Guide to the cube lottery. Useful for gi Passage of cube pv 1 60

Lottery - rooms 51-60

Count the second cube. But there, instead of numbers 1-6 on the dominoes, you get either a turtle ticket (1 step forward) or a rabbit ticket (2 steps). The reward for each completed room is lottery coins and library cards (for 96+) and experience (for 95-).

In each room, to receive a quest you need to pay a certain amount of money, so it’s better not to go there without at least 1kk.

51. Checkers. This room has two parts.
51-1: we pay 150k. you need to kill 6 chess-piece mobs in 5 minutes. Mobs kick painfully and vampirize HP.

51-2: given a board of 5x5 multi-colored cells, you need to make sure in the same 5 minutes that on each line of the board (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) all the colors of the cells are different, i.e. not a single repeat.





If you are stuck at 51-1 (there is a checker in your inventory, but it does not teleport), re-enter the game.


Level: 96+ Library card

52. Kill a mob in 12 minutes.

You can refuse the task, but you will not receive a reward. Remember: the level of the mob and its attack gradually increase (5 mobs in total, the last one is the most evil, not AoEshat). These are just mobs, not bosses, i.e. they can be stopped.
Level: 80 - 95 Experience: 10,000 Spirit: 2000
Level: 96+ Library card- 2 pcs.

53. Football.

There are 3 monsters in this room, they are all aggressive, and the glowing ball (ball) is also aggressive, but hits weakly. You need to kick the ball into the goal (agitate it, run into the goal, it will roll after). You shouldn't hit monsters - they're evil. You can also aggravate them by running into the gate, the monsters die. After scoring a goal, you will need to dig up a chest. There are 2 chests there (one large, the other small), you will only be able to dig one.
Level: 80 - 95 Experience: 20,000 Spirit: 4000
Level: 96+ Library card- 2 pcs.

54. Pay 100k to complete the mission. If you hit the jackpot, you will receive a reward.
Reward - coins.

55. Just take the check from the NPC and receive the reward from another NPC. The reward is random.

If you are stuck in this room ( lottery ticket lies in the inventory and does not disappear), re-enter the game.
Reward random (330k, 660k, 990k)

56. 12 teleports
Room to take the mission and complete it: 448,659-----A
Other rooms:
448.639-----B, 1st row 1 TP in C, 1st row 3 TP in D, 2nd row 1 TP in E, 3rd row 2 TP in A
438,659-----C, 1 row 1 TP in E, 1 row 2 TP in D, others are useless.
438,649-----D, 1 row 1 TP in C, 1 row 3 TP in E, others are useless.
438.639-----E, 1 row 1 TP in C, 1 row 2 TP in D, 2nd row 2 TP in B

In room A you receive a task. Having accepted the task, you must help the NPC find his brother (one of the five). After finding your brother and giving him the message, return to room A. Remember: do not return to room A until you find your brother! If you appear in room A with an unfinished task, you will be teleported to the beginning of the cube.

57. Similar to horse racing: there are balls moving around the room, touching each ball gives a certain effect for the player. You must find a specific NPC and complete the task in 5 minutes. There are only 4 NPCs in the room. Their location diagram is here.
Red color- minus HP
yellow- camp
green- deceleration

Level: 96+ Library card- 2 pcs.

58. PC ROOM!In this room you will be given gold medal; but to complete the room you need 2 of them. Kill another player to get a second medal. Or exchange the medal for 10 Almighty Magic cards.
Level: 80 - 95 Experience: 40,000 Spirit: 8000
Level: 96+ Library card- 2 pcs.

59. Pay600kto get to room 60, or200kto get into any other (51-58).
Level: 80 - 95 Experience: 60,000 Spirit: 12,000
Level: 96+ Library card- 3 pcs.

60. Last room: if everything went well and you completed the hour, select the "broken equipment" option to receive the item"cube-motion" . Then select the "forward to the stars" option to leave the lottery.

It happens that a character gets stuck in a room, and re-entering the game does not help. This means no luck. The lottery is still unfinished, and very unpleasant bugs occur in it.

A few notes about the lottery after the update.
1.Checker now works fine (room 51)
2. in the 52nd room, where you have to beat monsters, if you refuse to complete the task, you are not given only a coin (reward), but then a ticket is given.
Everything else works as usual.

A small reminder: As you might guess, each class has its own strategy for passing. I’ll tell you how to go through the rooms and give small comments on the passage of the Werewolf, since that’s what I went through.

The Cube of Fate is a location consisting of 60 rooms (only 50 will be described, and why will be discussed later). Each room presents some kind of challenge. Having completed the test in each previous room, the player is sent to the next one, but not in sequential order, but in scattered order. That is, the passage will not necessarily be carried out like this 1,2,3,4,5,6..., but it can be anything 2,7,10,15... The Cube of Fate is a kind of feature of the game in which everything depends on chance. In order to start passing the Cube, you need to take the Mission Sign from Volchenko (NPC standing in big cities. In the State Duma it is in four places). After taking the item, we enter the Cube again through a conversation with Volchenko. Before entering the Cube, you must have with you at least 300-500 thousand coins (there are rooms in the cube where you have to pay), about 20-40 coupons for dice (you can get coupons for mysterious signs from a mystical merchant or exchange the immortal stone for 1 coupon inside the Cube) and about 20 immortal stones (can be obtained for tasks or bought from players for about 20-25k apiece).

And now very important information: You can go through the Cube only once a day. (Here I encountered the following problem). I'll give you an example of how it won't work. Let's say we take the Mission Sign today and wait for tomorrow (due to the impossibility of completing it today). The next day, we enter the Cube with this Mission Sign, go through it, complete it by passing the last quest, and exit the cube. Since we spent yesterday’s Mission Badge, today we can take another Mission Badge from Volchenko. (This is great, I thought, that is, it turns out that the Cube can be completed twice in a day or even more, having collected Mission Signs in a week, but that was not the case). Having taken the Mission Sign, we go to the Cube again, we reach the last room, but there will be no way to pass the last quest (That’s the problem, you can go through the Cube several times a day, but you can only pass the final quest once). After this, there are only two ways out: First, leave the Cube without receiving a reward. Second, turn off the game, wait until 12 o'clock at night (that is, 24) and turn on the game, complete the passage of the Cube. Unfortunately, there are no other options.

And so, after small retreat, let's move on to the main walkthrough. I hope you won’t repeat my mistake thanks to this article. Oh, no, we’re not moving on to the main walkthrough yet. Another aside: The Cube has only 50 rooms to go through. In room 50, the player receives a reward and a pass to the “Cuba Lottery” - it means completing 10 more rooms until 60. But I do not recommend doing this. The fact is that this walkthrough is necessary in order to collect the “Gears of the Cube”. Having collected 30 gears, you can exchange them for some very useful Cube item (for example, a necklace with high characteristics), but completing 51-60 rooms will require a lot of financial investment. And these expenses will be equal to the amount that can be spent on buying the same Cube necklace, therefore, I consider going beyond room 50 pointless.

Some information about buffs (positive effects). In fact, you don't have to ask your friends to apply every possible buff to your character. On this moment, I don’t know how it was before, there are a lot of people in the Cube and they are all friendly to each other and are always happy to “buff” just as they are happy to receive a buff from you. And even more so, in my case, from a werewolf.

And now a little about the reward for completing the Cube in room 50. As a reward, the player receives one page of fate, an invitation to the Cube lottery, and a gift box with a possible drop of either 1 immortal stone or a skill book. The player is also awarded a large amount of experience and spirit depending on the level of his character. You can start completing the Cube at level 40. Unfortunately, I can only write a reward for level 90+, and those reward tables that you can find on the Internet are old and do not show reality.

A character with level 90+ receives 1 million experience.

Now let's get started with the walkthrough:

Room number

Description of the passage of the room

Starting room. The place where the player ends up after talking with Volochok. In this room you will see a lot of people, merchants, and in the center there will be an NPC with whom you need to talk. First, select the first quest from him. And after the conversation, select the second remaining quest. After all this, the player will have a dice with a number from 1 to 6 in his inventory. The transition to the next room is carried out by adding the number on the rolled dice to the number of the room in which the player is located. That is, if a player is in the first room and the die with number 4 falls out, then the player, after right-clicking on the die, is thrown to room number 5.

After getting into this room, you need to talk to the NPC, that is, take the quest. And after that, you need to go dig up chests, of which there are many in the center of the room, but to complete the task you need to dig up only 5 of them. After the fifth chest is dug up, the task is immediately completed and you need to right-click on the bones, which appeared in the inventory after completing the task (This will continue, you need to take the task, and after completing it, right-click on the bones in the inventory).

There are many mobs (monsters) in the room. It will be necessary to kill five of them, and which ones specifically will be stated in the task that must be taken from the NPC.


Since I have a 90+ werewolf, I get the strongest ones of all. But fighting them is not difficult. We switch to a bipedal form (get used to moving around the Cube in the form of a tiger) and use ordinary combat skills to kill the mobs. Sometimes the use of a “pharmacy” (remedies made by a pharmacist, in this case means of treatment) is allowed. I'm going through the Cube without a hierogram for health.

There are again a lot of mobs in the room, you need to destroy ten of them. That is, after entering the room, we take the task from the NPC and go beat the mobs. Monsters don’t aggro, and they have a small number of health units, so there won’t be any difficulties.


We switch to bipedal form, take a bow (personally, I always carry a level one bow in my inventory, the other one does not allow me to take the number of agility units, just in case). And we shoot the mobs. And the bow is for not having to run after each of the mobs. Or we remain in the form of a tiger and beat mobs with regular attacks, running from one to another.

There are a number of multi-colored spheres floating around the room. The challenge is to count them. Since this is only the fifth room, you don’t have to resort to any measures, but simply count the spheres. After taking the task from the NPC, we look in the “current” tasks to see which ones need to be counted. We run to the corner so that we can survey the entire room and count the spheres of the color we need. If this option is not suitable, then you need to again stand in the corner of the room and take a screenshot of the entire room and count the spheres in the image, this will be easier, because the spheres in the image will not move.

The room is small and the boss is in it. This boss doesn't have a lot of hit points (500k). And the attack is generally ridiculous, both physical and magical, only 200 units. But his specialty is in his defense. This boss has a very high defense against which it takes a very long time to beat him - this is alone. But since the Cube is one location for everyone, several players can meet in this room, and then it will be easier to kill the boss. And sometimes you even manage to get into this room when the boss has already been killed, then you rather need to take the task from the NPC (the NPC appears only after the boss dies). The boss spawns very quickly and if you don’t have time to take the task, you will have to beat the boss again IMPORTANT!


As usual, we just hit without special abilities. It takes me about 5 to 7 minutes to kill a boss. I'll leave some more information here. You can get into this room with a “bomb” (what a bomb is will be discussed later). In this case, there is no need to panic, even if the player is alone in the room. You just need to use all the Werewolf's capabilities to the maximum. We use ordinary skills. We increase our damage due to the genie’s “Deadly Poison” skill. Using the genie’s “Defender” skill, we use our “Armageddon” skill. We switch to the form of a tiger, use the “Awe” skill, switch again to the bipedal form and hit with normal attack skills. We are trying not to waste rage, but to save it up to use the “Light Flash of Chi” skill in order to increase our attack. (The walkthrough is presented specifically by my character, who will be shown either at the end or at the beginning of the article).

There are two rows of mobs in the room, which divide the room into two parts. The player appears in the first part. You need to talk to the NPC (Messenger of Sound), take the task from him and go through the rows of mobs, guided by the sounds. Namely, dangerous mobs (they kill the first time) make the sound of a burning fire when you approach them, and safe ones, accordingly, do not make any sound. But this room has a great feature. If you stand facing the mobs, you can almost always walk along the left wall without getting caught by the mobs. However, you should be careful. If a mob hits a character, he will end up in the first room.

A room in which you need to pay the NPC 100k, only after that he will give you a task, the essence of which is to dig up 10 chests in the center of the room, which are worth a lot (growing). After the chests are dug up, a cube will appear in the inventory for passage to the next room and a “Golden Box”, opening which you can get the “Cube Villain Card” (90% probability), which is sold for 1 yuan to any NPC in cities (tailor , blacksmith, pharmacist, etc.), or the "Cube Hero Card" (10% chance), which costs 1 million yuan.

There will be an NPC in the room from whom you can take the “100 seconds” task. After accepting the quest, the player is thrown into a room where a boss stands in the center, shooting at the player, and mobs walk around him throughout the room. The player is thrown right into the middle of the room, after which it is necessary to run into the corner, kill the mobs that have stuck to the character (they are light, and they do little damage). And stand in the corner for 100 seconds, hold the onslaught of the shooting boss on the character, after one hundred seconds have elapsed, the player will be thrown back to room 9. One great feature of this challenge: You can stand in room 9 and wait for another player to enter the room with mobs from 9. Sit, wait about 60-80 seconds and also go into the room with mobs. And if the first one who entered there did not die, but survived until you entered, then that player still has 40-20 seconds left, when he defends them, the boss will stop shooting. And it will be necessary to simply defend the time without the onslaught of the boss, except that some mobs can aggro, but they are killed, as already mentioned, easily.


In fact, the tactics have already been told. But I'll add something. Before entering a room with 9 mobs, you need your rage bar to be completely full and have 3 Chi. It is also necessary that the genie’s energy is fully restored. The character should have Priest buffs, but even if they don’t, then at least they should have their own buffs. The life and mana scale should be restored. That's it, now you can come in. You need to stand in the corner and monitor your health, if it drops to 3000, then you need to use the genie’s “Defender” skill. After which, after some time, use your “Light Qi Flash” skill. And then continue to use various types of pharmacies. I usually use “HP cans” (health restoring bottles), which restore 3000 health in 10 seconds, in combination with HP cans, which restore 1500 health at a time. Nothing more is needed. The mentioned funds are enough to pass.

And here comes the “bomb”. After talking with the NPC, you are given the task to reach one of the rooms 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 or 22 in 10 minutes, and pass the task with the “bomb” there. If this is not done, then after 10 minutes the player will be transferred to the first room. Be careful. As a rule, it is possible to get to one of the rooms in 10 minutes.

The room is called Prison. After talking with the NPC, we receive a quest in which you need to wait 3 minutes. After these three minutes, a bone will appear in your inventory.

It’s scary enough when missions include a “bomb” to get into room 11, but I repeat once again that with a bomb it’s quite possible to reach the indicated rooms, even if you end up in Prison.

After talking with an NPC, either a lucky lot (transports to room 16) or an unlucky lot (transports back to prison, that is, to room 11) appears in the inventory with equal probability, that is, 50 to 50.

The ruin room, that's what I call it. In this room you need to assemble a group of six people, only after that the NPC will have a corresponding quest, after completing which the leader of the group, all group members will receive a cube to move to the next room. But there is another option: you can pay for passage to the next room with coupons. To pay for the passage, 3 coupons are required. (I've never been able to get a group together).

This room is called the PVP room. Because for its passage, it is necessary that some character die in it. Only after the death of someone does an NPC appear, giving out a cube for passage to the next room. Now I will describe the room. In the center of the room there is a Ball (immunity to damage), which simply rotates in place; if you approach it, it will start shooting at all players in the room. In two corners of the room there are two mobs (immunity to damage) when approaching them you can lower maximum amount health five times. A mob standing in the place where the player appears heals everyone who stands near it, and also deals small physical damage. (Damage is lower than healing). Also in the same corner there is an NPC from whom you can purchase a cube to enter the next room for the “Cube Power Card”.


As soon as we get into this room and notice that there are other players in it, we use the “Curtain of Darkness” skill and run to the central ball. (Naturally, we are in the form of a tiger and the requirements are the same as for room 9, that is, full scales of health, rage, magical energy). And most importantly, as soon as you enter the Cube, you need to switch the mode from defender to attacker. This can be done under the mini-map on the interface. If there was a shield in front of the entrance, then you need to install swords in the Cube in order to be ready for an attack.

There is an NPC in the middle of the room. There are mobs around the NPC. You can take two tasks from the NPC, or go further, that is, he will immediately give you a cube to go to the next room, or you can complete the task, which is to kill mobs. After accepting the task, you are given one minute to kill the mobs (you can kill as many as you like, at least one). The best way is to kill all five mobs. The important thing is that you need to turn in the quest within the same minute; if this is not done, after the minute has passed, the player will be transferred to the first room. And if you pass the quest, then for each mob you kill you can get 1 mysterious sign.


The quest should be completed as follows. Run up to the first mob in the form of a tiger, switch to bipedal form, kill the mob with normal skills, change to the form of a tiger, run to the second mob, etc. with all five. After killing all five mobs, I still had 15-20 seconds, during which I could easily complete the task.

There are four bosses in the room. You can take a quest from an NPC to kill one of the bosses, or pay 3 coupons to get a cube to go to the next room.


I usually pay three coupons - it's not that much. But I tried to kill the boss several times. It turned out to be not so difficult in this room. You can use the most ordinary attack skills to kill him quickly, sometimes use a burst of Qi and rarely the genie’s skill “Deadly Poison”. Can be treated at the pharmacy and, on occasion, with the gin skill “Defender”.

The room is absolutely identical to room 8. That is, you need to pay the NPC 100k coins and dig 10 chests to get a “Golden Box” and a cube to go to the next room.

In this room, the player is given 9 cube strongman cards immediately after entering the room. And to complete the task given by the NPC in the center of the room, you need 10 cards. And there is only one way out - you need to teleport from this room to the first and start all over again. However, there are good people who set up merchants right in the room and sell these cards. Since the first solution is not satisfactory, you have to buy. We buy one card, the task is completed and a cube appears in the inventory.

The easiest room is probably the easiest. In it you need to talk to an NPC, who gives 5 coupons and a cube to move on.

A room similar to 12, that is, here we have a draw again. After talking with an NPC, the player receives either a “Lucky Lot” (transfers to room 25) or “Not a Lucky Lot” (transfers to room 18)

After receiving a task from an NPC, you are given 2 minutes to kill two mobs in the room. In general, there are a lot of mobs in the room, but they do not aggro (note, refrain from using mass attacks). According to the task, you are given to kill mobs of the appropriate level to the character’s level. There is one big disadvantage for classes that attack at a distance; at a distance, mobs “vampire” (they take away a certain amount of health from the character) and quite strongly


You should move between mobs in the form of a tiger to make it faster, and you need to attack in bipedal form. There is no special approach to killing enemies, that is, it is not needed. It’s very easy to kill two mobs in two minutes, the most important thing is not to yawn, if the time runs out, the player will be thrown into the first room.

The room is called "Hunting". In this room there is an NPC in the center, with five mobs around him. You can take two tasks from the NPC. The first is a task in a given room (can be completed in a given room only once a day). The second is a task that immediately releases a cube to the next room. When choosing the first task, you will need to kill five mobs in one minute, and for each killed mob the player will receive a “Mysterious Sign”.


The battle tactics are the same as in other rooms. You need to run up to each mob in the form of a tiger, then transform into a bipedal form, kill the mob (the mob dies with three hits with attack skills), transform into the form of a tiger, run to the next mob, and so on in a circle. From my experience, after killing all five mobs, there are still 10-20 seconds left in which you need to complete the task, otherwise, you will be transferred to the first room.

After talking with an NPC in a given room, the player is sent to another room, where there is another NPC, and several mini-bosses that are completely identical in appearance, but different in characteristics, are wandering around. You need to take a task from an NPC and kill one of the mini-bosses. Immediately after killing the player, he is thrown back to room 23 and a cube appears in the inventory.


The most common tactic, sometimes, for me personally, is to use a pharmacy to restore lives.

A very interesting room. In fact, it is very simple and at the same time with some complexity. In this room, after taking the task from the NPC, you need to dig up 5, 20 or 100 chests. Exactly how much is decided by the previous player who visited this room. Usually all players place 5 chests (including me), however, there are bad players. (I had to dig 100 chests it took about 15 minutes). Accordingly, after a player digs up the number of chests required to complete the task, he needs to choose how many chests the next player will have to dig.

This room is a field of traps (cyclically exploding hands in a green circle, which with an explosion remove all health to zero within a given circle). After appearing in this room, you will find a skeleton (NPC) with whom you will need to talk. After talking with the Skeleton, you need to run to the opposite corner of the room to the second NPC through the traps.


Many people use the genie's "Word of Truth" skill, which speeds up the character by 6 seconds to maximum speed 15 m/s. But, unfortunately, I don’t have this very skill. I wait until the traps near me diagonally “explode” and only after that I start moving towards the opposite corner. If you fall into a trap, the player is transported to the first room.

In the room, the player appears next to the NPC, in the corner. There are 4 chests in the center of the room. The task taken from the NPC is to dig up 5 chests. Chests have fast respawn. But there is a terrible obstacle in the room - a boss who guards the chests. The boss cannot be killed, but he moves very slowly, this is his drawback. You need to lure the boss into a corner with a long-range attack, and then run to dig chests. While the boss returns to the player, he can have time to dig up 2-3 chests (it doesn’t take longer). After which we again take the boss to the corner and finish digging the chests.

Note: Sometimes you can meet another player in a room. You need to try to talk to him, most likely he will not refuse mutual assistance. That is, one player aggravates the boss and leads him around the room, while the other one digs for chests, then vice versa.

The room is very similar to the 7th room. In this room you also need to pass a hearing test, only now it’s not so simple. After entering this room, you need to take the task from the NPC and, guided by the sounds of the burning fire, go through two rows of mobs. When approaching dangerous mobs (dangerous, that is, they kill with one hit), the sound of a burning fire is heard, and when approaching safe ones, there are no sounds. In fact, the passage is not that difficult. You need to stand in front of the mob and single short presses on the movement key to approach the mob; if a sound is heard, immediately run back and try to pass another mob in the same way. There is no need to check the central mob; there is no probability of passage through it.


If there is someone else in the room, then you can follow him and find out which path he will take. (I sometimes use this option.)

Quite a complicated room. Its difficulty lies in the fact that it is very easy to make a mistake, and if a mistake is made, the player is thrown into the first room. There are many multi-colored spheres connected to the room, and there is an NPC in the room. You need to take a task from an NPC, and in the task you need to count spheres of a certain color. Here you can use the same tactics as in room number 5. However, there is a constructed table, data that has been identified by other players. That is, depending on a certain presented sequence of answer options, there is only one answer, always the same for a given sequence.

The table shows all answer options for all colors of balls.

NPC answer options

The room resembles room number 3, only in this one the level of mobs is higher. You need to take a task from an NPC and kill 5 mobs corresponding to the character’s level (In the task you can see who exactly is needed). After killing five mobs, a cube immediately appears in your inventory.


You should beat mobs with standard attack skills (all skills in turn); sometimes you need to use cans to restore health, and also periodically (when 3 Chi accumulates) you need to use a Light Flash of Chi. (You need to understand that it is possible to use the Dark Flash in the same way, that is, it is not prohibited. I just described my option).

A room similar to room number 9. That is, the test is also called “100 seconds”. You need to survive for 100 seconds, just like in room 9, but in this room the characteristics of the enemies are slightly higher than in room 9. The same tactics apply to this room as in room 9.


You need to have everything that was described in room 9, that is, filled with rage, vital and magical forces, as well as the energy of the genie. Needless to say, must be applied to the character positive effects, at least those that he has. After entering the room with the boss and mobs, that is, the one where you need to stand for 100 seconds, you need to run to the corner of the room and activate the “Curtain of Darkness” skill. Then kill the mobs that have attacked the character. You can't get out of the image of a tiger. After all the actions taken, using the pharmacy to restore lives, you need to stand until the character’s health drops to 5000. As soon as the vital energy has dropped to 5000, you need to use the genie’s “Defender” skill, after which you continue to stand and use the pharmacy. Next, you need to use Light Chi Flash when your health drops by about 20% or so. That’s it, there are no other measures, but if it was not possible to survive with the indicated measures, then you will have to start over, that is, from the first room.

An absolutely identical room to room number 22. Same problem, same solutions. That is, in this room you need to kill 5 mobs in 1 minute. For each mob killed you can get 1 mystical sign. Or you can not complete the task, but get a cube to go to the next room.

The room is a prison, in which you need to take the task from the NPC and wait 5 minutes, after which a cube will appear in your inventory to go to the next room.

The room is identical to room 21. You also need to kill two specific mobs (determined by character level) within two minutes. This room is not particularly different from 21 in terms of the complexity of the mobs, so you can use the same tactics.

Another PvP room, that is, the same as 14. Only the boss standing in the center of the room does more damage in this room than the boss standing in room 14.

For a werewolf, the tactics are the same (see description of room number 14).

This room is the same as room 12. That is, here, too, with a 50/50 probability, a lucky lot (throws the player into room number 41) or an unlucky lot (throws the player into room number 32) falls.

A room in which the task is to dig up 10 chests. That is, the room is analogous to room number 2, only in the second room it was necessary to dig 5 chests.

There is an NPC in the room that you need to talk to. He asks for 200 thousand coins in order to get a cube to pass to the next room and a gift box from which the following items can fall out:

3 Immortal Stones (60%)

10 Dice Tickets (20%)

2 Cube Power Cards (14%)

1 Cube Hero Card (5%)

1 Cube Aristocrat Card (1%)

A room with the same challenge as room 25, but a little more difficult. There are also a lot of traps in this room, but in addition to them, there are also mobs that quickly run around the room. When a mob approaches a character, it immediately kills the character, and the player returns to the first room. The tactics aren't that complicated actually. After all, there is some small distance between the traps - a non-damaging zone in which you can stand and wait out the passing mob. Personally, this room did not cause any difficulties for me, but sometimes there are mistakes and then everything happens all over again. But who knows, maybe next time will be more successful.

This room is the same as 24. The task is absolutely the same. You need to dig 5, 20 or 100 chests. The number is determined by the player who visited the room earlier.

In this room, you need to take a task from an NPC, pay 100 thousand coins and dig 10 chests. After collecting 10 chests, the task will be automatically completed, and a cube will appear in your inventory for passage to the next room and a platinum box, from which either a cube villain card (98%) or a cube aristocrat card (2%) can fall out.

This is a very interesting room. It is interesting in that even if it was possible to complete the task, it was done only by a very small circle of people. In this room you need to gather a group of three people and this same group should be in this room. After gathering a group, its leader needs to take the task from the NPC standing in the center of the room, only then all members of the group will receive cubes that transfer them to the next rooms. A alternative passage is to pay the NPC 10 coupons for dice (I always used only this method, the first one never succeeded).

You need to approach the NPC, take the task and kill all the mobs standing around the NPC in one minute. For each mob killed, the player will receive one Mysterious Sign. Execute this quest possible once every 24 hours. Or you can immediately get a cube from the NPC for passage to the next room.

The room is identical to room 16. There are also 4 bosses in this one. You must either kill one of the bosses to pass, or pay the NPC 10 coupons for dice. The difference between this room and 16 is that the bosses here are stronger, that is, their characteristics are quite high.


The best option would be to pay for passage, however, if there are already other players in the room, then you can join a group and kill the boss as a group in order not to spend 10 coupons.

The same room as 10. After taking the task from the NPC, you need to go to the 50th room and hand over the task to the NPC there in 10 minutes. If you don't make it in 10 minutes, the player will be thrown into the first room.


Don't despair about the next rooms. Even if you are unlucky and further NPCs give out cubes with ones, it is still worth trying to pass.

There is a boss in the room who must be killed in order for an NPC to appear that gives a die. The boss doesn't have much vitality how high the protection is. You can cope alone with any of the classes, since the boss’s attack is not high. The only problem is the time that needs to be spent killing this very boss.

Not a particularly simple room. In the middle of the room there is an NPC from whom you need to take the task. The task requires you to collect 10 cards. There will be 9 cards in the inventory initially, you need to find the tenth. There will definitely be several player merchants in the room from whom you can buy this very tenth card. If there are no merchants, then you will have to teleport to the first room and go through again.

In this room there is an NPC from whom you need to take the task. Immediately after the task, the player will be transferred to a separate room, where he will have to hold out for 100 seconds. The room is absolutely similar to room 9 and 30.


The tactics are the same as in rooms 9 and 30. Before entering the room, it is necessary that everything is ready: the pharmacy does not roll back and is located in slots convenient for use, vital energy and magical energy are filled to the end, there must be priest buffs (very desirable), your own buffs are required, you must use the item, obtained when executing daily task"Expectation". After entering, you need to run to the corner, using a can to restore lives, kill all the aggravated mobs, use the “Curtain of Darkness” skill, actively remember to use cans to restore lives, then use the skill “Light Flash of Chi” when the life scale drops to 2 -3 thousand you need to use the genie’s “Defender” skill, and then stand and use cans to restore lives. (With this tactic, I manage to stay in this room and I come out with an amount of vitality from 50 to 1000, that is, critical, but real).

After taking the task from the NPC in this room, you need to dig up 15 chests, after which a cube will appear in your inventory, transferring you to the next room.

There is an NPC in the room with mobs around him. You need to take the task and kill the mobs. The task is given 2 minutes, that is, you need to kill a certain number of mobs and have time to hand over the task to the NPC. For each killed mob they give 5 thousand experience. If you fail to complete the task in time, the player will be transferred to the first room.

The last room in which you need to talk to an NPC and receive a certain reward of the player's choice. It is best to choose a regular reward rather than special equipment. Because the usual reward gives: a prize box, one page for creating a skill book and 1k experience. And if you choose an equipment reward, the player will receive a temporary weapon.

What follows is information about my personal character, the passage of which I focused on. If the game takes place with a different character, say, a different class, then the passage will be different from mine, but the basis of the tasks is the same for everyone. Accordingly, the stronger the character, the easier it is to pass the Cube of Fate, because the tests are not designed for any specific level.



For greater clarity, I am attaching a page of my character model created in the calculator:

And may luck smile on you as you complete the Cube of Fate.

Here is one of the best guides for the cube of fate in the Perfect World game. The guide is written taking into account the most latest updates games.

You can enter the Cube of Fate if your character has reached level 40, as well as if you have the following items:
1. — Test sign. The test sign can be obtained once a day. These signs can be accumulated, stored in an inventory and a bank for an unlimited period of time. However, you can go through the cube without the “cube letter” item only once a day.
2. — Coupons for dice.

The sign is given by the NPC Wolf Cub and the manager Zu Long once a day. They are located in the cities of the races, the Port of Dreams, the city of Origins, the southwest and southeast of the city of Origins.

Coupons can be obtained for Mysterious Signs or Immortal Stones. Signs and stones are exchanged at a rate of 1 to 2 with Mystic Merchants and Cube Teleportation Masters, or in the Furnace of Fate, respectively. Teleportation Masters also sell them for 200,000 yuan each.

To successfully pass the tests, it is recommended to take the following items:
1. Yuan. Paid rooms will help you get through; it is recommended to take with you an amount of about 500,000.
2. Cube power map. You will need to complete rooms 14, 18, 34, 46 and 47 and several rooms of the cube lottery.
3. Cans for HP and MP. Will be needed in survival rooms, pvp rooms, against some monsters.
4. Letter from the directors of the cube. Gives you the right to take the test again. You can get it in the Army of the Dawn faction for 20 feats (requires 5,000 prestige) or exchange it in the Mailbox for 8 Seals of the Celestials.

You can get into the Cube of Fate through the Wolf Cub or the Manager Zu Long at any time of the day. Without a letter from the cube directors, tests can only be completed once a day.

There are 50 rooms in the cube. To move along them, dice are used, which will be issued automatically after completing tasks. You will receive a dice with numbers from 1 to 6. Whichever number appears when you receive the dice will take you forward that number of rooms after clicking right button mouse over it. After you find yourself in the next room, take the task from the teleportation master (you will need Magic cube and a dice ticket, 1 per room) and complete it. Exceptions - rooms 6, 14, 34, 45 - tasks are received automatically in them.

To start the passage you need to talk to the NPC Teleportation Master of room 1 in the center of the hall and receive the Magic Cube of Fate. If you go with a letter, then the cube can be obtained from the Secretary Cube (250,700) in the corner of the same room. After receiving the cube, we can begin to pass.

Walkthrough of the Cube of Fate

Below you can find a walkthrough of each room of the cube.

1. Start. This is where the walkthrough begins. If the character dies or fails the test, he will end up in this room again.

2. Search for honey. The teleportation master will ask you to bring him 5 pots of honey, which are in the chests.

3. Slaughterhouse. In this room you will have to fight bandits. But the master will ask you to kill only five specific ones, and this directly depends on the character’s level:

  • 40-49 — Young bandit of fate (level 45);
  • 50-59 — Adult bandit of fate (level 55);
  • 60-69 — Experienced bandit of fate (level 65);
  • 70-79 — Leader of the bandits of fate (level 75);
  • 80-89 — Ataman of the bandits of fate (level 85);
  • 90+ - Leader of the Bandits of Doom (level 95).

4. Fight with a stone. It is necessary to destroy ten stone tombstones (relics of fate) that stand in the room.

5. Fireflies. Test of attentiveness. Fireflies of three colors fly around the room, you need to count them and give the correct answer to the teleportation master. If you fail, you will find yourself in the first room.

6. Evil monster. You will appear in an empty room face to face with a terrible monster. When you defeat him, the master will come out of his hiding place and give you a dice.

7. Hearing test. In this room you need to get to the teleportation master past the large scarabs. Most of them will not pay any attention to you, but some of them will begin to hiss when approaching, it is better to avoid them. Run around the room on the left.

8. Test of luck. By paying the master 100,000, you will open chests. You will find coupons in them. When you take ten pieces, they will be exchanged for a golden box. It will contain either the hero Cube card, worth one million, or the villain Cube card, which costs one coin.

9. One hundred seconds. After talking with the teleportation master, he will send you to a room where dangerous monsters live. The player's task is to survive for one hundred seconds. We run around the perimeter, heal with banks or skills. If successful, we receive a die and move on to the next level.

10. Surprise. The teleportation master will throw a bomb into our inventory. Only the master of rooms 17-20 will help you remove it, but you need to get there in 10 minutes.

11. Dungeon. If you get here, you will have to wait 3 minutes to move on.

12. Lot. The master will offer to draw lots. If luck smiles on you, go four rooms forward; if not, go to the dungeon.

13. Test of friendship. Here you need to gather a group of five people and talk to the master, or pay three coupons and move on.

14. Ring. During this test you will have to fight with other players for the right of passage, and you can also pay off if you are not strong enough.

15. Hunting. Here you either kill the animals in one minute and receive mysterious signs as a reward, or just move on. The quest to kill mobs can be completed once a day.

16. Demon Guardian. To pass, we kill the formidable demon, or pay off with three coupons.

17. Heroes and villains. Similar to a test of luck.

18. Tenth card. We receive nine out of ten cards immediately in the room. The tenth one can be bought from the dealers in the first room, or made from the teleportation master for one cube power card.

19. Gift of fate. The master will mistake you for a robber and pay you off with five coupons.

20. Heroes and villains. It's a draw again. If you are lucky, you will move forward five rooms, or return to room 18.

21. Two minutes. You need to have time to kill two specific monsters in 2 minutes. Depends on level:

22. Hunting. A room similar to number 15. Kill the mobs in a minute, or just move on.

23. Hard labor. Here we have to prevent the convict from escaping by killing him. One of them is weaker than the others.

24. Relay race. The master will ask you to remove 5, 20 or 100 Cube offender cards from the chests. Then you choose how much the next one will dig.

25. Traps. There are traps throughout the room. To pass, you just need to talk to the master after passing through the entire room.

26. Relics. In the middle of the room there are chests guarded by a beetle; you need to get five relics from them. Attack the beetle from afar and run to the corner, wait until it gets closer, then collect the chests while it crawls.

27. Hissing. The task is similar to the Hearing Test, but there is no guaranteed pass. We switch to a step and listen to the scarabs.

For blue balls:
1. If they offer option 13, 14 or 15, the answer is 14.
2. 14, 13 or 12, answer 12.
3. 11, 10 or 12, answer 12.
4. 09, 14 or 12, answer 12.
5. 08, 12 or 11, answer 11.
6.09, 10 or 11, answer 11.

For White Balls:
1. 10, 09 or 11. answer 11.
2. 10, 08 or 11, answer 10.
3. 10, 08 or 09, answer 10.
4. 11, 10 or 09, answer 11.

For red balls:
1. 14, 13 or 12, answer 12

29. Real carnage. The master will ask you to kill 5 penguins depending on the player's level:

  • 40-49 — Fate penguin chick (level 45);
  • 50-59 — Adult penguin of fate (level 55);
  • 60-69 — Old penguin of fate (level 65);
  • 70-79 — Large penguin of fate (level 75);
  • 80-89 — Royal penguin of fate (level 85);
  • 90+ - Emperor Penguin of Fate (level 95).

30. New hundred seconds. After talking with the teleportation master, he will send you to a room where dangerous monsters live. The player's task is to survive for one hundred seconds. We run around the perimeter, heal with banks or skills. If successful, we receive a die and move on to the next level.

31. Hunting. Here you either kill the animals in one minute and receive mysterious signs as a reward, or just move on. The quest to kill mobs can be completed once a day.

32. Prison. If you get here, you will have to wait 5 minutes to move on.

33. Two murders. Kill two Destiny Followers within 2 minutes.

  • 40-49 — Young follower of fate (level 45);
  • 50-59 — Adult follower of fate (level 55);
  • 60-69 — Experienced follower of fate (level 65);
  • 70-79 — Young gatekeeper of fate (level 75);
  • 80-89 — Adult gatekeeper of fate (level 85);
  • 90+ - Experienced gatekeeper of fate (level 95).

34. Arena. During this test you will have to fight with other players for the right of passage, and you can also pay off if you are not strong enough.

35. Destination is divided again. We draw lots, if successful, we move 6 rooms forward, if not, we go to prison.

36. Mead. The master will again ask you to bring him pots of honey, this time 10.

37. Hunting. For 200,000 we buy from the master a bundle with useful items, or yuan.

38. Trap. There are traps throughout the room. To pass, you just need to talk to the master after passing through the entire room. This time there are bugs crawling around here that are killing. It is recommended to carefully run along the wall.

39. Second relay. The master will ask you to remove 5, 20 or 100 Cube offender cards from the chests. Then you choose how much the next one will dig.

40. Two cards. Similar to the luck test of room 8, but this time there is a chance to get an aristocrat card.

41. Friendship. Here you need to gather a group of three people and talk to the master, or pay ten coupons and move on.

42. Hunting. A similar room for killing mobs.

43. Stern guard. Analogous to room 16. Only the demon is stronger and it costs more to pay off - 10 coupons.

44. Prank. Again they will throw a bomb into our inventory. In 10 minutes you need to get to the master of room 50.

45. Evil monster. You will appear in an empty room face to face with a terrible monster. When you defeat him, the master will come out of his hiding place and give you a dice.

46. ​​Ten cards. We receive nine out of ten cards immediately in the room. The tenth one can be bought from the dealers in the first room, or made from the teleportation master for two cube power cards.

47. The last hundred seconds. The player’s task is again to hold out for 100 seconds; you can also pay 8 cube power cards.

48. Honey medicine. Help the sick master and dig up 15 pills from the first aid kits.

49. Trophies. You are given two minutes to kill mobs and submit the task, in this case you should not refuse, otherwise the master will return you to the first room.

50. Finish. You did it. Receive a reward from the messenger of fate. The assignment can be submitted 24 hours after the previous time.

Reward for completing Cube

Trips to the cube in the modern version of the game are mainly of interest when leveling up your character.

The reward for completing the cube is basically the following:

  • Experience and spirit;
  • Coins (if you're lucky, you'll also spend them);
  • Items for collecting jewelry (it's not worth it).

I’ll add this guide solely because of room 56. During a recent marathon, this room physically tormented me. The described technique for passing this room works in 99 out of 100 cases.

51. Checkers

This room has two parts.
51-1 : we pay 150k. you need to kill 6 chess-piece mobs in 5 minutes. Mobs kick painfully and vampirize HP. But they are basically easy to kill.

51-2 : given a board of 5x5 multi-colored cells, you need to make sure in the same 5 minutes that on each line of the board (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) all the colors of the cells are different, i.e. not a single repeat.
For this room there are screenshots of the solution - which spheres should be located and where. Everything is simple here, for example, I look at which screen matches the option that I got and stupidly select the desired color of the sphere in the columns. (Note in those places on the screenshots where the white cells are just white spheres standing there)

52. Kill a mob in 12 minutes

You can refuse the task, but you will not receive a reward. Remember: the level of the mob and its attack gradually increase (5 mobs in total, the last one is the most evil, not AoEshat). These are just mobs, not bosses, i.e. they can be stopped.

  1. Little Demon 31,209 HP
  2. Demon 82,063 HP
  3. Large Demon 160 584 HP
  4. Supreme Demon 160 584 HP
  5. Invincible Demon 401 459 HP

53. Football

There are 3 monsters in this room, they are all aggressive, and the glowing ball (ball) is also aggressive, but hits weakly. You need to kick the ball into the goal (agitate it, run into the goal, it will roll after). You shouldn't hit monsters - they're evil. You can also aggravate them by running into the gate, the monsters die. After scoring a goal, you will need to dig up a chest. There are 2 chests there (one large, the other small), you will only be able to dig one. If you are red (PC) then I can kill the gate.


Pay 100k to complete the mission. If you hit the jackpot, you will receive a reward.


Just take the check from the NPC and receive the reward from another NPC. The reward is random.

56. 12 teleports

The room has 3 rows and 4 teleporters.
Not paying attention to the coordinates, we go the following way (naturally, without missing the active (necessary) NPC)
1. second row first teleport
2. first row first teleport
3. second row second teleport
4. second row third teleport.

(as a hint - if you connect the path between the teleporters with lines, you will get the shape of a square root. If anyone has forgotten or does not know what *square root* is - google the mathematics section of the 5th-6th grade school)

Method 2 (if the first did not help)

Room to take the mission and complete it: 448,659-----A
Other rooms:
448.639-----B, 1st row 1 TP in C, 1st row 3 TP in D, 2nd row 1 TP in E, 3rd row 2 TP in A
438,659-----C, 1 row 1 TP in E, 1 row 2 TP in D, others are useless.
438,649-----D, 1 row 1 TP in C, 1 row 3 TP in E, others are useless.
438.639-----E, 1 row 1 TP in C, 1 row 2 TP in D, 2nd row 2 TP in B

Teleport screens

In room A you receive a task. Having accepted the task, you must help the NPC find his brother (one of the five). After finding your brother and giving him the message, return to room A. Remember: do not return to room A until you find your brother! If you appear in room A with an unfinished task, you will be teleported to the beginning of the cube.

57. Similarity to horse racing:

Balls fly around the room, touching each ball gives a certain effect for the player. You must find a specific NPC and complete the task in 5 minutes. There are only 4 NPCs in the room.
red color - minus HP
yellow - camp
green - slowdown

Their location diagram

58. PC ROOM!
In this room you will be given a gold medal; but to complete the room you need 2 of them. Kill another player to get a second medal. (Due to the fact that not many people go to these rooms of the cube, the chance of waiting for someone is almost 0, so I advise you to stock up on Wizard Cards) Or exchange the medal for 10 pieces of the Almighty Magic Card.

Pay 600k to get into room 60, or 200k to get into any other (51-58)

Last room: If everything went well and you completed it within the hour, select the "Broken Equipment" option to receive the Move Cube item. Then select the option Forward to the stars to leave the lottery

All mobs are magicians, the 5th is vampiric. Reward: level: 80 - 95 experience: 40,000 spirit: 8000, level: attention, you may be drained. Teleporters, room to take the target and go through: 448,659 - other rooms: 448,639 - 1st row, 2nd row, 2nd row, 438,659 - 1st row, 1st row, the rest are useless, 1st row. If you are stuck at 51-1 there is a checker in your inventory, but it does not teleport, re-enter the game. From an NPC and get merit from another NPC. At first, you are thrown into the room with the smallest one, and as you kill, you are thrown into other rooms, the mobs in which hit you harder. If you show up in room with an uncompleted task, you will be teleported to the beginning of the cube. You can also take the usual merit page, but without the item cube - completion, chest, figurines, or experience and spirit if you are less than lvl 90 and receive an invitation to the lottery and go through. And experience for - in each room you need to pay 150,000 yuan to get the quest. Having accepted the task, you must help the NPC find his brother 1st of 5 Row, in the room and you receive the task, 2nd row, 1st row. You must have at least 300,000 yuan in your pocket, otherwise the quest will be stalled and it will be impossible to complete it. Remember: the level of the mob and its attack grow evenly, only 5 mobs, do not attack, the last one is the most evil. The reddish color is a minus, the messenger of courage or speed is on the left wall from the teleport, the messenger of strength is in the far corner diagonally, the messenger of determination is from the teleport on the right wall, greenish is slowing down, yellowish is stun. This means that you need to go through 51-60 rooms in 1 hour. In these rooms, instead of numbers 1-6 on the dominoes, you get either a turtle ticket 1 step forward or a bunny ticket 2 steps forward. It is better to have the most 2kk. So you have 2 choices: 1 take a chance to complete the lottery, you must confirm your choice twice, they will give you an item cube - completion. Beauty chess pieces, this room has two parts. Try not to run into reddish balls, they hit almost 2,000 at a time. In this case, you do not receive merit after completing 1-50 rooms, but you now have a movement cube, which gives you a timer for 1 hour. To go through rooms 51-60 of the cube, you first need to go through rooms 1-50. You can also aggravate them by running into the gate, the monsters die. The pillars stand on empty squares; you need to choose a color on them. You need to kick the ball into the goal, aggro it, it will roll after you, run into the goal. The merit depends on which balls fall out like in a one-armed bandit, if 3 are similar - the jackpot is yours, the merit is the coins. There are only 4 NPCs in the room. Mobs kick painfully and vampirize. Having found your brother and given him the message, return to the room. If you stand with your back to the fat man and your face to the balls. You are given a board of 5x5 multi-colored cells; in the same 5 minutes you need to make sure that on each strip of the board, horizontal, not 1 repeat, vertical, diagonal, all the colors of the cells are different. Remember: do not return to the room until you find your brother. Another option for passing: 2nd row - 4th TP from the bottom; 2nd row - 2nd TP from the bottom; 2nd row - 3rd TP from the bottom. In the room given to us, they will give you a gold medal; but to go through the room, you need 2 of them. Pay 100,000 yuan to complete the goal. This is the point of the room.
