Where to level up to 110 pts in the legion. Raids: Emerald Nightmare

By pre-purchasing the upcoming Battle for Azeroth expansion, players will have the opportunity to level up their character to level 110. But given the sheer amount of content in Legion, a couple of questions arise. For example, do you get all types of artifact weapons, or just one?

Do not be afraid! Below we'll go over all the details of leveling up your character so you don't get left unprepared.

But first, if you haven't played World of Warcraft in a while, or you're new to leveling up your character, there are a couple of things you should know. We'll start with general overview level boosting not related to Legion content.

Raising your character's level is very simple. To do this, simply log in and go to the character selection screen, then click on the promotion icon in the top right corner. To do this, you can use either an existing character or create a new one. If you plan to create a new character, then before boosting it, you can create a trial version of it with a level for familiarization. To do this, you need to click the "Create a new character" button, select the desired class, and then select "trial class" at the top of the screen. After completing character customization, you need to click on the level up icon and select it.

It is also worth noting that this process does not happen instantly and will take a little time. Just be patient!


If you boost a character with level 60 or higher, you will receive a veteran bonus, and your professions and first aid skill will be boosted to 700 automatically. And if a profession is not selected, it will be assigned automatically based on your main armor type.
  • Plate armor - blacksmithing and mining
  • Leather Armor - Leatherworking and Skinning
  • Clothing - Tailoring and Enchanting
Unfortunately, trial characters will not receive the veteran bonus. Although, if you want to get the death knight into gear, a quick walk through the starting area will get you to level 60, and then you can get the veteran bonus.

Allied Races' Legacy Armor

If you have already unlocked at least one allied race and want to use the boost on it, please note that you will not receive inherited armor. What it is? This is a race-themed cosmetic armor set.

Heirloom armor can only be obtained by leveling up an allied race character from start to finish (from 20 to 110). Boosting or the "Invite a Friend" service will not provide an opportunity to receive them.

Content from Legion

When boosting a character in Legion, players received some items from this add-on:
  • An artifact with 35 traits and three relics from 870.
  • Kirin Tor Supply Bag with:
    • A mana seeking stone that helps accumulate ancient mana in Suramar.
    • A cluster of shimmering ancient mana crystals that helps avoid the accumulation of ancient mana in Suramar.
    • Power-charged water and Dalaran rice pudding depending on whether you need mana or health.
    • The Tome of the Tranquil Mind, which gives you the ability to change talents outside the city.
    • An ancient healing potion that gives the ability sell it at auction restore health in battle.
    • The Dalaran Return Stone allows you to move to Dalaran.
    • 500 gold.

Where to go, what to do

If this is not your first level 110 character, then you know what to do. If not, then you need to visit one of the places, depending on your final goal.
  • The first quest begins in Dalaran, and serves to open Argus. You can move further along the quest chain until Encirclement Breakthrough, or simply wait 24 hours, after which the following quests will become available.
  • Each class has its own campaign class stronghold, which tells a story unique to this class. And as a reward you get a class mount.
  • Likewise, if you want to try other specializations for your class, then unlock other artifact weapons through your class hall and, again, follow the quest markers.
  • If you want to see Legion's story content, then go to your class hall and select a starting zone. They scale, so there is not much difference.
    • After four Legion leveling zones, you can go through the starting zones in any order (although the game insists on starting with Argus). But the order from a story point of view is: Suramar, Broken Shore, Argus.
  • You can fly in the Broken Isles. To do this you need to get two achievements:

I'm not one of those who like to quickly level up a character to cap. The blizzards always make quest content of high quality and it’s better to eat it slowly. Moreover, there is no particular reason to rush, because the Emerald Nightmare will only open on September 20, three weeks after release. During this time, you can upgrade and equip your Maine Hunt without any problems. However, there are plenty of fast-training fans, and active raiders will try to upgrade and equip 3-4 characters. So below is a guide to fast pumping to cap.

Let me make a reservation right away: the guide is not mine. The original is located.

Some useful tips:

  • the damage level doesn't matter, what matters is how many mobs you can target. In Legion, up to five players can attack one mob. So take some kind of AoE and flood everything that moves, even if someone else is hitting the mobs;
  • do not loot anything other than what is needed for the quest, because the process lags. Items that you did not pick up will later arrive by mail;
  • treasures do not provide experience, so it is not worth wasting time searching for them;
  • a similar situation with rarers, they don’t give experience, the resources of the stronghold are then much easier to farm on daily basis;
  • experience increases well on mobs in instances, so leveling up to 102 in 5ppl is a good solution;
  • upon reaching level 105, you should take an assistant from among the followers in the class stronghold;
  • It makes sense to do bonus quests only if they take place in the places where the main quests are completed.
  • complete the starting chain for the artifact; however, you still can’t avoid it;
  • initial quest zone: Stormheim. First quest: solo scenario with Sylvanas. Additional quests we don’t do it, just the main chain, as a result of which we get a quest to the local 5ppl;
  • by this time you should have already reached level 102; we receive quests for artifacts of other specs, after which we complete all available quests in the class stronghold;
  • Level 103: take quests in Azsuna and quests for main professions. In Azsuna we only do the main plot;
  • Level 105: completing new class stronghold quests;
  • Level 107: moving to Highmountain: doing only the main plot;
  • 105-109: The main quest chain in each zone ends with a quest to the local dungeon. For completing these quests you can get 130,000 experience;
  • in fact, by this moment you should already have reached level 110;

I don’t know yet how well this works, I haven’t tested it, but I will download the main using this algorithm. I’ll post the results separately.

Update (April 2017)

Having upgraded four characters to 110, I can say the following:

    • leveling up to the level cap (level 110) takes a couple of weeks in slack mode;
    • The easiest way to level up: completing dungeons for five people. Get in line by selecting the "Random Legion Dungeon" option and off you go. For each random playthrough, you get several tens of thousands of experience and, possibly, “blue” from the bosses. In between playthroughs, do quests in open world, focusing on those marked with swords - they give a lot of experience;
    • if a class has a tank spec, then take it - you won’t have to stand in line, tanks, as always, are at a premium, and the damage dealer lasts 20-30 minutes;
    • on Legion invasions (an event that appeared in the game after the release of 7.2), quests give four times more experience (61000 versus 15000 for a regular quest) - don’t miss invasions, on quests 6-7 you can reach 3/4 levels in an hour or less ( watch the video for the conditions of patch 7.3);

  • in the class stronghold there are missions that give exp (5-7% of the level) - do them first;
  • in itself, achieving the level cap means little, it is just the beginning of the path, because the level of the artifact and the presence of legendary items play a much larger role;
  • Upgrading an artifact from zero to level 30+ with the first character on your account can take a couple of months, depending on how much time you devote to the game.
  • Legion content becomes available at level 98;
  • it makes sense to complete the quest chain for artifact weapons - they are level 740, which is twenty levels more than the mythical level kit from the last raid of Draenor;
  • Then there are two options - you can continue the quest on the Broken Isles, or you can return to Draenor and finish two levels there. When pumping up the DK, I chose the latter, because the experience is the same, but it’s harder to pick Legion mobs;

A little video on this topic

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In Legion, the developers implemented new approach to collecting equipment, according to which items of the same (including the highest possible) level can be obtained in different ways. Below are the different types of gear that can be obtained immediately after the expansion, before the Mythic Expanded dungeons and the Emerald Nightmare raid open.

Features of equipment in the Legion

In Legion, players do not have to choose one activity to obtain a certain level of equipment. In other words, they will be able to get maximum level equipment no matter what they do. Within a few weeks of the expansion's release maximum level equipment will be 850. In the future it will increase to 895.

An item with a level of +10 to the base is considered battle-hardened. An item with a level of +15 or higher is considered titan-hardened. For example, if you like to complete quests alone, you can get a Titan Tempered item from a world quest without having to go into a Mythic dungeon.

In Legion, the choice of equipment depends less on the character's specialization and role. The main characteristics change when you change specialization. Rings and amulets do not have primary characteristics (except for stamina), only secondary ones. This way they suit all characters.

Legion's personalized loot system has been significantly improved. Once you receive an item with a level equal to the level of the item you received previously, you can give it to other raid members.

Relic Mechanics

There is a complete lack of new weapons in Legion. Instead, characters use artifacts, obtaining relics as loot. Relics increase the level of artifact weapons and add new properties to them. Each weapon has a unique set of relic slots related to its overall theme - for example, using fel relics.

Relics can be battle-hardened or titan-hardened. The best basic relics can be obtained from Mythic dungeons. They increase the artifact's power by 40 units. and more (in the case of hardened relics).

More detailed information about relics and their types can be found in.

Mythic Dungeons (840-850)

With the release of Legion, 10 dungeons appeared in the game; 8 of them can be visited without prior preparation (in normal and heroic mode). To visit the Catacombs of Suramar and the Quarter of Stars, you need to level up your reputation with (8000/12000 Revered).

In normal mode, you can get level 805 equipment, in heroic mode - level 825, in Mythic mode - level 840. These items can be Battleforged or Titanforged.

For visiting heroic dungeon Using the search system, the required level is 810. Mythic dungeons are updated once a week, groups for them are assembled manually.

The Quarter of Stars and the Catacombs of Suramar are only available after leveling up your reputation and only in Mythic mode. These dungeons offer two-piece sets with additional bonuses. An example is the Legion March, which enhances attacks against demons.

A complete list of loot and tactics for all bosses can be found in.

World quests (805-850)

World quests are designed for characters of the maximum level. Tasks and rewards may vary. World quests can be obtained at level 110, after completing Alliance of Factions.

These quest objectives are scattered throughout the Broken Isles. These include killing regular and elite monsters, fighting pets, crafting items, and fighting other players.

The minimum level of items received as rewards for world quests is 805. As the level of equipment increases, the level of the reward also increases.

As a reward, you can receive any piece of equipment, including relics; the type of reward does not depend on the purpose of the task. The reward level increases as the character's current equipment level increases, so world quests will not lose their relevance.

By completing more difficult tasks, you can get a more valuable reward. For example, killing a rare elite monster as part of a group will have a better reward than killing a jailer and freeing 10 hostages. For example, if the average equipment level is 818, for the first task you will receive a level 835 item, and for the second - level 820-835.

There are also world quests that require you to visit a dungeon to kill a special monster and the final boss. The reward for this quest is items from the loot list from the bosses of the same dungeon. In the previous expansion, loot from bosses could also be obtained as a reward for completing quests. Of course, if you need a specific item, this method is extremely unreliable.

How to change item characteristics

Changing the characteristics of items is carried out according to the same scheme as in Draenor. Enchantments and stones work as before. The exception is enchantments for weapons (Draenor enchantments work for weapons level 749 and lower, and there are no new ones in the Legion).

Thus, in Legion you can enchant three types of items: amulets, cloaks and rings. There are also enchantments for shoulder pads and gloves, but they only help with professions and do not affect combat performance.

After the abolition of garrisons, players are forced to turn to the services of enchanters. Recipes can be obtained by completing various tasks.

Equipment obtained from dungeon bosses, raid bosses, and world bosses, as well as as rewards for completing quests, may have a small chance of containing stone sockets. Rings and amulets made by jewelers always have sockets.

Jewelers can also complete the quest With Love in Dalaran and create stones with a +200 bonus to the main stat. These stones are extremely useful.

Graz! So you've reached level 110, all dungeons are unlocked, an awesome artifact and a quest that sends you to Suramar. What's next?

We've put together a list of all the things you should do at max level, from how to dress to the quest chain in Suramar. We'll be writing an article later that will let you know about the cool things you can do while you're exploring the Broken Isles.

Artifact Knowledge

Make sure Artifact Knowledge orders are constantly being prepared, which increase the amount of Artifact Power you receive from all of its sources. Placing an order for Artifact Data costs .

If you have an upcoming order for artifact knowledge coming up soon, first study the Knowledge, only then complete a quest in Suramar that gives a lot of Artifact Power, such as "Deep Research" by the Sorceress Perclania. Each rank counts, 1st rank gives an increase of 25%, 2nd rank - 50% additional Strength.

Artifact Power

If you are looking for a quick way to gain Artifact Power, for example, preparing for a raid and urgently need a second golden feature, turn your attention to the tasks in Suramar and complete the corresponding local quests.

If you are interested in leveling up an off-spec artifact, there will be a huge gap in cost between ranks 13 and 14 (from 1000 to 6840). So if you're jumping between specs, know that getting your first gold trait is much easier.

Third relic slot

The class stronghold campaign has a deep plot. In addition, upon completion, you will have access to a third slot for the relic. With the receipt of a new relic, you will make the level of the artifact even higher and will be able to improve another feature. When you complete a long task, you will send your champions to several long missions, complete multiple dungeon runs, complete 30 world quests, and recruit 8 champions.

These are two chains of quests (5 quests of 8 hours and 5 quests of 12 (Warriors take longer to complete them than other classes)), including the requirement to visit several dungeons and/or fulfill certain requirements for your profession, all of which cannot be completed in a day or two; The sooner you start, the sooner you finish.

By completing campaign missions, you will receive two pieces of class hall equipment (Breastplate and Bracers), new artifact appearances, a color scheme, and a special class rank.


At the maximum level, you will be able to unlock a new appearance for the artifact and its color: Other achievements require even more time to complete or complete content that has not yet been unlocked. You can also work on Hidden Artifact Appearance.

Character Equipment

World Quests/Dungeons

Before raids open, there are only two ways to get equipment without spending money: solo world quests and group dungeons.

By completing the quest chain in Suramar you will receive the following parts of the class hall set: Gloves, Shoulders and Armor Plate.

World quests

In addition to character equipment, local Legion missions can help in many other ways:

    Gaining Reputation: Each zone has its own faction associated with it. If you need recipes for professions, consumables, or an achievement Broken Isles Diplomat, you'll want to complete world quests. In all zones except Suramar, the initial zone quest chain increases the reputation of the associated faction to Honored. Without completing world quests and envoy quests, you will not be able to accumulate enough reputation with the Nightfallen

    For others, you will be rewarded with Artifact Power, gold and stronghold resources.

    For PvP missions you will receive honor or, with a degree of probability, part of a set of PvP equipment; For tasks for battle pets you will receive stones.

World quests are not updated on a daily basis; and they don't immediately appear as soon as you run out of the ones you have. There are also principles by which you should choose tasks to complete:

    Complete the quests of three active envoys, you will receive a significant reward: 1500 reputation and a chest that may even drop a Legendary!

    Envoys of the darkened, giving 750 reputation, so necessary for the plot.

    Complete missions that will reward you with improved equipment.

    The Guardians don't have story missions; Reputation with them can only be gained by completing envoy tasks.

    Complete tasks for Artifact Power and stronghold resources.

Army of the Withered

Since Nightfallen quests give little reputation, you'll want to complete their world quests, Nightfallen Emissary quests, and Mages of the Kirin Tor in Dalaran. Notable is the local quest Drill training of the withered .

Pathfinder of the Broken Isles

Flights are not yet available in Legion, but you can already complete the first step towards obtaining them: Blood of Sargeras increases some of your equipment by +5, up to a maximum of 850 lvl.

The chain of quests is quite long, you will need four craft bracelets lvl 815, which are still quite expensive.

In Mythic dungeons, gear from level 850 is already guaranteed to drop; Unlocking the annihilate will cost you a pretty penny (at the time of writing).

Raids: Preparing for the Emerald Nightmare

In Normal and Heroic Difficulties The Emerald Nightmare will open on September 20, Mythic mode will open a month later. So far, we have prepared for you strategic guides for four of the 7 raid bosses, the rest will appear soon.

In addition to learning about boss strategies and abilities, we'll soon be providing you with tips on leveling up your artifact and a list of recommended raid consumables.

Seal of Broken Fate is a new bonus to the roll, but Archmage Lan'dalok does not offer it yet. Some classes in class strongholds have the option at rank 5 of improvements to place an order for Seal of Broken Fate.

PvP: Farming honor

Legion's first PvP season begins on September 20th. For now, you can increase your Honor by receiving new PvP talents. If you're excited about the new PvP season, unlock as many PvP talents as possible before the new season starts.

An easy way to gain honor would be through the "watchtower" world quests. As a reward you will receive parts of a set of PvP equipment,

We tell you how to get PvE items and gear at level 110 for Legion raids. We present full list sources of equipment and levels of items that can be obtained in the Legion in one way or another.

How to dress in WOW Legion

New rules in the Legion: the coolest items can be obtained through any activity (quests, dungeons, raids, etc.) - however, the likelihood of such an item being useful is low.

How it works:

  • When a player receives an item (for killing a boss, completing a task, etc.), the system rolls. If it is successful, the level of the item increases by +5, and a new throw is made.
  • Rolls to proc +5 item levels continue until the roll fails (i.e. ilvl increases) or the equipment reaches its maximum possible level.
    • Items that are upgraded by 5-15 levels are called "battleforged".
    • Items upgraded by 15+ levels are called "Tempered Titans"
  • Both of these inscriptions are written in green under the name of the item in the tooltip, and essentially only show your character’s “luck”.

In the first weeks after the release of Legion, the maximum item level in the game is 850. A little later it will be increased to 895.

Starting equipment is specialized for certain specializations and roles - most of the basic characteristics change, adapting to the specialization of the character who received them.

Rings and Necklaces in Legion only have stamina + secondary stats, making them available to any spec.

The personal loot system has also received a good improvement: if you win an item that turns out to be worse than the existing equipment, this item can be given/sold to other raid members.

How relics work

A character's main weapon in Legion is his artifact. Other weapons cannot be obtained - they do not drop out in dungeons and raids, and are not given as rewards for quests.

Instead of weapons, you can now obtain relics through various sources - special items that increase the item level of your artifact, and also enhance certain artifact talents.

Each artifact has 3 relic slots. Sockets are of a specific type and depend mainly on class and specialization - for example, on warlock artifacts there are many sockets for fel relics.

Relics may also be "battleforged" or "titanforged". The coolest basic (without upgrade procs) relics drop in Mythic dungeons - they increase the artifact level by +40.

More details about relics and their types are described in the Guide to Artifact Weapons in WOW Legion.

Important video about relics:

Legion Dungeons (810-850)

There are 10 dungeons in Legion. 8 of them are available immediately at level 110 (in normal and heroic mode), and 2 dungeons require reputation with the Nightfallen and some other conditions - they are only available in Mythic mode.

Legion Dungeon Item Level:

  • Normal – 810
  • Heroic – 825
  • Mythic – 840

To access heroics, you need to have item level 810 on your character, and Mythic dungeons require a pre-made group (and cannot be completed more than once a week).

Since two dungeons - Quarter of Stars and Catacombs of Suramar - are only available on Mythic difficulty and have additional conditions, some loot items, if equipped at the same time, provide a bonus.

Among other things, the March of the Legion bonus is interesting, since it increases damage to demons.

World quests become available once you reach level 110 and achieve reputation Friendliness with 5 Legion factions for the World Quests quest.

World quest rewards start at level 805 items. How higher level items on the character, the higher rewards he will receive for local quests.

More difficult tasks provide more valuable rewards. For example, killing an elite monster (which requires gathering a group) gives better equipment than the usual task of freeing 10 prisoners.

Another example: if your equipment is on average level 818, then regular tasks will reward items of level 820-835, and complex ones will always give equipment of level 835.

Crafting equipment (815-850)

In Legion there are no restrictions on the number of crafted items equipped on a character at a time.

Items crafted by Legion professions cannot be "Battleforged" or "Titanforged", but can be upgraded to level 850 with the special Forge of Annihilation.

Video about the annihilation of objects in the Legion:

In theory, if you have a lot of gold or a lot of time, you can fully equip yourself in level 850 gear before raids open.

The best crafted equipment in the Legion starts at level 815. Necklaces from Jewelcrafting look especially good - they have a socket and a special proc depending on the character's class.

Relics created by professions are level 805 and cannot be upgraded through the Forge of Annihilation.

How does upgrading crafted items work in Legion:

  • Complete the chain to access the Forge of Annihilation
  • If you destroy Legion crafted items (from any profession), you will receive from them Particles of Annihilate. 100 grains = 1 Annihilate.
  • To improve crafted equipment by +5 levels you need 1 Annihilate and 2 Blood of Sargeras.
  • Read more about improving items: Annihilation and the Forge of Annihilation in the Legion.
  • Read more about the Blood of Sargeras: Where to get and how to spend the Blood of Sargeras.

Class Stronghold Set (810-840)

A special set of equipment is available in the stronghold of your class; access to each item is gained by completing one or another WOW Legion content (all can be completed alone).

All class stronghold sets can be viewed on the Wowhead website.

Item levels range from 810 to 850. All items can be upgraded to level 840, with the exception of shoulder pads, which are level 850 by default.

Base levels of items from the Stronghold set:

  • 810: helmet, bracers, belt
  • 820: gloves, pants
  • 830: chest
  • 840: boots
  • 850: shoulder pads

How to open each item from the set:

  • Helmet – reach level 110, turn in the congratulatory quest in the class stronghold.
  • Bracers – Recruit 6 champions for your class hall (champions are unlocked as you progress through the class hall campaign).
  • Gloves – achieve a reputation with the Nightfallen of at least Respect.
  • Pants – Defeat 8 final bosses in the Legion dungeons (any difficulty).
  • Boots - Reach Revered with two Broken Isles factions. In the future, you will need Revered with the factions of the Broken Isles to learn flying in the Legion.
  • Chest - Complete your Class Hall campaign.
  • Belt – receive 100,000 Artifact Power.
  • Shoulders – Achieve Exalted status with the Nightfallen faction in Suramar.

All items except shoulder pads can be upgraded to level 840:

  • 810 —> 820: 500 Stronghold Resources
  • 820 —> 830: 2000 Stronghold Resources
  • 830 —> 840: 4000 Stronghold Resources

World bosses (850)

There are 11 world bosses available in Legion, and some epic local quests are associated with them. Bosses will be available as long as local quests to kill them are available on the map (usually they last for several days).

In addition to loot from world bosses, you will receive rewards for completing a local kill quest (gold, stronghold resources, Artifact Power).

World bosses in Legion drop level 850 items. When raids are opened, the level of items from world bosses will become 860.

A little later we will add a separate guide on the world bosses of the Legion.

Equipment for reputation (820-850)

All Legion factions sell level 820 gear for Revered reputation and level 850 items for Exalted.

Legendaries in Legion are a random world drop! They are item level 895 and greatly enhance some ability - so much so that you can change your playstyle or PvE build to take full advantage of the Legendary's effect.

At the start of the Legion, players will only be able to equip one legendary item. As you upgrade your class stronghold, you can increase this number to two items.

At the start of WOW Legion, legendaries will greatly buff the character, if only because they significantly increase the average level of items.

Improving equipment in WOW Legion

Upgrading equipment in Legion works the same way as in Draenor: you can insert jewelry stones into items and cast enchantments.

True, there are no enchants for weapons in the Legion, and enchants from Draenor cannot be attached to weapons above level 850.

From a PvE perspective, in Legion you can enchant items for 3 slots: rings, cloaks and necklaces. There are also enchants for gloves and shoulder pads, but they do not provide any benefit in completing PvE content.

With a small chance, sockets for stones can appear on any equipment of the Legion: from bosses in raids and dungeons, world bosses, for local quests, etc. Rings and necklaces crafted using Jewelcrafting always have one gem socket.

Jewelers who have completed the quest To Dalaran, With Love, can create epic BoE stones with +200 stats.

Useful video about dressing at level 110 in the Legion:

We hope this will help you quickly put on PVE equipment at level 110 in WOW Legion.
