Where to download bers. Icarus Online. Berserker class guide (Bers). Pets for Bers

Berserker is a PvP oriented melee DPS player. Berserkers as a general category are warriors with enormous attack power and rather weak defense, which is reflected in the specifics of the class - P. Def. not the biggest, sword attack is quite significant.

The main strength of the berse is its unprecedented skills. A good bersh can destroy any light carrier or robe in a matter of seconds. It is more difficult with tanks, but they also fit well under the strong pressure of the berse.

The main advantage of the bers is the so-called. Rush, a skill that allows you to rush to the enemy in a split second, inflicting damage on everyone on the line of damage and applying debuffs (mostly stun).

Bers is well-sharpened to fight any class, this makes him a versatile soldier - there is no class that the Bers is fundamentally inferior to. It is impossible to escape from the berse, it is difficult to bring it down to the magician mind soul Barrier and a host of other panic skills, it stands well against tanks, having UD in its supply, archers are forced to stay close to the berse, and therefore cannot inflict maximum damage, etc. - a wonderful class in good hands.

It is quite easy to find a party for a berse - any mele-party gladly accepts a berse because of a profile hex, a party buff on HP and other little joys.

Bers uses a profile weapon - Ancient Sword. It is obtained by profile transformation from the Two-handed sword using the Change Weapon skill. The attack of such a sword is usually less than its parent, but the attack speed is higher.

Bers, like all Kamaeli, cannot wear anything but Light Armor and cannot wear a shield. Only male Kamael can become a bersom.

A few tips for all occasions:

  • Carry Bottle of Souls with you at all times and fill them with souls. These cans weigh a little, and are extremely useful in PvP. You must have at least several hundred Full Bottle of Souls at all times.
  • Always turn on Dark Armor and Dark Blade, the bonus, while subtle, is free.
  • Up to A grade, it is quite comfortable to use Common items, at these levels almost only mobs will try your equipment, and a dead number will poke around in front of them. And save your money.
  • At level 40, complete the quest at Grocer Helvetia in Giran on the Wondrous Cubic. Once a day, you can pull out a cheap sharpener. Quest for 1.5kk, but the cube will remain with you forever.
  • Try to use the tactics of a steam locomotive on not very strong mobs: they collected them and put them with massive skills. Skill does not care how many mobs to beat - but it is more profitable for you in MP and in time.
  • Try to have several dozen Spirit Ore with you, Soul Gathering may be required at any time.
  • In Mass-PvP, try not to break into the first wave, your defense is rather weak and the focus assist will simply lay down a potentially strong Persian. Let the tanks go forward, when the targets are more or less sorted out, start ruining Yenemi's lives. Rush + Mass Disarm, as well as stun, cotton wool, disarm mine assist, etc. You will live longer.
  • In a PvP party, watch out for Blood Pact, your 10%, although not the strongest BTB, can save someone precious%.
  • If your clan has a fort or castle, be sure to go to the dungeons. For one raid in a dungeon party, you get about 1.5-2k KE, you will get about 150-190, and forgive it for our prices 10-12kk. Lift your adena quickly.
  • Try to go to Kamaloka at all levels. There is a solid drop in 78+ cam, so it might break off for you too.
  • Always carry with you 10-20 elixirs for your grade, they cost not so much, but they can save your life.
  • Remember Pailaka (and many forget for some reason!). There are only 3 of them and they give you a good Exp. Be sure to go through the paylaka corresponding to your level. The first is levels 36-42, the second is 61-67, the third is 73-77. Descriptions of them here:

Vesper noble leather breastplate

  • Str + 1
  • Con-2
  • Dex + 1
  • P. Atk./Atk. Spd./MP Recovery Rate + 5.57%
  • Maximum MP + 354.1
  • Opens Cloak Slot.

Top - Vesper Slasher -> Vesper Nagan
P.Atk .: 429
SA: Focus / Health
Shots: 1

SA in arms

As a rule, the choice is between SA Focus and Health. Both one and the other are good. For grades up to S, the choice is not as important as after that. Until S, try to choose Focus SA - for swing this is the best option.

For PvP and oli, you need to understand what is more important to you, live longer or inflict more damage. Based on the spirit of the berse, you should still put Focus, but if you are not very friendly with the equipment, put Health - this is the personal choice of each berse.


1. CON + 5, DEX-5 - this combination will increase your resistance to stun, raise your weight limit and P. Def. At the same time, taking into account Gracia Final features you will not lose skills in the rollback and -5 DEX will very slightly reduce the attack speed and crit. rate. Evasion doesn’t count - it doesn’t solve almost anything for Burs. In my opinion, one of the best options for PvP and swing.

2. СON + 5, STR-2, DEX-3 (or variations of DEX-2 and STR-3) - in my opinion the combination is not bad, but cutting STR does not satisfy me personally, although this opinion is my subjective. This option takes place, however, the difference between 1 combination and 2 is only 2-3 DEX, and this is too little to touch STR.

3. CON + 4, STR + 5, DEX-9 (or a variation of CON + 5, STR + 4) - here the greatest stamina and attack power are achieved, however, the shamelessly cut DEX will still make itself felt. In fact, the loss will not be catastrophic, but this option for maximizing DPS is quite liquid, but risky. I would not recommend it if you are not extreme.

4. CON + 2 (+3), STR + 2 (+3), DEX-4 (-5, -6) - something like the golden mean, it allows, by slightly cutting DEX, to increase well both to the fat content of the char, and to power. In my opinion, the second priority tattoo option.

5. Do not bet anything. - Some bersa adhere to the view that our profa is very balanced, and nothing needs to be changed / edited in terms of basic stats. This opinion can also be called adequate.

12.08.2017 17:54:48 3299

Berserk- a fearless melee fighter in heavy armor with a two-handed weapon. He draws strength from his own rage, and his crushing blows grow stronger with every drop of blood lost.

Bersa is the main impact force of any team, they sweep across the battlefield in a bloody whirlwind, chopping the enemy into pieces. A true Berserker never gives up and can only be stopped by death.

Berserker features and skills

The main features and differences of Bers from other classes are as follows:

  • Two-handed weapon;
  • heavy armor;
  • battle cries;
  • blows to the area.

Berserker, like other classes, has many skills and the main ones will be as follows:

Mighty roar- Bursting into the thick of battles with a roar, Berserker endows useful buffs not only for himself, but also for his allies.

Shoulder blow- allows you to have an advantage in the first blow by knocking down the enemy.

Triple cut- allows you to inflict a series of short strikes, the last of which has maximum damage.

Shattering Blade- a blow that goes as far forward as possible towards the enemy causing serious damage.

Thunder kick- the final part of the shock combinations, allows you to bring down the opponent from his feet in which he has an excellent chance to finish off the enemy.

Vortex attack- used when the Berserker is surrounded, at this moment this skill allows you to inflict physical damage on all enemies within a radius of 10 meters and in addition knocks them down.

Berserker tactics

The whole game for this class is based on three main principles:

First Is "making friends with death." The fact is that the less health this class has, the higher your damage will be. For example, if, after losing 10% of your health, your damage increases by only 2%, then when you lose 50%, the damage increases by 25%, and if you lose 80%, the damage increases by as much as 70%, and the Berserker himself begins to emit a red glow ... Also, the effectiveness of almost all skills directly depends on the level of health, the lower it is, the greater the effectiveness. Therefore, the game itself for this class is based on maneuvering between life and death to inflict maximum damage.

Second Principle- this is rage and its accumulation, and mechanically it resembles normal mana, and if mana is constantly regenerated, then rage accumulates when you start bludgeoning the enemy. And the whole point is based on the correct use of this energy.

AND third principle based on the control of various rollovers, stuns and other controlling skills. And it is very important to use them in the correct order, therefore, with a strong desire, the enemy can not be released from control at all, inflicting constant unanswered strikes.

In a team game, Berserker is used on the very front of the battle, but one should not exclude its universal abilities. For a short time, he can replace the Guardian due to good health, can help the Mage to give a couple of powerful attacks in the area, and how the Assassin does well on single targets.

As for pumping this class, it is very easy to play Berserk at the initial development, in the future, when your skill base expands, and the enemy becomes more serious, you will have to learn to play with risk, be able to control well and perform combos to achieve maximum rational actions.

Berserker equipment and pets

The berserker has good sturdy armor and one single weapon, which is a plus. While the rest of the classes will run and look for additional weapons, Bers will spend this time on his self-development.

Equipment of this class is well suited to the Assassin, and when choosing it you need to pay attention to such parameters as health and level critical damage but the most important thing is force since the character is a damage dealer based on maximum damage.

The berserker does not really need pets, mainly uses them to move around the terrain, for sealing and combat companions that give buffs. This class is great at chopping down enemies without mounts, but nevertheless, we note the most suitable pets:

Red Agnas is necessary for applying active physical attack and defense.

Any Wolf or Panther is perfect for the first time of the game. They will be able to increase the existing health level of your character. After level 25, tame

To begin with, I am writing the guide with an emphasis on the Olympics, i.e. duel without uber-buff and other rubbish.

What is the first thing to know for a Berserker going to the Olympics? Of course, the necessary equipment

Point One: Equipment.

Shmot : we will take clothes with an emphasis on minimum losses and maximum benefits, therefore the most adequate choice isS84 Elegysince unlike Verpes, it gives almost the same stats to the characteristics (STR, DEX, CON, etc.), but it only subtracts 2 units of CON, and not 3 like another set

In Frey's chronicles, 3 different attributes can be inserted into the gear, but in pairs:Fire - Water, Holiness - Darkness, Wind - Earthso I would recommend inserting them like this:
Head- do not be superfluous to stock up on two helmets to insert different attributes and increase survivability
Body - Fire, Holiness, Wind
Pants - Water, Darkness, Earth
Boots- the same as in the Body
Gloves- the same as in Pants

Shirt : We take on CP, because it seems that against daggers it is better on HP, backstab and all that, but you must admit that an increase of 744 is more significant than an increase of 200+, especially since the daggers will not notice these extra HP.

Belt : of course, if it were a server with normally prescribed skills, I would recommend a belt with an increase in damage from skills, but since a simple crit with an auto attack is more powerful than our most powerful and beautiful skillCrushing pain, then it is more expedient to take a belt with an increase in damage from a simple attack.

Bizha : Ring of Queen Ant, Ring Of Baium, Earring of Antaras and Zaken "s Earringwe take it without hesitation, because they have no decent analogues. The necklace is more difficult. I would present two necklaces for your judgment:Necklace of valakas and Necklace of Frintezza(Necklace of Valakas and Frintezza) (marked useful for us in bold):

Valakasgives the following effects:MP +50, increased resistance to sleep by 40%, HP +445, increase the chance of falling asleep by 40%,reduction of the cooldown of skills, increase in P. Atk. and Mage. Atk.the effect of wild magic, an increase in the effect of damage to the shield andincreased resistance to fire attacks.

Frintezzaincreases MP by 42. Increases resistance to sleep / paralysis / shock by 15%. Increases the chancelulling / paralysis /shock target by 15%. Increases resistance to poisoning / bleeding by 25%... Increases the chance to poison / bleed by 25%.Reduces the cooldown of skills. Has the effect of reflecting some of the damage. Increases resistance to darkness.

Small remarks:Basically, berses on PvP servers do not use one of the most powerful rotations of skills (Blade rush(and if bleeding succeeded) -Contagion - Crushing pain), so I didn't highlight Frintezza's bleeding bonuses. Valakas will give us a bonus to HP, and Frintezza will reflect a little damage back (somewhere 3-4%) - there is already a choice for your taste.

It is also imperative to take a bracelet, and to it, in addition to a certain number of talismans, also select talismans for yourself. On my own I will advise taliks on: Clarity, Violent Haste, Reflection, full HP recovery (although there is a skill, but too much will not hurt default / smile.png)

Don't forget the elegant decoration http://nanofree.ws/p...tyle_emoticons/ default / smile.png

So, we put on / shod our enchant, but which one is it without a weapon? Our weapons are Ancient swords, obtained by conversion from Two-handed swords by our special skillChange weapon.

Weapon : According to Frey's chronicles, I consider the best sword for us, calledPyseal blade with CA(CA - abbreviated from English.Special Ability - special improvement of the sword)on HP + 10%.

Let me explain: Bers are skinny by nature, so any daguerre, and especially a dark one (oh) AB, shouldn't have much trouble killing us. And believe me, it's better to have an extra 700-800 HP in stock than to know that you have an increased crit chance or attack speed.

Drugs : well, or Life Stones, if that makes it clearer to anyone. I would advise to catchactive / passive Might(attack boost) and active Clarity (reducing the cost of mana for skills). There is also a good option to catchactive or passive reflex(damage reflection).

Naturally, we sharpen everything to the maximum and attribute.

Point Two: Tattoos.

In principle, on my own skin, I have experienced several types of tattoos, so I will write everything in detail first, then the experienced tattoos and feelings.

So, tattoos serve to raise the characteristics of a character. Namely, its parameters.

Options :

STR- force. Strength is strength, the more it is, the stronger we can crack the enemy with our "paddle"

DEX- speed. The more it is, the faster we run and the faster we swing the "paddle"

CON- endurance. The more stamina, the larger our belly, and, accordingly, HP

INT- intelligence. The more it is, the more likely it will be projected.Violent Temper

WIT- casting speed. The larger it is, the faster we use all kinds of nasty things.

MEN- magic protection.

And here are the promised tattoo options:

1) STR +5 DEX +4 CON -9- an option for PvP servers with items that give a lot of HP. On a more or less normal server - a tattoo for a kamikaze, because it will be very, very difficult to get out of the batch alive.

2) STR +4/5 DEX -2/3 CON -2/3- a mediocre option, they cut off HP and attack speed a little, but added in the power of the blow, for fun under a full buff - good.

3) No tattoos- the option that I like most of all now, tk. all stats are normal.

4) STR -4 CON +4- an option for, probably, only ruoff, tk. we have a big belly, and we will be able to pull it out only due to the skills that do not depend much on the STR parameter. On the PvP servers, the formula has been rewritten beyond recognition, and therefore, the bersu hardly has to use his percussion skills, because of this I do not recommend this tattoo for the PvP server.

Anyway put a tattooINT -4 WIT +4, an increase in casting speed will come in handy.

Point Three: Skills.

This point will also be important for us.

So, from now on, I finally switch to the principle of PvP servers and sweep aside those skills that we, in principle, will not use often.

I will describe the skills we most need and their location using my layout as an example:

F12 - Rush Impact
F11 - Attack
F10- Next target
F9 - Dark smash
F8 - Slashing blade
F7 - Enuma elish
F6 - Disarm
F5 - Mass disarm
Above F12 - Violent Temper
Above F11 - Eye for eye
Above F10 - Final circlet
Over F9 - Courage
Above F8 - Soul barrier
Above F7 - Shield Sword
Above F6 - Body Reconstruction
Additionally: Hard March, True Berserker, Fortitude, Strike Back, Weapons (just in case), Spare helmet.

Also, I advise you to make and throw macros with skills on the panelSoul cleanse and Erase mark:

/ target% self
/ useskill Soul Cleanse or Erase Mark(FOR SKILLS DIFFERENT MACROS, AND NOT THROUGH OR !!!)
/ targetnext

Sharpen your skills , I will only say one thing:Disarmit is best to sharpen for a while, Mass Disarm - for a chance, RI (Rush Impact) - also for a chance.

About certification skills from subclasses:
Rapier- Counter Haste and Attack / M. def
Crossbowman- Counter Focus and attack / m. def
Inspector- Counter Barrier and attack / m.def

Well, we figured it out with skills and other things, it remains only to write approximate tactics against classes, right? http://nanofree.ws/p...tyle_emoticons/ default / biggrin.png

Point four: Tactics.

So, here we flew to Olympus, fire in our eyes, the cold, lace-up handle of the sword is resolutely clenched by the palm in an elegant glove, the wing feels the wind of the approaching battle ...

But we can't go without a buff http://nanofree.ws/p...tyle_emoticons/ default / happy.png

The Olympiad manager will appear in front of you. We take from him: Haste, Acumen, Focus, Wind Walk, Death Whisper.

Then we buff our buffs. You need to use your buffs carefully, thoughtfully. It is advisable to stock up on a twink or a partner who will tell you the class of the enemy. Buff anywayIncrease Power(this is our personal analogueMight, and it stacks with a buffMightfrom the active HP) and throw from the staves onto ourselvesMental shield and Blessed soulwith the help of our buffBlood pact and others.

It is also useful to know the sequence of using skills (rotation of skills).

The standard combat rotation is as follows:Violent Temper - Rush Impact - Dark Smash - Enuma Elish - Run Away - Rush Impact - etc.

In some cases, it is vital at first make a rush, and then throw in "Vaseline" (that's what I affectionately callViolent Temper)

I also highlight the rotation of buffs, namely:

Against the melee: Haste - Focus - Acumen - Death Whisper - Wind Walk - Increase Power - Mental Shield - Blessed Soul - Blood Pact(before the fight).

Against magicians: Haste - Focus - Acumen - Death Whisper - Wind Walk - Increase Power - Mental Shield - Blessed Soul - Blood Pact - Furious Soul - True Berserker(before the fight)

All rotations can be changed as you like, I just showed the standard version.

Well, we are ready for battle. Consider someprotozoa battle tactics:

1. Warlord

Honestly, I rarely fought with them on Olympus, but they are still the same infections. Three camps with independent kickbacks clearly tell us that without the includedFortitudeit will be tight for us, so we includeFortitudeand in no case we buffFurious Soul or True Berserker- these skills cut us f. def. Next - we throw (or try)Violent Temperand we arrange dance-dances withRush Impact"Ohm and attempts to disarm. Do not forget about its unpleasant feature - with less than 10% HP, it can completely restore it, so we try to control it with a rush. It didn’t work out - it will take on weariness, because we will use up a rather robust MP.

2. Gladiator

This is another splinter in a soft place. And even with duals. There is no full regen, but a powerful reflector and skills + remote skills and disarmilka, so we dance fiercely around the stadium, trying to control it with a rush and feed it. It turned out to otdarmit - it is yours, it did not work out - either run away, or you are a corpse.

3. Paladin

This is a quiet horror for a berse. Well, not only for him, of course, but it's hard for the berse against the paladin. For the paladin is an eternal camp with a shield and healed himself a loved one. The same story with dances, only if with the Gladiator it was necessary to jump back and sting, then with the paladin we are like a sniper - we rush and run. And God forbid you get caught on his camp from the shield - he will try not to let you out of the camp. Talik for invulnerability, HP regen and auraFortitude- our everything.

4. YES

Well, it's a little easier here, of course, but you shouldn't relax. At the beginning of the battle, our goal is to bring down the panther. And as quickly as possible. YES without a panther - not a damage dealer. You can finish it off as you like, but without a panther, it will kick hard, so do not be arrogant.

5. TX

The most disgusting thing about it is the Mirage skill. Will constantly knock down the target, so the buttonNext Targetwon't hurt. In principle, the fattest of the daggers, therefore, does not pose a particularly great danger, but as with all daggers, in no case let him come up behind his back or go into hyde. In no case should you include with daggersFurious Soul or True Berserker- hang a loop around your neck with your own hands.

6. Havk

We cut in Fortitude and Soul barrierand fly to him on the wing of love for the glasses of the Olympics. Nothing too complicated.

7. Sork

An unpleasant type, the self buff reflects 20% of the damage taken, but that's not the point. We, Bersy, are anti-class for rangers, so we include boldlyFurious Soul, True Berserker, Soul Barrierand fly for the Olympiad points (Furious Soul and True Berserkerwe include mainly against magicians, they damage not depending on f. defa, and from m. defa)

8. Nekr

It's just darkness. Debuffs - mom don't worry. Here, first of all, we need a macro for a skill.Soul cleanse and skill Courage... As a rule, nekry are used against melee classesVampiric Mistand they throw a firm - we shoot with a macro, and courage should help us from the fire. We buff and kill him like any magician.

9. Catman

I never considered these pusek a serious enemy: we cut down the cat, then the cat breeder and calmly go to the next battle. Buffs and rotation against mages.

10. Bish

This opponent is very, very difficult. Healed and burned mana, which we really need, makes him a very dangerous enemy. We control it from the first seconds of the fight with rush, disarm, cut inFurious Soul and True Berserker- our goal is not to drag out the fight, or we are dead. http://nanofree.ws/p...tyle_emoticons/ default / sad.png

11. PP

Also a difficult opponent. Unlike us, it comes out with a full buff, knows how to burn mana and heal itself. We do the same as with the bishop.

12. Knight of Eve

The light elf is a tank. There is a heal, nasty dice and good defense + attack and run speed. The tactic is the same as against the bisha, only the elf will need to be mutated slightly close.

13.SS (SwordSinger)

It turns out under a full buff, the tactics, as in the case of PP - burst control and kill.

14. PV

Light eared daguerre. Quick, bitch, you can catch up with figs. But we are berses http://nanofree.ws/p...tyle_emoticons/ default / smile.png And we have a rush. Therefore, not forgetting to cover our ass, we show him the wonders of the speed of our skill, along the way damage and disarm.

15. Cheese

Light eared archer. In principle, he is a quickie, like a dagger, but a range class, so here you need to be careful and not let him zakite yourself. Our UD from arrows will help us.

16.SS (SpellSinger)

Light eared magician. He has a trump card in his sleeve - fir, so we don't forget to turn it on against him just in caseCourage... It is killed, in principle, without much difficulty, tk. his trump card is the speed of magic, not its power.

17. Nice with horses

Light-eared summoners of cute horses. It looks only, really ... In fact, if you do not knock out the horse, then it will knock you out, because the horse has a sickly camp. We ride a burst and trample the horse, and then the summoner himself.

18. EE

This cute eared creature will stupidly try to take it out. Imett is a good buff (with a resist to the stun, there is something to cry over), heal and res MP. You can only kill with burst control and high DPS, otherwise - death.

19. Knight Shilen

This is also an enemy with an unpleasant surprise - an awl. It is full of the damage done, so the more damage you inflict on him, the more painful he will hit himself. The only option is Burst damage and after turning on the shilka, with the stubbornness of a marathon runner, skip a minute and a half in a circle, and then pick up the dark.

20. DB

Dark long-eared with duals. It turns out under a full buff, has a bunch of unpleasant skills, from which we will try to escape with courage. The tactic is simple - burst damage.

21. AB

Although this dark long-eared daguerre has little HP, but with the strength of his crits, this is no longer his problem. http://nanofree.ws/p...tyle_emoticons/ default / smile.png
I would describe the tactics of the battle as follows: 3 seconds before the start of the battle, we cast an invulnerability talik on ourselves - for 10 seconds we are impenetrable, then if the daguerre hits us close -Eye for eye, Slashing bladeand we hit everything with skills, if he went into hyde - do not forget that both the hyde and our physical UD have an action time of 30 seconds, so after he goes into the hyde we run for at least 5 seconds and turn in the UD. The most important thing is to survive his burst damage.

22. FR

Dark-eared archer. HP has to spit at once, so we act in the old fashioned way - courage, soul barrier and with a rush impact with a shoulder on the face http://nanofree.ws/p...tyle_emoticons/ default / smile.png


It is better to be careful with this mage, because CX is the most powerful mage in the game. Damage, of course. Burst control, disarm and high DPS are the keys to victory. Do not forget to try.

24. Dark Summoner

Not a bad enemy. It has debuffs, a powerful summon and good damage in its arsenal. Honestly, I don't know if the skill works on the serverFanatical Devotion (Excessive Loyalty), but if it works, then first of all we must kill the summon, or catch both of them with RI and quickly kill the owner, otherwise it will be difficult for us.


See HER, the principle of operation is practically the same - burst damage.

26. Destroy

But this type can easily roll us out as if nothing had happened. Orcs, as a rule, go into battle with up to 30% HP, but here lies the catch: "it seems that HP is not enough, and it is easy to kill" - you say. "But x * ytsa" - I will answer you, tk. at 30% HP, the orc includes his self-buffs, called limits -Zealot, Franzi, Guts, here is infa about them:

Zealot- Gains the power of the Guardian and increases resistance to negative effects by 80%, resistance to removal positive effects by 40%, Speed ​​by 10. When using a sword / club / spear / brass knuckle increases Accuracy by 6, Atk. Atk. by 10%, when using a sword / spear, the chance of inflicting crit is increased. hit by 33, when using a club / brass knuckle increases the damage from crit. impact by 33%. It also reduces MP consumption for physical skills by 50%, the power of HP recovery skills by 50%. Can only be used if HP is less than or equal to 30%. Action time: 1 min.

Franzi- Temporarily increases P. Atk. by 50%, especially when using a spear or club, an additional 131%. Also increases Accuracy by 6 and P. Atk. by 16% when using two-handed swords or clubs. Available only if HP is less than 30% ..

Guts- Temporarily significantly increases P. Def by 200%. Works only when HP is less than 30%. Action time 1 min. 30 sec.

Everything is quite simple here - either you successfully run away from him for a minute and a half, constantly reminding you of yourself with a rush and not letting him get close to the strike distance, and then you issue burst damage, or you are a corpse.

27. Brassiere

Almost the same infection as the destroyer, only it has totems in stock that can increase its running or attack speed, so it's more difficult to run from it, it also has ranged attacks, so it's more difficult to fight with it. Do not forget that it also has limits, remember about physical UD andEye for eyeand maybe we will be able to defeat him.

28. Over

Good opponent. Strong debuffs, CPU drain, the presence of fear, sleep, confusion in your arsenal should tell us that it will be almost impossible to cope with it without a soul barrier, courage and a macro on soul cleans. Burst control, damage, remove debuffs and victory will be ours.

29. Wark

Comes out with a full buff, has sleep, fear, confusion and stun from a mace. We act carefully, remove debuffs and try to inflict high DPS.

30.Bounty Hunter (Chocolate Bar Hunter)

Dwarf. Gnome, bitch, stuner. Therefore, we cut in Fortitude and DPS, but carefully, controlling it with a camp with RI, the battle can drag on, so you need to buff the clarity at the beginning of the battle.

31. Blacksmith

Also, bitch, gnome. Can summon a "barrel" - such a tiny, plump and not very pleasant robot. In this case, we are trying to kill the summoner, not the summon. The tactic is the same as with the chocolate hunter.


... and two winged beasts came together, and there was no visible superiority - they were equal in strength ... Something carried me away http://nanofree.ws/p...tyle_emoticons/ default / smile.png

In the fight Bers VS Bers, with the same control, the equipment and ping will decide everything. It is useless to describe the tactics here, in my opinion, because we ourselves know the strong stanors of our character - two UDs, a reflector, disarm, rushes, auras, full HP restoration. I will give only useful tips:

1. At the beginning of the battle, it is better to start a rush, and then "Vaseline", often you may not be in time.

2. Don't forget about Fortitude.

3. Remember about clarity and taliks for invulnerability and reflex.

4. Stock up on luck, it will help http://nanofree.ws/p...tyle_emoticons/ default / smile.png


This cam will get us http://nanofree.ws/p...tyle_emoticons/ default / smile.png Strengths - debuff Mark of death, buff style, has powerful magic and physical skills, as well as 2 paralysis. The tactics are simple: if with other melee classes we keep the distance, and with mages, on the contrary, we reduce, then with SB we also reduce the distance. He has a blink - a teleport some distance back - RI will not let the SB go far. Beshano DPSim, disarm, remove the Mark of Death and again DPSim.

Useful advice: SB can be both boys and girls-Kamael, and depending on gender, SB is added different skills: from a boy - UD, disarm, courage, from a girl - UE, blink. Keep this in mind so you don't be caught off guard.

34. Crossbowman

This fragile sexy figure can make anyone wake up well due to the Main Target debuff. Has a blink and UE in stock. We waltz endlessly with her with RI and DPSim.

So, of all the tactics, I will highlight the main points:

1. We NEVER use against daggersFurious Soul and True Berserker(but sometimes there are exceptions)

2. On the PvP server, our main strength is RI and Disarm. Therefore, we use these skills constantly.

3. Against magicians, you can safely turn onFurious Soul and True Berserkersince f. def does not play a role in such a battle.

4. Do not forget to turn on UD when necessary. The same is about the HP full restaurant.

Let me summarize briefly: Bers- a good class, almost completely sharpened for PvP and potentially very strong. You Can Really Become StrongBersom, only if you dress it well, grind it, attach it, insert it, etc. etc. But the most important thing is that if you take this class seriously with all your heart, then it will open up new facets in PvP for you. Remember this.

Glossary of terms and abbreviations used:

Bers - abbr. by Berserker
CP, CPU -the so-called "armor points". They are consumed first when attacking you, with a few exceptions.
HP -hit points are expended after the CPU in the battle is zero.
MP - points of vitality (mana), it is required to use skills (skills)
Daguerre - from the English. dagger - a character using a dagger / dual daggers as a weapon.
Backstub - from the English. backstab - dagger skill. Suddenly attacks the enemy from behind. Crete possible. blow, half-fatal blow, over-hit. Deals HP damage.
Damag - from the English. damage - damage done
Crete - from the English. critical - a blow that deals additional increased damage (critical hit)
Bizha - decorations that increase your magical protection
Talik - abbr. from the mascot
Char- the character
Rush Impact , Rush , RI - Rush Impact
Disarm - from the English. disarm - disarmament. A skill that knocks the weapon out of the hands of the enemy and puts it into inventory (it's a pity that not in your own).
Twink - spare character
Use - from the English. use - use
Buff - a spell with a positive effect imposed on a character or a group.
Debuff - an overlapping spell with a negative effect.
Stack - from the English. stack - combine
" Petrolatum " - Violent Temper
Mill - from the English. stun - stun. It is recognized by the characteristic asterisks above the head.
Duals- paired swords
Reflector - a skill that reflects partially or completely received damage from the enemy into himself
Hyde - from agnl. hide is a skill for daggers that allows them to go invisible for 30 seconds.
Range - from the English. range - ranged character
Milishnik - from the English. melee - melee character
Control - keep the enemy in debuffs, do not allow him to perform any actions without your, so to speak, knowledge, completely control him.
Kite - the same as control, only this is what the range classes call it
Burst - from the English. burst - Instant, strong, depending on the context
Shilka - Spirit of shillen: Gains the Will of Shilen and increases the combat abilities of party members. Increases P. Atk by 30%, Speed ​​by 30%, Atk. Atk. by 30%, the chance of inflicting crit. hit when using a sword by 100, damage from crit. hit when using a club by 100%. 40% of physical damage dealt in melee is recovered in HP, does not apply to damage from skills. Decreases Power of HP recovery magic by 80%. Action time: 1 min.
Caste - from the English. cast - casting a spell
UD - abbr. from English Ultimate Defense - a skill that increases the characteristics of a character's defense
Courage - Courage
Soul Barrier - Soul barrier
DPS -abbr. from English Damage Per Second - the amount of damage dealt per second
Soul Cleans - Soul cleanse
Clarity -from English Clarity - a buff that reduces MP costs for skills
YE - abbr. from English Ultimate Evasion - skill that increases the character's evasion

Class abbreviations with explanations (abbreviation - decoding - name of the third profession) :

YES - Dark avenger- Hell Knight
TX - Treasure Hunter - Anventurer
Hawk- Hawkeye - Sagittarius
Sork- Sorcerer - Archmage
Necr- Necromancer - Soultaker
Cat breeder- Warlock - Arcana Lord
Bish- Bishop - Cardinal
PP- Prophet - Hierophant
SS - Sword Singer- Sword Muse
PV- Plains Walker - Wind Rider
Cheesecake - Silver Ranger - Moonlight Sentinel
SS- Spell Singer - Mystic Muse
Nice with a horse - Elemental Summoner - Elemental Master
HER- Elven Elder - Eva "s Saint
DB - Blade Dancer - Spectral Dancer
AB - Abyss Walker - Ghost Hunter
FR - Phantom Ranger - Ghost Sentinel
SH - Spell Howler - Storm Screamer
Dark Summoner - Phantom Summoner - Spectral Master
SHE - Shillien Elder - Shilien Saint
Destr- Destroyer - Titan
Brassier- Tyrant - Grand Khavatari
Over- Overlord - Dominator
Wark- Warcryer - Doomcryer
Bers- Berserker - Doombringer
Sat- Soul Breaker - Soul Hound

Berserker - Berserker (Bers)

Berserker guide for moments not included in other guides

Important skills:

Body Reconstruction - Recovers all HP.

Sword Shield - For 30 sec. increases your P. Def. by 3200. While this effect lasts, your speed is reduced by 40%. Sharpen on the withdrawal of the fine.

Body Reconstruction - Shields souls. Increases resistance to damage from a bow by 10, damage from a crossbow by 6 and increases M. Def. 100%. Duration: 10 sec. Sharpen for the duration of the skill.

Soul Cleanse - Removes up to three negative effects. Used only within their own race.

Violent Temper - Decreases P. Def. enemy by 30% and Atk. Magician by 15%. Duration: 30 sec. Sharpen for a chance.

Disarm - Disarms the target. Weapons cannot be re-equipped while the effect lasts. Duration: 5 sec. Sharpen for the duration of the skill.

Crush of Pain - Attacks an enemy with 7427 Power added to P. Atk. damage. Increases Power when using a Soul. Consumes up to a maximum of 5 Souls.

Slashing Blade - Swings a sword to attack nearby enemies with 2740 Power added to P. Atk. damage. Increases Power when using a Soul.

Spread Wing - Spreads its wings to attack nearby enemies with 2192 Power added to P. Atk. damage. Increases Power when using a Soul. Consumes up to a maximum of 5 Souls.

Rush Impact - Charge forward and attack enemies in front with 4040 Power added to P. Atk. damage. Throws enemies into a state of shock. Duration: 9 sec. Sharpen on an attribute.

Enuma Elish - Attacks with the Sword of Creation that divides heaven and earth with 6060 Power added to P. Atk. damage to enemies in front. Increases Power when using Soul. Consumes up to a maximum of 5 Souls.

Final Form - Launches a star from the sky, seriously damaging enemies caught in the blast area, inflicting 117 damage. and additional continuous damage for 10 sec.

Mass Disarm - Disarms nearby enemies. Duration: 5 sec. Sharpen for a chance.

Soul Rage - Deals damage to enemies and collects Souls.

Final Secret - Increases skill power and normal damage in PvP by 30%.

Eye for Eye - Within 10 sec. returns damage to the enemy.

Farm, quality

Bersu in fluff needs an attribute of the Earth, tk. from him the least resists.

The choice of subskills.

Subskills are very important in any kind of activity, be it PVP, Olympiad or just farming / quality.

Counter Haste - upon receiving a hit, there is a chance to increase the attack speed for a certain amount of time.
Boost Evasion - +4 Dodge


Attention! This addition may not be valid and the administration is not responsible for it !!!
At the request of the site members, I am writing this add-on, which is associated with an increase in the crit of the berserker. Berserker is a very strong profession, but on servers with x500-x10000 rates, putting paints on CON and taking weapons from CA to HP is useless, because in PVP, a simple blow with a weapon is stronger than the damage from skills! In order for the Berserker to fight well in pvp on servers with such rates, it is necessary to increase the physical. attack and critical attack chance.
And so how to increase crits without taking into account the buff:
1) drugs. The best option for LS is a passive skill for Increases critical rate and what would be written below Crete. +30. Passive skill is a percentage of your current crit chance.
2) Weapons. the best option for Lineage 2 Part 2 (Gracia Epilogue) is Icarus' Wingblade CA Focus Master Work, or if there is no such Venus Grind CA Focus. MV Ikarus weapons have increased crit!
3) Epic jewelry. Ring of Baium and Ring of Queen Ant.
4) Subskill for passive increase in critical attack.


Unlike other inhabitants of Elmoreden, the only purpose of the creation and existence of the Kamael was war. Swift and strong as orcs, wise as elves, endowed with the ability to fly like artes, they were the perfect weapon. But the gods were still stronger, and the winged warriors were defeated. For many thousands of years they were imprisoned on the Island of Souls outside their world. These years have not passed without a trace - the Kamael have weakened, and now they have to long way, and only the most worthy will become free and gain a second wing.

Race Kamael

Special Race Features

The Kamael are born to fight. In battle, they behave more violently than the dark elves, and even surpass the orcs in strength. But they were not touched by the blessing of the gods, so that the highest power - magic - is inaccessible to the Kamaels. However, their purpose makes one-winged warriors resistant to magical attacks, and the chaos hidden in their hearts makes it possible to absorb the souls of defeated opponents and become stronger. Kamael can only wear light armor.

Race characteristics

Depending on gender, Kamaeli can acquire different professions. Even their weapons are different from those currently used in Aden, but they themselves are able to transform modern blades and bows into the swords, rapiers and crossbows that they are used to fighting with. All classes, without exception, are considered fighters, and in the group they play the role of attack.

Berserker class

Berserker, (abbr. Bers) - a fast warrior who swoops in like a hurricane, uses a special two-handed sword. The main feature of the berserker is the way of attack - he stuns the enemy with a running start and, running back, finishes him with the same quick attacks, often the enemy does not even have time to do anything. Can disarm the enemy, stun at a distance, increase the maximum amount of life, and even fully restore his body. Has a large number of skills that hit several opponents at once. Quite strong and very fast.

Kamael Male

The male Kamael soldier is the first class of all men of the race, he is like the fighters of other races. His strengths are 41 (STR) and 31 stamina (CON), which are comparable to the Dark Elves, which makes his attacks very strong, and his health points are very low. The Kamael's Dexterity Index (DEX) is 33, and is second in comparison with other races (only Light Elves are faster). His magical abilities are also quite high (29 INT), but useless for future Berserkers. Only male Kamaelis can become Berserkers.
At the first level, we use the Teleport Scroll to the Kamael Village, we approach the Novice Assistant, and he gives simple tasks. Upon reaching level 10, fly to the Talking Island Village, complete the tasks of the Assistant Newbies, and you will be given level 18, after which you can do a quest for a profession. This whole operation takes up to an hour.

The path from Soldier to Punisher

Several nuances associated with the beginning of our journey:

  • Before you take the quest for the Soldier profession, you can look into the village of the dark elves and take the Dwarven Kinship quest from Carlon. This quest will overlap with the profession quest.
  • The Soldier profession quest is called Path of the Trooper, and you can get it in Gludio from Master Gwain. After completing the quest, talk to the Kamael Grand Master standing next to him and change the profession to a Soldier.
  • After completing the quest for the profession, you can earn a little Adena and get 21 levels by completing 3 quests: Walk of Fate, Ominous News and Blood Fiend.

Soldier. Level: 20 - 40

The soldier is the first profession of all men of the Kamael race. The profession combines both the skills of future Executioners and the skills of future Berserkers. Let's take a look at all the skills of this profession up to level 40.

Active skills

Skill Short description
Abyssal Blaze ( Radiance of the Abyss) Shot by a materialized soul. Consumes 5 Souls.
Change Weapon ( Conversion) Change from conventional weapons to unique weapon Kamael. Reverse replacement is possible.
Dark Strike ( Dark Strike) Summons the power of souls for a killing blow. Consumes 5 Souls. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or ancient sword.
Double Thrust ( Double Injection) Two quick shots. Consumes 5 Souls. A rapier is required.
Strike Back ( Counter attack) Reflects damage dealt by a melee skill back to the enemy. Continuously consumes MP.
Dark Explosion ( Dark Explosion) Explodes souls and damages nearby enemies. Consumes 5 Souls. Useless at 40+ levels.
Death Mark ( Death Mark) Marks the target with darkness. Decreases M. Def. / P. Def. HP every second. Lasts 30 sec. After 40+, the skill loses its effectiveness.
Increase Power ( Strength increase) For 20 min. increases your P. Atk. By 12%. Similar to the skills Power, etc.
Rush ( Swift Throw) The character rushes towards the enemy. Requires an ancient sword or rapier. Most often used in PVP, for quickly approaching enemies attacking at a distance.
Erase Mark ( Erase Label) Heals for Weak Death Mark. A useless skill.
Furious Soul ( Furious Soul) For 1 min. 30 sec. increases the probability of a critical strike, as well as the damage from it. During the effect of P. Def. decreases. The skill is applicable for pumping and increasing DPS, but destructive during PVP.
Hard March ( Energetic Step) Increases your Haste by 20. Requires 1 soul. Continuously consumes MP according to the level.
Courage ( Courage) Increases resistance to Mental Attacks. Action time: 1 min.
Disarm ( To disarm) Disarms the target. Weapons cannot be re-equipped while the effect lasts. Duration: 5 sec. An irreplaceable skill in PVP.
Sword Shield ( ) For 30 sec. increases your P. Def. by 1600. While this effect lasts, your haste is reduced by 40%.
Dark Blade ( Blade of Darkness) Increases your damage by 10 due to dark magic.

Passive skills

SkillShort description
Light Armor Mastery ( Light Armor Mastery)
Ancient Sword Mastery ( Ancient Sword Mastery)
Magic Immunity ( Magic Immunity) Increases M. Def.
Rapier Mastery ( Rapier possession) } Increases P. Atk. when using a rapier.

Hunting Zones

Level 21-39

Dress Common Item - General's Katzbalger, top-D armor and start pumping.

Acceptable locations for leveling 20+ will be:

  • Cruma Marshlands (Swamps of Cruma) - it is better to hunt further from the Tower.
  • Plains of Dion - You can hunt at the eastern gate of Dion.
  • Partisan "s Hideaway - x2 monsters and groups of monsters will meet.
  • Abandoned Camp

To upgrade to 30+, you can visit such locations as:

  • Cruma Marshlands - we hunt near the tower.
  • Execution Grounds
  • The Ant Nest (Anthill) - very large clusters of monsters, there are monsters x2.
  • Hardin "s Private Academy

At level 35, the Temple Missionary and Temple Executor quests will become available to you, which can be taken in the Temple of Dion, they, subsequently, will open a small quest chain. By completing these quests, you can pump up to level 39.

Berserk. Level: 40 - 76

After reaching level 39, you need to complete the Certified Berserker Quest to change your profession. The quest is very simple compared to other race quests. It can be obtained from NPC Orkurus in the Town of Oren village. After completing the quest, you can begin to comprehend new skills for your class.

Active skills

SkillShort description
Dark Smash ( Crush by the Dark) Summons power for a killing blow. Consumes 5 Souls. Requires an ancient sword. Over-hit is possible. Only affects 1 selected target.
Life to Soul ( Life For Soul) Sacrifices his HP and restores 1 Soul. The higher the skill level, the more souls you get for your Health Points. It is better not to use this skill in battle, and buy bottles for souls in the city in advance, and fill these bottles there.
Soul Gathering ( Gathering Souls) Gathers nearby souls. Maximum amount shower can be collected at once. Consumes 10 units. Ores of Spirits. The skill can be used in unforeseen PVP if you are involved in a battle without a single soul. The skill has a very long cooldown.
Shoulder Charge ( Shoulder Push) Dashes at enemies, attacking them with a shoulder. Stuns the enemy for 9 sec. Increases Power when using a Soul. Consumes up to a maximum of 5 Souls. Requires an Ancient Sword. Over-hit is possible. The skill is very useful in PVP, and, when skillful use, allows you to almost always keep the enemy stunned.
Light Armor Mastery ( Light Armor Mastery) Decreases P. Def., Evasion and increases P. Def. Atk. / Speed. Atk., Accuracy. Consumes MP during the action, depending on the level. Along with the skill Furious Soul ( Furious Soul) increases the DPS of your character, by lowering the parameters of protection. The skill is applicable in leveling and in a group, and destructive in PVP.
Dark Armor ( Dark Armor) Increases resistance to dark attacks. It makes sense to activate in PVP against classes that use darkness, or against monsters, with attacks of darkness.
Disarm ( To disarm) Disarms the target. Weapons cannot be re-equipped while the effect lasts. Duration: 5 sec. One of the basic and core skills of the Berserker. The most important skill in PVP, it is advisable to use it as often as possible.
Scorn ( Contempt) Provokes enemies in front of you. Acts exactly the same as skill Aggression in all types of tank, but much weaker.
Slashing Blade ( Recipe: Silver Mold (100%)) Swings his sword and attacks nearby enemies, dealing additional damage. Increases Power when using a Soul. Consumes up to a maximum of 5 Souls. Requires an Ancient Sword. Over-hit is possible.

Acts exactly the same as Dark Smash ( Crush by the Dark), however, attacks several opponents at once. The skill is not very effective in PVP, due to the weak level of attack, but it will help a lot when pumping on large concentrations of monsters (Ancient Battleground, Tanor Canyon).

Courage ( Courage) Increases resistance to Mental Attacks. Action time: 1 min. The skill increases your resistance to sleep, paralysis, retention, etc. for a minute. Very useful in PVP.
Storm Assault ( Storm Onslaught) Lashes out at enemies around it like a storm, dealing additional damage. Increases Power when using a Soul. Consumes up to a maximum of 5 Souls. Requires an Ancient Sword. Over-hit is possible. Fast mass attack on your enemies. The skill is similar to Rush ( Swift Throw), but in addition to a quick approach, it deals damage to everyone who is on the dash line. Not very helpful in PVP, but along with the Slashing Blade skill ( Recipe: Silver Mold (100%)) will help in pumping on large concentrations of monsters.
Violent Temper ( Recipe: Blessed Spiritshot (D-grade) (100%)) Decreases P. Def. enemy by 23% and Atk. Magician by 15%. Duration: 30 sec. Along with the Disarm skill ( To disarm) is one of the core skills of the Berserker. It will be very helpful in PVP and boss fights.
Body Reconstruction ( Body Recovery) Restores all HP by rebuilding the body. The skill has a long cooldown, so it is better to use it only in critical situations.
Spread Wing ( Spread Wings) Spreads its wings and attacks nearby enemies, dealing additional damage. Increases Power when using a Soul. Consumes up to a maximum of 5 Souls. Over-hit is possible. Another massive Berserker skill, which is not very effective in PVP, but will help when leveling.
Sword Shield ( Design: High-quality MP Recovery Stone) For 30 sec. increases your P. Def. by 3200. While this effect lasts, your speed is reduced by 40%. The skill is similar to the Absolute Defense of tanks, but does not increase M. Protection and does not prevent movement. The profile skill of Berserkers helps both in PVP and in critical situations.
Blade Rush ( Iron hammer) Dashes forward, swinging his sword and attacks enemies on the way. Inflicts bleeding on them and takes HP every second. Duration: 20 sec. Increases Power when using a Soul. Consumes up to a maximum of 5 Souls. Requires an Ancient Sword. Over-hit is possible. Another skill similar to Rush ( Swift Throw). In addition to quickly getting closer to the target, it causes bleeding for everyone in the dash line.
Blood Pact ( Blood Oath) Increases Max. HP and accelerates the HP recovery of party members using the Pact of Blood. Action time: 2 min. The unique enhancing spell of Berserkers is not analogous to other buffs that increase HP.
Furious Soul ( Furious Soul) For 1 min. 30 sec. increases the chance of a critical strike by 30%, as well as damage from it by 30%. During the effect of P. Def. Decreases by 5%. As mentioned above - the skill helps in increasing the DPS, but it is destructive for PVP.
Soul Barrier ( Soul Barrier) Shields souls. Increases resistance to damage from a bow by 10, damage from a crossbow by 6 and increases M. Def. 100%. Duration: 10 sec.
Crushing Pain ( Crushing Pain) Attacks the enemy, dealing additional damage. Increases Power when using a Soul. Consumes up to a maximum of 5 Souls. Requires an Ancient Sword. Over-hit is possible. Ignores the Shield. One of the most powerful skills of Berserkers, as well as one of the main attack skills on the 1st target.
Contagion ( Infection) Attacks the enemy at the place of bleeding, dealing additional damage. Increases Power when using a Soul. Consumes up to a maximum of 5 Souls. Requires an Ancient Sword. Over-hit is possible. Ignores the Shield. Another strong hit of Berserkers, comparable in power to the skill Crushing Pain ( Crushing Pain), but only available if the target has Bleeding (Bleeding can be caused by Blade Rush ( Iron hammer).
Soul Roar ( Roar of Souls) After cast, immediately restores HP and CP by 15% and for 10 min. increases Max. HP and CP of your character by 15%.
Soul Cleanse ( Recipe: Leather Armor of Doom (100%)) Removes up to three negative effects. Used only within their own race. A very useful skill in PVP to remove enemy debuffs.

Passive skills

SkillShort description
Fast Recovery ( Fast Recovery) Increases regeneration of HP, MP and CP.
Critical Sense ( Critical Flair) Increases the chance to crit. impact by 10% and the power of Crit. Atk. by 111.
Ancient Sword Mastery ( Ancient Sword Mastery) Increases P. Atk. when using an ancient sword.
Light Armor Mastery ( Light Armor Mastery) When wearing light armor increases P. Def. and Evasion, reduces critical hit chance / damage.
Magic Immunity ( Magic Immunity) Increases M. Def. and resistance to magic attacks.
Soul Mastery ( Soul Ownership) Absorbs souls. Requires 960 or more. experience to absorb the soul. 20% chance to absorb an additional soul on crit. blow. Maximum of 21 souls can be absorbed.
  • 40 lvl. Maximum souls - 21
  • 74 lvl. Souls maximum - 40

Hunting Zones

Level 40-51

Dress Plated Leather and Common Item - Saber Tooth.

For pumping at 40+ levels, you can visit:

Level 52-60

Dress Nameless Victory with CA Focusing. If there is not enough Aden, then you can do it Common Item - Saber Tooth or Shadow Item - Nameless Victory

Leveling locations can be as follows:

  • Cruma Tower - Acceptable from level 50+. We pump over on the 2nd floor. A large cluster of monsters x2, x3. Kach in the group.
  • The Enchanted Valley - Acceptable from level 50+. We pump on the 2nd floor, on 3 monsters; can be in a group.
  • The Cemetery - Acceptable from level 50+.
  • Outlaw Forest - Acceptable at 50+ levels. (The best option).
  • Forsaken Plains - Acceptable at 55+ levels.
  • Frozen Labyrinth - Acceptable at 55+ levels. There are groups of monsters, there is an opportunity to "spawn" mobs.

It is possible to qualify in a group.

Level 61-76

Dress Dark crystal leather armor and Common Item - Divine Pain.

You can visit:

At level 73, you should start the quest The Finest Ingredients - Part 1 (Best Ingredients - Part 1) to get the item Ice crystal, which will be required to complete the Saga of the Doombringer quest (Saga of the Punisher).

At level 74, you should start completing the quest Magical Power of Water - Part 1 (Water Magic - Part 1) or Magical Power of Fire - Part 1 (Fire Magic - Part 1) to get the item Consecrated Stone, which you need to complete the Saga of the Doombringer quest (Saga of the Punisher).

The Punisher. Level: 76+

Get level 76 you can take the Saga of the Doombringer Quest (Saga of the Punisher), the implementation of which will allow you to change your profession to the Punisher. In terms of complexity, the quest is no different from the quests of other classes. After completing the quest and changing the profession, you can start the subsequent study of your class.

Active skills

SkillShort description
Fortitude ( Persistence) Increases resistance to stun / paralysis attacks by 30. During the action, MP is consumed depending on the level.
Enuma Elish ( Enuma Elish) Attacks with the Sword of Creation that divides heaven and earth with 6060 Power added to P. Atk. damage to enemies in front. Increases Power when using Soul. Consumes up to a maximum of 5 Souls. Over-hit is possible.

Strong sword attack in the area. Affects all opponents in front of you. Can be used both in PVP and during pumping.

Soul Rage ( Soul Wrath) Deals damage to enemies and collects Souls. Can be used up to level 40. Crete possible. Hit. Over-hit is possible. The skill is used to collect souls.
Rush Impact ( Swift Onslaught) Charge forward and attack enemies from the front with 4040 Power added to P. Atk. damage. Throws enemies into a state of shock. Duration: 9 sec. Requires an Ancient Sword. Increases Power when using Soul. Consumes up to a maximum of 5 Souls. An improved version of the Storm Assault skill ( Storm Onslaught), in addition to damage, adds a massive stun effect to all enemies on the dash line. The skill does not have a cooldown, which allows you to keep entire groups of both Players and monsters in a stunned state. (Minimum distance for a dash = 100, maximum = 600 - a very important condition for using the skill).
Final Form ( End Form) Transforms into ultimate combat form. Consumes 20 souls. It significantly increases your character's DPS, but all skills are lost, except for the skills of the End Form. Lasts 4 minutes, rollback time - 2 hours.
Mass Disarm ( Mass disarmament) Disarms nearby enemies. Duration: 5 sec. A very valuable skill in PVP against multiple opponents.
Final Secret ( Recipe: High-grade Suede (100%)) Increases skill power and normal damage in PvP by 30%. Duration: 30 sec.
Eye for Eye ( An eye for an eye) Within 10 sec. returns damage to the enemy from melee attacks and from skills.

Passive skills

SkillShort description
Health ( Health) Increases resistance to poisoning and bleeding by 20.
Wisdom ( Wisdom) Increases resistance to Hold, Sleep and Mental Attacks by 20.
Skill Mastery ( Skill Mastery) Gives a chance to use the skill without cooldown or with doubled cooldown duration. Depends on STRENGTH.
Fighter "s Will ( Warrior's will) When using melee weapons, P. Atk. by 100 and Speed. Atk. by 10% During the attack, the power of physical skills and the chance to crit. The impact increases.
Archer "s Will ( Will Arrow) When a bow or crossbow is used, Accuracy increases by 8 and Firing range by 50. During an attack, the power of physical skills and Critical rate. The impact increases.
Expose Vulnerability ( Find Weakness ) Gives flesh and takes bone. After receiving an attack, it reveals the enemy's weaknesses and reduces P. Def. It also increases the chance of inflicting crit. hit with a normal attack.
Protection of Alignment ( Balance Protection) Increases Resistance to Elements by 20. When a character is damaged, M. Def. and the resistance to the elements is further increased.
Protection of Rune ( Runes Protection) Increases M. Def. by 15%. When a character takes damage, M. Def. and the resistance to the elements is further increased.
Protection of Elemental ( Elemental protection) Increases resistance to elements by 20. When a character is damaged, M. Def. and the resistance to the elements is further increased.

Hunting Zones

Level 76-79

We definitely dress Gram with 150 Attributes with SA Focusing.

Locations for pumping:

  • Silent Valley (Valley of Saints)- Acceptable from level 76+. Monsters x2, x3. (The best option).
  • Varka Silenos Outpost (Warka Silent Camp)- Acceptable from level 76+. Monsters x2. (Not a bad option).
  • Forge of the gods (Forge of the Gods)- Acceptable from level 76+. Huge clusters of monsters. Kach in the group.
  • Isle of Prayer (Crystal Island)- Acceptable from level 78+. Weak monsters x1.
  • Hellbound (Hell Island)- Acceptable from level 78+. Strong monsters. Leveling up in the group.

Level 80-84

You can start thinking about a powerful weapon with 300 Attributes. For example - Icarus Wingblade.

Locations for pumping:


Level 1-20

These levels can be dispensed with Wooden Breastplate, which we got from the Supply Check quest (Supply check):

Phys. Def. + 2%, Max. HP +41

Level 20-39

Having received the opportunity to wear D-grade equipment, you can buy armor and weapons in the top-D store.

The most acceptable option: Common Item - Salamander Skin Shirt and Common Item - Claymore.

If you do not have enough Aden, then you can buy only armor, and use Shadow Weapon, which can be obtained for Coupons issued to you after completing the profession.

Level 40-51

At level 40, you will be able to equip C-grade equipment. The ideal armor option is Plated Leather:

STR + 4, CON-1

The set will change the characteristics of the character, and make him much stronger (+4 STR), and less tenacious (-1 CON). When unmodified, the set has low P. Protection. (The set is very popular when modifying all parts by +6)

The ideal weapon option is Berserker Blade and CA Focus. The berserker will be able to convert this weapon to Fang.

It is unlikely that at this level you will have enough Aden to acquire such a weapon, so you can get by with this - Common Item - Fang.

Level 52-60

Despite the possibility of wearing B-rank equipment, the ideal option for us will be the same Plated Leather but modified to +6. The modification can cost a lot of Aden, so you can get by with the modification up to +3. Unfortunately, the B-grade armor sets that are offered to us Shop of Prestige Goods do not have any bonuses useful to us. Top-B rank sets have good bonuses, however, they cost a very large amount of Aden, and their purchase would be unjustified.

If you are experiencing a lack of P. Protection then can be replaced Plated Leather on Common Item - Blue Wolf Leather Armor or Common Item - Leather Armor of Doom.

If you are not experiencing problems with Adena, then you can choose from 2 sets of top-B armor:

Phys. Def. + 5.26%, Speed Magician + 15%, INT-2, MEN + 3, MDR-1

Lung volume increased, P. Atk. + 2.7%, Speed MP Recovery + 2.5%, STR-1, CON-2, DEX + 3, probability of getting Poisoned -20%

Of weapons the best choice for us is Great Sword with CA Focusing. Berserker will be able to convert it to Nameless Victory... Another option for us is Common Item - Guardian Sword which can be converted to Common Item - Buster.

If you have a lot of Aden, then you can buy top-B weapons Guardian Sword however this is just as unjustified as buying a top-B armor.

Level 61-75

At this level, A-grade items are available to us. It will be optimal to buy in Prestige Goods Store Dark Crystal Leather Armor, which gives the perfect bonuses for pumping:

Phys. Atk. / Speed. Atk. + 4%, Paralysis chance -50%, STR + 1, CON-1

If you are a frequent participant in PVP, and have a decent amount of Aden, then you can buy Majestic Leather Armor, which does not give any valuable bonuses for pumping, however, it will give us 50% resistance to stun:

Phys. Atk. + 8% Bow / Crossbow, Max. MP +240, Weight Limit +5759, Stun Resistance + 50%, DEX + 1, CON-1

Of the weapons, the most popular option would be Common Item - Inferno Master convertible to Common Item - Sacred Pain... A more expensive option would be Common Item - Dragon Slayer convertible to Common Item - Undertaker

It will be unjustified to buy top-A weapons from Prestige Goods Stores and craft the best-A weapons ( Sword of Ipos). The main problem with this weapon is level 12 Soul Crystals, which are relatively expensive and will cost more to insert than the weapon itself.

Level 76-79

Having reached level 76, we can wear S-grade uniforms, the main value of which is Attribute.

The main thing at this level is to acquire S weapons. The most profitable option would be to buy already Attributive up to 150 and equipped with CA Health \ Focus Divider of Heaven to be converted to Gram... You can neglect the CA, however, be sure to look for an already Attributed weapon, since Attributing yourself always comes out much more expensive.

A more expensive option would be Dynasty Blade convertible to Dynasty Ancient Sword.

After purchasing a weapon, you can upgrade the A-rank armor set to the S-rank armor set. Again, it is better to buy armor already fully Attributive, or at least partially Attributive.

There will be 2 options at your disposal:

Cheap - Draconic Leather Armor:

DEX + 1, STR + 1, CON-2, Speed. Atk. / P. Atk. + 4%, Max. MP +289, Weight Limit +5759

Expensive - Dynasty Leather Armor:

CON-1, DEX + 1, Accuracy +1.72, Evasion +1.72, Max. HP +418, Dark Resistance +6

The Dynasty Set can be upgraded by using Dynasty Essence, with improvement we get Dynasty Leather Armor Weapon Master Warrior]) :

CON-2, STR + 1, DEX + 1, P. Atk. + 5.4%, Max. HP +492. Dark Resistance +8, gives a chance to inflict Crit. Atk. Professions: Warlord, Titan, Treasure Hunter, Master, Punisher, Inquisitor.

Next, the Dynasty Set can be modified using the item Dynastic Essence II, and then the Set will turn Dynasty Jeweled Leather Armor Weapon Master Warrior]) :

CON-2, STR + 2, P. Atk. + 6.6%, Max. HP +492, Dark Resistance +8, Crit. damage +282, Critical chance. Hit +2.95 Professions: General, Titan, Treasure Hunter, Master, Punisher, Inquisitor.

Level 80-83

Since Dynasty Sets were ranked S, they went out of style for 80+ levels, so every player now wants to wear Moirai Leather Breastplate despite the fact that the set is not much better than the Dynasty Light Ornamented Armor:

DEX +2, CON -2, when equipped with P. Atk. + 4.26%, Atk. + 4%, Speed ​​+ 3%, Hold Attack Resistance + 50%, Fire / Water / Wind / Earth Defense +3. Raincoats can be worn.

Again, it is better to take the kit immediately with a full or partial Attribute.

The situation is more complicated with the choice of Weapons. From level 80, Icarus weapons become relevant, with an Attribute of 300. However, it is unlikely that by level 80 you will collect the necessary amount of money, so there are several options:

  1. Continue to use S weapon ( Gram) with Attribute from 150 to 84 levels.
  2. Buy Heavy Arms of Icarus with Attribute at 150, and try to Attribute yourself up to 300.
  3. Buy Heavy Arms of Icarus with an Attribute of 300, and sell when level 84 is reached. The most profitable option, however, you need to have a large amount of money.

Level 84+

After reaching level 84, you can finally wear better armor and weapons. The choice should be made very carefully, since you will have to Attribute this outfit up to 1800 (360 Attributes in each part of the set), and walk in it until the very end. We are provided with 3 Sets of Armor to choose from:

STR +1, CON -2, DEX +1. Increases P. Atk. by 5.57%, Atk. / Speed. MP recovery by 5%, max. MP - by 347.

The Venus kit can be further improved with the help of Vesper Reinforcing Stone, and then the kit will turn into Vesper Noble Leather Breastplate:

STR + 1, CON-2, DEX + 1, Atk. + 5.57%, Speed Atk. + 5%, MP Recovery Rate + 5%, Max. MP +354, Evasion +3, Crit. Atk. Damage + 172, Paralysis Resistance + 50%. Allows you to wear a raincoat.

STR +1, DEX +2, CON -3, when equipped, P. Atk. / P. Def. + 5.57%, Atk. Atk. + 5%, Speed ​​+ 3%, Stun Attack Resistance + 50%, Damage on Crit. Atk. +182, Max. MP +360, protection from fire / water / wind / earth +5. Allows you to wear a raincoat.

The Verpes set is, in my opinion, ideal for Berserkers.

STR +1, DEX +2, CON -2, When equipped, P. Atk + 6.59%, Atk. Atk + 6%, Critical rate. Atk. +17.05, resistance to paralyzing attacks + 50%, Speed ​​+ 3%, protection from fire / water / wind / earth by 5. Cloaks can be worn.

At level 84, you definitely need to have an S84 weapon with 300 Attributes. Again, it is better to take a weapon immediately with an Attribute of 300, among the S84 weapons it is quite easy to find similar ones. There are 3 options to choose from:

  1. Vesper Slasher- Low-S84 weapon is relatively cheap.
  2. Feather Blade- Top S84 weapons, more expensive.
  3. Blazing Saw- Best-S84 weapon, rare and expensive.

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