Game activity everything is possible. Activity. Everything is possible! Why do we need an hourglass?

Activity is the best-selling game of 2010. In the new version of the “box with a ready-made party” it is completely preserved game mechanics classic “Activity” plus the ability to explain words with sounds has been added. The game has become generally more balanced and more fun.

Let's first. How to play it?

It's very simple: you have a playing field on which chips move - and a bunch of cards with words. You choose one of the cards and try to explain the word from it to other players from your team. The more complex the card you chose, the further you will go across the field with your chip if the team understands what you wanted to show them, draw, explain in words or sounds.

Great! Who wins?

The team that reaches the finish line before others, that is, those who explain better and understand better.

How much time is given for explanation?

One minute. At the beginning of your turn, you turn over the hourglass - and time goes by!

Okay, what exactly has changed compared to the first edition?

Firstly, a new method of explanation has appeared - with sounds. Secondly, now words can be explained not only in one way, but also in two at once: this is very convenient when, for example, you come across a drawing with something else. Thirdly, the “anything is possible” explanation has been added, as in the name of the game - this is when you explain a complex proverb or saying from a card in all the ways that are convenient for you. In a word, the game has become a little easier and more fun.

Do the cards match the first “Activity”?

No, the cards from the games “Activity”, “Activity Road” and “Activity: Anything Is Possible” are completely different. This means that if you love classic game, then you can buy this one too - there will be no repetitions.

Who is this game for?

  • For those who are hosting a party. "Activity" has long gained fame best game to occupy any company - and a new version is even better suited for this.
  • For playing in a friendly company.
  • For a gift to a friend or girlfriend.
  • For a corporate party, holiday or just to the office, play in great company.

What's included?

  • A playing field along which you need to move chips and go to the finish line.
  • 4 wooden team chips of different colors.
  • 330 game cards, each of which has 4 different words or phrases - a total of 1320 tasks!
  • Hourglass for one minute.

This is the most famous version of the entire Activity family.

The players' task is the same as in Alias ​​- to explain their words to their team. Only the methods in Activity are different than in “Say Otherwise”.

The game includes: playing field, hourglass, 4 chips, 440 cards with words.

You can explain words with words (as in Alias), pantomime (as in the game Crocodile) or with the help of a drawing.
Just like in “Say Otherwise,” you have exactly one minute to explain the words.
And now a little more about the course of the game.

At the beginning, all players are divided into teams. It is worth paying attention to the playing field itself - it has 49 cells of different colors, on each cell there is an icon-symbol for explanation (in words, pantomime, drawing). The cards themselves contain 6 words. Each word also has its own color and symbol for explanation. For example, if a player’s chip is on a pink cell of the field with a drawing symbol, then on the card he is only looking at the word with the corresponding color symbol. The very first turn, when the chips are at the start, the players themselves can choose the color and symbol for the explanation, but BEFORE they draw a card.
The player takes a card, the clock turns over and he has exactly one minute to explain the word to his team in the appropriate way.

On back side The cards have numbers written on them - 3, 4, 5 - this is a definition of difficulty. Cards with the number 3 - it is implied that they are with in simple words, and on cards with the number 5 - the most difficult. The player who will explain the word chooses which card he will take.

On each card there is another word that is written in red (it also has the same color as the board and a designating symbol for clarification). This means there will be an "Open Round". In this case, all teams unite and try to jointly guess the word that the show person explains. The team that guesses the word moves forward along the playing field.

If Alias ​​Travel sets are generally the same as full versions, only without playing field, then Activity Travel has its own very pleasant nuance, namely the cube. That is why we will talk about this version separately

The set includes 55 cards with different themes, a special letter cube and a small hourglass.
And now a little more detail.

Letters are written on the cubes
D - pantomime
Z - drawing
E – explanation

Each card has 6 words or phrases written on it. And opposite each layer it has its own designation (D, Z or E).
The player takes a card from the deck and rolls the die. Which letter is dropped, he explains the word or phrase in the appropriate way. And his team is trying to guess. But again - time is limited to one minute!
The game takes up very little space and can be played almost anywhere. What else do you need for travel?

The game includes a playing field, 4 chips, an hourglass and 330 word cards.

Let's see what the differences are from the basic version.

First, the cards themselves. In the classic version, 6 words were written on the card, and the level of difficulty was determined by the number on the “back” of the card. In the “Everything is Possible” version, each card has 4 words of varying difficulty - marked with numbers from 2 to 6, also with special symbols indicating the method of explanation.

The words on the cards are NOT repeated with the words from the basic version, which is very nice! It was also possible to explain words using sounds.

And the task written in red can now be explained in any wordless way to your liking. Moreover, Russian catchphrases will be used in the form of red tasks, which are not so easy to explain. “You can’t order your heart”, “Roll around like cheese in butter”, “The truth hurts your eyes”, “There is no trial”

Secondly, there are no cells with symbols on the field itself. The field is simply divided into cell divisions.

This is where, in principle, all the differences end!

The set includes a game board, 4 counters, an hourglass and 330 word cards.

The playing field is presented as railway. Sleepers form cells with different symbols. Each symbol indicates a specific way of explaining the word. As in the adult version, words can be explained in words, by drawing or by pantomime.

Three words are written on the cards, each indicated by a special symbol, just like on the field.

The gameplay is the same as in the adult version.

In fact, the main difference is the words and phrases themselves, which are somewhat lighter and more aimed at children.

And let's finish our review with a story about the game Activities for kids

Very colorful and beautiful execution.

The game includes: a playing field-track, two chips, 165 cards

The playing field is a colorful path to the sea, assembled from cardboard puzzles at the beginning of the game. Participants explain to each other the words shown on the task cards. For each word guessed, the team moves its elephant chip one step forward. The winner is the one who brought the chip to the finish line faster than his opponents.

Unlike the classic version of Activity, this game features a bright design and more simple rules. In addition to the word, the cards also contain a colorful picture depicting the word, which makes it possible to play even for those who have not yet learned to read.

On the back of the cards there is an elephant print - red, blue or yellow. Each color corresponds to a way of explaining the word.
In all other respects, the rules are the same as in the classic version.

We tried to tell in detail about each version of the well-known and beloved game by many. And at the end I would like to summarize.

The games Alias ​​and Activity are very similar in spirit. Which one to choose or choose both - the choice is yours. But nevertheless, the question will still arise, which version of the games to choose.

We wrote that the versions of this game are quite different from each other.

As for Activity, there are fewer differences between the options. The basic version is definitely interesting. In the compact version (Travel version) I really like the idea with the cube. Therefore, I can confidently recommend this performance.
As for the version for children, it seems to me that children will be happy to play with adult cards, you just can first increase the “children’s” time to clarify the word.

The version for kids looks very similar to Alias ​​Junior. The same cards with words and pictures. But in Activity, the cards already indicate ways to explain a particular word, while in Alias ​​only explanations in words are meant.
I only have Alias ​​for children at home, but from time to time we glue stickers of different colors and this way we get homemade cards for Activity. In “Say Otherwise” for children there are 300 cards with words (almost twice as many), in Activity there are fewer. But in Activity there is a very beautiful field and the elephant pieces are beautiful. Alias ​​has a classic-shaped field, but a little larger and 6 pieces.

But no matter what game you choose, it will in any case bring a lot of fun to the children!

"Activity" is a game for a group of people who come together to have a pleasant and fun time. If there are more than two people in the room, you can safely sit down at the table, lay out the playing field, break into teams, choose a chip of your favorite color, shuffle three decks of cards and start playing.

To play Activity, you need three skills: quickly and clearly explain, draw at least at the level of a small child, and also desperately gesticulate. On a player's turn, they draw a card and then use one of these skills to try to communicate the word or phrase written on it to their teammates. If they were able to correctly decipher a verbal description, drawing or pantomime within a minute, the team piece moves several steps closer to the finish line. The more difficult the task (cards are sorted into three decks according to difficulty), the more victory points are given for completing it.

What is the difference from the original Activity?

During the game you will have to explain not only words and phrases, but also proverbs and sayings, using various forms of communication, in addition to verbal explanation.
Another innovation is that each word on the card can be explained in two different ways!

The goal of the game is to explain words/phrases/proverbs/sayings to the players of your team so that they can guess them. You only have 60 seconds to do this. Words are explained in various ways indicated on the card - verbal explanation, drawing, pantomime, sound explanation. If the answer is correct, the explainer’s team moves the chip to the number of fields indicated on the card and continues the game. In case of an incorrect answer, the turn moves to the other team. The team that crosses the finish line first is the winner of the game!

In addition to the usual “Activity”, there are versions for the younger generation. “Activity for Children” is designed for children from 8 years old, and “Activity for Toddlers”, designed in the form of a tropical path with elephant chips, is intended for children from 4 years old. The rules of these publications are noticeably simplified: all tasks are of the same difficulty, and preschoolers can also choose the way to explain the word themselves. Released for travel lovers compact version without a playing field - Activity Travel.

Great game Activity: Anything is possible (Activity) for a smart and fun pastime with a group of old friends, a large friendly family or a group of people just trying to lay the foundation of a long friendship.

The game has everything you need to achieve the goals described above. Original tasks and methods for performing them will not only allow everyone to show their ingenuity and sharpness of mind, but also demonstrate the abilities of a mime and an actor. It's safe to say that everyone on your team and your opponents will be wiping away tears of laughter.

Purpose of the game

The goal of the game is to be the first to move your piece to the finishing cell of the playing field. To do this, you need to successfully guess the hidden words and do it more often and better than the competing team.

Age of players

Typically this game is recommended for players aged 12 years and older. However, often children's spontaneity and intuition give better results than adult experience and knowledge.

Rules of the game

As you move across the field, you will need to explain to the team the words hidden on the cards, but this must be done using only 4 methods of explanation. You can only use two methods, but you can use all 4. However, this may affect the number of points received.

You can convey to the players what the word is by explaining, pantomime, drawing, or making a variety of sounds. The only restriction is that the sounds should not be words, but sounds, for example, those made by animals (meowing, barking, etc.), except for a talking parrot, or objects (the sound of train wheels, the noise of a car, etc.).

Another advantage of the game: if you managed to guess the word before the last grain of sand in the hourglass fell down, then for the next word you are given one minute more, and so on. Theoretically, you can get 5 minutes per word, but in practice this rarely happens. The words in the game are not so primitive that you can guess them in such quantities in a row.

Look for an alternative to the rules

Game cards.

Well, one more important thing. In this game you can set the rules yourself. Don't you like that you have a minute to guess the word? And don't pay attention to it! Just agree on how much time will be allocated for this. The main thing is that everything is fair. Tired of words on cards? Write your own! What's stopping you? Want to do themed game, for example, for a company of biologists? And that's no problem! Use the available material (game board, tiles, and rules) the way you like. After all, in the game Activity the main thing is not the rules and not victory, but fun and good relationships!

"Activity" is the most popular board game not only among young people, but also among older people. Despite this, you can find people who do not know the rules. But no one wants to feel like an outcast in a company just because life has never provided the opportunity to play in “Activity”. We will describe the rules of the game below. If you read everything carefully, you can surprise your friends with your intelligence.

The meaning of the game

If you have never seen “Activity”, then you probably have a vague idea of ​​what you should do as a participant. It's actually simple. Activity has a board with squares, like many board games. Teams compete, and if they win, their piece moves, and if they are unsuccessful, their piece remains in place. The rules of the game "Activity" are simple: you need to explain the word using words, facial expressions and gestures, as well as a drawing. The team whose chip reaches the finish line the fastest wins.

“Activity” is something between the beloved “Crocodile”, “Contact” and “Hat”. But the process is more exciting, since the game is a team game, which means there is a competitive element.


The rules of the game “Activity” are clear even to a child. If a team lands on a square of the field where the meaning of a word must be explained without using speech, then it will have to be shown with gestures. But there are many nuances here. In addition to the fact that a person does not have the right to open his mouth and make any sounds, he is also limited in how exactly he will demonstrate the task. The rules of the game prohibit showing words by letters and numbers. That is, you cannot write words in the air with your finger, and your fingers cannot be used to point to objects that are in the room or outside it. If you're showing a tabletop, you can't just point to the table. But how to get out? But this is not written in the rules. Each person decides for himself. You can jump, run, actively gesticulate, and also help yourself with facial expressions. The team's task at this time is to guess the word. Unlike "Crocodile", here you don't have to be afraid that your friends, joking, will deliberately "pull rubber" to look at funny pantomime. In Activity, time for demonstrating words is limited.


One of the methods of guessing, which is prescribed in the rules of the Activity game, is an explanation using words. Many people like this option more than active pantomime. But, as in the previous task, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. Cognate words cannot be used for explanation. And it is precisely with this point that problems arise. Very few people know how to consciously control their speech, and therefore words that should not be spoken often come out of their mouths. In this case, the turn passes to the other team.

In unfamiliar companies, there is another unwritten rule. More often than not, one player explains the word to his team, but in an open round, everyone can guess. So the amendment is that concepts need to be described using generally known facts, and not personal memories. For example, you cannot explain a word like this: “Remember, in the third grade you did dancing, so what exactly?” Not many people know such personal information.


Reviewing the rules board game“Activity”, you can find a third way to explain the word. And this will be drawing. When a player stands on the corresponding square on the playing field, he must explain the word using a pencil and a piece of paper. Again, there are a few taboos here. Naturally, you cannot write words. Yes, in fact, it is generally prohibited to depict even individual letters of the alphabet. What then is possible? Draw objects that are written on the card. But not every company has professional artists. This is the whole point of the game. It's funny to watch how a person who picked up a pencil for the first time in five years tries to portray a wild boar. But if you can draw animals with grief in half, then what about more complex concepts? Break the drawings into several parts. Let's look at the example of the word "sailor". The first part of the word can be depicted as the sea, and the second - in the form of walking legs. Putting these two parts together is definitely easier than drawing this concept as a whole. By the way, using mathematical symbols is not prohibited.

Why do we need an hourglass?

The rules of the game "Activity" (original) say that all actions with which players show words are performed for a time. And to make it more convenient to measure it, you simply cannot do without additional devices. The hourglass lasts for a minute. It is during this time that the player must have time to show his word.

True, you still have to time it. When all the teams are at the starting line, someone needs to start. The daredevil pulls out a card and must explain the word in 10 seconds. Only after this the team enters the game. And it is clear that measuring 10 seconds on an hourglass is not an easy task.

Why are cards needed?

In order not to get confused and confused, clear rules of the “Activity” game were invented. Everything is possible thanks to cards. How do they look? They are somewhat similar to ordinary ones, although there are many differences. Cards for the game "Activity" do not have a boring one-color back, they are equipped with numbers. This is not a serial number. The number on the map shows its difficulty. The player must soberly assess his strength in one or another method of explanation and choose the appropriate option for himself. There are only three difficulty levels. The easiest cards are marked with the number 3, the most difficult ones with the number 5. 4 is an intermediate level. For example, the player does not know how to draw, but he needs to explain the word in this particular way. Then he can make his task easier and pull out a card with the number three. But if you need the word “tell”, and a person knows that he is good at this, he can take the cardboard that is marked with the number 5.

There are tasks on the back of the card. There are only 6 of them. It is not up to the player to decide which word to tell. The number is taken from the playing field.

How many players can participate

There are many variations of the Activity game. But they are all united general rules games. “Activity Travel”, a children’s version of the game, “Activity for Adults”, “Activity Code Word”, the list goes on for a long time. How many players can take part? It is most interesting to play when there are many people on the team. But a lot is a flexible concept. 10 people are two teams of 5 people, and this is an ideal option. Actually, “Activity” was invented as a game for big company. But it is not always possible to recruit 10 people. The minimum number of players is three people. This allows the family to spend the evening making jokes together. For three people the rules will be non-standard. In this case there will be no commands. Each person plays for himself. But 4 people can already split into two teams. In this case, the game is already going according to all the rules.

How the round goes

Let's try to give a clear explanation of the rules of the "Activity" game. All participants are divided into two teams. The right to make the first move can be played in different ways, for example, by tossing a coin or deciding this issue by drawing lots. The winning team chooses one candidate, and this person explains any word from any card in 10 seconds. The way a person expresses himself is at the discretion of the player. If his team guesses the word, then it goes forward. The number of squares you need to advance can be easily determined by looking at the back of the card. Now it’s the other team’s turn to do the same actions. After everyone has successfully completed the start, the game begins. Each of the team members, in strict order, demonstrates the word in the way that is depicted on the cell of the playing field where the chip is located. The task number on the card must be looked for there. But you can choose the complexity of the card yourself. Some people think that others, on the contrary, always procrastinate on difficult tasks. The chip moves across the field by the number of cells that is drawn on the back of the shirt. But you can move only if the team guesses the word. But if the players did not understand their friend’s vague explanations, the chip will remain in place. The team that reaches the finish line first wins.

Rules of children's game

As an attentive reader may have already noticed, all Activity games are very similar. The tasks and their complexity change. But the methods of explanation remain unchanged. How then do the rules of the Activity game for children differ from the adult version? In words. In the children's version there are no complex concepts that sometimes seem like an impossible task to show to an adult. All concepts written on the cards will be familiar to the child. Or you can find a game in which pictures are shown instead of words. In this case, preschoolers who do not yet know how to read will be able to take part in the general fun. Why, then, is such a game needed where the child will not be able to learn new words, but will operate with already known concepts? By showing animals, birds and surrounding objects, children train their imagination, logic and acting skills.

The rules of the game in "Activity" (original) are clearly regulated, but, as in all games, there are some loopholes that will help a person who knows them win. For example, in a "rules match" where both teams have the opportunity to guess the same word, a player may deliberately take the easiest card.

If parents play with children, then perhaps the time for demonstrating a particular task should be increased. Therefore, you can turn the hourglass over twice. Then even the kids' team will have a chance to win.

It is not always possible to explain a complex word in a minute. This task will seem easier if you break the concept into parts. It would be simply impossible to explain hydroelectric power in one word. It is worth breaking this concept into three parts: showing water, electricity and the station. Team members will be able to connect these words.
