City of secrets passage of the stomach. City of Mysteries - quest for iPad in Russian. Great secrets of the Earth


The game is automatically saved to one save when moving to a new location or at key plot points.
Exit to the menu - the gear icon in the lower right corner of the screen.
When a new assignment is received, a question icon vibrates in the lower right corner of the screen. When you read a question, the game is paused, and to return to the game, you need to click on the question mark again.
Run - right mouse button.
Some items can be combined in the inventory by clicking one on the other.
If you use the item correctly, the upper left corner of its icon will light up in blue, if incorrectly - in yellow.
Space - top view.

Scene I.

We play for Rex.

Your first job is to find the hook. Click on the hook under the ceiling - high, you need to build a ladder. There is a statue in the center of the screen, move the washing machine to it (in the left corner of the screen). Take the portrait (hiding behind the washing machine) and a piece of plastic cheese (in the lower right corner of the screen). Apply the cheese to the washing machine first, and then the portrait. Click on the hook - Rex will climb the cheese to the washing machine, and then there will be a crash.

Scene II.

We play for Socroth.

You need to help out a friend, and for this you need to make an elevator.

To the left of Socroth, pick up the coil, and behind it is the bowl. Take the seeds in the lower left corner of the screen and combine them with a bowl. Place the bowl in the dark hole in the upper left corner of the screen. A hamster will come running here, catch it and take it with you. Go right and place the hamster on the transporter. Tie the spool to the brown block next to the transporter, take the end of the rope (to the right of the block) and tie it to the spool. Approach the wall with the instruments of torture and remove the two chains (the rightmost ones). Tie them in your inventory and tie them to the transporter. Go to the cage and click on it. Sokrot will give the command to the hamster to touch his paws and go down into the tunnel.

A map will appear in the upper left corner of the screen. You can play the Labyrinth mini-game or click on the map and quickly move to the next location.

If you chose "Labyrinth", use the arrows to move.

Look for shovels to sometimes overcome heaps of earth and dig the road further (I found two), go down and up the stairs. Use the space bar to see the maze plan from above. The exit from the labyrinth is a bright red square.

When you get to the dump, immediately pick up the hook to the left of Socroth (it lies on the left wall under the fly agarics). Go right - there is a house in the dump, on the porch of which there is a sad mole. Above his head, water gushes from five pipes. There are taps on the pipes - try twisting one of them, and then talk to the mole. You should have a task - to eliminate the leaks. When you're done, talk to the mole. His name is Alfredo, and he saw Rex go to jail. You will receive a map of the city - use it to go to the prison.

Talk to the guards at the prison - the mayor is personally involved in the prisoners, so he needs to apply for an audience. They will show on the map where the mayor's office is. Go there.

Talk about an audience with the guard at the entrance. He will answer that you can make inquiries in window number 5. On the right is a stall - obviously, this is window # 5. Talk to the female mole named Lucinda. She will say that the petition must be submitted through window number 3. When you ask where is window # 3, she will send you to the market. There is a souvenir seller's stall nearby - ask him for directions to the market, and a new location will appear on your map.

In the market, go past the sellers to the upper right corner of the screen - here is the exit. You will be taken to the left side of the screen, where Lucinda is already waiting for you. Talk to her - it turns out that this is window number 2, but she will tell you where window number 1 is in exchange for beets. Return to the stalls and meet Bianca, who sells beets. She says her beets are not for sale, but only bartered for other vegetables. Return to window # 2 and take the bow head (lying next to the fence). Give it to Bianca, take the beets and bring it to Lucinda. She will explain that window # 1 is located near the prison.

Go to the jail. From the entrance, go left and find the closed window in the hollow of the tree. Click on it - Lucinda is sitting inside. She will say that you first need to fill out the LAZHA form, which you need to take in window number 5.

Return to the city hall, get the LAZHA form from Lucinda in the window №5 and go to the prison.

Give it to window # 1 and, finally, you will find out that window # 3 is about three mushrooms (ie, in the dump).

A trailer appeared at the dump - this is window number 3. Talk to Lucinda and find out that in addition to LAZH, four attachments are required for an audience: a vaccination certificate, a revolutionary certificate, three screws and a large piece of cheese.

Talk to Alfredo about the certificate - he will send you to the city hall to the souvenir seller Fernando.

Go to City Hall. Fernando will say that he threw the market license down the drain.

Go to the left of his tray and pay attention to the car, near which two moles engineers are working. Pick up a bright red screwdriver on the ground under the car's spotlight and unscrew the first screw from some crane (to the right of the engineers). Ask what engineers are doing. It turns out that they are servicing a screw-cutter that punches tunnels. Vintorez can work independently if you hang up a light signaling device, mark the place for the screw with a red cross and put a sign "Roadworks" next to it.

Go to the market and unscrew the second cog from the fence to the left of Bianca. Examine the sewer grate - you can't open it with your paws, you need a fishing rod. Talk to the cheese seller Sergio - he wants 60 pesos for a large piece of cheese. Pick up the 5 peso coin to the left of Bianca's counter.

Money can be made in three ways.

Talk to the third seller named Ramon. The counter has an empty counter because the sweet potato shipments are delayed. Agree to bring 10 sweet potatoes from the farm in exchange for 30 pesos. The entrance to the farm is next to the landfill.

Go to the junkyard and go through the tunnel with a road sign next to it.

You can choose the shortcut or the Labyrinth.

Arriving at the farm, you will see Santiago sleeping in a chair. To the right of it lies a bag, take it and go to the sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes grow in multi-level caves with many passages. As soon as you try to enter any door, Santiago will wake up and forbid you to do so. Introduce yourself to him, and the mole will allow you to collect 10 sweet potatoes. Walk through the caves and collect ripe sweet potatoes with two yellow dots on the side (there are exactly 10 of them). After that, go to Santiago and take the sweet potato whip (to his left).

Go back to the market, give Ramon the sweet potatoes and get 30 pesos.

The second way to make money is to talk to Alfredo at the junkyard, and he will offer to sort the trash.

Go to the left of his house and turn on the sorting machine. Three types of garbage will begin to crawl along the conveyor - paper, glass and metal. Use the mouse to control three trailers and substitute the correct trailer under the conveyor (each of them has an image of what kind of garbage it is intended for). This is a timed task, and the conveyor belt will begin to accelerate. Alfredo will pay 10 pesos for the first portion of garbage.

The third way to make money is to talk to Fernando at the City Hall. Tom needs revolutionary posters, for each of which he is willing to pay 5 dogs. There are posters on Alfredo's house, on the prison, on the fence in the market, on Santiago's house on the farm.

After earning 60 pesos, buy cheese from Sergio.

In inventory, combine a hook and a sweet potato whip to make a fishing rod. Get the revolutionary's ID from the sewers.

Go to the prison and unscrew the third screw from the board where the worker sleeps (under the prison wall on the right). Talk to the guards about the vaccination, and one of them will offer to go behind the screen, where the flag with the image of the syringe hangs (to the left of the entrance).

Go back to the landfill - and window # 3 is gone! Ask Alfredo - he will advise you to follow the trail. The tracks lead to the Santiago farm. You will have to go through all the caves again to get to the location on the right, where the trailer is. Give Lucinda all the attachments and take the petition (the cheese will remain in your inventory).

Go to City Hall. You will be stopped by Fernando and asked to photograph the mayor. Unfortunately, the mayor will refuse to release Rex. Give the cheese, take a picture of it and notice a large poster with a picture of a monument.

Scene III.

Leaving the mayor, give Fernando the camera. He will offer to join the Resistance movement and help free Rex. Go to the junkyard at Alfredo's house. Pay attention to the toilet in the hallway and pull on the rope hanging from the cistern. A secret passage will open. To go down the stairs, turn on the light (poorly visible switch on the green wall above the railing). The second switch is located one floor below to the right on the screen near the stairs. Go downstairs and click on the third switch near the leftmost door. Go down one more floor.

Alfredo and Fernando are waiting for you here. They will offer to study the portrait of the mayor under a magnifying glass. Take the magnifying glass and click on the photo on the table. A photograph will appear in front of you in which you need to find 6 active points: strange eyes, some kind of cut near the ear, cheese in a paw, cheese crumbs on the floor, a lower paw under clothes and a rat's tail.

Talk to Alfredo - they had photographs of the mayor taken during the revolution, but they were thrown into the garbage chute. All residents of the city, including Sokrot, were vaccinated, and they cannot leave the city, so Rex will have to go to the garbage chute. The photographs are in a red heart-shaped box. The garbage chute is opened from Alfredo's house with the "insert a crocodile in a pudding" puzzle. Check the elevator - the door to the left of Alfredo (it needs to be activated because you will need it later).

Go up the floor and go to the door with three levers. The left lever changes the crocodile's left eye, the middle one changes the pudding color, the right one changes the right eye. Press the levers and make both crocodile eyes green and the pudding yellow.

Now we need to free Rex. For this, you can use an automatic screw cutter. Go to the jail.

Pick up a shovel (a shovel from a tunnel will not work) and a rock near the sleeping worker. Automatically, you will see that Alfredo and Fernando were arrested and imprisoned. Throw a rock at the middle ground floor window to find the camera where Rex is sitting.

Go to the market. Bianca hung a new sign over her counter. Ask where she got the red paint from. She will answer that she made the sign with a red spray, and threw the bottle with the remnants of the paint in a landfill.

Go to the junkyard. Dig out a road sign with a shovel, go to the left and pick up a bright red bottle from a heap of garbage.

Go to the City Hall. The engineers had already left, and the signaling device remained hanging on the rock. Unscrew it with a screwdriver and return to the prison.

Draw a red cross on the wall, place a road sign next to it, and hang an alarm on the wall. Talk to Rex again and talk about the red box.

After the cutscene, Rex will be in the junkyard and jump into the garbage chute.

We offer you a complete guide to the passage of the game "Undercover Investigations. Ghost Town".
Also, this game is called "The X-Files. The Secret of the Misty Lake".
Original title - Strange Cases: The Secrets of Gray Mist Lake.
If you still have questions - write on the forum.

* all pictures are enlarged by clicking on them
Part III

The search for items in each game is given randomly, so universal screenshots cannot be taken.
Use the prompts as needed.

After the reunion of the butcher with his daughter, a new task will appear - open the Raven's gate.

Go to the Police Station Entrance. Click on the gate to the left of the entrance and then use Raven's key to open them.

Go through the gate, after which you will receive a new task - find the undertaker.
1. Examine the grave and take clock face.
2. At the door, take shovel and enter the house.

You will receive a new assignment - examine the hospital.
Examine the undertaker's desk against the clock wall. Please note that all clocks show the time 10:10.
Insert clock face in the cuckoo clock and pull the right cord to get the green card. Collect all the items that include arrows.

Go outside and follow the arrow to the left towards the hospital.
After talking with the ghost, bring the fountain closer and take ring.

Use the down arrow to return to the undertaker's house and follow the arrow to the right.
Insert into the clock arrows and set the time to 10:10.

Go through the opened gate.
Use shovel on a fresh grave to dig up a coffin. Click on the lid of the coffin - a hidden object area will appear in this place. To get a green card - put on a skeleton finger ring... Upon completion of the search, you will receive pen.

Return to the hospital.
Use pen on the door, and when the door opens a little, look there and take yellow puzzle piece.

Go back to the graveyard and zoom in on the destroyed structure outside the Spider's gate.
Insert into the lock yellow puzzle piece and solve the puzzle by clicking on the round pieces until the compartment opens. Take piece of puzzle.

Return to the hospital again.
Examine the front door and insert piece of puzzle.
Twist the bars starting from the top until you complete the picture.

Go inside.
Shine flashlight rune stone.
Enter the operating room through the left door.

Click on the mannequin, and when it unfolds, take it out of its breast pocket key to the doctor's office.

Go down the arrow to the corridor. Examine the door on the right wall and use key to the doctor's office to open it. Click on the door handle.
Come inside.
1. From the top drawer of the table, remove dental extraction forceps.
2. Go through the search for items, among which there will be lift handle... To get a green card - dental forceps unclench your jaw.

Follow the down arrow to the hospital corridor and approach the elevator doors directly along the corridor.
Put it back in place lift handle and click on it. The elevator doors will open, go inside.
Take hand and then click on the lift handle that the arm was hanging from.

Exit the elevator when it goes down.
1. Shine flashlight on a blob of shadow, and when it flies, take rune stone.
2. Zoom in on the drawing and move the cabinet doors so that they match the drawing above the cabinets.
3. The lower cabinets will open - there is a hidden object area. Collect everything to get mount.

Go down the arrow to the elevator, press the handle, and when you go up - through the right door enter the doctor's office.
1. Use hand to remove the snake, then zoom in on the broken terrarium again and take key 1.
2. Use mount on a boarded-up door.

Enter the doctor's utility room.
After talking with the ghost, a new task will appear - fix the projector.

Go to the undertaker's house.

Go to the cemetery.
Complete the Hidden Object Scene to obtain plate.

Go to the hospital entrance.
Examine the gramophone and insert into it plate... When the ghost is gone, take the rest to the bench the cloth.

Enter the hospital and take the elevator down to the basement.
1. Zoom in on the mannequin.
2. Use screwdriver to unscrew the 4 screws.
3. When the first plate is removed, on the second you will see 4 buttons. Press the buttons in the following sequence: bottom left - top right - top left - bottom right.
4. When the second plate is removed, on the third you will see 4 colored sectors. You need to find the same color for all sectors. This color is green. Click on the sectors, setting green color everywhere.
5. On the last plate, you need to press the levers in the correct sequence. The required sequence: 1-4-3 .
Take away from your unclenched fingers scalpel.

Enter the elevator, go upstairs and enter the operating room.
Use scalpel on the poster to find behind it half heart.

Go to the cemetery.
Use Lantern on the shadow clot until the magnifying glass appears. Zoom into this place and place it in the hands of the statue. half heart ... The clot of shadow will disappear, take nameplate.

Go to the statue next to the police station.
Put it back in place nameplate and take the red from the hands of the statue precious stone.

Go to the undertaker's house.
Zoom into the grave and use cleaver to clear bushes and clear the cross. In the center of the cross, insert precious stone ... The cross stash will open, take green puzzle piece.

Insert into the lock green puzzle piece and solve the puzzle by clicking on the round pieces until the compartment opens (your goal is to move the colored element to a point opposite its starting position). Take key 2.

Go to the doctor's office.
1. Examine the safe. Insert into the round groove key 1 and key 2... When the safe opens, take projector.
2. Install projector on a tripod.
3. Hang on the wall the cloth.

Go down the arrow to the doctor's office.
Go through the search for items, among which there will be fountain handle.

Go outside.
Examine the frog fountain to the right of the hospital entrance. Put it back in place fountain handle... When the water is gone, lift it up from the bottom tooth and blue puzzle piece.

Go to the cemetery and zoom in on the destroyed structure behind the Spider's gate.
Insert into the lock blue puzzle piece and solve the puzzle by clicking on the round pieces until the compartment opens (your goal is to move the colored elements to the points opposite their starting position). Take watch detail.

Go to the hospital and take the elevator down to the basement.
1. Press on the scissors, insert into them tooth and take it for yourself scissors.
2. Complete the Hidden Object Scene to obtain lever arm.

Take the elevator to the corridor.
Scissors cut the grate and take film.

Enter the doctor's utility room.
Install film into the projector.
After watching the movie, the ghost will disappear, and you will have a new task - find a hiding place... You can see its location on the screen.

Use the down arrow to return to the doctor's office.
Click on the rug on the floor to remove it. Insert into the round hole lever arm and click on it. Get out of the cache battery.
A new task will appear - revive the bear.

Enter the operating room and zoom in on the teddy bear on the gurney.
Place next to the bear battery... The toy will "come to life" and get out of itself watch detail 2.
A new task will appear - fix the undertaker's watch.

Go to the cemetery.
Use scissors to free the coffin from the chains. When the spirit from the coffin is released, a clot of shadows will appear on the ground - shine a light on it flashlight and take rune stone.

Go to the undertaker's house.
Examine the circle with runes near the broken grandfather clock in the middle of the room.
Arrange in red circles 3 rune stones... The bottom clock compartment will open - zoom in to activate a puzzle.
Paste in the empty spaces that are missing 2 watch parts.
Collect the snake drawing by swapping and unrolling the tiles. Possible pressing sequence: 1-2-3-4-5-5-5-1 .

The grateful undertaker will leave for you Spider Gate Key.

Go to the cemetery and zoom in on the Spider's gate. Use Spider Gate Key to open them.
Go through the open gate.
After talking to the witch, use Lantern to dispel all clots of darkness and find 8 pairs of stones with the same runes.

Congratulations! You have completed Secret Investigations. Ghost Town (The X-Files. Misty Lake Mystery).
If you have a collector's edition, then you can continue the bonus part of the game.


Mouse control in the game, with the exception of labyrinths and mini-games. You cannot save in the game - it is automatically saved after completing each task. The inventory is located in the lower left part of the screen, and in the right part there is a "task" button and exit to the main menu. Objects in the game are combined, if the objects fit together, then the corner of the object frame will be blue, if the combination is wrong, then the corner will turn yellow. The left mouse button sets the movement for the main character, and the right mouse button makes him run - a very valuable skill, by the way.



Play as Rex

Once in the basement, we find hook and we try to reach it, but to no avail. We click on the washing machine in the lower left part of the screen, thereby moving it to the large figure in the center of the basement. We find a portrait behind the washing machine and take it away. Next, click on a huge piece of cheese in the lower right part of the screen and take it. We use a dummy cheese on the washing machine, then we apply the portrait to the washing machine. We click on the hook under the ceiling and, having climbed the resulting structure, we take the hook.



We play as Socroth

Our task is to build an elevator and go down to the basement. We take away large cage , a skein of pasta and pink bowl... Then we select a handful of grains and put the seeds in the pink bowl in inventory. We pass to the right side of the location, where we remove from the wall two chains, after which we connect the chains in the inventory. On structure behind the bike use a skein of pasta, then click on end of rope on the right side of the location and bind it to the device behind the bike. We use the chain connected in the inventory on the bike, then go to left end of the rope and attach a cage to it. On the left side of the location, we find a dark hole and use a bowl of grains on it, after which the hamster will come running to eat and, when control returns to us, we catch the animal. We return to the bike and put the hamster on the platform under it, then click on the suspended cage and go down to Rex.


We find ourselves in a maze that will lead us to Rex. A labyrinth icon appeared in the upper left corner of the screen, clicking on which, you can skip this mini-game at any time. The maze is controlled from the keyboard, namely by arrows that set the direction of movement. On the way, you can find shovels that will help clear a path in the maze.


Having got out of the maze, we raise metal hook , then go right. We speak twice with the mole and get a new task - to eliminate the pipe leak. Having carefully studied the interlacing of the pipes, we notice that there are two valves on each pipe. Considering which pipes the water is pouring from, we turn the valves to shut off the water supply. Note that in order to properly turn off the water in the pipe, you must first turn the right pipe valve and only then the left one. The pattern of the interlacing of pipes is shown in the figure:

Having coped with the task, we approach the mole and talk to him, after which we find out that Rex was imprisoned, and we get a map. Now we can quickly navigate the locations using the map from the inventory. So, we open the map and go to the prison.

By the prison

We approach the guards at the entrance to the prison and talk to them. From the conversation we learn that we need to get an audience with the mayor. Open the map and click on the new location.

Mayor's residence

We go to the gate and talk with the guard, from whom we learn that for an audience you must first submit a petition. We also find out that for this we need to go to window number 5. We pass to the kiosk on the right, talk to the blonde mole and find out that we need to go to window number 3, which is in the market. We go to the left, ask the seller for the location of the market, after which the mole will mark it on the map. On the map we go to the market.


We go to the counter with beets and next to it we select five coins... We go to the upper right corner and, passing through the passage, we find ourselves at the stall with the blonde Lucinda and talk to her. We find out that we need to fill out the "LAZHA" form in window No. 1 and bring the beets to the blonde. We return to the counter with beets, talk to the saleswoman and find out that the beets are not for sale, but are exchanged for another vegetable. We go to the right to the window of Lucinda and next to him we select onion... We return to the beet counter and, using the onion on the beet saleswoman, we get the coveted beet. We run to Lucinda and give her beets, after which we learn that window number 1 is located near the prison. On the map we go to the prison.


We step to the left side of the location and find locked window in the hollow of a tree. We knock on the doors, then speak to Lucinda, who requires a completed LAZHA form. We move along the map to the residence of the mayor.

Mayor's Residence

We speak with Lucinda and get the LAZHA form. We return to the prison.


We go to the left to the window in the hollow, we give Lucinda the completed form and learn that window number 3 is located near three mushrooms. On the map we go to the dump.


We see that a trailer has appeared near the water pipes, inside of which the same Lucinda is sitting. We talk with the blonde, fill out the application form and find out that it is necessary to bring four more attachments: a vaccination certificate, three screws, a revolutionary certificate and cheese. We pass to the left and speak with Alfredo about the certificate of a revolutionary, who advises to address this question to Fernando, the seller at the mayor's residence. We move along the map to the residence.

Mayor's residence

We talk with Fernando and find out that he threw the revolutionary certificate into the sewer well. We pass to the left, talk to the engineers, then click on homing beacon , after which one of the engineers will tell you that if you hang up the signaling device, the automatic screw cutter will automatically come to this place. We select screwdriver... Under the tap valve we find screw and unscrew it with a screwdriver. There is one screw, there are two more left to find. On the map we go to the prison.


We use a screwdriver on screw in the board next to the sleeping mole and we get the second cog. We speak with the guard and find out that vaccinations are being made on the left behind the screen. We pass behind the screen, get vaccinated and receive a certificate of vaccination. Now we are in a hurry to the market.


Unscrew the last one from the tree to the left of the beet counter with a screwdriver third screw... We talk to the cheese seller and find out that it costs 60 pesos, and we only have 5 pesos. Hmm, it's worth looking for a job to make money on cheese. We leave for the junkyard.


We pass to the left to Alfredo and are interested in work. Having received the task, we step to the left to the garbage sorting conveyor. We click on the huge transporter, thereby turning it on, after which the mini-game begins. At the top of the screen, rubbish moves along two belts. At the bottom of the screen there are three containers with images: paper, glass, metal. The containers can be controlled by moving the mouse to the right and left. Our task is to have time to substitute the appropriate container for the corresponding garbage that appears on the tape. The movement of the tape during the game is accelerated. Having played once, we earn 10 pesos. Let's start the transporter again, we will earn another 10 pesos, but in the second game there will be not three containers, but four - garbage will be added. You can only make a mistake in sorting three times. Having sorted out the garbage, we go to Alfredo and pick up our honestly earned 20 pesos. Now we go to the market.


We go to the right counter, talk to the seller and agree to deliver him ten sweet potatoes from the farm for 30 pesos. We return to the junkyard.


As soon as we found ourselves at the junkyard, we pass into the tunnel in the lower right corner of the screen near which there is a road sign. Entering the tunnel, we find ourselves in a labyrinth. Like last time, we can find a way out of the maze, or we can just click on the map and automatically be transported to the farm.


We speak with Santiago, we pick up bag on the right and go down into the tunnels with sweet potatoes hanging from the ceiling. As you remember, you need to collect ten ripe sweet potatoes. Ripe sweet potatoes are easily recognizable, they have two light dots. There are only ten ripe sweet potatoes. Having collected the sweet potatoes, we take whip to the right of the sleeping farmer and hurry to the market.


We give the sweet potatoes to the customer, get 30 pesos and go to the mayor's residence.

Well, I don't know ... I was standing with my mower ...
And suddenly he came up to me and said:
"Would you like to star in a game?"

City of Mysteries

Do you think why I emphasized in the title of the article that the City of Secrets quest is in Russian? The thing is that iRevolution decided to approach the issue of filling the App Store with quality applications in its own way. They began to localize excellent foreign projects. At first, they "came off" on the children's interactive book Thumbelina, which was almost unanimously recognized by visitors to our website and forum as one of the best children's applications. Then they began to translate the most beautiful quest City of Secrets! And now the City of Secrets was released - a completely localized project, which will be discussed now.

City of Secrets- an amazing quest. These were the feelings I had during and after the passage. Despite the fact that the developers modestly call it a classic quest, this is not entirely true. More details about the pros now.

An interesting story with a detective plot. This, of course, is not "Agatha Christie", but following the twists and turns of the plot of the City of Mysteries is at least curious.

There is a lot of humor in the City of Secrets. In my understanding, this is a very high-quality ironic humor. The developers do not just joke, they give us a charge of positive emotions, communicating with the player in a half-joking tone, which is more typical for the dialogue of good old friends.

I was delighted with the way the developers arranged some situations: for example, showing the mechanism of bureaucracy can quite compete with my favorite series of Futurama (remember, where officials of different levels of government were shown ?!).

Riddles and their consistency in quests play an important role. Let the artists draw everything for 5+ and the dialogues will be more beautiful than Shakespeare's sonnets, but if the scriptwriters come up with illogical plot moves, then the whole thing will be ruined. The City of Secrets is very logical.

Here I would call mini-games rather maxi-games, since, unlike other quests, they are closely woven into the plot, as if it should be so.

The game has an excellent hint system. To be honest, I haven't seen better yet. You can ask for a hint at any time. Most often, there is a system of three hints. At first, you are transparently hinted at the next step. Then the second prompt tells you directly what to do. Well, then for the completely stupid, they just show you exactly where on the screen you need to perform the action.

The localization itself is well done. The jokes were adapted to Russian, the voice acting almost always looked perfect. Here's a short video of the game:

Cons: The game crashed several times during the passage, and in the same location (where you need to get the heart of the mushroom). I won by restarting the game, but I had to do it five times before I went through this location.

Output: City of Mysteries - on a ten-point scale, I would give 9 points (-1 point for departures). A very non-trivial, friendly, high-quality and humorous detective quest, worthy of the attention of all quest fans.

P.S. Do not forget to play the game to the end - a funny sight awaits you. ;)

Republishing - only with the consent of the author and the site.

The game is automatically saved to one save when moving to a new location or at key plot points.
Exit to the menu - the gear icon in the lower right corner of the screen.
When a new assignment is received, a question icon vibrates in the lower right corner of the screen. When you read a question, the game is paused, and to return to the game, you need to click on the question mark again.
Run - right mouse button.
Some items can be combined in the inventory by clicking one on the other.
If you use the item correctly, the upper left corner of its icon will light up in blue, if incorrectly - in yellow.
Space - top view.

Scene I
We play for Rex. Your first job is to find the hook. Click on the hook under the ceiling - high, you need to build a ladder. There is a statue in the center of the screen, move the washing machine to it (in the left corner of the screen). Take the portrait (hiding behind the washing machine) and a piece of plastic cheese (in the lower right corner of the screen). Apply the cheese to the washing machine first, and then the portrait. Click on the hook - Rex will climb the cheese to the washing machine, and then there will be a crash.

Scene II
We play for Socroth. You need to help out a friend, and for this you need to make an elevator. To the left of Socroth, pick up the coil, and behind it is the bowl. Take the grains in the lower left corner of the screen and combine them with a bowl. Place the bowl in the dark hole in the upper left corner of the screen. A hamster will come running here, catch it and take it with you. Go right and place the hamster on the transporter. Tie the spool to the brown block next to the conveyor, take the end of the rope (to the right of the block) and tie it to the spool. Approach the wall with the instruments of torture and remove the two chains (the rightmost ones). Tie them in your inventory and tie them to the transporter. Go to the cage and click on it. Sokrot will give the command to the hamster to touch his paws and go down into the tunnel.
A map will appear in the upper left corner of the screen. You can play the Labyrinth mini-game or click on the map and quickly move to the next location. If you chose "Labyrinth", use the arrows to move. Look for shovels to sometimes overcome heaps of earth and dig the road further (I found two), go down and up the stairs. Use the space bar to see the maze plan from above. The exit from the labyrinth is a bright red square.
When you get to the dump, immediately pick up the hook to the left of Socroth (it lies on the left wall under the fly agarics). Go right - there is a house in the dump, on the porch of which there is a sad mole. Above his head, water gushes from five pipes. There are taps on the pipes - try twisting one of them, and then talk to the mole. You should have a task - to eliminate the leaks. When you're done, talk to the mole. His name is Alfredo, and he saw Rex go to jail. You will receive a map of the city - use it to go to the prison.
Talk to the guards at the prison - the mayor is personally involved in the prisoners, so he needs to apply for an audience. They will show on the map where the mayor's office is. Go there.
Talk about an audience with the guard at the entrance. He will answer that you can make inquiries in window number 5. There is a stall on the right - obviously, this is window number 5. Talk to the female mole named Lucinda. She will say that the petition must be submitted through window number 3. When you ask where is window # 3, she will send you to the market. There is a souvenir seller's stall nearby - ask him for directions to the market, and a new location will appear on your map.
In the market, go past the sellers to the upper right corner of the screen - here is the exit. You will be taken to the left side of the screen, where Lucinda is already waiting for you. Talk to her - it turns out that this is window number 2, but she will tell you where window number 1 is, in exchange for beets. Return to the stalls and meet Bianca, who sells beets. She says her beets are not for sale, but only bartered for other vegetables. Return to window # 2 and take the bow head (lying next to the fence). Give it to Bianca, take the beets and bring it to Lucinda. She will explain that window # 1 is located near the prison.
Go to the jail. From the entrance, go left and find the closed window in the hollow of the tree. Click on it - Lucinda is sitting inside. She will say that you first need to fill out the LAZHA form, which you need to take in window number 5.
Return to the city hall, get the LAZHA form from Lucinda in the window №5 and go to the prison.
Give the LAZHA form to window # 1 and finally, you will find out that window # 3 is located about three mushrooms (that is, in a landfill).
A trailer appeared at the dump - this is window number 3. Talk to Lucinda and find out that in addition to the LAZHA form, an audience requires four attachments: a vaccination certificate, a revolutionary certificate, three screws and a large piece of cheese.
Talk to Alfredo about the certificate - he will send you to the city hall to the souvenir seller Fernando.
Go to City Hall. Fernando will say that he threw the market license down the drain.
Go to the left of his tray and pay attention to the car, near which two moles engineers are working. Pick up from the ground a bright red screwdriver lying under the car's spotlight, and unscrew the first screw from some crane (to the right of the engineers). Ask what engineers are doing. It turns out that they are servicing a screw-cutter that punches tunnels. Vintorez can work independently, if you hang up a light signaling device, mark the place for the screw with a red cross and put a sign "Road works" next to it.
Go to the market and unscrew the second cog from the fence to the left of Bianca. Examine the sewer grate - you can't open it with your paws, you need a fishing rod. Talk to the cheese seller Sergio - he wants 60 pesos for a large piece of cheese. Pick up the 5 peso coin to the left of Bianca's counter.
Money can be made in three ways. Here is the first one. Talk to the third seller named Ramon. The counter has an empty counter because the sweet potato shipments are delayed. Agree to bring 10 sweet potatoes from the farm in exchange for 30 pesos. The entrance to the farm is next to the landfill. Go to the junkyard and go through the tunnel, next to which there is a road sign. You can choose the shortcut or the "Labyrinth". Arriving at the farm, you will see Santiago sleeping in a chair. To the right of it lies a bag, take it and go to the sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes grow in multi-level caves with many passages. As soon as you try to enter any door, Santiago will wake up and forbid you to do so. Introduce yourself to him, and the mole will allow you to collect 10 sweet potatoes. Walk through the caves and collect ripe sweet potatoes with two yellow dots on the side (there are exactly 10 of them). After that, go to Santiago and take the sweet potato whip (to his left). Go back to the market, give Ramon the sweet potatoes and get 30 pesos.
The second way to make money is to talk to Alfredo at the junkyard, and he will offer to sort the trash. Go to the left of his house and turn on the sorting machine. Three types of garbage will begin to crawl along the conveyor: paper, glass and metal. Use the mouse to control three trailers and substitute the correct trailer under the conveyor (each of them has an image of what kind of garbage it is intended for). This is a timed assignment, and the conveyor belt will accelerate over time. Alfredo will pay 10 pesos for the first portion of garbage.
The third way to make money is to talk to Fernando at the City Hall. Tom needs revolutionary posters, for each of which he is willing to pay 5 dogs. There are posters on Alfredo's house, on the prison, on the fence in the market, on Santiago's house on the farm.
After earning 60 pesos, buy cheese from Sergio.
In inventory, combine a hook and a sweet potato whip to make a fishing rod. Get the revolutionary's ID from the sewers.
Go to the prison and unscrew the third screw from the board where the worker sleeps (under the prison wall on the right). Talk to the guards about the vaccination, and one of them will offer to go behind the screen, where the flag with the image of the syringe hangs (to the left of the entrance).
Go back to the landfill - and window # 3 is gone! Ask Alfredo - he will advise you to follow the trail. The tracks lead to the Santiago farm. You will have to go through all the caves again to get to the location on the right, where the trailer is. Give Lucinda all the attachments and take the petition (the cheese will remain in your inventory).
Go to City Hall. You will be stopped by Fernando and asked to photograph the mayor. Unfortunately, the mayor will refuse to release Rex. Give the cheese, take a picture of it and notice a large poster with a picture of a monument.

Scene III
Leaving the mayor, give Fernando the camera. He will offer to join the Resistance movement and help free Rex. Go to the junkyard at Alfredo's house. Pay attention to the toilet in the hallway and pull on the rope hanging from the cistern. A secret passage will open. To go down the stairs, turn on the light (poorly visible switch on the green wall above the railing). The second switch is located one floor below to the right on the screen near the stairs. Go downstairs and click on the third switch near the leftmost door. Go down one more floor.
Alfredo and Fernando are waiting for you here. They will offer to study the portrait of the mayor under a magnifying glass. Take the magnifying glass and click on the photo on the table. A photograph will appear in front of you in which you need to find 6 active points: strange eyes, some kind of cut near the ear, cheese in a paw, cheese crumbs on the floor, a lower paw under clothes and a rat's tail. Talk to Alfredo - they had photographs of the mayor taken during the revolution, but they were thrown into the garbage chute. All residents of the city, including Sokrot, were vaccinated, and they cannot leave the city, so Rex will have to go to the garbage chute. The photographs are in a red heart-shaped box. The garbage chute is opened from Alfredo's house with the "insert crocodile in pudding" puzzle. Check the elevator - the door to the left of Alfredo (it needs to be activated because you will need it later). Go up the floor and go to the door with three levers. The left lever changes the crocodile's left eye, the middle one changes the pudding color, the right one changes the right eye. Press the levers and make both crocodile eyes green and the pudding yellow.

Now we need to free Rex. For this, you can use an automatic screw cutter.
Go to the jail. Pick up a shovel (a shovel from a tunnel will not work) and a rock near the sleeping worker. Automatically, you will see that Alfredo and Fernando were arrested and imprisoned. Throw a rock at the middle ground floor window to find the camera where Rex is sitting.
Go to the market. Bianca hung a new sign over her counter. Ask where she got the red paint from. She will answer that she made the sign with a red spray, and threw the bottle with the remnants of the paint in a landfill.
Go to the junkyard. Dig out a road sign with a shovel, go to the left and pick up a bright red bottle from a heap of garbage.
Go to the City Hall. The engineers had already left, and the signaling device remained hanging on the rock. Unscrew it with a screwdriver and return to the prison.
Draw a red cross on the wall, place a road sign next to it, and hang an alarm on the wall. Talk to Rex again and tell him about the red box. After the cutscene, Rex will be in the junkyard and jump into the garbage chute.

Scene IV
We play for Rex. You can choose a short way or "Labyrinth". One way or another, Rex will end up in the village and meet Ingel. He will tell you that Princess Lucretia lives here. Go right and introduce yourself to the princess. She will want to make sure you are not a spy, and will ask you to get the heart of a slicker mushroom. To the left of it grows a green mushroom with three holes. To get the heart, you need to plug two of the three holes with something. For this, two coconuts are suitable, which lie at the fence to the left and right of the princess. Plug the holes, run your paw into the mushroom and give the princess the heart. She will believe in the sincerity of your intentions and send you to consult with the chef Manuel. Go right. The cook is forced to defend the village from the terrible and gluttonous Reptilian so that it does not swallow the local residents. Manuel fed the red box with the heart to the Reptilian. There is nothing to do - you have to get her to eat Rex too. But you need some kind of armor, because the snake has very large teeth, and Rex can die if he climbs inside just like that. The rooster-inventor comes to the rescue. He sends Rex out for a walk until he comes up with something. Exit the gate and go back - the rooster has already drawn a Trojan elephant, which you will have to make from scrap materials.
Go to the location to Ingel and pick up a washing machine, 2 circles for the toilet, 2 skis, a basin and a barrel from the garbage heap. At the location with the princess, pick up the green barrel near the fence on the left of the screen. At the location with Manuel, take the barrel near the gate (on the left of the screen), and near the cook - a purple barrel, 2 bowls, a broom, a pipe. Put 4 barrels on the cross near Manuel, on them - a washing machine, then a basin, a pipe, 2 bowls, 2 skis and a broom. Rex will jump in on his own, and the Reptile will immediately swallow him.
Rex will be in the esophagus. Here you have to move exclusively by running (right mouse button). After a certain time, gases will escape from the esophagus and blow Rex to the starting position. Therefore, you need to grab onto certain pimples at the bottom of the esophagus, wait out the attack and run to the next pimple. Some of the bumps will burst under Rex's paws. You need to grab the 4th pimple on the left, wait out the attack, then run to the 8th pimple on the left, wait out the attack and quickly run to the right.

You will find yourself in the stomach, and the further path is blocked by the duodenum with processes. Each appendage is pumped with a curl of a certain shape. Pick up green, semi-digested objects in the stomach and insert them into the curls of the intestine. If everything is correct, it will open and you will enter the next cavity. There are four bubbles hanging here, and acid is dripping from the ceiling above them. You need to click on the bubbles in a certain order to open the road further. You must not allow Rex to fall into a puddle of acid with his paw, into a spray from a drop at the bottom of the cavity, and also you must not allow a drop from above to fall on Rex - he will return to its original position. Therefore, jump over the puddles of acid and click on the bubbles in this order (from left to right): 4, 1, 3, 2. In the next cavity you will find a brass band of four instruments that play out of sync. The puzzle is randomly generated - you need to make sure that all the instruments play at the same time march. Pick up a feather and, pressing them on the tools, improvise. When Rex finally bows, head right and grab the red box. To the right - exit.
After talking with Manuel, return to Lucretia and show her the red box. She will allow her to take her staff (crimson, stands next to her throne). Return to Ingel, pick up one of the crimson balloons growing on the tree with your staff, and return to the junkyard.

Scene V
We play for Socroth. After taking the box, go to the basement to Alfredo. There is a policeman on the stairs, so take the elevator. Unfortunately, the secret laboratory has already been visited by the police and destroyed it. You need to find a light bulb and a magnifying glass lens.
Walk up one floor. Turn on the light with the right switch (otherwise Sokrot will not go through the darkness) and go to the stairs. Turn off the light and unscrew the bulb. Return to the basement and screw it into the desk lamp. There is a projector in the foreground of the screen, remove the lens from it and insert it into the magnifying glass. Use a magnifying glass on the photo - there should be four of them.
First photo - two people pulling a carpet. 6 points should be noted: someone's paws from the toilet, a heart on the toilet, a carpet, a rat's paw on the carpet, a baseball cap of a mole photographer, a camera.
The second photo is in the city hall. 5 points should be noted: a poster, a rat tail of the mayor, a king, a carpet, a crown on the king's head.
The third photo is a demonstration. 4 points should be noted: on the left - a photography mole, Sergio standing next to him, a revolutionary on the far left with a lightning bolt on his face, a revolutionary in the third row with cheese in his paw.
The fourth photo is near the city hall. 5 points should be noted: the mayor's suit, under it - a rat's paw, a sculpture's paw, a dark passage behind the sculpture, the city hall wall.
Go to Sergio's Market. He will say that the name of the photographer is Javier and mark his house on the map.
Go to Javier. He works as an installer and sets up the light for the mayor's coronation. After talking with him, you will receive the key to the safe, where the photograph is. Ask Javier about the rug and the bungee rope.
Open the safe and arrange the toys like this (these are simple spots):
top row: ball, blue plane, red plane;
middle row: doll, empty space, mill;
bottom row: gray bear, horse, red bear.

Take the photo and go to Alfredo's house. Press the magnifying glass on the table and find 4 active points: a heart on the toilet, a king in the carpet, the nose of a mole facing you, in the background there are some glass cylinders.
Return to the market and ask the vendors about these cylinders - a new location will appear on the map. Go there. Sokroth will see his magnet, which he once lost. You can't just take it, since the magnet is behind the glass. Nearby is a mole with a lawn mower. Walk to the right to the glass cylinder control mechanism and lift the lever up. Check the position of the magnet - it hit the first cylinder because it was pulled through the glass towards the mower. Talk to the mole - he refuses to go to the right so that you can get the magnet. Walk to the left and pick up a bag of fast-growing grass. Place grass near the cylinder control. Lower the lever, spin the wheel and raise the lever again - the grass will grow instantly and the mole will mow it down. As a result, the magnet will be pushed out of the cylinders, and you can pick it up.
Now you need to tackle the monument on the right. Try to push it - the paws of the revolutionaries move. You saw the monument on the poster in the city hall. Go to City Hall.
Go to the left of the front door and pull the sculpture by the paw. Enter the mayor's office and carefully examine the poster. You need to remember the location of the 8 items that the revolutionaries are holding.
Go to the monument and, moving the paws of the revolutionary moles, put them in the same position as on the poster: the trowel needs to be moved 2 times, the fishing rod 2 times, the guitar 2 times, the checker 2 times, the hammer 2 times, the roll - 1 time.

Socroth will conclude that there is a secret hideout of rats and the deposed king.
Go to the prison and click on the far right window of the 2nd floor. Talk to Fernando and Alfredo. Read the flyer (they hang all over the city) about the upcoming coronation of the mayor.
Go to the junkyard and task Rex to free the king. After that, go to Javier and tie the magnet to the bungee rope.

Scene VI
We play for Rex. Again, you have a choice - to go along the map by a short road or through the "Labyrinth". You will find yourself in a 5-storey tower, where the king is locked in a cage at the very top. The cage must be lowered to the level of the 2nd floor, where there is a hole in the glass cylinder. To move the cage down, you must first turn the lever on the airlock between floors, and then turn the wheel on the 4th floor. Only one lever can be turned at a time. The matter is complicated by the fact that a guard constantly walks the floors, and if he catches Rex, he will have to start all over again. You can walk on floors through pipes. If you see red eyes in the pipe, it means that the guard will come out through this pipe now. You need to hide from the guard behind the barrels. The guard does not enter the 1st floor.
To save the king, you need to collect 4 items on the floors: on the 4th floor, tear off the plaster from the right pipe, on the 5th floor, pick up the valve (on the right), on the 3rd floor - a leaky inflatable duck (on the right) and scissors (on the left). In inventory, glue the duck and go down to the 1st floor. Go through the middle tube to the right side of the center cylinder and inflate the duck with gas from the cylinder. Drain the water from the central cylinder by turning the valve. Now you need to lower the cage from the 5th floor to the 2nd, consistently pressing the levers and not forgetting to turn the wheel. When the king is on the 2nd floor, you need to enter the 2nd floor through the left pipe and cut the rope on which the cage hangs with scissors (you need to use the scissors on the king). The king will fall to the bottom of the cylinder, throw a duck into the hole. Go up to the 5th floor and go down through the right pipe to the 2nd floor on the right side of the central cylinder. Hang a valve on the pipe and pour water again. Return to the 2nd floor on the left and talk to the king. It remains to watch the final video.
