World of tanks Christmas tree guides. Review of combat use of ELC AMX. Equipment for AMX ELC bis

Hello to all fans tank battles, the site is with you! Today our guest, without exaggeration, is a very interesting and powerful vehicle, a French light tank of the fifth level, in front of you AMX ELC bis guide.

Players like to affectionately call this device “Yolka” because of its strange name for a Russian person. In general Performance characteristics of AMX ELC bis World of Tanks really worthy of respect, this tank is very strong and copes well with the role of an excellent firefly, but playing it is not so easy, especially if you don’t know some important nuances and tactics.


First of all, every owner of this Frenchie must be aware that the tank has a very modest margin of safety and the visibility of 360 meters is not that great for the LT-5, which will definitely need to be increased.

With a small margin of safety AMX ELC bis specifications The armor is very modest, it seems that the tank is completely made of foil. They will always punch you, everything and in any projection, nothing can be done about it, all that remains is to act as carefully as possible and never make mistakes.

But there is a beautiful side to the coin, it is that AMX ELC bis WoT Not only is it the smallest tank in its tier, it is one of the most compact and low-profile vehicles in our game. All this means that the camouflage at our disposal is excellent; standing in the bushes, this firefly literally turns into a bush, or, well, a Christmas tree.

But the apogee of greatness will be that French light tank AMX ELC bis received amazing driving characteristics. This small device has excellent maximum speed, dynamics and maneuverability, which allows you to almost fly on the battlefield.


The armament of this little guy will not disappoint you either; it’s not for nothing that the top gun is comparable in size to the entire body of the vehicle, so we will now pay maximum attention to it.

Let's start with the fact that AMX ELC bis gun has a very large light tank fifth level alpha, but our rate of fire is low, so we can only deal about 1200 units of damage per minute.

Another strongest parameter AMX ELC bis World of Tanks is the penetration rate, which is an order of magnitude higher than that of our peers. Thanks to this privilege, we can easily penetrate equipment of the fifth and sixth levels, and all sevens can be “sewn” into the sides and stern.

But you have to pay for powerful one-time damage and excellent penetration; in our case, the bargaining chip was the accuracy and comfort of dealing damage. AMX ELC bis tank received a large spread, very long mixing and poor stabilization.

But even more disturbing are several other nuances. First, the angles vertical aiming ours are bad, the barrel bends down only 5 degrees. Secondly, AMX ELC bis WoT lacks a rotating turret, the total angle of attack is 30 degrees, which would be good for a tank destroyer, but bad for a mobile light tank.

Advantages and disadvantages

It will be quite easy to summarize all of the above, since the “Christmas tree” is a machine of extremes. On the one hand, this baby has very serious advantages, on the other, AMX ELC bis World of Tanks has no less serious drawbacks, but it is necessary to know all these nuances and now we will break them down point by point.
Excellent mobility;
Very small and squat dimensions;
Excellent camouflage coefficient;
Powerful one-time damage;
Excellent penetration performance for the LT-5.
The smallest safety margin among classmates;
Mediocre visibility for a light tank;
Cardboard armor;
Poor accuracy;
Uncomfortable UVN and non-rotating turret.

Equipment for AMX ELC bis

Variations with choice additional modules, often have a repetitive nature. Usually we try to improve existing strengths and level out weaknesses, however, in the case AMX ELC bis equipment has two configuration options:
1. – in our case, when there is a powerful alpha strike, it is important to improve the mediocre rate of fire so that you can shoot more often.
2. – we also have very serious problems with the speed of mixing, which need to be solved radically.
3. – remembering the lack of visibility, this module is perfect for solving this problem and even in this case, maximum visibility cannot be achieved.

We looked at a set that is suitable for an active playstyle, but due to excellent camouflage and a few other nuances, AMX ELC bis WoT can cope excellently with passive light, in which case the first point remains unchanged, and the other two look like this:
1. – will allow you to achieve top viewing range with minimal effort and see through everyone around you.
2. – goes well with the “horns”, and one might say, activates the invisibility mode for our Frenchman if he stands motionless in the bushes.

What exactly you choose depends on you and your playing style, in addition, depending on your preferences, you can even try to combine two variations of equipment installation.

Crew training

If we talk about pumping up the crew, in the case of this tank this issue is interesting, but our capabilities are extremely limited by the fact that there are only two tankers inside. Of course, their specializations are very strongly combined and therefore for AMX ELC bis perks learn this way:
Commander (gunner, radio operator, loader) – , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .

Equipment for AMX ELC bis

Fortunately, consumables are purchased according to the standard scheme known to everyone, where if you have a tight supply of silver credits, it is better to give preference to , , . But when there is enough silver or gold, it is better not to save and carry AMX ELC bis equipment from , , . Yes, by the way, replacing the last point with is welcome, since you won’t burn often.

Tactics for playing on AMX ELC bis

As expected, in order to realize the potential of a tank, and in our case it is very high, it is necessary to remember its advantages and disadvantages, and also be able to handle them. Thus, for AMX ELC bis tactics combat consists, first of all, in illuminating enemy equipment.

At the very beginning of the battle, you can go to some treasured bush (if there is one on the map), stand in it and not move. The passive light tactics work excellently in our case, detect light tank AMX ELC bis due to its small dimensions and excellent camouflage, it is difficult even from 100 meters, especially if you prefer a camouflage net.

As soon as the situation begins to get out of control or the position loses its relevance, we begin to take advantage of the excellent mobility of the “Christmas tree”. AMX ELC bis tank must almost always be on the move, diving into terrain or maneuvering among buildings on city maps, constantly obtaining valuable intelligence data. Moreover, it is very difficult to hit such a small fighter.

If you want to not only shine, but also deal damage, the situation becomes more complicated. Problem with accuracy and non-rotating turret AMX ELC bis World of Tanks, makes itself felt strongly, so to fire you will have to choose a position and shoot from a place at full information, in the manner of a tank destroyer.

For the same reasons AMX ELC bis WoT cannot carousel the enemy, because our tower does not rotate. Otherwise, you should always monitor the mini-map, try to shine as much as possible and take damage as little as possible, and for this you need to move, think, cheat and move again.


French light tank tier 5. Most players use LT for reconnaissance. Such game process full of fun and adrenaline. However, there is one machine that can not only engage in reconnaissance, but also distribute very real damage. "Yelka" is not only the most popular French tank, but also the most common Tier 5 "firefly". Let's look at why it turned out this way.

Historical reference

In the post-war years, the French focused on the development of airborne troops, which urgently needed an air-transportable fire support vehicle weighing up to 7 tons. Many companies took part in the tender, but engineers coped with the task best AMX, who took the chassis of a small ammunition carrier and installed a hastily developed turret on it.

The resulting equipment was assigned to tank destroyers. The crew had to consist of two people, and the driver was located in the turret, which made it impossible to turn it while moving. After minor modifications to the chassis and strengthening of the armor, the Elka received the prefix bis. And a place in the dustbin of history. The tank did not go into production; prototypes were sent to a museum.

Gaming characteristics


The Elka has essentially no armor - 25 mm in the forehead and 10-15 mm around the perimeter do not protect even from small-caliber machine guns. Caterpillars can sometimes eat damage from the flanks, but an immobilized firefly is a dead firefly. Sliding ricochets do happen - due to the beveled profile - but you shouldn't count on them. It is better to avoid hits altogether, otherwise 400 units of strength will melt away like smoke under the enemy’s high-explosive hail.


Our cardboard armor is compensated by the top Yolka gun - 90 mm D. 915. Armor penetration with a basic projectile (170 mm) and damage (240 units) will upset many at the level and even higher. The sub-caliber generally measures 248 mm, but for the fifth level such high figures are even unnecessary.

The disadvantages of the gun are slow reloading and decent unmasking when fired with a muzzle brake. For this reason, cautious players often choose a pre-top gun 75 mm SA44, which is an order of magnitude worse, but shoots out of the bushes like a machine gun.

The vertical aiming angles are standard - ±15 degrees. But you will hardly use them. The low silhouette will not allow you to shoot from behind obstacles: folds of terrain, rocks and hills.


And here is the engine SOFAM 8 Gxb at 250 hp for a 7-ton car - a clear overkill. Sometimes the Elka develops such speed that it becomes difficult to control. Inept drivers often crash while bouncing up hills or roll over on sharp turns. Thanks to the new game engine!

Top tracks inherited from the modification bis, give a slight increase in maneuverability: from 36 to 38 degrees/sec. But that’s not even the main thing. The increase in carrying capacity by more than half a ton will be very useful when it comes to installing a new 90 mm gun.

Detection and communication

Our communication is not very good. Stock radio station ER 52 provides communication at a distance of only 300 m, and improved ER 53- at 360 meters. The overview coincides with the top radio, so you can’t shoot very far.

The only thing that saves ELC AMX- the lowest detection rate in the game, which makes “Yelka” one of the best active fireflies in the game. With top-end camouflage, you can drive around almost in front of the enemy’s nose.

Pumping and equipment

The path to "Yolka" lies through a French tank. This is a fairly slow technique and changing from it to a high-speed one ELC AMXbis uncomfortable. But if you played it diligently and upgraded all the modules, then a surprise awaits you - a top radio station ER 53!

As soon as the Yolka gets into the hangar, pump out the top tracks and engine. All the same, you will earn your first credits and experience in the light of day. And only after this can the guns be gradually improved.

The crew is pumped into a hybrid of tank destroyers and tank destroyers. Remember that the ELC has only two crew members, so the commander combines the duties of gunner and loader. First of all, open “Sixth Sense” for him, and “Disguise” for the driver. Then the commander finishes off the camouflage, and the driver improves his driving skills. Next - “Combat Brotherhood”.

The choice of special equipment depends on what style you are going to play at the Yolka. The assault version includes a Rammer, Reinforced Aiming Drives and Coated Optics. Zasadny gravitates towards “Camouflage Network”, “Rammer” and “StereoTube”. For fans of both tactics, crossed setups are possible.

Among the consumables, be sure to take the “First Aid Kit” (to treat the irreplaceable commander) and the “Small Repair Kit” (sometimes it saves). They rarely set you on fire, so put either “Strong Coffee” or “105-octane gasoline” in the third slot.

ELC AMXbis- the most flexible tank at the fifth level. He can be both a firefly and a tank destroyer in the same battle. There are often situations when you rush along the front line, dodging stray projectiles, although a few seconds before you were intensely peering into the sight from a forest plantation.

Thanks to its stealth and low profile, the Elka is the best passive light. The only thing that spoils it is the lack of a rotating turret. Therefore, turn to where the enemy is most likely to appear. Keep in mind that any careless movement of the body will reset the effects of the camouflage net and stereo tube, mandatory attributes of good passive exposure.

But not all maps are suitable for observation from the bushes. So sometimes you will rely on the ELC speed. When cutting across the field in the crosshairs of the sights, try to often change the trajectory of movement. Never move parallel to the shelling - this will make it harder for the enemy to hit you.

If your safety margin is running low, go to the second line. A living tank destroyer will bring more benefit to your team than a dead scout hero. Under no circumstances should you try to work as a firefly killer - most of them have rotating turrets and machine guns. Your gun, on the contrary, takes a long time to aim and the sight takes up half the screen while moving due to poor stabilization.

Oddly enough, in the fight against heavy and clumsy tanks you have a better chance of winning. Remember two tricks. First - go to the rear at speed, shoot and make a loop to escape retaliation. Repeat the maneuver until the enemy's engine lights up. The second is to get close to the enemy tank and shoot with impunity in the NLD. This is possible because many cars at the level have lousy air defense systems. The main thing is that your opponent does not climb on you and crush you.

Review of the tank's strengths and weaknesses. Results


  • Best stealth in the game
  • Low silhouette
  • Penetrating top gun
  • Good top speed
  • Tactical flexibility on the battlefield
  • No armor
  • Insufficient visibility and radio communication
  • Only two crew members

ELC AMXbis- definitely the most fun and interesting “firefly” in World of Tanks. The gameplay on this tank is so vibrant and unpredictable that it doesn’t get boring even after a thousand battles.

Good luck on the battlefields!

Review video guide ELC AMX World of Tanks

Hello, dear tankers! In the mid-20th century, the Ministry of Defense began to think about creating a light airborne support combat vehicle with the ability to be transported by air. The ELC program spawned a series of fantastic prototype projects, but in the end, a more traditional machine from AMX was born. In the game we got a very specific light tank, which is strikingly different from its same-level counterparts of other nations and received the nickname Elka from the players. About how conifers live in harsh world steel monsters, we'll talk further.

Review video guide ELC AMX World of Tanks

The first thing that catches your eye is the low strength value, only 400 units, which is 160 lower than that of the T-50-2 and 210 lower than that of the VK-2801 in the top configuration. We immediately conclude that open duels are contraindicated for us. The ELC AMX has vanishingly thin armor measuring 14mm on the forehead, 12mm on the sides and 10mm on the pocket. Even for tier 1 guns, such armor will not be an obstacle. We also have the lowest visibility compared to our level 5 counterparts, only 360 m with a 100% crew, not very much, because the big-eyed Chafi sees 40 m further. Unfortunately, we also got the weakest radio station, the communication range is only 360 meters; for comparison, the Chafi radio station allows you to transmit intelligence data to your allies at a distance of 745 meters. Also, the disadvantages include the front location of the engine, which will certainly be damaged if you confidently attack the enemy head-on and the limitation of the turret rotation angle in the range of only 30 degrees. If you have the impression that everything is bad, then you are completely wrong, since the disadvantages are more than compensated by the advantages. Thanks to its modest weight, not exceeding 8 tons, the acceleration dynamics of the AMX are quite comparable to the T-50-2, right up to the set maximum speed. True, he still realizes his advantage, but in turning speed he is significantly inferior to us, despite the tweaked speed control, and only the agile Chafee is ahead of the Frenchman in agility, in addition, ground resistance has less influence on us than on his classmates. As a result, we can safely say that the ELC AMX is one of the most dynamic tanks in the World of Tanks game.

5 years and 9 months ago Comments: 1

Intelligence is its main purpose. The battle begins and, sharply picking up speed, the “firefly” rushes towards the enemy’s positions in order to find and indicate the direction of the enemy’s movement. For some reason, the latter is not eager to be declassified and begins to snap back intensely. A swarm of different-caliber shells rushes towards us. This is where the main task appears. Survive. No more and no less. Hide, wait out the steel rain and go back to reconnaissance. Transmit target coordinates to allies. The longer the firefly lives and shines on enemies, the greater its contribution to victory.

Top, middle, bottom of top

Such gradations do not exist for this tank. In a rare case, you may end up with number “13” or “12”. But, again, this is an exception to the rule or a joke. The usual place is the very last one. But that doesn't mean it's the worst.

Different weapons - different methods of warfare

Stock and pre-top guns

Frank "light" and nothing more. Look out for the enemy, give your allies the opportunity to open fire as early as possible. And transmit target coordinates for as long as possible.

What do you need to do and know for this?

  • It must be remembered that the “exposed” enemy is visible to your team’s tanks for two to three seconds after the “tree” has hidden in cover. Hence the behavior. It doesn't have to be visible all the time. A sharp jerk, marking the enemy's location, a couple of seconds to move (so that the enemy does not have time to attack you), and again to cover. Don't forget to watch the progress of the battle. Are the allies on your flank openly “merging”? It's time to change location. Moving to another point on the map and helping another group of the team will help you earn training points and some extra silver.

"Anti-aircraft" maneuver

Moving a tank in a straight line gives the enemy the opportunity to shoot you. Why give him such pleasure? Especially, ELC AMX it is simply designed for sharp turns, or rather sharp turns. You begin to experience a feeling of euphoria when the ground around you explodes from shells, tracers go to the side or over the tower. And the tank, without receiving damage, rushes on. The strong expressions of enemies from the general chat addressed to you serve as further proof of the impeccable driving style of this lively creature.

Finally a top gun

And here there is scope for “creativity”. More precisely, to diversify the use of the tank. You can work as a scout, or you can fight in tank destroyer mode. Yes Yes. A top weapon with its alpha penetration and amount of damage can unpleasantly surprise the enemy. Especially if you know him weak spots. Using speed and agility, you need to wait until the teams are drawn into the battle and engage in battle. Several tanks entered the clinch. The task of the “Christmas tree” is to immobilize (finish off) the enemy with stinging blows. You can take a comfortable position somewhere on a hill and watch over the unwary. The only drawback of this gun is the reload time. From additional equipment A rammer is vitally needed. Reinforced aiming drives also wouldn’t hurt. Advantage of using ELC AMX As a peteshka, it is inconspicuous, which is facilitated by its low silhouette. If you install a camouflage net and upgrade the camouflage skill of one of the crew members, then the enemy will not be able to detect you even at close range. Another similarity with the tank destroyer is the half-rotation of the turret. That is, it rotates, but not 360 degrees. The field of fire is increased, but sometimes you have to turn the body to catch the target in the crosshairs.

Arty Fighter

At the very beginning of the battle, be sure to check the list of the opposing team. Having seen the familiar silhouette of a self-propelled gun, you can do the following. Wait a minute or two until the teams come into fire contact. The location of most enemies will appear on the mini-map. Figure out where the artillery can hide and begin to act. Carefully driving around the enemy, move to the place where there may be “art”. The main thing is not to stop. Breakthrough, light. There you are, dear... A shot, a sharp turn, you can’t let the enemy take aim. Another shot and... A burning carcass artillery installation remains behind, and the “Christmas tree” rushes on if it survives after this skirmish.
