Hotels Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City on the map. What to see in Ho Chi Minh City in one day? Route and map of Ho Chi Minh City with attractions in Russian. Ho Chi Minh City or Saigon

Ho Chi Minh City on the map of Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh City detailed map

Ho Chi Minh City Map

Ho Chi Minh City is the largest city in Vietnam and the second most populous city in the country. Located in the southeastern part of Vietnam, 1719 kilometers south of the Vietnamese capital - Hanoi. The city is located on the right bank of the Saigon River in the Mekong Delta, at an altitude of about 19 meters above sea level.

Ho Chi Minh City, with a total area of ​​more than 2,090 square kilometers, has the status of a province (central city). Ho Chi Minh City detailed map demonstrates Administrative division cities: the territory includes 19 urban districts and 5 rural counties.

Ho Chi Minh City is the main industrial and commercial center of Vietnam. The country's largest international airport, Tan Son Nhat, is located here. The map of Ho Chi Minh City gives a clear idea of ​​the short distance between the city center and the airport terminal: it is only about seven kilometers. Ho Chi Minh City also has a well-established public transport system. Many of the 130 bus routes pass by major attractions in Vietnam's southern capital.

Until 1976, Ho Chi Minh City was called Saigon. But after the unification of the country and the adoption of the constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the city was renamed in honor of the prominent political figure Ho Chi Minh. But to this day the former name of the city remains in use.

Ho Chi Minh City Map with sights located in the map tab, in the places section. This service will help you navigate the area while traveling. The Ho Chi Minh City map will help you when planning a walking route around the most dynamic city in Vietnam.

Map of Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) in Russian

Probably, many people know this city by its old name - Saigon. But an equally large number of people know it by its new name - Ho Chi Minh City. The city received its second name after the main Vietnamese communist Ho Chi Minh, under whose leadership American troops were defeated during the Vietnam War. A map of Ho Chi Minh City in Russian will be required for tourists who travel to this city and do not speak English or Vietnamese.

Map of Ho Chi Minh City in Russian

Ho Chi Minh City or Saigon?

Now it is a fairly modern city, sponsored by Hollywood (which is somewhat strange for a country that defeated the American interventionists). At the same time, the authorities of Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) are trying in every possible way to maintain this status for their city. It is interesting that the Vietnamese call the city by its old name - Saigon. Souvenirs for tourists here are trophies left over from the Vietnam War, including many attributes of the equipment of the American Marines. And, I must say, such souvenirs are at odds with huge success. You can determine the location of markets and shops using a map. Interesting fact is that one of the most famous discos in this city is named after a film released in those days - Apocalypse Now. One of the factors that attracts tourists here is the cinematic image of the city - noisy taverns, constant fun - everything looks as if the city will soon cease to exist. It is this depravity that attracts people here.

Many tourists wonder: what is the most correct name for this city: Ho Chi Minh City or still Saigon?
In Vietnam itself, they believe that Ho Chi Minh City is the most correct name. This is largely dictated by the fact that the old regime fell and began new stage in the life of Vietnam. People living in this country do not want to remember the old days. However, Saigon has not gone down in history forever - this name is present in districts 1, 3 and 5.
Many tourists are interested in what can be seen in this extraordinary city? Use the map of Ho Chi Minh City in Russian to find out where the most interesting places. First of all, in museums you can see the amazing and ingenious traps that Vietnamese troops used against the Americans. The next advantage is the excellent food of Vietnamese chefs, in particular, Peking duck. You can taste it near Quan Nam Pagoda. Another feature is that the beaches can be reached by ships, on air wings - the notorious Soviet “Rockets”. And finally, as the main souvenir you can buy real village silk, from which you can then sew a shirt with your own hands. In general, what is described in this article is not all the advantages of a holiday in Vietnam. And only with your own eyes can you see all the wonderful beauties and customs of this amazing country.

If you decide to visit Vietnam, be sure to stop in Ho Chi Minh City, whose attractions provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the history and culture of the country.

Ho Chi Minh City is a city in the south of the country, located on the banks of the Saigon River. Founded 300 years ago, today it combines the luxury of expensive restaurants and modern skyscrapers with the unique atmosphere of an Asian metropolis. So that you know exactly what to see in Ho Chi Minh City, we have compiled the TOP 8 attractions of this city. Read the description of each place and create your own travel itinerary!

In the heart of the business district, a 15-minute walk from the city center, rises the 68-story Bitexco skyscraper, 262 meters high. There are many offices of prestigious companies in this building, but the reason for its fame lies elsewhere. On the 49th floor of the financial tower there is an observation deck that offers a panoramic 360° view of the entire Ho Chi Minh City.

The cost of visiting this attraction is $10 (includes a bottle of water and binocular rental), and is open 24 hours a day. A few floors above there is a cafe with panoramic windows and a souvenir shop. At the entrance to the tower, you are photographed near the green wall and offered the opportunity to buy this photo with a changed background (an image of the building during the day or at night) in A4 format on paper/glass.

  1. Pay attention to weather conditions. The tower is located at a high altitude, so if you go in cloudy/rainy weather, you won’t be able to look at all of Ho Chi Minh City; the view of the city will be partially hidden.
  2. You won't have to pay an entrance fee if visiting this attraction is part of your city tour. Prices for such organizations are lower than for individual tourists, so the general excursion is good way save.

Cuchi Tunnels

Located in the village of Ku Chi, these tunnels are the most vivid reminder of the events of the Vietnam War. This place is a settlement of partisans who fled from enemy soldiers and defended their land. Civilians dug long tunnels (total length - 300 m) and lived there with families. To protect themselves from the American military, they set traps, made very small narrow passages, and placed poisoned metal lances everywhere. Upon arrival, you will be greeted by a guide who will briefly tell the history of the war and show a 10-minute film about those events, after which he will show the area and tunnels.

To get to the village, you need to take bus number 13, you can get on it at the central bus station and get to the Cu-Chi Tunnels stop. Travel time is about 1.5 hours.

The cost of visiting the attraction is $4. There is a souvenir shop on site where you can buy a map of Ho Chi Minh City with attractions in Russian. For an additional fee, you are allowed to shoot weapons from those times.

  1. Nutrition. Although you will be treated to lotus tea at the entrance, and there is a drinks area on site, it is better to take some food with you, as visiting the tunnels along with the two-way road can take about 5 hours.
  2. Start your day with this attraction. The last minibus leaves at 17:00, so in order not to waste money on a taxi and have time to get around everything, it’s better to come here in the morning.

If you ask local Vietnamese where to go in Ho Chi Minh City or what to see in Ho Chi Minh City in 2 days, the answer will definitely include the Museum of War Remnants. This place seems very violent and unsuitable for visiting, especially with children, but it is a must visit. The museum is well worth a visit, it reminds us of the cost of the war and explains why the locals are so proud of this victory.

The three-story museum displays dozens of types of weapons, hundreds of cartridges, airplanes and tanks of that time. But the main exhibits here are photographs. Each photograph tells about the events of the war, be it chemical bombings or armed battles. The essence of these photos is clear even without captions, which are nevertheless made under each photo on English language.

  • Opening hours: every day from 7:30 to 17:00 (break from 12 to 13).
  • Price for one – $0.7. The museum is located in the very center of the city.

At the end of the 19th century, French architects added a piece of Parisian charm and European culture to Vietnam. The City Opera House, a beautiful columned building, attracts tourists as appearance, and the interior. If you like cultural attractions, be sure to go see some production.

The cost and time of visiting varies depending on the ticket price for the show.

Advice: You can visit the theater only during performances; excursions are not available. In order not only to spend money on a ticket, but also to watch the production, follow the repertoire before arriving in the city. European music and dance groups often come here on tour, and mass festivals are held here - Saigon Opera House offers many interesting events.

Central Post Office

The main post office of Ho Chi Minh City is the real pride of the city. The beautiful French-style building surprises with its appearance both inside and outside. Here you can not only use postal services and send home a postcard with views of Vietnam for $0.5, but also exchange currency and buy high-quality souvenirs at a very low price.

  • Located opposite Notre Dame Cathedral, a 5-minute walk from the Ben Thanh local market.
  • Entry is free and open from 8am to 5pm every day.

Prices on the page are for January 2018.

Central Square of Ho Chi Minh City (Ho Chi Minh Square)

The central square in front of the city council building, which combines the cultures of three countries - France, Vietnam and the USSR. Next to architectural masterpieces in the style of 19th-century Paris are modern buildings decorated with Vietnamese attributes, and nearby stands the office of the Communist Youth League with its symbolic hammer and sickle. This place is not included in excursions, since tourists love to visit this attraction of Ho Chi Minh City on their own, spending several hours on it.

This is a great place for walking with children, as beautiful flowers and unusual trees grow throughout the territory, there are fountains, many benches and several sculptures.

Advice: It is better to visit the central square in the evening, when the lights are on. If you want to soak in the atmosphere of the Vietnamese people, you should come here on the Eastern New Year when a lot of local residents come to the park, when usual life stops its progress and people remember old traditions.

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Museum of Illusions (Artinus 3D Art Museum)

Do you want to go back to your childhood, forget about your problems and really have fun? Then you need to visit this museum of illusions. This is a very good, positive place where you can relax even with children.

The building is conventionally divided into rooms, where each wall has huge paintings that create a 3D effect. Take a lot of photos with different backgrounds so that your friends viewing the photo will think that you desperately got an elephant out of the jungle, almost got hit by a large sneaker, and even had an interesting conversation with a large chimpanzee.

At the entrance you are greeted by friendly employees, from whom you can purchase a ticket ($10) and various drinks.

The museum is open from 9 am to 6 pm on weekdays and until 8 pm on weekends.

  1. Don't forget to take your camera and good mood.
  2. Go on a weekday, preferably not in the evening, to avoid crowds of tourists and long queues to the installations.

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Notre Dame Cathedral

Another proof that Ho Chi Minh City is not called the Paris of Vietnam for nothing. This cathedral is a relic of French colonialism, and although it is not aimed at tourists, it is the most popular temple in the city. In the evenings, creative and loving young people gather here - the former sing songs accompanied by various instruments, the latter relax on benches. In addition, Notre Dame is a traditional location for wedding photo shoots.

The building is made in a neo-romantic style with Gothic elements; in front of the entrance there is a large statue of the Virgin Mary, who stands on a snake (a symbol of the fight against evil) and holds a globe in her hands.

The attraction is located a 15-minute walk from the central city market.

  • You can look at the cathedral inside for free.
  • The temple is only open during certain time: on weekdays from 4:00 to 9:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00.
  • Every Sunday at 9:30 am there is a general mass in English.
  1. Watch your clothes. If you want to go inside, you must look the way you should according to Catholic law. Girls need to take a scarf or stole with them, and do not wear short shorts or skirts.
  2. If the main entrance to the church is closed during business hours, you can use the side gates.
  3. Visit the beautiful park located nearby. This is a great place to go with children.

In Ho Chi Minh City, the sights are worth your attention, but the most interesting things are on the streets, where life is in full swing and you can watch the locals.

All attractions of Ho Chi Minh City mentioned on the page are marked on the map in Russian.

Video: a walk around Ho Chi Minh City.

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We came to Ho Chi Minh City in March and spent 4 days here. We mostly walked around the city center, visiting objects that would be interesting to see while in Saigon. Plus, Ho Chi Minh City was our first city in Vietnam, and we studied with increased attention not only the metropolis itself, but also a new country for us. I warn you right away that the post will be very voluminous, with a basic description of each attraction in Ho Chi Minh City, a huge number of photos, marks on the map, prices and coordinates. From the article you will also learn why Ho Chi Minh City is called Saigon, in which area to choose a hotel, where to eat, what to see, how to get there, get around, and other things. useful information. You can immediately go to the question you are interested in using the link in the menu.

Saigon or Ho Chi Minh City? A little history

Ho Chi Minh - a famous politician in Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam - Thành phHChi Minh) – although not the capital of Vietnam, it is the most Big City in a country with a population of about 8 million people. This metropolis is named after the famous Vietnamese politician and communist - Ho Chi Minh. But it wasn't always like this. After the colonial countries of the Indochinese Peninsula gained independence from France in 1954, two different Vietnamese states were formed: South and North Vietnam. So, if Hanoi was the main city in the north, then the current Ho Chi Minh City is the capital of South Vietnam, only it was then called Saigon (Vietnam. – Sài Gòn, from the name of the river on the banks of which the city is located). In 1976, after the unification of the country, the capital of South Vietnam lost its status and was renamed in honor of the first president of North Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh (ironically, or what?). But locals, decades later, still call Ho Chi Minh City Saigon. You can also find the old name on transport routes and various signs. In general, Ho Chi Minh City is the official name of the city, Saigon is historical and spiritual.

Sights of Ho Chi Minh City with photos

The main attractions of Ho Chi Minh City can be seen in 1-3 days; a more complete and thorough examination of the metropolis and its surroundings will require at least a week. Most of the interesting things are located in the city center. You can easily get around them on foot, especially if you try to optimize the route. To do this, below I will provide a map of Saigon with marked noteworthy objects on it and a small guide, but for now I will list the main things to see in Ho Chi Minh City and show photos of the attractions.

— Buildings and architecture

The old center of Ho Chi Minh City retains many French colonial-style buildings, but the city has modern buildings and skyscrapers, as well as various interesting temples and pagodas. Now we will look at them.

— — Cathedral of Our Lady of Saigon (Notre Dame de Saigon)

Notre Dame de Saigon is one of the most visited attractions in Ho Chi Minh City. The Cathedral of Our Lady of Saigon is a functioning Catholic church built in 1877-1883. during French colonial times. Many compare it to the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris in France. My opinion is that they are similar only in name and slightly in external shape (from afar). Style, decoration, era of construction - all this is very different. Be that as it may, it’s very nice to feel a piece of Europe in Asia (especially for us, who missed it during our nine months of traveling in Southeast Asia :)). In front of the cathedral there is a statue of the Virgin Mary with her feet on a snake.

  • Address: Paris Square (Bến Nghé, Hồ Chí Minh).
  • Coordinates: 10.779865 N, 106.69915 E
  • Cost of visit: for free.
  • Temple opening hours: hedgehog 5.00-11.00 and 15.00-17.30. Time for tourists to visit: Mon.-Sat. 8.00-11.00 and 15.00-16.00. Service schedule: Mon.-Sat. 5.30, 17.00, Sun. 5.30, 6.30, 7.30, 9.30, 16.00, 17.15, 18.30.

Paris Square
Notre Dame de Saigon

— — Saigon Central Post Office

Next to Notre Dame de Saigon there is another colonial building - the city post office building, erected in 1886-1891. based on the architectural design of Gustave Eiffel himself. The post office is operational, it will be interesting to go inside. Here you can not only send a parcel, but also buy souvenirs and call your family. By the way, many classic telephone booths have built-in ATMs.

  • Address: Paris Square (2 Công xã Paris, Bến Nghé, Hồ Chí Minh).
  • Coordinates: 10.779865 N, 106.70018 E
  • Cost of visit: for free.
  • Working hours: Mon.-Fri. 7.00-19.00, Sat. 7.00-18.00, Sun. 8.00-18.00.

Ho Chi Minh City Central Post Office

Central post office building inside
ATMs in telephone booths

— — Municipal Opera House (Saigon Opera House)

The Saigon Opera House is a very beautiful building in the center of Ho Chi Minh City. As scheduled, the popular acrobatic show "A O Show" takes place here in the evenings.

  • Website"A O Show":
  • Address: 7 Lam Son Square, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Coordinates: 10.776829 N, 106.70327 E
  • Cost of visit: depends on the cost of a ticket to the performance.
  • Working hours: according to the schedule of programs and shows.

Saigon Opera House
Fountain near the theater
Invitation to the acrobatic show “A O Show”

— — City Council Building (City Hall,City Hall)

The former city council building is one of the most beautiful buildings in colonial Saigon. They are not allowed inside, photos can only be taken from outside. Many tourists and travelers highly praised the landscaped area near the municipality, especially noting the beauty against the backdrop of evening illumination. To our regret, as of March 2015, the entire street in front of City Hall was being completely renovated in Ho Chi Minh City. There is nothing left in place of the cozy and pleasant park. 🙁 I would like to believe that after the complete restoration of this part of the city, it will become no less beautiful as it was before.

  • Coordinates: 10.776492 N, 106.70087 E
  • Address: Lê Thánh Tôn, Bến Nghé, Hồ Chí Minh.

Former City Hall
The square near City Hall is under renovation
And the whole street is under renovation...

— — Independence Palace (Reunification Palace)

The Reunification Palace is the former presidential palace. Visitors can walk through the offices and galleries that characterize the history of this building. On the ground floor, in a special room, you can watch a 25-minute documentary film “The Palace of Independence - a Historical Witness.” There are examples of military equipment on the territory.

  • Website: dinhdoclap. gov. vn
  • Address, how to get there: 106 Nguyen Du, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City. From Ben Thanh market 15-20 minutes walk.
  • Coordinates: 10.776955 N, 106.69539 E
  • Cost of visit: adults – 30,000 dong ($1.5), students – 15,000 dong ($0.75), schoolchildren – 5,000 dong ($0.25). There is a discount for a group visit of 20 people or more.
  • Working hours: daily 7.00-11.00 and 13.00-16.00.

Palace of Independence (Reunification)

— — Supreme People's Court Building

Interesting old building in French colonial style.

  • Address: 131 Nam Kỳ Khởi Nghĩa, Phường Bến Thành, Bến Thành, Hồ Chí Minh.
  • Coordinates: 10.775668 N, 106.69803 E

— — Ben Thanh Market

Ben Thanh Market can also be considered one of the architectural attractions of Ho Chi Minh City. At the same time, here you can buy all kinds of souvenirs, national costumes, various types of Vietnamese coffee and tea, dried fruits and seafood and other local delicacies. But, you should remember that the market is designed for tourists; you will be constantly invited and forced to buy something at a very inflated price. Know that the first price for a product mentioned here, if you know how to bargain, can be reduced by 2-6 times! Another great thing about Benh Thanh Market is that it serves as an excellent point of departure for public buses from the center of Ho Chi Minh City to other parts of the city. Just in time for opposite side square and there is a stop.

  • Address: Lê Lợi, Bến Thành, 1 Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam.
  • Coordinates: 10.772445 N, 106.69812 E
  • Cost of visit: for free.
  • Working hours:≈7.00-19.00, from 19.00 to 24.00 the evening street market around the building begins.

Ben Thanh Market Square
Market assortment

— — Skyscraper Biteksko(Bitexco Financial Tower)

Bitekko is the tallest skyscraper in Ho Chi Minh City. Its height is 262 meters and has 68 floors. The building's shape is inspired by the lotus bud, the national flower of Vietnam. On the 49th floor there is an indoor observation deck “Saigon Skydeck” with a 360˚ view. You can admire the views from the bar on the 50th floor by ordering from the menu.

  • Websites:,
  • Address: 36 Ho Tung Mau, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, HCMC. From Ben Thanh market 10 minutes walk.
  • Coordinates: 10.771748 N, 106.70448 E
  • Cost of visit: Observation deck Skydeck 49th floor: adults - 200,000 VND ($10), children 4-12 years old and pensioners over 65 years old - 130,000 VND ($6.5). Bar on the 50th floor: drinks cost from $8.
  • Working hours: Skydeck is open 9.30-21.30, the ticket office closes at 20.45.

Bitexco Financial Tower

— — Jade Emperor Pagoda

The Jade Emperor Pagoda is a Taoist temple built in 1909. On the territory there is a small pond with turtles, for which the pagoda is sometimes called the Turtle Pagoda.

  • Address: 73 Mai Thi Luu St, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
  • Coordinates: 10.791699 N, 106.69787 E
  • Cost of visit: for free.
  • Working hours: all day.

At the Turtle Pagoda
In the temple

— — Giac Lam Pagoda

Jacques Lam Pagoda is one of the oldest Buddhist temples in Ho Chi Minh City. Built in 1744

  • Address: Lạc Long Quân, Tân Bình, Ho Chi Minh City. Located outside the central part of Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Coordinates: 10.778912 N, 106.64922 E
  • Cost of visit: for free.
  • Working hours: all day.

— Museums

There are a lot of museums in Saigon, but only the most popular ones, which are located in the tourist center of Ho Chi Minh City, will be listed here.

— — Museum of the consequences of war

The museum is dedicated to the consequences of military actions by the United States. Archives of documents, various collections, and photographs are collected and stored here. A large amount of military equipment is presented on the territory of the museum.

  • Address: 28 Vo Van Tan, Ward 6, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Buses: No. 28 (from Ben Thanh market), No. 14, No. 6.
  • Coordinates: 10.779371 N, 106.69217 E
  • Cost of visit: 15,000 VND ($0.75), discounts for children, students, and disabled people.
  • Working hours: daily 7.30-12.00 and 13.30-17.00.

— — Vietnam History Museum

Collections of exhibits from ancient times (including the Cham culture) to the 20th century are collected here.

  • Address: Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, Bến Nghé, Hồ Chí Minh.
  • Coordinates: 10.787871 N, 106.70499 E
  • Cost of visit: 15,000 dong ($0.75).
  • Working hours: Tue-Sun 8.00-11.00 and 13.30-17.00, Mon. – closed.

— — Ho Chi Minh City Museum

The Ho Chi Minh City Museum currently houses and preserves 45,666 exhibits, grouped into 133 thematic collections of interesting materials from various historical periods: flags, administrative documents, radios, cameras, wooden furniture, statues of folk religion, exhibits that related to historical figures, weapons, Cochin zinc coins of the 18th century, silver bars (from the mid-17th century to the mid-20th century), money with a high face value (from the mid-18th century to the mid-20th century), Indo-Chinese coins, printing forms paper money Democratic Republic of Vietnam.

  • Website:
  • Address: No.65 Ly Tu Trong, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City. You can get there by bus No. 04, 18, 36 from Ben Thanh market, walking from there in 15-20 minutes.
  • Coordinates: 10.776091 N, 106.69971 E
  • Cost of visit: schoolchildren – 2,000 dong ($0.1), adults – 5,000 dong ($0.25), foreign citizens – 15,000 dong ($0.75).
  • Working hours: daily 8.00-17.00.

— — Women's Museum (Southern Vietnam Women Museum)

The exhibition is dedicated to Vietnamese women and their role in society and the history of the state.

  • Address: 202 Võ Thị Sáu, phường 7, Quận 3, Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam.
  • Coordinates: 10.784404 N, 106.68811 E
  • Cost of visit: for free.
  • Working hours: Mon.-Fri. 7.30-12.00 and 13.30-17.00, Sat., Sun. – closed.

— — Ho Chi Minh Museum

There is an exhibition related to the life and death of Ho Chi Minh. Exhibition halls are located on 3 floors. The museum has a small but very pleasant park, from here there is a wonderful view of the Saigon River embankment.

  • Address: Số 01 Nguyễn Tất Thành, Phường 12, Quận 4, TP. Hồ Chí Minh.
  • Coordinates: 10.768281 N, 106.70679 E
  • Cost of visit: 10,000 dong ($0.5).
  • Working hours: no information.

Ho Chi Minh Museum: view from the bridge
Ho Chi Minh Museum grounds
Around the museum
Exhibits from the Ho Chi Minh Museum

— Parks and places for walking and recreation

Saigon's places of entertainment, recreation and walking will be listed here. You can spend half a day or a day in many of them.

— — Zoo and botanical garden

This is truly a wonderful place! You can happily walk for hours at the Ho Chi Minh City Zoo. There are giraffes, rhinoceroses, elephants, crocodiles, many species of artiodactyls, monkeys, birds, reptiles and other animals. There is also a botanical garden and attractions. On weekends, the performances on stage triple.

  • Website:
  • Address: 2 Nguyen Binh Khiem Str., Ward Ben Nghe, Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Coordinates: 10.788345 N, 106.70629 E
  • Cost of visit: adults – 50,000 dong ($2.5), children – 30,000 dong ($1.5).
  • Working hours: daily 7.00-18.00, entrance until 17.00.

Ho Chi Minh City Zoo and Botanical Garden

— — Puppet theater on the water “Golden Dragon”

Traditional Vietnamese water puppet dance. The show is accompanied by live national music and songs.

  • Coordinates: 10.776241 N, 106.69247 E
  • Address: 55 B Nguyen Thi Minh Khai St., Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Cost of visit: 7,5$.
  • Working hours: performances start at 17.00, 18.30, 19.45. Lasts 50 minutes.

— — Pham Ngu Lao Street area (Pham Ngu Lao Street)

There is a park along Pham Ngu Lao Street. Both tourists and locals love to walk here. In the evenings, children and teenagers play various games. But this is not why this street is popular. The whole area is interesting, surrounded by Pham Ngu Lao, Do Quang Dau, Bui Vien and De Tham streets. There is a special atmosphere of Saigon here. To feel it, you need to dive deep into one of the narrow streets and walk through the labyrinths, where buildings stand 1.5-2 meters apart from each other. Here every door is open and you can observe the life of the Vietnamese. And when it gets dark, a huge number of small tables and stools are set up along Bui Vien Street, where crowds of backpackers gather to chat over a bottle of local Saigon beer.

  • Address: Pham Ngu Lao, Do Quang Dau, Bui Vien, De Tham streets and alleys inside.
  • Coordinates: 10.768686 N, 106.693336 E
  • Cost of visit: for free.
  • Working hours: around the clock.

Park along Pham Ngu Lao Street
The end of Pham Ngu Lao Street (Or maybe the beginning:))

Bui Vien street

We lived on one of these streets
Tourist area in the evening

- - Amusement parkSuoi Tien

Attractions, water park, ice and other palaces.

  • Coordinates: 10.862741 N, 106.80295 E
  • Address: 149ABC Nguyen Duy Duong Street, Ward 3, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Located on the outskirts of Ho Chi Minh City, you can get from Ben Thanh Market by bus number 19.
  • Cost of visit: adults - 90,000 dong ($4.5), children - 45,000 ($2) + each attraction is paid separately.
  • Working hours: Mon.-Fri. 7.00-17.00, Sat.-Sun. 7.00-18.00, holidays 7.00-23.00.

— — Damsen Amusement Park (Dam Shen,Dam Sen Park)

Amusement park and other entertainment.

  • Coordinates:
  • Address: 3 Hòa Bình, phường 3, Hồ Chí Minh. Located far from the tourist center of Ho Chi Minh City. You need to travel from Ben Thanh market by bus number 11.
  • Cost of visit: no information.
  • Working hours: no information.

— — Waterpark Damsen (Dam Shen,Dam Sen Water Park)


  • Coordinates: 10.764523 N, 106.63871 E
  • Address: 03 Hoa Binh Street, Ho Chi Minh City. From Ben Thanh market by bus number 11.
  • Cost of visit: adults - 130,000 dong ($6.5), children - 90,000 ($4.5); after 16.00: adults - 110,000 dong ($5.5), children - 80,000 ($4)
  • Working hours: Mon.-Sat. 9.00-18.00, Sun., holidays. 8.30-18.00.

— — Park Le Van Tam

A city park where tourists are not a frequent visitor. Here, Saigon residents go in for sports in large numbers. So, if you are staying in Ho Chi Minh City for a long time, you can join them. 🙂

  • Address: Võ Thị Sáu, Đa Kao, Quận 1, Hồ Chí Minh.
  • Coordinates: 10.788245 N, 106.69369 E
  • Cost of visit: for free.
  • Working hours: around the clock.

Sights of Ho Chi Minh City on the map of Vietnam

The map of Saigon below is divided into several layers-sections, which for convenience can be turned on/off in the menu on the left. The layers are grouped as follows: “Buildings and Architecture”, “Parks and Recreation”, “Museums”, “Other Objects”.

If you don’t have much time and you don’t know what to see in Ho Chi Minh City, I recommend taking a walk around the attractions that are concentrated in the city center (check the map). All of them are located not far from each other; if desired, you can do it in one day.

Before walking, ask for a paper map of Ho Chi Minh City from your hotel reception. When you walk around the city, it is convenient to use offline mobile app with maps.

What to see in the vicinity of Ho Chi Minh City

To go explore the distant sights of Ho Chi Minh City, it is best to book a tour at one of the many offices in the area of ​​Pham Ngu Lao Street. You can go to some places on your own on a motorbike (rent $5 per day) or by public transport. We didn’t go around the area, so I’ll just list what you can see:

  • Cu Chi Tunnels.
  • Dai Nam Amusement Park.
  • Mekong Delta.
  • Monkey Island Can Gio Island.
  • Vung Tau city. We went to this wonderful city as part of an independent trip for 2 days.

Attractions around Saigon on the map Vietnam:

Excursions in Ho Chi Minh City in Russian

In Ho Chi Minh City, excursions around the city and surrounding areas can be booked on the spot at travel agencies or in advance.

Photo walk through the center of Ho Chi Minh City

In this section I want to post various photos of Ho Chi Minh City, not related to specific attractions, but which give a general idea of ​​what the center of Saigon looks like.

Saigon River embankment

KFC gives a gift))

I hope these photos will help you navigate what you can see in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.

Precautions on the streets of Saigon

In Vietnam, although the crime rate is not high, we should not forget about basic security measures. In the tourist area of ​​almost any metropolis, incl. and Ho Chi Minh City, you should carry bags over your shoulder, because... otherwise, they are easy to pick off when passing by on a motorcycle. Avoid putting money and valuables in easily accessible pockets. In crowded places, take your backpack off your back. Cross the street carefully, because... Traffic in Saigon is very chaotic.

Don’t forget about various kinds of “sniffers.” In tourist places they will constantly force you to buy glasses, shout “hey, motorbike” (in order to give you a ride), in the evening near every cafe they will invite you for dinner, a massage, etc. When purchasing any trinkets or services, be sure to bargain.


One day a guy ran up to us with a box and, right as we walked, began to seal Kostya’s tattered sandals. He did not respond to our attempts to move on, resistance and the phrase “no need”. As a result, he took off Kostya’s shoes and began to wash them with a strange liquid, which, judging by the dirty consistency, he used more than once. This comrade never touched the topic of money, but we understood that now we would have to pay. At that moment we only had large bills of 100,000 dong ($5) and 10,000 ($0.5) in small change. When after a couple of minutes the guy finished what he was not asked to do, as expected, he demanded money. He didn’t mention the price, but 10,000 was very little for him. Due to his pride, he did not take the money at all and was very angry with us.

In which area of ​​Ho Chi Minh City can I rent a hotel?

In Ho Chi Minh City, it is best to rent a hotel in the area of ​​Pham Ngu Lao Street, which I wrote about earlier. Firstly, there are many tourist offices here, so taking an excursion or buying a ticket will not be a problem. Secondly, they are used to tourists here, so there will be no problems communicating in English. Thirdly, in this area it is interesting to walk around the streets and hang out with backpackers. Fourthly, the Ben Thanh market is nearby, from which you can take a bus to any area of ​​the city. Fifthly, here are the lowest hotel prices in Ho Chi Minh City. Sixthly, there are a large number of cafes and restaurants. The hotel can be booked at Booking. I wrote about how to book a hotel yourself.

If you wish, you can look for housing on the spot near that same Fa Ngu Lao street. In budget hotels the price is quoted at $15-25 per night per room. If you are not satisfied with this, they will most likely ask you to name your price. Bargaining is appropriate here, calmly drop $5, and then look at the situation. Before staying at the chosen hotel, ask to see the room, check whether air conditioning is included in the price, and check the Internet speed in the room. Be sure to pay attention to the presence of clubs or karaoke nearby so that you don’t have problems sleeping later.

We travel light, each with just one small backpack with a capacity of 25-30 liters. Therefore, lately we have been practicing searching for a hotel on the spot. In fact, I didn’t have to search for long, because... A local resident caught us out of the crowd and offered us accommodation for $10. The room turned out to be small, clean, with internet. For using air conditioning, the cost of housing increased by $2 per day. In March, Ho Chi Minh City gets very hot and stuffy, so we couldn’t do without air conditioning.

Where and at what prices to eat in Saigon

In the area of ​​Pham Ngu Lao Street there is a huge number of cafes with Vietnamese and Western cuisine. Prices vary generally from 35,000-40,000 VND ($1.5-2) for local Pho soup to 150,000 for other menu items. Vietnamese dishes tend to be cheaper. In simple pizzerias, the cost of a small pizza starts from 100,000 dong ($5). Saigon beer is offered in cafes at prices starting from 10,000 ($0.5) dong per bottle. In small shops in the neighborhood it will cost 15-20,000 dong ($0.75-1). The illogical difference in cost was explained quite logically: an empty bottle is left in the cafe, which itself has a price. 🙂

Food in cafes around Pham Ngu Lao Street

But we still love to eat in non-tourist eateries. It is in such places that you can taste the real taste of national dishes. We found an excellent street food court with Vietnamese cuisine at prices of 30,000-50,000 dong ($1.5-2.5) with huge portions of deliciously prepared food, with lots of herbs and various spices to boot. This place is located directly opposite the entrance to the Saigon Skydeck observation deck of the largest skyscraper in Ho Chi Minh City, Bitekko. Here is a photo of the cafe.

Authentic food court in front of the Biteksko tower

How to get to Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam

Let's start with the fact that Ho Chi Minh City has an international airport that accepts direct flights from Russia and other countries. There are often discounts and sales on flights from Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities. You can compare airfare prices among different airlines and agents using the low price calendar below.

If you have never booked a plane ticket, or you have, but still don’t really understand how to properly look for a cheap plane ticket, then I advise you to read the article.

During the day, public buses run from Ho Chi Minh City Airport to the city center. After six or seven in the evening you will have to take a taxi. Before boarding, agree on the price per kilometer with the driver and keep an eye on the meter. If you want to take care of the road from the airport to the hotel (or other place) in advance, you can select and book a transfer on the website kiwitaxi/hoshimin.

From other cities in Vietnam and neighboring Cambodia you can not only fly by plane, but also by bus or train. We got there ourselves, in advance.

For a trip to Vietnam, you can buy health insurance online among the most popular agencies on the website Sravni(the policy will arrive by email within 2-10 minutes).

This concludes my huge post. If you suddenly forgot something, or want to add it, write in the comments to the article. I will tell you a lot more about Vietnam and other countries of Southeast Asia, if you are interested, subscribe to the news!

Walking around Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam

Marina and Konstantin Samorosenko

Hello! We, Marina and Konstantin Samorosenko, are the authors of this travel blog. All information provided on the site free. But if you want thank the authors, take part in raising funds for an expensive hearing restoration surgery to our son Elisha. Details and our history can be found.
