Where is the stalker in the game? Where to find the exoskeleton in the game "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl". Video: walkthrough of STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl

(72 Votes)

In the game Stalker Call of Pripyat, the developers did not skimp on various Easter eggs and secrets, which in one way or another are a kind of reference not only to the previous parts of the Stalker series, but also to various films, games and interesting events. Easter eggs in Stalker Call of Pripyat, as in any other game, are designed primarily for an attentive player, for whom every little detail in the game is important, who is ready to look into the most secluded corners of the game locations.

Below we have tried to collect and present to your attention almost all the Easter eggs, and for some, probably the secrets of the game Stalker Call of Pripyat.

A reference to Clear Sky is that if you go down to the X-8 laboratory, which is located in the city of Pripyat, you can find a photograph of young Lebedev, who is known to be the head of the Clear Sky group.

When improving Sev's suit, the name of Professor Sakharov is mentioned - this is a character from the game Stalker PM, who lives in a mobile bunker on Lake Yantar, near the Wild Territory. Also, the name Sakharov belongs to a real-life physicist who worked on the creation of a hydrogen bomb.

West of Skadovsk there are underground passages where you can find the Joker, a friend of the Barge, and also make good money on artifacts. To the north of these passages there is another cave, in which a talking controller lives. When inspecting the cave, the inspector will ask Degtyarev to move away in a menacing tone. But if main character If he disobeys and moves deeper into the cave, destroying the controller in the process, he will see a dead stalker with the call sign Myron lying on the mattress. This is a reference to Fallout game 2. In Fallout there is a character with the same name and he is a crazy chemist.

In a place called Izumrudny, on the walls of dilapidated houses you can see images of Soviet cartoon characters, who are actually painted on houses in a real recreation center in Izumrudny.

Lamps from the laboratory of O-Consciousness can also be found in Call of Pripyat - this is another reference to the game Stalker PM. One of these lamps lies at the Jupiter plant. You just need to come to the room where the entrance to Overpass-1 is located. Find the container we need and break the boards. Behind them will be the same lamp. The second lamp can be found in Pripyat when completing the quest in kindergarten.

In the Cordon location, in a place called Sawmill, you can find a tractor with the inscription Rostock, and Rostock is a factory that is present in the first part of the game Stalker.

There is also a reference to the previous game in the Stalker series - Clear Sky. In CHN, Senka was a friend of Transparent, a bandit technician. In Call of Pripyat, Senka is again next to the technician, but this time with Azot on Yanov. After a conversation with Azot, the main character learns that Senka is a faithful assistant to the technician and is ready to carry out any small assignments for him at any time.

Pay attention to the name of the detector in the game, some of them are named Veles and Svarog. These names are a reference to the ancient gods of the pagans. Veles is the patron of fairy tales and poetry, and Svarog is the blacksmith god.

Petrukha is another reference to the game Stalker Shadows of Chernobyl, with which the main character had to protect the ATP from bandits. We meet him next to the anomaly. If we help him, he will give us a bear detector. However, if we already had this detector before meeting Petruha, then it will give us the Fireball artifact.

In the Call of Pripyat addon, we meet Shustry at the Skadovsk base. You can order various modified weapons from him - this is also a reference to Stalker PM.

In one of the documents that Degtyarev finds in the car on the Preobrazhensky Bridge, there will be a mention of the head of the Stalker project, Ruslan Didenko.

A fairly famous stalker named Uncle Yar (member of the Svoboda group), whom you will meet at Yanov station, was previously encountered in the game Clear Sky. Only his name is Yar and he is also a member of the freedom group. Perhaps this is a coincidence, but everyone will decide for themselves.

Help for the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - how to patch and install mods correctly.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadows of Chernobyl

The game has acquired gigabytes of updates, patches and mods (addons), some of which actually improve the game, while others destroy these improvements and the game simply does not work after installing any new update. You can simply get confused in this information, and your head will turn out to be a mess with a ringing sound, like after an attack by a controller from the game STALKER. It will take a lot of time and a lot of traffic to try everything and understand. This attempt to somehow systematize, its own contribution to understanding and assistance in cult game Stalker PM.
In the forums, looking through hundreds of sheets of information, we came to the conclusion that there is no ready-made solution.
Some play great on one version, others don't. Some are happy, others are angry. It's up to you to decide what and which version to play. Most likely all the problems lie in the hardware configuration.
So on this moment time are considered stable versions v1.0004 - v1.0005 - v1.0006 .
Having tried all versions, we made CONCLUSIONS:
Or a stable game on version v1.0004 using mods (the names of popular mods are in our Stalker collection)
Or a stable game on version v1.0006, but without mods and additions.
Our advice:
- play the original game v1.0006 from the developers of GSC Game World (there will be no crashes or glitches in the game).
- then try MODS.

For those who have difficulty choosing patches, additions and mods:

To correctly install all mods and patches, follow the instructions and everything will work.
All versions and updates are available in large quantities on the Internet.

1. You have the correct disc: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SHADOWS OF CHERNOBYL

Type the highlighted names into a Google or Yandex search engine.
1. stk-sfk-r-patch-any-4.exe (installed on all versions v 1.0000-1.0003)
2. stk-sfk-r-patch-any-5.exe (installed only on version v 1.0004)
3. stk-sfk-r-patch-any-6.exe (installed only on version v 1.0005)
4. S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl v 1.0006 RU SinglePlayer NoDVD (XR_3DA.exe) - for single player or
5. S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl v 1.0006 RU Multiplayer NoDVD (XR_3DA.exe) - for playing online.
Saves v 1.0000-v 1.0004 do not match v 1.0006!!!
v 1.0005 - v 1.0006 - all efforts of these patches are mainly intended to optimize the network connection.
Improvements for patch 1.0004:
1. The rendering of detailed objects is transferred to the second CPU thread.
2. Optimization of the engine gave an increase in FPS by 10-15%.
3. Shaders have been optimized.
4. Changes to the network game (we are not interested in this now, since mods are used that we have not tested in the network game).

ONLINE GAME S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Joining the server will only be possible if the client and server have the same game versions. In addition, you need to find a key online (we do not sell keys).
Now basically all “Shadows of Chernobyl” are played on patch version v1.0006.
Players can connect to each other online via a direct IP connection.
Both connections use the TCP/IP protocol. To start or join any of these game types, select "Multiplayer" from the main menu.
Router and firewall settings
Hosting a server for online play within a network connected to the Internet through a firewall or proxy server is not supported. Players can connect to the server using the information below. If you are connected through a router or firewall and have access to its settings, then the following ports must be open in order for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. have worked:
6667 (IRC)
3783 (Voice Chat Port)
27900 (Master Server UDP Heartbeat)
28900 (Master Server List Request)
29900 (GP Connection Manager)
29901 (GP Search Manager)
13139 (Custom UDP Pings)
6515 (Dplay UDP)
6500 (Query Port)
Make sure S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is in the list of exceptions for Windows Firewall or another program you use.
Installer S.T.A.L.K.E.R. automatically adds the game to the Windows Firewall exceptions list.
Antivirus programs
Users of antivirus programs (Nvidia Access Manager, NOD32, Norton, PandaSoft, etc.) may have difficulty connecting to the GameSpy server, as well as experience reduced game performance and crashes. If you are having problems, we suggest placing S.T.A.L.K.E.R. to the exclusion list of these programs or otherwise disable them for the duration of the game.

2. You do NOT have the correct disc: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SHADOWS OF CHERNOBYL

The NOT correct disc is the disc called MODA.
1. Zip the contents of the gamedata folder and delete the contents (this folder should be empty).
Check - start the game, wait for the game menu, the version should be in the lower left corner. If the version is not specified, then 1.0000
2. Depending on the version, patch it to the required one - v 1.0006
3. Play.


And you want to experiment with mods and addons.
All mods work on versions v 1.0004 (or v 1.0003)

1. Save the entire "bin" folder (this way you can return the game to its original position).
2. Update the game to stk-sfk-r-patch-any-4.exe (the patch updates all versions of the game 1.0000-1.0003 to version 1.0004)
3. STALKER_1.0004_No-DVD_RUS - put it in the bin folder (but not in bin\dedicated)
Games saved in versions 1.0000 - 1.0003 will work with version 1.0004 (but don't risk it, copy your saves to a safe place).
Save the game Stalker PM: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\stalker-shoc
4. Select a MOD or addon that is interesting to you (for example here), enter the name into any search engine, download and follow the installation instructions.

AMK MOD v1.4.1 and most other mods are not compatible with network game!
To find out about the compatibility of mods with online play, you need to go to the website of the mod developers.

Possible problems when installing patches:
If a message pops up at the time of installing the patch that this patch is not for World Wide, then you have World Wide!
In fact, for some reason there are few files, patches and additions for the Worldwide version, but you can find everything!
Save the entire "bin" folder (this way you can return the game to its original position).
For the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. version World Wide - its patches:
1. stk-ww-10004.exe or S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl v1.004, Worldwide
After installing patch version 1.0004, the game will not start, so look for the patch
2. STALKER_1.0004_No-DVD_RUS (or with your version of the game), it is called XR_3DA.exe
You just need to put it in the "bin" folder with the game. Please note that for the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. version World Wide - your patch XR_3DA.exe

To properly evaluate and understand the game of TC, we recommend playing in the following order:
1. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SHADOWS OF CHERNOBYL (v. 1.0006)
4. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. AutoZone
6. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. : History of Priboy
7. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Damage zone 1
8. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Damage zone 2
9. For mod lovers:
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SHADOWS OF CHERNOBYL (v. 1.0004) + AMK MOD v1.4.1 or Old Good Stalker Mod v.2.3
- "People's Solyanka 2009"
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R "HARD 0.1"
- GT Mod + Photorealistic zone + Soundmod v1.1
(Saves of all these game versions are not compatible!)

Real help for the game Stalker - Shadows of Chernobyl

Where to look for Vintar BCC:
Arm. warehouses are a key location in terms of obtaining Vintorez:
1. At the freedom base - to the left of the bridge there will be 2 barracks, in the second, in the far corner right on the floor (there is no vintar in AMK MOD).
2. Vintorez can be bought at army warehouses. At the freedom base, to the left of the bridge there will be 2 barracks; in the first, in the far corner, a military man will sleep right on the floor. You can buy it cheap. She does not appear to him immediately, but after a while, as soon as tips about Vintar appear. (For example, Vintar appeared to him immediately after the start of Voronin’s quest - point 5).
3. In addition to the indicated location, Vintorez is hidden in a hiding place in a hatch at the Freedom base (tip from Svoboda members). (the cache is empty in AMK MOD).
4. Stalkers have neutrals in Armenian. warehouses, you can get a tip to the “cache in the electrical panel” (laboratory x-16 on Yantar), which also contains Vintorez.
When you go down the shaft, there is a blue electrical panel on one of the floors.
5. If you complete the quest of Voronin (the leader of the Debt) and bring him a modified rifle obtained from mercenaries in warehouses (converted into a sniper rifle), then you will also receive Vintorez for this task. Unfortunately, the modified rifle cannot be obtained without killing a friendly Svoboda citizen. This military man constantly moves along the bridge - from the barracks to the post. But you can set up a seemingly random explosion if you connect 2 red barrels of gasoline and shoot at them from behind cover at the moment when he passes nearby. Then the green dots stay green (everyone remains friends). For some reason the program considers this an accident.

Glitch in the game with items:
As you know, a player can carry a limited number of items in a backpack, and the more items in the backpack, the slower the player's speed. But the number of items carried can be easily increased without losing movement speed. This is done by dragging corpses that will have your items in their backpacks. It’s strange, but the player’s movement speed does not depend at all on how many items the corpse has in its backpack.

How to increase the clip of your favorite barrel:
Go here gamedata\config\weapons and find the file with your favorite weapon.
For example, w_abakan.ltx contains the line ammo_mag_size - this is what indicates how many cartridges are in your magazine.
I think it's within reason to put up to 30 units.

Reduce weapon wear (tested with AMK MOD installed):
You can also reduce the wear and tear of your weapon with the line condition_shot_dec (it says opposite what it means) add more zeros after the dot or even put just one zero there, then the weapon will be immortal.

Reduce armor wear:
In order for the armored person to have protection from various influences, you need to go to S.T.A.L.K.E.R./gamedata/config/misc/outfit.ltx, in this line file (for example, for a beginner’s costume):

burn_protection = 0.1
strike_protection = 0.1
shock_protection = 0.1
wound_protection = 0.1
radiation_protection = 0.0
telepathic_protection = 0.0
chemical_burn_protection = 0.1
explosion_protection = 0.1
fire_wound_protection = 0.1

Now where 0 is placed for example 1 it should look like this:

burn_protection = 1.1
strike_protection = 1.1
shock_protection = 1.1
wound_protection = 1.1
radiation_protection = 1.0
telepathic_protection = 1.0
chemical_burn_protection = 1.1
explosion_protection = 1.1
fire_wound_protection = 1.1

The suit now has 100% protection.
And this is possible for any armor

Always run:
Open the console, enter: g_always_run 1 and you can run as much as you want. To disable the code, enter: g_always_run 0

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. codes:
Codes for bonus content: In the main folder with the game installation, find and run the setup-bp.exe file. Select the installation language and then enter these codes:
pseudodog - open bonus No. 1 (multiplayer map)
snork - open bonus No. 2 (multiplayer map)
Click the NEXT button and the bonuses will be opened.

Third person game:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\STALKER-SHOC
Add to the user.ltx file:
bind cam_1 kF1
bind cam_2 kF2
bind cam_3 kF3
bind cam_4 kF4

White iron boxes:
They are often found in locations. There valuable items, rare cartridges. Open with Shift+F or banal shots on the lid.

Where there are endless first aid kits:
In the wild zone, next to a downed helicopter, there is a scientist in an orange jumpsuit. If you hover over it and press F, caches about 10 meters away will be displayed - there are first aid kits there.
This is done many times and the first aid kits never run out.

Where to get cartridges for Vintar:
Based on the debt, buy from the colonel in the house (the house is on the right from the checkpoint). You can get excellent quests from him. They won’t let you into debt right away, only during the passage, when the thieves Bartender gives you a quest. But you can get there through the roof using the stairs next to the duty checkpoint. There - on the pipe and on the roof - from there down to the colonel, but if the debtors notice, they will be enemies, this is not profitable. In short, you just have to stay out of sight of the checkpoint guards and everything will be fine. To exit - through the gap between the buildings opposite the house with the colonel. You won’t be able to get out right away, but you can if you try and be patient.

Accelerated passage of Stalker - Shadows of Chernobyl
This is for a quick idea of ​​the game, but we recommend completing most of the quests to get the storyline right. This will provide many benefits. For example, artifacts, weapons, money, armor.
All side quests are passing by. When we see a corpse, we collect first aid kits and ammunition. We unload the guns and throw them away. We buy all the first aid kits, bandages and cartridges from each merchant. We shoot in the head.
1. Get Shustroy’s flash drive.
We take the quest from Sidorich in the basement at the beginning of the game.
We go to the Wolf, take the weapon. We go to the scouts, talk to them and raise them to storm the ATP. We take the bandits to the ATP. We take a shotgun with cartridges. We find Shustrogo, take the flash drive and take it to Sidorich.
2. Quest to take documents from the Agroprom Research Institute.
We buy bandages and ammunition. Sidorich gives the task to find his stalker, who will lead him through the cordon. We run to the conductor. He's dead. We bring the dogs down around him and carefully, by throwing bolts, we pass through the tunnel with anomalies so as not to fall into the anomalies.
3. On the radio they give you a quest to meet with the Fox. We run to him (the Fox has no more than three minutes left to live). We fight off the Fox from the dogs. The Fox gives out information about Gray - he knows about Strelok. We run to Gray. Meanwhile, the remaining dogs kill the Fox.
4. At the entrance to the Landfill location we see three bandits holding a stalker at gunpoint. The bandits got shot in the head. We accept the quest to recapture the landfill from the bandits. We run to the landfill to the leader of the stalkers, talk to him, fight off the landfill from the bandits, and accept a reward from the leader of the stalkers.
We run to the locomotive depot. We recapture the depot from the bandits. We are looking for Gray, talking to him. We get a quest to talk to Mole (not the Mole from Strelka’s group).
5. We search the corpses - collect cartridges, prepare for the meeting with the Mole. We are going to the Agroprom Research Institute. We accept the quest to fight off the soldiers, we fight back. Accept the quest "Recapture the Mole". We beat back. Special forces are landing, we don’t touch him. We run after the Mole to the hatch. We talk with Mole, we get the quest "Search Strelok's hiding place."
6. We go down into the dungeon near the Mole - we won’t see him again. We break down the spiral staircase. We find the shooter's hiding place according to the plan. We jump into it standing on the box. We search the hiding place, take the flash drive, an improved AK, and, of course, cartridges, and receive the quest “Learn about the Phantom.” We're not going back! We exit further through the tunnel. In front of the stairs at the Agroprom Scientific Research Institute, a controller will appear from behind and the quest "Strelok's Cache" will close - we do not touch the controller.
7. We run to the entrance to the research institute building, in which there are documents - two grenades to the entrance. Let's run inside. We make our way to the third floor. In the hall we grab the documents. We run out of the building. At the exit we kill the special forces with a grenade. Don't try to bring down the special forces slowly - it won't work. We run away, and quickly kill those who run behind us.
8. We run to the Landfill location. Then to the Debt base and to the bartender. We give the docks, accept the x18 laboratory quest and a normal suit. We run to the Wild Valley through the Landfill, without harming anyone. In the Wild Valley we see Dolgovets at the entrance, holding a bandit at gunpoint. We don’t shoot the debtor in the head. We accept the quest to save Dolgovets. We save. We get an optical sight and attach it to our AK.
9. We make our way to the base through the sewer from the side of the fence. We go into the bandits' building. We are looking for Borov, we bring him down, we take the key to x18. We go down to the prison, find Dolgovets’ suit, and put it on ourselves. Next, we go to x18.
10. In the laboratory x18. We search the floor, find the scientist's corpse, enter the code into the door, press "Enter". We search the next floor, find a corpse, enter the code, open the door again. Next we go along the arrow. We run to the left, break out the windows, collect ammunition and first aid kits. We run to the right to the second floor, take away the docks. We find a running anomaly and bring it down. The door opens. The special forces run in.
11. We bring down the special forces, we run out through the southern exit to the Cordon. We go to Sidorich, get a reward, buy first aid kits. Let's go to the Bartender. We get a quest for x16. We buy all the information from the information dealer.
12. We go through the Wild Territory. We receive the quest “Save Kruglov” from the bandits. We bring down the bandits and take away their optics.
13. We go with Kruglov to the location “Lake Yantar”. We see zombies, shoot zombies in the head with single optics, switch 0. We go into the building behind Kruglov. We receive quests from comrade. Sakharov: “Escort Kruglov.”
14. We take Kruglov and run ahead, clearing out the zombies. We also run forward in the tunnel. If the cleanup is successful, Kruglov will be alive. After the release, we run up to Kruglov, pick him up and run to Sakharov. Let's save.
15. We get protective psi bullshit. We receive the quest "Disable installation". We go not to the installation, but to the swamp, looking for the corpse of Prof. Vasiliev, we search, we complete the quest “Info about the Phantom”.
16. We clear the territory, go downstairs to the laboratory and turn off the installation by moving up the 4th level along the spiral staircase.
17. Next, we carefully go up, catch the controller, throw 2 grenades at his feet, then run up and shoot in the head. The controller was killed. We carefully search the corpse of the ghost, we do not take documents. We receive the quest "Meet the Guide". We take documents from the corpse of the Phantom, take the costume of the Phantom. Let's take this goodness to Sakharov.
18. We take the quest from Sakharov “Ghost Costume”. We hand over the suit and get an environmentalist suit - it’s the best.
19. We hand over the quest to the Bartender at the Debt location, take the quest “Disable the burner.”
20. We go not to the burner, but to the Cordon. After entering the Cordon, the Guide has two minutes to live. We run, on the way to the Guide we shoot in the head the dogs eating him. We need to do this quickly. We receive a quest to meet the Doctor in Strelok's hiding place.
21. We run to the Agroprom Research Institute, again climb into the cache from the side of the fence. We meet the Doctor and receive the quest “Find the decoder in Pripyat.” We return back the way we came, the only controller remaining in the Zone is wandering ahead.
22. We run through the Debt base to the Army warehouses. At the Svoboda base we take the Vintorez and buy cartridges for it. We fight off the checkpoint from the Monoliths, update the barrels and cartridges.
23. We pass through Radar directly to Pripyat. We run 20 meters of the burner action on first aid kits, the quest “Disable the burner” is counted.
24. With the “Dolga” group we make our way to the underground parking lot. Next, we go to the hotel, find a decoder, and receive the quest “Open the encrypted door.”
25. We run into the stadium in Pripyat and receive the task “to get to the Sarcophagus.” In 7 minutes we get to the Sarcophagus by running around the wall, there is no time to fight, there is an ejection ahead.
26. Save. In the Sarcophagus we take out the Monolith special forces, pick up the gauss cannon and FN-2000. We go to the Monolith - false endings. We don’t go to the Sarcophagus to the “Wish Granter Monolith”. We climb up to the coded door in the Sarcophagus location.
27. Let’s decode the door and go to the “Monolith Control” location. Let's bring everyone down. We get to the flasks. We shoot the flasks. We get answers to all questions. Who is Strelok, etc. Let's join - the true ending. We refuse to join the realization.
28. We find ourselves at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. We run with first aid kits to the heating pipeline and climb onto it. We run through the teleport system to the last teleport. We kill everyone along the way. We shoot the control system. True ending.

For those who took our (correct) disc with the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SHADOWS OF CHERNOBYL:

There is no need to download, bother, search, try and waste precious time, we have already done everything for you!
You just need to choose what to play:
- the original S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game SHADOWS OF CHERNOBYL (full and correct version)
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear sky(full and correct version)
- A set of 12 mods for the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SHADOWS OF CHERNOBYL

Absolutely a new version, or rather a modification famous game action style Stalker Lost Alpha Dictors Cut has undergone a number of significant changes in terms of storyline and gameplay. The developers took into account all the mistakes and tried to make the game more vibrant and dynamic, improving both the graphical characteristics and the characteristics of the main character himself, who again finds himself in the exclusion zone along with his team, and now he has to go through more than forty new game levels, each of which is full of new quests.

  • Every story has its beginning. Even the history of the Zone, which is full of the most unexpected turns and poignant moments. But where did it start? If the original games throw the player into an already populated and quite habitable Zone, then the modification S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl - F.O.T.O.G.R.A.F., a torrent from which is worth downloading for those who want to solve a couple of the darkest secrets of this gloomy area, tells about the period when the Zone was still “wild”.

  • This time you have a fresh modification of the Stalker series, which is called Stalker People's solyanka 2018. At the very beginning of the 21st century, after a new strong explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the surrounding lands became a hostile Zone for humans, filled with various mutants and deadly traps.

  • Down-load a game

    Many people really liked the game called Stalker, which at one time became a truly cult hit. And now there is good news for everyone who has already played this quest shooter - everyone will be able to play the continuation of this bright and amazing game.

  • Encyclopedia sections:

    Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl

    There is hardly a person who has not heard about the game Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl. This masterpiece has sold more than 2 million copies around the world, not counting pirated versions, but sales are still continuing. But, if you are new to this topic, we will still tell you about the main points Stalker games Shadow of Chernobyl. The game cannot be called a pure shooter, rather it is a game in the Survival FPS genre, with RPG elements and a little bit of stealth (although stealth is almost not implemented in the game, many will try to complete the game in this way).

    Encyclopedia on the game Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl

    The action takes place in the near future.
    The place where the events take place is the thirty-kilometer “Exclusion Zone” in Chernobyl. You will plunge into the atmospheric world of the game as a Stalker - an artifact hunter, a person who is trying to survive in this harsh world, and also earn extra money. It is unknown what made the stalkers enter the zone, a bad past, or a desire to experience all the danger and unpredictability of the Zone. You will visit such places as: the Red Forest, Pripyat, the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, a dump of abandoned equipment, as well as secret laboratories, at the mention of which, with horror, the blood runs cold. But, despite the fear, as you progress through the plot, you will have to visit the most interesting and dangerous corners of the Zone.

    Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl is a very deep well for research; true fans, connoisseurs, and simply people who are captivated by the unique atmosphere of abandonment and alienation will not be able to tear themselves away from the game after completing it. And this is not only because the game has 7 different endings, but because the well-developed A-Life system creates the impression that everything that happens is real. Stalkers, mutants, groups, everything lives its own life, making stalker a unique game.

    Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl

    Our encyclopedia is a source of information that was collected by many stalkers to help them complete the game, clarify some points, and also to supplement unclear questions. Much was not included in the game; the developers cut out a lot of content. In our encyclopedia on Stalker Shadows of Chernobyl you can find something that is not in gameplay, something that pulls and beckons so much. , various stories and who spend their free time around fires, anomalies, artifacts, factions and much more.

    "Braves fight alone for their lives..."

    You can talk about Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl endlessly, this is evidenced by a huge number of reviews, previews, reviews and topics on forums all over the Internet. One ghost town of Pripyat, that's worth it. Before describing the sections of the encyclopedia itself, I would also like to list the features of the game:

    • A huge game world - more than thirty sq. km.
    • A unique system for simulating life in open space
    • Realistic AI system (artificial intelligence), full life of stalkers and animals in game world
    • A very interesting, non-linear plot with seven different endings
    • More than 40 types of weapons, upgrades are possible. Sophisticated ballistics system
    • Advanced trading system
    • Photo-realistic textures, beautiful graphics on the X-Ray engine
    • Weather effects, realistic day and night cycle

    "...but there is only one goal. Choose your path to the tomb of the peaceful atom"

    About the Story:
    A year after a difficult battle with mercenaries in Pripyat, a bandit from Lesha Borman’s group, nicknamed the Greek, woke up in a gloomy cave. A dead degenerate lay next to him. The last thing that remains in the Greek’s memory is that he, along with his friend, the mercenary Johnny, leaves the battlefield. A shot, a terrible wound in the back, darkness, oblivion...

    Passage status: Complemented
    About the walkthrough:
    This walkthrough at the current stage does not reflect all the paths of plot development. Here is a description of the course of the game for 1 specific player, the mod has many options for passing, all the forks in the plot are marked here.

    1. Watch the introductory video, which refers us to the previous project from this developer
    2. We wake up in a cave, see a corpse on the radar, go to it, search it, pick up the key, go further through the cave, see a tunnel with creeping white smoke, go there, go to the Landfill
    3. After going to the Landfill, we meet DeadMan, talk to him, find out what happened during our absence. Deadman also tells us about Shamray, we go in search of him.

    3.1 At this stage, we can immediately go to Shamray, or we can walk around the Landfill, we won’t find anything particularly valuable right away, but in the basement under the flea market we will find a closed door, a Stalker is sitting behind it, refusing to let us inside. This discovery may affect the further plot
    4. We find Shamray at the transition to the Cordon, talk to him, learn a lot of new things, go to the Cordon

    Shamray at the Landfill

    5. We speak at the Cordon with Shamray, go on reconnaissance
    6. In the house on the left side of the road we find a Tankman with a dead comrade, we talk to him, we learn that two from Shamray’s gang were here and went further south
    7. At the Farm we find a “Sump”. They refuse to let us in there, they send us for a pass, which we can get under the bridge
    8. We approach the bridge, which is now a wall with turrets, wait for Krasnov

    9. We talk with Krasnov, learn about the new local rules, go to the Sump
    10. In the Sump at one of the barracks, at the entrance, there is Shnyra, we talk to him, we go into the barracks, we find Primus there, we talk to him.
    11. Afterwards we talk with all the other inhabitants of the room. Barchuk tells us that he saw 2 from Shamray’s gang, they were taken away for sorting. We learn from Khazar about a cache that can help us get behind the thorn.
    Here we have 2 options for the development of events:
    a) Find out about the cache
    b) Stay in the sump
    Choose an option(A)

    1. Khazar tells us about the cache in the armored personnel carrier, we go there, take everything from there, talk to Shamray, get the task of searching for stalkers at the sorting.
    2. We go to cut the thorn to the indicated place
    3. We cut the thorn, beacon Shamray (the “Radio Communication” button in the inventory), climb over the wall, run to the transition to Sorting.
    4. In the cave at Sortirovka we find a cache, take the cloak, and go to the village in search of Stalkers.

    Sachron in the cave at Sortirovka

    5. We find Sanya Galasha in the village, tell him about Shamray
    6. We go to Sidorovich and find out about the current state of affairs. Sidor offers to sew an e-commerce chip into our PDA
    (a) we agree
    (b) refuse
    Select Option(A)

    1. We go to the village, which is on the other side of the hill, there we go to the Bar (At the entrance to the bar you need to press the remote control, then the door will open), there we talk with the bartender. We receive the task - Form a gang, go to Sidor

    2. We speak with Sidorovich, we get the key to the basement, the coordinates of the weapons cache, we will have to recruit people ourselves
    3. We go back to the Village with the Bar, there on the hill in one of the houses we find the Tankman

    4. We speak with the Tankman, he offers negotiate with the Uzbek and kill the Grave Digger
    (a) We agree
    (b) Let's go look for another gang
    Select Option(A)

    1. We go to the Swamp in search of Uzbek (We will have to return to Cordon, since the path to the Swamp goes from there)
    2. We take the cache with Weapons, go to Uzbek (On the way we can go to a village with a water tower, there will be a military man sitting in the basement, we talk to him)
    3. We speak with Uzbek, he proposes to involve Shamray in a skirmish with the Gravedigger, also talks about the advanced anomaly detector that the Stalker, who disappeared in an adit under a bridge in the Swamps, has
    (a) We agree
    (b) We refuse
    Choose an option(A)

    1. After leaving the house, we notice throwing knives on the wall. We return to Uzbek and ask where to get them. We learn about Stalker from the center of the Swamps. We can pick up the knives from the wall (It’s better for the Water Rat to go right away, because after clearing the Gravedigger’s camp this quest will fail automatically)
    2. We go in search of the detector following a tip from Uzbek. We search the dead Stalker in the Adit and take all the things. A burrer will be waiting for us at the exit.

    Cache in the adit

    2.1 After searching the Stalker, we learn about the cache, which is located on the Burnt Farm, you should look for it here

    Cache at Burnt Farm

    3. We go to Shamray and talk about the Grave Digger. He agrees to help. Let's go talk to Galash
    4. Galash agrees to help us deal with the Gravedigger, but asks us to find 2 people from his group, we agree
    5. We set off in a southern direction, find a wild boar rookery, 2 corpses, search, tell Galasha about what happened

    6. We try to contact the Tankman using a walkie-talkie - a bummer. The transmitter is broken, we go to the base free (Base chn in part 2 of the original game)
    7. Talk to the Bartender. We find out that he has a transmitter, but he cannot sell it to us, because... The device belongs to Nurik.
    8. From the notice board that hangs near the bar, we take the note, it talks about the missing Stalkers

    9. We speak with Siply, for 10 thousand he tells where he saw the missing Stalkers
    10. Go to the indicated place, find 2 corpses. The task to inspect the scene of the incident is activated.

    11. We find a cache under one of the stones, search it, and also examine the board with a bottle and glasses

    12. The task is completed, but DeadMan, who is also interested in this matter, gets in touch, we’ll talk to him later, we’ll go for the reward
    13. We tell the bartender at the Svoboda base about what happened, receive a transmitter as a reward, contact the Tankman, and do not forget to inform the base leader about the results of the search for Stalkers
    14. After some time, the Tanker will arrive at the base, we talk to him, contact the Uzbek, and set out for the assault.
    15. We clear the camp, talk with Uzbek, find out that the Grave Digger is not among the corpses, go to inspect the camp
    16. Near the camp in the anomalous zone with frying we find a corpse, search it, and from the PDA we learn that Gravedigger's cache hidden by the military, we go in search of him

    17. We find the cache in the basement of a house in a village with a water tower, after which the Grave Digger appears, we kill him, we see the clue.

    Grave Digger's Cache in the Swamps

    18. We return to the freedom base for a reward, which should be given for the found diggers
    19. Let's go talk to DeadMan, after the dialogue we will receive a message from Uzbek on the PDA, from where we learn that the entire Water Rat group was killed, we go to their base, look around, go to Uzbek
    20. The Uzbek shows us a certain device that he found, we examine it, talk to it again, remember our conversation with DeadMan, return to him, but the place is already empty. We break the box in the pipe, find a note there, read

    21. The note refers to the place of “V.V. Sidor” and mentions O. Alexander. O. Alexander is a monk who is located near the church (On the Swamps), we go there

    22. We speak with Fr. Alexander, he doesn't have the key. The dialogue mentions O. Sergius
    23. We find O. Sergius and talk to him. The monk tells us about the icons that were transported in the helicopter and sends us on a search for them.
    24. We remember our conversation with DeadMan, go to the freedom base to Barman, ask him about the helicopter, learn about 2 from the Water Rat group who are now sitting at the tower, go to them
    25. We find a corpse on the tower, search it, take the PDA

    26. From the PDA we find out the coordinates of the helicopter, we go there
    27. We take icons from a helicopter, here we have a flock of choices:
    (a)Sell icons based on freedom
    (b) Give to the monks

    Icons in the Swamps

    Choose an option(b)

    1. We take the icons to the monks. We find out that the passage is already open, and the keys that we received are needed for something else. Let's go to Cordon
    2. At the Cordon we go to Sidorovich’s Bunker, talk with DeadMan there, then go to Sorting

    Chapter 2

    1. During sorting, we go to the Bar, talk with the Bartender there, find out that they are waiting for us in the back room, and go to an audience.
    2. In the conversation they make it clear to us that we need to look for Bormann.
    3. We go to another rock cafe, where Uzbek people are sitting, and talk to the Bartender there. We learn about the people from Bormann's group and about the chess game.
    4. We leave the cafe - take the note from the notice board, go to Pulevich

    5. We speak with Pulevich, we receive a task to search for boxes
    6. We go to the military checkpoint to exit the location. At the post we speak with the military man at the gate, and then with the Stalker at the fire.
    7. We arrive at 1 point on the Landfill, look around, receive a message from the Stalkers. They are waiting for us at the checkpoint in front of the Bar, we talk to them, we learn about unusual artifacts.
    8. We go to the Army Warehouses (Go to the Bar from PM)
    9. A military man meets us at the AS, sends us to talk with Leo, we go to the base

    10. Leo asks to take the Flash card to Agroprom, here we have a choice:
    (a) We agree
    (b) We refuse
    Choose an option(A)
    1. We go further to Yantar (Go to the Red Forest at the outpost of mercenaries from the TC, and from there you can get to Yantar)
    2. After moving to Yantar we see the military, talk to them, learn about scientists
    3. At the exit from the factory they call us on the radio, we answer, we find out about the beacons
    4. Upon arrival at the scientists’ base, we find a bunker with one soldier, talk to him, and examine the room.
    5. After the inspection, we go outside, there is radio exchange, we return to the bunker, ask the soldier about the stickers, peel them off the wall

    6. There is repeated radio exchange, we learn about the scientists at Agroprom, we go there
    7. At Agroprom we find a new mobile camp, but it is empty. We examine it, we find a hand-held flashlight on the floor in one of the rooms, there is also a PDA nailed to the table with a knife, we take away the knife, PDA, Flashlight
    8. Go to the complex closest to us, it’s also empty, let’s inspect the building
    9. On the 3rd floor we find a corpse sitting on a chair, search it, listen to the recording from the voice recorder (It lies on the table), take the voice recorder.

    10. We go to the dungeons of Agroprom (The entrance is in a hole, like in ChN), we approach the door - it is locked. We put a flashlight in the slot, shine it on the wall - it appears combination lock. Enter the code from the PDA
    11. In the dungeon, we search the corpses at the entrance, we find a gas mask from one of the Stalkers, and take it.
    12. We go forward through the complex, look for Strelok’s cache from the PM, go up into it
    13. We find a cache with a note, go to the locked door, shine a flashlight on it, see a combination lock, enter the code “1331”

    14. We search the corpse on the chair, take the note.
    15. We go back to the installation in the large hall, go up to it, search the corpse that is sitting next to the consoles, and take the key card.
    16. From the note found earlier, we enter the codes into 2 remote controls, the installation starts

    17. We go back to Strelok’s hiding place, open the door with the code “666665”, pick up a box in one of the cabinets
    18. We get out of the Agroprom dungeon, go to the helipad, expect a helicopter there
    19. The helicopter is shot down, we go to inspect it

    20. After inspecting the helicopter, we return again to the module, our old friend will also come up there for dialogue
    21. Talk to Deadman, go to Cordon
    22. At the Cordon we give the container to the head of the barrier, go to an audience with DeadMan at the Landfill
    23. After talking with Deadman, we go to the dungeons. The entrance is behind the door, next to it there is an input panel, it appears after we shine a flashlight on it. Door code - 1134
    24. A squad of mercenaries will be waiting for us in the laboratory. We kill everyone, follow the arrows, as DeadMan previously advised us to do.
    25. We meet 1 closed door. The note with the code lies in the corpse, which is located next to the door
    26. The code for the next door is 1730, behind it we find a container and take it
    27. We go to the surface, contact the customer, talk to DeadMan, exit the tunnel
    28. After the customer gets in touch again, we talk to Deadman, we go to hide the box at the Flea Market

    29. At the Flea Market we go down to the basement, hide the box there
    30. We go to the ambush position, wait for the GRC militants, kill them, get in touch with the Customer
    31. Talk to Deadman, go to the laboratory Dark Valley. The transition is marked on the map
    32. We go down to the laboratory.
    33. We go down to the 1st floor (the lowest), in the elevator shaft we find the corpse of a scientist. We search and take away the PDA
    34. On the same floor we find the box we need

    Location 4 boxes

    35. In one of the rooms we find the exit code (31777)

    36. We get out of the laboratory the same way we got in, go to the Landfill to the cache to hide the container
    37. We hide the container in the cache, the Forecaster gets in touch and calls us to talk to him.
    38. We speak with the Forecaster, and on his advice we go to Sorting (We will have to go there like this: Cordon-Swamps-Cordon-Sorting)
    39. We speak with Sidorovich, the Bartender (the Bartender will ask you to find a knife in the swamps, it seems to have nothing to do with the main plot, but this is not certain), we also speak with Varnak, who tells us encrypted in chess game code(379)
    40. At the exit from the Bar we see 2 notes on the notice board. 1 - about the scientist from X-18, 2 - about the ancient book. Let's take both
    41. We go to the Swamps to get a knife for the Bartender
    42. We talk with O. Sergei at the Church and learn about the Holy Land. Let's go search the distant grave, find a knife there, take it to the Bartender

    Bartender Knife

    43. We give the knife to the Bartender, we find out that there is a path to Limansk. We ask him about the ancient book. We go to the village to Sidorovich in search of Kuchma
    44. We find Kuchma by the fire, talk to him about the book, go to Polyana
    45. After we talked at Polyanka with Dushman, we go to Rock Coffee, Kuchma should be waiting for us there with our equipment
    46. ​​We come to Rock Coffee - Kuchma is not there
    47. We find McCleans’ group not far from the coffee, talk to the leader, tell about the Grave Digger. Kuchma is sitting in the basement of the same house, we talk to him, we find out about the cache with our things

    48. We find a cache with our things in one of the basements of the village, return to McCleans, talk, go to storm the Glade
    49. Kill Dushman, take 3 keys, return to Sorting
    52. We go to the rock cafe, talk with the Bartender, ask about Ivantsov
    53. In the Bar we talk with the Bartender about Teuton
    54. We find Teuton and Baida in the lake at Sortirovka. We go to Uzbek to inform him about this
    55. We tell the Uzbek about Teuton, he sends us to talk with Galash, he directs us to Kutcher (a survivor from the Water Rat group, who sits under a tower not far from the entrance to the Freedom base), but now there is no point in going there, we return to the Cordon
    56. We go to the ATP, there we find a pentagram in the passage, lay out the keys, move to the "ATP" location, find the Grave Digger there

    57. We speak with the Gravedigger, he tells us about the current situation. Here we have a choice
    (a) Shoot the Gravedigger
    (b) Agree to a duel with the Grave Digger
    Choose an option b
    1. We follow the Grave Digger, put the keys in the box
    2. We disagree with him on different sides ATP
    3. We kill our opponent (You won’t be able to do this the first time, you’ll have to kill the Reptile 5-7 times)
    4. We go to one of the buildings, we find the corpse of the Water Rat in the refrigerator, there is a weapon nearby, and there are batteries in the suitcase. We take everything with us

    Water Rat on STP

    5. We take the keys with the book from the box, find a room with pentagrams, use a flashlight to find a teleport on the floor, put the keys there, go to the Cordon

    Exit from ATP

    6. We go to the Red Forest for the next container
    7. In the Red Forest we find a coded door. Code - 379
    8. In the Bunker we speak with the Leader, he asks us to start the generator, we agree. We offer to send fighters with us - I refused
    9. We go to the generator, start it, open the safe with the code - 543210, leave the location
    10. After we leave the bunker, we receive a message from Panzer, he asks us to return to exchange a few words, we return
    11. We learn about the ambush at the Flea Market, leave the bunker, and take the box to the hiding place.
    12. After delivering the box, an ambush is actually discovered, Varnak invites us to Sidorovich
    13. At Sorting in the village of Sidorovich we find Ivantsov, talk to him, plan a special operation

    14. For a special operation we need sniper rifle, let's go to Shustrom
    15. For the rifle, Shustry asks you to bring him artifacts from the X-18, here we have a choice
    (a) We agree
    (b) We refuse
    Choose an option A
    1. We go to X-18 for artifacts, we find them in the ventilation shaft. After we take the artifact, a hostile squad of mercenaries will descend into the lab

    2. We take the art to Shustrom, take the rifle, go to Ivantsov, talk to him
    3. We go to McCleans, talk to him, return to Ivantsov, go for the assault
    4. We shoot at this window, the assault begins

    5. We clear the city, find a key card from one of the corpses, use it to open the door in the basement, and release the hostages.
    6. On the way to the base, a message comes from Ivantsov, he calls us to the perimeter, let’s go there
    7. On the perimeter we find the captive Pulevich, we go to talk with Ivanotsvym
    8. We talk to Pulevich again, find out the code for the safe with money (The safe is in his room, code 61522)
    9. We’re going to talk to Zolotoy about Limansk, but at the moment we don’t learn anything worthwhile
    10. In Sidorovich’s village we talk with comrades from Borman’s group, we learn a lot of interesting things, we also talk with Gena, he refuses to help us
    11. We go to Ivantsov, he asks for help with an attack on the barrier, here we have a choice
    (a) We agree to help
    (b) We refuse
    Choose an option A
    1. After the conversation, we go back to Gena, give him the broken PDA, return to Ivantsov, set off for the assault
    2. after leaving the Cordon, we jump on the trolley, start it, ram the gate, run into one of the brick towers, turn off the turrets there, find the PDA

    3. We blow up the mobile point (the place is marked in the PDA), we go to storm the main perimeter
    4. Open the gate with the code (12345)
    5. As soon as Panzer arrives at the mobile post, we talk to him. Afterwards we go to the Swamps
    6. After moving to the Swamps, we immediately meet Degtyarev and company. We speak with the Zulus. Let's go in search of Kutcher
    7. We meet Kutcher at the Church, talk to him, go to the Freedom base
    8. At the Svoboda base, on the notice board, we find a note, read it, learn about the fallen air laboratory, take the note with us
    9. Let’s go to Gruver and find out about the figurines
    10. At the Uzbek base we speak with Galash, we learn about Pole
    11. The downed drone is not far from the Uzbek camp

    Downed Drone

    12. At Sorting, jumping over the gate from the hill, we make our way to the Factory, we find 2 modules there. We take it with us

    13. We go to the Rock Cafe, talk to Zolotoy, go to the AS to the village of bloodsuckers to go to Limansk
    14. When switching to AC, a message comes from Gena Hacker (Regarding the military flash drive)
    15. In the village of Bloodsuckers we meet Zolotoy, talk to him, go to the transition to Limansk
    16. When entering the Red Forest, we receive a message from Gena Hacker about the installation. Somewhere here a messenger with information will be waiting for us
    17. After we approach the desired door in the Red Forest, Golden will be killed. We go through the doors, we find an installation, it requires power sources
    18. On the opposite bank we find Casper, talk to him, bring him to the installation
    19. The power source we need is not far from Debt headquarters

    20. Find the battery, listen to the recording, return to Casper, insert the battery, start the installation
    21. We move to Limansk.
    22. After the Transition to Limansk, we meet 2 debtors, talk to them, follow Kasper
    23. Upon arrival at the Debt base, we speak with Yakovlev, take supplies, and move on

    24. Along the way we will meet monks. We talk with those sitting by the fire, we find out new information. Go ahead
    25. Next we meet a group of Military Stalkers, talk to Leo, learn about the turrets, return to the Dolgovtsy

    30. In Limansk we talk to Leo, go to the Landfill
    31. At the Landfill we hide the container in a cache, the Forecaster will be waiting for us at the transition to the AS, we talk to him, give the Necronomicon
    32. Talk to Deadman, let's go prepare for the raid (Be sure to take JJ knives with you)
    33. When ready, we move to Pripyat. In the Laundry we meet the monks, talk to them, find out that they are moving to the station, go in search of Deadman
    34. At the marked point we meet the military led by Leo, we talk to him, there is no Deadman
    35. Not far away we find a Zulu group, talk to him, go into the building, talk to Strelok (DeadMan is Strelok), return to the monks

    36. Let's go to the Assault on the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant
    37. We clear the territory of the station, meet a group of Geeks there, approach the Tactician, talk to him, and are transported to the dungeons.
    38. We find Princeps in the command room and talk to him.
    39. We do our business, talk to the Princeps again, return to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
    40. We see a transition on the pipe, go up to the top, jump into the transition

    41. Appearing in Dead City, we talk with the military, we find a monk, we talk with him, we know about the boy and girl, we go to the monument
    42. We meet children at the monument, listen to them, then take the keys from the backpack and go talk to the monk

    43. We go to the gate that the military man spoke about
    44. Using a flashlight, we find a pentagram at the gate, put the keys in it, and go to the Generators
    45. At Generators we talk with Slaven, Borman, JJ
    46. ​​We go to the Face Changer, which is located in the center of the location. Here we have a choice
    a) Kill the Changing Face (You can kill him with a knife and a well-aimed throw to the back of the head)
    b) Let go of the Changing Face (Just don’t touch him)
    What to do is up to you
    Borman dies in the raid.
    47. We search Nestor (the corpse lies not far from Shustroy). We return to base. The barrier is turned off, radio exchange continues.
