Chronology - Description of the world - The Witcher. Chronology - Description of the World - The Witcher In Search of Magic

“Not far from that meadow, the site of that cruel battle, in which, almost all the power of the North came together with all the might of Nilfgaard, there used to be two fishing settlements: Starye Zhopki and Brenna. However, since by that hour Brenna had already been burned to the ground, they said at first about the Battle of Stare Zhopki. Now they say nothing more than “The Battle of Brenna,” and there are two reasons for this. Primo, the rebuilt Brenna became but a large and prosperous settlement, and Stare Zhopki was not populated for many years and the trace of it disappeared, became overgrown nettles, wheatgrass and burdocks. Secundo, somehow such a name did not suit the great memorable and tragic battles. And it’s true, how could it be: a battle in which more than thirty thousand fighters were killed - and suddenly not only Zhopki, but also Old?"

One of the climactic moments of the battle came when the path of the Nilfgaardian cavalry that had broken through was blocked by foot militia. It was something similar to Courtray as we imagine it.

"...After several minutes of a forced, dust-choking rush, the swearing of the centurions and foremen finally stopped and turned the Vizim units into a line. Yarre, gasping for breath, like a fish catching air with his mouth, saw the governor Bronibor, showing off in front of the formation on his amazing stallion, covered with ladra plates The governor himself was also in full armor, covered with blue stripes, making him look like a huge tin mackerel.

- Well, how are you, klutzes?

The ranks of pikemen responded with a booming mutter, like distant thunder.

“You’re farting, then,” the governor stated, turning around his horse dressed in ladras and moving along the line. - So you feel good. Because when you feel bad, you don't fart in a low voice, you howl and whine like you're about to be hanged. I can see from your faces that you are eager to fight, that you are dreaming of battle, that you can no longer wait for the Nilfgaardians! So, Vizima robbers? I have good news for you! Your dreams will come true in a minute. In a tiny, I would say, instantaneous minute.

The pikemen buzzed again. Bronibor reached the end of the line, turned around and continued, tapping his mace on the decorated pommel of his saddle:

- We've had enough dust, infantry, to go after our men-at-arms! Hmmm, so far, instead of glory and booty, you have been sniffing horse shit. A little more, and even today, when a great need arose, you would not have found yourself on the battlefield. But you were lucky, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! Here, near a village whose name I have forgotten, you will finally show what you are capable of and what you are worth as an army. The cloud that you see in the field is the Nilfgaardian cavalry, intending to gouge our army with a flank attack, push us over and drown us in the swamps of a river, the name of which I also forgot. You, the glorious Vizim pikemen, by the grace of King Foltest and Constable Natalis, have the honor of closing the gaps that will arise in our orderly ranks. And you will close these gaps with your own, I would say, breasts, and hold back the Nilfgaardian attack. Well, are you rejoicing, godfathers? You're bursting with pride, aren't you? Bursting, I ask?

Yarre, clutching the shaft of his pike, looked around. There were no signs of rejoicing at the prospect of a close battle, and if the soldiers were bursting with pride in connection with the honor entrusted to them of closing the gaps with their own, as the governor put it, breasts, then the “infantry” very skillfully hid this pride. Melfi, standing on Yarre's right hand, muttered prayers under his breath. On the left, professional servant Delax snored, swore and coughed nervously.

Bronibor turned the stallion around and straightened up in the saddle.

- I can not hear! - he barked. “I asked if you, whore, are bursting with pride?”

This time the pikemen, seeing no other way out, shouted in one voice that, yes, they were bursting. Yarre was also screaming. If that's all, that's all. What is there!

- OK! — The governor stopped the stallion in front of the line. - Now line up properly! Centurions, what are you waiting for, motherfucker! Line up the squares! The first line is on one knee, the second is to stand! Set up the peaks. Not that way, idiots! Yes, yes, I’m telling you, you, overgrown forest miracle. Higher, higher the tips, guys! Close ranks, closer, tighter, shoulder to shoulder! Well, now it's decent! Almost exactly like an army!

Yarre found himself in the second rank. He firmly pressed the end of the lance into the ground and clutched the shaft with his sweaty hands. Melfi continuously muttered words of prayer for the repose of the souls of the perishing. Delax grumbled incomprehensibly, repeated endlessly, and repeated the same words concerning the details of the intimate lives of Nilfgaardians, dogs, kings, constables, governors and mothers of all of the above combined.

The cloud in the field grew.

- Hey, don't fart there, don't chatter your teeth! - Bronibor barked. “If you think you’ll scare the Nilfgaardian horses with your stench, you’re mistaken.” And don't flatter yourself! What is rushing towards us is called the Nauzikaa brigade and the Seventh Daerlian, famous combat, well-trained warriors! You won't scare them! You can't defeat them! They must be killed! Higher the peaks, mother...

From afar, a quiet but quickly intensifying drumbeat of hooves could be heard. The earth shook. In the cloud of dust, swords sparkled like sparks.

“For your fucking luck, Vizim heroes,” the governor roared again, “the infantry pike of the new modernized model is twenty-one feet long!” And the Nilfgaardian sword is only three feet and a half. I hope you can count? So know that they can do it too. But they are counting on the fact that you will not resist, that your true nature will come out of you and thereby confirm and show that you are assholes, cowards and black sheep! Am I making it clear? OK! It's easier to say. The blacks are counting on you to throw away your poles and start running, and they will chase you onto the field and beat you on the ridges, asses and necks, whip you with comfort and without difficulty. Remember, bastards, that although fear gives your heels incredible volatility, you cannot escape from the horsemen. To whom life is dear, to whom glory and prey are dear, he must stand! Stand firm! Stand like a wall! And close ranks!

Yarre looked around. The crossbowmen standing behind the line of pikemen were already turning their handles; the inside of the square was bristling with the points of guizarms, rancers, halberds, gleys, scythes, runks and pitchforks. The ground shook more and more, and individual figures of riders could already be distinguished in the black wall of the approaching cavalry.

“Mom, mommy,” Melfi repeated with trembling lips. - Mom, mommy...

“M... mother,” Delax muttered.

The stomping grew. Jarre wanted to lick his lips, but failed. The tongue refused to behave normally, became hard, like a foreign body, and dry like a sliver. The stomping grew.

- Pull together! - Bronibor barked, drawing his sword. - Feel your neighbor's shoulder! Remember, neither of you fights alone! And the only remedy for the fear you feel is a lance in your fist! Get ready for battle! Peaks on the horse's chest! Well, what are we going to do, Vizima robbers? I'm asking!

Yarre was also screaming. If that's all, then that's all. What! Sand, rubble and turf burst out from under the hooves of the rushing cavalry. The attackers were screaming no worse than demons and waving their weapons. Yarre pressed the pike, pulled his head into his shoulders and closed his eyes tightly...

If we sail from Flotsam with Iorveth and go to Vergen, then we begin the second chapter in the role of Stennis, the son of the murdered Demavend and heir to the Aedirn throne. We, Saskia, the priest of Kreva and a detachment of dwarves must meet with Henselt, the king of Kaedwen, who has laid claim to Upper Aedirn. The road leads us through the gorge away from Vergen.

We arrive at the meeting place and listen to Henselt's proposal: if we give him Lower Marchia, he will allow us to keep the crown. If we refuse, he will easily take what he seeks by force. Negotiations are heating up. Depending on what we tell the king, he challenges us to a duel or orders his men to capture us. [Combat] We shouldn't have any problems. It is enough to block enemy attacks and deliver heavy blows with a steel sword. IN certain moment the priest of Kreva tries to stop the fight, but Henselt kills him in a fit of rage... The sky darkens, the fog thickens, and ghosts appear from it.

The peaceful surroundings of Vergen suddenly turn into a ghostly reflection of the battle that took place three years ago. Geralt, who is heading towards the dwarven city, finds himself in the thick of what is happening. Now we play as the witcher again and must save Stennis and Saskia, whom we met in the fog. We are accompanied by Iorveth and an owl, which shows the way. Philippa Eilhart, a sorceress helping the Aedirns, turned into an owl. She surrounds us with a magical barrier and strikes with lightning all the creatures that try to attack us. [Combat] We do not recommend engaging in battle with ghosts or going beyond the limits of Philippa’s spell: outside the sphere we will rapidly lose strength and health, and there are so many draugirs and spirits that they will certainly kill us. Several times the owl-Phillipa's path will be blocked by ghosts. To move on, we will have to destroy them. Following the owl, we emerge from the fog, and we have the opportunity to talk with Philippa and Saskia. Saskia gathers all her commanders for a council to discuss the strange events we have just witnessed. The game then takes us beyond the walls of Vergen, where we meet the mayor of the city. He reports that a room has already been prepared for us in the tavern. After examining it, we will be able to walk around the dwarven city. When we are ready, we can go to the council.

Having rested after a long journey, we set off for the council convened by Saskia. Arriving there, we see that everyone is already assembled: Philippa Eilhart, Saskia, Stennis, Zoltan, the Aedirn nobility and a representative of the militia. They develop a plan to defend against the Kaedweni invaders. But first of all, we need to remove the curse from the battlefield and dispel the ghostly fog. Phillippa Eilhart and Geralt will do this. To remove the curse, we will need four magical items related to the battle three years ago. Then you will need to prepare for the defense of Vergen. Iorvet appears at the council, which causes indignation among the majority. However, Saskia appreciates the help the elf offers. And suddenly a disaster happens: the girl makes a toast, takes a sip and immediately falls - she has been poisoned.

Philippa has stabilized the Maid of Aedirn and wants to talk to us. The sorceress tells us that to save the girl the following ingredients are needed: dwarven immortelle, dragon's dream, royal blood and a rose of memory. Having learned about this, we receive 500 experience points and begin a new task - A Question of Life and Death. It covers the quests Underground Life, In Search of Magic, Royal Blood and Where is Triss? Completing these tasks will allow us to find the necessary ingredients.

Underground life

Experience for completion: 1000

According to Philippa, one of the ingredients of the antidote is an herb that grows deep underground. The dwarves call her the immortelle. The sorceress advises us to look into the closed Vergen mine; this herb may well be there.

Entering the nearest inn, we meet a group of good friends: Dandelion, Zoltan and Yarpen, as well as Sheldon and Cecil Burdon, the headman of Vergen. When asked about the immortelle, the dwarves will also advise us to go down into the mine, and Cecile will explain why it is closed. Our friends will offer us help, and we will agree to meet them at the entrance to the mine.

When we tell Cecil that we are ready, he will ask Sheldon to open the mine. The headman will instruct us to clear the adits of monsters (Dirty work). When going on a mission, you should take with you at least four Cat elixirs. If we want to rid the mines of monsters forever, then a few grapeshot bombs.

Accompanied by the dwarves, we go down to find the immortelle. You need to be prepared to meet corpse eaters. [Combat] Lightning strikes with a silver sword are the best remedy for them. Do not forget that killed corpse eaters explode, so it is better to jump away from the dying creatures as far as possible.

The dwarven mines are a real labyrinth with long passages, locked doors and corpse eaters. Not only that: they are also dark, as is usually the case in dungeons. We enter the first large cave, and it turns out that we need a key to open the door to the lower levels. Having dealt with the monsters in the face on the right, we find the body of a killed miner, and on it is a key. Now we can return to the cave and open the locked door. Further in the mines we will find the bodies of two more miners and two more keys. This way we will get to the lowest level, where the duck catcher is waiting for us. [Combat] If we have bombs with us, we can kill the corpse eaters surrounding this monster. With post-mortem explosions they also injure duckbills. This monster can also be immobilized using the Yrden Sign and then finished off with a backstab.

After the victory, we pluck the dwarven immortelle. Now we can return to the surface and tell Philippa about our findings.

First key

First locked door

Second key

Second locked door

Third key

Third locked door

In search of magic

The sorceress Philippa Eilhart says that a certain magical artifact is required as one of the ingredients for Saskia's antidote. If you ask her for advice, she will recommend that we be creative and ask around the city. She will also say that Cecile Bourdon somehow knows about all the matters that concern Vergen.

When we ask Cecil about stories related to magic, he talks about a magician's tower that stands in the forest beyond Vergen. It is believed that this is a unique Place of Power that has always attracted magicians. We should look there.

We pass through the outskirts of the city and then through a tunnel cut into the rock. On the other side, a picturesque view awaits us. Fortunately, the tower is also visible from there. We cross the river and go to the hill. Harpies live not far from here. They attack us while we are going to the Place of Power. [Combat] This is one of our first fights with the harpies. They usually attack in groups, so using the Aard Sign is recommended. He will help knock down several harpies to the ground, which will then be easy to finish off with a silver sword. Having dealt with the harpies, we approach the destroyed tower that Cecil spoke about. Inside we see a nest with a crystal in which magic is felt. Is this what Philippa needs? We return to Vergen to talk with the sorceress.

Having examined the crystal, the sorceress will explain to us that this is a crystallized dream of a dwarf. This is an interesting artifact, but it is not powerful enough to be an antidote. Only Keleno harpies encase dreams in crystals, and these monsters mainly live in an abandoned quarry outside the city. We are confident that we will find a sufficiently powerful dream there, but the elder of Vergena has locked the gate to the caves leading there to block the way for the monsters. Fortunately, Cecil’s own dream came into our hands first, so we have something to discuss with him.

A dwarf teetotaler, who would have thought... The most important thing is that now we have the key to the quarry, and we immediately go there. In the quarry itself and in its surroundings, many harpies await us. [Fight] As before in the forest, The best way deal with the harpies knock them down using the Aard Sign, and then finish them off with a silver sword. In the caves we must find five enchanted crystals. They can be placed in a magical obelisk, which is a kind of projector. This will allow us to view crystallized dreams. One of them will turn out to be a dragon's dream. It will certainly be suitable for preparing an antidote. In addition, we will find Baltimore's dream. Watching it begins a separate task Baltimore's Nightmare. We got what we came for. It's time to return to Vergen.

Where is Triss? (Part one)

It was not by chance that we came to the city of dwarves. The tracks of the Kingslayer and the kidnapped Triss Merigold led here. Now the search for the sorceress takes on additional meaning: in Flotsam we gave her a rose of memory. If she still has the flower, we'll get another antidote ingredient for Saskia. We ask Philippa Eilhart about Triss, and she tells us about a tavern regular who allegedly saw a red-haired woman falling from the sky.

It wouldn't hurt us to hear this story first hand, and we go to the tavern. The dwarf Philippa spoke about is talking with the owner. He agrees to tell us the story of the red-haired woman for a mug of Mahakam. Having bought him a drink, we learn that in a ravine near the quarry, a woman and a huge thug appeared as if from the sky. The man abandoned the woman, who was immediately kidnapped by the troll.

So we go to the quarry. At the crossroads where there is a wooden altar, we turn left, towards the gorges. There we meet the troll we have already heard about. The troll will tell a story we already know, adding something new to it. He was caring for an injured woman and his troll wife left him out of jealousy. She took the red-haired woman's ribbon from him. Soon after, the redhead ran away. [Choice] We have a choice:

[A] If we make the troll angry, he will attack us. [Combat] The easiest way to defeat a troll is with lightning strikes from a silver sword. If this is not enough, we can use the Yrden Sign and then stab him in the back. After that, we must find the troll's wife and get the tape.

[B] We can also promise the troll that we will not offend his wife. In this case, he will ask us to talk to the troll and convince her to return to her native lair.

We go deeper into the gorges where the troll's wife went. Along the way we meet harpies. [Combat] It's best to hit them with a silver sword, but you can knock them down with the Aard Sign. Walking along the gorge, we reach a grove with the wreckage of a ship. There we also see the troll's wife, surrounded by armed men. [Choice] [A] We can help people and kill the monster. [B] We can also engage in battle with people to save the monster. What if the troll’s wife saw Triss or Leto?

[A] If we decide to help the mercenaries, they will thank us later, during the siege of Vergen. However, now we have to fight the troll's wife. [Combat] Makes sense to use lightning strikes silver sword. Also, if we haven't killed the troll before, it will attack us the next time we meet. But that will come later. Now we take Triss's ribbon from the troll's body.

[B] If we defend the monster, we will have to fight the mercenaries. [Combat] Our enemies are numerous, so the main thing is to put up blocks and carry out counterattacks. The Yrden sign will also be useful to us. As we begin to gain the upper hand, Pangratt gives in and after a brief conversation agrees to leave, leaving the monster alive. After the battle we talk to the troll's wife. If we killed her husband, then we ask her about the tape and return to Vergen. If the troll is alive, we ask her to return to her husband. The grateful spouses will give us Triss's ribbon and a horn, which can be used to summon them in case of danger. Later they will help us in the defense of Vergen.

It's time to return to Philippa to tell her everything and give her the tape: perhaps Philippa will be able to figure out where Triss is from her little thing. Our conversation with the sorceress is interrupted. It turns out that the peasants want to kill Stennis: they believe that it was he who poisoned Saskia. We will return to the search for Triss later. Now we need to run to the town hall, where the heir to the throne (Royal Blood) is being besieged.

Royal blood

To find the ingredients for an antidote for Saskia, Philippa entrusts us with several tasks at once, including this one. For the potion, the sorceress needs royal blood. Immediately after the council (Council of War), we can see Stennis and tell him what we need from him, but he will indignantly refuse us. We will have a chance to get royal blood only when we deliver Triss' ribbon to Philippa. Our conversation with the sorceress will be interrupted by a nobleman who will say that the peasants are ready to tear Stennis apart, accusing him of poisoning Saskia.

We go to where the prince barricaded himself. A crowd of Vergen residents, peasants, nobles and dwarves, as well as our friends Zoltan and Buttercup, are waiting for us there. These two will describe the situation to us. The peasants consider Stennis guilty, and the nobles defend him. We must gather as much information as possible and reach a verdict.

We will have several conversations with the gathered dwarves, peasants and nobles. We can also talk with Stennis if we use the Axii Sign in conversation with the guards.

After three conversations, we will find out the positions of both sides, and the peasants will demand that we pronounce a verdict. [Choice] We have a difficult decision to make. We have not learned any facts that could clearly point to the culprit. [A] However, we can condemn Stennis to death as a culprit. [B] We can also state that the available evidence is insufficient. In this case, Saskia will make the decision after recovery.

[A] By declaring Stennis guilty, we will get the royal blood we need.

[B] If we leave the decision to Saskia, we will give Stennis a fair trial, but we will have to obtain royal blood from Henselt.

Regardless of the choice made, we go to Philippa to inform her of Stennis's fate. Meanwhile, the sorceress was able to find traces of Triss using a megascope.

Where is Triss? (part two)

While we were trying Stennis for his alleged role in Saskia's poisoning, Philippa Eilhart located Triss from the tape we obtained. When we meet the sorceress at her home, she tells us that Merigold is on the other side of the ghostly fog in the camp of King Henselt. The Enchantress offers to help us cross the battlefield, so we just head there.

We pass through a burnt village and enter the fog. We are accompanied by the already familiar owl, which surrounds us with a magical barrier and strikes the ghosts with lightning. We follow the sorceress. After some time, the owl will fall into a magical trap. We must defeat all enemies to free Philippa and continue our journey. [Combat] We use strong blows from the silver sword. Ghosts are weak opponents, so there shouldn't be any problems. We move on, trying not to go beyond the protective barrier.

As we cross the battlefield, Philippa leaves us: she is afraid that she will be noticed by Dethmold, the court sorcerer of King Kaedwen. We go north to Henselt's camp. We find a mysterious figurine at a border post, and then unexpectedly come face to face with Vernon Roche and his squad. Despite the unpleasant circumstances of our parting, the Temerian will show us the way to the camp of the Nilfgaardian ambassador Shilard, where we may find Triss. [Choice] [A] We can try to sneak through the Kaeven camp from the side of the cliff or [B] go through the underground tunnels inhabited by monsters.

[A] We go to the cliff, as Roche told us, and make our way to the royal camp.

We approach the tent on the left, and when a drunken sentry comes out, we wait for him to turn left. Then we wait until all the soldiers sitting around the fire are distracted by a vomiting comrade. Then we slip further and turn left, towards the tents, so as not to attract the attention of the sentries. This will take us to the second gate. Now we wait for the patrol to enter the camp. We leave the gate, deal with the sentry and go down to the caves under the camp. The Neckers meet us there. [Combat] You need to use quick strikes of a silver sword against them. Soon we reach the opposite exit from the cave. There we are noticed by a Nilfgaardian sentry.

[B] The alternative route that Roche showed us goes through the caves below the camp. The entrance there is hidden in the courtesans' tent opposite the Kaedweni fortifications. There we must talk to Madame Carole and bribe her to get the necessary information and the key to the entrance to the tunnel. This will take us to the basement of an abandoned tower, from where we can get into the caves. We are heading north and northeast. Along the way we will meet local inhabitants - nakers. [Combat] The Aard sign will be useful to us against monsters that attack in groups. It will allow us to knock down some of these creatures, and it will be easier to finish them off with a silver sword. There is also a duckling there. Previously, in the dwarf mines, we had already dealt with one. This one also needs to be immobilized using the Yrden Sign and attacked from the back. As we emerge from the caves onto the shore, we are stopped by a Nilfgaardian sentry. An Empire soldier will take us to Ambassador Shilard Fitz-Esterlen. After a short conversation, we will be searched, and the guards will take the figurine from us. It turns out that this is the transformed Triss Merigold! The ambassador will leave, ordering his men to kill us. Vernon Roche and Bianca will save us at the last moment. Now we must fight the Nilfgaardian soldiers led by the sorcerer. [Combat] Spells must be dodged. It is best to immediately knock him down at the moment of teleportation using the Aard Sign and kill him. We can immobilize the guards with the Yrden Sign, and then finish them off with backstabs.

[Consequences of the choice in the task Royal Blood]

[A] If we declared Stennis guilty of poisoning Saskia in the Royal Blood quest and obtained the royal blood in this way, we can now resort to Roche's help to leave the Kaedweni camp. He will lead us out of there as prisoners whom he must get rid of. On the way, we should avoid patrols: if they notice us, they will figure out the trick, and we will face a heroic death and the end of the game. Avoiding the patrols, we reach the gate, where a sentry stops us. The answer to his first question is “Game”, and then we must select the option “Silence”, otherwise the sentry will understand what is happening and raise the alarm. So we get out of the camp and return to the fog.

[B] If in the Royal Blood quest we decided that there was not enough evidence of Stennis's guilt and did not receive the royal blood, then now we can ask Roche to help us get Henselt's blood. Vernon will distract the guards, and we will be able to get into the tent of King Kaedwen. We hide behind the barrels and wait for the soldiers to leave, and then we make our way behind the tents to the largest tent. Behind him are barrels, which we set on fire using the Igni Sign to distract the sentries. Now we can enter the royal tent. After talking with Henselt, we receive royal blood and are taken out of the camp in exchange for a promise to remove the ghostly fog. It's time to return to Vergen.

Before we enter the fog, Philippa will appear once more. She will guide us through the battlefield. As in previous times, we will have to fight spirits and ghosts. [Combat] It’s better to stay behind the sorceress’s magical shield and let her deal with the enemies. However, at some point the ghosts will catch the owl in a magical trap. To free Philippa, we will have to kill all enemies. Then you can continue your way to the dwarven fortress.

So we'll get to the safety of Vergen. Now you can go to Philippa's house to inform her about Triss's fate. It turns out that the sorceress's maid Cynthia was a Nilfgaardian spy and escaped. Fortunately, she left all her things, among which we find a rose of memory. The flower is withering, we need to hurry...

A matter of life and death

Saving Saskia is one of our most important tasks in Vergen. It combines the four above-mentioned quests for collecting ingredients: Underground Life, where we are looking for the dwarven immortelle, In Search of Magic, where we find a dragon's dream, as well as the quests Royal Blood and Where is Triss?, during which we get royal blood and a rose of memory.

Having collected all the ingredients, we hand them over to Philippa Eilhart, who immediately begins to prepare the medicine for Saskia. We are present at the girl’s recovery. Having come to her senses, Saskia gives us Vandergrift’s sword. We will need the blade of the Kaedweni commander to disperse the ghostly darkness.

Eternal fight

At the war council, Philippa and I discuss how to remove the curse from the battlefield. According to the sorceress, for this we will need four magical items related to the battle three years ago. They are supposed to symbolize courage, faith, hatred and death. Philippa promises us to find the first two, leaving us with symbols of hatred and death.

We must learn as much as possible about this battle. To do this, we need to ask Philippa, the headman of Vergen Cecil Burdon and our dwarf friends Zoltan and Yarpen about her. They will tell us about the sword of Vandergrift, which Saskia now owns, and about the banner of the Brown Banner. It turns out that the Kaedweni general who owned the sword was notorious for his cruelty. In addition, we learn that the Brown Banner was killed in the battle for Vergen to the last man, and the bodies of the soldiers were buried in the forest, not far from the city. Since the elves guarding Saskia do not allow anyone except Philippa to approach her, we will have to wait for her recovery to get the sword.

Symbol of death

So, let's start looking for the Brown Banner banner. We need to explore the catacombs in the forest. We can do this while searching for the dragon's dream (In Search of Magic) or while investigating the murders that happened in the city (With a Trembling Heart). We go into the forest: from the outskirts of Vergen we find ourselves on the walls and reach the area where Iorveth’s detachment is stationed. There we find a tunnel that opens onto the river bank. The forest we are interested in is on the other side. Somewhere in it there is an entrance to the crypt. We'll probably be attacked by ghosts inside. [Combat] A silver sword and the Irden and Aard Signs will help us cope with them.

We have to get to the bottom level. There, in one of the halls, we meet the spirit of the standard bearer of the Brown Banner. [Choice] [A] We can trick him and claim that we once entered Buraya, or [B] we can fight him.

[A] If we declare that we served in the Brown Banner, the spirit will not believe us. But if we insist, he will ask us some questions to check. The answer to his first question is that this is incorrect. The next answer is Menno Coehoorn, and the third answer is Menno Coehoorn was killed at Brenna. Answer to the question about the commanders in the Battle of Vergen Seltkirk and Vandergrift. Last answer: Biggerhorn took us prisoner. This way we will convince the incredulous ghost, and he will allow us to take the banner from the sarcophagus. If we make a mistake, but we have a beaver hat or a Brown Banner cloak, the spirit will give us another chance. Otherwise we will have to fight him. We can get these items during the Baltimore Nightmare quest or win them with dice from Skalen Burdon.

[B] If we are not in the mood to chat with the spirit, or we give the wrong answer to one of its questions, we will have to fight. [Fight] This is a very difficult fight to prepare for. The Yrden sign will help us a lot: it will allow us to immobilize the enemy and finish him off with a silver sword. Now we can take the banner of the Brown Banner. But that is not all. If we tricked the ghost, it will periodically haunt us in other battles.

Symbol of hate

Once we get the banner, all we have to do is get Vandergrift's sword. To do this, we need to collect all the ingredients of the medicine for Saskia. When the Dragon Slayer is healed, she will simply give us the sword.

Now we need to talk to Philippa to get the other two artifacts - the magic medallion and Zeltkirk's armor. Having received all four items, we go to the ghostly haze.

In the fog we turn into an Aedirn soldier. Our commander gives orders to the archers and orders us to capture the enemy banner. We run through the defenses towards the spirits of the Kaedweni warriors defending the banner. [Combat] We must block the enemy's attacks and strike quickly. We are deprived of witcher skills, so we will have to do without Signs, potions and bombs.

After victory, our body will be taken over by the spirit of the Kaedweni warrior. We must inform our commander that the banner has fallen into the hands of the enemy. Arrows rain down from the sky. Hiding behind wooden shields, we cross the battlefield. The archers fire at regular intervals, so we are safe between shots. So we get to our general... This is Vandergrift. Draug. He argues with Sabrina Glewessig, the court sorceress of King Henselt.

Sabrina rains fire onto the battlefield. We have been possessed by the spirit of the Aedirn commander Zeltkirk. We once again enter into battle with the spirits and ghosts of Kaedweni soldiers. [Combat] We only have a sword at our disposal. We try to block enemy attacks and quickly strike back. Eventually we find ourselves face to face with Vandergrift. The spirit of Zeltkirk leaves our body, and in the battle with the draugr we can finally use all the abilities of the witcher.

[Combat] The fight with the draugr is one of the most difficult in the game. The Kaedweni general has become a demon who can turn into a tornado, call down a volley of archers and finally send Sabrina's hail of fire towards us. When the draugr uses his special abilities, we better take cover behind something. When he is not using them, we should attack him with the silver sword. Most of the Signs are useless in this fight, but Quen can be useful. You also need to use dodges and rolls to get close to the demon from the side and deliver a powerful blow.

After the death of the demon, we will be possessed by the spirit of a Kaedweni priest, who will try to lead the soldiers out from under the fiery shower. Hiding behind shelters, we head towards the edge of the fog...

Siege of Vergen

After the battle of the spirits ends, we come to our senses in the house of Philippa Eilhart. The sorceress informs us that Kaedwen's troops, led by Henselt himself, are approaching Vergen, and asks us to talk with Zoltan: he is responsible for the defense of the city. We will find Zoltan with Saskia at the city gates. During the conversation with the dwarf, the Kaedweni will appear. Zoltan will ask for help we must pour boiling oil on the attackers. We're running up the walls. There we encounter Kaedweni shield warriors. [Combat] When fighting enemies who have a shield, we need to block attacks and hit hard. In addition, they can be immobilized with the Yrden Sign or approached from the side using a roll. Having destroyed the enemies, we pour out the oil using the lever and return to Zoltan. Unfortunately, Detmold appears and uses magic to destroy the barricade the defenders had built. Zoltan gives the order to retreat beyond the second gate of the city.

Sheldon closes the gate behind us and we hurry up the walls. Henselt's army captures the outskirts and approaches the city wall. The soldiers are climbing the stairs... A mortal battle awaits us. [Combat] We are not fighting alone, so we can fight back quite effectively and use Signs. Having repulsed the first wave of attackers, we will get a respite. When we deal with the second wave, Saskia will inform us about a secret passage into the city. It passes through the caves adjacent to the mines under Vergen. She will add that the detachment sent there did not return.

Saskia will ask us to explore the tunnels with her. We follow the girl and come across a detachment of Kaedweni. [Combat] Against heavily armed warriors, quick strikes of a steel sword and the Aard Sign are best. We go deeper into the caves and meet Detmold there with a detachment of mercenaries. The sorcerer blocks our way back and forces us to accept an unequal battle. [Combat] In this battle, we must not forget about defense; we must counterattack and dodge Detmold’s spells. Suddenly a spell strikes Geralt... Saskia will save us by turning into a dragon. Then, after a short conversation with the girl, we return to the city. Along the way we meet Zoltan. He says we are needed on the walls.

On the walls of Vergen, Saskia gives a speech to raise the morale of the defenders. Enemy troops led by Henselt and Detmold immediately appear. The sorcerer breaks the gate, and the king gives the order to storm. A new wave of Kaedweni soldiers is rolling towards us. [Combat] We should easily cope with enemies if we skillfully reflect their blows and, if necessary, use Signs.

At the other end of the battlefield, Iorveth appears with a detachment of Scoia'tael. Now Henselt's troops are surrounded, and the elves shower the enemy with arrows. Saskia asks Geralt and Zoltan to support Iorveth and help him close the first city gate in order to cut off the Kaedweni's only escape route.

We run to the stairs to the walls on the right and find ourselves next to the fortifications from which oil was previously poured. Zoltan closes the gate... and Henselt has no choice but to surrender. So he immediately does so.

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~764 the arrival of people - disembarkation from ships at the mouth of the Yaruga River and in the delta of the Pontar River. Later, from the four docked ships, three kingdoms will grow.

~770 The troops of Marshal Raupennek from Tretogor commit massacres in Loc Muinn and Est Hamlet. which gives rise to the beginning of the war between elves and people ending in the massacre at Shaerrawedd

773– Foundation of the first large city Tsidaris.

774– The city of Maribor was founded on the western spurs of Mahakam for the convenience of trade with dwarves and the development of lands north of Pontar.

776– Novigrad founded

780– Founding of Vizima and Cintra

836 establishment of the Order of Sorcerers. First Chapter. Mages who want to defend their independence from this organization are destroyed. Magic schools were founded - Arethusa on the island of Thanedd for girls and Ban-Ard at the spurs of the Blue Mountains for boys.

~930s Greif Blackmane, Duke of the border principality in Redania, begins his local war with the elves and eventually founds the state of Kaedwen. His descendants occupy the throne of Kaedwen to this day.

964- the first authentic mention of witchers - sterile mutants with supernatural abilities who have undergone special training to become professional monster fighters for hire. The creators of the witchers are the powerful magician Alzur and his teacher Malaspina

966- Founding of Kaer Morhen, where witchers from the Wolf School were trained

~967 years- War in the North, Kovir is gradually increasing its power, turning into a strong and developed state.

~1000s A group of settlers goes deep into the continent, beyond the Pontara Mountains, in search of better lands. The kingdom of Aedirn is founded.

1064 rebellion of Aelirenn (Eliren in human terms). She gathers young elves who have not come to terms with human domination and throws them into a hopeless battle, beginning the first elven terror against humanity. Destruction of Shaeravedda. The death of many of the elves. The beginning of the gradual extinction of the elven race.

1132 Nilfgaardian coup. A change of dynasty has occurred in Nilfgaard: Torres var Emreis Deitven is dethroned, blinded and imprisoned in a tower. Echoes of the ensuing massacre reached the North in the form of a few refugees. The Nilfgaardian throne passed to the Kalveit dynasty. Aetolia and Vicovaro, being the hereditary possessions of the new emperor, became part of the Nilfgaardian Empire.

1160s Falka's rebellion broke out, initially presented as "the struggle of the rightful princess Falka for the throne of Redania that belonged to her." They say that many coins of amazing mintage could be found in Falka's chests. On her side were the nobles of her native Kovir and many Temerians, dissatisfied with the rule of King Gardrik. But later, when the rebellion spread to many neighboring states and became a full-scale peasant war, most of them came to their senses and went over to the side of their overlords (which did not prevent them from removing many hotheads after the rebellion).

During the rebellion, the city of Myrta, the first haven of magicians, was destroyed. Most of the manuscripts and books dating back to the time of the Landing were lost during the fire or were lost during the sack of the city.

1166-1183 years- Great Plague.

1182- Cintrian Troubles.

1185 People's campaign against witchers. Kaer Morhen, the fortress in which witchers lived and studied, was destroyed.

1239 The beginning of the Northern Wars. The Nilfgaard Empire, as a result of a series of bloody battles, conquers the kingdom of Nazair, which becomes one of the provinces of the Empire. Also in the same year, Queen Katarzyna of Aedirna, together with her eldest son, leaves the court of King Damavand and the country itself.

1245 Temeria and Redania conclude a treaty of alliance and eternal peace, sealed by the engagement of the young princess Milena and Prince Foltest. Rich gifts were sent to Vizima from Tretogor as a future dowry, the people of both kingdoms rejoiced.

1253 The knightly Order of the White Rose was founded in Temeria by emissaries of the Temple of Eternal Fire. Young men of noble birth are accepted into the Order. The Order recognizes the King of Temeria as its overlord, and the Hierarch of the Eternal Fire as its spiritual patron. According to the charter of the Order, if the Hierarch and the king are in conflict, the Order is obliged to stand on the side of good.

1256 In Vizima, the witcher Geralt, passing by, casts a spell on the daughter of the late princess Adda, who had been turned into a striga by a curse. King Foltest officially recognizes the girl as his daughter. Foltest's only recognized daughter is known as Adda the White.

1261 the beginning of the first war with Nilfgaard. Sodden Hill - the battle of the magicians of the south and north

1260–1262 Negotiations are underway between the Cintra and Temerian courts about the possible marriage of King Foltest of Temer and Princess Cirilla of Cintra. Envoys from both kingdoms discuss terms.

The negotiations will end in nothing - Queen Calanthe will throw herself from the tower during the assault on Cintra by the Nilfgaardian army, and Princess Cirilla will go missing.

1262 The Battle of Sodden, the largest battle in history involving magicians from both sides. Nilfgaard's first major defeat in the past hundred years.

The Truce of Sodden was concluded between Nilfgaard and the Northern Kingdoms through the mediation of the Brotherhood of Sorcerers.

The main points of the truce accepted by all parties:

Nilfgaard withdraws his troops to the left bank of the Yaruga River, and the northern kingdoms to the right, and do not cross the river. Lower Sodden is held by Temerian troops, Cintra by Nilfgaardian troops

The parties recognize the descendants of Queen Calanthe (Princess Pavetta or Princess Cirilla) as the legal heirs of Cintra. If they are found dead, then the status of Cintra will be settled when a peace treaty is concluded.

The final peace settlement will be reached in separate negotiations between the ambassadors of the imperial government and each king individually.

Quite soon after the truce, Temeria annexed Lower Sodden. The last Prince of Sodden was Foltest's uncle and Queen Mother Ludwig's half-brother, Ekkehard.

Emperor Emhyr appointed a governor in Cintra and created administrative institutions corresponding to the other provinces of the Empire. Officially, the Nilfgaardian government still recognizes the rights of Calanthe's descendants should they be found, but the integration of Cintra (or Upper Sodden, as the Nilfs call the area) into the Empire is well under way.

The actions of the Nilfgaardian government became a pretext for Aedirn and Kaedwen to interrupt peace negotiations. According to rumors, Damavand of Aedirn was also very dissatisfied with the fate of Lower Sodden, which he also had his own plans for - but other monarchs preferred to support King Foltest.

1268- The Battle of Brenna, which ended with the victory of the united kingdoms of the north against the army of Nilfgaard. It is one of the most famous battles of the Nilfgaardian Wars. This was a turning point for the North, which (up to this point) had held up rather poorly in the face of the enemy army. The battle took place near the Sodden village of Brenna.

April 2, 1268- The Treaty of Cintra was signed, ending the Second War with Nilfgaard.

June 1268- pogroms in Rivia.

May 1270 On the night of the Belletane holiday, the witcher Geralt of Rivia, until then considered dead, appears near the fortress of Kaer Morhen. Following on his heels Wild Hunt, but the sorceress Triss Merigold saves him from the ghostly horsemen.

May 1270 A few days later, Kaer Morhen is attacked by salamander bandits. Their leaders, the sorcerer Azar Yaved and the assassin Professor, steal the witcher's secrets and simultaneously kill the young witcher Leo. After the funeral, Geralt leaves the fortress and goes in search of the stolen secrets.

September 1270 King Foltest rewards Geralt for his help in resolving the situation in Vizima. The Witcher, in turn, prevents an assassination attempt on the king. Foltest asks the monster slayer to become his bodyguard while he investigates.

April 1271 The Witcher accompanies Foltest during the siege of the castle of La Valette. Another attempt is made on the king's life. This time, Geralt does not have time to stop the killer, and the monarch dies.

April 1271 Geralt is accused of killing the king, but the commander of the Temerian special forces unit, Vernon Roche, helps the witcher escape. Geralt begins the search for Foltest's killer.

July 1271 The Witcher reaches the ruins of Loc Muine, where the council of kings and sorcerers is about to begin. There he finds his enemy and puts an end to the story of the kingslayers. It turns out that they were acting on the orders of Emperor Nilfgaard.

August 1271 The Nilfgaard Empire declares war on the Northern Kingdoms.

May 1272 The war with Nilfgaard disrupted the previous order. The North is falling into chaos. The armies of the warring states are followed by a different kind of attack - monsters.

May 1273 The beginning of the game events.

From the beginning of the episode, you will have to manage Prince Stennis, who is staying to negotiate with King Helselt. Very soon everything will escalate into a fight and the king will accidentally splash blood on the altar. This will lead to a curse that will cover the earth. Ghosts will appear everywhere, the sun will be hidden behind black clouds, a hundred elves with Iorveth and Geralt will appear on the shore. You need to cleanse Saskia before the magical owl appears. The owl will take you to the right place, protecting with magic. It is important that you do not go outside the circle. Occasionally drive away ghosts from the bird. In the city, talk to the sorceress and also to Saskia.

When you follow the dwarf into the room, you need to distribute skill points. Then go to the tavern. If you don't want additional quests, go out into the fresh air. After making pompous speeches, raise your glass. The girl was poisoned. Philippa will be able to cure her, but she needs to find the immortelle root, the grove of memory and the royal blood.

Walkthrough of the game The Witcher 2 - Underground Life

Start searching for healing herbs. First, visit the local tavern, where Zoltan is drinking with his comrades. Find out about the mine - it is boarded up and very mysterious. You promise to help kill the raging monsters. Zotlan, Yarpen, Sheldon will be waiting for you at the mine at noon. Before descending into the dungeon, drink a number of elixirs. Pay attention to “Swallow” and “Cat”.

There are only “corpse eaters” inside, but the right door is locked. Sheldon will say that previously there was a chief digger named Balin Fergusson. He must have the key. We need to find Balin's corpse. He's in the room next door. Read the diary. You will find out what he gave to his four assistants.

Go forward, sometimes turning for the next key. When you open the last door, the medallion will begin to vibrate. A duckbill will appear around the bend. He is a slow and weak opponent. You need to use Quen. When you kill him, take the grass and blow it to Philippa.

Walkthrough of the game The Witcher 2 - In Search of Magic

We need to look for the second component for the potion. This is a magical artifact. Philippa does not know where to find him, but she will give a recommendation to go to the headman - Sicil. He will say that there is one place where many sorcerers are drawn. Go to the indicated place.

Get out of the city through the northern gate, go through the ford, go up the slope where you can see the tower. One of the nests contains a huge crystal that begins to affect Geralt's medallion. Take the crystal and get ready to fight the harpies. The Aard sign will help a lot. When you kill everyone, go to Philippa.

Unfortunately, you will have to look for a couple more similar artifacts. She will say that the crystal contains someone's dream. Geralt will think that the harpy who built the nest was a dream thief. When you talk to the sorceress, you will find out that these harpies previously lived near the old quarry, but headman Cecil closed it and does not want to open it. Luck - the dream that is enclosed in the crystal belongs to him! Go to the headman. After your explanation, he will open the gate.

The Witcher 2 gameplay continues. Getting to the lair of the sleep thieves is difficult. First, go down into the gorge, at the bottom of which there will be a fight with five creatures. Kill them and collect the ingredients for the potion from their bodies. Go to the big door where there will be fewer harpies. Be prepared to use the Aard sign and the silver sword.

When you get to round altar, watch the video. Sit down and drink some healthy elixirs, save yourself. When you take out the pink crystal, you will be attacked by a dozen harpies. Place protection in time - the “Quen” sign. Then you need to run into any passage and cut out one creature at a time. Local grenades will help a lot. Buy them in the city from merchants.

When you have killed the harpies, go to the altar and insert crystals into it (crystals of different colors should come across along the way. They must be collected). After four dreams, return to Philippa.

Walkthrough of the game Witcher 2 – Where is Triss?

Remember that before Triss was kidnapped, you gave her a rose of memory? She is needed to heal Saskia. When you talk to Philippa, go to the inn. You can learn a lot of information from a local regular and treat him to good beer. It turns out that the bald thug and the girl fell from the sky. The thug left, and the red-haired woman was kidnapped by the troll. Once you find out where the troll is, go talk to him. This is a great guy. He will offer soup to their elves. Tactfully refuse and ask him about the “redhead.” Choose calm remarks, do not contradict him, so as not to lead to a fight. So you will find out that the troll’s wife was jealous of the “redhead” and left, taking the scarf with her. Triss herself ran away the next night. Go to the troll's wife.

There will also be mercenaries who need to be convinced to spare her. Ask her to go back to hubby. In gratitude, she will give a scarf to the “redhead”. So, return with the handkerchief to Philippa. The conversation with her will be interrupted by the prince's servants. He will say that the peasants believe that Steniss poisoned Saskin. We need to figure it out.

Walkthrough of the game The Witcher 2 – Royal Blood

Go to Prince Steniss's room. He locked himself in the estate, and the men from the city want to kill him. After talking with Dandelion and Zoltan, you will learn about a servant who seems to have heard Stennis and the late priest talking about the deliverance of Saskin. Talk to the servant who lives nearby. The guy is nervous, plus everything, he sits at home when such a quarrel is going on. All this is suspicious. Go to the headman. He will show you on the map where the priest lived. When you examine the room, you will find a drawing of a special. cup with a cavity for poisons. Yes, the priest is to blame, but you can’t ask him anything.

Chat with the prince. Convince the guards that only you can help a high-ranking person. The prince will refuse to give his blood, but will offer a lot of money for an excuse against the crowd. Go outside and pass judgment. The servant will inform you that before serving, the drink is checked for the presence of poison. Tell me about the drawing of the cup. When the prince makes a spectacular performance, you need to remind him of his attempt to bribe you. You have to decide his fate. You can sentence him to death, or let him live until Saskia’s amendment. The best thing to do is soak it and take the blood. Everything indicates that the prince had an agreement with the priest.

The Witcher 2 gameplay continues. To have all the ingredients, you just need to find Triss and the rose of memory. Philippa claims that she is now in the Helselt camp. However, the camp is located on the other side of the ghostly darkness. Only a sick person would dare to pass through it. Naturally you have to go! In this case, Philippa will provide assistance by becoming an eagle owl. When you get to the other side, say goodbye to the girl for a while, go to the king’s camp.

At the beginning of the quest you will see a corpse. Search it and you will find a figurine of some kind of monarch. Move on. When you meet Roche, talk to him and ask for help. Despite the offense, he will tell you about the secret passage into the camp. We must go through the old cave. If Roche doesn’t want to talk, go to the city, where the local “mother” will tell you about the same cave.

Entering the cave is easy, but getting out is difficult. The stone elemental will interfere with you. Use a fast style when fighting. The Yrden sign, which slows down the enemy, is also suitable.

To complete the game The Witcher 2, you need to search the enemy, who will crumble into pebbles. Go outside. Now we need to get to the ambassador. First, stock up on throwing weapons. Approach the healthy wooden gate, ask the guard to take you to the ambassador. He will tie you up and carry you to him. The ambassador will pull out the figurine you found from his pocket, break it and take the inside contents. After talking a little, he will give the order to execute you and leave. When Bianca and Vernon come to help you, take on the sorcerer.

Your fight with Vangemar will cause a lot of noise. Vernon will suggest pretending to catch you. Agree, but first we need to ransack the camp. Here you can profit from good armor. Go to the wooden gate, avoiding the patrols. When the guard asks, answer that you are taking a witcher for interrogation. When you part with your savior, go to Philippa. Tell her about Triss, overcome the darkness and go to the city. It turns out that Philip's maid is a traitor. But in her things you will find a rose of memory that was taken from Triss.

Walkthrough of the game The Witcher 2 – A Matter of Life and Death

Give all the ingredients to Philippa, watch the video where Saskin is healed. When you are alone with her, ask about the commander's sword. You will find out the necessary information, then she will give the blade and thank you for your help.

Eternal fight

To remove the curse, you need to have 4 items that played a significant role in the battle. Echoes of the battle can be observed when passing through the ghostly darkness. Philippa will give advice to talk to the mayor of the city. He will tell you that he personally fought against the Brown Banner, whose banner we should have. When you find out all the details of the battle, go to the crypt in which the soldiers killed in battle were buried. You will find the banner in the sarcophagus. But he is guarded by a ghost. Lie to the ghost that you were in the Brown Banner detachment. He won't believe it - he'll have to convince him.

The first statement must be answered with the remark - “Everything was wrong.” The next answer should be the name "Manno Coehoorn". The third answer is “Manno Koehoorn died at Brenna.” The fourth answer is “Zeltkirk and Vandergrift.” Then tell us that you were captivated by the Bigerhorn. If you don't answer correctly, there will be a fight with him. In any case, take the symbol of hatred, go to Philippa.

The Witcher 2 gameplay continues. If you already have Saskia’s sword, then tell the sorceress to go to the battlefield, which is in the ghostly darkness. She will give two other artifacts - a knight's armor and a medallion. When you reach the darkness, possess the Aedirn knight. Your commander will order to capture the enemy's banner. After defeating the standard bearer, transfer to the Kaedweni scout and tell your superiors that the standard has been lost. Jump from cover to cover. After a short cutscene, possess Zeltkirk and move forward, cutting the throats of the warriors that get in your way. When you meet Vandergrift, bring your life bar to the middle and enjoy your victory.

Then Dragoon will appear. We need to persuade Zeltrik to allow us to fight him.

The fight with the huge demon is the most difficult task in this mission. It’s good that all witcher skills are available. You need to use “Quen” and unleash powerful blows on the brute. As soon as he dies, the sorceress will summon a rain of fire onto the battlefield. You, in the role of a priest, will have to lead the fighters out of the field. This way the curse will be lifted.

Walkthrough of the game The Witcher 2 – Siege of Vergan

When you wake up in Philippa's room, tell her about all the events, go to Zoltan. He now leads the army. He will say that enemy troops are coming to the city. You will immediately see the martinets of King Henselt’s army appear on the horizon. First you will be asked to climb the walls to activate the oil supply mechanism. This is how Zoltan wants to fight the first wave of the enemy. Climb up and deal with those who managed to get over, use QTE to start the oil supply.

The first platoon was destroyed. However, the next wave is coming, so the dwarf general will give the order to retreat. When you retreat, climb the wall and talk to Saskia. Listen to the instructions, watch the video. Then you need to place traps near the stairs. It turns out that the opponents who have risen to the top will receive good damage before they can begin the fight. This way you can fight off three waves at once. Then talk again with the “Dragon Slayer”. The girl's scouts are in the mine under the city, but have not returned yet. You will receive orders to go with her into the tunnels to find out what the matter is.

Walkthrough of the game The Witcher 2. Follow the girl, deal with the corpse eaters. You will stumble upon Henselt's detachment, which will be led by Detmold. You can easily defeat ordinary soldiers, but with this sorcerer you will have to work hard. Wait until his life energy is half gone. He then attacks Geralt with a spell to incapacitate him. It is at this point that you learn how interesting Saskia is in her own right.

Talk to her about her secret, return back to Vergen to defend yourself. At the exit you will meet Zoltan. He will say that the remaining army, led by Henselt himself, is rushing towards the city. The people are depressed, but Saskia pulled herself together. She pushes the speech and leads the attack.

First, destroy those who climbed the city walls. Then it will seem to you that there are a great many enemies and you can give up. Suddenly, Iorveth will appear at the head of a detachment of Scoiathael archers. Close the gate to trap the royal soldiers. Zoltan and the leader of the “squirrels” will provide assistance with this. When further progressing through the game The Witcher 2, go down from the wall using the stairs that are located on the right side, when looking at the open gate.

When Henselt finds himself in a disadvantageous situation, he will order his martinets to surrender their weapons. Well, he will sign the surrender himself. This is how victory in the war will be won. But you will notice that Saskia behaved very strangely during the negotiations. Therefore, Iorvet will offer to follow the girl. The girls will leave through the teleport, and you and the elf will go in search of the sorceress’s room. You can find the book "Elixirs and Poisons" in the back room. Show it to Iorveth. If you don't go after Philippa right away, something very bad could happen.

Triss didn't want war.

She didn't care about politics. After the events on Thanedd, after the Lodge, after the disappointment in Philippa Eilhart, who wanted only one thing - to snatch the Lion Cub from Cintra for magical purposes - she realized that she was fed up with politics.

But she could not allow a second Sodden Hill.

The wounds, healed and disguised by magic, had long ceased to bother her physically. But the memories cut worse than a knife. Fear settled inside her like a thorn. Fear kept her from sleeping at night.

And Nilfgaard was advancing again. A big battle was brewing near Stare Zhopki: the remnants of the Temerian and Redanian troops against a powerful army of invaders. Several voluntary detachments flocked to the northerners, but Triss knew too well how easily all these arrogant commanders could get bogged down in figuring out who was cooler here and screw up, excuse me, the main goal.

She decided to go to the front line. And if there is a battle, she will participate in the battle. Not for Temeria. Not for the Lodge. Not for higher interests. For myself.

The first familiar person Triss saw in the northern camp, even before she reached the tent of Commander-in-Chief Jan Natalis, was Geralt.

Triss tried to contain her amazement, but her eyes still widened.

Geralt noticed her the same moment she noticed him. And instead of walking into Jan Natalis’s tent with a businesslike gait, Triss found herself in a forest clearing arm in arm with the witcher.

What are you doing here? - they asked each other at the same time.

Geralt was the first to answer.

“I’m here by accident,” he said.
- So you won’t participate in the war? - Triss burst out.

She immediately regretted asking. The answer was predictable. She had heard it at Kaer Morhen many times. Witchers don't fight people. Witchers destroy monsters. And no matter how hard she tried to prove to them: how many people die from the clutches of monsters? three to five a year? and hundreds die in war! thousands! - the witchers remained unconvinced.

For what? - said Geralt. - I didn’t plan to stay late. What are your fates here?

She didn't have time to answer.

Koyon stood next to them. He was unshaven, rumpled, shaggy, and noticeably tipsy.

The witchers hugged each other and enthusiastically patted each other on the back.

Triss has not seen Koyon for four years - since the yellow-eyed witcher was carried to Vizima. Triss knew what he liked, and it so happened that at that time she was inclined to return the feeling. She wanted to fill the emptiness in her chest and repress the memories of the other witcher that stubbornly refused to fade away.

They were together for several nights. Koyon then looked like a cat that had eaten sour cream. For Triss, this relationship was a joy and a challenge. What started out as a whim and a desire to tease was becoming too much for her. Triss pretended to have lost interest and hastened to break off the relationship before she completely lost her head and did something stupid.

She didn’t know where Coyon had been hanging around these four years. But it was unexpectedly pleasant to see him. Nice... and exciting.

Koyon turned to her, smiled from ear to ear and went to hug her. Triss resisted the urge to grab his hand and place it on her neck, just below the back of her head, to feel the emanation. And yet, his touch sent fire through her veins. Triss pulled herself together. This is not what she came here for.

The further conversation went awry. Koyon stepped aside to allow Triss and Geralt to continue their interrupted conversation, but the mood had already changed. The sorceress and the witcher limited themselves to streamlined phrases in the style of “if you need help, just tell me” - “you, if anything happens, also contact me.” Triss knew that she would not have to contact her. What she needed from him, he pointedly did not want to give.

She left the witchers alone, and she finally hurried to Jan Natalis’s tent.

The army was in chaos. The Redanian and Temerian units were so few in number and poorly armed, as if they hoped that the Nilfgaardians, upon seeing them, would burst into tears and surrender simply out of pity. Adju's mercenaries looked smart, but they hinted that they were paid a pittance in advance, and they were fighting in proportion to their reward. The fighters of the Mahakamsk voluntary brigade were drunk as hell and bullied everyone, and when no one was around, then each other. A girl who imagined herself to be a warrior was wandering around the field, accompanied by a friend who imagined herself to be a priestess. The only pleasant surprise was Keira Metz. Triss almost burst into tears when Keira told her that she had come to prove her loyalty to the Temerian throne. Keira and loyalty? Do not make me laugh. Keira is a sorceress from her heels to the tips of her long golden locks. She is loyal only to herself and a little to the Lodge. Nevertheless, it was nice to see a sister by profession.

Intelligence on both sides was very poor. In the case of the northerners this was not surprising, in the case of the Nilfgaardians it was slightly alarming. It was clear that the Nilfs were advancing, but how many and from where remained a matter of conjecture.

Several wounded were brought to the northerners’ camp, and Triss’s mood completely deteriorated. It turned out that the victims were traveling with a convoy to Brenna when they were attacked by a manticore. I had to abandon the carts and run. Which meant that there was now a Northern convoy in the rear of the Nilfs. Maybe we should arrange a feast for them right away, Triss thought gloomily, since we feed them anyway.

The attack also had a good side - Geralt and Koyon, flashing their witcher swords, went to deal with the monster. A platoon of mercenary condottieri, stung by the fact that they would now begin to perform feats here without them, followed. Triss went too, and Keira joined them for company.

They barely had time to go deeper into the forest when the group’s path was blocked by people in black armor with a silver sun, in helmets decorated with the wings of birds of prey. Triss remembered Ciri talking about her escape from Cintra. How she was almost killed by a warrior wearing the same helmet.

Who are they? Where are you going? - one of the nilfs asked loudly. His straw-colored hair was sticking out from under his helmet.

Koyon and Geralt presented their swords.

We are witchers. Here, they say, there is a monster nearby. We were hired to explain.
- Witchers? - The Nilfgaardian thought. - Okay, come on in. Hey-hey, where are you going? - he shouted when the condottieri also moved from their place. - Who are they?
- Who’s asking? - Triss said coldly.
- You are wandering around our land, you are the one to answer!
- Hey, you idiot with ears! - barked the condottiere Erich Dean.

Triss and Keira giggled - the wings on the Nilfgaardian helmets really looked like donkey ears. Although the condottiere was also good: his helmet looked like a lady’s hat.

“It’s you who are trampling on our soil,” continued Erich Dean. - You report who it is!
- My name is Captain Sigorn! - answered the nilf. - And where I stand is my land!

Triss and Keira looked at each other and rolled their eyes in unison. Well, it has begun. Now the men will go to show off in front of each other, like cats in a garden. I howl a lot, but it's of little use.

Another man appeared from behind the bushes. An important bird, thought Triss. The black wings on the newcomer’s helmet did not cause laughter, but a desire to get out of his way as quickly as possible.

The man beckoned the nilf standing next to him, said a few words to him and disappeared into the tent. Nilf approached the condottieri.

Who is your boss? - he asked. - Our commander invites yours to negotiations.

Captain Adew accepted the invitation and disappeared into the tent. The rest could only wait.

Captain Sigorn and Erich Dean continued to bicker. Dean had just launched a tirade about how he, a free condottiere, would not allow some big-eared people to tell him whose land he was standing on. Keira tugged at Triss's sleeve and pointed with her eyes at another nilf, dressed not in armor, but in a luxurious black suit embroidered with silver. Magician! As if in response, the nilf made a slight movement with his fingers.

Erich Din, who just a moment ago had insulted the Nilfgaardians smoothly and eloquently, now mumbled something completely unintelligible. This is how the blessed mutter, immersed in their meager little world, or the drunk, explaining the truth to their mug. The speech and gestures of the condottiere, instead of driving the enemy to white heat, only caused offensive laughter. Dean himself clearly did not feel the change, continuing to wave his arms and mutter under his breath.

Cover me,” Keira whispered, taking out a mirror.

Triss nodded, ready to insure her friend while she cast her spell. No precautions were needed. Everyone present was so engrossed in contemplating the tongue-tied Dean that they completely failed to notice how Keira placed her hand on the condottiere’s shoulder and pointed the mirror at the Nilfgaardian sorcerer.

And then Dean suddenly became articulate again. It’s a pity that the nilf didn’t say anything at that moment, otherwise the effect of the mirror would have been even more noticeable.

All this would be very funny if it were not for the increasing feeling of disappointment. The negotiations in the tent dragged on. What could the Nilfgaardian commander talk about with the head of the mercenary detachment? It’s clear what we’re talking about. He probably tried to outbid them. We need to warn Natalis and hope that the northerners have a thicker wallet. It’s also worth talking with the Mahakam squad before the Nilf recruiters show up to them.

Nodding to Keira, Triss headed back to camp. And almost immediately I ran into a warrior girl who, together with her priestess friend, was spying on the negotiation scene from behind the bushes.

“Mistress sorceress,” the priestess called. - This tall man in a helmet... he's dressed like a Nilfgaardian, but he's a northerner, right? He has an accent.

Triss shrugged. Maybe a northerner. Defector. Or maybe he just had a northern nanny when he was a child.

With such thoughts, she entered Jan Natalis's tent.

It was hard for Jan Natalis. Something broke in Jan Natalis after the devastating loss at Cintra. The commander-in-chief knew how much depended on him now. The probability of defeat, very non-zero, made his movements hasty, his gestures feverish, his manner of speaking ragged and anxious. He nodded in response to the report on the actions of the mercenaries and the offer to increase their salaries, and immediately asked Triss to go in search of the Mahakam squad to discuss their participation in the future battle, while they were not yet drunk to the green devils.

It didn’t take long to find the Mahakamians. It was enough to go in the direction of the loudest shouts and the most obscene ditties.

Yarpen Zigrin and Zoltan Chivay reacted to Triss's approach with wild joy. They remembered that she was “the same red-haired woman whom the witcher had once carried.” They said dubious compliments about the sorceress’s figure and her wonderful eyes. They offered to take a sip of the vigorous dwarf drink. They assured that they were just going to go to Natalis exactly to discuss plan for the upcoming battle.Triss had a clear feeling that she was wasting her time with them.

She was about to leave when a familiar face peeked out from behind the wide backs and square shields.

Who do I see! - Triss sang sweetly. - Come here, Yarre!

Instead of answering, the boy only hid more tightly behind the backs of the Mahakamians and tried to pretend that he was not there.

And aren't you ashamed? - Triss said into the air. - Nenneke can’t find a place for herself! Have you even written to her?
- I'll write! - Yarre squeaked from behind. - I promise!
“Well, well,” Triss smiled. - Won’t you tell me, scoundrel, the story of a certain object that disappeared from my closet?

When they last met in the temple of Melitele, the sorceress then missed a lace detail of the toilet.

I did not mean to! - Yarre assured her, not in a hurry, however, to show himself to her. The Mahakamians, who were quite amused by this whole scene, readily covered up the young pest. - I won't do it again! I changed! I have become completely different, Mrs. Triss!

Triss thought that some piece of paper had fallen out of the boy's pocket, but there was no way to check.

Well, maiden, - said Zoltan Chivay, - we are now going to Natalis. Don't hurt the boy, he's with us now.
- We’ll teach him how to live! - added Yarpen Zigrin, and the whole company again burst into drunken laughter.

When Triss was again at the commander-in-chief's tent, she saw that the condottieres had returned, and with a profit. On the ground next to the tent sat a bound nilf sorcerer. Erich Dean, standing next to him, loudly and colorfully mocked the prisoner.

Triss bit her lip. Dean mocked loosely and skillfully, but this could only be a cover. If the condottieri go over to the enemy’s side, the magician in their squad will turn from a prisoner back into a combat unit.

Stab you, or what? - Dean thought again. - What good are you doing? Where are your nilf friends? They're in no hurry, I see, to bathe you?
- How much are you asking for ransom? - asked Triss.

The mercenary perked up and twirled his mustache.

Thirty coins.

Triss pulled a handful of crowns out of her pocket at random.

Is twenty-seven okay?
“He’s yours,” Dean grinned. - It's good to deal with enchantresses! One bewitched, the second ransomed...

The first thing Triss did was free the prisoner from his bonds. You can’t stop a sorcerer with a rope; even if he’s tied up, he can cast magic. Another thing is that you will have to throw spells with your feet, and you never know where it will land.

What is your name? - she asked.
“Adalbert,” the nilf answered arrogantly.
- My name is Triss Merigold. I think we have something to talk about.
“I don’t think so,” said the prisoner.
“Think again,” suggested the sorceress. - Since by the will of fate and my colleague you ended up here, why not reconsider your priorities?

The sorcerer pretended to look proud and unapproachable. Triss ignored this.

Tell me,” she continued, “what keeps you on the other side?”
- I serve the emperor!
- Do you serve? How's the soldier?

Adalbert pursed his lips.

Just as you serve your commander in chief!
“Not at all,” Triss smiled. - I don't serve anyone. Neither Jan Natalis nor King Foltest. In our north, sorcerers serve only themselves. We are free.
“Nevertheless, you are here,” the Nilfgaardian pointed out.
“By my own choice,” answered the sorceress. - Do you understand the difference between a person who fights by order and one who fights for his ideals and on his own initiative?

The sorcerer nodded reluctantly.

“It’s not that simple,” he hastened to say. - Nilfgaard is my homeland.
- The North will become new to you.
- But at my house...
- - Triss raised an eyebrow.

Adalbert shook his head vaguely.

“I’m sure that your family appreciates you,” said Triss, “but I can’t say the same about your command.” So much time has passed, and still there is no offer for redemption...
- There you are, Triss! - a voice rang out.

Keira was approaching them. Adalbert looked at her with hostility. After all, it was thanks to her that he was captured.

But Keira already had a plan in place. Looking at the captive with laughing blue eyes, she put her hand on her heart and whispered something in Elder Speech. Adalbert's gaze clouded and moved by itself to where the hand of the fair-haired charming woman lay.

“I heard that northern women are beautiful,” he cooed in a velvety voice, “and now I see that the rumor did not lie...

“Great idea. Will shake the sorcerer’s resolve even more.”

Triss retreated, giving her friend and her new admirer more space to get to know each other better.

A figure in the distance caught her attention. Triss narrowed her eyes. She could have sworn it was Ciri. The sorceress tried to tell herself that Ciri had passed through the corrupted portal of the Gull Tower and there was no point in instilling false hopes in herself, but her heart still jumped. Before Triss could rush after the girl, she disappeared from sight, lost between the tents.

Triss, they called next to me.

The sorceress shuddered and looked around.

Geralt,” she stammered, her thoughts still on Thanedd. - I think I just saw Ciri...

The witcher's face hardened.

“At least don’t talk about it,” he said briefly and angrily.

Triss came to her senses. You had to blurt out such a thing, and even in Geralt’s face! How many times over the past year had he imagined Ciri? In a random silhouette, in the play of light and shadow?

Did you want something? - she said.
“We fought a manticore here,” answered the white-haired witcher, showing her his bloody shoulder. - Will you heal?
- Certainly.

The wound was light; for a witcher, one might say, a scratch. Triss opened the pouch on her belt and took out a medicinal lozenge.

Here. Eat it and try not to get into a fight with the new manticore for at least the next quarter of an hour.

The Witcher nodded.

Thank you.
- And... - Triss hesitated, but decided to say it anyway. There is a war all around, and if the girl is really here, she will need protection. - Keep your eyes open, okay?

Geralt’s gaze, which had warmed up, again became caustic and distant.

“As if I needed reminding,” he snapped and walked away.

Triss, I need your help,” said Koyon.
- What's happened? - Triss asked absently, busy clearing her clothes of burrs.
“It seems to me that a spell has been placed on me,” Coyon said in a funereal voice.

Triss made a cursory check. She frowned and scanned it again, more carefully. She frowned even more.

The mark of the Lion-Headed Spider was clearly felt on the witcher. Black magic, banned in all the northern kingdoms and even, according to rumors, in Nilfgaard.

And how did this happen to you? - she asked.
“Yes, this priestess,” Koyon grumbled. - The manticore beat me up a little. Geralt went to see you, and I went to the infirmary. And most importantly, the injury is trivial! And they put me on the table, almost started taking off my armor. And the priestess is with them, saying something, and I lie there like a fool and understand: this is forbidden magic! And it's already late.
“The priestess,” Triss repeated.

Priestess of the Lion-headed Spider. Wow!

Can you remove the spell? - asked Koyon.

Triss shook her head.

I can not. But maybe she'll take it off herself. I will talk to her.
- Do me such a favor. - The Witcher tried to smile at her, but it turned out to be an alarmed grimace.

“Why is this important to me? - Triss thought. - Well, a witcher and a witcher, not my first and not even my second. Why am I helping him without even asking for anything in return?”

She knew why. When she was with Geralt, she was haunted by a feeling of pain. His pain. When she was with Lambert, she was intoxicated by the feeling of victory. He finally stopped calling her by her last name.

When she was with Koyon, she just felt warm.
