Guide, basics for beginners. Ender-IO. Guide, basics for beginners How to get energy in ender io

Ender IO Buildcraft, but unfortunately, on Mystical.IO Divine RPG .

RF energy

Spoiler: 1. What creates RF energy

1) Stirling generator

There is no crafting, because you don’t need to clutter your head with advanced crafting yet

4) Zombie generator


1) Crusher

For example: having placed a flint,

2) Alloy plant
, consumes from 20 RF/tick.



Spoiler: 3. Ender IO block interface

Alloy plant:

Active slots

2. Set up input/output
More on this in the example below.
3. Recipes

Spoiler: 4. Example of a simple circuit

1) First, we power the alloy plant and crusher with energy. To do this, we put a Stirling generator between them:

2) In general, the generator itself will find energy consumers, but just in case, we will tell it where to send RF. Let's go to its interface and open the input/output settings:

We indicate by right-clicking on the sides of the generator “Push”. Thus, up to 5 consumers can be attached to one generator

3) Stuff coal or other solid fuel into the generator (maximum stack):

All. The plant and crusher consume and collect energy from the generator. You can place more generators next to each consumer for better effect.

Spoiler: 5. Your first advanced craft

Let's create the first one double layer capacitor - it is one of the bases for crafting advanced items and Ender IO mechanisms. If you want to create cool mechanisms in the future, you will have to do it on a large scale.

1) Let's do it energy alloy- to do this, simply insert gold, red stone and glow dust into the alloy plant
(don't forget to switch to the "alloys only"/"Smelting all materials" mode!):
hint: more gold can be obtained in the same crusher by processing gold ore

Create 6 of these alloys, you will need them later.

2)Also, we need 3 pieces coal dust- also the basis of Ender IO crafting. We create it in a crusher from, who would have thought - coal!
hint: you can get more coal by stuffing flint into the acc. slot

3) We combine all the components on the crafting table

4) Done, you have three 2-layer capacitors on hand that can be inserted into our devices, significantly increasing their efficiency!

Spoiler: 6. Footnote with simple crafts

Mechanism chassis


Main capacitor (not used as a modification!)

Perhaps in the future there will be more guides on this mod, but in this one we tried to explain to you the main aspects (at least the banal multiplication of resources from the mine and increasing the speed of smelting resources)

Wantedguy28 @ vov4ik

Ender IO- a modification for minecraft that adds various mechanisms and generators to the game for producing RF energy. Consumes this energy without problems Buildcraft, but unfortunately, on Mystical.IO there is no combination of these mods, but this does not prevent us from having a blast in terms of building some installations that greatly simplify game process, simultaneously walking in the worlds Divine RPG .

Most of the items in this mod consume RF energy, due to which they provide advantages. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to properly manage and distribute it to consumers. This is what will be discussed in this guide.

Spoiler: 1. What creates RF energy

1) Stirling generator
Generates from 20 RF/tick without modifications, burning solid fuel;

craft gears see footnote
2) Internal combustion generator
Generates from 60 to 160 RF/tick, consuming liquid fuel;
There is no crafting, because you don’t need to clutter your head with advanced crafting yet

3) Two types of photovoltaic cells (solar batteries)
A conventional FP generates up to 10 RF/tick in sunny weather;
Advanced FP generates up to 40 RF/tick in sunny weather;
There is no crafting, because you don’t need to clutter your head with advanced crafting yet

4) Zombie generator
These mechanisms are still a narrow specialization for you, so if you want, you can figure it out yourself or wait for a guide

Spoiler: 2. Your first iron servants

I will tell you about all the consumers later. guide (if there is one at all), but for beginners I will only describe the following:
1) Crusher
Grinds ores, ingots and other materials into constituents, consumes from 20 RF/tick. The crushing speed, energy capacity (as well as its consumption!) can be increased by inserting a capacitor accordingly. slot

Also, you can increase the number of components from the material and reduce energy consumption by placing a grinding ball (the simplest is flint, which is extracted from gravel).
For example: having placed a flint, from 1 iron ore you can get 2-3 iron powder, that is, 3 iron ingots.

2) Alloy plant
Works like a regular stove, and also creates special alloys for Ender.IO, consumes from 20 RF/tick.

The melting speed, energy capacity (as well as its consumption!) can be increased by inserting a capacitor accordingly. slot
The plant melts 3 pieces at a time for ordinary materials, such as cobblestones or sand, but makes advanced recipes one at a time.

At the same time, the plant operates in 3 furnace modes:
Smelting of all materials - the furnace will create all crafts, however, priority will be given to advanced ones (that is, by melting sand, you will get translucent glass, not ordinary glass!)
2. Alloys only - the furnace will only make advanced materials from Ender IO. Ordinary resources that are not involved in these processes simply will not be shoved into the slots.
3. Only regular recipes - how previous regime, only exactly the opposite - it will create only regular crafts or crafts from other mods.

Spoiler: 3. Ender IO block interface

The vast majority of blocks have a similar interface, shown below as an example Alloy plant:

Active slots
-Actually, this is where the creation of something happens.
1. Operating modes of red stone:
-Always active = the block always works and is not affected by any redstone signal;
-Active on signal = the block is active when a signal is supplied;
-Active without signal = block is active only if there is no signal;
-Always off = will not work under any circumstances;
2. Set up input/output
More on this in the example below.
3. Recipes 0 shows everything that can be created in this block
4. Furnace mode - individual button only for Alloy Plant
Energy level and capacitor slot
-Each block that consumes and generates RF can contain a certain amount of energy from 100k to 500k RF depending on the capacitor located below.

RF can also be transmitted over distances using special pipes, but more on that next time.

Ender IO Mod 1.12.2 / 1.11.2 has a completely new and unique style of play in Minecraft. It's right that you are still trying to survive like other mods. However, you will find completely new world with comfortable and interesting cars and many new mechanisms that Ender IO brought to the game.

There are many different types of mods available today. Every mod will bring something to Minecraft, sometimes it helps you automate the process of growing food crops, sometimes it helps you create many spawners so you can breed different types of monsters to get loot, or it could be powerful armor to help you endure everything and win faster Minecraft world. If you are fashion lovers, you will definitely feel familiar. Although there are many mods that can help you with this, Ender IO will do everything mentioned above!

A giant mod with a huge amount of content and different types of cars will completely change your Minecraft experience. Once you can get used to the whole Ender IO system, everything becomes extremely interesting and convenient. With all kinds of machines, each type with its abilities will help you avoid some situations that grind everything you need, like EXP, food, resources... You will no longer shout loudly when you find any resources. This is a great mod with a lot of items; so you should set Not Enough Items with this mod so you don't get stuck in the game. Ender IO requests Forge Mod Loader and Ender Core.

This mod adds to the game compact pipes for transmitting liquids, energy and redstone signals, energy generators, mechanisms, a remote access system, transceivers and much more.


The Ender IO mod adds the following mechanisms:

  • Stirling generator (analogue of the Stirling engine mod BC)

  • Photovoltaic (or solar) panels – capable of producing up to 1 MJ/tick

  • Painting machine

  • Smelter

  • The reservoir is a multi-block element: place the blocks in a 4x1 pattern, fill them with 2 buckets of water and get an endless source. You can get water from the tank by clicking on it with a bucket or by connecting pipes. To make water automatically enter the pipes/mechanisms, right-click while holding a wrench in your hand.
  • Ender IO Application Guide

  • To gain remote access to the mechanisms, make an ender IO and an enderface. Place the IO ender next to the mechanisms, then synchronize it with the enderface by right-clicking. You can now use the enderface from anywhere in the world to access all mechanisms located within a radius of 8 blocks from the ender IO.

  • The chunk where the IO ender is located does not load automatically, so you will have to solve this problem manually.
  • Recipes:


  • Activated Iron = Red Dust + iron ingot+ glow dust

  • Activated Gold = Red Dust + Gold Ingot + Glow Dust

  • Ender iron = ender pearl + iron ingot + glow dust

  • Blue Steel = Iron Ingot + Lapis Lazuli + Obsidian

  • Fused Quartz = 4 Quartz
  • Recipes for the crusher:

  • Fire Rod -> 4 Fire Powders

  • Glowstone -> 4 Glowdust

  • Stone -> cobblestone

  • Cobblestone -> sand

  • Sandstone -> sand

  • Glass -> sand

  • Gravel -> flint

  • Bone -> 6 units of bone meal

  • If the IC2 mod is installed, recipes for its crusher are available

  • If the TE mod is installed, grinder recipes are available

  • If the AE mod is installed, you can get quartz dust from quartz
  • How to install the Ender IO mod:

    1. Download and install Minecraft Forge

    2. Download the mod

    3. Move the downloaded .jar(zip) file to the folder C:\Users\Username\AppData\roaming\.minecraft\mods

    4. If such a folder does not exist, create it

    5. Enjoy the game
