Fallout 3 point lookout where the doctor is. Walkthrough Point Lookout. Quests not shown in the Pip-Boy

The passages of the quests are placed in spoilers, so that those who do not want to accidentally read in advance and find out something unnecessary would not spoil their enjoyment of the game.

List of quests:

The Local Flavor

Quest ID: xx005846

After installing the DLC, you will see a message indicating that the Duchess Gambit ferry from Point Lookout has arrived at the pier at the mouth of the Potomac River. If you're curious, head to the boat dock located south of the Citadel. Near the ferry, a woman will approach you and beg you to find her missing daughter, Nadine. According to her, Nadine (a redhead, the age of the main character) sailed on this ferry to Point Lookout and nothing more was heard from her.

To start the journey, you should talk to Tobar the ferryman (Tobar) and buy a ticket from him, then enter the cabin and activate the bunk, you will wake up on the spot.

At the pier in Point Lookout, Tobar will draw your attention to the burning Calvert Mansion, rumored to be filled with antebellum treasures, so you will immediately have something to do - visit it and find out what happened there. In the mansion you will see two dogs and a ghoul in a white suit, Desmond, who will ask you to help fight off the savages bursting in from nowhere (Tribals). After carrying the uninvited guests out of the main hall, Desmond will lead you to another part of the house, where it will be necessary to block off everything possible inputs. To do this, you will have to break through the crowds of savages, first in the western wing, and then in the eastern (there you need to fall down), to the rooms with red cylinders under pressure. A grenade or shot should be thrown into these cylinders in order to close all roads to the mansion for the savages by exploding and collapsing.

Upon returning to the main hall, you will hear from Desmond about another attack coming. It is worth following his advice and installing mines at all doors. Next, the savages will attack you again, alternately from: the upper right door, the lower right, the lower left, and finally from the front doors. After repelling the attack, talk to Desmond to receive a reward perk and the next task - get to the Arc and Dove Cathedral and find out what the savages are up to.

Reward: perk Superior Defender, the player receives +5 damage and +10 defense if standing still.

Note: All your teammates will be automatically dismissed when the journey to Point Lookout begins.

Walking with Spirits

Quest ID: xx005847

After repelling an attack on the Calvert mansion, Desmond will instruct you to infiltrate the Ark and Dove Cathedral, occupied by savages, in order to uncover their plans.

At the gates of the cathedral, located far north of the mansion, you will talk to someone on the intercom and find out that you will not be allowed inside until you have freed your mind by completing the Ritual of the Mother Seed. So you'll have to go even further west, to the entrance to the Sacred Bog Entrance, for the seeds of the giant panga.

The swamp with the giant panga is favored by swamp dwellers, which is quite natural, but while collecting the desired seeds, strange things will begin - loss of consciousness and hallucinations upon his return. On the way back, giant Schmault-Tec Bubbleheads will grow (like mushrooms after rain), and their activation will cause mocking messages. You will also see a red translucent saw biting into the ground and Quantum Nuka Cola bottles exploding with the sound of baby babble, walk along a surface turned upside down, and then watch a needle pierce the ground with a steel thread. You will be attacked by ghostly ghouls, you will find the skeleton of your late mother and the bodies of familiar people floating in the swamp (Lucas Simms, Moira Brown, Amata, Elder Lyons and others). At the end, you will come across a bomb from Megaton with Mr.... no, no, not Burke, but Breck standing next to it! He will say "Don't try to get up. It will only make you worse.", after which the bomb will explode, and you will wake up on the mat at the entrance to the swamps. Having looked around, you will find that a large scar has appeared on your hero’s head, thoroughly spoiling his appearance (oh, horror!) and preventing him from wearing at least some kind of headdress.

However, the gates of the Arc and Dove Cathedral are now open for you, and upon returning there, you will understand that you should find the leader of the tribe to obtain clarification.

What does all this mean... Moving forward in this story, hallucinations can be explained as follows:

  • messages from Shmolt-Tek dolls most likely indicate the hero’s lack of self-confidence,
  • a red saw appears at the moment when Tobar opens the hero’s skull, and a needle and thread appears when he sews up his head,
  • ghostly ghouls, exploding quantum and inverted reality are created when a piece of the brain is cut out,
  • Well, Mr. Breck is clearly Tobar himself.

Rewards: access to the savage headquarters, 300 XP and perk Panga Power! (Punga Power!), eating panga fruits will now bring more benefits.

Hearing Voices

Quest ID: xx005848

In the Ark and Dove Cathedral you will see a bunch of deranged savages, of course, you will not pass by the red-haired young girl, of course, this is the same Nadine who her mother asked to find at the boat dock.

Nadine will tell you that in fact, during the ritual, someone split your skull and cut out a piece of your brain while you were passed out. She also knows that the leader of the Jackson tribe is hiding in a cave under the cathedral and she will even give you the key to the wrecked ship at the eastern cliff so that you can get into the cave, in addition, this wonderful girl can save you from the scar left after the ritual. Then Nadine will go to check her assumptions about the involvement of someone in cutting skulls, you can follow her, or you can go to Desmond with a report.

In any case, returning to the Duchess Gambit, you will find Nadine there, who will claim that it is Tobar the Ferryman who is cutting out pieces of the brains of initiates for personal gain. Believe it or not, in the engine room you will see a ferryman and many jars of gray matter... Tobar himself will willingly admit everything and try to kill you. Having dealt with it, you may notice a piece of your brain in a jar on the table (you can take it or leave it, it will not affect anything).

When he sees you, Desmond will begin to swear and send you to the wrecked ship (Wrecked Seatub), where, as you explore the cave, you will stumble upon Jackson meditating in front of a very strange object. You can talk to this item; it turns out that it is a holographic projection of the Brain. The Brain will say that the savages consider him their god, and they are long-time enemies with Desmond, and will instruct him to take away from the ghoul a certain device, a jammer that limits the Brain’s sphere of influence within this miserable cave. From the conversation it will become clear that the stupid savages did not live up to his hopes, since Jackson’s interpretation of the Brain’s words leaves much to be desired - after all, the leader interpreted the order to take the jammer as an order to attack the Calvert mansion! At the end of your conversation with the Brain, the leader of the tribe will come to his senses, but will not say anything useful, but you should go to Desmond again for clarification...

Reward: 300 XP.

Note: Find Croatoa among the savages in the Cathedral and ask him how he raised so many pangas, then he will give his unique Dung shovel(requires the Eternal Child perk).

Thought Control

Quest ID: xx005849

At the word “Brain,” Desmond gets mad and blurts out that this is his pre-war rival, Professor Calvert, a once famous scientist and the last representative of the Calverts, who had influence throughout the world and practically bought the US government. They even had a popular presidential candidate until a scandal with a dog forced him out of the race (yes, it was Desmond's doing). So the ghoul is determined to “bring down the hammer of justice on the lousy head of the professor,” figuratively speaking, and you must help him with this.

Desmond gives you a Cogwave Jammer and orders you to install it on top of the Wonder Wheel, attaching it to one of the booths to prevent the professor from broadcasting to the entire area and controlling the savages.

As you approach the Ferris wheel, you will hear Calvert's voice, he will try to pull you over to his side. At this point you can turn back and try to knock 250 caps out of Desmond in the name of faithful service to him, and not to the professor (eloquence!). One way or another, you will have a choice (it will not affect karma and further progress):

Side with Calvert and destroy the jammer. Simply place the generator in the nearest waste compactor and that's it. After this, Calvert will promise to show you something exceptional and direct you to a mansion that will explode as you approach. The mansion will be nothing but rubble... but in the midst of the ruins you will notice a manhole cover leading to the hideout where Desmond was hiding. Go to the lighthouse, there you will meet him, safe and sound, but a little dissatisfied with your behavior.

Side with Desmond and install a jammer on the Ferris wheel. Don't pay attention to the professor's speeches and do what you're assigned. After installing the generator, hostile savages will come from everywhere, and you will have to shoot them. Then return to Desmond. The mansion will still be blown up as you approach, and the ghoul will show up in hiding, angry because of the death of his “puppies” and his lack of understanding, because he finally determined that the professor had been hiding nearby all this time, in the lighthouse. So this is where you go...

Reward: 300 XP and (possibly) 250 caps from Desmond.

Note: it is not the Brain speaking to the player near the Ferris wheel, in fact it is an NPC sitting inside the nearest building, which cannot be entered without console commands(you may notice a friendly stripe on the compass). He is not an ally of the savages attacking you, so one of them will look for him on the roof in order to kill him.

A Meeting of the Minds

Quest ID: xx00584a/xx00584b

Inside the Lighthouse, a door will now open to an underground laboratory, where robotic guards, turrets and locked terminals await you (all have access cards, as a rule, they are located somewhere nearby). But, in spite of everything and no one, you will break into the room with Professor Calvert's brain floating in a glass capsule.

Here, while Desmond is quarreling with the Brain (funny, they are both confident in your support), you should run around the circle and push down all the moving robots. After this, talk to the Brain, he will offer something extremely interesting, but only in exchange for killing Desmond. Ultimately you will have to decide which one to kill...

Kill Desmond. After killing Desmond, you learn that the professor is no longer needed and your prize is death. There’s no escape from this, you’ll also have to deal with Professor Calvert by breaking the glass of the capsule with something (an automatic burst, a shot from a grenade launcher, etc.). The vault doors then automatically unlock, allowing access to the microwave emitter and direct exit to the outside.

Kill Professor Calvert. If you decide to speak for Desmond, simply break the glass capsule with the professor's brain floating in it. After this, the remaining protectrons that were not thrown down will turn off, and you will talk to the joyful Desmond and receive from him the key to the storage room with a microwave emitter. When asked “what next,” he will answer that he will go north, because the professor was not his only enemy.

Awards: Microwave Emitter- looks like a hypnotron, damage 60, weight 8, uses MY batteries; various ammunition; Desmond's points in case of his death (explosives +5, light weapons +5); 300 caps and 10 panga fruits from Nadine's grateful mother.

Note: If Desmond is killed by turrets or robots along the way, Calvert will talk to you as if it were your doing.

Note: when you get out of the vault, you may come under attack from a smuggler with a sniper, who has settled on the island to the south. It shoots extremely accurately, but is out of detection range and will not show up on the compass.

Note: If you subsequently return to Arc and Dove Cathedral, you will be fighting off angry savages.

Several months have passed since Chris Bane destroyed the Enclave's mobile base. The Wasteland became calmer, and the paladins, sighing over the loss of Liberty Prime, remembered their oaths and responsibilities. They no longer storm bases, but they deliver water regularly. Gradually, the dead earth is filled with Aqua Pura, the radiation, albeit in insignificant portions, is receding. Everyone understands that this hard work is almost useless, but someone needs to do it. Multiple savior of the Capital Wasteland, Chris Bane, was more concerned about the huge charred hole in his cloak...

Like good old times...

He stopped for the night in some shack south of Commonwealth. The building looked dilapidated and abandoned, but there was a bed in it, and Chris was pretty tired of sleeping on the street.

However, two hours later he was awakened, and extremely unceremoniously - by a shot from a plasma pistol. The red-hot clot burned an almost perfectly round hole in the cloak, bed and wall, and only extraordinary dexterity saved Chris from the same hole in his own body. The next moment he jumped to his feet and with a crushing blow from the “Fist” sent his opponent into a deep knockout.

It seemed that this old man had seen the war with his own eyes, he was so old. A dirty plaid shirt, worn out blue trousers - only a plasma weapon does not fit at all with the simple look. Chris put the energy pistol in his pocket and splashed water in the old man's face.

- What... Who are you? What do you want in my house?!

That's it! The shack turned out to be inhabited, and the owner, understandably, did not like the uninvited guest.

“Sorry for the intrusion, old man, but you could have made it clear that my presence is unwelcome, somehow less fiery.” So, you know, you can kill. “Chris slowly walked around the room, looking at his would-be killer, who without a weapon looked more like a tramp or a drunkard.

The old man turned pale:

- Sorry, son, I thought it was another raider. There are a ton of them in the area, and in general there are all sorts of evil spirits rushing out of the Wasteland... I’ve seen enough here in my life that you wouldn’t even dream of it in a nightmare. Don't be angry, huh? And give me the gun, otherwise how can I live without it...

Chris leaned over the prisoner, looked into his eyes and honestly said:

“I won’t give you the gun yet.” It's still a long way until morning, and I'm not going to wander around in the dark. And where are the guarantees that you won’t put a charge in my back? No, your toy will stay with me for now, but I promise, before I leave, I will return it to you and even throw in some money. I am not greedy. You better tell me this: do you have a stove or a primus there? I want to boil some water, I have some clean water, without radiation.

All his simple thoughts were reflected on the poor fellow’s wrinkled face. There was no reason to believe the unexpected guest: those who roam the Wasteland are rarely characterized by kindness and nobility, but on the other hand, if the guy wanted to finish him off, he could have done it twenty times already, and with his own weapon. And what can we take from him, the old bastard? It was just a cannon, but the dear guest took it away anyway. But I would like some water...

“Well... I have a kerosene stove, how could I not,” the old man said uncertainly. “I’ll bring it right now, it’s hidden outside in a secret place.” Wait a little, or, if you like, let's go together.

He started to move towards the door, but Chris stopped him:

- Well, hold your horses. — He took out the Alien blaster. — Do you see this product of extraterrestrial technology?

- Ugh... This is a gun, okay? Alien. Powerful - your plasma is like a slingshot compared to it. If you try to do something stupid, there won’t even be any memories left from your head. If you behave well, you will live. Got the general idea? Then let's go. You're the first.

They left the shack, walked around it and went down into the cellar. The old man fished out a kerosene burner and a couple of pieces of dried meat of dubious origin from a pile of rags. He handed one piece to Chris with the words: “Here, son. You understand that I don’t wish you harm, but there is no such thing as too much caution. Otherwise I wouldn’t have reached my age here.” Chris, mentally grinning, took the meat, but they walked back in the same order - first the old man, and then he.

I didn't want to sleep. The incident with the plasma dispelled all the sleepy stupor, and the old owner did not seem to be going to the side at all, on the contrary, he somehow perked up. Apparently, he yearned for simple human communication, and the night guest turned out to be a sympathetic listener, showing sincere interest in the old goner’s tales. Chris, however, had his own thoughts - while the old man weaves his stories, at least he won’t throw anything away.

The doll heads impaled on stakes look human from a distance.

- The wasteland is, son, a place where there are two of every creature! — The narrator’s eyes burned brighter than the fire in the hearth. - What are your mutants, ugh, what a miracle, there are plenty of them everywhere, but I saw them steamship! About three hundred years ago, people like that walked along the Potomac River...” He laughed raspily, seeing the genuine surprise on Chris’s face. “What do you think, if I’ve lived in the wilderness all my life, I’m as dark as a rat’s ass?” You see, I can read, but I’ve seen these steamships on cards. So, I’m walking along the bank one day, looking to see if there are any crab eggs somewhere, hunting is a passion for eating, and suddenly I see smoke above the water! Well, I think he either went blind in his old age, or somehow slipped out of his mind unnoticed. I rubbed my eyes - no, it smokes like smoke. Then I realized that the ship was not empty, of course. Well, curiosity was born before me, I shouted: “Where did you come from, so beautiful?” The captain yells back that they are coming from some Point Lookout, go figure out what kind of hole this is. Then a crab crawled out of the water, and I immediately didn’t care about that smoking bowl. Maybe she still smokes air on the river to this day. I should go, son, and check, what kind of Lookout is this? I’m already a little old for such undertakings, but it’s just right for you.

To be honest, Chris was in no hurry to believe his words. How can a ship navigate the Potomac through the entire Capital Wasteland? Yes, halfway through the journey he will be captured by mutants with rocket launchers and laser rifles, or even worse... However, although Chris was younger than the old man, he still managed to see a lot of things that no sage could ever dream of. And creepy, and unusual, and fantastic - everything. Maybe there was truth in this strange story about the smoking ship...

“I’ll think about it,” he said out loud. - Now let's go to sleep. And keep in mind, I sleep lightly, so no tricks.

The next morning he gave the old man his plasma toy, gave him a hundred batteries, some caps and water. Stunned by the unexpected wealth that had fallen on him, and also by the fact that the guest actually kept his promise and left him alive, the old man sat down where he stood, his mouth open.

And the tireless wanderer moved along the Potomac River to the south...

Haze of the swampy south

Bombs did not fall everywhere. Well, what is the point of the Chinese destroying every piece of American soil? Big cities— and they partially survived the war. Washington, Los Angeles, even San Francisco more or less survived. Well, in any case, something remains of them.

But in the wilderness, in places forgotten even before the disaster, the consequences of the war are felt differently. There were no explosions here, but there were radioactive rains, and the river that fed these places itself became pure poison. However, as elsewhere, there were those who were able to endure radiation, hunger and disease. Someone has lost his last brains and is now hiding in the swamps, waiting for careless wanderers. Others rallied into communities and invented new gods for themselves. Still others mutated into ghouls, but did not completely lose their humanity, although they found themselves in the position of outcasts. One way or another, people survived, gradually restoring, as best they could, the pitiful remnants of their former existence.

Chris Bain with a gun. There's an Alien blaster in my pocket. Just in case...

Gloomy, dreary, anxious, like its inhabitants, the city is the embodiment of despair. Once upon a time, life was in full swing here, but over hundreds of years of isolation, something has subtly changed. These places are hostile to aliens. They look at them sideways, glaring at them, whispering behind their backs, discussing and wondering how to teach them a lesson. Just like that, no way. The city is drowning in fog, the shore is almost invisible, although the ship is almost at the pier, gray-black clouds have covered the sky with a veil impenetrable to the sun's rays. And the fog can easily hide anything or anyone... especially those who are up to no good.

Point Lookout was a great success. Whatever you say, Bethesda knows how to create an atmospheric environment. Broken Steel was rather weak in terms of authenticity and immersion, but in the southern swamps the developers had a blast. Secrets, riddles and oddities are at every turn here. As soon as we leave the city, we come across a place for some rituals. It is fenced with stakes, and heads are strung on them. It looks creepy, but if you look closely... it turns out that the heads are dolls. The anxiety subsides. Two more steps forward, and you can see that instead of heads there are hanging on the trees. rag dolls, and around there is nothing but fog...

And from the shore you can see a half-sunken ship. Two Rad-X tablets, a short swim, a serious dose of radiation and the unknown there, inside, under the hatch cover. Let's go down. The ship lies on its side, and a trickle comes out of a small hole in the side. Are the tides here? Otherwise, the water would have stood here for two hundred years, no less. But inside the ship looks as if the disaster happened a couple of days ago. Most likely, it was drowned not during the war, but by itself, which is why it was preserved so well. Inside is a safe with some simple supplies for the team. They don't need them anymore...

This is interesting: I'm not surprised by the "ship hiding places." I remember that in Morrowind, just a sunken ship, hidden away from tasks and assignments, caused great delight. Such small details greatly contribute to immersion... in the world.

But this elaborate atmosphere has one negative side - a strong association with Resident Evil 4. Here, too, there is a mysterious cult, an eerie fog, a hostile environment, general mystery and this... very popular story in America about southern hillbillies who live separately and mix their blood for generations, which gives rise to all sorts of degenerates. Only here the radiation also took its toll, so the freaks became even worse. The beginning of this story is too banal, and the first impression turns out to be poisoned.

There really is life in this town frozen in time. It can be felt in the swamp smell, homemade whiskey and rusty repeater guns. The town of Point Lookout is full of secrets and mysteries. Here you don’t even notice how your feet go off the path of the plot... it’s just a pity that both this path and everything around it ends very quickly. "One ticket to the Capital Wasteland, please..."

Swamp things

The swamps are a piece of completely new territory. This has never happened before in the world of Fallout, but there is nothing particularly unusual here. Crazy ghouls, mutated crabs and their close relatives. However, we will analyze each one: we will study habits, habits and identify weak spots.


Lost ship, even like this, looks very mysterious.

It's no secret that swamps are dangerous. However, things were uneasy there even before the war, when the New Plague hit the world. Its consequences became apparent two hundred years later. People in Point Lookout did not seek antidote, and responded to offers of help with gunfire. As a result, they were spat on and forgotten. For two hundred years, radioactive and plague-ridden residents entered into intra-family marriages, thereby finally finishing off the DNA chain. Their bodies are ugly and there are genetic disorders. Their brains don’t work at all, so they attack everyone. Freaks usually travel in groups of two or three. The patrols always have someone with a gun, while the rest are most often armed with baseball bats or axes. However, even this primitive weapon can easily penetrate any armor - in Point Lookout, in order to balance the forces, there is a +35 increase in unblockable damage for all types of weapons, so even a couple of ragamuffins with pneumatic farts can easily overwhelm a shot savior in a T-51b.

Swamp dwellers do not wear armor, and therefore are very afraid of two things: shotguns and energy weapons. Double-barreled guns are excellent at blowing any of them to pieces, and a Gauss, blaster or plasma rifle will evaporate in one shot.

This is interesting: swamp dwellers are stereotypical hillbillies. Listen to how they talk.

Radiation doesn't just mummify people... There's a bear in Point Lookout that's over two hundred years old! Ruzka can be found in a cave in the northwest, surrounded by rocks. Inside the lair there are a bunch of various components for weapons and also a red ball. On one of the loading screens there is a pre-war advertising leaflet for “Ruzka”, so count how old it is.

Otherwise, the bear is no different from the Yao Goai, which we shot dozens of in the Wasteland. He also has 220 health points and no protection from energy weapons. So it’s better to hunt him with something electric. Gauss rifle fits better All in all, it doesn’t turn hunting trophies into a pile of green sludge.


Smugglers live in Point Lookout, but what they transport is unclear. There is an assumption that this name is just a glitch, since none of the residents of the town mention them in conversation. Only Hayley says something about them, but calls them not smugglers, but mercenaries. Indeed, in terms of weapons, these comrades are more similar to the Talon fighters, because they carry not only rifles and pistols, but also lasers, plasma rifles and rocket launchers. Melee fighters are armed with Rippers and super hammers, and also love to throw grenades.

Swamp Ghoul

Paler than their metropolitan counterparts, swamp ghouls, however, are not much different from them. The same wild look, the same manner of madly (and thoughtlessly) rushing at a person. Swamp ghouls are as harmless as their usual counterparts. One or two shots, even from a weak pistol, frees this former man from torment.


The swamp crabs of Point Lookout are no different from their counterparts in the capital. Only the colors are a little different. Shoot in the face with a gun - this is the surest way. These creatures are not at all afraid of energy weapons, especially from the shell.

Swamplurk Queen

Swamp crab queens are most likely mutated turtles that took on humanoid traits from somewhere. Unlike the crab kings from the Capital Wasteland, local creatures use sharp claws and acid spit to attack. Concentrated slime easily eats through armor and causes extreme damage (200 or even more), so mutant hunters should maneuver as much as possible in battle.

Local cultists can sometimes be very aggressive. If their god orders them to kill, they will rush to carry out the order with fanaticism. When this happens, the feral townsfolk grab rifles, shotguns, knives and axes. Their weapons, like those of the swamp dwellers, deal 35 units of unblockable damage, so even a small group can be very dangerous.

Despite the great damage, the savages are disgustingly protected, since they mostly wear all sorts of rags and rags. This doesn't save them from a good doublet from a shotgun; to be honest, it doesn't save them from anything at all. They die like flies from any weapon.

Point Lookout

A real steamship. One can only wonder how all these mechanisms survived the war.
and oblivion.

The name of the city, Point Lookout, may seem strange. Well, what kind of name is this - Point of View? However, there are no translation subtleties unknown to us here. At the dawn of the development of the United States, the lion's share of freight and passenger transportation was carried out using steamships. Rivers were the only highways, because there were no roads or trains then. Along the banks, small settlements grew like mushrooms, which, out of natural laziness, were given names in tune with the characteristics of the place. So, in Clifford Simak’s “You Made Us” main character lives in the city of Pilot Knob, which means “navigation hill” - pilots used it to navigate. Point Lookout is apparently named so because of the lighthouse, which provides excellent views of the surrounding area.

Getting stronger

Point Lookout has several new abilities. All of them appear thanks to tasks.

Superior Defender

This ability is automatically granted after completing The Local Favor. The Calvert Manor Defender receives +5 damage and +10 armor when standing still. The ability is extremely useful for sneak characters who sit still when aiming with rifles and stand still when hitting with melee weapons.

Ghoul Ecology

This ability is learned from a book that is on a table in the Coastal Grotto cave. It is supposed to give a small damage bonus - just +5 and only against ghouls, but due to a funny bug, the damage is added to all weapons against all enemies. The additive is especially noticeable for high-velocity machine guns and machine guns.

Punga Power

This ability is added automatically as part of the main quest. A special fruit grows in Point Lookout - punga. The peculiarity of these delicacies is that they absorb radiation and restore health. The ability increases the amount of radiation absorbed by the fruit. Very useful, because punga grows at every step.

This is interesting: in Point Lookout they even distill whiskey from a punga.

Mist Weapon

Point Lookout is rich in rare examples of rifles, because progress, in fact, has not reached here. The local population, like three hundred years ago, goes out into the streets with repeaters and double-barreled guns. The less fortunate take what can at least somehow pass for weapons - axes, knives and clubs.

Blackwater Rifle

A kid with an ax is sneaking somewhere. And we are sneaking after him!

The decoration of the house is, of course, impressive... The Calverts were very rich.

The Blackwater rifle is an outstanding achievement of weapon art. It is not as good as the Lincoln repeater (damage, accuracy, magazine size), but it can be loaded with ten-millimeter cartridges, which are popular at the beginning of the game. If you went to Point Lookout at level eight (or so), then Blackwater will serve you well for a long time.

The damage rating of this rifle is 45, and there are only ten rounds in the clip. The only problem with this weapon is that it is repaired by a special type of repeaters that are found only in Point Lookout, so outside the town you will only have to rely on wandering mechanics.

Lucky heroes with "critical" abilities will appreciate fivefold Increased damage on a critical hit. From this position, Blackwater turns out to be much more powerful than its competitor, the Lincoln repeater.

Verdict: It's a good idea to get this gun at the initial levels, because there is plenty of ammo for it. At the late stage of the game it completely loses to plasma weapons.

Bio-Gas Canister

Point Lookout has deposits of a unique gas, which before the war was supposed to be used as an alternative fuel. When there were no nuclear batteries yet, and there was no gasoline, people clung to any ideas. For some reason, one of them was embodied in the form of a grenade.

A biogas canister works as follows. During detonation, the gas expands sharply, ruptures the shell and hangs in the air in a dense cloud. Now all it takes is a spark to make it all ignite. Gas reacts to firearms, plasma, lasers and other hot objects.

However, a gas canister can hardly be considered a full-fledged weapon. Firstly, their supply is strictly limited (only seventeen pieces in the game). Secondly, the damage is not increased by any abilities, although logically one thing should work, because it is an explosive, and it also burns. Thirdly, allies love to run into the cloud, and this is harmful to their health.

Verdict: You can try to start a fire and have fun, but in battle it is better to rely on proven plasma grenades.

Double-Barrel Shotgun

Oh, how I missed this gun... The old double-barreled shotgun has made a triumphant return. It is head and shoulders above any Combat Shotgun in terms of damage, although it only fires in doublets, so it consumes two rounds at a time. After each shot, the weapon has to be reloaded, fortunately this process lasts only 0.8 seconds. Smiling Jack's Terrible Shotgun is only slightly better, but it also has much more spread.

The problem with the shotgun is the same as with other weapons unique to Point Lookout: they are found only there, and therefore there is nothing to repair them with.

Verdict: A wonderful weapon of extraordinary power. In some situations it serves better than any energy weapon. The closest competitor is Tesla's gun.

This is interesting: A unique shotgun, Pa’s Fishing Aid, was cut from the game, but it still remained available through the console. This gun deals terrifying critical hits, up to 2400 and above.

Fertilizer Shovel

A unique shovel with stuck fertilizer debris can be obtained from the savage Kratoa in the chapel. He gives it away for free, you just have to ask. Owners of the Child at Heart ability will receive it for free, and everyone else must pass a speech test. However, the difficulty level of persuasion is small, and winning will not be difficult.

The shovel has low damage - only 15, but poisons the enemy for 4 damage for 10 seconds. The damage is minor, but it can be fun to hit an enemy in the head with a shovel smeared in manure...

Verdict: suitable for collection, otherwise completely useless, like all other types of melee weapons in the game.

Microwave Emitter

The handsome guy with the air decided to tickle me - and I hit him with Gauss!

These are the things I love about Fallout 3. What an atmospheric find!

No, this is not a fancy microwave oven, but a special type of energy weapon. In appearance, the emitter looks like Mezmetron, but it works completely differently. This gun emits special brain waves that physically damage the target, but the damage and accuracy are calculated based on the wielding skill. energy weapons.

The emitter deals quite decent damage, but it is inconvenient to shoot from it. It takes up a good half of the screen and seriously interferes with the view, and its beam, although visually large, hits one point, and it does not always hit the sight. Missing close is common, so it's best to only use the gun in VATS.

Microwave Emitter - unique weapon and is not found anywhere else, so problems may arise with repair. Traveling specialist mechanics will help, but it will cost a lot of money. Another way to repair the emitter is to disassemble the Mezmetron, but it is also unique, and it will not be possible to solve the repair problem in this way.

Verdict: A fun and even useful weapon in the early and mid-game. An excellent alternative to a shotgun in close combat, only at medium distances the emitter becomes useless.

This is interesting: Externally, the emitter's shot is similar to the attack of crab kings. So maybe it's the sound?

Ritual Knife

Ritual knife - the second most fast weapon in the game, and the unique name captures the attention of collectors. You can find this knife under the ruins of the house where the rituals were held. It lies in the caves on a sacrificial table.

With very low damage (only 6), the knife can perform well in battle, because its critical damage is three times higher than usual. In addition, this is one of the fastest weapons in the game in terms of attack speed (and AP costs), so frequent critical hits can compensate for the initial weakness of the knife.

Verdict: If you specialize in edged weapons and are lucky enough, then this knife will perform well. Before the advent of the shotgun, for sure.


Dismemberer is a unique, terrifying-looking axe. Traces of blood on it indicate that the previous owner did not cut down trees with it. This weapon looks very impressive, but in terms of damage (only 25) it cannot compare with the champion Shishkebab.

The Flesh Tearer is suitable for those characters who prefer minced blood and meat to neat and aesthetic plasma clots. Especially for lovers of cruelty, this ax has the ability to separate arms and legs from the body with a higher probability.

Main story line Point Lookout is again more action than exploration. We'll have to shoot a lot and think a little, so there's no point in describing the passage - just follow the marker and you won't go wrong.

In addition to the main quest, there are also side quests: those given out by items or minor NPCs. These riddles are simple, but create a unique atmosphere of this place. Be sure to explore all of Point Lookout. And don’t forget about the water - sunken ships have been waiting for rescuers for hundreds of years, and the bloody rituals are not the work of a mysterious cult... Happy research!

Interesting things

Swamp inhabitants are local super mutants. Firstly, they are similar in composition of patrol parties. And secondly, they stomp in exactly the same way. Even the thinnest of them fall to the ground with a resounding crash.

There is still one real smuggler in Point Lookout. You will find it in the Herzog Mine. Find it and solve another mystery.

The Swamp Crab Queens are a possible reference to the film Beast from the Black Lagoon. They look very similar, except that the color is a little different.

In the Walking with Spirits quest, the character hallucinates. This is not just a collection of fancy images, it is directly related to actual events. So, the red saw appears when the main character's skull is opened. Ghouls, voices and inverted reality are most likely created when a piece of the brain is cut out. Thread and Needle - When Tobar sews up the hero's head. Pip-Boy figurines with fancy texts - the character's thoughts. Finally, Mr. Break is apparently Tobar himself, because he says: “Keep it down, don’t get up so quickly.”

SSN-37-1A on the bottom of the Point Lookout Pier.

Professor Calvert and his brain in a jar are a reference to the film City of Lost Children.

The USS Ozymandias is a nod to the work of the same name by the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. If you get inside, there will be a record on the computer indicating that the ship is the property of Bishe Energy Partners. A side quest An Antique Land is a quote from a sonnet.

The Pilk's Safari quest is a reference to the film "The Most dangerous game" Pilk also hunts people.

In the lifeguard tents to the west of the pier, you can find a terminal that explains the role of the New Plague. It was deliberately spread by the American government to keep people in fear and manipulate public opinion.

In October 2077, a plane crashed in the swamps north of Point Lookout. It hasn't suffered much from time, there's a lot to see.

At Beechview Campground you can see swamp dwellers dancing around the fire.

The Point Lookout lighthouse is copied from the real one (the town of the same name exists). It is interesting because it often appears in stories about ghosts and apparitions.

A Chinese reconnaissance submarine sank near the Point Lookout pier. Follow the buoys; there are a lot of valuables left at the bottom.

In the Turtledove camp morgue lies the body of Wang Yang, the elusive Chinese spy. Looks like she was caught after all. The name of the camp itself may be a reference to the writer Harry Turtledove and his book Southern Victory, dedicated to the history of America from the Revolutionary War to World War II.

Wang Yang also appears in task The Velvet Curtain, which may be a reference to the game Velvet Assassin.

You can download Fallout 3: Point Lookout on PC for free from our game resource.

Point Lookout is the fourth official addition to the game Fallout 3, developed by the Bethesda Softworks studio of the same name. The localization of the game is still being handled by the domestic studio 1C-SoftClub.

Fallout 3 is one of the most iconic and... popular games in the first-person action RPG genre. The game itself presents us with a unique opportunity to explore completely open world, completing quests in a sequence convenient for us. Sometimes, the plot throws us irrevocable events in which the difficulty of choosing between good and evil arises.

In general, the game, even without add-ons, is full of various pleasant little things that extend its life. But nevertheless, the developers strongly support the gaming community and try to please it with new additions.

Try the fourth expansion for Fallout 3 for yourself. To do this, we invite you to download Fallout 3: Point Lookout from our website to your PC, completely free of charge.


One of these additions is Point Lookout, which provides us with a huge location in the form of the mouth of the Potomac. The mouth of the Potomac is located on the territory of a former antebellum park in one of the many US states - Maryland. The state itself, after the events that led the world to a post-apocalyptic state, was renamed that same Point Lookout.

The plot of the fourth addition will tell us the story of the conflict between a lone monster, called ghouls, and a certain cult that is engaged in secret mystical affairs that are so popular among the local population, namely savages.

The game will offer us to play for the new hero Desmond Lockhart, who has not previously been seen in the entire series Fallout games. It is this hero who is a prominent representative of monsters called Ghouls.

Game Features

  • New storyline
  • Nonlinearity of events
  • A completely open world to explore

Several months have passed since Chris Bane destroyed the Enclave's mobile base. The Wasteland became calmer, and the paladins, sighing over the loss of Liberty Prime, remembered their oaths and responsibilities. They no longer storm bases, but they deliver water regularly. Gradually, the dead earth is filled with Aqua Pura, the radiation, albeit in insignificant portions, is receding. Everyone understands that this hard work is almost useless, but someone needs to do it. Multiple savior of the Capital Wasteland, Chris Bane, was more concerned about the huge charred hole in his cloak...

Like good old times...

He stopped for the night in some shack south of Commonwealth. The building looked dilapidated and abandoned, but there was a bed in it, and Chris was pretty tired of sleeping on the street.

However, two hours later he was awakened, and extremely unceremoniously - by a shot from a plasma pistol. The red-hot clot burned an almost perfectly round hole in the cloak, bed and wall, and only extraordinary dexterity saved Chris from the same hole in his own body. The next moment he jumped to his feet and with a crushing blow from the “Fist” sent his opponent into a deep knockout.

It seemed that this old man had seen the war with his own eyes, he was so old. A dirty plaid shirt, worn out blue trousers - only a plasma weapon does not fit at all with the simple look. Chris put the energy pistol in his pocket and splashed water in the old man's face.

- What... Who are you? What do you want in my house?!

That's it! The shack turned out to be inhabited, and the owner, understandably, did not like the uninvited guest.

“Sorry for the intrusion, old man, but you could have made it clear that my presence is unwelcome, somehow less fiery.” So, you know, you can kill. “Chris slowly walked around the room, looking at his would-be killer, who without a weapon looked more like a tramp or a drunkard.

The old man turned pale:

- Sorry, son, I thought it was another raider. There are a ton of them in the area, and in general there are all sorts of evil spirits rushing out of the Wasteland... I’ve seen enough here in my life that you wouldn’t even dream of it in a nightmare. Don't be angry, huh? And give me the gun, otherwise how can I live without it...

Chris leaned over the prisoner, looked into his eyes and honestly said:

“I won’t give you the gun yet.” It's still a long way until morning, and I'm not going to wander around in the dark. And where are the guarantees that you won’t put a charge in my back? No, your toy will stay with me for now, but I promise, before I leave, I will return it to you and even throw in some money. I am not greedy. You better tell me this: do you have a stove or a primus there? I want to boil some water, I have some clean water, without radiation.

All his simple thoughts were reflected on the poor fellow’s wrinkled face. There was no reason to believe the unexpected guest: those who roam the Wasteland are rarely characterized by kindness and nobility, but on the other hand, if the guy wanted to finish him off, he could have done it twenty times already, and with his own weapon. And what can we take from him, the old bastard? It was just a cannon, but the dear guest took it away anyway. But I would like some water...

“Well... I have a kerosene stove, how could I not,” the old man said uncertainly. “I’ll bring it right now, it’s hidden outside in a secret place.” Wait a little, or, if you like, let's go together.

He started to move towards the door, but Chris stopped him:

- Well, hold your horses. — He took out the Alien blaster. — Do you see this product of extraterrestrial technology?

- Ugh... This is a gun, okay? Alien. Powerful - your plasma is like a slingshot compared to it. If you try to do something stupid, there won’t even be any memories left from your head. If you behave well, you will live. Got the general idea? Then let's go. You're the first.

They left the shack, walked around it and went down into the cellar. The old man fished out a kerosene burner and a couple of pieces of dried meat of dubious origin from a pile of rags. He handed one piece to Chris with the words: “Here, son. You understand that I don’t wish you harm, but there is no such thing as too much caution. Otherwise I wouldn’t have reached my age here.” Chris, mentally grinning, took the meat, but they walked back in the same order - first the old man, and then he.

I didn't want to sleep. The incident with the plasma dispelled all the sleepy stupor, and the old owner did not seem to be going to the side at all, on the contrary, he somehow perked up. Apparently, he yearned for simple human communication, and the night guest turned out to be a sympathetic listener, showing sincere interest in the old goner’s tales. Chris, however, had his own thoughts - while the old man weaves his stories, at least he won’t throw anything away.

The doll heads impaled on stakes look human from a distance.

- The wasteland is, son, a place where there are two of every creature! — The narrator’s eyes burned brighter than the fire in the hearth. - What are your mutants, ugh, what a miracle, there are plenty of them everywhere, but I saw them steamship! About three hundred years ago, people like that walked along the Potomac River...” He laughed raspily, seeing the genuine surprise on Chris’s face. “What do you think, if I’ve lived in the wilderness all my life, I’m as dark as a rat’s ass?” You see, I can read, but I’ve seen these steamships on cards. So, I’m walking along the bank one day, looking to see if there are any crab eggs somewhere, hunting is a passion for eating, and suddenly I see smoke above the water! Well, I think he either went blind in his old age, or somehow slipped out of his mind unnoticed. I rubbed my eyes - no, it smokes like smoke. Then I realized that the ship was not empty, of course. Well, curiosity was born before me, I shouted: “Where did you come from, so beautiful?” The captain yells back that they are coming from some Point Lookout, go figure out what kind of hole this is. Then a crab crawled out of the water, and I immediately didn’t care about that smoking bowl. Maybe she still smokes air on the river to this day. I should go, son, and check, what kind of Lookout is this? I’m already a little old for such undertakings, but it’s just right for you.

To be honest, Chris was in no hurry to believe his words. How can a ship navigate the Potomac through the entire Capital Wasteland? Yes, halfway through the journey he will be captured by mutants with rocket launchers and laser rifles, or even worse... However, although Chris was younger than the old man, he still managed to see a lot of things that no sage could ever dream of. And creepy, and unusual, and fantastic - everything. Maybe there was truth in this strange story about the smoking ship...

“I’ll think about it,” he said out loud. - Now let's go to sleep. And keep in mind, I sleep lightly, so no tricks.

The next morning he gave the old man his plasma toy, gave him a hundred batteries, some caps and water. Stunned by the unexpected wealth that had fallen on him, and also by the fact that the guest actually kept his promise and left him alive, the old man sat down where he stood, his mouth open.

And the tireless wanderer moved along the Potomac River to the south...

Haze of the swampy south

Bombs did not fall everywhere. Well, what is the point of the Chinese destroying every piece of American soil? Large cities even partially survived the war. Washington, Los Angeles, even San Francisco more or less survived. Well, in any case, something remains of them.

But in the wilderness, in places forgotten even before the disaster, the consequences of the war are felt differently. There were no explosions here, but there were radioactive rains, and the river that fed these places itself became pure poison. However, as elsewhere, there were those who were able to endure radiation, hunger and disease. Someone has lost his last brains and is now hiding in the swamps, waiting for careless wanderers. Others rallied into communities and invented new gods for themselves. Still others mutated into ghouls, but did not completely lose their humanity, although they found themselves in the position of outcasts. One way or another, people survived, gradually restoring, as best they could, the pitiful remnants of their former existence.

Chris Bain with a gun. There's an Alien blaster in my pocket. Just in case...

Gloomy, dreary, anxious, like its inhabitants, the city is the embodiment of despair. Once upon a time, life was in full swing here, but over hundreds of years of isolation, something has subtly changed. These places are hostile to aliens. They look at them sideways, glaring at them, whispering behind their backs, discussing and wondering how to teach them a lesson. Just like that, no way. The city is drowning in fog, the shore is almost invisible, although the ship is almost at the pier, gray-black clouds have covered the sky with a veil impenetrable to the sun's rays. And the fog can easily hide anything or anyone... especially those who are up to no good.

Point Lookout was a great success. Whatever you say, Bethesda knows how to create an atmospheric environment. Broken Steel was rather weak in terms of authenticity and immersion, but in the southern swamps the developers had a blast. Secrets, riddles and oddities are at every turn here. As soon as we leave the city, we come across a place for some rituals. It is fenced with stakes, and heads are strung on them. It looks creepy, but if you look closely... it turns out that the heads are dolls. The anxiety subsides. Two more steps forward, and you can see that instead of heads there are rag dolls hanging on the trees, and there is nothing around but fog...

And from the shore you can see a half-sunken ship. Two Rad-X tablets, a short swim, a serious dose of radiation and the unknown there, inside, under the hatch cover. Let's go down. The ship lies on its side, and a trickle comes out of a small hole in the side. Are the tides here? Otherwise, the water would have stood here for two hundred years, no less. But inside the ship looks as if the disaster happened a couple of days ago. Most likely, it was drowned not during the war, but by itself, which is why it was preserved so well. Inside is a safe with some simple supplies for the team. They don't need them anymore...

This is interesting: I'm not surprised by the "ship hiding places." I remember that in Morrowind, just a sunken ship, hidden away from tasks and assignments, caused great delight. Such small details greatly contribute to immersion... in the world.

But this elaborate atmosphere has one negative side - a strong association with Resident Evil 4. There is also a mysterious cult, creepy fog, a hostile environment, general mystery and this... very popular story in America about southern hillbillies who live separately and For generations they mix blood, which gives birth to all sorts of degenerates. Only here the radiation also took its toll, so the freaks became even worse. The beginning of this story is too banal, and the first impression turns out to be poisoned.

There really is life in this town frozen in time. It can be felt in the swamp smell, homemade whiskey and rusty repeater guns. The town of Point Lookout is full of secrets and mysteries. Here you don’t even notice how your feet go off the path of the plot... it’s just a pity that both this path and everything around it ends very quickly. "One ticket to the Capital Wasteland, please..."

Swamp things

The swamps are a piece of completely new territory. This has never happened before in the world of Fallout, but there is nothing particularly unusual here. Crazy ghouls, mutated crabs and their close relatives. However, we will analyze each one: we will study habits, habits and identify weak points.


    A lost ship, even one like this, looks very mysterious.

    It's no secret that swamps are dangerous. However, things were uneasy there even before the war, when the New Plague hit the world. Its consequences became apparent two hundred years later. People in Point Lookout did not seek antidote, and responded to offers of help with gunfire. As a result, they were spat on and forgotten. For two hundred years, radioactive and plague-ridden residents entered into intra-family marriages, thereby finally finishing off the DNA chain. Their bodies are ugly and there are genetic disorders. Their brains don’t work at all, so they attack everyone. Freaks usually travel in groups of two or three. The patrols always have someone with a gun, while the rest are most often armed with baseball bats or axes. However, even this primitive weapon can easily penetrate any armor - in Point Lookout, in order to balance the forces, there is a +35 increase in unblockable damage for all types of weapons, so even a couple of ragamuffins with pneumatic farts can easily overwhelm a shot savior in a T-51b.

    Swamp dwellers do not wear armor, and therefore are very afraid of two things: shotguns and energy weapons. Double-barreled guns are excellent at blowing any of them to pieces, and a Gauss, blaster or plasma rifle will evaporate in one shot.

    This is interesting: swamp dwellers are stereotypical hillbillies. Listen to how they talk.

    Radiation doesn't just mummify people... There's a bear in Point Lookout that's over two hundred years old! Ruzka can be found in a cave in the northwest, surrounded by rocks. Inside the lair there are a bunch of various components for weapons and also a red ball. On one of the loading screens there is a pre-war advertising leaflet for “Ruzka”, so count how old it is.

    Otherwise, the bear is no different from the Yao Goai, which we shot dozens of in the Wasteland. He also has 220 health points and no protection from energy weapons. So it’s better to hunt him with something electric. The Gauss Rifle is best; it doesn't turn hunting trophies into a pile of green sludge.


    Smugglers live in Point Lookout, but what they transport is unclear. There is an assumption that this name is just a glitch, since none of the residents of the town mention them in conversation. Only Hayley says something about them, but calls them not smugglers, but mercenaries. Indeed, in terms of weapons, these comrades are more similar to the Talon fighters, because they carry not only rifles and pistols, but also lasers, plasma rifles and rocket launchers. Melee fighters are armed with Rippers and super hammers, and also love to throw grenades.

    Swamp Ghoul

    Paler than their metropolitan counterparts, swamp ghouls, however, are not much different from them. The same wild look, the same manner of madly (and thoughtlessly) rushing at a person. Swamp ghouls are as harmless as their usual counterparts. One or two shots, even from a weak pistol, frees this former man from torment.


    The swamp crabs of Point Lookout are no different from their counterparts in the capital. Only the colors are a little different. Shoot in the face with a gun - this is the surest way. These creatures are not at all afraid of energy weapons, especially from the shell.

    Swamplurk Queen

    Swamp crab queens are most likely mutated turtles that took on humanoid traits from somewhere. Unlike the crab kings from the Capital Wasteland, local creatures use sharp claws and acid spit to attack. Concentrated slime easily eats through armor and causes extreme damage (200 or even more), so mutant hunters should maneuver as much as possible in battle.

    Local cultists can sometimes be very aggressive. If their god orders them to kill, they will rush to carry out the order with fanaticism. When this happens, the feral townsfolk grab rifles, shotguns, knives and axes. Their weapons, like those of the swamp dwellers, deal 35 units of unblockable damage, so even a small group can be very dangerous.

    Despite the great damage, the savages are disgustingly protected, since they mostly wear all sorts of rags and rags. This doesn't save them from a good doublet from a shotgun; to be honest, it doesn't save them from anything at all. They die like flies from any weapon.

Point Lookout

A real steamship. One can only wonder how all these mechanisms survived the war.
and oblivion.

The name of the city, Point Lookout, may seem strange. Well, what kind of name is this - Point of View? However, there are no translation subtleties unknown to us here. At the dawn of the development of the United States, the lion's share of freight and passenger transportation was carried out using steamships. Rivers were the only highways, because there were no roads or trains then. Along the banks, small settlements grew like mushrooms, which, out of natural laziness, were given names in tune with the characteristics of the place. So, in Clifford Simak’s “You Made Us,” the main character lives in the city of Pilot Knob, which means “navigation hill” - pilots used it to navigate. Point Lookout is apparently named so because of the lighthouse, which provides excellent views of the surrounding area.

Getting stronger

Point Lookout has several new abilities. All of them appear thanks to tasks.

    Superior Defender

    This ability is automatically granted after completing The Local Favor. The Calvert Manor Defender receives +5 damage and +10 armor when standing still. The ability is extremely useful for sneak characters who sit still when aiming with rifles and stand still when hitting with melee weapons.

    Ghoul Ecology

    This ability is learned from a book that is on a table in the Coastal Grotto cave. It is supposed to give a small damage bonus - just +5 and only against ghouls, but due to a funny bug, the damage is added to all weapons against all enemies. The additive is especially noticeable for high-velocity machine guns and machine guns.

    Punga Power

    This ability is added automatically as part of the main quest. A special fruit grows in Point Lookout - punga. The peculiarity of these delicacies is that they absorb radiation and restore health. The ability increases the amount of radiation absorbed by the fruit. Very useful, because punga grows at every step.

This is interesting: in Point Lookout they even distill whiskey from a punga.

Mist Weapon

Point Lookout is rich in rare examples of rifles, because progress, in fact, has not reached here. The local population, like three hundred years ago, goes out into the streets with repeaters and double-barreled guns. The less fortunate take what can at least somehow pass for weapons - axes, knives and clubs.

    Blackwater Rifle

    A kid with an ax is sneaking somewhere. And we are sneaking after him!

    The decoration of the house is, of course, impressive... The Calverts were very rich.

    The Blackwater rifle is an outstanding achievement of weapon art. It is not as good as the Lincoln repeater (damage, accuracy, magazine size), but it can be loaded with ten-millimeter cartridges, which are popular at the beginning of the game. If you went to Point Lookout at level eight (or so), then Blackwater will serve you well for a long time.

    The damage rating of this rifle is 45, and there are only ten rounds in the clip. The only problem with this weapon is that it is repaired by a special type of repeaters that are found only in Point Lookout, so outside the town you will only have to rely on wandering mechanics.

    Lucky heroes with "critical" abilities will appreciate fivefold Increased damage on a critical hit. From this position, Blackwater turns out to be much more powerful than its competitor, the Lincoln repeater.

    Verdict: It's a good idea to get this gun at the initial levels, because there is plenty of ammo for it. At the late stage of the game it completely loses to plasma weapons.

    Bio-Gas Canister

    Point Lookout has deposits of a unique gas, which before the war was supposed to be used as an alternative fuel. When there were no nuclear batteries yet, and there was no gasoline, people clung to any ideas. For some reason, one of them was embodied in the form of a grenade.

    A biogas canister works as follows. During detonation, the gas expands sharply, ruptures the shell and hangs in the air in a dense cloud. Now all it takes is a spark to make it all ignite. The gas reacts to firearms, plasma, lasers and other hot objects.

    However, a gas canister can hardly be considered a full-fledged weapon. Firstly, their supply is strictly limited (only seventeen pieces in the game). Secondly, the damage is not increased by any abilities, although logically one thing should work, because it is an explosive, and it also burns. Thirdly, allies love to run into the cloud, and this is harmful to their health.

    Verdict: You can try to start a fire and have fun, but in battle it is better to rely on proven plasma grenades.

    Double-Barrel Shotgun

    Oh, how I missed this gun... The old double-barreled shotgun has made a triumphant return. It is head and shoulders above any Combat Shotgun in terms of damage, although it only fires in doublets, so it consumes two rounds at a time. After each shot, the weapon has to be reloaded, fortunately this process lasts only 0.8 seconds. Smiling Jack's Terrible Shotgun is only slightly better, but it also has much more spread.

    The problem with the shotgun is the same as with other weapons unique to Point Lookout: they are found only there, and therefore there is nothing to repair them with.

    Verdict: A wonderful weapon of extraordinary power. In some situations it serves better than any energy weapon. The closest competitor is Tesla's gun.

    This is interesting: A unique shotgun, Pa’s Fishing Aid, was cut from the game, but it still remained available through the console. This gun deals terrifying critical hits, up to 2400 and above.

    Fertilizer Shovel

    A unique shovel with stuck fertilizer debris can be obtained from the savage Kratoa in the chapel. He gives it away for free, you just have to ask. Owners of the Child at Heart ability will receive it for free, and everyone else must pass a speech test. However, the difficulty level of persuasion is small, and winning will not be difficult.

    The shovel has low damage - only 15, but poisons the enemy for 4 damage for 10 seconds. The damage is minor, but it can be fun to hit an enemy in the head with a shovel smeared in manure...

    Verdict: suitable for collection, otherwise completely useless, like all other types of melee weapons in the game.

    Microwave Emitter

    The handsome guy with the air decided to tickle me - and I hit him with Gauss!

    These are the things I love about Fallout 3. What an atmospheric find!

    No, this is not a fancy microwave oven, but a special type of energy weapon. In appearance, the emitter looks like Mezmetron, but it works completely differently. This cannon emits special brain waves that physically damage the target, but the damage and accuracy are calculated based on the energy weapon's skill.

    The emitter deals quite decent damage, but it is inconvenient to shoot from it. It takes up a good half of the screen and seriously interferes with the view, and its beam, although visually large, hits one point, and it does not always hit the sight. Missing close is common, so it's best to only use the gun in VATS.

    The Microwave Emitter is a unique weapon and is not found anywhere else, so repairing it may cause problems. Traveling specialist mechanics will help, but it will cost a lot of money. Another way to repair the emitter is to disassemble the Mezmetron, but it is also unique, and it will not be possible to solve the repair problem in this way.

    Verdict: A fun and even useful weapon in the early and mid-game. An excellent alternative to a shotgun in close combat, only at medium distances the emitter becomes useless.

    This is interesting: Externally, the emitter's shot is similar to the attack of crab kings. So maybe it's the sound?

    Ritual Knife

    The Ritual Knife is the second fastest weapon in the game, and its unique name is capturing the attention of collectors. You can find this knife under the ruins of the house where the rituals were held. It lies in the caves on a sacrificial table.

    With very low damage (only 6), the knife can perform well in battle, because its critical damage is three times higher than usual. In addition, this is one of the fastest weapons in the game in terms of attack speed (and AP costs), so frequent critical hits can compensate for the initial weakness of the knife.

    Verdict: If you specialize in edged weapons and are lucky enough, then this knife will perform well. Before the advent of the shotgun, for sure.


    Dismemberer is a unique, terrifying-looking axe. Traces of blood on it indicate that the previous owner did not cut down trees with it. This weapon looks very impressive, but in terms of damage (only 25) it cannot compare with the champion Shishkebab.

    The Flesh Tearer is suitable for those characters who prefer minced blood and meat to neat and aesthetic plasma clots. Especially for lovers of cruelty, this ax has the ability to separate arms and legs from the body with a higher probability.

    Verdict: good for collection or roleplaying, but for combat there are better things.

    Toy Knife

    The Toy Knife, which can be found in the swamps of Point Lookout, is perhaps the weakest and most useless weapon in the game. It can only be repaired by merchants and mechanics, it does minimal damage (no more than one), breaks in an instant (10 wear versus 100 for regular knives) and costs a penny. But this is one of the fastest weapons in the game, and nothing else is remarkable.

    • Swamp inhabitants are local super mutants. Firstly, they are similar in composition of patrol parties. And secondly, they stomp in exactly the same way. Even the thinnest of them fall to the ground with a resounding crash.

      There is still one real smuggler in Point Lookout. You will find it in the Herzog Mine. Find it and solve another mystery.

      The Swamp Crab Queens are a possible reference to the film Beast from the Black Lagoon. They look very similar, except that the color is a little different.

      In the Walking with Spirits quest, the character hallucinates. This is not just a collection of fancy images, it is directly related to actual events. So, the red saw appears when the main character's skull is opened. Ghouls, voices and inverted reality are most likely created when a piece of the brain is cut out. Thread and Needle - When Tobar sews up the hero's head. Pip-Boy figurines with fancy texts - the character's thoughts. Finally, Mr. Break is apparently Tobar himself, because he says: “Keep it down, don’t get up so quickly.”

      SSN-37-1A on the bottom of the Point Lookout Pier.

      Professor Calvert and his brain in a jar are a reference to the film City of Lost Children.

      The USS Ozymandias is a nod to the work of the same name by the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. If you get inside, there will be a record on the computer indicating that the ship is the property of Bishe Energy Partners. And the side quest An Antique Land is a quote from a sonnet.

      The Pilk's Safari quest is a reference to the movie The Most Dangerous Game. Pilk also hunts people.

      In the lifeguard tents to the west of the pier, you can find a terminal that explains the role of the New Plague. It was deliberately spread by the American government to keep people in fear and manipulate public opinion.

      In October 2077, a plane crashed in the swamps north of Point Lookout. It hasn't suffered much from time, there's a lot to see.

      At Beechview Campground you can see swamp dwellers dancing around the fire.

      The Point Lookout lighthouse is copied from the real one (the town of the same name exists). It is interesting because it often appears in stories about ghosts and apparitions.

      A Chinese reconnaissance submarine sank near the Point Lookout pier. Follow the buoys; there are a lot of valuables left at the bottom.

      In the Turtledove camp morgue lies the body of Wang Yang, the elusive Chinese spy. Looks like she was caught after all. The name of the camp itself may be a reference to the writer Harry Turtledove and his book Southern Victory, dedicated to the history of America from the Revolutionary War to World War II.

      Wang Yang is also featured in the quest The Velvet Curtain, which may be a reference to the Velvet Assassin game.

To start this quest you need to get into the Turtledove Concentration Camp. There you will find a small shootout between robots and ghouls. When you defeat both sides, then go to the administration building and look into the terminal. There you will learn about a dead spy. You should go to the Rodny Dom motel in room 1D. And then you will find another terminal. It contains a mission note that is intended for that dead Chinese spy who lies behind you on the bed. You need to go to the pier to the locker. Take the key from the spy's luggage bag and follow it to the pier. There you will see many lockers, one of which contains mission details. It turns out that the record contains a password to the bank, from depository box 1207. Let's go there. We turn on the note through the Pip-Boy 3000 in front of the intercom. The lock opens and there we take instructions on the mission of the Chinese spies. From them we learn about some ship and that it needs to be destroyed. In this matter, the Chinese spy was supposed to be helped by Agent Yang, information about which you should find out in the terminal about accepting recruits. You should return to the Turtledove camp again. There, go down to the morgue and find the corpse of Agent Wang Yang. His false molar needs to be pulled out, inside of which there is a microfilm that contains the codes for the self-destruction of the Chinese submarine, as well as its location. We go straight to her, or rather, we are ardent. We activate the self-destruct system, and also activate the switch to notify about the destruction of the submarine. You should now go to the Hometown Motel to receive new instructions. Now you need to grab the cryptochromatic glasses from the toilet tank in room 1D and use them and the number sequence note to get into the spy bunker. We arrive at the appointed place and see four pedestals. We put on the glasses and use the pedestals in the sequence specified by the note. Near the second pedestal, the entrance to the bunker will open. At the entrance you are greeted by a protectron, to whom it is better to tell the password and you will need to follow it to clarify the data about the operation. By entering the room and using the terminal, you will find out that they wanted to kill the agent with radiation. But we are smarter than them, right? Just follow the instructions in the picture if you don't know how to get out of there. This concludes the task.

You can find Blackhall House in the west of the park. Inside the house you will meet Obadiah Blackhall, who will ask you to find this book. On the way out you meet a girl. Marcella says that the book you were sent for is Krivbeknih, the focus of evil. And asks you to bring the book to her. One way or another, you should go to the Ritual Sanctuary. After walking around the dungeons a little, you will find the book in fresh blood. We take it for ourselves and go either to Obadiah or to Marcella. But it was not there! You are attacked by many monsters who have stolen this book. Let's fight for her! As always, we win and come out unscathed (more precisely, out of blood).

1. If you decide to go to Obadiah, then simply give the book, and he will give you money and go to the basement to do terrible things with this book.

2. If you listen to Marcella and go to her tent city, you will find that it has been attacked. After killing the smugglers, we go into the tent and find Marcella’s corpse. We notice a strange note on the table. Let's listen and find out how to destroy the book. Now we should go to the Capital Heath to Dunwich. On the map of the wasteland it is located in the southwest. Markers should help you in your search. Find the obelisk in the Dunwich Building. Click on it with a book and that's it! The quest is over and your karma has increased!

At Margarita's shack, you meet... oddly enough, Margarita, who says she has orange fever. She's lying. She just wants a drink whose recipe has been passed down from generation to generation in her family. For the drink she needs: 10 peeled or 20 wild Punga fruits, 3 bags of yeast, 6 nuclear batteries. When you find it all, return to her and give all the ingredients. She will go to prepare "moonshine". It will take a day. You receive the drink and the task is completed! You can get the drink again after a while.

The task begins when you discover a coastal grotto in the east of the park (screenshot attached). Inside it, Plik, a ghoul, sits on a chair. He invites you to take part in his Safari. For this he asks for 1000 caps. We bring him money and the Safari begins! We go to the arena - there you are met by two people just like you. I give the signal - the massacre begins! If you survived, and you must survive, then we go back to Plik. For victory he will give you a hatchet. This will complete the task. You can come here once every three days.

The quest can be started at the ship "Ozymandias". The ship was wrecked. And now he stands alone by the shore. You need to climb onto the ship and rush through the hatch to the lower deck. There you will find a terminal with a record of gas fields. There are only three of them and after you examine them all, you will gain access to the safe. Are you wondering what's inside? We run to the deposits. We enter each of them and take the record. In each of them, Caroline Saunders, the expedition's chief chemical geologist, will talk about gas deposits and highlight various facts about them. She will tell you that you can really earn a lot from them, but she does not understand what kind of alkaline residue is there. But we can find out from the record in the terminal that people were buried there. We take the recording data to the ship and load the data into the terminal. You will be given access to the contents: Containers with biogas, anti-radiation suits, Rad-X and anti-radin. They will also give you 50 experience for completing the task.
