Guide to Suramar in WoW Legion: world quests, reputation, ancient mana. Guide to Suramar in WoW Legion: world quests, reputation, ancient mana Strong as our will

V WoW Legion full of secrets and mysteries, and although the surroundings of the once great city are now, albeit picturesque, but still ruins, the city itself is still bustling with life. The adventurer has access to the most eventful Legion location only at level 110, but a huge pile of quests, two Mythic dungeons, a raid and, in general, a lot of interesting things are definitely worth the wait.

There is a lot to do in Suramar, and first of all you can admire the local landscapes - they, as always in World of Warcraft, are simply mesmerizing. But these are little things, the most important thing begins after Khadgar himself contacts you to ask for help with some interesting matter (quest “Khadgar’s Discovery”) - this is where the plot of Suramar starts.

There is no need to talk about the plot - there are solid spoilers, so just know that the plot of Suramar is worth following and completing it completely, and besides, there is a good reward for this in the form of reputation, gold, artifact power and even an epic mount, but let's talk about all this in order.

This guide will help newbies navigate Suramar, as well as those who just want to make sure they haven't missed anything. For convenience, it is divided into several sections.

Generally story quests Nightfallen are not particularly difficult, but Telemancer Oculeth is worth mentioning. Soon after you meet him, Oculet asks you to pick up some things from his old home, and during the quest “The Subtle Art of Telemancy” you find yourself in a teleport system. Finding the ones you need is quite simple - the Oculet tools are located in the Distortion Laboratory and the Telemetry Laboratory, but there are also a couple of secrets hidden here.

The “library” teleport will take you to a distorted space, from which Oculet will hasten to pull you out, but if you examine the distortion more carefully, you can discover hidden treasures. To prevent the Oculet from “saving” you ahead of time, you need to quickly get to one of the shining purple circles and follow this way until the end of the distortion. At the exit, a statue of an elf and a reward in the form of a chest with change and artifact power will be waiting for you.

Next, Thalyssra will send you to explore the Anor Basin on the quest “Connecting to the Ley Lines”. Valtrois, who is right there, will not be happy to see you, but when she finds out about Thalyssra, she will become much more accommodating. Together with Valtrois, you need to activate the ley line of the Anor Basin, and the puzzle itself that is proposed to be solved is extremely simple, but after activating the ley line, you get the opportunity to activate other ley lines throughout Suramar. It’s better to take care of this in advance, since later in the story you will still be forced to run around all the hiding places, and it will be better if you don’t have to run that much.

Side quests

Side quests Suramar's plot is not inferior to the plot, and sometimes even surpasses them. The main reward for completing them will, again, be the power of the artifact, but you won’t be able to get the achievement “Good Suramaritan” without them either.

If you've ever walked past the vrykul settlement of Yandvik, where vrykul and naga fight day and night, you've probably noticed that both of them don't like you. However, you can become the Jarl of Yandvik - you can begin the plot of this settlement in the forest not far from the village, where a vrykul lady named Toril is just waiting for someone to help her drive away the naga.

In addition to the power of the artifact, several portions of ancient mana and the useless title of Jarl of Yandvik, you will also get the ability to breathe underwater and swim quickly in the nearby bay, and since several local quests take place there, such a reward will definitely be useful.

There, in the city of the nightborne, you can complete the quest chain “Blood and Wine” and receive the pet Unbound Mana Wyrm for the quest “Balance as a Gift”.

One of the world quests in Suramar sends you to train the withered ones so that they can become useful. The goal of training the withered is to reach the Telemancer Oculeth at the other end of the ruins and at the same time survive, bringing at least one wither with you. This is not as easy to do as it might seem, but with the right approach anything is possible.


    The ability to cultivate fields and grow cereals on them was not available to humanity for many thousands of years. Ancient people were engaged mainly in gathering, and to a lesser extent in hunting. They ate fruits, leaves, dug up roots, and occasionally hunted. The "wild" tribes now discovered in Africa have not the slightest idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cultivation of grain.

    Who was the first person who decided to throw a handful of wheat into the ground, and then thresh it and bake it into a cake? The surviving records on tablets left behind by the Sumerian civilization tell us that agriculture was a gift from the gods, although the gods themselves did not engage in it.

    Proponents of this theory argue that the need to eat cereals comes from the difference in blood composition between ancient people and certain “gods” or alien beings. How they ended up on Earth, intentionally or as a result of a shipwreck, is unknown. However, they immediately discovered that they did not have enough food to maintain the required amount of copper in their blood.

    In addition, another danger arose. Under terrestrial conditions, copper-based blood quickly becomes viscous and clogs blood vessels. Therefore, products were urgently found that could neutralize blood liquefaction. They turned out to be grains and grapes again.

    The blood of a human being contains large amounts of iron, which is the second most abundant metal on our planet. Especially a lot of iron is found in fruits, berries, leaves and legumes. But in cereals there is practically no iron, but there are poorly soluble salts that reduce the absorption of nutrients and settle in the body in the form of toxins.

    In addition, the method of preparing cereals itself raises questions. After all, whole grain porridge has much more vitamins! But there is a lot of copper in refined grains. In addition, iron is a more active element and can displace copper from the blood. Grain would be the most suitable food for creatures whose existence depends more on copper than on iron.

    Copper-based blood should have a bluish tint. Doesn't remind you of anything? For example, the expression “blue blood”, denoting belonging to an ancient family of elected rulers. Obviously, there was much less iron on the planet of the gods, but copper surrounded them on all sides.

    Interestingly, the mining of copper and the beginning of making dishes and jewelry from it also coincide with the period of the beginning of agriculture. But upon contact with copper, the body is able to absorb it, converting it from inorganic to organic form. Perhaps the gods who arrived on Earth began to wear copper jewelry for this purpose, and only then did the human nobility adopt their habits in order to at least get closer to the “great”?

    Apparently, the representatives of the alien race seemed so divine to the ancient Sumerians that they meekly accepted a new order - to cultivate cereals and mine copper. For the people themselves, the cultivation of grain crops did more harm than good. Of course, on the one hand, this ensured stability, since grain can be stored for a long time and feed people during winter periods. However, at the same time, people's diets have become much more limited. Modern research has established that the share of cereals in our diet is about 60%.

    At first, there was not much cultivated grain, and simpler people continued to “eat the old fashioned way.” However, the nobility tried to imitate the “divine” in order to rise in the eyes of their contemporaries. The mummies of Egyptian pharaohs who died at a fairly young age were found to have already severely worn teeth. Millstones, which were then used to grind grain, were made of stone. Small pebbles continually fell into the flour from which wheat cakes were baked for the pharaohs. When in contact with such abrasive substances, teeth were quickly worn away. The pharaohs knew this, and yet they were not able to refuse the “food of the gods,” but simply bread.

    Among the animals on our planet, we can note reptiles, which also have bluish blood, which gives their skin a gray tint. For example, octopus blood contains the pigment hemocyanin, which works on the basis of the same copper. Is it possible that the gods were reptilians? Look at the figurine found during excavations. Lizard head and human body. Is it possible to combine the bodies of a reptilian and a humanoid, or did the imagination of ancient people “complete” the lower part in their own image and likeness?

    By the way, the Sumerians themselves never called the aliens “teachers” and did not mention their kindness and love for people. It seems that the gods did not have any special ethical concepts and, having discovered less developed creatures, simply made them their slaves.

    The development of agriculture gave rise to population growth and also created the conditions for living in more cohesive communities - more people in smaller areas. Of course, at the same time, sanitary conditions worsened, and various diseases, outbreaks of epidemics. On this moment it is unknown where the alien gods with blue blood went, but they forever changed the history of mankind and determined the further path of its development.

    The story of Suramar will continue in patch 7.1 with a quest chain, the "Uprising" achievement and the Arcanist's Manasaber mount. The quest chain is already available for testing on the 7.1 PTR and we were so carried away by it that we completed it all!

    Spoilers ahead! If you want to enjoy the story development for yourself in the game, please stop reading now.

    For completing each part of the storyline, players receive an item ranging from 830 to 850 ilvl as a reward. In addition, the Nightfallen will be selling a new item, Recipe: Potion of Prolonged Power.


    When you return to Suramar, everything seems normal at first. The Nightfallen live a normal, quiet life in Shal'Aran. They have returned to their original appearance, and the cave is full of refugees and treasures.

    However, communication with the Lunar Twilight has ceased (Crackdown), so during the inspection you will find many killed or captured citizens. Suramar is infested with even more demons than before, even ones that will immobilize you and immediately remove your disguise.

    The Lunar Twilight teleport has been destroyed and your first task is to help the inhabitants (many of whom you met in the initial quests of Suramar) escape. The Mistress of Moonlight is killed, but her family is safe. Benefactor Scarlet and her girls skillfully fought off the demons and will now go to Shal'Aran, there is no need to save them. Master Devlin will not leave until he takes his priceless vase, and Torvos does not want to leave his son Valant.

    You'll help them escape on one of the gondolas, and then you'll need to contact Oculeth to open a new portal to Shal'Aran at the top of Evermoon Terrace.


    First Sorceress Thalyssra has received bad news about the uprising of the Nightfallen and needs your help.

    The Nightborne desert the army (More Like Me). Victoir brings you the news that the inhabitants have been captured (Missing Persons), taken to Astravar Harbor and put on boats going to the Demon Island.

    Hurry up and save them (Hostage Situation) by masquerading as a prisoner and freeing the citizens from demons (In the Business of Souls, Smuggled!). For this you will receive a level 830 relic.

    Trade tyranny

    Li'let has fulfilled the deal. The first sorceress Thalyssra needs your help to act on new information.

    Lee'let warns you that they want to make Vanthir an example in the center of Suramar, so that others can see what kind of disobedience happens. He was thrown into a magical prison, where the guy slowly dies in front of the entire city. You must discover the location (Essence Triangulation) Vanthir and save him before it's too late (Nullified, Sign of the Dusk Lily, Waxing Crescent!) For this you will receive level 835 shoulders and chest.

    There is a hologram of Lee inside Shal'Aran and during the first five weeks of confinement, she has a new message for you. She'll even alert you to the Nightborne's new obsession with Pepe the bird:

    No progress yet. I suspect that Elisande is quite comfortable in this climate in the city. It's quiet here. Perhaps our people are afraid to cry after the atrocities in the Moonlight twilight...

    I am unable to locate Vanthir. I don't see his name.

    It's funny, Elisande is the least punctual person I've ever had the misfortune of serving.

    I'll report again as soon as I can. Take care of yourself.

    At your request, I asked about the situation in the Bulwark of the Corrupted Soul. It seems your efforts have slowed down the smuggling significantly. But unfortunately, most likely, they will not leave it like that.

    There are rumors about a purge of deserters after the events in Astravar Harbor. Advise your people to be alert. More defectors may join you.

    Good news, in the palace new fashion. Everyone is obsessed with decorative orange faces on their heads. Strange.

    As usual, I continue to search for our mutual friend. As soon as I know more, I will talk to you personally.

    Be strong, First Sorceress!

    I'm so glad Vanthir is safe. Give him the best! I hope to meet him in person soon.

    The tension is rising. Dusk Lily really scared the nobles. They disagree on how to handle the situation and see violence as the most appropriate option. I'm worried about those trapped in the city.

    I noticed some movement in the Promenade - they are strengthening their positions. Don't lose sight of them.

    I'll update when I have more information.

    Your new allies have not gone unnoticed.

    I don't know where you found such a group, but I like how they are infiltrating the Promenade.

    Anxiety is growing. The nobles no longer entertain illusions about avoiding hostilities. Elisande will not allow them to remain indifferent while Suramar is overrun by strangers.

    We haven't won yet, my friend.

    Be careful and stay strong. See you soon.

    I do not have much time. Unfortunately, this report will be brief.

    Elisande is furious. She's planning something, but I don't have any details.

    I'm more attentive than ever. As soon as I find out what she is planning, I will contact you immediately.

    Be careful.

    Elven problem

    The Alliance and Horde arrived in Suramar. The first sorceress Thalyssra needs your help in preparation.

    In this chapter you will meet Tyrande Whisperwind, Lady Liadrin and Vereesa Windrunner. They set up a military camp on the other side of the city gates. Tensions rise as different elven cultures intersect in the Nightborne. This is especially emotional for Tyrande, who was born in Suramar and doesn't trust Thalyssra.

    You help establish a camp, clear out demons in the Great Promenade (Down to Business, Powering Down the Portal), and come into contact with night elf and blood elf spies in the city (Taking a Promenade). You then defeat the Master's Break An Arm. As a reward you will receive level 835 legs or feet.


    I'm glad to see my friend's face on the battlefield.

    It's... hard... for me to go to Suramar again. Ten thousand years have passed since my feet last felt the grass on these lands.

    Back then we were fleeing the Burning Legion.

    I would never have believed that I would have to return to the place of my birth to wrest it from the hands of those I once considered my people.

    Lady Liadrin:

    Vereesa is so obsessed with revenge on the Horde that we cannot trust her with our flank.

    Tyrande is a sentinel. She knows nothing about these types of wars. While her intelligence is useful, she must save Kal'dorei from the main attack.

    My bloody knights are the only ones capable of surviving this conflict.

    Crafting war

    First Sorceress Thalyssra needs your help to equip and train her growing rebel army.

    Each person is busy with work, so you will be helping all the NPCs! Firstly, Shal'Aran is overrun with refugees, and there aren't enough arcan'dora fruits to feed everyone. You will go to Azsuna with Valtrois to redirect magical ley lines to Shal'Aran (Oculeth Ex Machina). In this quest series, Valtrois helps Stelegoza, and they argue who is better in magic and placement of ley lines (The Art of Flow). But however, at the end of the quest, they become good friends and shower each other with compliments (A Dance With Dragons). As a reward, you will receive a level 840 accessory or ring.

    Then, the Alliance and Horde begin to have problems in the camps (Trolling Them). You will have to expose the Nightborne infiltrators and put an end to the pranks of the Alliance and the Horde on each other. For example, in the Horde camp you will find a gold disk called "Sunwell Spare Part".

    Your ultimate task is to bring the Nightfallen army into fighting shape. Victoir is dissatisfied with the fighting spirit of the warriors and sends them to the Black Rook Fortress to fight ghosts (We Need Weapons, Citizens Army, Learning From the Dead). For this you will receive level 840 shoulders or wrists.

    After your return, Rozzeleth attacks Meredil (Trial by Demonfire), so you will need to prepare your army for the test.

    Assault on Suramar

    The combined might of the elven armies is ready to attack Suramar. All they need is your order.

    Tyrande, Liadrin and Vereesa follow Thalyssra's plan to storm Suramar (Ready for Battle). Khadgar is very impressed that Thalyssra got all three to agree!

    You fight your way through the Grand Promenade and Concourse of Destiny with the support of the Alliance, Horde and the Nightfallen. The Kirin Tor creates a base on the second floor of the Harbor (Full Might of the Elves), and Oculeth creates a new teleport to Shal'Aran (Staging Point). Your reward: a level 840 helmet or cloak.

    Khadgar and Oculeth become good friends. Oculeth is impressed by Khadgar's story about Dalaran moving.

    Elisande's report

    The rebels are ready to attack the Nightborne gate.

    Elisande insults the three elven leaders and casts a powerful temporary spell on the members of the rebellion, effectively freezing them in place (Gates of the Nighthold). Only you and Khadgar escaped the spell because you were not on the front lines.


    Kaldorei? You have disgraced a glorious past by hiding in trees and hiding behind false piety. You grew up like savages, like the trolls that hang around in your forest.

    Kel'dorei? You peasants playing at being nobility, too willingly mixed with lower races, diluting the blood line. You are not worthy of the names of high elves.

    Sin'dorei? Of all the elves, I thought only you would understand the choice I made to save my people. Instead, you teamed up with losers and monsters.

    All of you are humiliating your proud origins. You have all forgotten the ancient power that is yours by right.

    You both want to break into the time bubble to get Tyrande out, but this is too risky a strategy. Thalyssra points out that Lee'let's coded messages haven't been coming through lately and she fears that these events are connected. When you decode her messages, you learn that Lee'let has been at new council meetings (Those Scrying Eyes). She advises against attacking the main gate, and reports that there is an unprotected entrance under the Sanctuary of Order. After this, her message ends abruptly.

    Together with Valtrois, you explore the barrier under the Sanctuary of Order. This magical barrier is not powered by the Nightwell. Elisande draws power from nearby ley lines. After researching them (The Seal's Power), Valtrois begins to work on a plan to disable the barrier. For this task you receive level 845 feet or chest.

    Infiltrating the Night Citadel

    The time has come for the final assault on the Night Citadel.

    Lee was captured by the evil First Sorceress Adrias Narassin (A Message From Our Enemies). Most likely, he is a distant relative of Atricus Narassin from the original quest lines.

    You and Thalyssra go to save Li'let, but your army of Withered cannot withstand the fel magic of the Nightborne. After rescuing Li'leth's terrified personnel (A Challenge From Our Enemies), you will begin researching defenses against fel magic and testing new ways to counter enemies in Resisting Arrest Meanwhile, Oculeth explores the Terrace of Order to collect data (Survey the City) and some notes from his old workshop for further research (Experimental Instability). Now you can withstand Felborne No More. Your reward will be a level 845 relic.

    Strong as our will

    The Darkened will need your help to rise from their knees and become a full-fledged army.

    The essence of Valtrois' plan is that several power lines need to be cut off at once. This will definitely break the barrier. After placing the breakers (), you go to the Sanctuary and fight the guards (Breaching the Sanctum). With the telemanic sphere and the help of the fel-resistant Withered Ones, you fight your way through the Shrines of Order. Adriasa's shield is vulnerable to the Withered, and they easily defeat her.

    Khadgar and Thalyssra wait outside the entrance to the Nighthold. They say that you heroically destroyed the time barrier and freed the captured Alliance and Horde. For this you get level 850 legs or arms.

    Khadgar deliberately tells you, "The Withered won't be here long. They're assembling an elite group of champions and will fight to the end. I'm sure you're familiar with these tactics! We'll be right behind you."

    There are still a few untold stories left in Suramar. storylines, for example: the fate of Lady Li'yo, but it seems they will be told in future Legion updates.

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