Where to get a fireball in minecraft. We launch fireballs at enemies: a fireball in Minecraft. How to mine coal

We continue the topic of alchemy and potion making in Minecraft. I'll tell you about how to craft fire ball in Minecraft, but first a little description and stories. So, this is an item that will help you, a Minecraft player, set fire to anything (almost). It can be used as a flint (but with double burning duration), or as a fireball (like ifrit). In order to launch a fireball in a straight line, like a fireball, you need to launch it from the dispenser. It will fly in a straight line until it crashes into something, setting fire to the object of the collision. When you press RMB it will be used as a flint, but this is not interesting, it is better to populate with fireballs!!!

To make a fireball, we will need coal, gunpowder and . By the way, the location is not so important, you just need to throw three ingredients on the middle line of the crafting grid. For better understanding There is a picture diagram.

Some information about Minecraft fireball.

  • They can light a portal to the Lower World.
  • The fireball can be launched underwater.

Today we will talk about how to create a fireball in the game Minecraft. The fact is that players often need such an element. It helps to set fire to various unnecessary blocks at high speed. In addition, such a product can be used as flint or a combat shell for a cannon.


Let's move directly to the question of how to make a fireball. We will need the following some components. First of all, it's gunpowder. It can be obtained by defeating creepers. Also, you can’t do without fire powder here. To take possession of it, you will need to travel to the lower world (Hell). The next component is charcoal or regular charcoal. If we break coal ore with a pickaxe, we will also get this resource. As you can see, all the elements can be found without much difficulty if you have some experience in the game.


To get a fireball, you need to arrange the components in the crafting window in a certain way. The top center cell should be occupied by gunpowder. The second cell in the middle is intended in this case for fire powder. The bottom center cell is the ideal place to place the coal. As a result, you will receive not one fireball, but as many as 3. They, for example, can help light a portal that is located within the Nether World. In the event that you decide to use a fireball to illuminate a tunnel, mine or other dark place, click on it right click mice. This element can also be used as a projectile for a special gun. Such weapons can hit targets in all directions.


The fireball has a number of features that are worth talking about in more detail. For example, you can use it even while under water, since such an element does not go out. Large Fireballs can be won by challenging another player to a duel and hitting them. This type of element does not explode upon collision with a surface, which is typical for many similar blocks. The creation of such a ball can be called expensive, but it is still used quite often by players. Among players, the element described today is sometimes called a “fireball”. This element allows you to destroy not only hostile creatures, but also various obstacles that may be encountered along the way. As soon as the capabilities of such a ball are exhausted, it will disappear from the inventory. If you use a distributor to launch this element, it will begin to fly in a straight line until it collides with an obstacle.

A fireball consists of gunpowder, fire powder and coal (whether stone or wood). Gunpowder can be obtained from creepers, witches or ghasts, fire powder can be obtained from ifrits, coal is easiest to obtain in the nearest cave. To make a fireball, you need to place gunpowder on the workbench along the central vertical, fire powder under it and coal at the very bottom. One set of components produces three fireballs.
Fireballs can be loaded into the dispenser, making it a cannon.

Creepers are aggressive monsters that sneak up and explode, causing significant damage. If you kill it before it explodes, it will drop gunpowder. Since this monster moves almost silently and explodes very quickly, best weapon there will be a bow to hunt him. It is convenient to hunt creepers in the mountains and hills, since these monsters are quite clumsy and jump very poorly. You can protect yourself from explosions while hunting creepers with the help of tamed cats, since these animals scare away monsters.

The likelihood of getting gunpowder when killing a witch is not very high. Witches can be found in swamps and are nasty enemies as they shoot exploding potions at the player. Creepers are a more reliable source of gunpowder.

Ingredients from the Nether

Ghasts are the most inconvenient way to get gunpowder. They live in the Nether, fly over lava lakes and shoot fireballs. Of course, to obtain fire powder you have to go down to the Nether, since this ingredient can only be obtained from efreet, but during such a journey it is better to avoid ghasts.

Ifrits serve as sources of fire rods, from which fire powder is extracted. They can be found in hellish fortresses - these are natural structures that exist only in the Nether. Traveling through this space is very dangerous and often ends the player. To go to the Lower World, you need to build a portal from obsidian; it is advisable to have ten obsidian blocks and flint in stock in order to be able to return to the ordinary world at any time. You need to take a weapon and (or an enchanted apple) with you, since the entire “floor” of the Lower World is filled with lava.

If you destroy the portal through which you entered the Nether, with a high probability of going back through the new portal, you will find yourself at home.

The infernal fortresses are located in stripes from north to south, so after crossing into the Lower World you need to travel in this direction. Ifrits have a bad habit of throwing fireballs three at a time. The best way to fight them is to use a bow. Rods do not always fall out after the death of an efreet; it is advisable to collect more of them in order to postpone the next journey through the to the lower world. Having collected a sufficient number of rods, build a portal and go home.
