Demon Hunter Guide: What You Need to Know. Demon Hunter. Attack is the best defense Diablo 3 demon hunter gear for elimination

The first two parts of the Diablo game were an incredible success, and it was they who, perhaps, gave a good incentive to fans to expect the release of the third part. And here it is, the third part is already showing off on store shelves and is being pulled in full force from the Internet. The game has been installed, an account has been created on, and you are faced with choosing a character to whom you will devote a lot of time. Some people choose contact characters, some like impressive castes and managing a crowd of servants, while others prefer a variety of intricacies of traps and shooting from a distance. This article will look at a rather interesting class - the Demon Hunter in Diablo 3.

If we are talking about a joint passage, then the hunter is intended for outright sloths, standing behind a rock-like barbarian and showering all opponents with a hail of arrows and various kinds of grenades. There is no need to run from enemy to enemy, you just need to catch up with your team and pick up the dropped loot. However, if you catch most of the aggro, you may pay a price, since hunters are very weak in close combat.

If we take into account exclusively single player, then demon hunter is not for lazy people and does not tolerate a passive style of play at all. You definitely won’t be able to just stand and attack with both crossbows. Demon Hunter constantly has to control his enemies and not let them get closer. And if you do come close, then get ready to escape. Playing as a Demon Hunter, you will need to chaotically click on the buttons responsible for skills and move around the territory like a crazed flea. Quakers will 100% appreciate this style of play, but those who like to sit and sip coffee while playing can safely order a spare keyboard, since the coffee will definitely be spilled.

So, a guide to the hunter in Diablo 3. You will have to play as a hunter using a rather unpleasant, but long-worn strategy - hit, and then run away as best you can. We discover a disgusting mob, start attacking it until the hatred ends, run back a little and quickly start firing with the help of an additional skill

and, holding down the Shift key (so that the hero does not rock the boat). Then we retreat again and restore our supply of hatred. The ideal battle tactic, in general, would be one in which the monsters will not have time to reach your hunter. At first, while you are not yet accustomed to the dynamics of combat, you will die so many times, as if you were released only for some kind of sadistic crash tests. Later, when the keyboard and mouse are almost smoking, you will learn to get out of the battle without using bullets.

Compared to the second part of the game, the demon hunter in Diablo 3 is a kind of hybrid of an Amazon and an assassin. The same principle of combat and tactics. Don't let the enemy near you, don't hesitate to retreat, slow down enemies and set traps. The only thing is that you will have to use only long-range weapons for the Demon Hunter in Diablo 3.

A little history of hunters in Diablo 3:

Dh in Diablo 3 are a kind of community of fanatical warriors who have set themselves one goal: to mercilessly avenge their friends and loved ones who were killed by demons and other creatures of the hellish tribe. Every shot, every blow, every kill carries anger and hatred. It is with the help of this hatred that you will have to use special techniques. The main goal of a hunter in Diablo 3 is the death of all demons.

The main feature of the hunter is the use of shadow magic, ranged weapons, special combat tactics and various traps. The maximum damage can be caused by a remote weapon: you can equip grenades, a long bow, various kinds of throwing knives, two-handed and one-handed crossbows. The use of shadow magic allows the demon hunter in Diablo 3 to hide for a while and approach the enemy in stealth mode.

So, let's continue the demon hunter guide. Dh in Diablo 3 move very deftly and quickly, but have an extremely small amount of health. In the gaming community they are called cardboard because they die like flies. To prevent enemies from getting closer, you can use slowing traps, then roll back and hit the enemy to the fullest extent. Installing mines that have a slowing effect, scattering bundles of grants, attaching various kinds of debuffs - this is what the demon hunter is all about.

Features of playing as a demon hunter in Diablo 3. The demon hunter is a unique class in Diablo 3, since it simultaneously uses two resources for attack: Discipline and Hatred. Hatred is used to use offensive abilities and regenerates quite quickly. Discipline, on the contrary, is restored very slowly and is used for various kinds of defensive skills and for setting traps. The trick will be to get the balance between discipline and hatred right. It is important not only not to die, but also to send the maximum number of hellish creatures to the next world. A demon hunter on difficulty will be able to endure the inferno with the right player strategies.

Hunter stats in Diablo 3. Fans of previous versions of the game are simply perplexed that Blizzard has simplified the stat system so much. The game has become more reminiscent of the well-known children's toy, when you are given cubes and need to fit them into the corresponding geometric holes. From now on, even a fool can cope with the distribution of stats, since they cannot simply be distributed. Now you don’t even have to think about how many skill points to leave for agility, how many for durability, or how to make a build for a Demon Hunter according to certain stats. You can also forget about calculating the optimal number of secondary skills, the optimal amount of agility. It has become much easier to play, but at the same time less interesting.

Let's look a little further and imagine that you have already leveled up your DH in Diablo 3, to the sixtieth level. And now thoughts arise about completing some kind of unique build, choosing unique hunter skills in Diablo 3, and showing it off to everyone, for example, on the forums. Yes, yes, you can forget! You will be the same “individual” as all other hunters. Your only difference will be in your equipment, the stones stuck into it, and the abilities that you will actively use. And even this uniqueness is rather doubtful.

Selecting gear for a Demon Hunter is very simple. The main thing is to pay attention to the characteristics:

Armor – everything is very clear here, armor will reduce the damage dealt to the character and protect against enemy attacks;

Dexterity – significantly increases the chance of dodging both enemy attacks and damage;

Endurance is an important indicator of survival and increases the number of your lives;

Resistance is an indicator of the resistance of certain types of demagogue;

Attack speed - this characteristic affects the use of special techniques and your attack speed.

The higher the performance indicator, the correspondingly higher the power of your hunter. Now you can put on any gear and not think about whether you will have enough strength and dexterity to put it on right away. The only thing that can become a limitation is the class restriction of hunters or the requirement of a certain level. In addition, the bar for the maximum resistance value was removed from the game. In Diablo 3, resistance is not even measured in percentages, but in units and has no boundaries.

Other characteristics and skills for the Hunter in Diablo 3 are completely useless. Strength can increase defense quite a bit. Intelligence will give an increase in resistance, but it is negligible. Of course, it makes no sense to think about these characteristics.

We dress our dh. Each class has its own unique pieces of equipment that other classes cannot wear. For Demon Hunters, these are cloaks, quivers and crossbows. The crossbow is quite a powerful weapon that sends the enemy back to Hell. You can use either two one-handed crossbows or one two-handed crossbow. Despite the peculiarity of the weapon, you do not need to constantly monitor the number of shells for the weapon. The quiver here serves only as stat bonuses. The hunter shoots endless arrows, and their properties depend on the spells you use and the magical properties of the crossbows. Cloaks give a unique ambiance to the hunter’s appearance.

It is very important to correctly select stones for the free sectors of your things. As you may have already guessed, the top stones for a Demon Hunter are emeralds. If you place it in a helmet, you will receive a solid bonus for finding gold, which means that you can farm quite well and purchase new equipment at the auction. If placed in a helmet, you will receive a bonus to dexterity, and this, in any case, is the main parameter. If the emerald is placed in a crossbow, then the output will be a good bonus to damage from crits.

Of course, putting emeralds into a helmet is far from the most important thing, but putting emeralds into armor and weapons is very necessary. As a bonus to your health, you can use several amethysts, but only in cases where you die too often. To adequately farm the first act of inferno, you will need at least 1700 agility and about a 150% increase in damage from crits. The rest of the calculations will need to be made based on the method of combat and the pumped up skills. If you don't use Marksman, it's best to have at least 25 percent crit chance in reserve. If you use it, then you don’t have to focus on this characteristic. The attack speed largely depends on the weapon you use. Two shots per second will be fired from two crossbows or from a one-handed crossbow. A slower attack will be made when using a bow or two-handed crossbow.

Best Demon Hunter. Skills. We will have many different kinds of skills, but we will still have to choose only a few of them. You will have to make a choice based on your own play style and depending on the game mode: multiplayer or single player.

Basic skills. Homing arrow. This skill is one of the most popular, because with fairly good damage it does not require aiming at a specific target, and when kiting it is very useful. Of the runes, it is worth paying attention to “Piercing Arrow” and “Destructive Arrow”. These two runes will add damage to each of your shots. The skill is useful not only when shooting at single targets, but also at small groups, because piercing targets several times will cause double damage.

Slow shot. It may be possible to drop a lot in terms of damage, but the enemies will barely drag along. When using certain runes, you can slow down entire groups of enemies.

Throw a bola. These are a kind of slow-motion shots. The hero shoots some kind of balls that wrap around the enemy and explode within a second. The damage from these balls is higher compared to a homing arrow, however, the delay in damage is very annoying for many hunters and will significantly harm the fact that the damage is not dealt instantly. Balls are very useful to use against large packs of “cardboard” opponents or against bosses, where a second plays absolutely no role. To increase the damage dealt by balls to your dx, use the Bitter Pill rune, and to quickly restore discipline - Inevitable Doom.

Grenades. This ability has a pretty cool destruction animation, however, the damage does not at all correspond to the graphical effects. It’s difficult to find a normal build for this ability, and it also needs to be used in a certain situation.

Top Demon Hunter. Secondary skills. Throw a dagger. This ability deals the most damage, but only with a short duplication interval. Throwing a dagger with an active bleed rune has proven itself well when fighting champions and bosses. If you are fighting with medium-sized groups of monsters, then it will be of no use. Too much hatred will be required, and there are many enemies. It’s stupid to throw knives when a whole horde of opponents is rushing against you; it would be better to throw grenades at them. A chemical burn rather harshly increases the damage (it, unfortunately, will not stack, therefore, it is better to use the skill again after a few seconds). The Strike rune can be used to stun annoying enemies.

Rapid fire. This skill is easy to use. However, it is almost impossible to use it on high difficulty when playing as a hunter. It does amazing damage, and if you use it simultaneously with the High Speed ​​rune, the hunter’s enemies turn into a sieve.

Chakram. The damage is completely incomprehensible, and the animation is disorienting. It seems that you are releasing a chakram directly at the enemy, but it makes its flight along an incomprehensible trajectory, without hitting our offender. Of course, you can take a steam bath and get used to the incomprehensible flight of the projectile, but what's the point? Isn't it easier to use something more stable?

Arrow of the elements. Another quite useful ability of a hunter in Diablo 3. An elemental arrow can simultaneously pierce several enemies standing on the same trajectory, and when used with certain runes, the damage will generally be duplicated, rushing through the corpses of enemies with a large amount of health. This ability should be used by dx to destroy ordinary mobs and bosses. If you use the Tentacle of the Void rune, the released cloud stretches out so slowly that it manages to deal full damage to the mob 2-3 times. In order to efficiently kite opponents with an elemental arrow, you can use the Screaming Skull and Frost Arrow runes.

Protection. Spikes. Excellent use for hard kite. The only negative is that instead of using hatred, the ability “eats” discipline. In general, it would be great if you could throw a mine wherever you wanted, but you have to throw it directly under yourself. As a result, you need to either somersault directly into the crowd of mobs, and then back, or lure them into a set trap. Here you can use different runes, so there is no point in worrying too much.

Smoke screen. A smoke screen absorbs a large amount of damage. If you use this hunter ability in Diablo 3 at the right moment, then there is a chance to avoid seemingly inevitable death. Using the Thick Fog rune you will significantly extend the duration of the invisibility effect.

The power of darkness. This is a kind of light version of a smoke screen. Only at the first difficulty level will it be of any use, but in the heat of the moment it will be completely useless. Let's say you decide to use Twilight, a rune that reduces all incoming damage by 65%! What's the point? In any case, you will die from one blow from the first mob you come across. Well, no, of course, if you are dressed up for full HP, then you can safely use it, but for others it will be of no use at all.

Tracking. Somersault. Somersault is a unique feature of every demon hunter, since it would be a sin not to use it. The ability allows you to move quickly. Either you dive into a crowd of enemies with lightning speed, or, on the contrary, with your heels sparkling, you avoid the danger of being killed. In order to use Somersault you will have to spend discipline and wait for an interval of fifteen seconds.

Due to the lack of discipline, it is better not to waste it on a somersault. Use this ability only for maneuvers during battle. In order to at least slightly reduce the cost of discipline, you can use the Acrobatics and Somersault runes.

Ready. This ability is present in most well-known builds and is quite difficult to underestimate. The ability to fight well depends largely on the amount of discipline. Our death is ready to be shelved. If you have a lot of discipline, then feel free to activate the Plan “B” rune, and if there is very little of it, then turn on Concentration. If you are more or less tenacious and can withstand several blows, then the Battle Scars rune is available for you.

Pet. The pet is used to restore hatred, it is not needed for anything else. If you are already using this ability, then pay attention to the runes. Ferret or bat? The ferret is suitable for those who are too lazy to play, and the bat is for those who prefer to play more actively.

Adaptations. Undercover retreat. It’s not very clear what this ability is intended for, because we have such a wonderful thing called Somersault. Its essence lies in the fact that when the enemy comes very close to you, the hero jumps back, and only in one direction. In addition to the not particularly interesting utility, each use of the ability burns up quite a lot of discipline, and this is not very good.

Fan of blades. This ability should be used in conjunction with Cleaving Blade and Fan of Daggers. Thus, all mobs that get too close are slowed down and stunned. It’s too bad that the ability has a cooldown of ten seconds. However, in any case, the skill is very useful.

Here are the preliminary changes to Demon Hunter skills in the new Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls expansion patch. Attention! When reading these changes, please remember that this is a very early version of the game and these changes may not be final. In addition, our translation of skill names and their descriptions may differ from what will be in the official Russian version of the game.

Also note that if the name of a skill or rune for it is written in English, and the translation is given in brackets, then this skill/rune is new and does not have an official translation.

Official Quote ()
Costs: 25 units. hatred
Fire a powerful volley of arrows that damage 220 % 330 % weapon damage to all enemies in the affected area.
Requires: Bow
  • Powerful salvo: Damage dealt by Multishot skill increases to 286 % 420 % weapon damage.
  • Heavy fire: Each time the Demon Hunter fires a shot, it generates a shock pulse that hits nearby enemies 200 % 65 % of weapon damage as Arcane damage.
  • Arsenal: Each time this skill is used, the Demon Hunter fires 3 projectiles at nearby enemies, each dealing 200 % 140
  • Shooting at discretion: Hatred cost to use the skill has been reduced to 15 18 . Damage is dealt as lightning damage.

Fan of Blades

Cooldown time: 8 sec.

The Demon Hunter unleashes a fan of blades that deal 320 % 500 % weapon damage to all enemies within 10m. Blades also reduce enemy movement speed by 60% for 1 2 sec.

  • Assassin's Blades: Throws blades over a long distance that inflict 70 % 500 % weapon damage to 5 additional targets.
  • Fan of Daggers: The Demon Hunter's blades are knocked back and stun the enemy for 1.5 seconds. ( Haven't been stunned before )
  • Pinpoint Accuracy (High accuracy): Increases cooldown to 12 sec. and the damage increases 2 times up to 1650% of weapon damage
  • Bladed Armor (Blade armor): The Demon Hunter increases his Armor to 30 % 65 %.
  • Chain: The Demon Hunter fires an electrified chain that lasts for 2 seconds. applies 70 % 80 % extra weapon damage as Lightning Damage.
  • Head hunter: 6% of the damage dealt by the Demon Hunter restores the corresponding amount of health. Slow effect increases to 80% .
  • Gas grenades: Demon Hunter throws grenades one grenade with poisonous gas that explodes, causing 95 % 160 % weapon damage as poison damage, and leaves behind a cloud of gas that deals additional damage to all enemies caught in the area 75 % 90 % weapon damage per second for 3 sec.
  • Bunch of grenades: Throw a bunch of grenades, the explosion of which will cause 112 % 185 % weapon damage as fire damage within 8m.
  • Grenade Cache (Stock of grenades): Throw a bunch of 5 3 , which, when exploding, cause 95 % 160 % of weapon damage as fire damage.
  • Two chakrams: The second chakram repeats the actions of the first. Each of them causes 130 % 340
  • Boomerang: The chakram flies in a circle and returns to the demon hunter, damaging all enemies in its path. 240 % 400 % of weapon damage as lightning damage.
  • Poisonous Zigzag: The chakram slowly flies in a zigzag pattern, damaging all enemies in its path. 270 % 500 % of weapon damage as poison damage.
  • Razor Disk (Pointed disc): The chakram moves in a spiral from the indicated point and inflicts 220 % 340 % weapon damage as Arcane damage to all enemies in its path.
  • Shuriken Cloud: When using this skill around a Demon Hunter for 120 sec. chakrams rotate, damaging nearby enemies 50 % 200 % of weapon damage as physical damage per sec.

Explosive Arrow

Costs: 40 units. hatred

The Demon Hunter fires a special arrow that explodes and deals 300 % 550 % of weapon damage as Fire damage, then explodes into grenades that deal 135 % 220 % of weapon damage as fire damage.

Requires: Bow

  • Fully armed: Explosive Arrow's weapon damage is increased on impact by up to 405 % 770 %. Damage dealt is considered fire damage.
  • Starfall: Instead of grenades, the arrow fires 3 projectiles, each of which damages nearby enemies 300 % 400 % of weapon damage as physical damage.
  • Explosive bombs: The Demon Hunter throws a bunch of bombs into the air that fall in a straight line, each causing damage when they explode. 280 % 800 % of weapon damage as fire damage.
  • whirlpool: The Demon Hunter fires an arrow that releases not grenades, but 5 bolts of Dark energy that damage nearby enemies 225 % 220 % of weapon damage as physical damage. The Demon Hunter's health is restored at the rate of 1% of the damage dealt.
  • Shining Arrow: Enemies hit by the grenades have a 75% chance to be stunned for 2 seconds. / Cluster Arrow's damage turns into Lightning. (Damage changed from Physical)
  • Deadly Enemy: Attacks dealt by you or your allies to a marked target restore resources: Demon Hunter - 3 units. hatred, Barbarian - 2 units. rage, Crusader - 2 units. anger, Monk - 3 units. spirit, sorcerer - 16 33 units mana, Sorcerer - 4 units. magical energy.


Costs: 30 units. hatred

Cooldown time: 6 sec.

Place a turret on the ground that attacks nearby enemies and damages them. 175 % 240 % weapon damage. Duration: 30 sec. A demon hunter can install up to 2 turrets at the same time.

  • Chain of Torment: A chain appears between the Demon Hunter and the turret, causing 125 % 280 % weapon damage per second to each enemy it touches.
  • Homing missiles: The turret also fires homing missiles at random nearby targets, dealing 30 % 100 % of weapon damage as fire damage.
  • First aid: Nearby allies restore 2 % 1 % of your maximum health per second.
  • Healing couples: Demon Hunter while invisible recovers 10 % 15 % health
  • Special remedy: The skill no longer requires Focus, but the cooldown is increased to 14 12 sec.
  • Shift: When this skill is activated, the demon hunter's movement speed increases by 60%.
  • Night Curse: Slows enemies within a 30m radius for 60 % 80 % on 3 5 sec.
  • Dusk: When using the Power of Darkness skill, all damage taken by the Demon Hunter is reduced by 25 % 15 %.
  • Blood Moon: Amount of health the Demon Hunter restores per hit to 1239 3303 .
  • Shade (Shadow): Fire a powerful volley of arrows that hits everything around you. Arrows fall from the sky over 5 seconds. and deals 3600% weapon damage to all enemies in the affected area. (Skill renamed, previous name Shadow bombs: Demon Hunter summons 20 Shadows that drop bombs on nearby enemies, each dealing 245% weapon damage.)
  • dark cloud: A volley of arrows rains down on enemies, damaging them 792 % 4000 % weapon damage over the next 12 8 sec.
  • Anathema: The Demon Hunter summons a Shadow that, within 15 8 sec. drops grenades from the sky, causing 3300 % 6000 % weapon damage.
  • Air strike: 8 shadows dive from the sky into the designated area, causing 100 % 480 % damage from weapons and stunning enemies for 2 sec.
  • Dark Pack: Demon Hunter summons 10 Shadows that sweep across the ground, knocking down opponents and dealing 120 % 520 % weapon damage.
  • Frost Arrow: The Demon Hunter fires a frost arrow that, after hitting the target, splits into several more arrows and deals 170 % 330 % of weapon damage as cold damage. The movement speed of affected enemies is reduced by 60% for 1 second.
  • Ball lightning: Shoots a slow-moving arrow that electrifies all enemies in its path and damages them. 155 % 300 % of Weapon Damage as Lightning Damage
  • Screaming Skull: Releases a burning skull that deals 155 % 300 % Weapon Damage as Fire Damage and has a 40% chance of Demon Hunter Frightening targets hit by 1 1,5 sec.
  • Void Tentacles: Void Tentacles inflict damage on all enemies in their path. 155 % 300 % weapon damage. In addition, Demon Hunter restores 0.2 % 0.4 % of maximum health for each enemy hit.
  • Lightning: The Demon Hunter fires an electrically charged arrow that deals 155 % 300 % weapon damage as lightning damage and stuns enemies for 1,5 1 sec. when dealing critical damage.
  • Bombardment: The Demon Hunter throws grenades that deal 745 % 837 % weapon damage as fire damage to all enemies within 11m.
  • Battle scars: By standing ready, the Demon Hunter also restores 60 % 35 % health.
  • Hit: Dagger Throw knocks the enemy back and has a chance 65 % 40 % can stun him for 1.5 seconds.
  • Severe wounds: The critical damage dealt by this skill is increased by 100 % 130 %.
  • Detonation: The Demon Hunter throws bouncing grenades on impact that explode, dealing 240 % 290 % weapon damage to all targets within a 9m radius.
  • Flame trail: Demon Hunter leaves a trail of fire behind him for 2 seconds. causing damage equal to 160 % 80 % of weapon damage as fire damage.
  • Firestorm: In addition to regular shots, the Demon Hunter also fires homing projectiles that deal 140 % 90 % of weapon damage as fire damage.
  • Sharp steel: The demon hunter does not shoot, but throws knives, which additionally inflict 100 % 130 % damage if the attack had a critical effect.

Vengeance Is Mine(I will take revenge)

Cooldown time: 90 sec.
The Demon Hunter transforms into the physical embodiment of Vengeance for 15 seconds.

  • Side Guns(Side guns): When you activate this skill, you get by additional weapon on the left and right 4 additional weapons , each of which causes penetrating damage equal to 100% weapon damage.
  • Homing Rockets(Homing missiles): Demon Hunter releases 4 missiles that automatically fire at nearby enemies, damaging 75 % 50 % weapon damage.
  • From The Shadows(Out of the darkness): Summon allies from the darkness to attack your enemies and stun them for 2 seconds.
  • Training Drone(Training Drone) : A mechanical contraption spins around you, causing 150 % 460 % weapon damage per second.
  • Stimulants(Stimulants): You are being treated for 10 % 6 % per second of your maximum health.
  • Seethe (Lose temper): You restore 25 units. Hate per second.

List of abbreviations:
DH - Demon Hunter (from the English DH - Demon Hunter).
SM – monster power.
AoE – area of ​​effect.
LS (lifesteal) - absorption of life per hit (from the English LS - Lifesteal)
Kite or kiting is a “hit and run” method of fighting, based on fast attacks and active movement through the pain of combat in order to avoid taking damage.
DPS – damage per second.
EHP – effective healing points. The EHP value consists of health, armor and resistances.
MF - chance of finding magic items (from the English mf - magic find).
GF - chance of finding gold (from English gf - gold find).

1. Builds

Note: Both builds were personally tested by the author of this guide. They are almost equivalent to each other, and the choice between them largely depends on your playstyle. I've outlined all the pros and cons so you can decide what's best for you. These builds can be used both for solo farming and when playing in a group, without any disadvantages.

+ Provides excellent survivability.
+ If you have over 100k DPS and 450k EHP, you can easily farm Infernal Device bosses on CM3.
+ Works well at high SM levels.

- Quite low DPS value.
- Does not work on low SM, for which Build 1 is much more effective.

Primary Skill: Bola Throw Explosive Projectile – Using this skill quickly will allow you to take out groups of enemies quickly and easily.

Provides +3% attack speed and slightly increases EHP. In addition, she can reach the maximum gold search level for a companion, and also provides some support in battle by enchanting opponents.

Recommended skills for the Spellcaster:
Charm – Provides additional support in battle. It can also lead to some comical situations.
Powered Armor is a defensive skill with a cooldown. Can help you in numerous situations.
Disorient - Same principle as Charm. Additional support.
Focused Mind - Grants a 3% increase in attack speed. A very useful passive skill.

- If you are trying to increase MF/GF, you can find two rings with a combination of these affixes.
- If you can afford it, Leoric's Signet in combination with the Hellfire Ring will provide a significant increase in the experience bonus.

- You are looking for a rare amulet with GF and MF. An alternative could be

A demon hunter will have no problem moving to a safe distance from approaching demons in the blink of an eye, and continue shooting them from a safe distance.

The demon hunter uses hatred and concentration as resources. Concentration is gradually restored on its own, but there is also an ability that restores it completely to you. Hatred is used to deal damage, some abilities consume it, and some, on the contrary, restore it.

The Demon Hunter in Diablo 3 is a fast and merciless demon slayer. Below you will find a guide to the Diablo 3 Demon Hunter.

A new class will appear in wow in the Legion expansion. Not surprisingly, this is a demon hunter. By the way, you can follow the link. Delivery will be fast.

Key Stats for the Demon Hunter in Diablo 3

1) Dexterity- This is the main stat for the Diablo 3 Demon Hunter class, it increases damage dealt. One point of agility is 1% of base damage.

2) Attack speed- the more it is, the more shots you will have time to fire before the enemy comes close to you.

3) Critical damage- this indicator, when a critical effect is triggered, deals increased damage to the enemy.

4) Chance of critical effect- the more it is, the more often critical damage will trigger.

5) Maximum concentration reserve- this indicator will increase your base concentration reserve. Initially, there are 30 of them. Concentration is necessary to install traps, tags that increase damage to the target, and jumps that allow you to quickly move away from the enemy.

6) Vitality and resistance to all types of damage. These indicators are of course good, but the demon hunter in Diablo 3 is exactly the class that should not allow itself to be hit and quickly deal with the enemy, causing a lot of damage. If these indicators are a plus to the main characteristics present on the thing, then they will definitely not be superfluous.

Demon Hunter Abilities in Diablo 3

So, as mentioned above, the hunter uses 2 resources for battle - Hatred and concentration. Below we provide a description of the abilities, without data on damage caused by weapons, since abilities change very often.

Abilities that consume hatred:

  • Dagger Throw- the hunter throws a dagger at the enemy.
  • Rapid fire- a very fast series of shots.
  • Chakram- the demon hunter launches a spinning Chakram (shuriken), causing damage to all enemies caught in the way.
  • Elemental Arrow- shot with an elemental arrow (the element changes depending on the selected rune).
  • Fan of Blades- releases a fan of blades that deals weapon damage to all enemies near you.
  • Spiked Trap - placing a trap in a specified location, which is activated after 1.2 seconds and explodes when an enemy hits it.
  • Shelling- The hunter shoots at nearby enemies while moving.
  • Volley- releases a volley of arrows that hits all enemies in the area of ​​effect.
  • Explosive Arrow- release an arrow that explodes and then disintegrates into grenades.
  • Rain of Vengeance- Release a powerful volley of arrows that hits everyone around, arrows will fall from the sky for some time, causing weapon damage to enemies.

Abilities that restore hatred.

  • Undercover retreat- An attack that deals damage. If the enemy is nearby, the hunter will jump back.
  • Homing Arrow- shoots a magic arrow that is aimed at the enemy and deals weapon damage. With some probability, the arrow can pass through and hit an additional enemy.
  • Slow Shot- the demon hunter fires an arrow imbued with dark magic, slowing down up to 2 opponents and chaining them.
  • Bola Throw- The hunter throws a bola, which, when it hits an enemy, explodes after 1 second, causing damage to all enemies within a radius of 7 meters.
  • Grenade Throw- throw 3 grenades, which upon explosion will cause damage to enemies.

Abilities that consume concentration.

  • Somersault- acrobatic jump of 35 meters.
  • Ready- instantly restores all your concentration.
  • Pet- call a pet that will help you (the pet changes depending on the rune, and each performs a certain action).
  • Death Mark- the marked enemy receives 12% more damage.
  • Turret- install a turret on the ground that will attack nearby enemies.
  • Spikes- the hunter sets, hiss, when hit, the enemy slows down.

Protective spells (consumes concentration).

  • Smoke screen- the demon hunter disappears in a smoke screen and becomes invulnerable.
  • Power of Darkness- The Hunter draws strength from the darkness, restoring 20% ​​of health from damage dealt
  • Demon Hunter in Diablo 3 has many passive skills that reduce concentration consumption, increase damage and speed up the hunter.

“They fearlessly deal with the hordes of the underworld, and if this is not the case in your case, this Diablo 3 demon hunter guide will help put everything in its place.

And the first thing you should understand is that kiting is not correct. When you lead monsters around a location for about a few minutes, during which it would be no less difficult to complete it all while killing a couple of hundred monsters, you lose both a lot of experience and a lot of gold. Make sure of this by looking.

Build optimization

Take advantage of Diablo 3's flexible build system by selecting talents for your Demon Hunter so that each one is useful in what you want to do and in what location you want to play.

For example, for pumping, there are several popular options and special builds that cope with the task as efficiently as possible - you can read about them in the article. Here you will also find a universal build that is not tied to a location, in two versions - for solo and group, the latter is presented in the picture.

With patch 1.0.8, DHs are hit not only from afar, and I would like to highlight this new feature separately - the miles build of a demon hunter, which allows you to farm experience on CM10 packs quite quickly, even with 130k DPS, but requires a particularly durable equipment option, which turns it into a real tank. You can also find out more about this development option using the link above.

Dressing correctly

Speaking of equipment: at the link you can see a set of things that, ideally, can be better than any other clothes. And if you still don’t know that the mechanics of armor are identical to resistance to everything, there you will also find a link about stats specifically for DHs.

Don't forget about the satellite

Many players underestimate the role of a companion, and use them only for the sake of a small bonus to damage
and searching for objects. And all because they never thought about what would happen if they gave the spellcaster Maximus, and the scoundrel - Buriz (you can see the result in the video).

Well, you can learn about the features of equipment and other options for interesting weapons from. By the way for demon hunter Of the companions, I recommend taking Lindon, since he gives the best buff for DPS, and his weapon will allow you to hold monsters longer. However, Eirina is also a good option - she not only provides DPS, but also reduces damage, and can be even better at high CM.

With this, I consider the demon hunter guide complete, and I advise you to find a farming path that suits you, if you did not find it in the description of a particular build, and enjoy killing monsters. Good luck to you, and most importantly - good luck!

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