meet the minimum system requirements:

  • OS: Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP (64 Bit)
  • Processor: Dual Core 1.5 GHz
  • Memory: 2 GB
  • Video: 512 MB
  • HDD: 512 MB free space

Be sure to update your video card drivers and other software

Before you remember the worst words and express them towards the developers, do not forget to go to the official website of the manufacturer of your video card and download the latest drivers. Often, drivers specially optimized for them are prepared for the release of games. You can also try installing a later version of drivers if the problem is not solved by installing the current version.

It is important to remember that you should only download the final versions of video cards - try not to use beta versions, as they may have a large number of unfound and unfixed errors.

Don't forget that games often require installation for stable operation. latest version DirectX, which can always be downloaded from the official Microsoft website.

Factorio won't start

Many problems with launching games occur due to incorrect installation. Check if there were any errors during installation, try uninstalling the game and running the installer again, after disabling the antivirus - often files necessary for the game to work are deleted by mistake. It is also important to remember that in the path to the folder with installed game There should be no Cyrillic characters - use only Latin letters and numbers for catalog names.

It also doesn’t hurt to check if there is enough space on the HDD for installation. You can try to run the game as Administrator in compatibility mode for different versions of Windows.

Factorio is slow. Low FPS. Lags. Friezes. Freezes

First, install the latest drivers for your video card; this can significantly increase the FPS in the game. Also check your computer's load in the task manager (opened by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ESCAPE). If before starting the game you see that some process is consuming too many resources, turn off its program or simply end this process from the task manager.

Next, go to the graphics settings in the game. First of all, turn off anti-aliasing and try lowering the post-processing settings. Many of them consume a lot of resources and disabling them will significantly improve performance without significantly affecting the picture quality.

Factorio crashes to desktop

If Factorio often crashes to your desktop slot, try to start solving the problem by lowering the graphics quality. It is possible that your computer simply does not have enough performance and the game cannot run correctly. It's also worth checking for updates - most modern games have a system for automatically installing new patches. Check if this option is disabled in the settings.

Black screen in Factorio

More often than not, the problem with a black screen is an issue with the GPU. Check if your video card is compatible minimum requirements and install the latest drivers. Sometimes a black screen is a result of insufficient CPU performance.

If everything is fine with the hardware and it meets the minimum requirements, try switching to another window (ALT+TAB), and then returning to the game window.

Factorio won't install. Installation stuck

First of all, check if you have enough HDD space for installation. Remember that for the installation program to work correctly, the stated amount of space is required, plus 1-2 gigabytes of free space on the system disk. In general, remember the rule - there should always be at least 2 gigabytes of free space on the system disk for temporary files. Otherwise, both games and programs may not work correctly or may refuse to start at all.

Installation problems can also occur due to a lack of Internet connection or unstable operation. Also, do not forget to pause the antivirus while installing the game - sometimes it interferes with the correct copying of files or deletes them by mistake, considering them viruses.

Saves don't work in Factorio

By analogy with the previous solution, check the availability of free space on the HDD - both on the one where the game is installed and on the system drive. Often save files are stored in a documents folder, which is located separately from the game itself.

Controls don't work in Factorio

Sometimes game controls do not work due to multiple input devices being connected at the same time. Try disabling the gamepad or, if for some reason you have two keyboards or mice connected, leave only one pair of devices. If your gamepad does not work, then remember - games are officially supported only by controllers defined as Xbox joysticks. If your controller is detected differently, try using programs that emulate Xbox joysticks (for example, x360ce).

Sound doesn't work in Factorio

Check if the sound works in other programs. After this, check whether the sound is turned off in the game settings and whether the sound playback device to which your speakers or headset is connected is selected there. Next, while the game is running, open the mixer and check if the sound there is muted.

If you are using an external sound card– check for new drivers on the manufacturer’s website.

While the game is in alpha testing, it does not always work correctly, although it surprises with a minimal number of errors. To make the game more fun and interesting, the game has multiplayer. If you have a white ip and open ports, then everything is great, and for the rest instructions for starting.

First of all, you should get a program that will allow you to play online. There are several such programs, for example Hamachi or, but I recommend Evolve. Having all the advantages of Tunngle, it is devoid of its bugs, and also allows you to create their rooms (party), instead of using some left ones. And, unlike Hamachi, it is free.

I'll be using Evolve, but the way I described to connect to the game works for all three programs.

After registering and downloading the program, log in. Immediately add the program to the firewall exceptions list to avoid doing this in the future.

After this you will see a window similar to this.

But first, go to “Start” and enter “firewall” in the search bar and select the line “Windows Firewall with Advanced Security.”

A firewall window opens in front of us. We need its properties.

A warning about disabling protection should immediately pop up. So I don’t advise you to run around all sorts of suspicious sites in this mode. After all changes, click “OK” and close.

To enable everything again, just click on the “PC troubleshooting” checkbox on the taskbar and there click on the notification that the firewall has been disabled.

Now you need to open the program and log in. I I think there is nothing complicated.Right-click anywhere and select “Create Party”

After which you will be taken to the party you created. I've already created mine, so I'll go into it. You won’t see anything bad, your party will be exactly the same.

Now, without closing the party window (you can simply minimize it), we go into the game.

There, click “Settings” and customize the game for yourself.

After all the settings you need to restart the game, otherwise they will not take effect.

Once you have everything set up, go to the main menu and select “Network Game”.

If you are going to host a new game:

  • Click on the "Free Play" option.
  • Configure the parameters of the generated world. In principle, everything is simple there.

If you need to start hosting an already saved game:

  • Select "Download Game".
  • There, select one of the saves.

If you want to connect to an already created game:

  • Select "Connect to game".
  • Paste the IP address you copied earlier and click “Connect”.

The multiplayer itself appeared in version 0.11.x of the game and is still (0.12.32) playable only on low latency networks (LAN). Those. a game between a player from Moscow and a player from Vladivostok will at least not be very pleasant, because the game adopts the speed (tick time) for everyone based on the longest delay between players. In any case, with version 0.12.0 a “hiding delay” function appeared, which allowed the game to be smoother, without strong tick-time jumps.

At this time, multiplayer in the game works according to the p2p (client-client) scheme, which means there is no need for a server, although there is a game build without graphical functionality (headless).

For any serious functions (saving, entering the game, etc.) the game stops in order to synchronize between all players. This means that if any of the players has the autosave setting set to autosave once every 1 minute, then all players, even those who have this setting turned off, will have their game saved once per minute.

Any player can enter existing game to a known IP address and port. When a player joins a game, the game is paused automatically and the player receives a card. If the game host finishes playing, then the remaining players can continue playing ([not verified] in single player) without interrupting the game.

Sometimes desync occurs during gameplay. The reasons for desynchronization can be different, from loss of packets in the network, to different versions mods. Prior to 0.12.30, the game only checked mod versions and did not check their hash, and some players could change game and mod files without telling other players, which could very likely cause desync. When desync occurs, the game is paused and all players download the map from the game host again, and after that the game automatically continues.


Play via LAN/Internet

Playing over the Internet is not guaranteed in the 0.11.x version of the game. The amount of lag in the game depends on the connection speed and delays between all players. With version 0.12.x it has become more comfortable to play via the Internet, because... There is a "latency hiding" feature, but it is still not ideal due to the p2p scheme, where the worst connection from the players is accepted for everyone.

  • All players must have the same versions of the game and mods.
  • It is advisable for all players except the host to turn off autosave.
  • By default factorio uses the port 34197 . The port can be changed.
  • Factorio uses the protocol UDP, so make sure your router is configured correctly.
    • The game implements its own packet delivery protocol, built on the UDP protocol, to reduce packet loss and problems with the order of packet delivery
    • Make sure that your firewall is configured correctly and that your antivirus software is not blocking UDP packets.
    • The game host must have a white (visible from the Internet) IP address so that other players can connect to you.
    • You can also use various software that provides VPN tunnels between players. In this case, your network turns into LAN over Internet, which does not eliminate the problem of delays, but eliminates the problem with NAT. Impossibility to play with 3+ players at the same time.
  • The theoretical limit of players is . :)

Voice chat

Factorio server or why p2p

There have already been quite a lot of discussions about why the game does not use a client-server model. It was decided to keep the client-client model.

True, with version 0.12.x a headless assembly appeared, which emulates the behavior of a server, but is still not one, but simply becomes the host of the game.


  • Now (0.12.x) you can manually change the grouping for each player via the game console. For example, for a player (in a single player game) you can change the faction to “neutrals” with the following command:
/c game.local_player.force = "neutral"


You can also create your own groups (there can be 64 of them in total, including 3 native players, neutral, enemy).

/c game.create_force("force 1") Create a grouping called "force 1". The "player" grouping is used for all players by default; the "enemy" grouping is used for biters; the "neutral" grouping is special, it is not enemy, it can interact with other factions and can also be used by other factions. /c game.get_player("friend 1").force = game.forces["force 1"] Changes the grouping of the player named "friend 1" to "force 1" /c game.forces["force 1"].set_cease_fire ("force 2", true) instructs the group "force 1" to attack another group named "force 2", but not vice versa. /c for v in pairs(game.forces) do game.local_player.print(v) end list of all factions that exist in this world

Hello! This article is for those new to the game; it will tell you what to do and how. Today we will take our first steps in factorio!

So, the first thing you need to do is look at the place on the map where you appeared. Since the map is generated randomly, not all places are equally useful :) What should you pay attention to?

  1. Availability of resources. You need coal, iron and copper ore in sufficient quantities. Also look at the stone, but usually you don’t need a lot of it, the main thing is that there is some. You can ignore oil for now. There is usually plenty of wood everywhere.
  2. Distance to resources. It is advisable that it is not large, since at first you will get tired of running from one deposit to another.
  3. Availability of a reservoir. Water is needed to cool steam generators, that is, to create electricity. It will also be used in some industries. That is, you need water, preferably near a coal deposit.
  4. Protection from monsters. Of course, from the very beginning it is difficult to assess your position relative to the monsters, but keep this in mind. The easiest way to defend yourself is if you are on some peninsula, then you can simply fence off the passage with a wall. But it depends. In any case, the attacks will not begin very soon, so you don’t have to worry about it for now.

Thus, the ideal place is several rich deposits of all resources close to each other and near a body of water. Also, personally, it infuriates me when the field is covered with forest and it has to be cut down. But, again, this is an unimportant factor; you will need to swing the ax in any case.

Run around the map a little, determine where your resource deposits are located. The minimap will help you with this; resources are marked in different colors on it. By the way, the bright red color on the map is the nests of monsters; it’s better not to go there for now unless you are suicidal. If the current map does not suit you for some reason, then press Esc and restart.

We decided on the place. Now... you need to make an ax! Open the crafting window (key "E"), select the "Production" tab and, by clicking on the axe, craft it. Or better yet, two (since the first one may break at the wrong moment).

Now you need to chop some wood. Usually this happens by itself in the process of passing through the forest to the deposits. To chop, hover over a nearby tree and right-click. When you have accumulated wood, make yourself several wooden boxes. To make five pieces at once, click on the box in the crafting window right click mice. To make the maximum possible number of items, hold Shift and left-click.

Once you have the boxes, you can start extracting resources. Please note that on your hotbar you have one mine and one stone stove. First you need to install a mine on a coal deposit and start production. Select the mine with the mouse, place it on the free space with coal (you can rotate it with the "R" key). Now click on the mine with the left mouse button. The mine window will open. In it you need to put fuel in the mine for it to work. For now, you can use wood and coal as fuel (other types will appear later). In general, it doesn’t matter what you use to heat it, the fuel differs only in the rate of combustion. You can put the remains of wood in the mine, or you can dig up some coal.

Well, the mine is functioning, but that’s not all:) She will extract the first batch and stop, because she has nowhere to put a new batch. This is why we need boxes. We take one and place it in front of the neck of the mine. Now that's it, the coal mining process is in full swing.

Now let's deal with the metal. Take some coal mined from the coal mine (from the box) and run to the iron ore deposit. On the way, jump onto a stone and hit about five of it, you will need it too. Extract some iron ore from the mine (nine is enough for now). Now place the stove next to the iron ore and left-click on it. The stove window will open, where you must put ore (in the upper receptacle) and fuel - coal or wood (in the lower receptacle). After this, the oven will start baking :) And making iron sheets for you. When nine pieces are smelted, take them from the stove (by the way, a maximum of one hundred pieces of the final resource can be stored in the stove, then the processing will stop).

So, you have nine iron and five stone, it's time to craft a mine! Open the crafting window, the loot tab, and get to work. You set up a mine for iron ore, put fuel in it, and place a box next to it for the mined ore (well, you already know everything). If necessary, run to the coal mine for coal.

So, you have a mine that extracts iron ore and a furnace that melts it into steel sheets. But for now the ore has to be put from the box into the stove, and the finished metal has to be taken from the stove. I would like to automate this a little. Let's get on with it. To do this, you need to craft a couple of steam manipulators (on the logistics tab). Fill your pick with the necessary resources and make them. Now let's install the manipulators so that one takes the ore from the box and puts it in the stove, and the other takes the metal from the stove and puts it in another box. Put some fuel in both manipulators. Everything should work. Looks magical :)

First production chain

Now you just need to periodically come here, add fuel and pick up sheets of metal from the box. In the near future, these simple operations will be automated, but for now let’s move on to other resources.

By the way, to see the contents of boxes and ovens, as in the picture, press the Alt key.

Gather the necessary resources and make yourself a couple more mines, one stove and several manipulators. Place one shaft on a stone (don't forget the stone collection box). Place another mine and stove on the copper ore deposit in the same way as they are on the iron ore. Only here the final product of production will be sheets of copper.

Stone mining

This completes the first steps in the game. You have established the initial production of all resources; if necessary, you can add a few more mines and stoves (at your discretion). Don’t forget to add fuel to all your devices on time. Well, in order not to suffer with this, it’s time to smoothly move on to.

But that is another story...

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So, the game is purchased, the door is closed, the curtains are drawn and you are preparing to immerse yourself in learning for many hours fascinating world Nuts and gears, but are you ready for it? Especially in order to teach you how to navigate the game more easily, we have prepared this guide.

Choosing the right location for your Factorio base

At first gameplay, the player should decide on the location of the future Factorio base. It is best to choose the place that has the largest deposits of ore and other resources, such as copper, wood, coal, iron, and of course, in the end, you will decide on the choice of the deposit of revenge.

Everything would be fine, but the world is generated in a random order. The player may find himself on a map where all the necessary resources are close to each other. Well, you may not be lucky; resource deposits will be located very far from each other.

When the player decides on the location of his main base, then he will need to think about the first things that need to be crafted as quickly as possible.

Factorio craft

So, now about how your first crafts should happen. At the very beginning of the game, the player will have in his inventory the basic things, namely: eight iron plates, one stove, and one solid fuel drill. Now that the base is built, you need to craft an iron tool. To craft this tool, you only need four iron plates. Also, do not forget about the solid fuel drill, with which you can mine coal and ore. Coal will be needed for the stove, and iron ore can be turned into iron plates. In the future, thanks to such components, the player will be able to improve the solid fuel drill. Of course, if there is not enough coal, then wood can be used as it.

Also, in order to save his precious time, the player can manually extract certain resources.

First buildings:
At the beginning of the game, the gamer does not have to worry that he does not have the building that is needed for electricity. Steam engines are perfect for beginners; they cope with this role perfectly. Among other things, with the help of this structure you can create laboratories in order to conduct research.

Before starting the construction of the first building, the player must make sure that he has the necessary resources in his inventory, such as: copper and iron ore, coal to support the stoves, stone. If there are enemy settlements nearby, then you need to think about defensive buildings and structures. Small-caliber turrets are available at the very beginning of the game, they are perfect for temporary protection.

Factorio automation

Factorio's first automation occurs when ore enters the furnace, and from the furnace, smelted ore is placed into crates. The steam engine that runs the boilers is also powered by coal, without the player's participation. The manipulators also operate in automatic mode. When the player does not have enough resources produced from a stone furnace, he can build an electric furnace, which also operates automatically.
