Where to catch Pikachu in Pokemon GO: detailed guide. Pokemon GO: where to find Pikachu and all the other Pokemon? Where does Pikachu live in Pokemon Go?

Aug 12, 2016 Game guides

If you love Pokemon, then you definitely know Pikachu. If you don't like Pokemon, you still probably know Pikachu. Even your parents, who probably aren't big Pokemon fans, probably know about Pikachu! An overgrown yellow electric mouse that only says “Pika-pika!” has become a real symbol of the Pokemon world - and, of course, many Pokemon GO players would like to have Pikachu in their Pokeball. If you also wanted to get your Pikachu at the very beginning of the game, and then find all the other pocket monsters, this guide is for you!

Fourth starter

To begin with, let me introduce a little to the reader who did not have the good fortune to play the very first Pokemon game. Or rather, in thesesomegames. The fact is that the main Pokemon games are always released in two versions: for example, a new game will be released in two versions - Sun and Moon. The purpose of having two versions of the game is that players are practically forced to swap Pokémon in order to collect them all - each version has Pokémon that the other does not. The same thing happened with the first part of the game - Red/Blue, but when Pokemon took off and gained incredible popularity, the third version of the game was released - Yellow. Its difference is that it tries to bring the player closer to the image of a cartoon character and the only starting Pokemon for this game is the same Pikachu, just like Ash from the anime. So, technically, the first Pokemon game is the only one in which the player can choose from four starting Pokemon. Of course, the Pokemon GO developers couldn't overlook such an important detail and added Pikachu as a fourth starter - but to find him, you'll have to try a little.

Why do I need him at all?

In addition to the fact that Pikachu is a beloved and iconic Pokemon, it is also very interesting because it belongs to the electric type. Standard Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur belong to the standard starting elements - fire, water and grass, respectively, and balance each other, and Pikachu, breaking all the rules, breaks this system. Unusual resistances and weaknesses of the Electric type will allow you to start the game in a special way and calculate your strength in battles in the halls in a completely different way.

How can you still get it?

It's actually simple - although the process itself can quickly become boring for those who are looking forward to playing the most popular game about Pokemon.

So the first thing you should do is, of course,start the game.Connect as expected, go to your Google account and create your character.

After this, Professor Willow, a local scientist who studies Pokemon, will start talking to you and offer you to catch Charmander, Squirtle or Bulbasaur.Do not do this!

Instead, just walk away from them. After walking a certain number of steps, you will see them again - but don’t give up, walk away from them again and again.

Sooner or later (usually after five attempts) you will be lucky and you will see the desired Pikachu next to the annoying trio. Now you can catch it and make it your starter Pokemon! To do this, just click on it and the game will go into catching mode. All you have to do is launch the Pokeball correctly at Pikachu. How to do it? You can check this out Here (link to fishing guide).

If you've already started the game and now regret that you didn't know how you could get Pikachu, don't worry! All starter Pokemon, including Pikachu, can be found in the world! Just don't stop looking. It is also worth remembering that Pokemon are usually found in places that are close to their elements - water Pokemon (for example, Squirtle) can be found near bodies of water, grass Pokemon in the forest, and electric Pokemon, i.e. and Pikachu, you'll most likely find around the city. Is it worth climbing into the nearest volcano for a fiery Charmander? Of course not! You can find him and other fire Pokémon in dry places, such as deserts and steppes. What to do if there are no steppes nearby? Don't worry, although you'll most likely find the listed Pokémon in the listed locations, there's still a chance you'll find them anywhere and often hatch from eggs you can get in the game.

Where are the different types of Pokemon?

Firstly, Pokemon primarily live where the Internet works. You should not climb into a cave in the hope of finding a stone Onyx - most likely you will not be able to find either the desired monster or a way out (if you go deep enough).

Secondly, the more players there are in an area and the more climatically rich and diverse the area itself, the higher the chance of getting different Pokemon in large quantities. Thus, ideal places to catch Pokemon are parks with small bodies of water, zoos, large squares, embankments and even beaches.

Next, I will try to list the types of Pokemon and name the types of terrain in which you are most likely to meet them. Of course, this information is not absolute and is based primarily on the experience of players, since I, unfortunately, do not have access to internal data from Niantic Inc.

Normal type(Normal Type) lives almost everywhere with equal probability. Parks, streets, courtyards, lakes, shops - normal-type Pokemon can be found almost everywhere.

Bugs/Poisonous type(Bug/Poison Type) are also quite numerous and can be easily found in the city - especially in areas with high level vegetation and bodies of water.

Herbal type(Grass Type), as the name suggests, most often lives in areas with a high content of grass, bushes and trees. If you want to find a grass Pokemon, then visit the nearest park or front garden - you will probably succeed.

Water type(Water Type), as in the case of the grass type, explains its location with its name alone. If your city has a beach, you will most likely find a water Pokemon. If there is no beach, look for a river or lake. Even some artificial ponds in parks can attract water Pokémon.

Fire and earth types(Fire/Ground Type), as mentioned above, love dry places like deserts and steppes. It is usually quite difficult for residents of large cities to find a desert nearby - so fire and ground Pokemon are also often found on the streets.

Fighting type(Fighting Type) is not too different from the normal type in terms of its habitat, but is less common. You can find it on the streets, in courtyards and shops.

Stone type(Rock Type) differs little from earth and fire types and tries to stay away from water. Look for it in the city or, presumably, in an area near the mountains (usually in the mountains there is no Internet connection, so it’s not worth climbing to the top of the mountain just for the sake of Rhyhorn).

Fairy type(Fairy Type) presumably occurs more often in the evenings in areas with high levels of vegetation - for example, in parks.

Electric type(Electric Type) can be found in cities - often in squares or near large buildings.

Mental type(Psychic Type) prefers to be in wooded areas and small towns. This type of Pokemon can also often be found on the beach.

Ghost type(Ghost Type) usually appears in the evening. Despite the name, do not try to look for Pokemon of this type in cemeteries - they do not at all determine the likelihood of ghost Pokemon appearing.

Ice type(Ice Type) is quite rare and is often found near rivers and streams.

Dragon type(Dragon Type) is also extremely rare and prefers a wide variety of terrain - but is sometimes found near rivers with a higher frequency.


I think that now you can not only start the game with your favorite Pikachu, but also find all the other Pokemon with bOgreater success, because now you have a rough idea of ​​the places you should go to in search of Pokemon. Remember - don't stop looking and you will definitely find them all!

When you first start playing Pokemon GO, after creating a character and choosing a nickname, Professor Willow will offer you one of three starting Pokemon to choose from: Bulbazaar, Charmander or Squirtle. However, not everyone knows that you can get Pikachu at the beginning of Pokemon GO. Although you can find Pikachu in the wild or get it from an egg, the presented method is the simplest (provided that you have just started the game or have created a new account)

How to get Pikachu pokemon go at the beginning of Pokemon GO

When you start the games, you are asked to catch your first Pokemon. Three Pokemon appear next to you: Bulbazar, Charmander or Squirtle. However, you can easily get Pikachu at the start. How to do it? Yes, it’s extremely simple!

  • When three starter Pokemon appear next to you, ignore them. Don't click on any of the Pokemon, just walk away from them
  • After a while they will appear again, trying to get your attention. Again, ignore them.
  • Eventually (after you ignore the trio of starter Pokemon a few times), Pikachu will join her.
  • Click on Pikachu and catch him.

This is how you can easily find Pikachu in Pokemon GO at the beginning of the game. How did you find your Pikachu in Pokemon Go?

Pikachu is a symbol of the Pokemon industry, the face of the animated series and the franchise as a whole. Anyone who has ever heard of Pokemon knows about this cute yellow creature that stings with lightning. Naturally, the appearance of Pikachu in Pokemon GO was inevitable - let's look at how you can get it.

How to spot Pikachu

Finding Pikachu in Pokemon GO, oddly enough, is not a difficult task. As you remember, after the introduction, the professor gives you three Pokemon to choose from: Chermander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur.

However, few people know that if you do not choose any of the presented trinity, then your first Pokemon will be Pika-Pika. This was probably done on purpose: in the animated series, Ash was unable to get the Pokemon he wanted because he missed the distribution day. There was only one baby left, yellow and electric, who eventually became Ash’s faithful companion.

You can also get Pikachu from an egg with a range of 2 km. But the probability of success is extremely low. If you have already passed the initial stage and still have not found Pikachu, then you can only hope for luck, or start the game again.

Video: how to get Pikachu at the start

Now that Pokemon Go is gradually conquering the world, everyone is interested in only one thing - how to catch Pikachu in Pokemon Go, because no one will refuse to get it into their collection.

Good news: you can catch Pikachu, but you can also take him at the very beginning. How? Do you choose one of the three classic Pokemon and think that's it? Ha. Not so. You can also choose Pikachu.

Fortunately, we know how to do this and will tell you, our dear readers.

How to Get Pikachu as a Starter Pokemon

In order to take Pikachu at the very beginning, do not choose one of the three proposed Pokemon that Professor Willow will give you after the introductory part. Don't worry about them, you'll still have plenty of opportunities to catch them as you play and obviously before Pikachu.

You are required to go as far as possible from the place where you were offered a choice of three starting Pokemon. They will disappear, but then they will appear again. You only need to walk a couple of minutes for them to disappear.

You will literally have to run away from , and , in order to eventually get Pikachu. Once the starting Pokemon disappear and appear three or four times, Pikachu will appear as the fourth Pokemon to choose from.

Keep calm: Pikachu will first appear in the form of blue rings, and after a couple of seconds the Pokemon itself will appear. Now all you need to do is catch Pikachu in Pokemon Go and start playing with the best starter Pokemon!

Where to find Pikachu in Pokemon GO

If you have already started the game and do not want to lose your progress, then do not worry. Pikachu can still be caught as you play. Try looking for it in an area that is connected in some way to electricity. For example, power plants or factories. Some users claim that they have seen Pikachu most often late at night in residential areas.

Pikachu can also be obtained from eggs that hatch in incubators as you walk. It should definitely be in 5-10 km eggs.

Not the rarest or most powerful of Pokemon, many want to get it. Sure, it's pretty cute and deserves its place on the best list, but no other Pokemon can compare to the adorable electric bunny-mouse Pikachu.

Anyone who watched the cartoon of the same name knows that one of the most important characters was Pikachu. And therefore, a new user wants to get it into his collection, but upon registration they offer three other Pokemon - , and . But those who remember the cartoon know that Ash slept through the Pokémon distribution ceremony and received Pikachu.

What player wouldn't want to catch Pikachu and finally say the phrase that he wanted to say more than 20 years ago: “I choose you, Pikachu”!

If this is your first time launching Pokemon Go.

Fulfilling your childhood dream is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Those who have watched the cartoon of the same name know that main character I got Pikachu because I slept through the Pokémon distribution ceremony. So, to get it you need to follow Ash’s proven path :) No, you don’t have to sleep for this :)

After you create your character, you will be asked to choose one of three Pokemon: Charmander, Bulbasaur and Squirtle. Any of these three is a great option to start with. But you really want to get Pikachu into your collection, so under no circumstances choose one of them!

  • Walk some distance in any direction from where you are.
  • After you move away from your starting location and the first three starter Pokemon disappear from the screen, you will be offered three more. Don't be upset if your favorite Pikachu isn't among them - just keep moving forward and get new options. Sooner or later, the long-awaited Pikachu will be among them (Experienced players write that for this you need to move away from the proposed Pokemon 3 times)

If you have already started the game and selected one of the proposed Pokemon

Since Pikachu is a low-level Pokemon, you can raise it from a 2k egg if you're lucky! Most 2k eggs will hatch into Rattatas and Pigeys, but don't lose hope and keep incubating the eggs further. Remember that every time you walk 2km you will get another chance to get a yellow-faced Pikachu! 🙂

There is another option - more active hunting. According to the assumption of Western players, all Pokemon gravitate to certain places. For example, aquatic ones often appear not far from rivers, fountains, lakes and other sources of water. Since Pika has the power of electricity, you should look for it near power plants and science museums. For a more accurate search, use the “radar” located in the lower right corner of the screen. If the Pikachu icon appears there, click on it and continue walking until the tracks get closer.
