Fallout 4 who is better to join. Factions. Ending for "The Institute"

At first glance - and at second glance, let's be honest - taking sides Institute seems a completely immoral solution, suitable for the most “immoral bastards.” But is it really that bad?

Attention! This article contains spoilers!

Dr. Clayton Holdren. Meet him to play for the Institute.

After the second act of the game, players have the opportunity to choose a faction from four presented. The choice - whatever it is - will trigger a series of events that will lead to one or another ending to the game. The following article discusses the consequences of choosing Brotherhood of Steel or Institute V Fallout 4.

Briefly about factions

But first, for the sake of completeness, let’s briefly talk about the world views of all four factions. Let's face it, all of them, to put it mildly, are not saints, and even if they pursue good goals, their methods leave much to be desired. Therefore, the game is not clearly dark or bright sides. There is only the hero's choice and its consequences.


  • Minutemen. Switching to their side will leave Boston in a state of “free floating.” In addition, you can become allies with them even if you choose any other faction (except for the Institute - with the Institute, in addition to the alliance, there may be enmity and uncertainty).
  • Brotherhood of Steel. Fanatics who are eager to get their hands on any pre-war equipment in the name of saving everyone and everything. An alliance with them will provide decent firepower and protection for the population, but do not forget that these guys believe that genocide is a normal phenomenon, and will “take out” any Synth, Mutant or Ghoul.
  • Subway. They believe that the exploitation of Synths, who possess the rudiments of consciousness and intelligence, is slavery. An alliance with them will bring the opportunity to deal with the two “fattest” factions that exist, but at the same time we should not forget that they are so focused on the rights of the Synths that human life is an empty phrase for them.
  • Institute. The most technologically advanced faction - and, perhaps, the only hope of humanity to return everything “to normal.” But they are not at all bothered by the “slave” position of the Synths.

Fallout 4: Brotherhood of Steel

If the Brotherhood of Steel is chosen, the Minutemen will join it, and the Underground and the Institute will be destroyed.

The Brotherhood firmly believes that all grief comes from technological progress - which is strange, given that they freely enjoy all the possible fruits of this very progress.

After choosing the Brotherhood of Steel, the Institute and the Underground immediately become enemies. The Brotherhood will send to pick up a certain program from the Underground - and you shouldn’t spare anyone on your way. Once the Underground is no longer a problem, the focus will shift to repairing Liberty Prime's enormous mech, which is critical to defeating the Institute. You will need to run around and collect resources and components.

After this, the robot will be directed towards the Institute, accompanied by the main character. The robot will make a hole in the ground near the walls of the Institute, which will allow the Brotherhood to take the enemy by storm. Synths and scientists will put up desperate resistance - get ready for a shootout in underground corridors! We need to get to the Institute's reactor. We put a pulse charge into it, teleport outside and watch how beautifully everything flies up into the air.

After successful completion of the mission main character Promotes to Guardian rank and receives an upgrade to his powerful armor.

Fallout 4: Institute destroyed

Options for playing the Brotherhood of Steel:

  • The Brotherhood and the Minutemen are in alliance - the Guardian technically becomes the Minutemen General.
  • The Minutemen Destroy the Brotherhood - If, after completing the main quest, the player "falls out" with the Brotherhood, they can turn to the Minutemen for help in destroying the Brotherhood.

Fallout 4: Institute

If the Institute is chosen, the Minutemen will join it, and the Underground and the Brotherhood of Steel will be destroyed.

The Institute - as opposed to the Brotherhood - sees the salvation of humanity in the development of technology.

Playing for the Institute is “very personal” for the main character, because the head of the Institute (“Father”) is the Survivor’s son Sean, who has matured 60 years (the same baby we see lying in the cradle at the very beginning of the plot). Due to the fact that the Survivor left the Vault much later than his son, Sean now turned out to be biologically older than his father. Naturally, having chosen the option of playing against the Institute, we will have to kill our son, from whom we were separated by the Catastrophe.

Expressing support for the Institute somewhat simplifies life and reduces the number of worries - but also shortens the “ending”. Several quests are given to complete, and then the Father of the Institute reports that he is dying of a serious illness and wants to see the main character as his successor.

After the “official” consolidation of the alliance with the Institute, Sean will demand that the leaders of the Underground be destroyed. Then - to the airport, destroy the generators so that people from the Institute can “hack” the Brotherhood robot and destroy it with their own weapons.

Then - the last conversation with Sean. He asks his father to protect the Institute from new threats, thanks him for the time that they managed to spend together, and falls asleep...

By the way, there is another Sean in the game - this is a synth boy programmed to consider the Survivor his father. Don't confuse him with the real Sean.

Fallout 4: Goodbye Sean!

Options for passing the Institute:

  • The Institute and the Minutemen are at odds - if the Survivor used the Underground to destroy the Brotherhood, and then betrayed the Underground in favor of the Institute and kills a certain named NPC - he will be transferred outside and Preston Garvey will give him the quest "Critical Mass";
  • The Institute and the Minutemen are in an uncertain relationship - if during the quest “Trapped” the player fails to convince the Minutemen to lay down their arms (you can come to an agreement with them, but this will cancel the opportunity to end the game on the side of the Institute);
  • The Institute and the Minutemen are allies. It does not have any special impact on the world, but during the quest “Trapped” the Minutemen can be made aware of this;
  • "Social Events" spread Institute propaganda - happens if a Survivor befriends Piper Wright and chooses the Institute;
  • The Survivor is at odds with the Institute - if the Survivor did not accept the Minutemen's offer to become their leader, used the Underground to destroy the Brotherhood, betrayed the Underground in favor of the Institute and killed a certain named NPC (before completing the quest "Splitting the Family"), then he will be teleported from the Institute and opened fire to defeat.

What's next?

Whatever the hero chooses - the Institute or the Brotherhood of Steel - after the final mission to destroy the enemy, a sad discovery awaits him. The survivor understands that his search for his family, for which he spent so much time and effort, turned out to be a ghostly goal. What happened can no longer be returned, and his husband and son are dead.

All that remains is to forget about the past and find your way in the new world.

A traditional article in which the plot and all the endings will be analyzed in detail. This time it will be . Before you start sinking lower and lower. Keep in mind that this article is one big spoiler. And if you haven’t completed the game, then this article will definitely spoil your impression of the Fallout 4 storyline. Although, again, everything depends on you, because maybe you specifically want to know how exactly the game will end. In any case, here you will find the most detailed description storyline and endings. Not understood plot? Didn't understand the essence of the game? Get down below!

Plot, company, denouement, description

So, the story begins from the moment when the most terrible tragedy occurs, around which the entire series is built - with a nuclear war. The nuclear war eventually destroyed almost the entire population of the planet, leaving behind only radioactive ruins and terrible mutants. The main character (or heroine), a couple of minutes before the whole war, is at home - in the suburbs of Boston, just a couple of moments before a nuclear strike, fortunately, before this whole catastrophe, a representative of Vault-Tec came knocking on their door and entered them into an experimental government program.

At some point, the news starts on TV with not very good news. On TV they talk about nuclear war. Soon the alarm begins, and the whole family quickly runs to the nearby Vault 111. And literally (seriously) a couple of seconds before the approaching nuclear wave, people on a huge slab are lowered deep into this shelter. Soon, everyone who ended up in Vault 111 is urgently frozen in cryo-chambers, and deep sleep sets in.

It is important to note that in each shelter they conducted their own experiments; in some places, for example, one woman or man was left for the entire shelter. Somewhere they soon forced everyone to walk around naked. Well, somewhere, they decided to freeze people for several tens, or even hundreds of years!

At some point, the main character (or again the heroine) thaws out and sees a heartbreaking picture in front of him: two unknown people opened a cryo-chamber with a wife (or husband) and a child, after which they take the child, kill the wife, and freeze again Main character. Waking up much later (as much as 60 years), GG immediately goes in search of his missing son, Sean (while not realizing that 60 years have passed since the kidnapping of my son). Thus, getting out into freedom into the Wasteland.

As a result of a long search, the protagonist’s investigation leads to one mercenary (Kellogg), who again supposedly lived with a young boy in a local town on the surface, but soon simply disappeared. During the search, the GG finds the necessary “thread” and finds out the location of that same mercenary and learns that the son, Sean, is now, perhaps, in a certain “Institute”, where they produce synthetics and periodically kidnap ordinary people who live in the Wasteland. After the GG reads the memories of the murdered mercenary (Kellogg), he goes in search of a secret entrance inside this place (the Institute).

A little later, he learns that the “Institute” does not have an entrance inside from the outside and you can only get there using a teleporter, which reads the secret code and thereby moves you to the “Institute”. Finding out the code is not so easy - you need a synth, which is part of a synthetic secret organization. As soon as the GG finds such a person, he takes his beacon and, with the help of a former employee and, of course, the faction he has chosen (and it can be any - your choice), he teleports inside the “Institute”.

Upon arrival, the GG finds a strange research facility that long years was underground. And as it turns out, GG’s son, Sean, is at the head of this organization. Sean is now 60 years old and is now an old man, with gray oxen and peeling skin. What does the Institute do? Mainly scientific work: they create synthetics, weapons, try to grow organic matter and generally simply develop, regardless of the outside world and what is happening there. No matter what anyone says in the Wasteland, the goal of the “Institute” is noble - to restore humanity! Of course, using atomic energy and new discoveries in robotics.

But why was the child kidnapped? And why didn’t they capture the mother and father? Scientists (the same researchers) required pure DNA of an unborn child, not subject to mutations and radiation. It was this same child who turned out to be Sean, who was frozen along with his mother (or father). But the father (or mother) was not killed for the reason that he was the donor of this valuable material. That is why all these people were frozen. But when GG finds Sean, he reports that GG no longer has value and calmly releases him. Although this, again, is all for the sake of experimentation. Allegedly, will GG be able to find out the truth and, in general, what will happen to him after he ends up in the Wasteland and gets out of the safety of Vault 111?

After that, story line sharply begins to diverge. The ending and subsequent events depend only on whose side the main character (or heroine) chooses. There are several endings in the game. Each of them is correct in its own way.

Fallout 4 endings

Ending for "The Institute"

In this case, the GG joins the “Institute”. After Sean dies (he is also called “father” at the Institute), GG becomes the head of this place. With the help of the GG, the remaining groups are dealt heavy blows. The same “Brotherhood of Steel” is suffering huge losses. Soon the “warriors” who arrived in Boston were simply defeated. The “underground” (scientists who sought to give freedom to synths) is also subject to destruction (which, in general, is what is happening).

The rest, so to speak “free peoples,” remain to live where they lived. Using an enhanced beacon, the GG transmits a message to everyone in the Wasteland, the text of which is chosen only by the player, but the essence of which is something like this: “We are an institution that is engaged in the revival of humanity. We do not pose a threat to anyone, but if someone dares to disturb us, there will be consequences decision taken" And as mentioned above, GG becomes the main one in the research complex.

Ending for the Brotherhood of Steel

In this case, the GG joins the Brotherhood of Steel and goes to fight the Institute. Thus, GG becomes enemy number one for Sean, since he finds himself “on the other side of the barricades.” Together with the Brotherhood of Steel, the main character finds a way to get into the underground research complex in order to destroy everyone who is there. With the help of a huge robot (Liberty Prime), he creates a huge tunnel that allows him to enter the Institute bunker. After destroying the remaining synths, GG says goodbye to the dying Sean. The head of the “Brotherhood of Steel” gives the highest rank for the completed task and sends the GG further to build “ new world" As for the rest of the inhabitants of the Wasteland, no one else is taking part in this conflict.

Minutemen ending

After the Minutemen are victorious in capturing the "Castle" (which used to belong to the Minutemen who were at the peak of their power) with your help, of course. An open conflict with this group (synths vs minutemen) begins to increase. To prevent the threat, the Minutemen decide to strike at the very heart of the synths - the Institute. Soon they find a new secret entrance - the sewer. So, the main character (heroine) sneaks inside. Next, a portal is built and communication is established. With the help of the portal, fighters are delivered inside the “Institute” and the assault takes place. The main goal of the Minutemen is to capture a nuclear reactor and capture the technology of scientists that will be used for the benefit of the surviving people. As for scientists, they remain alive.

Ending for "Underground"

To achieve this end, the GG first needs to infiltrate the “Institute” and talk to a certain Patriot and a synth. Patriot is a scientist who helped a pair of synths escape. Together with him, you will have to organize an escape for all the synths, arm them and destroy the Institute along with the Brotherhood of Steel. Having done everything, the GG awaits the signal to begin the special operation. To do this, you will have to first complete all the tasks of “Father” (aka Sean), but with some amendments: you need to hard reset the synth raider, and drain the second hard reset. And when “Father” finally issues a task that involves an attack on the main base of the “Underground,” you need to protect the “Underground” from the attack of the “Brotherhood of Steel” and help them deal with them by destroying the airship. GG goes to the scene of hostilities and repels the attack of the Brotherhood of Steel. A counterattack begins: GG hijacks a rotorcraft with a technician, invades a huge airship, sets explosives and soon the airship explodes. Next, GG needs to put an end to the “Institute”. GG seizes the teleport, teleports the Underground employees to the scene of hostilities (in the Institute bunker), destroying everyone and together they plant explosives in the reactor. After planting the bomb, GG and the Underground employees leave the Institute using a teleport and blow up the Institute’s base. As a result, all hostile groups were dealt with, the synths were free, and the Minutemen lived and still live.

Additional Information

The employees of the Institute sought to revive humanity. This was their main goal, for the sake of which they carried out all the experiments and tried to isolate themselves from the rest.

The Brotherhood of Steel flew to Boston for only one thing - to destroy the Institute and seize their weapons. This was their main goal.

The main character (or heroine) was frozen in Vault 111 in order to conduct an experiment. Most likely, the Institute is also somehow involved in the Vault-Tec organization, so there is also a possibility that everything was planned in advance.

The father (or mother) is not killed for the reason that an order was given in advance that he should be kept alive for future experiments. People were frozen for a reason - they all had to serve to ensure that humanity was reborn. But there is nothing surprising here; one could immediately guess that people were locked in cryo-chambers for a reason, but for some purpose.

The Podzemka (Path of Freedom) organization sought to free synthetics. They considered them a reasonable race, which has and should have its own rights to life in society. In general, synths were intelligent in terms of consciousness.

Kellogg lived so many years because he was subjected to life extension experiments. Although the project was discontinued, experiments were carried out on it. The project was canceled for the reason that the longer Kellogg (aka the experimental subject) lived, the crazier he became (went crazy).

Although the order was given not to kill anyone, the wife (or husband) was killed. When the child was taken away, the researcher in overalls did not want to kill the girl, but apparently, the mercenary (Kellogg) violated the order and shot the girl (perhaps thereby demonstrating his madness even then, which again may have been why the project was closed for life extension).

Completing the main missions of Fallout 4 will sooner or later lead to an internecine war, during which one of the factions will be destroyed. But Bethesda could not help but give the player a choice, and there is a path that will lead to the fact that the Minutemen, the Brotherhood of Steel, the Underground will be able to coexist peacefully, and the player will be able to complete almost all of their quests, and there are a huge number of them in the game Fallout 4. Best ending is not achieved so easily. So, if you want to leave all factions unharmed, then the game will need to start almost from the very beginning. Our small guide will tell you where to start.

Fallout 4. The best ending

You need to start the passage of the game, which will lead to the peaceful coexistence of all factions, before the end story mission"Reunion" Before completing this quest, the player must complete all available tasks from the Brotherhood of Steel, which can be picked up at the Cambridge Police Station. You must also complete all repeatable missions once. It's about finding artifacts and killing ghouls.

Now start completing the quest “The Lost Patrol”. Find members of the reconnaissance team and chat with the last surviving paladin Brandis. After you have spoken with Dance and completed this quest, you can begin completing the Reunion mission. Fallout games 4. The best ending is one step closer, and now we move on to the next story mission.

"Dangerous Thoughts"

Next, we will tell you what you need to consider when completing this Fallout 4 story mission. The best ending will become available if the player fulfills the following conditions during this task: first of all, you must build a teleport to the Institute together with the Minutemen. In addition, it is very important not to complete the quests from the Underground “Agent Work” and from the Brotherhood of Steel “Shadow of Steel” for now.

Walkthrough of the Institute

As for this faction, after visiting it, it should treat the main character with hostility. You can first wander around the building and complete the last story mission to find a son “Closed institution.” But after completing this mission, you cannot communicate with the Father. Before leaving the Institute, achieve the hatred of this faction - kill any character and run away from there. But that's not all there is to it when completing the main missions of Fallout 4. The best ending will become available if you give the notes on the Detention task to Sturges, the same Minuteman man who helps the main character get used to building settlements.

Further passage

After the player leaves the Institute, you can begin tasks from the Brotherhood of Steel and calmly complete them until the quest “No Mercy”. When completing this mission, the player cannot get into the helicopter; before this moment you need to take all possible additional quests, but you don’t need to do them yet.

Let's move on to missions from the Minutemen. The quests "Defense of the Castle" and "Choice of the Minutemen" must be completed. In addition, you need to take the “Critical Mass” task, but leave it unfinished for now. Now we return to the missions from the Underground and finish the quest “Undercover Work”. We take all available tasks from this faction and calmly complete them before the mission “Randolph Station”. Now we return to completing the “Critical Mass” task. We go through this quest and watch how the Institute destroys itself. This ends all the main conditions for how to get a good ending in Fallout 4.

Peaceful life in the wasteland

Having fulfilled all the above conditions, we will finally restore peace among all factions. Now you can move on to completing the basic and additional tasks from the Minutemen, the Brotherhood of Steel and the Underground.

Fallout 4: Far Harbor. Best ending

The game itself is huge, and completing it will take dozens of hours. But Bethesda studio decided not to stop there and released a full-fledged addition Far Harbor. As with the main game, the DLC has several endings, which will be discussed later. There are three main factions on the island - the Children of Atom, the synths (Acadia) and the settlers of Far Harbor, and they can be easily destroyed or pitted against each other. But you can also force them to live peacefully - this will be the best ending to the addition. This is quite difficult to do.

You should start achieving a good ending by completing the main mission “What Life Should Be.” When completing this task, the player needs to get DiMa to tell him about Captain Avory, and this can only be done with a high persuasion skill. If everything is done correctly, the quest “Reformation” will appear. We fulfill all the conditions for passing, as a result of which DiMa will control the entire island, and a bloody war can be avoided. A good ending will bring the player not only moral satisfaction, but also a useful perk, “Defender of Acadia,” which gives the player a bonus to normal and energy damage when wounded. Kasumi remains alive, and her future fate is in your hands. Before leaving the island, talk to her and help her decide whether to return home or stay in Far Harbor.

This concludes our review of the Fallout 4 finale. Which ending is better is up to the player to decide. But remember that every decision you make affects life in the wasteland, so think about your actions before moving on

Fallout 4 over time, wean ourselves from many old habits. You may wish with all your heart to beat the game without a single fight and defeat the conventional Frank Horrigan in a verbal spat, but this is unlikely to happen here (unless, of course, some nice smart guy finds a clever way to cheat the scripts). You can, out of old habit, sit over the corpse of a raider, choosing what might be useful to you, but here almost everything will come into play. This Fallout does a lot of things differently than we are used to, and at the same time it main strength and the main drawback.

Here's what you need to know to stop being afraid and start playing Fallout 4 in the way that is most convenient.

Don't expect to solve all problems peacefully

At the beginning of the game, I invested ten points each in Intelligence and Charisma, hoping that this would allow me to not kill anyone. And it was a mistake, of course. But not because in Bethesda games heroes without combat skills are always killed especially brutally - in fact, this is true, but not here - but because in the end I still turned into combat vehicle. I just used other methods to achieve my goal.

For example, perhaps the most valuable skills in the charm tree are those that allow you to lure enemies to your side. They don’t work for everyone and not always, but they don’t require any effort from you at all. You simply point your weapon at the raider, and he (possibly!) raises his hands and comes to your side, essentially becoming another partner. Not very plausible, but convenient for causing chaos on the battlefield.

Power armor is the choice of the weak

One of the skills in the intelligence branch - “Nuclear Physicist” - not only enhances energy weapon, but also greatly reduces the energy consumption of power armor, almost eliminating the problems of finding batteries. The only thing you should worry about from now on is metal reserves to repair broken armor parts.

Besides, power armor instantly raises your strength to 11, essentially solving the carrying capacity problems of a weak character. The moral is simple: if you're playing a skinny smartass and having trouble surviving, wear armor. It negates your character's main problem.

It's important to remember two things. Firstly, in power armor you cannot swim - you can only slowly stomp along the bottom. Secondly, while you are wearing armor, the positive properties of other clothing do not affect you. That is, if you are wearing a suit that increases charm, you should remove the armor before talking.

Take your skills to grow

Another reason why scoring tens in Charisma and Intelligence was not a good idea is the ability to raise the parameters for free by other means.

Firstly, it is given by voltboy dolls scattered around the world, one for each of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. parameters. If you have 10 skill units, the corresponding bobblehead will increase their number to 11 (otherwise you cannot raise the parameter above 10 forever). But if, say, you need a ten in luck only for the sake of the last skill in the corresponding branch, it makes sense to start with a nine and then compensate for the last one with a bobblehead.

In another way, the parameters can be adjusted using clothes and all sorts of chemicals. They will not allow you to improve the skills tied to these parameters, but if, say, you need to make the final dash to the merchant with an overfilled bag, then taking a bottle of vodka on your chest (+1 to strength, -1 to intelligence) is a completely workable option. Just beware of addiction. It can be easily cured by a doctor, but you still have to get to him.

If you want to hack a door or terminal, but don’t have the necessary skills, ask your companions for help - Kate and Nick Valentine, respectively. Well, one last thing: after you get out of Vault 111, in what is left of Sean’s room, find the book You’re S.P.E.C.I.A.L., which will give you another parameter point. Lucky that it has survived after two hundred years!

Don't forget to shoot from cover

It may be fun to play like this, but not in all situations the opponents are ready to serve themselves on a silver platter.

It's easy to lose sight of the fact that Fallout 4 you can shoot from cover, just like NPCs do. To do this, go close to the wall and hold down the button responsible for aiming. The hero will lean out of cover, and you can aim at the target relatively calmly. Of course, it’s often easier to go out into the field, pump yourself up with a “screw” and, alternating V.A.T.S. And real time, it’s beautiful to smash everything, but there are times when it’s better not to take risks.

Collect everything

Seriously. There are no items here that are not suitable for anything. At first you will be short of glue for modifications. Then - bolts, wiring, ceramics, glass... In general, collect everything that comes your way if you want to improve your equipment. And you probably want to, because this is perhaps the most interesting mechanic here. At least in terms of creating items " The Witcher 3" And Dragon Age:Inquisition there is a lot to learn from Fallout 4.

So, resources for modifications and construction are taken, first of all, from rubbish scattered around the world, which previously had no use: from all sorts of plates, spoons, bones, laboratory instruments and other nonsense. All the rubbish can be dumped on the workbench by pressing one button, so the problem of a stuffed backpack is Fallout 4 is not nearly as acute as before.

Benefit from crafts and settlements

On Reddit, too, there are many interesting settlements on which players have spent dozens of hours. But if you just want to make money, beauty doesn't matter.

The Local Leader perk (6 points of charisma) is critical if you want to not only build settlements, but also benefit from them. At the second rank of the skill you are allowed to build trading shops, valuable not so much for the ability to buy or sell something, but for the constant influx of money. You can forget about financial problems.

By and large, using craft perks and resources obtained in settlements, you can get hold of everything you might need. From rich seedlings of toshka, for example, a chemist will produce mountains of glue necessary for improving weapons, and from excess water resources you can always replenish your reserves. All the good that the settlement produces is added to the workshop menu, from where it can be taken.

Well, of course, when you develop a new site for settlement, the first thing you should do is clear it of ruins, car wrecks, broken furniture, logs and other things. It’s strange to see how a person from the Vault cleans up the territory in a few minutes more efficiently than the entire population of the Wasteland in two hundred years, but, in any case, a lot of steel, wood and other basic resources are extracted from such garbage.

Choose one gun (but don't forget about spare ones)

It happens that an artifact weapon (this revolver, for example, sets enemies on fire) turns out to be much stronger than the gun that you carried with you the entire game. But if you don't know how to use it, it often makes sense to stick with the old barrel.

Practice shows: you can beat the game with any weapon, as long as you keep it in good condition. Of course, rusty homemade pistols are much less fun than artifact bumpers and plasma rifles (even if you attach all possible bells and whistles to the self-propelled gun), but they will also help the cause if you focus on one thing and develop the right perk that increases damage specifically from this type of weapon.

But remember: ammo will eventually run out, especially if you shoot in bursts. It is useful to have a spare gun for a different caliber or simply be ready to switch to a captured weapon. Going, say, with a laser pistol on synths is not the worst idea, because from each of them you will pick up more batteries than you spend.

Search and experiment

Bethesda games have always been and will be about experiments. Experiments with parameters, with situations, with modifications, in the end. I would Skyrim so popular, if not for the stupid videos in which NPCs put buckets on their heads and bears flew into space? Of course I would. But not that much.

Each Bethesda game is a huge sandbox with a simple set of rules, which, as practice shows, do not have to be followed exactly. Go where they don’t ask you to, do what you don’t need to do. It's not that hard to get around these rules, find a loophole in them that will make the game turn inside out, and then invent some clever way out of the situation.

There's always something in it.

As many people know, Fallout 4 ends with a war between all factions, and the hero will need to choose one side. Subsequently, only the faction chosen by the hero will survive. It turns out that in Fallout 4 good ending will not happen. But this can be fixed! As always, Bethesda created another more optimistic ending, in which you destroy the institute and everyone is alive and happy. But the most important advantage of this ending is the ability to complete tasks after completing the main plot. To get this ending you need to follow the exact instructions below.

Firstly, you need to start the game from the very beginning, because everything is very difficult.

  1. Before you complete the Reunion mission, you need to complete all the Brotherhood of Steel quests that are given in the Cambridge site. You also need to complete all recurring quests, such as destroying ghouls or finding an artifact. In this case, you need to complete the task of searching for the missing reconnaissance group, talk with Brandis in the bunker, and then report all this to Dance.
  2. After all these tasks, finish the Reunion quest and move on.

What not to do when passing Fallout 4

Here are a few more important points. If you do not do everything thoroughly, then Fallout 4 good ending will not work:
  • You need to create a device for teleportation with the Minutemen.
  • After the mission at the Institute, this faction should be hostile towards you. This can be achieved in different ways, for example, kill a person from the Institute and run away from there.
  • Don't talk to your father after completing the mission "Closed Institution."
  • The recording for the “Detention” task must be given to Sturgers. This is the one who helps you with the arrangement of the settlement.

Further actions

  1. When you leave the Institute, collect as many missions as possible from the Brotherhood of Steel. All this must be done before you are told to board the helicopter (task “No Mercy”), but you do not need to board it. Missions taken from the Brotherhood of Steel cannot be completed either.
  2. After this, you need to go complete quests from the Minutemen, and in particular “Defense of the Castle” and “Selection of the Minutemen.” Next, we take the “Critical Mass” task, but don’t complete it yet.
  3. We go to the Underground and begin completing tasks before the mission “Randolph Station”.
  4. We finish the story mission “Critical Mass” and watch how the Institute self-destructs.


Such intricate actions in Fallout 4 will result in a good ending, but even after completing the main tasks, there are several factors to consider:
  • When completing Underground missions, you cannot talk to PAM, who wants war with the Brotherhood of Steel.
  • The Brotherhood will respect you and give you small tasks to kill mutants and raiders.
  • Even after completing the main story, you won’t be bored, since there are a lot of tasks waiting for you.
