Heroes of Dragon Age. How they mock the title. Heroes of Dragon Age: secrets, guide, cheats About the increase in strength from your own attack

Heroes of Dragon Age is a long-awaited game in the popular fantasy universe. However, you can’t count on the large-scale adventures that other games in the series were famous for. It's practically a card game. Here, absolutely everything is tied to battles with heroes and without the participation of the player. The player’s task is solely to select a party for the future battle, as well as a set of runes. They are the ones who have a positive influence on the hero. During the battle, all actions occur automatically, taking into account the characteristics and characteristics of the fighters on both sides. As a result, each fight turns into an analysis of the enemy’s strengths and weaknesses. There is a need to find the optimal squad for battle. The game has excellent multiplayer, which selects opponents with similar combat skills and abilities. The strategy forces you to think before deciding to complete the mission.

Each card requires certain costs. To get something, you need to pay. Runes are an important bonus. To obtain it, resources are required. Difficulties will most likely arise. After all, this is a game. Just don't give up! All problems can be solved! Cheats for Heroes of Dragon Age on crystals for Android and IOS will become your best fighting comrade. This is a program for changing the amount of resources with very few requirements. You need to spend a couple of minutes installing it on your phone. Adjusting the money parameters in the game is not difficult. The value can be changed even to a large level. Only everything was useful in battles. This will greatly save the player's patience and time.

Hack for Heroes of Dragon Age will provide the player with the opportunity to discover their strong fighting potential. The strategy will turn into a fascinating fairy-tale saga. Strong units will adequately represent the player in the battle arena. After all, only force can establish control over peoples. Entire civilizations have worshiped this feeling for centuries. Changing the monetary indicator will simply increase your power and plunge you deeper into the world of sword and magic.

A game based on card battles, featuring console graphics and action-RPG elements. It's easy enough to start playing, but the deeper you get into the gameplay, the more difficult it becomes, causing new players to become bored or frustrated. To prevent this from happening to you, use our tips.

Stuck on any of the levels? Return to the previous level to earn more gold and experience.

You will be able to replay previous levels as many times as you need, as this will give you an additional chance to earn gold and even some crystals. This is especially true for levels marked “easy”, which will not be difficult to complete again.

Be careful with the last replay of the level before you get the free crystals.

In fact, it is much more complicated than you think. In fact, you will encounter stronger versions of the same characters. If you feel like you can’t cope, come back later when you have enough strength, but for now don’t waste your energy on hopeless battles.

When you are in battle mode, your best path to victory is through players who offer you small trophies for fighting.

You cannot see the level and strength of the player you are fighting, but remember: if you are given 110 coins or less for fighting him, then your chances of winning are great. If the reward is 150 coins or higher, then the enemy will most likely defeat you and you will lose your trophies.

Select heroes according to faction colors.

If the heroes you field belong to the same faction and, accordingly, have a pedestal of the same color, then you will receive a bonus, which will be very useful in the event of a collision with a stronger enemy.

Combine your cards to receive bonuses.

You should combine identical cards to get big bonuses, and you can do this more than once. This way, you can get cards with higher level heroes that will be equal in power to rare cards.

Buy card sets based on their features.

Every card set has the potential to offer you uncommon and rare cards, but some sets have a greater chance of doing so. So, for example, the Recruit set contains unusual cards quite often, and the Warrior set rarely, but it contains rare cards. The Champion Pack guarantees rare cards, while the special Ultimate Pack guarantees epic cards. Legendary and epic cards can also be found in Warrior and Champion sets - but this depends on your luck.

Build your team thoughtfully.

Choose which heroes you will place and in what order, depending on what bonuses you want to receive. Second line warriors are more likely to receive a decisive strike bonus, and first line fighters are more likely to receive health bonuses. If you want to gain an advantage over a large group of opponents, try to field heroes who can hit multiple enemies at once.

Use runes carefully.

Try to use runes only when your energy and stamina are at the proper level. Keep in mind that different runes are suitable for different battles: for easier ones, you will need runes that increase experience and the number of coins, and for tough battles, runes that improve your statistics.

Don't forget about boosters.

If experience boosters don't give you anything special, then decisive strike boosters can be the game changer for some particularly difficult battles.

Collect crystals.

You can get free crystals if you unlock a new card or send an SMS to a friend inviting them to the game. Save them and try not to spend them until you have the opportunity to purchase a Champion pack or pay in crystals for the final energy restoration, thanks to which you can play as much as you want.

- step-by-step strategy. And this is not a classic likeness of Heroes of Might and Magic! In this game, the heroes themselves decide who and when to beat, the Player only has the choice of strategy for each battle. In HoDA (Heroes of Dragon Age) everything is built on the classic Korean random. Situations when you unsuccessfully farm the same map in the hope of getting the right hero are not uncommon here. Donation is not necessary in this game, but without it it is extremely difficult to quickly complete the main campaign, but we still play it - it’s addictive. Read more in FAQ - Heroes of Dragon Age: secrets, guide, cheats.

Heroes of Dragon Age: secrets, guide, cheats, game mechanics

Laws of absorption

  • It is more profitable to absorb food of the same color since the faction bonus will apply
  • It is more profitable to absorb food of the same degree as the main character since the degree bonus will apply, i.e. It is more profitable to feed a hero of the 2nd degree with food of the 2nd degree, a hero of the 3rd degree with food of the 3rd degree, a hero of the 4th degree with food of the 4th degree, but a hero of the 1st degree is more profitable to feed with food of the 4th degree.
  • Legendary food gives more points than epic food, epic food gives more than rare food, and so on.

Support Laws in Heroes of Dragon Age

  • The increase in the hero's characteristics will be greater if the support faction and the supported character coincide
  • Legendary heroes will give a greater support bonus than epic heroes, epic heroes will give a greater support bonus than rare ones, and so on. But two-star or three-star legendary heroes will not provide more support than one-star ones.
  • If your support already has a hero of the 1st degree and you have exactly the same legendary hero, then when you place the legendary hero in the same cell, the degrees of the characters will be summed up (that is, if Merril was in the cell of the second degree and you put Merril of the 1st degree there, then in As a result, the cell will contain Merrill of the 3rd degree) and the increase in characteristics will be the same as if you first combined them and then placed them in the cell

Laws of gaming combat in Heroes of Dragon Age

To make it easier to understand, let's look at a couple of definitions: - this is the character's attack - this is the damage the character has dealt - this is the cycle of factions in nature. The red faction deals increased damage to the blue faction, the blue faction to the black faction, the black faction to the white faction, and the white faction to the red faction. Damage bonus is 20%

  • If the characters in the squad have the same faction, then a damage bonus will apply, which depends on the rarity of the characters (that is, each legendary character gives 5%, epic 4%, etc.). If two factions match at once, one damage bonus will still apply
  • Characters in the front row increase their health by 50%, characters in the back row increase their critical hit chance

About damage caused in battle in Heroes of Dragon Age

  • The damage dealt by a character can vary up to 25% of the attack. That is, if the character’s attack is 100, then the damage will range from 75 to 125
  • Critical damage is double the value of the attack and remains unchanged. That is, if the character’s attack is 100, then the critical damage will be strictly equal to 200
  • Heroes who attack a line or column of enemies deal one and a half (x1.5) damage to giants
  • The damage shown on the screen is the highest damage dealt. That is, if your character of the red faction attacks an enemy who has a character of the blue faction, then a bonus to damage against the blue faction will apply and it is this damage that will be shown on the screen, although less damage will be dealt to other enemy characters

About drawing strength

  • Power Siphon reduces the target's attack by half the attacker's damage value. That is, if 100 damage was dealt to an enemy, then its attack will decrease by 50.
  • Power drain does not depend on critical damage, that is, if a critical damage of 200 was made, the enemy's attack will still only be reduced by 50
  • Attack cannot drop to zero, there is a minimum limit below which it will not drop
  • Heroes attacking a line or column reduce the giant's attack not by half damage, but by all damage
  • Power drain is cumulative and continues until the end of the battle.

About treatment in Heroes of Dragon Age

  • Heroes who only heal themselves are healed by their own attack power with a deviation of 25%, while in case of critical damage the healing power will be twice as high
  • Heroes who heal everyone are healed by half of their attack with a deviation of 25%, while in case of critical damage the healing power will be equal to the attack power - Only the actual healing value will be shown on the screen, that is, if the hero has lost 50 hp and attacks at 500 , the screen will show 50, not 500 or 250

About slowing down

  • The slowdown reduces the target's movement speed by one step (from fast to medium, from medium to slow, from slow to super slow), while the slowdown is cumulative, but does not cause a skip, the slowdown lasts until the character leaves, after that everything slow effects wear off

About stunning

  • Stun cancels the enemy's next attack. Low/moderate/high chance to stun is 25/50/75% chance to stun respectively

About the increase in strength from your own attack

  • The strength increase is 25/50/75% of the damage value. The amount of increase will depend on the following conditions: 1) attacks several targets at a time 2) there is an additional ability (pulling, stunning, etc.) If both conditions are not met - the strength increase is 75%, if any one is met - 50%, if all are met conditions at the same time - 25%
  • The strength gain does not depend on critical damage, it will be the same as for a normal attack
  • The power boost lasts until the end of the battle.
  • Drawing strength affects the growth, if there was an attack of 100 (with an increase of 50%), and after drawing the force it became 50, then the increase in strength will occur by 25 (that is, by 50% of 50)
  • Curse cancels the power gain effect

About the curse

  • Any enemy attacked by a character with the curse ability cannot gain strength for the rest of the round, and any effect from any strength gain received since the start of that round is also removed.
  • The curse does not remove bonuses received in pvp or nexus (roughly speaking, it does not remove the 300% bonus to all mages in pvp or a node)
  • Does not affect auras or other pre-battle bonuses
  • An enemy is cursed only if it was attacked by a hero with a curse. That is, if they hurt not you, but a neighbor, then only your neighbor will receive a curse
  • The curse only lasts one round
  • Even at the beginning of a new round, the cursed hero does not gain power back
  • The ability even works on blood mages and similar characters. It also works if someone else is trying to increase the strength of a cursed character, for example KA or zibebany

About Flemeth's strength gain

Flemeth increases strength from the death of each ally by 130%

About the increase in the power of Blood Mages in Heroes of Dragon Age

  • Blood Mages gain power by 20% of damage taken by all characters
  • Blood mages do not gain strength if there are two absorbers in the group

About damage absorption

  • The absorber additionally takes on 50% of the damage dealt to other characters if an enemy's blow hits the absorber. That is, if the absorber is in the front row, and the back row was attacked, then damage absorption will not work.
  • Two absorbers take all the damage upon themselves, the rest of the characters do not receive any damage. Moreover, even if the absorbers have 1000 HP each, and the damage is a million, the absorbers will still take all this damage and die valiantly, not allowing the other characters to be affected

Calculation of bonuses in pvp in Heroes of Dragon Age

  • Strength = (Base*(1+PVP1 Bonus+PVP2 Bonus…)+Support)*(1+Squad1 Bonus+Squad2 Bonus…).- Health = (Base*(1+PVP1 Bonus+PVP2 Bonus…)+Support)*(1+Squad1 Bonus+Squad2 Bonus …)*Series Coefficient
  • The base refers to the base value of strength/health without taking into account support, the PVP bonus is written in a simplified form, that is, 300% is written as 3, the squad bonus means the bonus from the faction or auras, the row coefficient means an increase in health by 1.5 times for the front row.

About the effect of auras

  • The aura is valid all the time, regardless of whether the character is alive or dead, and the aura acts on himself, that is, if the character has an aura of +50% HP for everyone, then he will also receive an increase in HP by 50%

Today I decided to write to you about such a wonderful game as "Heroes of Dragon Age". I’m in a good mood, yesterday I went to the cinema with my girlfriend, then we had a good time in a cafe and, in general, the evening was a success. Yes, this hasn’t happened for a long time, but times have changed. Although we remember much of the past with nostalgia, but...

I’ll say right away that I don’t really like playing on my phone, unlike, say, ours, but this game makes me, without straining, go into it again and again two or three times a day, just to simply press the screen and hope for an additional bonus...

It all started, in fact, with an email that read:

Moreover, it is absolutely free for both iOS and Android. I decided to give the game a chance, otherwise "BeJeweled" I'm pretty fed up with it.

The first impression of the game exceeded all expectations even during the process of loading the game itself (which, by the way, takes up almost 500 megabytes of space, which is decent for a phone), when instead of the usual “loading” inscription, smile-inducing inscriptions like “building Tevinter circles” began to flash before my eyes. , “gathering magicians in a tower”, “searching for the first creatures of darkness” and so on, and in a perfect Russian translation, exactly copying all the names from the original series of games on the PC.

Immediately after loading, we are thrown into a rather spacious and detailed training mode, and although it greatly simplifies the process of getting to know the game, we must admit that on a phone it is unlikely that a game can be played very heavily loaded with details that would require many hours to understand. After completing the actual training, we are asked to register under a certain nickname, we are left with everything we received during the first missions and sent off to “free sail.” I was able to log in through my account in "Google +", I think there are also some features for iOS owners to make synchronization easier.

The game itself is a banal control over your own group of five (I wanted to say a person) creatures, each of which, of course, has a set of its own parameters. Personally, I identified three main parameters in this game: attack power, health and attack speed (more familiar to us under the term “initiative”). This last parameter, as you might guess, determines the character’s turn order in battle.

Thus, we have to complete a group of four ordinary creatures and one large one, which, as a rule, has increased health and damage, but has extremely low initiative, which is why it may not live to see its lethal attack. In addition to searching for the optimal, in the player’s opinion, set of characters according to the criteria of characteristics, it is also worth noting that creatures are divided into four types, which can be roughly described as: positive human characters, negative human characters, various kinds of magical creatures (like werewolves, ghosts, etc.) further) and all kinds of uncleanness (spawn of darkness, demons and the like). Each of these groups causes additional damage to one of the others, for example, good people beat bad people, and creatures of darkness beat ordinary people. This is where the detail with which the creators approached the development of the game begins to be seen: Gray Wardens, for example, are classified as both people (those who are good) and as creatures of darkness. Among other things, if you assemble a team exclusively from representatives of a certain group, then all of them together will receive additional bonuses.

During the battle, the fighters also line up in two ranks. To attack a character standing behind you, you must first kill a character standing in the same row, but in the front rank - logical! It is also logical that archers and magicians can attack characters standing in any line (far or near), and, for example, dragons attack everyone at once. The combat system most closely resembles that of "Disciples 2" except that here we don't control our characters. Yes, all battles take place automatically, and we can only watch its progress. However, you can influence the battle: for this, there are special runes that can be placed on the squad before the battle. Runes last for a certain amount of time (on average, ten minutes, just one game session) and can affect both the characteristics of the characters and the priority of targets: “characters will hit a large monster”, “characters will try to attack the target with the lowest health " and so on.

The only thing that kills me personally in battles in "Heroes of Dragon Age"- this is a completely unclear attack priority for creatures. When completing missions, in the same battle for the first time your dragon may attack first, and then the enemy ogre, and the next time vice versa, although both of them have a “slow” attack speed. And there’s no way to control this; it all comes down, apparently, to a random number generator, where would we be without it.

In fact, the game can be divided into two components: PvE and PvP content. The battles are no different either here or there, but, as you might guess, in the second case, you fight against the same groups that another living person collected. For victories, your characters receive experience points, your global profile receives experience points, and you also earn some gold, which can be spent on purchasing new heroes. Heroes are bought in the store at reasonable prices, but, unfortunately, these heroes are random. Among other things, all characters have different rarities: common, rare, legendary and others. Accordingly, their characteristics depend on rarity, and the quality of a character in battle can be determined by the platform under his feet, painted in a certain color. Among the legendary heroes there are such famous personalities as Varric, Morrigan, Leliana, Alistair and so on. Some of the party members of the original series for some reason are of a lower rank, for example: Anders, Fenris, Aveline - they are only epic. However, you don’t have to be too upset, I easily win a good eighty percent of the fights with my roster, which is half of low-quality fighters.

The game is also accompanied by a PvP rating table, if you suddenly decide to seriously rise to the top of this game, a decent achievement system that rewards not just pictures, but also gold and precious stones, and, in fact, which no game for phones can do without. tablets - their own currency, which is precisely represented by these same precious stones, which can be quite easily earned in the game itself without an injection of real money. Naturally, with the proper amount of time.

Actually, that's all. What else can I say? This is a fairly simple game, without any bells and whistles, that attracts attention solely due to its brand. It's simple, fun enough to make you want to play it every few hours, and graphically strong, especially for phones (my HTC One gets pretty hot while playing), I recommend giving the game a chance if you want to find some frivolous phone toy to play it in the toilet / in class / at McDonalds and wherever else you can... Or if you are an inveterate fan of the series and don’t know what to do with yourself in anticipation of "Dragon Age: Inquisition", and the two previous parts of the series have already climbed up and down.

Well, in conclusion, I attach a teaser trailer for the game.

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