Fallout 3 new vegas spy mania walkthrough. Fallout New Vegas quests: “Spy mania. carry out informal orders of the Republic

The storyline in Fallout: New Vegas is surprisingly short: two bullets to the head, a miraculous resurrection and the search for your own killer, a climax in New Vegas with a choice of sides whose interests our person will support, and an endgame at Hoover Dam. Regardless of the faction, our fate will be decided there.

The essence of the game in the side missions. Mojave is not a safe place, and you can expect a call for help from any NPC or faction. The New California Republic is one such struggling faction, albeit the largest in the entire Wasteland. Nobody cares about their power in the region - prisoners seize prisons, legionnaires attack roadblocks, civilians themselves stand up to protect their homes, because there is no hope for anyone else's patronage. The honor to revive the former greatness of the NKR fell to you, since the faction commanders do not skimp on assignments. And sometimes the reward is not only valuable experience, but also unique weapons. Only to find all the missions and not ruin the execution of another quest in the process is not an easy task...

  • There are no good or bad
  • I serve my country!
  • Looking for unmarked quests

A brief training, the last instructions of the dock, and now we are already standing on the porch of an old hut, the hot desert sun shines in our eyes, we see lonely villagers engaged in everyday affairs, and we feel the atmosphere of village peace.

But along with the first breath of fresh air, we begin to realize that something is wrong with this world. While our hero is only admiring the desert landscapes and does not know that the government power in the person of the NKR is bursting at the seams, bandits are operating in the district, mutants are breeding at a frantic pace, and savages from the east are about to break through the last line of defense of the unlucky Republicans.

The sun is shining brightly in Goodsprings, and smoke is already swirling somewhere in the south - probably the legionnaires have messed up again. The neighboring town is in the hands of thugs, and the brave military men only shrug their shoulders, as if they are waiting for a radscorpion to sting them in one place. And nothing in this world will change until the courier leaves the porch of the village house. Only our person can decide destinies - to protect or join in the beating, to lend a helping hand or put a bullet in the forehead and, finally, save the world - or destroy it.

If the first suits you, then the unlucky Californians need to be re-educated - at least with a kind word and a gun, but even with fists with a minigun. But it is better to inspire the military with our exploits, the blood of the Devils and the Legion - this is how we will go up the career ladder from "favorite" to "idol" and restore the former greatness of the Republic. But first we need to thank those who saved us from death.

There is no good or bad...

...there is only our own choice

Leaving Dr. Mitchell's hut, we immediately face a choice - where to go, what to do, who to help, and who is better to kick. Goodsprings is a quiet and peaceful place, but even here unexpected conflicts sometimes break out.

After completing the tutorial "Campfire" we go to the Prospector's saloon and become a witness to a verbal skirmish between the hostess of the establishment and the leader of the demolitionists. The reason for the dispute is the merchant, hidden by the townspeople from the evil uncles. Here is our first chance to make a name for ourselves: become noble, help the locals defend their town from the bombers that rolled their lip, or go the bloody way, enlisting the favor of a weak but numerous Mojave group.

    Shooting in a ghost town(caravaneer Ringo). A distressed traveler hides at a gas station in Goodsprings and asks to enlist the support of the townspeople. Sunny agrees without question, the rest must be convinced by word or skill. Trudy requires eloquence 25, merchant Chet - barter 25. Forget-Pete will give dynamite with an explosive skill of 25, Doc Mitchell will help for free, but if you convince him with medicine 25, he will share doctor's bags. Then you need to repel the attack on the town. Try to only injure the enemies, leaving a chance for a control shot for the local militias - the loss of karma for the Demomen will not be so big. You will become the “idol” of Goodsprings (does not give much in the future), and Ringo will give 100 caps as a reward (we will get another 150 when we find him in the Red Caravan).

    This is interesting: the radio does not work in the prospector's saloon (this is one of the game's unmarked quests). For its repair (repair 20), Trudy will give us 50 caps, and if we bargain (barter 20), she will throw another 25 on top.

    Streams flowed...(Demoman Joe Cobb). A quest opposite to the previous one. First, just kill the caravaneer Ringo. Then we get medicines from Mitchell (medicine 25) and ammunition from Chet (barter or eloquence 25). The finale of the operation is the cleansing of the city from recalcitrant residents. As a reward, we get the reputation of "favorite" among the demolitionists (we lose it at Goodsprings) and discounts on goods in Chet's shop.

New California Republic (NCR)

The dominant faction in the game (present in Fallout 2 and Van Buren). The Federation in Northern California, founded in 2196, consists of five states. The capital of the NCR - the city of the same name, formerly known as Shady Sands - is located in northeastern California and is ruled by Father Aradesh. The population of the Republic is about 700 thousand people. President - Aaron Kimball.

On a note: knowledge of the history of the NCR will come in handy during one of the quests on Freeside. One of the squatters will ask you some questions to make sure you are a Republican.

The state institutions of the NKR are similar to the structure of the government of the pre-war United States. The Republic was strong in its industry, traded in weapons, mechanisms and technologies with other peoples of the Wasteland. There was no state religion in the country, but any beliefs (except those that required sacrifices) were not prohibited.

The NKR can be considered the successor of the Californian Republic (“Bear Flag Republic”), which existed in the 19th century on the territory of California from June 14 to July 9, 1846. This small province was part of Mexico, but thanks to an uprising, independence was proclaimed in it. The state was later annexed by the United States during the Mexican-American War.

I serve my country!

...obey the law and believe in dubious ideals

Most of the Mojave territory is under the control of the New California Republic, so it is not surprising that this faction fell to the lot of the most side quests. True, judging by the overall picture, it is difficult to say why this group breathes here at all, because literally every outpost and camp of the NKR is begging us for help.

The first major fortification of the "new Californians" on our way will be the outpost of Mojave. The place is quiet and inconspicuous, famous only for a huge statue of pieces of iron and our potential companion Cass, who becomes an inveterate drunkard in the local cafeteria. Intriguing tasks here, too, should not be expected.

    Show empathy(Ranger Jackson). Simple linear quest. We kill a group of insects on the road nearby - we get covers, some equipment and NKR karma.

    In pursuit of the prize(Sniper Ghost). One more walk - you just need to hit the road to Nipton, find out the cause of the smoke over the city. We run, talk to the demoman and return to the Ghost for experience.

    It is important: in no case do not give Tovarnyak Med-X at the first meeting - otherwise, when completing the "Wheel of Fortune" task, you will run into a bug (the necessary options do not appear in a conversation with a demoman), leading the quest to a dead end.

If we do not get distracted by the exploration of the world, but follow the storyline, our next stop should be the ruins of the town of Boulder City. Sooner or later, the main quest "Investigation" will lead us here.

    Skirmish in Boulder City(Lieutenant Monroe). It is required to settle the conflict between the NCR and the Great Khans. If everything goes smoothly, we will get good karma from both factions. All you have to do is talk the gang leader into releasing the hostages (Speech 45) and then ask the lieutenant to let the Khans go in peace. With a developed barter or eloquence skill, this will not be difficult.

And now is the time to visit the HELIOS One research complex, where NKR warriors guard the station day and night as a strategically important object for the Republic. They have only one problem: their main researcher (an idiot in every sense) cannot ensure that the sun shines brighter and the complex generates more energy. This was his main goal - now this is a task for us.

    sun glare(Lieutenant Haggerty). The boring demining and fighting robots at the beginning of the mission are offset by a large bouquet of endings in the final. It all depends on how we distribute the generating energy at the HELIOS One station.

    • McCarran and Streep get nothing but NCR experience and karma, not even gratitude from Fantastic.

      Fremont and Westside - Ignacio encourages with a kind word and medicines (plus good karma from Followers).

      The whole region - all of the above and the book "Science for All".

      Archimedes - some medicines and experience, the ability to take possession of a powerful tool in the future.

      The entire region (critical option) - the plant is disabled, except for medicines and experience, nothing threatens us.

    On a note: if you program the installation on the Archimedes gun, then in Freeside, where children are chasing each other, you can buy an unusual pistol from a boy named Max: it works as a target designator for the Archimedes orbital laser, and you can activate it once a day. A very effective contraption against a cluster of strong opponents, but only works in open areas.

East of scientific complex camp Forlorn Hope is located, where a full basket of their troubles. The NKR soldiers are depressed - there is nothing to eat, there is nothing to shoot at enemies, the infirmary looks more like a slaughterhouse, and even these bastards, Caesar's legionnaires, captured Nelson and are getting on their nerves by sending their scouts to the camp. We must again become the guardian angel and the messiah in one person.

    Return of hope(Major Polatli). If you don't want to ruin your relationship with the Legion, you'll need stealth skills. Before you take food from the box, take the satellites away, then return, sit down and accept the stealth fight. Taking supplies, carefully, without being seen, slip past the legionnaires. The next step will require advanced medical skills. It's easier to collect medicines in Doc Richards' tent and use them to heal the sick, but it's better to do it without the help of supplies - you will get more experience. The final of the quest involves clearing Nelson from the legionnaires, but even here you can do without losing karma on their part. Leave your companions behind and accompany Sergeant Cooper yourself. You can shoot and injure opponents, but just do not kill them - otherwise notoriety is guaranteed. When outside all the enemies are dead - run into the barracks and sharply back to lure the Dean of the Dead Sea into the fresh air and the NCR troops. Pick up a unique machete from the leader's body and return to the major with good news.

    medical history(Dr. Richards). We take the quest in the course of the previous task. We need to find the thief. This is one of the privates, he often hangs around near the barracks. If we ask the doctor about the signs of the use of "Hydra" (medicine 50), we can split the thief right in the conversation - otherwise we have to wait until night and catch him red-handed. You can kill a bastard, agree to his bribe, turn him in to a doctor, or force him to surrender to the authorities himself. The latter option is more profitable - we will get more experience and karma from the NCR.

    Boomerang(Radio Sergeant Reyes). During the mission, you need to run around almost the entire Mojave and visit the posts of the NCR rangers. The only fork and moral choice appear only at the end - in any case, we will get 500 experience, so there is no point in provoking the commander of the rangers to commit suicide.

    A little south of Nelson is the post of the NKR rangers, where the local leader is already waiting for our hero. He advises us to get away, but we convince ourselves that we can help. Completing the next quest can be combined with the "Return of Hope" quest.

    Come back home(Ranger Milo). It is required to release the hostages crucified on crosses in Nelson, which can be done in a completely peaceful way. Find two generators in the city, wait for the night and turn them off by turning off the lights that illuminate the central square. Crawl to the scaffold, quietly untie all the prisoners (legionnaires in the camp automatically become hostile, but they should not notice you) and quietly run away after them. Despite the bloodless outcome of the task, you will receive the notoriety of the Legion, but it will be much less than when clearing the city.

    It is important: if you kill the leader of the legionnaires in Nelson, the Dean of the Dead Sea, the quest "Legion is my name" will become unavailable. This quest is the mirror image of the Restore Hope mission.

Camp Golf is a picturesque place on the shores of a clear lake, more like a sanatorium than a strategic military facility. We will definitely get to this paradise by one of the Forlorn Hope quests; here is the main headquarters of the rangers in Mojave and a camp of ordinary employees almost at the very lake. There is only one problem in "paradise" - recruits do not want to serve, and their comrades are treated with disdain. Sergeant McCready is tired of this, and he turns to us for help.

    One step from defeat to victory(Sergeant McCready). There are four endings, our choice affects the final cutscene of the game. It is necessary to unite a detachment of yellow youths under the leadership of one of them. Punk Razz will agree to become the leader if we get drugs (the addict's room is located in a nearby hotel), Poindexter will hack the computer and forge reports (you need to use one of the terminals: one in the back room on the first floor (breaking 75), the other in the hotel lobby (bad glory to the NCR)), O'Hanrahan - to improve relations in the team (eloquence of at least 40), and Mags - to conduct training at the shooting range (weapon 45; explosives 45). Whatever choice we make, the amount of experience will be the same.

Camp Golf is within easy reach of the NCR Sharecropper Farm, our next destination. Farmers have corresponding problems - the harvest is weak, there is not enough water, and why - this should be clarified.

    Hard luck(Morgan Blake). The quest will take us to the most terrible location of the game - Vault 34, teeming with ghouls of varying degrees of fatness and full of radiation. We are looking for two flooded compartments - dive into each of them and take the passwords from the corpses of technicians. Then go to the terminal and pump out the water. We return to one of the previously flooded compartments and open the door to post "A" of the security service. After a hard fight with the glowing ghouls and the resting place of the Overseer (submachine gun - good weapon against him) at the terminal we open the door to the armory, but first we go to the target reactor. There are two endings: help the sharecroppers (the good name of the NCR), or transfer control of the Vault to a group of survivors.

    This is interesting: if you choose the second one, you can meet the survivors in a couple of days in the Aerotech business park in block 300. We can listen to their story and tell you that it was you who saved them.

Walking through the central lands of Mojave, it's hard not to notice the huge military base - the camp at McCarran Airport. This is the very heart of the NCR, the main headquarters and just one of the largest locations in the game, so finding all the quest givers will not be easy. Major Dartie usually staggers near the entrance to the airport, Lieutenant Gorobets - in one of the tents, look for Colonel Shue and Dr. Hildern on the first floor in the offices, and Lieutenant Boyd interrogates the captured Legion Dean on the floor above.

    Don't grow grass(Dr. Hildern). You will have to run a lot through the labyrinths of Vault 22 in search of access cards and terminals that block different doors. First, repair the elevator (repair 65 is needed) and immediately go to the fourth level, to the common areas, where in the elder's room, unlock the two doors using the terminal. Then our path lies to the lowest level - it is full of praying mantises and carnivorous plants. Find the red terminal on this level and download some of the data, then look for the entrance to the cave, where a lot of living creatures and the rescue of the scientist Kili await us. The researcher will order us to set fire to the gas to kill the spores on the lower level, but there is one problem - the blast wave covers us ourselves. Solution: bring satellites into the room where we downloaded the data, throw a grenade or dynamite at the place where the gas accumulated and quickly slam the door. And at the end we will have a conversational battle with Keely - you can lie to her about copying the data, but it's better to convince her (science 70). If the barter is above 50, you can demand an increase in the reward from Hildern. For saving Keely, the award will be given by Miss Williams.

    Headhunting(Major Dartie). A simple quest in terms of elections - you "only" need to destroy the three leaders of the Devils: Chef-Chef, Violet and Driver Nefi. When killing, try not to aim at their heads, because they need to be brought to the major as evidence. Before killing the Chef, talk to the Little Brat in the McCarran camp - he will say that if you kill your favorite brahmin cook, he will start killing everyone indiscriminately, and you can also find a cooking recipe in his lair. Upon returning to the camp, talk to Corporal Betsy - she will thank you with lids, then give the trophy to the major.

    On a note: another victim of Chef Chef lives in the Westside hotel - pimp Sarah. If the Devil is killed, she will thank us with caps and stimpacks.

    healing(Lieutenant Gorobets). Sniper Betsy from the 1st reconnaissance battalion suffered a serious psychological trauma during one of the special operations, we need to restore her spirits. We need medicine skill 40 or eloquence 60 - after talking with her, all that remains is to report to the lieutenant and go to the medical clinic in New Vegas, where the quest will end.

    spy mania(Colonel Shu). A "mole" has wound up in the main headquarters, we need to figure it out. Conversations with Curtis and the camp staff will lead us to the control tower (you can get the access key to it from Lieutenant Boyd). We are waiting for the night (from midnight to two o'clock) and observe how Captain Curtis follows the tower, we follow him and eavesdrop on the negotiations. Then we quickly run to the monorail and in the train fan we find and defuse the bomb (explosive 35 or science 45), we return with a report to the colonel. This is an ideal passage, but there are forks: you can kill the captain and pick up the activation code for the bomb - when defusing, the skills of science and explosives will no longer be needed; you can tell Curtis himself about suspicions before the ambush, and then he will set a trap for us on the tower, we will kill him, report to the colonel, but the train will explode.

    Looking for White(Lieutenant Boyd). The beginning is linear - we travel to the indicated points, we ask about the missing soldier. The trail will lead to a character named Tom Anderson (well, hello, Neo!), And we will face a choice: take pity on the killer, blaming White's death on a gang of Scorpions (the glory of the Followers of the Apocalypse); hand him over to Lieutenant Boyd (NKR karma); persuade to surrender yourself (a little more experience and NKR karma). Also, for any outcome of events, Boyd will give the key to the box with the confiscation.

Near the main headquarters of the NKR, the Aerotech business park is located - a haven for refugees and victims gambling on the Strip. Captain Parker complains that people have begun to disappear in his department, and there is no one except us to deal with the problem.

    coyotes(Captain Parker). Conversational Quest. We go to the Westside Hotel and talk to St. James (if he is in the room, wait until he comes out, otherwise he will attack and the mission will fail), then we run to the second floor to talk with Candy. For 200 caps, she will reveal the secrets of our suspect, and for 250 she will sell the key to his room. If there is a feature "Cherchet-la-fam" (or "Womankiller" - for male characters) - we get the key for free. We penetrate the room, take the evidence (you can still visit Dermot's room) and return to Parker for a reward. With scoundrels, you can still "talk heart to heart" with the help of weapons, but this will not bring dividends.

When all the problems in the region are resolved, we will go to the northeast of Mojave, where former territory The Great Khans, in Bitter Springs, settled a shelter for children and refugees, now controlled by the Republic. No one cares about the camp - supplies are running out, there are not enough people to guard, and even some sniper has wound up - regularly reduces the population of the base. And even the flag was hung upside down as a symbol of disaster.

A cynical scene: the captain complains about the lack of food in the camp, and she eats all day long.

    Just a little more(Captain Gilles). First of all, let's deal with supplies and people to guard the camp. Food in the caves guarded by ants and night hunters, one suitcase is irradiated, but it can be cleaned with medicine or science level 25. There will be no problems with reinforcements if the quests in the McCarran, Forlorn Hope and Golf camps are completed.

    Mountains, only mountains(Captain Gilles). The raider of the Great Khans is behind the attacks - you can either kill him or convince him to leave with eloquence 50. If you have Bun as your partners and you want to solve the problem peacefully - leave him outside, near the cave, otherwise he will immediately open fire.

    Bitter Springs: Hospital Blues(Lieutenant Markland). By order of the field doctor, we need to get three doctor's bags and two books on the treatment of children and refugees. Books can be bought from Blake at the Red Caravan. And if you have Arcade Gennon in your companions, instead of books, you will have the opportunity to consult with him. In addition to experience, as a reward, we get a choice of medicines, money or karma.

The last quests for the NCR should be sought in the southeast, in the Searchlight camp, where the insidious legionnaires detonated a radiation bomb and the town turned from a fortified NCR checkpoint into a haven for ghouls, former soldiers of the Republic. Of the entire garrison, only a detachment of Sergeant Astor remained in the ranks. He is entrenched in a tent nearby and is patrolling the area, waiting for us to turn to him for quests.

    We are together(Sergeant Astor). The goal of the mission is to collect 10 tokens from ghouls, former NCR warriors, now living freely in the village of Searchlight, which is full of radiation. 9 ghouls with tokens are hostile - they will have to be laid to rest. The last ghoul has not lost his mind and lives in a house near one of the churches - convince him to give you a token (speech 60 or strength 7), and then help get rid of the radscorpions - get additional experience. For each token from the sergeant, you will receive 25 caps, and for all 10 - a trophy rifle.

    Wheel of Fortune(prospector Logan). A boring task, you need to run a lot, and the privileges are dubious. In the basement of one of the churches of Searchlight, we get acquainted with inadequate Logan, hack the computer, run to Nipton to Tovarnyak, then to a secret cave warehouse. We pick up anti-radiation suits, return to the prospector - he gives the key to the police station, and we must, on his orders, collect items marked "NKR". After gathering in the police building, we repeat the procedure in the fire station, but the level of radiation is high here and the radscorpion uterus - be prepared for difficulties. In any case, the quest ends for Logan and his team sadly - he gets into a fight and dies, it is impossible to resolve the discussion peacefully. But if Logan falls in battle, the quest will automatically be credited to us, and his partners will leave in peace (if they are not eaten by enemies).

    This is a bug: in version of the game, there is still a bug that does not allow completing the quest under a certain condition. If you have visited Nipton before and handed out Med-X to Tovarnyak, at the next meeting he will not say anything more and the task will come to a standstill. This is treated only with a cheat code: enter resetquest 131E7C in the console, but do not take the Marathon task again.

    An eye for an eye(Sergeant Astor). Our target is the Legion camp at Cottonwood Cove. To begin with, we will install a bug and steal data from the camp. Difficulties will begin only at the end - you need to destroy the camp, and do it (ideally) without losing karma. This is real, but first you need to complete the task "Loneliness" (redeem the captives from the slave trader). Rise to Cottonwood height, to the broken van with nuclear waste. Open the back door... and watch as all the legionnaires run into the roar and die from radiation.

Last side mission for the Republicans is waiting for us a little north of the Techatticap mine, where the partners of Private Rynolds were captured by treacherous legionnaires.

    Wherever I roam...(Private Reynolds). It is very difficult to free the hostages and not spoil relations with the Legion, but there is one scheme. Put on Caesar's armor and go into the mine with your companions. We go to the hostages - along the way you can bang a couple of dogs, - we break open the locks (breaking 50) and openly untie the prisoners. A fight breaks out, your partners open fire, the legionnaires try to kill the prisoners, and we run with all our might to the exit. It is necessary to run to Rynolds before one of his comrades in the mine is killed. The quest is completed, it remains only to use the fast movement to pull the companions out of the enemy's lair.

    It is important: even if you managed to inherit somewhere, after visiting the Strip, the center of New Vegas, all key groups will forgive us all past mistakes - karma will become neutral.

Family friend

In the "New Vegas" it is beneficial to be friends with everyone, and a positive reputation sometimes helps more than a fancy arsenal in your own backpack. Who's on help will come if we call, who will give the keys to the secret apartment. We carry out assignments, they give us gifts - mutually beneficial friendship. Now let's see who and what can please us.

The faction's secret apartments are a place where you can get hold of ammunition and cells to store your own good.

    NKR- with positive karma, they will give us a walkie-talkie, and we will be able to call the soldiers for help (does not work inside locations), and when we become a "favorite" - the keys to the secret apartment.

    Legion of Caesar- with a positive reputation, a task is regularly issued to collect the surplus equipment formed from them, with a "favorite" - the keys to the apartment.

    Goodsprings- discount on food and drinks in the Prospector saloon.

    Demomen- with some periodicity they will give us dynamite with positive karma.

    Novak— the keys to the hotel room on the second floor.

    bombers- the ability to use their shop, as well as the faction costume.

    Brotherhood of Steel- after completing the quest "In the dark" the elder gives the keys to the secret apartment, and after joining their ranks you will be taught how to wear power armor.

    Followers of the Apocalypse- with good karma, we will be able to buy magazines from Julie Farkas in Mormon Fort, after joining we will receive the keys to the secret apartment.

    kings- if we do good deeds in Freeside, the messengers of the King will sometimes give us small gifts (provisions, medicines), after joining, local bandits stop attacking us.

    Strip- a pass to the closed section of the casino "Ultra-lux".

    Great Khans- good fame is needed to take some quests.

Looking for unmarked quests...

...we carry out informal orders of the Republic

In addition to open requests for help, officers and just campaigners from the NKR can load us with their petty problems and suspicions. They don't even show up in the quest log, just a small note. The marker does not point to the target, all instructions are learned only from conversations. Such tasks are usually quite trifling, their completion takes a few minutes, but there are also very interesting assignments. Let's consider them.

    In Novak, ranger Andy will ask us check the post "Charlie" from where there has been no news for a long time. At the headquarters we find two audio recordings, we learn that the legionnaires killed everyone, and one girl was taken prisoner. Returning to Andy, we get 200 caps, Novak and NCR karma, the Ranger Throw feature.

Several small tasks can be obtained in Sloan:

    Near the huts of workers lives manual mole rat Sniffer he is limping. At 30 medicine, heal his paw and report to Chawk Lewis - get NCR repute. And if you talk to the workers, a marker of the Great Khans camp will appear on the map.

    At the administration building broken power generator supplying energy to the quarry. Chawk Lewis complains about his malfunction. The unit can be dismantled, but there will be no bonus for it, and if you repair it (repair 35) and report to the foreman, we will get 200 NKR dollars and karma.

    The main misfortune for a brigade of workers is the claws of death that flooded career. It is necessary to eliminate two individuals - the alpha male and the uterus. To fulfill the contract, you need a powerful weapon: a sniper rifle with armor-piercing cartridges or a Fat Man nuclear grenade launcher will do. Also, properly dress up your companion so that he distracts the claws on himself. As a reward, we will receive 500 NKR dollars and positive karma from the foreman.

We leave for Forlorn Hope.

    Quartermaster Meyes asks to bring him all the found NCR tokens. For each copy, he will issue a nominal fee - two covers. For the first token, we will additionally get some experience, good fame and some supplies.

    On a note: the same tokens can be turned in to Aurelius of Cottonwood Cove, the reward is reputation with Caesar's Legion.

    Private Sexton from the barracks to raise morale holds a funny competition between the fighters - who will kill more servants of Caesar. As proof of the murder, we need to bring him ears of legionnaires, one for each warrior. There is no reward for this, but from now on, some legionnaires can unscrew their ears (more precisely, find them in the inventory of the fallen).

    On a note: the ear can not be obtained from every dead person, and this does not depend on whether the head is damaged and who will be the killer - you or your companion.

Our next stop is Camp McCarran, there is also non-obvious tasks.

    A double assignment from the NKR Base Chef to arrange meat supplies and spices and fix cpu for cooking food. We go to the "Red Caravan", persuade Blake to cooperate (eloquence 75). To repair the processor, you need either a bunch of parts or a repair skill of 80. As a reward, Chef Fabber will sell food at a discount.

    Cristina Morales has a tragedy - her husband fell in an unequal battle with the Devils, and now these bastards use the body as a bait for the NKR troops. You need to find a Republic outpost near Repconn headquarters, talk to one of the soldiers and return their body, having interrupted Devils. We go to the ambush site, kill the snipers and drag the corpse to the outpost. We return to the wife and get a plus for the reputation of the NCR.

    The Republicans have captured Centurion Caesar, but Lieutenant Boyd is unable to split him and find out valuable information. We are glad help with interrogation. There are two options: to mark the boor to the penultimate unit of life or just to talk (intelligence 8 or eloquence) - the result will be the same everywhere. As a reward, we get experience, 300 caps, and the good reputation of the NCR.

    Colonel James Shue complains about the leader of the Devils - Motorcycle racer- and offers a reward for his head, or rather a helmet. We must bring it to the NKR officer as proof. This job was entrusted to the ranger Anders, but he screwed everything up and was captured by the Devils. Our target lives in Vault 3, in the ruins of South Vegas. If we have taken the quest "Honeymoon in Aba Daba" (issued by Diane from the chemical laboratory of Red Rock) or eloquence is more than 64 - Devils will let you through to their leader. You can kill the motorcycle racer, buy his helmet for 200 caps (150 - if intelligence is 10), or demand that he pay himself (speech 75). As a reward, we will receive experience and 300 caps.

    On a note: Bryce Anders is wounded and is sitting in one of the Vault's rooms. You can heal him with the help of a doctor's bag, and then either send him to the camp, or call for help (only if you want to kill the Motorcycle Racer), or you can leave him to die, but you will lose the NKR karma. And three caravaners are also locked in the residential sector: if we release them (breaking 75), we will get the password from the Overseer's room.

    The most confusing of all the unmarked quests is deal with Contreras. It is two-sided - you can either hand over the underground merchant, or enter into an agreement with him, or you can first work for him and then turn him in. There are many options, I will describe the best in terms of benefits and morality. We take the task from Lieutenant Boyd, agree to help Contreras (with an eloquence skill of 50, he gives the first assignment), we go to the “gunsmiths”, look for Isaac either near the Torgotron or in a house nearby, convince him (80 eloquence), we receive caps as a reward. The merchant's next assignment is to pick up the package at the Red Caravan. We are interested in Blake about drugs, we ask Contreras himself about the same - after that we can turn over the underground scorcher Miss Boyd at any time. Or we can not hand it over, but wait two days, then go in for the last order. We agree, we go to Miguel's pawnshop (Westside), verbally fight with Keller (undercover NCR), we convince that it is possible to cooperate with Contreras, we return to McCarran. There are two endings: hand over the merchant Boyd (she will give the unique “Machine” gun for this) or convince Contreras with eloquence that you need to cooperate with Keller (but the merchant will give you the “Machine” gun only if Keller is killed).

The last unmarked quest for the NCR faction awaits in the Aerotech business park.

    Helping Captain Parker expose the sharper. You just need to talk to Keith, use barter 45 and eloquence 60 to find out information from him (or climb into the table and find a marked deck of cards like that, but we will lose karma). It remains to report everything to Parker, escort him to Keith and witness the murder of the latter.

The passage of "Spymania" in Fallout: New Vegas is not required to complete the main storyline. Nevertheless, this quest is recommended for all those who want to support the New California Republic.

During the mission, you will have to identify the Legion spy, and then also to repair the damage caused by him. At the same time, there are several options for passing the quest, and you will definitely learn about each of them by reading this article.


To start the Spy Mania walkthrough in Fallout: New Vegas, you need to go to the Camp McCarran location, located near the city of New Vegas. Find James Shue there and ask him about everything that happens on the base.

During the dialogue, you will learn about the many problems that the inhabitants of Maccaran suffer from. Including Colonel Shu will inform you about his suspicions about a spy leaking information about the movement of the NCR troops to the Legion and the raiders. You can volunteer to help solve the problem, and James, after a little thought, will agree to this. The colonel will send you to Captain Curtis, who is just investigating in this moment.

Interrogation of witnesses

At this stage of the Spy Mania walkthrough in Fallout: New Vegas, you need to talk to the base staff. First, as James Shue suggested, talk to Curtis, who can most often be found in the same room as the colonel (near the stairs).

Having found the captain, inform him of your intentions. Curtis, in turn, will share some information with you and send you to a few more characters worth interviewing. Specifically, you need to talk to Corporal Sterling and Lieutenant Boyd. The first will tell you about the light burning late at night in the control tower, and the second will give you the key to this very tower.


From this moment, the next part of the Spy Mania quest in Fallout: New Vegas begins. Now you need to go to the tower located in the courtyard of the terminal and ambush the supposed spy there. To do this, hide near the entrance and wait for darkness.

As soon as the clock shows approximately 01:30, you will see a strange man sneaking into the tower. Carefully follow him, trying not to make a fuss or attract the attention of the suspect. At some point, a person will begin to transmit a message on the radio, and it turns out that this is Captain Curtis, who is in fact an undercover agent of the Legion. Now you have several options for further completion of the "Spymania" mission in Fallout: New Vegas.

Bomb deactivation

Do not rush to do anything, but just listen to Curtis's message until the very end. This way you can find out that the spy has mined the monorail, and the bomb will explode in a matter of minutes. Then you can either kill Curtis and take the deactivation code from him, or quietly exit the tower and go to defuse the explosives.

Whatever it is, you need to hurry to the train. Entering the car and searching the ventilation, you will find a bomb in it. If you received a deactivation code from Curtis's body, then simply use it to stop the timer. If you decide to leave the traitor alive, you will need to defuse the bomb yourself. To do this, you must have the Explosives (35) and Science (45) skills.

After preventing the explosion by any of the above methods, report to Colonel Shu about the completion of the task. This completes the Spy Mania walkthrough in Fallout: New Vegas.

First bad ending

Well, now about those options when the final of the quest will not be so rosy. So, while in the tower, you can not listen to the end of Curtis's message and give yourself away. The traitor will immediately notice you, but at the same time he will not confess to his deed.

After that, go to Shu and report Curtis's suspicious behavior. The Colonel, after a bit of brainstorming, will guess that the spy has mined the monorail. True, to run to the train in this option will not work. As soon as you find yourself at the station, an explosion will immediately thunder, and you simply will not have time to do anything. However, the Fallout: New Vegas quest "Spymania" will still be considered completed.

Second bad ending

Next, you need to wait in the shelter until dark and enter the tower. Only this time, Curtis will be ready for your visit. The traitor, without saying anything extra, will immediately attack, and you will either have to kill him or run away.

In any case, return to Shu and report everything that happened. The colonel will guess about the mined monorail, but, as in the previous version, you will not have time to defuse the bomb. Again, the Fallout: New Vegas Spy Mania quest will be considered completed.

This section presents the passage of the storyline Fallout New Vegas, completing various side quests, completing expansions, information about endings and requirements for obtaining them, as well as information about gaming achievements and how to get them

Chapter 1: Headbutt

The game, in fact, also begins with a video where we see a certain authoritative bandit in a decent plaid suit and two of his henchmen. One of them is digging a grave for us... Then the bandit shows us a platinum chip and shoots us in the head with a pistol...

We find ourselves in a certain house, next to us is a man - Dr. Mitchell. We were saved.

Mitchell says he offers various tests that we run. We choose a name for ourselves, all other characteristics. Finally, before letting us go to all four sides, he gives some practical advice, good wishes. The doctor gives us weapons, Pip-Boy, Vault 21 overalls and other little things. Before leaving, you can walk around his house and, without disdaining anything, loot ... this will come in handy for the "initial accumulation of capital."

Chapter 2: Investigation

This line runs throughout the game and is connected to all the episodes described below.

Chapter 3: Back in the saddle

Outside the door of Dr. Mitchell's house, we see the squalid village of Goodsprings and the Mojave Wasteland all around. We walk along it, get used to the situation, talk with rare inhabitants (if they want to communicate with us). Next to the saloon, which is visible from a distance with its sign, there is a shop where Chet sells. We buy and sell everything from him.

We speak with the robot Victor, in general, he can tell us a little ... or does not want to tell us. You can search his shack, you can even profit from something in it, but there is nothing worthwhile there.

At the door of the saloon, we are talking with a grandfather named Zabey-Pete, who tells all the same stories about the situation in the vicinity, talks about your telerobot savior Victor. After we go into the saloon and communicate with the hostess Sani Smiles. We ask her to teach us the lessons of Survival in the Wasteland.

We follow her. First you need to practice shooting at empty bottles. On this “course of a young fighter” you can finish, but you need to earn some money and strengthen good relations ... Therefore, we go to shoot the malicious little animals - geckos that occupy the reservoirs. It's not difficult yet. Shooting this living creature, do not forget to inspect them. Having received an award, you can stop there, or you can continue training with Sunny Smiles.

Chapter 4: Campfire

We continue the lessons on "Survival", now Sani Smiles gives the task: to find a brock flower and a zander root - then we will cook a special powder from them. We find a flower in the Goodsprings cemetery, in the same place we shoot blowers, scorpions, etc. We find the root near the school building. The school itself also has something to profit from, it will also be necessary to crack a computer or a safe there - we take everything from it. We go to Sani, there we prepare the powder. Sleigh is pleased with our progress and says that we should definitely talk to the barmaid of the saloon, Trudy. She leaves.

  • Helping the Wastelander: We go to a guy hanging around by the name of Barton Thorne, he begs to save her friend (wife), who was dragged to the top of the mountain by geckos. Let's go help ... geckos, traps, a table, stash ... Here we will also get hold of various trophies and make sure that there are still a lot of scoundrels ...

We return to Goodsprings and in the saloon we find Trudy and some other type that threatens her. We talk to Trudy and finally get a bunch of more or less decent information... This guy is Joe Cobb from the criminal demolition team. They demand that the trader Ringo from the Red Caravan be handed over. Trudy talks about local affairs - the confrontation between the NCR - the New California Republic - and the "bad" Legion group. She will also tell about those who shot us ... about the one in the checkered suit. And also where they went, and where supposedly to look for them.

We have a choice: go about our business, help Ringo or help the bombers... help, say, Ringo... He is hiding in the building of an old gas station. We talk to him. The two of us can't cope with the bombers. We need to persuade the other residents of Goodsprings. Sani Smiles agrees immediately. Forget Pete owns explosives, Chet owns weapons and equipment...

Chapter 5: Ghost Town Shooting

Help Ringo immediately agree: Sleigh Smiles, Trudy and Dr. Mitchell - he gives stimulants. Chet breaks down for a long time, but under pressure and with the help of our eloquence, he agrees to arm the inhabitants of Goodsprings and give them protective armor. But I didn’t succeed in persuading grandfather Zabey-Pete - he rested and didn’t give explosives - he says that it’s dangerous to deal with her ...

We go to Ringo and act in the "campaign". Exploders in the amount of 6 people appear quickly and rush to the saloon, well, it’s not difficult to deal with them - I put them all down with a hand grenade launcher ... As a result, we get the respect of the townspeople and trophies from the bodies of explosives.

Having finally talked with everyone (if you wish, you can play Caravan with Ringo), we set off on the road to Primm.

Chapter 6: The City I Like

On the way to Primm we find a lot of good things and new places, from time to time we fight with explosives. Here is the city we were looking for, it is surrounded by a high lattice fence, and they are shooting at us from it ... Immediately we meet with the NKR fighters, who report that Primm has been captured by fleeing criminals, some of the inhabitants have been killed, some are hiding. In addition, two more gangs are hanging around in the vicinity ... We are sent to the tent to the NKR Lieutenant Hayes. He is powerless - there are no weapons, no supplies ... We go ourselves to the captured city.

We shoot all the villains, in the hotel building we release the deputy sheriff Beagle. In the casino building we communicate with a grandfather named Johnson Nash, he tells us a lot ... we communicate with a robot. We agree with Deputy Beagle on a new sheriff, there are three options: reprogram the local robot (30 experience points) - not worth it, because. this robot will immediately fire Beagle (however, he will be fired anyway) ... you can negotiate with the NCR so that they take Primm under their protection, or release one prisoner, a former sheriff, from the NCR prison ...

For reprogramming the robot, we can get a bunch of points and fuck off - it's simple and uninteresting. To negotiate with the NCR on the protection of Primm, we go to Lieutenant Hayes, he agrees, but he needs reinforcements and therefore he sends you to the base - Mojave Outpost, where you will need to beg for additional people ... But the release of the former sheriff - Myers, more interesting.

The prison where he is being held is next to Primm, and it is a real fortress. It’s impossible to take it on the move here, especially since we haven’t found a single decent trunk yet. But through a long shooting, advances and retreats, Myers is released, but he just does not want to go to the sheriffs. We need to get his forgiveness from the authorities of the NKR and again at the Mojave Outpost ... We go there - ghouls, radscorpions, all sorts of bandits will ruin our skin, but there is nothing to do ...

Here we will be met by a gray-bearded man named Malcolm Holmes - he, it turns out, has been following us for a long time! .. What does he want? No, he is friendly and gives advice. He saw us pick up a special Sunset Sasparilla lid with a star (picked up at the Primm Hotel). He says that these caps with a star are an object of desire for many, and they can kill for it ... they say, having collected a bunch of them, you can use them to find a certain treasure, about which there are only legends ... In general helpful information for the future.

The Mojave outpost is filled with hordes of idlers, and most of them are female... with the help of eloquence or bribery, we achieve the forgiveness of Sheriff Myers. We return to him and the mission is over.

Let's talk to Johnson Nash about the broken robot lying around in his office - an enhanced ED-E spy robot, Nash says that you can pick it up, and in general it's rubbish ... Here begins a new task - ED-E, my love.

Chapter 7: Show Sympathy

We get this quest at the Mojave Outpost. It is simple: the caravans of merchants are hindered by all sorts of aggressive creatures, it is necessary to clear the area from them. Very close, the beasts are big ants. We simply shoot them from a distance and, as always, rob them. We return for a reward - a combat rifle, extra points, caps.

Chapter 8: Chasing the Prize

Another task for the Mojave Outpost... Ranger Ghost gives you a task: to scout the situation in the town of Nipton, not far from the outpost. Columns of smoke rise above this town... Let's go there. The path is short, but very dangerous. I was attacked by evil beasts - night hunters. Then scorpions of all stripes, plus bandits. On the way to the town, a man runs towards us, he was attacked by a random girlfriend - she wanted to take away the cherished caps with a star. He slammed her. It is desirable for us to show eloquence and take its covers for ourselves - in the form of a bead-talisman. At his girlfriend we find a laser rifle in poor condition, and we will find another one in Nipton itself and repair it.

At the gates of Nipton we meet a happy type, he shouts: "I won! I won!", But he does not explain any more. We need to find out what's going on at Nipton City Hall. But we don't go there. We go around houses and huts, collect valuables, we find, by the way, also a lid with a star ... In the store building we meet one inhospitable guy, he tells us what happened in Nipton: they started a scam with a lottery, they wanted to throw the NKR, but then the Legion fighters came and arranged their lottery for them: one was released, this guy had his legs broken, the rest were partially executed, partially driven into slavery ...

We give the guy Med-X and decide to save the prisoners - the Marathon task.

We return to the Mojave outpost to the ranger Ghost and tell everything. Alas, the NKR cannot interfere in these matters yet... The task is over....

Chapter 9: Cruel Heart

Chapter 10: Paying Bills

Another task from the Mojave Outpost... Someone Cass complains about the robbers, wants retribution and sends us to the Red Caravan company. The road there, frankly, is not close and not easy, therefore, having taken this task, it is best to move forward as you develop the wasteland, solving other tasks at the same time.

New Vegas is surrounded by a high fence; Here we will meet an old acquaintance of Ringo, who was saved at the very beginning. He will describe to us the situation in the "Red Caravan" and at the same time return the debt.

Here everything is run by Alice McLafferty - a sort of businesswoman. In general, she does not offer much work, so - to earn extra money as a courier ... to take the bill from the "Red Caravan" to Dr. Hildern in the McCarran camp - see about this camp below, in the "Headhunting" task - we do all this at the same time. The task from Alice McLafferty is called "You can rely on me" ...

The task of paying bills is completed.

Chapter 11: Marathon

We need to save the inhabitants of the town of Nipton from the slavery of the Legion. We go according to the instructions of the corresponding marker, on the road there will most likely be a shootout between the NKR and the Legion, we cling to any legionary outfit, we put it on. We find the location "Legion's Camping Camp", there are two connected blokes near the fire, we wait (if necessary) until the legionnaires dissipate in holes or take care of the NCR or some thread of mercenaries (so that there is not someone next to us who recognizes us as an enemy ), we approach the bastards, we untie them - voila! Khmyry dump, the quest is counted, we get a turnip to the demolitionists. The quest is empty, the bastards don't talk to us, silently fall off. There is a suspicion that with them and Tovarnyak in Nipton, with the participation of all those gathered around the world lottery tickets Legion, the quest "Wheels of Fortune" will be initiated (what kind of miracle of technology - remains to be seen).

Chapter 12: ED-E, my love

It is necessary to repair the spy robot in Nash's office, in the city of Primm. But for this you need the Repair skill at 65, or Science 55 ... Nash says that the robot should be taken to Novak to the scrap yard (mother Gibson's landfill). We collect repair or science points, find the necessary pieces of iron (it will be prompted how much and what), use books and repair ED-E. We equip him. And we go to Mother Gibson - the robot flies after us and helps to shoot enemies. We pass, of course, through the city of Novak.

We find it by a huge statue of a dinosaur. In fact, this is just a miserable settlement ... There we rent a room from a bespectacled aunt in her hotel, where we put our junk. You can also leave the robot there for the time being - however, there are many options with a choice ...

After talking with the residents, we get several tasks, for example, for one couple, someone kills cattle every night - this villain must be caught ... The villain is the super mutant Shadow, he must be watched at midnight at the cattle pen.

The inhabitants of Novak live by selling all sorts of rubbish, which is mined at the nearby former rocket factory - the REPCONN complex, but now the way there is closed to them: crowds of ghouls have settled there. The "Let's Fly" task should solve this problem...

Chapter 13: Let's Fly

We leave for the REPCONN complex to the west of Novak, from the very beginning we shoot ghouls. We go inside the building, darkness, and then a certain voice tells us through the intercom to go up the stairs, go to the workshop, go up again, and they will be waiting for us there. We begin to stray along the corridors and rubble of the building. Along the way, we earn points, caps and other good things by shooting ghouls, breaking locks, safes and doors. Here we see the corpses of new monsters - Shadows (the same super mutants from Fallout 3). Finally we rise and rest against the closed door - we need a key, it is not there. But there is an intercom nearby, we speak through it, and they let us in. We are met by a man who considers himself a ghoul, and calls us smooth-skinned.

Let's go look for the ghoul leader Jason Bright. He is essentially the head of the sect, he tells us that their brotherhood is going to some kind of "promised land", but it doesn't work - they were locked up here by the Shadows. To help the inhabitants of Novak, you need to help these ghouls as well - you need to destroy all the Shadows in the dungeon. Then the ghouls will be gone.

Let's go on the next task: to clean the basement from super mutant shadows, it's still something! We need lethal weapons, first-aid kits... Having filled up a couple of shadows, we stumble upon one strange from their company - not otherwise a crazy leader... He also agrees to get out of here, but they came here for a batch of stealth-fights, and these things are in the next room. But one nimble ghoul sits in it and knocks down anyone who sticks his head. But it can work with a person, and he asks us to turn this business around and gives us the key to the next room. We go there, there really is a ghoul in a comfortable position. We speak with him - this is Harland, and he is quite remarkable. He agrees to leave the premises, but only if we find him his girlfriend, who was dragged away by the Shadows...

Let's go look for her. We stumble upon a super mutant jailer with a flamethrower, bring him down, take away the good, incl. and the key to the cell, then we will find the key to the prison. The ghoul's girlfriend is dead, we report this news to Harland. He runs upstairs to his. We diligently bypass numerous traps, examine the premises, look at the information on the computer. There are no stealth fights here. We return to the leader of the super mutants. He attacks us, in a difficult battle we bring him down and take away his huge sword. With this sword we bring down another giant.

The basements of the REPCONN have been cleared of super mutants, and we return to the leader of the ghouls, Jason Bright. He is pleased and leads his wards to the rockets. But our mission is not over, we need to follow Bright. He talks about a man - Chris, who joined the ghouls - he is a good engineer and he repairs the rockets on which they are going to fly to a "new bright life". This engineer Chris is short of materials - atomic fuel and rocket thrust regulators. We need to find it...

We go, through the stairs from the dungeons we get to the REPCONN Test Site. From there we go to Clark Field, it is very close to Novak. There, having fought a little with geckos, we find the corpse of a marauder in an anti-radiation suit (useful!), And he has a whole container of this atomic fuel - we carry it to Chris. Then we go to the Gibson scrap yard (Mother Gibson's junkyard) - also next to Novak. There, turning on our eloquence, we buy thrust regulators for rockets with a 50% discount. Back to Chris. All is ready. Now we need to go back - upstairs to the former lair of the ghouls. There, on the observation deck, we will press the button, and the ghouls will fly away on rockets ...

You can immediately, or you can return to Chris later and explain the situation that he, they say, was used. Persuade him not to despair and go to people, for example, to Novak.

We get karma, become Novak's favorite - task completed.

Another variant
: When I went to the basement in another company - with the robot ED-E and Boone, we filled up all the Shadows, with the exception of their leader and the Jailer, and so this leader did not want to talk to us or me alone in any way and , accordingly, he got into a fight, for which he was killed ... Accordingly, he no longer gave any task about stealth battles. We break into the room where Hierland was sitting, the lock is simple. Then everything is as before. The fact is that if you don’t kill these Shadows from the very beginning, but talk to their boss, he will give you a task to search for stealth fights, and if you kill at least a few of them, that’s all, he won’t listen to you ...

Alternative: You can not go to Clark Field for the isotope, but bring five souvenirs "Rocket", which are in the pantry of the merchant in the dinosaur. Before you go to the test site, you can buy one rocket, if I'm not mistaken. Generally free. Then, when they say about the fuel, we ask if the liquid will flow in the rocket, we are told "yes", and we return to Novak to the merchant. We talk with him about buying these rockets (I don’t remember at what level of skills) we persuade him to sell the key for only 10 caps (initially I wanted for 82), then we take how many rockets we need from the pantry (you can also collect dinosaurs for free =)) well, and rent them Chris.

Chapter 14: Abduction

At night, we climb the dinosaur in Novak and talk to Boon. He says that his wife was kidnapped. It obviously could not have done without the mediation of the locals ... He gives us his beret and says that the guilty one should be brought under the dinosaur. We need to interview all the locals about Boone's wife. In the end, one grandfather gives a tip, and we need to secretly search the lobby of the hotel. At night we make our way there and open a simple safe in the floor. There we find dirt on Jenny Mae Crawford - it was she who sold Boone's wife into slavery for 1000 caps ... We go to her shack, wake her up (we must act at night when Boone is on duty), we suggest going to the dinosaur. She agrees. Don't forget to wear symbol Buna takes. A shot sounds and the bespectacled traitor dies.

I'm going to Boone. We tell him everything. The task is over.

Boone has nothing else to do in Novak, and he agrees to go with you to fight the Legion, if you yourself wish it.

Chapter 15: Don't make me beg

Not far from Novak, you can stumble upon the mining village of Sloane. Only no one goes to the quarry, because the Claws of Death have recently settled in it ... We must help poor people! By the way, we are treating the paw of the local pet mole rat... The local commander Chawk Lewis is very grateful to us.

We get to the Quarry, and here we simply have to show miracles in order to shoot these most dangerous and tenacious monsters! You can do this later, when a decent weapon appears, or you can sweat and earn good money. Someone in this place is undoubtedly using the code "immortality / infinite ammo" (press the "~" sign and write tgm), but this, of course, is not that, and there is no interest!

In the Career itself, we will be attracted by a group of three personalities, this will be the intelligence of the Great Khans. We speak with the leader Melissa. They are here to take the "goods", but simply drugs. But because of the Deathclaws, they can't do anything. We are going to help them.

We go back to Sloan, where the treasured suitcase with drugs should be in the Administration building. It is there, but it is empty. We go to the road and ask Chavka Lewis about the contents of the suitcase. He says that the goods are in Primm, from one rogue named Tyrone. We also learn that this Melissa is his daughter ... We tell Lewis that they shot the Death Claws, even laid the uterus. But he replies that as long as the father is alive - the alpha male, there is zero sense from our exploits.

We leave for Primm, or rather in its vicinity. There, in one of the NKR tents, we find Tyrone. He tries to dodge. But, using either eloquence or the ability of barter, we persuade him, and he gives us the goods. You can return, or you can (as suggested) snitch on Tyrone to the local commander - Lieutenant Hayes. I did not knock on him (there will be a small reward, glory and honor in the NKR), he returned to Melissa. On the way, I had to endure a second equally difficult battle with the Deathclaws. This time, the alpha male is killed. Melissa takes the goods and we get good relations with the Great Khans, plus a bunch of goodies.

We return to Sloan, we tell Lewis about our successes in the fight against the Claws of Death, he will thank us well. The task is over.

Chapter 16: Sun Flare

HELIOS One - at the entrance, the NKR officer first tries to drive us away, but does not refuse the offered help. It is necessary to find one idiot in sunglasses inside the complex - this is someone Fantastic, and talk with him about increasing the power of the power plant. We go inside (the ED-E robot should be with us). After a little winding, we find this idiot Fantastic. He's a little sick in the head, well, we don't give a damn about that. We are required to connect to the HELIOS One computer using the West and East reflector control terminals. Then you need to send these reflectors to where Fantastic said. The problem here is that all these cases have a specific security system, and no one runs the risk of getting into a meat grinder ... Fantastic gives one password.

You can go, but next to the Fantastic there is another type - Ignacio Rivas, we talk with him and see that this is a rather mysterious person: he talks about a certain superweapon ARCHIMEDES, which the NKR has no idea about yet, and it’s better that they never they did not guess about him ... Ignacio is an obvious pacifist. He proposes to do the same, but to direct the energy of the reflectors evenly, and not to one point ... apparently, we will have to decide. Ignacio also gives us the password. And then ED-E wakes up and starts talking some nonsense stored in his notes.

We go outside, find both terminals, go around simple traps - traps, mines, crossbows (if we can, deactivate them). In the fence of one of the terminals there may be watchdogs The NCR and they attack - if they are killed, then the NCR begin to hit us ... I used a stealth-boy and let ED-E kill two dogs, and the third did not notice me. We start both terminals. Now we have to go to the Solar Tower, and here a serious gang of mechanical killers is waiting for us: several automatic turrets, a robotic brain, a mister security guard ... With the help of ED-E, we bring them down, we make our way to the main computer HELIOS One. At the very end there is an inconspicuous door that you can’t immediately identify, behind it is the Observation Level. That's where the main computer is located. But bam - he does not have enough energy ... There is an auxiliary generator nearby, but it is also broken! It requires a certain repair skill (35) and one piece of scrap metal ... if we have it, we repair it ourselves, if not, we climb the iron stairs and find the Python robot there. It must be activated. And then he himself will repair the auxiliary generator.

We start the HELIOS One computer. Here we have several choices. 1 - where to send energy: on the advice of Fantastic, to other lands, evenly. 2 - enable or disable the ARCHIMEDES security system, which will destroy the nearby NCR soldiers - if enabled, they will all be killed, you will earn a bad reputation and stasus Outcast ...

ARCHIMEDES, for example, we do not turn on, we distribute energy evenly. But then the computer gives out - lack of energy, damn it! It is necessary to climb higher, where the Python robot was sitting, there is a door outside - there is a reflector control console. You have to pull the lever, but it only works at 9 o'clock in the morning or at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, at the moments of the greatest solar activity. Must wait...

We pull the lever, we are blinded, but not fatal. If the ARCHIMEDES security system is activated, you can see how the deadly rays kill the NKR soldiers ... We go down, we find Ignacio Rivas, he thanks us for right choice, and we get a good reputation with the next sect, it seems to be good ... plus a little book. Mission completed.

Before leaving the HELIOS One building, let's walk around and poof around its bins - there is something to profit from ...

Chapter 17: Headhunting

Even on the way to New Vegas, we will meet these evil gangster elements - Devils. However, they, like everyone else, fall, struck down by a well-aimed bullet. In the Makkaran camp, we talk with everyone in a row and get several tasks at once, one of them from Major Datri - hunting for especially notorious Devils. There is a list to choose from...

Headhunting notorious devils is simple and everyday... Of course, destroying hordes of well-armed and equipped bandits is troublesome, but what to do... All the main targets are located approximately in the same area, so you won't have to look for them for a long time. We shoot them, search them, get hold of new weapons, reload some of them into ED-E, cut off the heads of quest characters - this is necessary to prove to Major Datri.

The deed is done, we return to McCarran, give the heads to the major, he pays us, admires us for a long time, and we receive recognition in this camp.

Chapter 18: Healing

In the McCarran camp, Lieutenant Gorobets (this is our guy here) tells stories about rapist devils, and here is Corporal Betsy, who was raped by one of these bandits. We persuade Betsy to see a doctor, she agrees, but brushes aside our courtship. Delighted, Gorobets asks Dr. Usanagi to take the news to New Vegas. Finding the infirmary where Usanagi lives is not difficult, we hand her a note, and for this she will sell us drugs at a discount. You can also buy and install implants from her that increase Attention, Strength, Endurance, etc. But too expensive! For the ability to carry an extra 10 kg of weight, you have to pay 4000 caps ...

Chapter 19: You can rely on me

The task is a continuation of "Paying the bills". When all business in the New Vegas area is done, we'll take the bills from Red Caravan to McCarran to Dr. Hildern. Returning to the McCarran camp, we find Dr. Hildern. But first, in the "reception" we will talk with a certain Angela Williams. Then we speak with Thomas Hildern. He immediately starts talking about Vault 22. We develop this topic, agree to help him, not for free, of course ... The bottom line is that this shelter has some developments to increase productivity, and now, they say, Hildern wants to get this data and make all mankind happy. However, he does all this for some reason, bypassing the NKR and generally secretly from everyone ...

Finally, we give him the bills from the "Red Caravan", and the mission of the courier is over. We should go back to Alice McLafferty and report back to her.

Alice is pleased with our achievements and gives new tasks: two for Cass, one for a certain Henry Jameson and another delicate assignment related to industrial espionage. One quest for Cass is a continuation of "Paying the Bills", and the second is just at the same time: you need to persuade Cass to sell her company "Cassidy Caravans" to the "Red Caravan" and the second is to persuade Cass to quit the "Red Caravans". Another task is also related to persuasion to quit - Henry Jamison is a type of slacker and he needs to quit this company. Then we need to infiltrate the Gunsmiths factories and quietly, without noise and blood, steal their production data.

Chapter 20: Don't Grow Grass

We receive such a task from Dr. Hildern. As already mentioned, our path lies in Vault 22. At the exit from the doctor, Angela Williams intercepts us. She obviously does not like Hildern, does not believe him and warns us. This doctor sent many, they say, mercenaries to Vault 22, and no one returned, by the way, he sent her friend, Kili, who also disappeared without a trace. Find her? Okay, we'll try!

We leave for Vault 22 - the marker on the map will show where it is. On the approaches, praying mantises are already waiting for us... Inside the shelter, in addition to these praying mantises, other novelties in the world of monsters will be waiting for us, incl. aggressive plants.

Chapter 21: Spy Mania

We find Colonel James Shue in the McCarren building, he speaks for this and that ... Finally, he complains about the leakage of information and that all the actions and plans of the NCR instantly become known to the enemy. Let's find the enemy. First you need to talk to Captain Curtis - he is like a local counterintelligence. He advises to start talking to McCarran's staff - by name. We talk either with the storekeeper (he has a lot of lids and you can throw a lot of goods to him), then with a female lieutenant who practices the torture of prisoners of war (she also offers us some fun with this) ... Finally, we get information that on one of something suspicious happens at night in the McCarren towers - someone is giving signals at one in the morning!

We go back to the female lieutenant and take the key to the Control Tower from her. Now we need to watch for the traitor. Let's go to this tower. We hide nearby and wait - at one or two in the morning we see a certain type who, having made his way into the tower, is doing something there. We rush in there, bang - it's Curtis! Here's a bastard - we kill him, we take away all his clothes.

Now we must hurry and defuse the bomb, which is planted in the monorail train at the McCarren station. We go to the McCarren terminal building, there is an exit on the second floor - there is this train. We go into the train and look for a bomb - it is in the end wall, where the fan grill is. We defuse the bomb - you need a certain level of skills. If we don't have time, we can go and explode...

We go to James Shue on the first floor, report and receive our rewards.

Chapter 22: Investigation (ending)

So, by asking the oncoming and transverse, we received some information about the villains who tried to kill us and stole our platinum cover. Manny Vargas from Novak gave us access to the Great Khans "grouping", and helping Melissa in the Quarry near Sloan gives us even more chances at the Great Khans. We go to them in Boulder City - where the hell is it. When we get to this place, NCR Lieutenant Monroe is already waiting for us there. They have a skirmish with the Great Khans, they took two hostages. We ask for intermediaries.

Chapter 23: Skirmish in Boulder City

Brief assignment. We go to the khans, and their leader, Jessup, when he sees us, goes nuts - it turns out that he was in the company that slammed us ... but they were thrown by that guy in a suit - Benny. And now this Benny is in New Vegas, at the Tops casino - we will have to find him, and this will be the next task - "The Call".

In the meantime, we negotiate with Jessup, and he releases the hostages, in return for the NCR should let them through. We return to Lieutenant Monroe, and he upsets us with the news that an order has been received: regardless of the hostages, destroy the Great Khans. Well, we use all means and persuade him to keep his officer's word. He agrees.

The NKR is leaving, the Great Khans are returning to their wilds, we are getting a good reputation and love from the Great Khans. On this the quest "Clash in Boulder City" is completed, the "Investigation" is also finished.

Chapter 24: It's About Time

Julie Farkas of the Old Mormon Bridge, a stronghold of the Followers of the Apocalypse in Freeside, with a punk mohawk, asks to wean two drug addicts Hoffa and Ronte from their addiction. She also talks about life in Freeside and the Kings. Let's go look for these idiots... We find them. Some Dixon supplies them with chemistry, he hangs around right there. Please do not supply any more poison to these two. With our eloquence and with the help of a threat, Dixon agrees. However, this is not all - we still need to cure these citizens. Here we will need different drugs - if there is, we treat, if not - we are looking for and treating. The task is completed, however, there are still plenty of the same poor fellows "at the bottom of life" ...

updatefrom catmatroskin:

You can treat a junkie and a bruise using pumped science or eloquence - everywhere there are 50, it seems, and by persuasion we send them to friends in the fort, like they are waiting for them, they are worried about them and they will be helped - suckers are being led.

Chapter 25: Someone needs to look after

In Norton Vegas Square, a bald man apparently plays the role of a sheriff, he gives several tasks - trifling at first, like sorting out underground sewers with a gang of troublemakers who muddy the waters, then he reports that a certain aunt Hostetler's daughter got in touch with thugs, it is necessary , say, help! We go to this aunt, she is not very friendly, but we agree and go back to Norton Vegas to spy on Alice Hostetler, her daughter.

There, on the square, we are talking with a certain Jules, he advises looking for Alice in the "Grey Building", we go into this building. One room is locked, the lock is medium. Here one of the thugs comes up, we can’t talk to him normally (well, maybe someone will succeed), we bring him down and the second one who came to the rescue. We break open the lock of the room (or open it with a key taken from one of the thugs) and find a note from which it becomes clear that Alice was going to rob the Red Caravan cash desk, and one of the ghouls knocked her into it. We walk a little more along the "Grey Building" and stumble upon this ghoul. It’s also impossible to talk to him normally (or who, maybe, will succeed), we bring him down. Now back to Mother Hostetler. In her hut, we suddenly stumble upon Alice herself, who is very aggressive. We use all the stock of eloquence and persuasion, finally, she gives up, gives up a 9-mm pistol and agrees to make peace with her family.

Now it remains to talk to her mother, receive a reward (or refuse it).

Chapter 26: Collector

The bartender from the Atomic Cowboy, in Freeside, gives the task: to knock out debts. We agree with her on the terms of 50 to 50. Three debtors, they are easy to find by the marks on the map - we return the debts, it is better, of course, by persuasion, however, as you like.

Chapter 27: Call

Chapter 28: One step from defeat to victory

Completely worthless task, except that for its implementation we get good points ... NCR Camp Golf, a lot of tents and idle NCR soldiers staggering around. In one tent we are talking with a black sergeant, he complains about the recruits, we undertake to help him. A stone's throw from the tent-dining room, there are several rangers, we speak with them in turn, and the task is completed.

Chapter 29: Wheels of Fortune

We find at the bottom of the map the location "Camp Sachmore" (or something like that), near the "Animal Farm"(the pages of the diary on it lie in the destroyed building, on the stairs of the barn, on the second floor of the barn and in the back of the car next to the suitcase) and "Abandoned Farm"(there, all sorts of gopota suddenly piles on us). On the way to the location there is an outpost of the NKR, the first sergeant Astor rules there, you can take his diary on the table. In short, let's get into the thick of it (put on the "Suitsuit" - see "Let's fly", use Rad-X - and all the steering wheel, +1 roentgen per second, just), there are 2 chapels, one empty, the other with a computer for activating turrets (science 50) and a hatch underground (a lot of unusual ghouls - soldiers and fighters, if we bring them down - we will definitely shmon, in addition to nishtyaks they will have "Irradiated NKR tokens", you need to find 9, see quest 29 - We together), we bring down underground, a daring bastard sticks out there (Logan, it seems) with a coddle of scumbags, a bazaar, we ask "Why are you bazaaring like that" and "Why are you so daring", he enslaves us to hack a computer (50 science) and find him NKR anti-radiation suits. On the computer, we find out that some suckers planted a couple of boxes of these suites and were seen in Nipton, we leak this to Logan, we harness it to drive there.

In Nipton, we crawl into the department store to Tovarnyak, he sings that he saw how the Legion ratted some boxes with the NKR-ovsky security guard in a cave nearby, prem there, bring down the local gopota, make one suite for ourselves (+30 rad-resistance), package suites - Logan's lads, we're coming back. We’ll bazaar with this Vasya, he treats us, that together we’ll set up a trash and a fire station, inventory the basement and agree. True, he and his bastards will always be behind (so don’t drop the soap) and we’ll go to the trash can, shooting and shmona everyone and everything along the way (turrets will help if they are activated). In the musarna we take out three bunks, we shmon everything to zero, the bazaar (this bastard really takes half of what we have acquired here) and we bring down the fire in the same theater. In the fire department, it is necessary to bring down the radscorpion-womb, we try to set up our dear guests (the more they are killed, the easier it will be for us later), in the fire department, the radiation hammers unrealistically, with a resistance of +85 I reached +4 roentgens per second, we shmon everything according to that the same scheme, we don’t forget the second floor, the bazaar with Logan, he tries to throw us, rake, we shmona new corpses (we don’t forget about the legionnaire on the first floor, we find an order for the destruction of this camp from him) and we bring down to such a mother from there until we shine started.

In this part I will try to describe in detail the passage of all quests related to the NKR military field camps.

Camp McCarran.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the side of the NKR. Part three.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the side of the NKR. Part three.

"Spy Mania"

Colonel Shu wants to help Captain Curtis investigate a leak. After talking with the captain, we go and interrogate Corporal Sterling and Lieutenant Boyd about suspicious events. From the first we learn about a strange light at night on the airport control tower, from the second we get the key to the tower by asking about the burglars.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the side of the NKR. Part three.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the side of the NKR. Part three.

We wait for one in the morning and watch the entrance to the tower. As soon as Curtis enters it (he is the spy and he should not notice you), we go after him and, having caught the data transfer, we shoot him on the spot. We take the deactivation code from the body and return to Colonel Shu. After learning that Curtis is a spy, he sends us to the monorail to check the security. We have about a minute to get to the monorail and defuse the bomb (explosive/science or code) hidden behind the train's ventilation grate. Otherwise, the train will leave with the bomb and blow up the monorail.

Note: There is a note in Curtis' office with the coordinates of the sniper position. There you can find sniper rifle scouts.

"Don't Grow Grass"

Dr. Hildern needs the results of the research conducted in Vault 22. After the doctor talks to you, his assistant will ask you to look for another mercenary Kili, who was sent to the shelter earlier. Let's go there.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the side of the NKR. Part three.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the side of the NKR. Part three.

In the 22nd, something was hacked up, and now it looks like a botanical garden that has gone berserk. If there is a repair developed up to 80, then we repair the elevator. Otherwise, we go down to the lower levels and shamanize with the terminals of the caretaker and guards in order to open the door to the cave (another "pleasure"). The terminal with information about the experiments is on the fifth level behind a locked lock (hard). Kili is also on this level, in a cave. We save her and follow her to the second level. She will offer to destroy the deadly spores in the shelter. To do this, she has already pumped gas into the premises of the lower level, and all we need to do is blow it up. We go down, go into the room where we downloaded the files, select a grenade from the weapon (although you can just shoot), throw it to the place of gas accumulation and quickly close the door. We return to Keely and convince her (science) not to destroy the research data.


Major Datri needs the heads of three of the most dangerous Devils.

Chief Chief.

Talk to the Little Brat, he will inform you that Chef-Chef keeps a herd of brahmins and treats one of them very carefully. If something happens to her, he will go berserk and attack everyone indiscriminately. I advise you to use a sniper rifle.

Nefi driver.

You can make your task easier by agreeing with Lieutenant Gorobets. The snipers will sit on the stone crushing plant, and you will only have to lure Nef to them.


You can find it at the Poseidon gas station.

"Searching for White"

The missing corporal was investigating the disappearance of water from the water supply. Most of the quest is just running from one NPC to another. When sent to the Westside, there will be several options to press the follower: intelligence, good relations with the followers, or through the boy. We agree not to tell the NKR about the theft of water (good reputation among the followers) and report to the colonel that White has disappeared on the Strip.


Lieutenant Gorobets wants someone (you) to convince Corporal Betsy to get treatment for his psychological trauma. It is necessary to talk to Betsy herself and try to persuade her with the help of eloquence or medicine. If this does not work out, talk to the rest of the squad members. Once you get their approval for a course of treatment, go back to the corporal and tell her about it.

Quests not marked in the journal.

Help Lieutenant Boyd.

The NCR managed to take one of the Legion commanders alive and they need help with the interrogation. Requires either Intelligence 8 or Speech.

The missing ranger Anderson.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the side of the NKR. Part three.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the side of the NKR. Part three.

Colonel Shu sent one of the rangers to kill the leader of the Devils. We go to the third shelter, and save the ranger (a room in the living quarters, not far from the emergency exit to the entrance to the shelter), persuade him to return to Makkaran, and we ourselves go to the technical premises and kill the Motorcycle Racer. In this shelter, you can also save squatters and get hold of weapons by opening a passage to the flooded premises from the overseer's terminal.

Problems in the kitchen.

The local cook will ask you to repair the food synthesizer (repair 80 or spare parts), and also arrange with the red caravan for the supply of meat in exchange for excess vegetables.


Help the Quartermaster with a few simple errands and he'll give you access to a special merchandise.

Camp Forlorn Hope.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the side of the NKR. Part three.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the side of the NKR. Part three.

"Medical History"

Dr. Richardson wants you to look into the missing medical supplies. Private Stone is to blame for the whole story. You can prove his involvement with the help of medicine (50), stealing an empty syringe from his pockets or talking with Private Sexten about the loss (he will refer to Stone's suspicious behavior). If the skill of eloquence is high, we persuade Stone to surrender and get fame and karma. Otherwise, if we surrender ourselves, we will receive only glory. Also, Stone can give us medicines if we cover up his case.

"Return of Hope"

Issued by Major Polatli. First, the major will ask you to get supplies for the camp. We talk with the quartermaster and learn from him that he sent people to Helios. On the territory of Helios we ask the lieutenant. She will answer that she gave out supplies and installed a tracking beacon in them. We go to the wind farm area and pick them up. As soon as the supplies are in our hands, the legion squad will attack.

The next item will need to help Dr. Richardson with the wounded. Medicine skill from 20 to 70 is required. If medicine is not developed, medicines and medical equipment can be used (medicines can be bought, for example, in New Vegas clinics, and equipment can be found there in the tent).

And in the end, we will be offered to participate in the cleansing of Nelson. Just kill all legionnaires and their dean.


Issued by Sergeant Rice. It is necessary to spread the new codes for ciphering radiograms to the posts of the rangers. After the codes are delivered, the ggs will be asked to inquire about suspicious reports from the posts. When it turns out that the incoming information is disinformation, we will be sent to the Golf camp, to talk with the ranger Henlen. You can only talk to him when he is sitting on the balcony (daylight hours). We convince him to stop and no longer manipulate reports from posts.

"Wherever I wander..."

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the side of the NKR. Part three.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the side of the NKR. Part three.

Issued by Private Reynolds, on the way to the Tenachchikap Mine. It is necessary to release the captured soldiers held by the Legion in this mine with a difficult to pronounce name. You can simply pick the locks (skill 60) or, after clearing the cave, take away the key from the dean of the legionnaires.


Private Sexten offers us to compete with the NKR fighters in the destruction of legionnaires and asks to bring him their ears as evidence.

NCR Heavy Force Power Armor does not require skill to wear it. You can get it by quietly getting rid of one of them.

Golf camp.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the side of the NKR. Part three.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the side of the NKR. Part three.

"From victory to defeat - one step"

Issued by Sergeant McCready (central oblong tent). The sergeant asks you to bring the "trash" squad into combat mode. There are four options for completing this task. The methods proposed by Razz and Pointexter are easy to implement, but the ending will be sad. If you agree to train the "trash" at the training ground (talk to Meg), then you will need a weapon skill of 50 to complete the task. Another way is to persuade the "trash" to be more united and respect each other (O'Hanrahan's way). We need to talk with Razz, Pointdexter and Meg, asking them to tell about themselves. Requires Speech 50.

Bitter Springs.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the side of the NKR. Part three.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the side of the NKR. Part three.

"Mountains, Only Mountains", "A Little More", "Hospital Blues".

Captain Gilles needs (yes again) our help. We need to deal with night attacks, get supplies, get more soldiers from the command to guard the camp and provide the doctor with the necessary medicines.

Behind the night attacks is one of the Great Khans, still unable to come to terms with the tragedy of Bitter Springs. You can find it in a cave on the western slope. If eloquence is developed, one can raise karma by discouraging him from further revenge. In the same cave we pick up a box with supplies. The other two are in caves, behind the camp tents. The doctor needs to bring 3 doctor's bags and psychology textbooks (bought in the red caravan). Reinforcements will be given to us only if we solve the problems in those camps or have a good reputation.

Camp Searchlight.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the side of the NKR. Part three.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the side of the NKR. Part three.

"We are together"

Sergeant Astor will meet you at the entrance to the city and warn you that the legion somehow got a nuclear weapon used on the camp. Most of the fighters died, but many became wild ghouls. Kill them and bring the personal marks to the sergeant. Also in one of the houses you will find a completely reasonable ghoul fighter, persuade him to give you his token. You can also ask about him at the Forlorn Hope camp, and after learning about the special detachment of ghoul rangers, tell him (karma +).

"An eye for an eye"

As soon as the previous task is finished, Astor will ask you to take revenge on the legion, and destroy the Cottonwood Cove camp. We leave for the height of Cottonwood and, having found a tractor with a trailer, we open it so that barrels of nuclear waste cover the camp.

"Wheel of Fortune"

In the basement of one of the houses, prospectors sat down. They want to search infected houses for anything precious. Their leader will offer you to help him. First you need to hack into the terminal and find out where the anti-radiation suits were sent. We leave for Nipton and ask the demoman in the store. He will tell you about the warehouse cave. We pick up the costumes from there and go back. Next, I advise you to stock up on antiradin. When you have the suits, go with the miners to the police station and the fire station (here a giant female scorpion will be waiting for you and is happy up to 5 rad / s).


If you urgently need caps, look at Searchlight Airport. There will be about 8000 of them in two blue boxes not far from the planes. Nearby you can find a crashed rotorcraft with a prototype of the Tesla Beaton gun (met in Fallout: Broken steel).

Peak Guardian.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the side of the NKR. Part three.

"For the Republic!" - passing the game on the side of the NKR. Part three.

When approaching the camp on Mount Guardian, you will pick up a distress call. From the radio message it will become clear that the camp was destroyed by mutants from the caves. Go to the very top and find the entrance to the cave, there will be the only surviving ranger in it. He will ask you to avenge your comrades by killing all the monsters. Heal him and send him to the camp (with me, at any outcome of the conversation, he rushed to take revenge on the swamps). A lot of weapons (especially explosives) can be found in the cave.

20 - Spy mania. We find Colonel James Shue in the McCarren building, he speaks for this and that ... finally complains about the leakage of information and that all the actions and plans of the NCR instantly become known to the enemy. Let's find the enemy. First you need to talk to Captain Curtis - he is like a local counterintelligence. He advises to start talking to McCarran's staff - by name. We speak either with the storekeeper (he has a lot of lids and you can throw a lot of goods to him), then with a female lieutenant who practices the torture of prisoners of war (she offers us to have some fun with this too) ... finally we get information that on one of the towers McCarren something suspicious is happening at night - someone is giving signals at one in the morning!

We go back to the female lieutenant and take the key to the Control Tower from her. Now we need to watch for the traitor. Let's go to this tower. We hide nearby and wait - at one or two in the morning we see a certain type who, having made his way into the tower, is doing something there. We rush in there, bang - it's Curtis! Here's a bastard - we kill him, we take away all his clothes.

Now we must hurry and defuse the bomb, which is planted in the monorail train at the McCarren station. We go to the McCarren terminal building, there is an exit on the second floor - there is this train. We go into the train and look for a bomb - it is in the end wall, where the fan grill is. We defuse the bomb - you need a certain level of skills. If we don't have time, we can go and explode...

We go to James Shue on the first floor, report and receive our rewards. The task is over.

21 - Investigation (end). So, by asking oncoming and transverse, we received some information about the villains who tried to kill us and stole our platinum cover. Manny Vargas from Novak gave us access to the Great Khans "grouping", and helping Melissa in the Quarry near Sloan gives us even more chances at the Great Khans. We go to them in Boulder City - this is where the hell. When we get to this place, NCR Lieutenant Monroe is already waiting for us there. They have a skirmish with the Great Khans, they took two hostages. We ask for intermediaries.

Skirmish in Boulder City. Brief assignment. We go to the khans, and their leader Jessup goes nuts when he sees us - it turns out he was in the company that slammed us ... but they were thrown by that guy in a suit - Benny. And now this Benny is in New Vegas, in the casino "Tops" - we will have to find him and this will be the next task - "The Call".

In the meantime, we negotiate with Jessup and he releases the hostages, in return, the NCR should let them through. We return to Lieutenant Monroe and he upsets us with the news that an order has been received: despite the hostages, destroy the Great Khans. Well, we use all means and persuade him to keep his officer's word. He agrees.

The NKR is leaving, the Great Khans are returning to their wilds, we are getting a good reputation and love from the Great Khans. On this the quest "Clash in Boulder City" is completed, the "Investigation" is also finished.

23 - It's about time. Julia Farkas of the Old Mormon Bridge, a stronghold of the Followers of the Apocalypse in Freeside, has a punk mohawk and asks to wean two drug addicts Hoffa and Ronte from their addiction. She also talks about life in Freeside and the Kings. Let's go look for these idiots... We find them. Some Dixon supplies them with chemistry, he hangs around right there. We ask for good not to supply more poison to these two. With our eloquence and with the help of a threat, Dixon agrees. However, this is not all - we still need to cure these citizens. Here we will need different drugs - if there is, we treat, if not, we look for and treat. The task is completed, however, there are still plenty of the same poor fellows "at the bottom of life" ...

24 - Someone needs to look after. In Norton Vegas Square, a bald man apparently plays the role of a sheriff, he gives several tasks - trifling at first, like sorting out underground sewers with a gang of troublemakers who muddy the waters ... then he reports that a certain aunt Hostetler's daughter got in touch with thugs - need to help! We go to this aunt, she is not very friendly, but we agree and go back to Norton Vegas to spy on Alice Hostetler, her daughter.

There, on the square, we are talking with a certain Jules, he advises looking for Alice in the "Grey Building", we go into this building. One room is locked, the lock is medium. Here one of the thugs comes up, we can’t talk to him normally (well, maybe someone will succeed), we bring him down and the second one who came to the rescue. We break open the lock of the room (or open it with a key taken from one of the thugs), and we find a note from which it becomes clear that Alice was going to rob the Red Caravan cash register and one of the ghouls knocked her into it. We walk a little more along the "Grey Building" and stumble upon this ghoul. It’s also impossible to talk to him normally (or who can and will succeed), we bring him down. Now back to Mother Hostetler. In her hut, we suddenly stumble upon Alice herself, who is very aggressive. We use all the stock of eloquence and persuasion, finally she gives up, gives up a 9-mm pistol and agrees to make peace with her family.

Now it remains to talk to her mother, receive a reward (or refuse it). The task is over.

25 - Collector. The bartender from the Atomic Cowboy, who in Freeside gives the task to knock out debts. We agree with her on the terms of 50 to 50. Three debtors, they are easy to find by the marks on the map - we return the debts, it is better, of course, by persuasion, but as you like.

26 - Call. This is an important task from the central line of the game and is a continuation of the "Investigation". We need to find Benny, who robbed us and tried to kill us, he lives in the Tops casino.

27 - One step from defeat to victory. Completely worthless task, except that for its implementation we get good points ... NCR Camp Golf, a lot of tents and idle NCR soldiers staggering around. In one tent we speak with a black sergeant, he complains about the recruits, we undertake to help him. There is a dining tent a stone's throw away, there are several rangers, we speak with them in turn and - in general, the task is over ...

Solitaire Solitaire