Fortune telling online. Free fortune telling. Fortune telling by wish How to tell fortune by wish without cards

You can make one of these layouts when a certain desire has matured in your soul, but no one can give you an answer whether it will come true or not. Free online wish fortune telling, the most accurate, on Tarot cards, playing cards and runes will tell you what awaits you in the near future! People often turn to various magical tools, which are one of the best tools for communicating with both their subconscious and the Universe.

A selection of online fortune telling based on desire: on Tarot, playing cards

Fortune telling for any desire requires preparation. You need to tune in to the situation you will be asking about. Close your eyes, imagine the desired “picture”, that is, your desire - exactly what you want to happen. Try to make this picture as realistic as possible in your imagination.

The following questions will help you tune in to the desired picture:

  • What sounds do you hear?
  • What do you see?
  • What do you feel?
  • What are you doing in your desired future?
  • What are others doing (family, friends, acquaintances)?

This is a kind of meditation that will help you understand well what you really want and conduct 100% truthful fortune telling online for free on your desire.

Fortune telling "Wish" on Tarot cards

Then formulate your question: “Will this happen in my life: ...”, for example, “Will it happen that he comes to me today?” Remember, the more precise the question, the more accurate the fortune-telling answer to your desire will be. In principle, if you want greater accuracy, you can even clarify the time and place of the mystery situation.

Fortune telling online “Will it happen...” consists of only three cards. The first card will explain what may prevent your desire from being realized. The second card will tell you about what can help make everything come true. The third card will give you the answer to how real what you wished for is.

Online version

If you don’t have the time or opportunity to do the layout “live,” you can try to do it online completely free of charge, without registration and SMS.

Meaning and interpretation of cards

  1. First card: what prevents the fulfillment of desire;
  2. Second card: what will help you fulfill your desire;
  3. Third card (central): will your wish come true?

The most accurate online fortune telling with playing cards

This is a fairly simple fortune telling that does not take into account the meanings of the cards, but only their color. If you are doing a live spread, shuffle the deck thoroughly. Then, you can make your wish, focus on the question, and only then can you ask the cards to provide you with truthful and accurate information about whether it will come true or not.

Online version

Meaning and interpretation of cards

Check out the meaning of the combination you got:

  • Four red cards: Your wish will be 100% fulfilled;
  • Three red and one black card: your wish will most likely come true;
  • Two red and two black cards: the probability of execution and non-execution is the same;
  • Three black and one red card: Your wish will most likely not come true;
  • Four black cards: Your wish will not 100% come true;

Fortune telling "On 4 Aces"

This fortune telling is similar to the previous one, but is done even faster. To conduct wish fortune telling on Aces online, you will need a deck in which you can distinguish the top and bottom of the card. This can be done with almost any deck by paying attention to the position of the central symbol.

This is quite important, since it is the direct or reverse position of the aces that indicates a negative or positive result of fortune telling, and, as a consequence, the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of your desire. Before fortune telling begins, all four aces are selected, thoroughly mixed and laid out in one line.

Online version

Meaning and interpretation of cards

  • 4 inverted aces fell: your wish will definitely not come true;
  • 3 inverted and 1 straight ace fell: the wish most likely will not come true;
  • 2 inverted and 2 straight aces fell: the probability of the wish being fulfilled is 50\50%;
  • 1 inverted and 3 straight aces fell: the wish will most likely come true;
  • 4 straight Aces fell: your wish will definitely come true.

Online fortune telling “Wish Tree”

Tree of wishes: online fortune telling for the fulfillment of a wish using 9 Tarot cards. However, it is more complex, both in layout and in interpretation. However, if you want to understand in more detail the prerequisites for the fulfillment of a desire, the factors that contribute and do not contribute to this, we recommend you this particular alignment.

Online version

Meaning and interpretation of cards

The wish tree needs to be interpreted without haste, with feeling and sense. We recommend that you familiarize yourself, in addition to the abbreviated version, with additional interpretations of the cards.

  • Cards 1 and 2. Trunk of the tree of desires: the reasons that led to the emergence of desire;
  • Cards 3 and 5: Right branch of the tree: that which contributes to the fulfillment of desire;
  • Cards 4 and 6: Left branch of the tree: something that does not contribute to the fulfillment of desire;
  • Cards 7 and 8: What will your desire lead to if fulfilled;
  • Card 9: Tree Top: advice of cards to make a wish come true;

Solitaire “To make a wish come true”

This is a fairly simple online solitaire game, which requires neither complex preparation nor tedious interpretation. Just wish for any of the 36 playing cards and click on the deck.

The interpretation is extremely simple:

  • First row: Your wish will be fulfilled;
  • Second row: The desire will be fulfilled, but with certain difficulties and not soon;
  • Third row: The desire, most likely, will not be fulfilled soon, or will not be fulfilled at all;
  • Your card did not fall out: Your wish will not be fulfilled, unfortunately.

Online version

Fortune telling “Will your wish come true or not?” on Runes

This is the last online wish fortune telling in this article. Whether or not what you made will come true in the near future. It is performed on only Three Runes - this is a fairly popular formula for laying out runes in fortune telling; you should take into account both the direct and inverted position of the rune.

A simplified interpretation of this layout takes into account only the position of the top rune in the layout. Upright position - the wish will come true, inverted - no.

Online version

Meaning and interpretation of runes

The interpretation is also quite traditional:

  • Third rune: that which interferes with the fulfillment of your desire;
  • Second rune: that which contributes to the fulfillment of your desire;
  • First rune: result - whether your wish will come true or not;

Comments from site visitors

    I love solitaire games in any form. I didn’t even suspect about online. Thank you, I’m glad. Not to mention the fact that you can use solitaire to guess. A difficult situation arose, I couldn’t figure it out on my own. I tried it and liked it. My wish will come true, which can’t help but make me happy! I highly recommend it to all fans. Simple and accessible.

    I always wanted to try fortune telling with runes. I even tried to do it myself, got confused in the symbols and gave up. And here everything turned out to be so simple and accessible. The online version was just some kind of happiness) I was tormented by the question of choosing a profession, the runes suggested in which area to expect good luck and how things would turn out with my plans.
    Interesting and exciting. I liked the result.

    I have Tarot cards. Once upon a time I was not bad at drawing and out of boredom I tried to draw a tarot card with its unforgettable ornament and bright picture. I liked how it turned out and made myself personal tarot cards. But everyone couldn’t get around to guessing with their help. And the interpretation seemed complicated to me. In the online version, everything is simple. I liked it. I'm running here to try my luck.

    It is very correctly written about the mood for fortune telling. I think this point is very important and correct. Without the right attitude, nothing will work out. It is also important, of course, not to be distracted by anything, to focus on the problem and delve into the actions. Without such preparation, any fortune telling will be only partly correct .I like to guess with regular playing cards, but it takes up space. The online version pleased me with its accessibility.

    Sometimes it is critically important to know in advance the development of a situation and the ability to influence it. And what better way to answer the questions that arise than fortune telling on cards? Unfortunately, it is not always possible to lay out cards or throw runes. The online version is very helpful in such cases. It’s fast and simple. And most importantly, it’s not accessible to prying eyes. I tried to guess simultaneously on cards in real life and on cards online. The results were consistent.

    I had doubts about what to do. I had a trip coming up, I didn’t know whether to tell the guy about it or not. We were going on an excursion to another city with an overnight stay. The company wasn’t just girls. Even though I wasn’t planning anything, I still had my doubts. I tried to ask for advice online in Tarot cards and runes. It’s strange, but the answers agreed. Both of them said go for it. Interesting page. In controversial issues, I’ll come back here again.

    I’ve been familiar with fortune telling on simple playing cards since childhood. I remember playing around with my friends secretly from my parents. I still retain the habit of resorting to the spread. I especially like the quick spread with four aces. But as correctly said above, it’s not always possible to carry cards with you and spread out in public. The online version is a great help in this case. The result is the same but does not attract attention.

    I believe in fortune-telling and listen to the advice of the cards. A friend has always told me fortune-telling, she did a great job. A month ago she moved to a new apartment and now we can only communicate on VK. I was sad (((I called her on the phone to ask, but nothing It doesn’t work out, she says I either have to guess on my own or that I would be there myself. I can’t do it with the cards. She sent me a link to that page and hurray it worked out for me. Thanks to the site and my beloved Ksya!

    My dad’s health problems led to professional fortune tellers. I went to her as if I was going to work. I can’t imagine how much money I left behind. Of course, it helped, but it was really expensive. I started looking for an alternative. I asked a question in a search engine. It brought me here. I couldn’t be happier. It turns out that you can get the same advice/answers completely free of charge. Thank you for this version. It’s very helpful in controversial issues.

    It's strange to see your fate on a computer screen. I used to always tell fortunes by hand. I really like wish tree fortune-telling, everything seems to be simple in the layout and it shows a lot. Of course, real cards are more familiar and holding them in your hands is much more pleasant than poking them with a mouse, but situations are different and sometimes ordinary cards are not at hand. Here then it’s really online! What’s also important, for the sake of experiment, I tried to simultaneously lay out both the cards at the table and the cards here in online mode. Of course, the cards didn’t match 100%, but in the interpretation the meaning was the same.

Sometimes you really want to look into the future to find out whether your wish will come true or not. We will teach you how to tell fortunes!

To find answers to your questions and find out whether fate will help you fulfill your cherished dream, it is not at all necessary to have special sacred and secret knowledge. Simple and accessible wish fortune telling can help us with this.

How to tell a wish

Anyone can tell their wish. However, in order for fortune telling to be truly accurate, it is necessary to prepare for it. First of all, you need to choose the right time. The full moon is best suited for these purposes. But you should guess before sunset, and not at night. Since the night is more suitable for rituals and ceremonies, rather than fortune telling.

When to make a wish

The day of the week also matters.

  1. On Monday you can guess for absolutely any desire.
  2. On Tuesday and Friday you should look for answers to complex, serious and love questions.
  3. On Wednesday, make wishes related to business, work and study.
  4. Thursday is associated with material well-being, so you can ask fate if it will give you a million.
  5. On Saturday and Sunday, fortune telling is not accepted.

The meaning of the days of the week in fortune telling

Monday is a universal day when you can ask any question, especially regarding personal development.

Tuesday is favorable for receiving answers to questions about whether what you want will come true.

Wednesday is a suitable day for fortune telling if you are interested in issues of study, career and any development at work.

Thursday - it’s worth asking questions about money. Repaying loans, repaying debts, receiving bonuses, etc.

Friday - you can ask the Universe about love moments, intimate relationships.

Fortune telling to make dreams come true should be carried out on Monday. On issues of conflicts and health, it is worth making fortunes on Tuesdays. The appeal to the Universe on Friday must be sincere in order to receive what is planned.

Fortune telling by wish. Methods

Try to take fortune telling seriously. Clear your thoughts, focus on desire, create a calm atmosphere. Fortune telling by wish is usually carried out using cards, books, candles, coins, etc.

Fortune telling using a book

Fortune telling using a book is one of the easiest ways. It also has a beautiful magical name - bibliomancy. For fortune telling, take any book and make a wish. Now, without opening the book, think of any page and line number. After that, open the book, find the intended page and line, read it. This will be the answer. By the meaning of this line you can understand whether the wish will come true or not.

Fortune telling using cards

An equally popular method of fortune telling is cards. To do this, you don’t need to go to a fortune teller or learn complex layouts, because there are simple fortune telling based on your wishes on cards. The easiest way is to make a wish and shuffle the deck, concentrating on what you want. Now draw a card from the deck. If the suit is red, then the wish will come true, but if it is black, it will not.

Fortune telling on cards can also be done as follows. Shuffle a large deck of cards and place 15 cards, suit up, in a single row, discarding the aces. Then lay out 2 more rows of 15 cards. If all the aces come out during the reading, then the wish will come true.

Fortune telling using coins

You can tell your wish using coins, but it is best to use old coins. They will be happy to reveal all the secrets to you if you take fortune telling seriously. Take a handful of coins in your palms, make a wish and throw them up. Count the number of coins that land tails and heads up. If more coins land on heads, then the wish will come true, but if more coins land on tails, then the wish will not come true.

Here's another fun way to tell your wish using coins. You will need three coins of different sizes. Write your wish on 3 pieces of paper, wrap one coin in each and put it under your pillow. In the morning, pull out the first piece of paper you come across with your left hand. If you come across the biggest coin, your wish will come true. The middle coin indicates that the wish will come true, but not soon. And if you come across a small coin, your wish is not destined to come true.

Fortune telling using a mirror

A very interesting fortune telling can be done using a mirror. Light a candle and apply wax to the round mirror. Write a wish on the wax with charcoal and put the mirror in a cool place. After a couple of hours, thoroughly spray the mirror with cold water. If the inscription disappears, the wish will not come true.

Fortune telling with dice

Lately, fortune telling with dice has become very popular. After making a wish, put two dice in a cup, mix and throw on the table. At the same time, hold the cup with your left hand and rotate the dice counterclockwise. Now look at the combinations that came out.

If you roll 2-1, 6-6, 3-2, 5-5, 4-3, 6-4, your wish will definitely come true.

If 6-5, 4-1, 6-1, 5-1, 3-3, 5-2, 4-4 are likely to come true, fate gives many chances.

And if you roll 6-3, 2-2, 6-2, 5-4, 1-1, 5-4, 4-2, 5-3, 3-1, alas, your wish will not come true.

What fortune telling do you know? Write to us!

The easiest way to know fate is fortune telling for the fulfillment of a wish. However, it should be remembered that you should not resort to magical rituals too often. Otherwise, the result may be exactly the opposite.

Playing cards will give the answer

Fortune telling by 4 aces - the easiest way. A standard deck of 36 cards will help you find out the probability of your wish coming true. There are several ways on the cards.

First way

  • Draw aces from the deck.
  • Lay them out in a row. Take the one that suits your mood. Clearly formulate your desire.
  • Shuffle the remaining deck, take off.
  • Place the contents of the deck under the aces one card at a time. When the entire deck is laid out under the aces, you should take a stack with the selected ace and analyze the contents.
  • The wish will come true if five suited cards are found in the stack. The suit may not match the suit of the ace. An ace also counts.


The simplest and fastest. The result will be obtained in less than a minute.

The algorithm is very primitive:

  • Remove aces from the deck. No other cards will be needed.
  • Aces shuffle. At the same time, be puzzled by desire.
  • Draw a card.
  • The club came up- the desire will come true after some effort and work on yourself. Hearts guarantees that everything will definitely come true. Peak will upset you because your wish won’t even come true, diamond will signal that everything will come true only with the help of friends or by connecting the right connections.


Another simple option. All you need is:

  • Decide on your desire.
  • To shuffle cards.
  • Lay out the cards from left to right in four piles, face down.
  • Remove from first pile all down to the ace.
  • Put it aside and remove the stack.
  • Repeat too with the remaining stacks.
  • If all the aces are collected, then the dream will certainly come true. If there are three, then the possibility of a positive outcome is 75 percent, with two - 50 percent, with one desire not destined to come true.


For those who like it more complicated:

  • Deciding on your desire. We clearly formulate it out loud.
  • Shuffle deck.
  • Lay out the first 15 cards face up. Set aside the found aces.
  • Shuffle cards.
  • We lay out 15 cards again. We put aside the aces.
  • We repeat action one more time.
  • Let's see how many aces we managed to draw in three sets.
    If all four are present, then everything will come true. If at least one is left in the deck, then it’s worth wishing for something more realistic.

"Three cards" on the Tarot

The “Three Cards” layout will help you find out whether your wish will come true or not. This is one of the simplest layouts.

  • Before the layout the deck is thoroughly mixed and is removed.
  • A specific question is asked.
  • Three cards are drawn from the deck in no particular order.
  • Fortune telling using three Tarot cards can only be reliable if if you can fully concentrate on the question.
  • You can start studying positions.
  • The first card will indicate a situation in the past, the influence of the past on the current state of affairs. The second one will tell about the present. First of all, it will concern those events that can affect the future. The third card will describe the near future.

A description of the Tarot cards is included with the deck. However, for amateurs, this type of knowledge of the future may seem difficult.

The most accurate folk fortune telling

There are hundreds of options for fortune telling in the arsenal of folk methods. They are available, do not require special training, and do not require special equipment.

Most fortune-telling not only indicates whether a wish will come true or not, but also directly indicates the period after which to expect its fulfillment.

With coins

Women can guess in Saturday, Wednesday, Friday. Men's days - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. You can't guess on even days.

Fortune telling is as follows:

  • Fifteen coins of the same denomination are arranged in three rows. There will be five coins in each row.
  • First and last coin toss.
  • If you get tails and heads, then you should come to terms and accept the vagaries of fate without complaint. If heads and tails- the wish will come true within thirty days. Tails and tails, heads and heads- the wish is about to come true.

With the help of a cat

If there is a cat in the house, you can tell fortunes with its help. The cat should be released from the house. When your cat returns from a walk, pay attention to its paws. If she enters the house with her right paw, it will not be fulfilled. If on the left, it will come true soon.

New Year's

Famous and old fortune telling. Shortly before the chimes strike twelve, you need to formulate the text of your wish on paper. As soon as the chimes start striking, you should burn the note, stir the ashes in a glass of sparkling wine, and drink in one gulp.

If everything is done correctly, your wish will come true within a year.

Fortune telling for Christmas

On Christmas Eve, you can spend a few minutes doing a very simple fortune telling:

  • Say your cherished wish out loud.
  • With lit candles walk around your entire room in a circle, clockwise.
  • Go through all the rooms in the apartment or home.
  • If the candle continues to burn, very soon the dream will come true.

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Fortune telling for wish fulfillment

First way. For fortune telling, we take a deck of 36 cards, carefully shuffle them and make our wish. After this, we lay out one card at a time into 3 piles. Having laid out all the cards, we take out 3 cards from each pile: one from the bottom, the second from the middle, the third from the top. This makes a total of 9 cards.

We lay them out the same way we pulled them out, as follows: first, the first row - 3 bottom ones, the second - 3 middle ones, the third - 3 top ones. We look at which cards there are more: figures (jack, queen, king), small cards (6, 7, 8, 9, 10) or aces. Next, we interpret the cards according to the interpreter.

Interpreter If aces fall out or 2 aces and two figure cards lie in a row,
then the wish will come true. One is an ace and one is a figure card and the other is a small card
, then this is a complication in the family, troubles. 2 aces, two figures and small cards
- your spouse is unfaithful to you. 3 aces, one piece
- You will have or already have strong enemies. 4 kings
- success. 4 ladies
- love is under threat. 4 jacks
- vanity, troubles, stupid work. Ace, king, queen, jack, small cards
- usual life. Small cards

- failure, the wish will not come true. Second way.

Take a deck of 36 cards and shuffle it thoroughly. Make a wish. Place all the cards into 9 piles with 4 face down cards in each pile. After this, reveal the top cards of the piles. Those open cards of the piles that match in value are put aside. Accordingly, open the cards that were under them. And then remove cards in pairs. If, as a result of laying out, all the cards are removed, then your wish will come true, otherwise it will not come true.

Third method (Fortune telling with four aces). Take a deck of 36 cards and shuffle it thoroughly. Make a wish. Place 15 cards face up on the top of the deck on the table. If there are aces among the cards laid out, then put them aside. Then collect the cards from the table, mix them with the deck, shuffle them and put 15 cards face up on the table again. If there are aces among the newly laid out cards, then put them aside.
If not all aces came out, then repeat the above steps a third time. If all 4 aces come out in no more than 3 card layings, then your wish will come true, otherwise it will not come true. Option 2.

Take a deck of 32 cards and shuffle it thoroughly. Make a wish. Place 13 cards face up on the top of the deck on the table. If there are aces among the cards laid out, then put them aside, and in the order in which you take them. Take a deck of 36 cards in your hands, shuffle it thoroughly and lay it out into 5 closed piles of cards, so that each pile contains 7 cards. After this, you will have 1 card left in your hands, make a wish on it.

Then start revealing cards from the first pile, discarding those whose suits do not match the chosen one. Of the cards whose suit matches the chosen one, keep only cards with a ten and above. If any pile of cards does not contain any of the five highest cards (10, jack, queen, king, ace), then discard the entire pile aside. Do this procedure with all the stacks of cards, after which collect the cards into a deck, carefully shuffle them and arrange them into 4 piles. Inappropriate suits must be discarded again. Do this operation several more times, laying out the deck into 3, 2 stacks, until you get 1 stack. If only 5 cards remain in this one pile, and these are 10, jack, queen, king and ace of the intended suit, then the wish will come true, but if there are others among these cards, then you will have to wait for the wish to come true. You cannot make one wish several times! Fifth way.

Make a wish. Pick up a deck of 36 cards and shuffle it carefully. Then take one card from the middle of the deck and place it closed in the center of the table. Below, start laying out the cards in 2 rows.

The cards are placed face up. First put the card in the first row, then in the second, then in the first row, then again in the second, etc. If during the process of laying out two cards of the same value appear in one row, then remove these cards and move the remaining cards in the row together. Thus, lay out the entire deck. In the row where the fewest cards remain, take the first card and compare its suit with the card that you pulled from the deck and placed in the center of the table. If the colors of the suits are the same, then your wish will most likely come true; if the suits match, then your wish will definitely come true. If the color of the suit does not match, the wish will not come true.

If waiting is tiring and you urgently need a hint or sign, then you can turn to cards for help. For centuries, people have used fortune telling to get answers to their questions, so why not do the same now?

Features of card fortune telling by wish

Fortune telling on cards for the fulfillment of a wish can lift the veil of the unknown for anyone who wants to know the truth.

Those who want to tell fortunes should remember that the wish card layout has a number of rules. Accurate adherence to them guarantees that the magical attribute will be completely honest with the fortuneteller.

Important to remember:

  • fortune telling is carried out on the full moon;
  • the layout is done before sunset;
  • the process must take place in complete privacy;
  • the deck should be purely personal;
  • You cannot tell anyone about fortune telling and its results.

Another important point is that it is not recommended to guess for fun and disturb Providence with stupid questions. The layout can be done no more than four times a day. In subsequent times, the cards will not answer you anything coherent and truthful.

On what days can you tell your wish?

Fortune telling with playing cards can be done on certain days of the week, namely:

  • Monday – any desire;
  • Tuesday and Friday - desires related to the love sphere, resolution of complex issues and everyday situations;
  • Wednesday – answers to work-related questions;
  • Thursday - layouts for money and other material assets.

A simple way of fortune telling by wish

For fortune telling, you will need a new deck of 36 deer or a deck that has not been touched by the hands of a stranger. Such a deck is considered incomplete, and it is actively used not only in games, but also in tasks. This method of prediction is the simplest and takes very little time.

You should fully concentrate on the process and start shuffling the deck, thinking about the wish you have made. Concentration is very important. Thus, higher powers hear the call and begin to speak to the fortuneteller through the cards. Next, the first nine cards are removed and placed face down in front of you.

If there are aces in this nine, then they are set aside, and the deck is shuffled again along with the remaining cards. The procedure is repeated again. If an ace appears in this layout, it is postponed to the previous ones. After the cards have been dealt three times, you need to look at how many aces were removed from the deck:

  • all 4 aces - the wish will come true;
  • not a single one - the wish will not come true;
  • another number - they don’t know the answer.

A more accurate schedule according to desire

This wish fortune telling is widely used to get answers to questions of interest. The fortuneteller, as in the first scenario, begins by shuffling the deck. At this time, you need to focus on the desire itself and its formulation.

Next, deer are taken from the deck one by one and placed on the table in front of the fortuneteller. At this moment, you need to pronounce the names in ascending order: “Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king, ace.” You need to repeat until the entire deck is finished.

If the value of the removed card matches the spoken word, then this number is put aside and the process continues. The selected sheets will answer whether the wish will come true or not.

Interpretation of the layout when fortune telling by wish:

Six of hearts? Congratulations - your wish will come true!

  • six hearts - wish fulfillment;
  • six diamonds - change for the better;
  • six clubs - sudden changes;
  • six of spades - do not try to get what you want by any possible means;
  • seven of hearts - caution is required in actions and decisions;
  • seven diamonds - changes for the better;
  • seven clubs - approval of people;
  • seven peaks - failure;
  • eight hearts - nothing depends on you;
  • eight diamonds - good news;
  • eight clubs - health problems with a relative;
  • eight peaks - danger;
  • nine of hearts - support from a loved one;
  • nine diamonds - the onset of a bright streak in life;
  • nine clubs - bad news;
  • nine of spades - a secret that must be kept;
  • ten hearts - a repeat layout is required, the cards cannot tell the truth;
  • ten diamonds - you need a positive attitude;
  • ten clubs - dangerous acquaintances;
  • ten of spades - joyful events;
  • jack of hearts – meeting;
  • jack of diamonds - unreasonable jealousy;
  • jack of clubs - bad news about your lover;
  • jack of spades - efforts are doomed to failure;
  • queen of hearts - someone is watching;
  • lady of tambourine - insults, disrespect;
  • queen of clubs - you will get what you deserve (both in a good and a bad sense);
  • queen of spades - quick fulfillment of desire;
  • king of hearts - all wishes come true;
  • king of diamonds - deception, treason;
  • king of clubs - fulfillment of the desired requires direct participation;
  • king of spades - bad news;
  • ace of hearts – external support;
  • ace of diamonds - the desired will not come true;
  • ace of clubs is a fatal mistake, because of which everything will go wrong;
  • ace of spades - help from true friends.

The Ace of Spades promises help from true friends in difficult times

You need to look not only at the interpretation of the layouts individually, but also at the combinations that fall out:

  • the king and the lady next to each other - the lover’s loyalty and strong family ties;
  • king, jack and queen together - the wish will probably come true;
  • all 4 aces - the wish will be fulfilled 100%;
  • 4 Kings - they are putting pressure on you, don’t give in;
  • 4 ladies - someone is weaving intrigues and gossip behind your back;
  • 4 jacks – minor troubles and problems;
  • 4 tens - unexpected news;
  • 4 nines – important metamorphoses in life;
  • 4 eights - pleasant meetings and unexpected acquaintances;
  • 4 sevens – problems in personal life;
  • 4 sixes - a long trip, a journey.

Fortune telling by wish “Black Rose”

Another of the most frequently used variants of the wish card layout is the “Black Rose” fortune telling. Gypsies actively use this method to answer your questions.

“Black Rose” remains one of the simplest options for fortune telling.

Before starting fortune telling, a person shuffles the deck, thinking at this time about his desire. A card is taken from the deck at random. The interpretation is limited to one sheet, since she is able to tell the truth. This is the simplicity of this card layout compared to others.

But for a favorable outcome, you need to remain calm and not make sudden movements. The cards will not give an answer if the person is excited, agitated, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Interpretation of cards in fortune telling “Black Rose”

Peaks - unfavorable prognosis

  • ace - the plan will definitely not come true;
  • figure - the chances are very small;
  • a simple figure is unlikely.

Clubs - unfavorable prognosis

  • ace - negligible chances that the desire will come true;
  • figure - serious obstacles will arise;
  • a simple figure - there is a minimal chance.

Tambourines - favorable prognosis

  • ace - will come true, but not soon;
  • figure - big problems will get in the way, but your plans will come true;
  • a simple figure - your wish will come true, but you need to try for this.

Hearts - favorable prognosis

  • ace - everything will happen very soon;
  • figure – chances 50 to 50;
  • a simple figure will most likely come true.

Fortune telling "Pyramid"

Before fortune telling, all sixes are removed. They are not needed in that scenario. Next, the deck is shuffled and four cards are drawn randomly. They need to be remembered. You also need to guess one more, which is not in the ones drawn out earlier; it will play an important role in the interpretation of the card layout.

All sheets, except sixes, are collected together, shuffled and laid out in rows in this way:

  • first row – 6;
  • second row – 5;
  • third row - 4;
  • fourth row – 3;
  • fifth row – 2;
  • sixth row - 1.

The layout is done from bottom to top to form a pyramid. Now you need to pay attention to whether among the laid out cards there is the same one that was hidden earlier. If there is, then the probability of the wish coming true depends on the row in which this card is located:

  • 1st row - the wish will not come true;
  • 2nd row - the chances are negligible;
  • 3rd row – possible;
  • 4th row – chances 50 to 50;
  • Row 5 - high probability;
  • Row 6 - yes, it will come true.

How to play solitaire at will

Among the huge variety of fortune telling on cards, solitaire games are also popular. Despite the fact that many consider this layout to be an ordinary card game, it is a fairly effective way of fortune telling. Drunkard Solitaire is one of the most popular because it is simple. It is made with a fortune-telling deck of 36 cards or 52 cards.

As in other layouts, the cards are shuffled before fortune telling and a wish is made. Next, the cards are laid out in two columns. If cards of the same value appear in both columns at the same time, they are set aside.

When the deck runs out, the cards are collected and the procedure is repeated without shuffling them. This continues until all paired cards have left the layout. In this case, the wish will come true. If the solitaire game did not work out, and the paired cards remained in the deck, then the answer is negative.

In addition to the “Drunkard”, you can also use the “Lattice” solitaire; this is also a simple and primitive fortune telling on cards. The layout principle is also based on the exclusion of paired cards. The only difference is in the way the cards are laid out and their number. This solitaire game uses a deck of 36 cards.

Lattice solitaire plays out like this:

  • the cards are shuffled;
  • a desire or question is conceived so that the answer is “yes” or “no”;
  • the cards are laid out in 9 rows of four cards each;
  • the rows are located one above the other;
  • the layout is done from top to bottom;
  • The cards are stacked face down.

After the cards are laid out on the table, the fortuneteller needs to look at them carefully. You will have to look for cards of the same value, which are located diagonally from each other. Identical cards located above and below cannot be touched. After all pairs have been removed.

The cards are collected and, without shuffling, laid out again in rows of 4 cards. The process is repeated until the layout runs out of cards with the same value. If the solitaire is successful, then the answer to the question is positive, but if not, then the wish will not come true.

The wish will come true if the solitaire is successful

Fortune telling "Red and Black"

There is another way to find out if your wish will come true.

Fortune telling “Red and Black” differs from the others in that it gives a detailed answer to the questions posed.

As the reading progresses, the fortuneteller can ask questions that will help him understand what awaits him in the future.

For fortune telling you will need a deck of 52 cards. The cards are laid out in a circle on the table, and a red wax candle is lit in the center. Paraffin candles are not suitable, so you need to find a wax one. After the cards are on the table, you need to make a wish and mentally ask the cards if it will come true. Next, two cards are taken from the circle. If:

  • both red suits – the answer is “yes”;
  • both black suits – the answer is “no”;
  • one card is black and the other is red - the answer is “I don’t know.”

If the cards do not know the answer, then fortune telling should not be continued. It is better to try again after a while or another day.


In addition to the main question, you can also ask the cards leading questions: “Will your plan come true soon?”, “Will this cause trouble?”, “Will I be happy after the wish comes true?” etc.

Fortune telling is not just entertainment or a way to pass the time, it is a serious magical rite, and it should be treated accordingly. You can’t make layouts just like that and bother the cards with stupid questions, otherwise you can invite trouble on yourself.

If the layout is made for another person, then it is he who should shuffle the deck, because during this process the cards are filled with his energy, which can affect the result.
