Fallout 4 reunion door is locked with a chain. Reunion. Get more information

In the first part of the mission you must follow Dogmeat. The path will be dangerous if the area has not been cleared previously, so be careful and make sure to quick save often. There will be a marker on Dogmeat throughout the mission. If he is missing, then at this point you will probably have to stop and look for evidence.

Find evidence on Kellogg

The "Follow the Dog" task will be interrupted several times when the player is given a new goal - to find evidence of Kellogg's presence and that the dog is leading you down the right path. After successfully finding the clue, continue running after Dogmeat to the next location. If the dog stops running, then this is a sure sign that you should also stop and look around. Here are the clues to find at each stage:

  • Lights of San Francisco.
  • Bloody bandages.
  • Lights of San Francisco.
  • Bloody bandages.

The first clue is a cigar in a dirty ashtray.

Check Dogmeat

Eventually, Dogmeat will lead you to Fort Hagen, but you won't be able to go where she points. You need to find an alternative route. And there are several of them. What you should be most concerned about are the turrets around the building. Destroy them while they can’t see you, thereby inflicting bonus damage (the tower can be destroyed in this way in 2-3 shots from a good weapon).

Find the way to Hagen

Face the building and go left, along it, and then go down the stairs. It will lead you to a couple of burned cars in the underground parking lot. Go down the stairs in this room and you will find yourself in a room with a dead body on a chair. Go through the door into the next room and you will see another one, which will just lead you to Fort Hagen. To the right of the exit to the parking lot.

Fort Hagen

Search Fort Hagen

When you find yourself on the territory, you will find yourself on the staircase. Above you are the usual floors of the building, below there is nothing. You will need to clear the building from a large number of synths, but Nick Valentine will also provide overwhelming assistance in this (if you took him with you). You don't have to search anything for now. It's better to kill the enemies first and then collect useful loot. Turrets will be especially dangerous!

Also, be careful when using loud weapons - synths from other floors may hear the shooting and come running in a crowd to help. If there are several mines, then place them in the doorways and lure the synths there, attracting their attention with loud shots.

When everyone is dead, search the floors and rooms for anything you can take with you. There is a terminal in the stairwell, but it just activates the nearest robot. It's probably better not to do this. There is a locked cage on the top floor, as well as a terminal to unlock it in the center of the room on a support beam. You can entrust the hacking to Nick Valentine if you don't want to do it yourself (or simply can't).

Once you're ready to move on, enter the elevator and go down a few floors. This way you will reach a bunker that looks like a basement, and in the distance you will see a turret and several patrolling synths. Kill them, making sure there are no traps in the narrow corridor. When you clear the location, go into the room where the turret was and go down the stairs. There will be a few more rooms and alcoves to search, but at the end you'll end up in the Fort Hagen command center.

This will take quite a lot of time. You'll have to kill synths, turrets, and even meet Kellog as you get closer to the goal. We're not going to show you every turn, so just move towards the goal, killing enemies.

Advice. Shortly after you pass the wheelchair in the hallway, search the stairs and the side room (boiler room). The password to the Fort Hagen armory is located inside the boiler room. The armory is located slightly ahead, on the left as you go through the door.

Face Kellogg

Once you reach the oval room, Kellogg will tell you that he is waiting for you ahead. If you haven't already, go back and check out the armory - there are some really good items there that will come in handy in the upcoming battle. When you're ready, go through the next door.

Meeting with Kellogg

Kill Kellogg

Talk to Kellogg in any way you see fit, because the end result will be the same. You must fight him, and for this we strongly recommend stocking up on Molotov cocktails.

Kellogg will be hiding behind tables, and throwing bombs is a great option for luring the enemy out of hiding without putting yourself in danger. You can even jump out of the room, forcing him to follow you. Remember that Kellogg restores HP when he lands a critical hit. This is a legendary weapon perk that you will add to your collection after completing the battle. Focus on the synths first, and then attack Kellog with everything you have left in stock. There are no special tricks in battle.

Find more information

To achieve the goal you need to do something specific, but here you can collect a huge amount of loot, including the Kellogg pistol. To advance in the story, collect the password from Kellogg's terminal, as well as the cybernetic brain stimulator. Both items can be found on Kellogg's dead body. Then go to the terminal and read the logs to complete the objective.

Discuss findings with Nick

Simple enough. Go to the synth and talk to him.

Discuss findings with Piper

You need to return to Diamond City. Simply leave Fort Hagen using the elevator indicated by the marker. This will take you to the roof, where you can use fast travel. Piper will be in the office. At this point, you can take her as a companion instead of Nick Valentine.

Igor Patrin

Can't complete the quest Storming the Castle? Here you will find instructions on how to complete the task the first time and what secrets and Easter eggs await you inside. You will find out where the weapons are hidden and how to deal with the Boss.

Fallout 4: assault on Fort Independence, walkthrough

Preston Garvey gives this task, saying that in order to restore the Minutemen’s former strength, they need to rebuild their old base, which is located on the territory of the Castle. To do this, he will invite the hero to meet near the Castle when it is ready, and the Fallout 4 Assault on Fort Independence task will appear in the Pip-Boy. Until this quest is completed, we will no longer be able to cross paths with Preston.

The main task will be to clean up all kinds of evil spirits in Fallout 4 Fort Independence. The hero learns that the castle was destroyed by an unknown creature that crawled out of the sea and firmly settled there, scattering all the inhabitants. Assault on Fort Independence Fallout 4, the walkthrough will begin when you find a group of Minutemen led by Preston in a destroyed house, not far from the Castle. He will offer to choose one of three plans for clearing the territory. What you choose doesn’t matter much, the result is the same - a serious battle with monsters awaits you. Your opponents will be a whole bunch of swampers, big and small. Advice: take a partner with skill and stock up on heavy weapons.

Part one

Fallout 4 passage of Fort Independence will be a real test of your strength and accuracy. The first task will be to clear the yard. You will be attacked by soft-shelled Swampers, whom you have probably already met and know how to deal with them. Advice: shoot accurately in the head, one or two hits are enough for them to die quickly. A lot of trouble will be caused by nests with swamp eggs from which Cubs will hatch. All these evil spirits will consider you their main enemy, so if possible, immediately shoot as many eggs as possible before any of them hatch yet.

Part two

After the adults are killed, it is necessary to destroy the remaining eggs in the nests in the yard, inside the building and on the walls. Attention: do not rush to destroy them! First of all, check all the nooks and crannies of the castle for weapons and ammunition, as they will be very useful in the final battle with the monster.

By destroying the eggs while completing the Fallout 4 Assault on Fort Independence quest, you will find that an enemy has appeared that is much more serious than the various small fry - the Uterus of the Swamp. Now we will see with our own eyes who destroyed the Castle.

It would not be difficult to kill her by hiding in the building and shooting from the loopholes and windows. The problem is that she appears before you destroy all the remaining eggs and swamps on the territory of the Fort. Plus, during the battle, she manages to spawn entire flocks of Cubs, which will not have any difficulty getting you even inside the Castle.

During the final battle you will have:
Boss - Swamp Queen, who spits acid;
a bunch of different small fry that you can’t hide from, and that will chase you and constantly annoy you.

The main damage will be done by the Matka, spitting acid rain at you, which even power armor will not protect you from. Caught in acid rain. immediately go into the Pip-Boy and start healing, since the damage from it is not instantaneous, but lingering and you simply won’t notice how you die. The giant is well damaged by the launcher that you will find in the building and the rockets to it. You can deal with small items using a flamethrower and charges for it, you will also find them in the building.

Final part

The next task will be Fallout 4 Assault on Fort Independence to turn on the radio transmitter. To do this, you will need to build generators with a total capacity of at least 10; if possible, build with 15 at once. Hold down the V key and the construction menu will become available to you. We make generators and connect them to the remote control, after which Preston will be delighted, we talk to him and the quest will be accepted.


The task is completed, but it’s too early to leave, since the Castle is also your settlement and needs to be equipped. From the created generators, draw a wire to an inconspicuous post that stands inside the yard near the hole in the wall. This way, you can electrify the entire Castle, since the wiring and lighting inside are already installed. Also, if there is enough power, the water treatment plant, which is already connected and located behind the castle, will automatically start working. In this simple way you will solve your water problem.

If you are curious, you will find a basement in Fallout 4 Fort Independence. To do this, in construction mode, find a blockage in one of the rooms and dismantle it, this will lead you to a dungeon with chemicals. laboratory and a small warehouse of provisions and weapons, you can also find a nuclear unit below.

How to complete the Reunion quest, from killing the dwarf yao-gui to tracking down Kellog with Dogmeat.

Along with a synth detective (which we brought with us in Fallout 4) and a sniffer dog, you'll be ready to find the bad guy Kellogg who kidnapped your son. Now just follow the shepherd Dog, who will lead you to him.

Follow the dog and look for Kellogg's tracks

First, the dog will lead you through the market to the outskirts of Diamond City. Once you are in the wild streets, the dog will lead you to a road leading southwest. Keep up with her, and soon the city blocks will be left behind, and a wild wasteland will open up in front of you.

Not far from the city, Dogmeat will stop and start barking. This means that the dog found Kellogg's trail. Go to her and pick up the San Francisco Lights cigar from the ashtray on the box.

When you're done, head to Dogmeat, who will be waiting for you by the blue truck, and continue on your way.

Further along the way you will encounter groups of hostile mutants. The higher the difficulty level, the more mutants you will meet. We are describing the game at the maximum difficulty level of “Survival,” so I didn’t get through this part of the plot the first time.

And again the dog will stop, and you will need to find and collect evidence indicating the presence of the kidnapper. The dog will stand at the door and start barking. Approach it and to the right of the passage you will find bloody bandages - the bodies of the raiders around indicate a battle, and the bandages belong to Kellogg, who was wounded. They will hang on the pipe. Take them away and the dog will continue to track Kellogg.

Collect items from the bodies on the ground: there are weapons, ammo and some stimulants here. Next, go up the steps and when you reach the top level, kill the pack of wild dogs that will attack you. Now find your "tracker" and head on.

Very soon you will see a broken tree trunk. Here you will encounter an animal that resembles a bear. This is a dwarf yao-gai. It can deal (and withstand) significant damage, so don't expect the beast to retreat without a fight. Playing on the survival difficulty level, I went through this moment 10 times until I figured out to climb onto a broken tree trunk and shoot the bear from there (as it turned out, at the maximum difficulty level and level 15 of leveling up the hero, a direct battle with the yao-gai is doomed to failure).

When the fight starts, it's better to immediately throw a Molotov cocktail at him. The fire will damage it for several seconds. Then use your best weapon. A pumped-up short double-barreled shotgun would work well here. Attack the Yao Guy's head from close range with V.A.T.S. Naturally, sitting on a tree - this way you can easily protect yourself from his claws and deliver accurate shots to the head.

If the yao gai tries to change position, just walk around the tree. Keep shooting and throwing Molotov cocktails until the beast gives up. It is important to kill the bear quickly, as soon two cubs of midges will fly to you and spit poison. And it’s impossible to fight them off while sitting on a tree.

After the battle, return to the dog. She will be in the northwest. The dog will take you to the station, which should be on your right. 4 super mutants will attack here. Deal with them, go up the stairs and go inside the building.

Go down through the basement door and collect the items in the room. Here you will find caps, armor on the corpse and other useful things. Then get out of here and return to the dog.

Continue north along the path until Dogmeat runs into a small shack on the right. At this moment there should be an orange carriage right in front of you. Enter the shack and go down the steps on the right. Downstairs, disarm the alarm from the cans and go through the door. Continue right below the archway and immediately go left along the short tunnel.

After some time, the dog will start barking again. Go west towards the tunnel exit to reach it. Look for traces of Kellogg and check the beer bottle on the table by the chair on the left.

Keep following the dog. The dog will smell Kellogg again and will run along the road to the west towards the bridge.

Cross the bridge carefully avoiding abandoned vehicles. Here you should beware of wild ghoul ambushes. When you reach the other side, turn right and follow the road southwest. Follow Dogmeat until you see a nearly destroyed Assaultron, which lies on the left side of the road.

Grab the stimulant from the first aid kit near the overturned grocery cart, then search the wooden crate to get a Molotov cocktail and a rad killer. Then collect the items from the yellow protectron that lies opposite the tree. After that, return to the assault gun, turn on its remains and ask what happened.

After listening to a short story, continue your way west along the road. Pretty soon you'll come across a super mutant and his dog. They will attack if you get too close. Immediately move to the side to avoid the Molotov cocktails launched by the super mutant. Get close and use a high damage weapon like a shotgun to end the battle faster.

When you eliminate the opponents, collect things from them and follow the dog further. At the nearest junction, turn right and go north. Soon Dogmeat will leave the road and head left along a steep slope.
Follow the dog northwest through the wilderness. Eventually you will reach a rusty chain-link fence, where the dog will stop again.

Here again look for traces of Kellogg. Search this place. You will find bloody bandages hanging on the fence. Check them out to continue. When the dog runs further, go through the hole in the fence and head north along the overgrown street. Continue following the dog until he runs up the steps of the building on the left.

Climb the steps and approach the dog. The dog will bark at the sealed entrance to the Fort Hagen building. Talk to him to unlock the next task.

Make your way to Fort Hagen

Now you need to get to Fort Hagen. Go down the steps and around the building. Stay close to the fort wall to avoid the automatic turrets on the roof. This tank stands not far from the fort:

When you reach the back of the building, use stealth and carefully climb up the wooden scaffolding. At the top, try to walk closer to the walls to avoid getting hit by the turrets. If you are attentive and careful, the turrets will not notice you. While they are exploring the area below, you will be able to sneak past them. If you are noticed, then destroy the turrets with a couple of well-aimed shots.

Soon you will reach a large black hatch. Open it and go down into the building.

Almost immediately at the entrance you will be attacked by several synths armed with laser pistols. Unsurprisingly, their weapons deal energy damage, so it's worth equipping the appropriate armor. It’s better to come here right away. To determine the most suitable armor, look for an indicator with a lightning icon in the equipment characteristics.

When you deal with the armor, clear the room of enemies. It is worth noting that fragmentation grenades and weapons with a high rate of fire, such as an armor-piercing submachine gun or an automatic institute pistol, which the robots themselves carry, are very effective against synths.

After eliminating the threat, go into the kitchen and on the table you will see the “Pistols and Bullets” magazine, which will increase the damage of your weapon by 5% on a critical hit. Collect all the things in this room, then go into the bathroom on the left. You will find a locked first aid kit containing a blood bag, rad-x and a stimulant.

Having collected all the things here, walk around the floor and collect all the valuable items, destroying one automatic turret. In the corner of the room with a hole in the floor, enter the door, go down the stairs and hack the terminal. If you do this, you will be able to activate the Protectron, which will provide you with additional fire support.

Clear this floor by destroying all the synths. During the clearing process, you will find yourself targeted by ceiling turrets. Use the pillars and furniture for cover and destroy them. Note that in the center of the room there is a terminal that allows you to deactivate the turrets. But to get into it, you need the skill of hacking very complex computers. You can also use the terminal to open the nearby security door and enter the ammo and medical supply vault.

Once the turrets are cleared, collect the ammo in the center of the room and, if possible, in the storage area. Now call the elevator, go into it and press the button to get to the lower floors.

At the bottom, go along the corridor and remove the chain from the blue door on the left. Go through it and wait until it comes to you. Then return to the long corridor.

Stop as soon as you reach the minecart on the right and crouch down to deactivate the laser trap. A dried corpse lies on the trolley. Ahead you will meet many synths and turrets. Destroy them and collect valuables. At the same time, Kellogg will go on the air via speakerphone and talk to you.

When you reach the end of the floor, take out the turret on the left and go through the security gate. Continue forward until you come to the door of the Fort Hagen command center. Come in.

When you find yourself in the command center, go down the steps on the right and head to the end of the corridor, destroying the synths along the way. Better throw grenades at them. At the end of the corridor, turn right.

Go into the rest room on the left and collect ammo from the boxes next to each bed. Note that there is a terminal with a very complex security on the wall of the room (it opens a fenced room in the adjacent locked room), and in one of the bedside drawers for power armor.

After collecting the swag, return to the corridor and continue moving forward. Deal with all the synths that appear, and then go down the steps. On the right there will be a room with a generator containing a full nuclear unit.

Return to the corridor and go to the dining room, which can be recognized by the skeleton sticking out of the window.

Go into the dining room and take it from the table in the kitchen. From the description you will understand that it will give you +25% critical damage from energy weapons.

Open the box with explosives in the eastern part of the room, collect the items and return to the corridor.

Go down the steps to the south and turn left at the bottom. Be prepared to face another group of synths. Among them there will be more robust models. Once you've dealt with them, follow the pipe tunnel until you go through the doorway at the end. Turn left, go up the steps and destroy the ceiling turret if you haven't disabled the protection through the terminal before.

Note the highly secure terminal on the wall ahead (it gives access to the adjacent weapons room). Now turn right around the corner. There will be another ceiling turret here. Enter the reception room to the south and immediately take out the last ceiling turret on the left. When everything is clear, go through the wooden door on the north wall.

Encounter with Kellogg and his murder

Behind the door, collect the contents of the first aid kit from the table and open the box with cartridges on the bed. Next, follow through the doorway ahead. Follow the corridor to the left, go up the steps and go through the door at the end.
When the lights come on in the next room, you'll see Kellogg and some synths guarding the area. Don't shoot, go up to Kellogg and start a dialogue with him.

Ask him where your son is and insist that Kellogg take you to him. When you find out that Sean is at the Institute, ask Kellogg how to get there. At the end, choose any answer and get ready to deal with the mercenary. There is no peaceful solution to the Kellogg problem.

When the conversation ends, you will only have a few seconds (maybe a little more if you choose a sarcastic response) before Kellogg and his robots open fire. Quickly turn around and run into the corridor from which you came. Hide around the corner at the base of the stairs and throw grenades or Molotov cocktails straight into the room to give the enemies a little beating.

When the synths are destroyed, it will be Kellogg's turn. You will quickly realize that the mercenary uses camouflage, which makes him invisible and prevents you from using V.A.T.S. This is very annoying. To hit an enemy, you need to aim for the subtle tremor that appears as Kellogg moves. Unfortunately, the mercenary not only becomes invisible, but also causes serious damage. He can kill you with a couple of accurate shots.

It's good if you start the battle by swallowing some med-x. This will increase your damage resistance. Then lure him into the doorway at the top of the steps and take cover around the corner below. Start throwing grenades into the room (and avoid his shots). If necessary, immediately replenish your health with stimulants or other items. Over time, the mercenary will take off his camouflage, and the battle with him will become easier. Take cover in the corridor, select your most powerful weapon and attack Kellogg as soon as he gets closer.

When Kellogg is defeated, take his weapons, equipment and other things, including implants and the terminal password.

Return to the room and find the mercenary's computer here. It is on a white table against the north wall. Collect the nearby stimulants and the magazine "Fun with Robko" (you will receive ). Activate the terminal, read the available entries and open the door.

When you've done everything, go up to the detective and talk to him - tell Valentine about your findings. Tell him that you need to find a way to find your son. Valentine will offer to talk to Piper, a journalist from Diamond City. Tell the detective you are ready to go and head to Diamond City.

Go up the steps on the south side of the room and turn left at the top. Continue east and call the elevator at the end. Go into it and press the button. When the doors open, you will find yourself in a corridor. Use the terminal on the wall to deactivate the turrets and open the doors to the outside.

As soon as you find yourself in the fresh air, you will see the appearance of the Brotherhood of Steel airship. The quest “Shadow of Steel” will appear in your journal, which can be completed later.

In the meantime, take out your Pip-Boy and move to Diamond City.

Tell Piper about your findings

When you arrive in town, head northeast down the steps and look for the second shack on the left. There should be a large sign above the doorway that says Diamond City`s Newspaper. Go inside and wait until Nick finishes their conversation.

After this, tell the journalist that you need help and that Kellogg is dead. Ask her what to do now. Detective Valentine will suggest visiting Dr. Amari at the House of Memories, which is located in Goodneighbor.

This task is noticeably more difficult than the previous ones. Therefore, before starting, I advise you to stock up on stimulants or some other first aid kits and Molotov cocktails or grenades. Beware, spoilers!

1. Follow Dogmeat.
We run after the dog, periodically it will stop at the San Francisco Lights cigars or near the bloody rags.

On the way we will meet several strong creatures: yao-gai on the railway tracks and the legendary wild ghoul hunter on the bridge.

In the forest we will meet two men, one will try to kill the other. Ask him to put his weapon down- Nick will positively evaluate this action of yours. But you still have to kill him.

3. Get to Fort Hagen
Getting into the fort is not difficult - you just need to shoot several turrets standing on the roof.

4. Search Fort Hagen.
But it will be hot in the fort itself. Sometimes several synths and turrets will fire at you at the same time. This is where grenades or Molotov cocktails come in handy. In the room with the turret on the ceiling there will be an ammo room. Ask Valentine to hack the computer, then open the door and take the ammo.

At the end of this room there will be an elevator with white doors - this is where we need to go. We get out of the elevator, go straight along the corridor and run into the door. Be careful - there is a turret right behind the door.

Carefully inspect all the rooms - you need to find the “Fat Man” weapon and one nuclear mini-charge.

Eventually you will find Kellogg, he will say that Sean is at the Institute and calls it his home, and Kellogg himself is just a mercenary tasked with kidnapping the child.

After this dialogue, you will need to kill Kellogg and the guards. They are quite strong, so it’s easier to hit them once with the Fat Man.

After killing Kellogg and the synths guarding him, we talk with Valentine. He will say that he does not know where the Institute is, although it was gathered there. And he will advise you to contact Piper.

5. Talk to Piper.
We rise to the surface of the fort, use the map to teleport to Diamond City and go to the office of the Social Events company where Piper works.

She says there is a place in Goodneighbor called the House of Memories. There you can relive your old memories.

You need to ask local memory specialist Dr. Amari if it is possible to extract memories of where the Institute is from Kellogg’s dead brain.

Now we need to choose with whom we will go to the doctor with Nick or with Piper and this is where the quest ends.

Fort Hagen in Fallout 4 is one of the main locations that the player will have to visit for one of the tasks. Inside, crowds of synths will be waiting for you, as well as an inactive capsule with a protectron, which can be reprogrammed through a computer for defense.

Inside, you will need to be smart and find a way through the rubble to the desired door, and there are two entrances to the building itself - through the roof, where five turrets are located, and also through the parking lot near the building. For an easier passage, send Nick Valentine, who is a specialist in these cases, to deal with computers and locks.

While traveling around the fort and the surrounding area, you can find two models of power armor, as well as one of the dolls, which will increase your skill in using energy weapons. You can also read the article on our website.

Fort Hagen in Fallout 4


  • Reunion is a quest in which you will need to follow in Kellogg’s footsteps and obtain information about the son of the main character;
  • Constitution's last flight - here you can find bearings for the pump.


  • - an evil assassin hired by the Institute for dirty deeds;
  • Synths are hostile combat units of the institute, assembled in the likeness of humans.

Weapons and important items

  • Fat Man - a device that fires nuclear warheads;
  • The Kellogg pistol is a fairly powerful, unique revolver;
  • Kellogg's armor - unique armor with cyber implants;
  • Magazine pistols and bullets - increases critical damage from conventional weapons;
  • Energy weapon bobblehead.

Solitaire Mat