Gta 5 full name. Special and Collector's Editions

date GTA release 5 on PC

The release took place on April 14, 2015! Versions for Playstation 4 and Xbox One released on November 18, 2014.

And what happened before before this...

Welcome to Los Santos and the surrounding Blaine County area, the world GTA 5, available for exploration from the very beginning of the game, including the bottomless ocean, dense forests, barren deserts and, of course, the concrete jungle of a huge, bustling city spread over 127 square kilometers.

The main characters of GTA 5 are three men -, and. For the first time in the series, we play as three people at once, between whom you can freely switch at any time in their lives and go through all the stunning robbery missions together. Each of them has a separate destiny and life, completely different from the other two, but they are united by one important point- they are all closely connected with the world of crime.

Compared to the previous game, Grand Theft Auto 5 redesigned and many things have been improved, including graphics, all mechanics (shooting, animation, melee, physics), weather conditions, mission model, etc. And some things were completely built from scratch, for example, a functioning ecosystem: from now on, the game world is populated not only by people, but also by various animals (dogs, sharks, bears, deer), which you can either hunt or simply admire by climbing a remote high cliff. In general, in Los Santos and Blaine County there is an order of magnitude more of everything (,), the game has become more attentive to detail and atmosphere.

Besides single player and plot, GTA 5 is equipped with powerful support in the form of multiplayer or, as the developers called it, . Essentially, this is a separate online game, with its own characters, tasks, a semblance of a plot, a lot of entertainment and several hundred different missions that can be played both in close co-op and fun company, up to 16 people.

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Gallery of GTA 5 screenshots

In Russia

The official distributor of the game in the Russian Federation. The start of pre-orders was planned () on January 14, 2013, but the subsequent series of events led to the fact that 1C itself only began on February 15, 2013.

For Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, the game is released with original voice acting, but with .


Special and Collector's Editions

On May 23, 2013, Rockstar Games announced both a collectible and a special one. The special edition is more "poor" ($80) compared to the collector's edition ($150), and contains fewer items. To anyone who pre-ordered the Grand edition Theft Auto 5 to September 17, Rockstar is giving access to the Atomic Blimp airship.
  • When will GTA V be released?
  • Who will we play for?

GTA V has three main characters with different stories. Each hero has his own circle of interests, friends and certain skills. Players will be able to switch between these characters at any time, completing tasks together with them. According to the developers, Michael was the first hero invented, after Trevor was created, Franklin was the last.

  • Michael- a former robber, over 40 years old. Married, is in a hostile relationship with his wife, has two children. He is in . Michael wants to get away from his criminal past, become a family man, raise children and completely change, and moves to Los Santos. But his money runs out and he returns to a life of crime.
  • Trevor - old friend Michael, who used to rob banks with Michael. A former military man, addicted to drugs, mentally unstable. Has a tense relationship with Franklin.
  • Franklin- A 25-year-old aspiring thief who previously worked at a car dealership.
  • In which city (country, region) will the action take place? GTA games V?

The game will take place in the city of Los Santos and its surrounding areas, such as Vinewood. It was initially assumed, and this was evidenced by a number of indications, that we would once again find ourselves in San Andreas. However, according to Sarcastic Gamer, Rockstar sent a team of specialists to various cities around the world to compile a list of cities, one of which will be chosen for GTA V. The list included: Paris, Venice, Beijing, Havana and Cancun. There was information that Moscow was also on the list. Most experts and fans of the GTA game were sure that a new version will amaze us with its geography.

  • Where can I go?

GTA V map approximately 3 times more maps GTA IV. So there is a lot of travel to choose from. You can watch sunsets from Mount Chiliad, skydive from the roof of Maze Bank, visit vineyards, bike through Blaine County, hunt wild animals and much more.

    Will planes return to the game?

Yes, and not only airplanes. GTA V will have a huge selection of ground, surface, surface and even underwater vehicles.

  • Are there activities (basketball, golf, etc.)?

In GTA V there will be the opportunity to play sports, all types: skating, exercise in and on large fields. Each character has their own. The game will also feature heists.

    Is there multiplayer in the game?

Definitely yes, and this will become one of the main features in the game. A number of developers refer to this.

  • What kind of communications will there be?

Like previous games in the series, GTA V will have a , but it will be used for some kind of action. The phone can also be used to access . significantly changed compared to the phone in GTA IV. It will be possible to see where the different ones will go.

  • What weapons will be in the game?

List of confirmed GTA weapons V:

Steel arms


Submachine guns


Slot machines

Throwing weapons


  • Will animals appear in GTA V?

Yes. Rockstar had never included animals in any of their games before Red Dead Redemption (except for seagulls and pigeons). According to rumors, police dogs were supposed to appear in San Andreas, but never appeared. Some associated this with Rockstar’s position, or rather, a lack of desire to get involved with animal rights activists. However, knowing what a high tradition there is for hunting in the wild west, there is a high probability that animals not only should, but simply must appear in the next GTA series. In addition to dogs, there will also be sharks.

  • Will there be a replay of missions in GTA V?

Remember, in the latest version of GTA: "The Ballad of Gay Tony", as well as the portable GTA: "Chinatown Wars", a new technical feature was added, namely mission replay. This feature has appeared in all new games from Rockstar, including Red Dead Redemption and L.A. Noire.

This feature gives the player an incentive to complete the mission again and again to earn best rating and to unlock trophies or achievements. Through Rockstar Games' Social Club, users can also be ranked on online leaderboards.

It's very likely that GTA V will also include this feature.

Besides. If the player fails the mission, he can repeat it (without starting over), the game has its own save points added, so to speak.

  • Will there be downloadable content in the game?

Yes. The DLC will be both free and paid.

  • What songs will be played in the game?

As in previous games in the series, in GTA V the radio stations will be filled with a variety of music. Thus, a German magazine reported that the game will feature music from such genres as

Game GTA world 5 is huge, and the possibilities it offers the player are truly endless. Therefore, it is not surprising that many small details - exactly what creates the atmosphere of the game - escape attention. In this article we have collected many such little things, a number interesting facts about San Andreas, characters and game mechanics, as well as useful secrets.

Where to get a parachute

The temptation to jump with a parachute often arises among players, but getting a parachute at the very beginning of the game is problematic, since neither parachutes nor accessories for them are sold in Ammu-Nation weapons stores. Although later they can be purchased - parachutes in a dozen colors to suit every taste will be “delivered” to stores, as well as special signal bombs that are attached to the parachutist’s leg and leave a colored smoky trail behind him in flight. It looks very interesting.

You can find a free parachute in GTA 5 in two places: on the tower crane boom at the construction site of the Mile High Club building in Pillbox Hill, and also at the cable car station at the top of Mount Chilliad. The second parachute is easier to get - you just need to walk up and take it, whereas it will take several minutes to climb onto the crane. Another option to quickly and freely get a parachute is.

By the way, GTA 5 is the first game in the Grand Theft Auto series in which you can shoot while parachuting. Alas, you can only use light weapons, but this is often enough. Previously, this was only available while flying on a jetpack in GTA San Andreas. You can’t say anything, the residents of San Andreas know a lot about extreme entertainment.

Color differentiation

Each of the characters has its own color: - green, - blue, and - orange. These colors serve as the background for the character's portrait when switching between heroes, and they are also used to color the markers of story missions and side quests, special zones, and acquired icons. Thanks to this, when you see a mission marker or ownership icon, you can immediately tell with confidence who owns the object, or which character is available for this task.

By the way, those numbers that are displayed next to the portraits of heroes when switching between characters indicate the number of tasks currently available for each of them. So if suddenly any difficulties arise, you can always call up the switching menu, see who there is a mission for, and then perform any actions with this character that may affect the progress of the plot: check mail and answer letters, perform side quests and so on.

Sometimes the game itself tells you who is best to switch to at the current moment - the sector with the character’s portrait begins to blink. If at this moment you briefly press the Alt button or the visa arrow on the gamepad cross, the switch will occur automatically. Also, the game will switch with a short press to the most relevant character in situations where this is appropriate, for example, if the hero is under fire and could die at any second.

How to get a discount at Ammu-Nation

There is never too much money - the golden rule, relevant as in real life, and in GTA 5. And even if, following, you have accumulated a couple of billion dollars in the accounts of each of the characters, this does not mean at all that the money can be wasted.

The chain of weapons and equipment stores Ammu-Nation, whose regular customers, without a doubt, are all games, is ready to provide a discount to everyone who passes all the tests at the shooting range. There are only two stores with a shooting range on the territory of San Andreas, and both are located in Los Santos: the first is near Simon Yetaryan's car dealership, and the second is near the port in the southeastern part of the city. On the map, stores with shooting ranges are marked with an icon.

You can enter the shooting range for only $14. To get a discount, you need to complete three tests with each type of weapon. For “bronze” Ammu-Nation gives the client a lifetime 10 percent discount on the entire range, for “silver” - 15 percent, and for “gold” - 25 percent. Since weapons are a significant expense item, you should pass tests at the shooting range as quickly as possible: the sooner they are completed, the more money you can save on the discount. But it should be borne in mind that only the hero who passed the tests receives a discount, so you will have to complete the conditions of the shooting range tasks three times in order for all three main characters to receive the discount.

By the way, GTA 5 is the first game in the series that allows you to buy full ammunition in just a few steps. To do this, you need to select a weapon, in the menu of this weapon - a point of sale of ammunition (ammo, grenades, etc.), and press the space key (space), and then confirm the purchase by pressing Enter. Despite the fact that Ammu-Nation does not provide discounts for such wholesale purchases, this option allows you to save a fair amount of time. However, throwing weapons (grenades, gas, and sticky bombs) will still have to be purchased individually. But big problem this is not the case, since the arsenal of characters is limited.

Where to get a helicopter

At the very beginning of the game, buying even the cheapest helicopter in the aviation equipment store looks very problematic - the cheapest “helicopter” costs 780 thousand dollars, which may seem simply an unaffordable amount. Therefore, anyone who would like to comfortably admire the views of San Andreas from a bird's eye view (after all, airship flights are not always convenient), but does not have the means to do so, will have to resort to hijacking air transport. You can find helicopters at several sites in Los Santos and beyond, all of which are marked on our.

Any hijacked helicopter can be stored at the characters' helipads. Trevor will get such a site along with the airfield in Sandy Shores after completing story mission, while Franklin and Michael will have to buy them - each of the characters can purchase them at Vespucci Helipads in Los Santos, paying a “modest” amount of almost 420 thousand GTA dollars.

Cargo helicopter

The Cargobob cargo helicopter, which is a variation of the Leviathan helicopter well known to fans of the GTA: San Andreas series, like its brother, can pick up, lift and transport any cargo, be it a car, a boat, an airplane or even a dry closet (can be found at any construction site San Andreas). You can evaluate the capabilities of this rotorcraft during the story mission “The Merryweather - Cargobob Robbery” (The Merryweather Heist- Cargobob), in which a helicopter will have to be hijacked from military base Fort Zacundo.

Cargobob can be purchased on the Warstock Cache & Carry website, which offers military equipment to everyone, for GTA$2.2 million, but it can also be stolen from the military. True, this will be much more difficult to do than during the mission. However, Cargobob occasionally appears on other sites, where it can be “borrowed” without problems.

To pick up an object, it is enough to throw out the helicopter's cargo hook and hover over the object, and then lower to such a height that the hook touches the load - the object will be picked up automatically, just as happens when towing cars, which Franklin will have to practice a lot in assignments By the way, if you can’t control the helicopter on the fly, and you can’t hover in place due to turbulence, you can use a simple trick: simultaneously hold down both keys responsible for the elevator or the two that are responsible for the rudder - this will help stabilize the flight even in the most difficult situation.

If you use Cargobob to pick up the Submersible bathyscaphe, abandoned behind the hangar of the Sandy Shores airfield after the story mission, you can comfortably explore the bottom of Alamo Lake. This is the only opportunity to deliver a submarine here (traversing it along the Cassidy Creek is very problematic), but it is by no means the only opportunity to explore the bottom: you can pump up your character’s lung capacity and dive without any equipment, or you can get hold of an inflatable boat with scuba gear and dive with him.

By the way, if you do look at the bottom, you can admire the remains of the Merryweather cargo plane resting here, destroyed by Trevor in the story mission - of course, after the task is completed. You need to look for the wreck of the crashed plane in the western part of the lake. Unfortunately, you won’t find anything else particularly interesting at the bottom of Alamo Lake.

The underwater world in GTA 5 is designed surprisingly well: at the bottom you can find sunken ships and bathyscaphes, crashed planes, the skeleton of an ancient sea monster, a mysterious hatch with a luminous window and even a flying saucer. In addition, at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of San Andreas there are also useful things - weapons, ammunition, first aid kits, body armor and much more. Also at the bottom you can find cases with money that will help you quickly get rich by 7-25 thousand dollars.

To dive into the abyss, you can use the Nagasaki Dinghy inflatable boat, which comes with scuba gear, or the Submersible bathyscaphe (it also has scuba gear on board) - the deep-sea vehicle will appear on an abandoned pier after its purchase. By the way, this submarine will be able to bring additional income - local environmentalists will offer the new owner of the facility to collect polluting coastal waters, for each barrel of which you can get 23 thousand dollars. To put on scuba gear, which allows you to stay under water for an unlimited amount of time, you just need to sit at the helm of a boat, or climb into a submersible.

Those who played GTA 5 on previous generation consoles and then purchased the game on new platforms will be able to get a faster and more maneuverable Kraken submarine.


The living world of the coastal waters of San Andreas is magnificent: various algae and corals, dolphins, rays, killer whales, humpback whales, and colorful tropical fish delight the eye, and tiger sharks make every dive an amazing adventure.

While walking along the ocean waters on a yacht or admiring the underwater beauty, from time to time you will notice a red dot on the mini-map. This is the most dangerous Pacific predator - the shark. If you are on a boat and planning to scuba dive, you can shoot it from the side. But this, firstly, does not guarantee that there are no more sharks nearby, and secondly, you may lose an excellent chance of getting the “Out of Your Depth” achievement.

This trophy is given posthumously - to get it, you need to die in a shark's mouth. When the character is in the water, the shark will slowly circle around the victim, and will certainly make particularly impressionable players a little nervous. By the way, if the character has a knife in his arsenal, you can try to fight off the predator. But let's face it, you have practically no chance, especially without such experience.

Shooting a gas tank is fun

Even in GTA San Andreas, it became possible to shoot at gas tanks of cars. But if previously vehicles exploded from one hit in the gas tank cap, then in Grand Theft Auto V everything has become much more realistic. However, now it has become even more interesting to shoot at gas tanks.

In order to shoot out the gas tank of the vast majority of cars presented in the game, you need to aim at the rear left wheel arch. Moreover, one shot is often not enough - you will have to shoot three or four times. As a result, fuel will flow through the holes to the ground, leaving a long trail behind the car that can be set on fire by a shot, a flare, or even fire from the exhaust pipe of a sports car. If you experiment by shooting through the gas tanks of sports cars, you can achieve the point that the driver trying to escape from the shooter will accelerate too sharply and fly into the air.

It's fun. But the real find of a pyromaniac is fuel trucks. They can often be found in the Paleto Bay area and around Sandy Shores. The main thing here is not to overdo it: for the jet gushing from the tank to form a path, a single shot is enough - if you shoot several times, the fuel truck will simply fly up into the air. It looks, of course, very spectacular, but it is much more interesting to ignite a stream of fuel. It is advisable to choose a place so that the fuel truck stops at a traffic light or railway crossing some time after the shot, since fire spreads very slowly along a stream of gasoline: if the tank moves at normal speed, it will not be possible to explode it in this way.

How to transport a bike

Bicycles in GTA 5 are not much different from those in GTA San Andreas in terms of handling. Just like in the 2004 game, to drive forward you just need to hold down one key, as, for example, when driving a car, but to drive fast, you will have to press the key rhythmically throughout the trip (simulating pedaling, yeah). Therefore, cycling over long distances and in remote areas is quite problematic, especially if you need to climb a mountain. However, you can cheat a little and deliver the bike to the riding area in a different way.

For example, if you want to ride off the top of Mount Chilliad in a breeze, there is no need to climb there along narrow tourist paths. Near the cable car station, located at the foot of the mountain, you can always find an excellent mountain bike. To quickly and effortlessly lift it to the top, you need to ride it straight into the cable car cabin. Well, once at the top, all that remains is to choose the appropriate direction. You can even perform some difficult stunt, for example, cycling part of the way and then jumping off a sheer cliff. Just first you need to make sure that your character has a parachute in his arsenal.

If you need to transport your bike somewhere in a remote area, for example, in the Grand Senora Desert, where this type of transport is quite rare, use any pickup truck. To make loading easier, you need to climb into the back and lightly push the rear door, and when it opens, position the car so that it is easier to jump into it (for example, park it near a small hill). After that, all that remains is to jump into the cargo compartment. As practice shows, the bicycle lies quite “calmly” while the pickup truck is moving and does not fly out of there at the first opportunity. However, it’s still not a good idea to take low-angle turns at high speed.

How to fly a big plane

There are about two dozen aircraft models in GTA 5. Such an extensive fleet of aircraft has never been seen in any game in the series before. Most of these aircraft can be purchased at air and military equipment in . Others, like the JoBuilt P-996 LAZER military fighter, can be hijacked. But few people know that you can also fly on a transcontinental airliner - yes, one of those giants that are often found at Los Santos International Airport.

Alas, not all airliners are suitable for flight, but only those aircraft that resemble the shape of the Boeing 747 fuselage - the red and white giants of the flyUS airline, equipped with four engines. To steal such an airliner, you need to go to the front landing gear of the aircraft, and then simply press the button to board the vehicle. The character will disappear and end up immediately in the cockpit. How he gets there, alas, will not be shown. The aircraft is very clumsy to control, which is not surprising given its dimensions. Of course, with a little practice, it can be planted even in the most difficult conditions - for example, on the top of Mount Chilliad. But sitting at the controls of this plane for the first time, the airliner can easily be crashed even when landing on a relatively convenient site, such as McKenzie Airfield, located near the town of Grapeseed in the northeastern part of the state.

It's best to try to hijack a plane as Franklin or Michael after they're the proud owners at the international airport. In this case, the police will not cause any inconvenience. But if you sneak into the airport playing as Trevor, the character will immediately receive . And since the plane turns around very slowly and picks up speed on the runway, Trevor can get a pretty good deal.


Each of GTA characters V has his own smartphone.

Franklin uses a device from the mobile operator Badger, a large telecommunications corporation familiar to players from the previous part of the game: Niko Bellic was once a Badger client, main character GTA IV. The prototype of the Badger company in reality is T-Mobile Corporation, one of the largest mobile operators in the United States. Externally, Franklin's smartphone most closely resembles the Samsung Galaxy S III, while its interface is clearly based on the Android operating system.

Michael boasts a smartphone from Fruit, a gaming parody of Apple. The interface of the device and the name iFruit are a reference to operating system iOS and iPhone smartphones, while on appearance Michael's device is most similar to the iPhone 4/4s models.

Trevor uses a smartphone from Facade, a company that parodies Microsoft. The interface of the device resembles the operating system Windows Phone, and in appearance - a Nokia Lumia series smartphone. By the way, unlike the devices of the other two characters, Trevor’s smartphone has cracks on the glass - apparently, traces of the hero’s hectic life.

The capabilities of devices have grown significantly since GTA IV - now heroes can use their smartphones not only for calls. The devices allow you to read and respond to SMS messages (including from other players), check your email and write replies to letters, take photographs and publish them on the Social Club service website directly from the game. For the first time in the Grand Theft Auto series, a quick save function was implemented, which can also be used via a smartphone. In addition, using the device, you can accept an invitation to a game in GTA Online From friends. But the most interesting thing was the ability to use a smartphone for Internet surfing, including playing on the stock exchange and making purchases in online stores - you no longer need to look for a computer to access the Internet.

Fortunately, the developers listened to the criticism of the system that existed in the previous part of the game, and now no one distracts the player with annoying calls and invitations. True, this “radio silence” will only last until the purchase of the business - the stupid managers of the establishments that the heroes can purchase cannot cope with even the smallest problems on their own, and begin to call the boss and.

As before, calls to phone numbers that are not in the contacts list are also allowed. To do this, you need to open the contacts menu and call up the numeric keypad by pressing the appropriate key (by default, the mouse wheel). After the number is entered, you need to press the same key again. For example, if you dial the number 545-555-0122, found in the story mission “Lure” in Grand Theft Auto IV, a man with a strong Indian accent will answer the phone and demand that you no longer prank him. By the way, it is telephone numbers that are used in GTA 5 as cheat codes. In addition, as before, the phone displays the game time and day of the week. This is important because some tasks, for example, are only available during certain hours.

Satellite navigation

As you know, the territory of the state of San Andreas is huge, and it’s not surprising to get lost here. And if you find some interesting object or place with an amazingly beautiful view, and where you want to return again in the future, just take a photo in this place with your character’s smartphone.

The fact is that the Snapmatic application, which allows players to take pictures with various effects and frames, and also publish them directly from the game on the Social Club service website, attaches a geotag to each photo. If you go to the gallery in the game menu, you can see both the pictures taken and the places where they were taken - they are marked on the map with an icon. Moreover, the coordinates of these places can be transferred to the GPS navigator of the character’s car by pressing the corresponding key, which will allow you to get to the specified point along the shortest path.

Another interesting navigation feature that appeared in GTA 5 is the ability to make notes on the map. To do this, you need to place the point selection cross on the desired location and press the Tab key, or the corresponding button in the menu under the map. In total, you can put ten such tags - they will be very useful when you collect or make. By the way, when a mark is placed, when it is no longer needed, you can drag it with the mouse to a new place or delete it in the same way as it was placed - you need to place a cross over the mark and press Tab.

By the way, not everyone knows that if you put a regular purple marker on the map, playing with one character, and then switch to another, the first character will continue the path in the indicated direction independently. True, sometimes the heroes behave obstinately and go in a completely different direction. This, of course, happens especially often with Trevor.

An interesting feature satellite navigation In GTA 5, there was also a temporary loss of signal from the GPS navigator. When a vehicle travels through a tunnel or goes underground, the route line disappears, but as soon as the vehicle is back under open air, the device's functionality returns.

How to waste time

There are situations when you want to fast forward a little time in the game. For example, in one of them you need to dress Michael in a special cult outfit and walk like that for ten days. If the character changes clothes (and this can happen in any mission), the countdown will start over.

Alas, repainting a car in Grand Theft Auto V does not take several hours of game time, as in other games in the series. But you can “spend” a few hours sleeping using the character’s bed. In this case, you don’t have to save the game - just exit the menu that opens to select a slot to save.

It is noteworthy that the sleep time of each of the characters is individual: Franklin sleeps a full eight hours, Michael gets enough sleep in six, and Trevor - a big fan of lying in bed - sleeps for 12 hours in a row.

Fast treatment and repair of vehicles

This method can only be used in free mode- Unfortunately, it won’t be possible to do this on a mission. If a character is seriously injured and you want to quickly restore their health, simply switch to another hero and then immediately return back. Similarly, you can restore the supply of air in a character’s lungs if it becomes clear that he does not have time to emerge, and sometimes a strip of a special ability (it is not always restored).

By the way, this same method can be used to repair a car if its suspension is so damaged that it can no longer move at the same speed, although the windows may remain broken. It is noteworthy that cars sometimes disappear when switching, but this does not happen often.

Trevor's invulnerability

Trevor's special ability is a kind of "rage". The character deals increased damage to opponents, while on the contrary he himself receives less damage. And if Trevor falls from any height (even from an airship hovering under the clouds, even from a cliff, even from the roof of the tallest building in Los Santos), nothing threatens him - he is quite capable of surviving such a fall.

It is enough to turn on his special ability a few seconds before the hero collides with the ground, and no matter from what height he falls, he will simply rise to his feet, as if nothing had happened. However, it should be borne in mind that this opportunity appears and disappears at different stages of the game, and what exactly causes this, alas, is not known.

Road showdowns and races from traffic lights

Participants traffic in Grand Theft Auto V they have become much smarter than they were in other parts of the series: they stop at traffic lights and do not try to pass the character’s car if it suddenly stops at a red light, but patiently wait until the light turns green and the car in front starts moving. However, the residents of Los Santos have never learned to change lanes normally - they don’t always turn on the turn signal when changing lanes, and this often leads to very spectacular car accidents.

But now the player can show other drivers his dissatisfaction with their skills and behavior on the road by making an offensive gesture. To do this, you need to remove the weapon from your hands, and then press right button mouse, pointing the camera towards the person to whom you want to show an obscene gesture. Of course, this gesture looks most interesting when the character is in a convertible with the roof folded down. It should be borne in mind that some road users will not ignore the insult and will try to attack the hero.

Another opportunity to interact with traffic that appeared in GTA 5 is traffic light racing. To start the race, just stop at a red traffic light next to a car, hold down the gas and brake at the same time, and start revving the engine. If you perform these manipulations a couple of times or simply honk while revving up the engine, the neighboring car, ignoring all traffic rules, will suddenly rush forward. Of course, than faster car If a citizen succumbs to a simple provocation, the more interesting the race will be.

Non-random encounters

If two people go to the same place, placing a purple marker, playing for each, at one specific point, then the heroes may well meet. The first thing that comes to mind in this case is to try to kill the other protagonist. Alas, it won’t work out - as a result, the would-be killer’s smartphone will only receive a message from the victim, in which he angrily demands to pay his hospital bills.

Also, a backlash will certainly follow if one hero ruins the property of another - for example, if Franklin or Trevor steal the car of Michael’s wife or his daughter, or fire at his house with a grenade launcher.

Therefore, it is better to take advantage of the opportunity and send your friends to the movies, or, say, to the golf club. Although it is much easier to call another character and arrange a meeting in advance

Achievement "Three Heroes"

To unlock the "Three Man Army" achievement, you must maintain a wanted level of three or more stars with all three characters at once outside of missions for three minutes. The easiest way to do this is to call the other two protagonists and arrange to spend time together, and then, having picked them both up, go to Los Santos International Airport.

It's best to play as Franklin, as his special ability will be useful. Also be sure to visit Los Santos Customs and have your car equipped with bulletproof tires and additional armor.

To attract the attention of the police when entering the airport, the easiest way is to blow up some plane, and then just try to stay away from the police cars so that one of the characters doesn’t get shot by accident. There's plenty of room for a chase here. However, any complex maneuvers are not needed - it is enough to drive back and forth along the runway at high speed. When the achievement is unlocked, you can break away from the cops and wait out the search activities in some secluded place, or repaint the car in Los Santos Customs.

Alt+F4 in the browser

After spending some time on the in-game Internet, you can immediately exit the browser instead of returning page by page.

To close the browser when playing with a keyboard and mouse, click the cross next to the address bar, and if you play with a gamepad, you need to press the button with the triangle icon or the letter “Y”. As a result of this action, the browser will be closed, and the smartphone, if a mobile device was used for web surfing, will be hidden in the pocket.

How to get discounts

It's no secret that many companies offer everyone a discount by subscribing to some kind of loyalty program, or even by subscribing to a brand page on a social network. The largest companies in Los Santos have not remained aloof from this good tradition, and offer all their clients who subscribe to their pages on the Lifeinvider social network to receive a discount:

  • the tobacco company Redwood Cigarettes gives buyers of its products a one-time 10 percent discount on visiting any hospital in the state of San Andreas;
  • the elite car dealership Legendary Motorsport is ready to provide the client with a 10% discount on one of the luxury cars;
  • the Los Santos Customs auto repair shop chain gives subscribers a coupon for one free vehicle paint job;
  • military vehicle sales company Warstock Cache & Carry provides its subscribers with a one-time 10 percent discount on any vehicle presented in the store;
  • the aviation equipment salon Elitas Travel offers its clients a discount of the same 10 percent on any one plane or helicopter;
  • the top-class hairdresser Herr Kutz Barber gives its subscribers one free haircut;
  • sparkling water manufacturer Sprunk is giving fans of its product the opportunity to receive a free can of the drink for subscribing;
  • The chain of tattoo parlors is offering subscribers one free tattoo.

What’s noteworthy is that you need to subscribe to company pages not on the in-game Internet, but in reality. To do this, you need to go to and log in using your account in the Social Club service. Company banners are located in the sidebar on the right - here you will see four random banners, but if you click on any of them, some of the banners will be updated, and thus, moving from company to company, you can subscribe to all the necessary pages. Discounts available for subscription are valid for the Social Club account holder, meaning they can be used in both the game's story mode and GTA Online. And since, using our tips for making money, you can accumulate about two billion dollars in the account of each of the GTA 5 characters, the second option will be preferable.

Pearlescent shades on metallic and matte paint

Despite the fact that Los Santos Customs does not offer pearlescent shades for metallic and matte paints, it is still possible to obtain them thanks to an interesting bug. However, for some unknown reason, not all players are able to use it.

To get the required result, you need to choose any matte paint as the main color of the vehicle and pay for repainting. Then you need to open the metallic paints section and immediately exit it without repainting the vehicle. After this, you need to go to the license plates section and purchase any of them. When you return to the paint section after this, there will be a wide range of pearlescent shades available.

To apply pearlescent shades to metallic paint, you need to follow the same steps, but you need to select metallic paint as the main one, and then just go, without repainting the vehicle, to the matte paint section and buy a license plate.

Right button - for all occasions

If you play with a gamepad, get used to the fact that you will press the “right” button almost more often than the shoot button - pressing the gamepad D-pad to the right in Grand Theft Auto 5 is responsible for a huge number of actions. So, if the character is in any vehicle, be it a car or an airship, using this button he will be able to turn on the headlights (in the daytime), switch between low and high beam modes (at night), and also turn them off (if turned on). , regardless of the time of day).

By holding the same button for a couple of seconds, you can raise or lower the roof of any convertible, the design of which provides for such an opportunity, however, this can only be done when the vehicle is standing still. By pressing the cross to the right, cars and semi-trailers of trucks towed on the tow truck are also unhooked. By the way, if you use the button when the hero is near random passers-by, the character will make several funny remarks addressed to them.

In GTA Online, a helicopter passenger sitting next to the pilot can use the same button to activate the aiming system of the onboard gun or the camera. And if you use a small weapon, supplemented with a flashlight for fighting in the dark, you will have to turn off the backlight with the same button.

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Hi all. Gamebizclub team is in touch. Today we present to you detailed review GTA 5 is one of best games recent years and also the highest quality simulator of gangster life. This game was released on April 14, 2015, and from that moment on, there probably isn’t a gamer who isn’t at least a little interested in it.

From this article you will learn:

The whole world is at your feet

Let's start, perhaps, with the storyline, which from the first minutes draws you into the game headlong. Check out its official trailer.

The prologue throws you into the thick of things, namely a bank robbery located in North Yankton. Here you have intimidation of clerks, and explosions, and shootouts with hated cops, and only three minutes have passed since the moment you launched the recently installed toy.

After the prologue, the main development of events begins - you begin the passage as a black boy, Franklin, who dreams of big money and trades in the notorious thefts for the owner of a local car dealership.

It would seem to be a cliché - in all games of this franchise we start playing as a simple gangster and try to develop faster. However, not everything is so simple - as the gamer progresses, he has the opportunity to play for two more characters - the calm and calculating Michael Townley de Santa, as well as the hot-tempered and, perhaps, the most charismatic of the entire trinity, Trevor Philips.

So, the presence of three main characters, instead of one, is already something new, but the developers decided that such an innovation would not be enough, so a lot of different entertainment appeared that are available in parallel with the passage of the game, for example, games on the stock exchanges during Lester’s tasks - thanks to the cunning manipulations in the style of Jordan Bellfort (we sincerely hope that you know about such a magnificent schemer) can raise colossal sums on LCN and BAWSAQ, such as: by the end of the storyline, all three characters can earn themselves about 6 billion dollars, or even more .

The natural question would be: “Why such amounts?” The answer is extremely simple - this is Grand Theft Auto 5, with all its tunings, prostitutes, bars, and no one canceled the purchase of real estate (although, of course, they really wanted to: Dan Houser in his interview for Game Informer, ten months before the release of the game on the shelves, complained that the acquisition of real estate would be eradicated from the series, however, fans of the franchise turned the tide).

Real estate, by the way, costs incredible amounts of money, for example, for a golf club, a gamer will have to fork out $150 million, and this is not the only property - as many as 27 real estate properties are available throughout Los Santos and Blaine County. Of these, only two will be given to the character for free; the remaining 25 will have to be purchased for heavy bags of cash.

Among other things, one cannot fail to note the very atmosphere of the game - the majority of Russian (and, most likely, all NON-English-speaking gamers) are tearing their hair out and are indignant at the lack of Russian voice acting.

Well ladies and gentlemen, learn English because RockStar won't give you permission to translation Grand Theft Auto V in other languages.

In principle, this is understandable - it’s hard to imagine how localizers will convey the character, charisma and accents of the characters. Although subtitles in Russian are present in the game.

The staging of cut scenes, the development of dialogues, everything was done with a bang. I’m very pleased with the whimsical humor, as well as references to other interesting things in the real world - it’s no secret that the developers are warming to Easter eggs.

Three bandits - three cheerful friends

We talked briefly about each of the characters, but came to the conclusion that a barely noticeable mention is not what the main characters deserve.

Let's start with Franklin - a fairly typical character in such games, he makes small, and, of course, illegal earnings, with the help of “brothers from the area.” The guy is open to adventures, and feels confident behind the wheel - his special ability is to slow down the passage of time while he is behind the wheel. This, by the way, helps a lot in passing various kinds of turns, evading police raids, and in general, a very cool skill.

Michael De Santa, born Michael Townley, is Trevor's old friend and accomplice, now a man who wants to retire from everything. Mike's calm and measured life is interrupted when they try to steal a car from his house. Further, events for him begin to get tangled up in such a tangle that your headphones getting tangled in your pocket is just a child’s prank. You will often be asked to shoot for this guy, and the good news is that he shoots excellently. If it’s really bad, you can slow down time and deal with opponents in the manner of Max Payne, however, you won’t have to jump and do other acrobatic sketches, after all, Mr. Townley is no longer 20.

For dessert - Trevor Phillips - drunkard, murderer and just good man, who gets very angry at the slightest mention of his Canadian accent. In his assets he has a friend Ron and an employee of the Chief - a sort of analogue of Walter White - the guy fights off attacks from competitors on the laboratory, which his friends proudly call Trevor Philips Industries, where Trevor spends a lot of time. Often, when switching to Trevor, you will find him in mental anguish - he will drink, climb on roofs, yell at everyone and beat up those who have distinguished themselves. They can periodically go on a rampage, providing incredible resistance to damage that the Hulk himself would envy.

After all three get acquainted, the incredible begins - torture, surveillance, chases and even work for the government, if you can call it that. And what are Trevor’s love urges worth? Such a subtle picking of girls probably looks very nice for such an ambitious Mr. Phillips.

By the way, there are a lot of moments with sexual overtones in the game, so in order not to injure your relatives, perfect the art of instantly turning off the monitor, or master the tactics code-named “Alt+Tab”. Hundreds of words are on the tongue, but it’s impossible to pick just one, since the action taking place on the screen is almost impossible to describe in words.

New Features

Gameplay is the strong point of most games in this series, so for the purposes of this review, it would be wrong to ignore it. Since Grand Theft Auto V is already the 15th game released by the developers within this franchise, our editors anticipate a reasonable question from the reader: “What can surprise this game?” and we declare with all confidence: “Everyone! Absolutely everyone!” Now in order:

  • A huge world, completely open to exploration and interaction with it: often rushing along the highway, or exploring city alleys, you will meet random people who need your help. What’s more remarkable is that some of them will more than repay your kindness, while others will even be ready to go to “deal” with you.
  • On PC and nextgen consoles there is a first-person view, and now GTA can be positioned as the most complete life simulator of all existing ones.
  • Switching between the main characters - during the game you can change one character to another at any time (if, of course, they are already open). Each of them has their own family, home, and life itself, into which you are literally thrown into as the game progresses. This can only be prevented by completing a mission or being chased by the police, but this is understandable, artificial intelligence He won’t escape the chase for you, and he won’t complete the mission.
  • For the first time, a game of this scale and type is equipped online mode, which will allow you to enjoy playing online with your friends. And if you create riots, the character will be assigned the status of “unreliable player” and he will be able to play on servers only with the same hooligans.
  • Lots of entertainment in case you get tired of playing: tennis, a strip club, an amusement park and much, much more.
  • For those who like to easily get a lot of money in multiplayer mode, there is now a donation; in total there are four types of purchased cards costing from 100 to 700 rubles.
  • LS Customs showrooms offer a wide range of different parts and accessories, making car tuning more than entertaining.

In addition to all of the above, I would like to talk about the implementation of such missions as plot robberies - here the gamer really has somewhere to roam.

For example, you yourself select a team to carry out this work, and it happens that thanks to certain decisions made during a free walk around the colorful Los Santos, you have additional accomplices. When planning heists, there are several options for completing them; as a rule, two ways are available - like Agent 47, do everything quietly in the first couple of minutes and then run away, or have fun on the ground, blowing up everything in your path.

And, of course, next-gen graphics - nowadays, looking back at the more boxy releases of the series of games under discussion, it’s hard to say that GTA used to stand out due to its graphical performance, the emphasis was on gameplay and interactivity, but now all parameters are implemented at a high level . You can praise the picture endlessly; even the reflections, light and shadows are executed at the highest level.

The entire GTA series is distinguished by the presence of interesting moments, and the fifth part is no exception.

The amazing interactivity of the game world is breathtaking - your antics are constantly mentioned on radio stations, and some are even broadcast on television. And the variety of actions outside the plot is literally limitless. For example, the opportunity to purchase real estate that allows you to Additional tasks, so that there is even more money. As we indicated above, for misconduct in multiplayer mode the player is “sent” to servers for unreliable gamers, but even here there are some interesting things - such an offense is the only opportunity to receive a cap with the inscription Dunce (stupid).

The iFruit mobile device app appears in GTA 5. With its help, you can buy cars and tune them. Franklin also has a dog, Chop, which can be trained through this application. The dog can be taught various tricks and commands: sit, lie down, give me a paw, etc. Training helps develop your dog’s skills: it will listen and help you better, and it will use its scent to find the nearest hidden object when you take Chop out for a walk.

Rockstar Games also decided to make fun of the traditional way of life modern world- most of you are probably interested in social networks– there is LifeInvander for you, please, hang out as much as you want on the virtual analogue of VKontakte and Litsokniga. Online shopping is also available and, of course, what changed the world! The thing that made a splash! Let’s not bore you with intrigue – selfies! Now you can photograph not only what surrounds you, but also your loved one.

To be or not to be

If you are still wondering: is GTA 5 worth playing?, then our answer is clear - absolutely! And in order to dispel all doubts, let’s summarize the positive and negative aspects of the game:

  1. Huge game world with a high degree of interactivity.
  2. Excellent realization of the surrounding world and the objects that fill it.
  3. Lots of options for spending time, even if the missions are over.
  4. Online mode.
  5. Colorful dialogues and picturesque cut scenes.

In its full form, this list will consist of dozens of items, so we will leave the opportunity to add to it to your taste, dear readers.

We were not able to identify any disadvantages, since the toy is implemented at the highest level.


I can describe this masterpiece for an infinitely long time, so we definitely advise you purchase this wonderful game, because it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.

This concludes our review; we sincerely hope that this article has provided comprehensive answers to all your questions. Subscribe to blog updates and leave your feedback in the comments. Bye everyone.

GTA V is one of the most popular games. It took 5 years to create it. The genre of the game "GTA 5" is a 3D shooter with open world. The release of the version for PS 3 took place in early autumn 2013, and a little over a year later, versions for PS 4 and Xbox appeared on store shelves and on Steam. Owners of personal computers running Windows game We were able to enjoy it only in the spring of 2015.


The creator of the game "GTA 5" is the British studio Rockstar North. In addition to the series, the company's famous products include Lemmings and Max Payne 3. On this moment latest version The game for PS 3 is version 1.29, released in November 2015, and for Windows and PS 4 - version 1.41, introduced at the end of August 2017.

The game was published in Europe by Take-Two Interactive and in the United States by Rockstar Games. The publisher of the shooter in Russia was the largest Russian company in the industry, SoftClub, which has released more than a hundred famous video games in the country. She was also involved in the localization of the project.


In the early fall of 2005, it was announced that there would be no GTA V game, but a couple of months later, the vice president of Rockstar Games announced that creation was in full swing, and the script totaled more than 1,000 pages. In mid-summer 2010, the studio opened several vacancies related to the development of a new part of the cult shooter. At the beginning of November 2011, the first trailer appeared on the Internet, in which you could see the city of Los Santos. After that new information there was no further mention of the game's development. In the summer of 2012, company representatives said they were trying to maintain suspense until release.

At the end of July, Rockstar Games published financial reports and a release schedule for the next year. GTA V was not on the list. At the end of the summer of 2012, the creators of the game posted the first 10 screenshots online to demonstrate gameplay. In the fall, the release date was officially announced for PS 3 and Xbox 360. A week later, pre-orders opened in Canada, the UK and the USA. A week later, a second official trailer appeared on the Internet, which showed the game’s characters, gameplay and locations.

The most expensive video game in history

Creators computer games are not very fond of disclosing financial details of their products. Thus, there are rumors that a total of about 260 million US dollars were spent on the development of WoW, but there is no official information about the budget of World of Warcraft. For 6 years, almost a thousand programmers worked to create a game with the most twisted and thoughtful storyline. And they succeeded. For development " Star Wars: The Old Republic" spent about $200 million. For some time, the game was the most expensive in the history of the industry.

But a new leader has emerged. The total budget for GTA 5 spent on its creation and promotion amounted to $265 million. As of 2013, this amount seemed exorbitant. The shooter was able to lead only for a year, until the game Destiny was released, which cost its developers 300 million US dollars.

GTA 5 budget compared to other games

Three times more money was spent on a fifth of the shooter than on Elder Scrolls V, and four times the size of Crysis 3. GTA IV, with a budget of $100 million, seemed like a very expensive game at the time, but the sequel required $165 million more from the creators. In any case, the creators won. The company announced that American gamers alone have placed 2.5 million pre-orders for the game. Analysts assumed that in the first month from the date of release, the developers would be able to recoup all their costs, as well as make a profit of approximately $700 million. In fact, what happened was that within the first 24 hours after the game went on sale, sales revenue amounted to $800 million. Over the next two days, Rockstar North's revenue surpassed $1 billion. Thus, the budget for GTA 5 paid off within the first few hours.

Cost of blockbusters compared to GTA V

“Tron: Legacy”, “The Avengers”, “John Carter” and even “Avatar” - the cost of each of these feature films is inferior to the budget of the game “GTA 5”. As of 2013, the only film that cost more than GTA V was the third installment of Pirates Caribbean Sea" The adventures of Jack Sparrow cost US$300 million.


The budget of the GTA 5 game is not its only uniqueness. The official website of the Guinness Book of Records reported that the game managed to update 7 world records at once.

GTA V set its first record even before it went on sale. Adventure shooter trailers have become the most viewed of all products in the genre. In the first 24 hours after the release, 4 more records were broken:

  • best selling game in the first 24 hours;
  • the best-selling game of the genre within the first 24 hours from the moment it went on sale;
  • the highest-grossing game in the first 24 hours after sales opened;
  • an entertainment product that brought in the highest income within the first 24 hours of release.

The shooter also earned its first billion in revenue faster than any of its competitors in video game history. The developers stated that not all achievements of GTA V were listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Sony reported that the game set an absolute record for digital sales.

Description of the game "GTA 5". Gameplay

The uniqueness of the game is the presence of three main characters at once, which happened for the first time in the history of the series. The gamer can switch between heroes, each of which has its own story. You can change your character at any time, but there are missions when only two heroes are available. The plot consists of 62 main missions. Due to the fact that some tasks can be completed in several ways, and the ending has 3 alternative outcomes, the number of main missions can increase to seven.

GTA V was the first game in the series in which the main characters received special skills. Abilities allow you to gain an advantage over ordinary characters. Franklin can slow down time while driving a vehicle. To fill the skill scale, you need to avoid accidents, drive in the oncoming lane and gain maximum speed. Michael also slows down time, but does it while shooting. To fill the gauge, you need to shoot enemies in the head, defeat them in close combat and develop maximum speed. The third character, Trevor, experiences fits of rage, which give him the ability to defeat his opponents twice as fast. His skill meter fills up by driving fast, taking headshots, and taking damage.

Game description: plot

The setting is the fictional city of Los Santos. In addition to the city, the game features Blaine County, which is a rural area with mountains, forests and a beach, as well as a fictional state called North Yankton, which can only be reached in a few missions. The developers paid special attention to missions. The gamer can complete tasks with each of the protagonists in any order. All heroes pursue their own goals, intertwined with each other.

The game begins in 2004 with a bank robbery involving Michael, Trevor and Brad. The three friends are prevented from leaving safely with the loot by an FBI agent, who wounds Brad and Michael. Trevor runs away. It is later revealed that Michael worked for the Bureau and his death was staged.

The action then moves to 2013. Michael lives a family life and meets Franklin. The guys begin to cooperate. Franklin later saves his son Michael. At the end of the game, the heroes rob the vault and take away $200 million worth of gold. Franklin is tasked with killing Michael. The gamer must then make a choice: kill Trevor, kill Michael, or save both. The game turned out to be very interesting and atmospheric. The budget allocated for GTA 5 has justified itself.
