Klondike game: how to take a telegraph pole. Tips and secrets of the game Klondike: The Lost Expedition. Will I receive a reward if I create a settlement?

  1. General issues
  2. Walkthrough tips and gameplay (how to)
  3. Reserve
  4. Safety
  5. Technique
  6. Animals and birds
  7. Energy, emeralds, coins
  8. Friends, neighbors and companions
  9. Materials and collections
  10. Secrets

General issues

1.1 When will the update be available?

Future will tell. Usually updates are released on Thursday during business hours: from 9 to 10 Minsk time.

1.2 When will there be new quests? Where can I find a map of the Klondike?

The map can be found in the bottom bar above your friends list. It’s impossible to predict new quests; follow the news on the website.

1.3 How to make a screenshot?

1. Press the “Print Screen” button on the keyboard (it is located to the right of the F12 button). Sometimes it is called for short: “Print Scr” or “PrtScr”. Nothing will happen visually, but the contents of the screen will be copied to the computer's memory.
2. Open any graphics editor (for example, Paint), click “Insert” - the image that was on the monitor when you pressed the Print Screen button will appear. How to open Paint: for Win10 - Search box to the right of Start - Paint
3. After inserting the photo into the editor, save it to your Desktop. Next, attach it to your message.

1.4 Where to look for gold veins?

Gold veins can be found at your friends' stations under any object (scenery, grass, bushes, trees, stones, buildings). A gold mine can contain from 2 to 8 shovels. It is better not to dig Gold Veins in Rocks, Bushes and Grass, as the chance of digging it there is much less. You can read more about the Gold Mine on the Gold Mine page. Dogs are good at looking for gold veins.

1.5 When will it be possible to give cheeky bunnies, jelly beans, whistles, etc.?

The developers do not give any obligation to allow the donation of food items; moreover, they do not specify the time frame for such permission.

1.6 How to hire an Eskimo and how much does it cost?

Two Eskimos work for you for free all the time. Additional Eskimos are hired in the Shop, section "Workers". Instead of Eskimos, it is more profitable to hire friends in residential buildings, such as: Tent, Shack, House with an attic, Apartments, Hotel, Condominium, Hotel and others (see the full list on the website in the Buildings section).

1.7 How much does the material, collection, emerald building cost?

1. Check out the course table. Determine the course of emerald buildings based on the course of one emerald.
2. Place an ad to buy or sell (depending on what you need) in a regular or emerald exchange. Examples: “I’ll buy a fisherman’s collection,” “I’ll sell a super-complex.”
3. Wait for counter offers. After 7 other people's posts, repeat the announcement.
4. Don't grab the first one. Bargain. Choose the most profitable one.
5. The current rate always depends on demand, supply and yourself. You can always refuse if you are not satisfied with the price.

1.8 How many levels are there in the game?

There is no level limit in the game. To increase the next level you need to gain more and more experience. The entire list of levels can be seen on the Levels page.

1.9 How to find out the course not to water?

Water is the game currency. All prices are expressed in water by default. For exchanges other than water (barter), calculate the cross rate. An example of calculating the price of an item for collections: price of an item for water / price of a collection for water = price of an item for collections

1.10 Where can I find a walkthrough for the game Klondike?

The Klondike game is impossible to beat. More and more new tasks and opportunities are constantly appearing. You can view the passage of existing quests in the corresponding section - Klondike Adventures.

1.11 How to exchange if there is no merchant?

Without a merchant, counter gifts are exchanged (to do this you need to trust each other). If there is no merchant, it is better to exchange expensive things and emerald buildings through a moderator.

1.12 How to start playing Klondike?

In order to start playing, it is enough to be registered on the VKontakte social network. Registration in the game itself is not required, nor is there any need to download it from a torrent. Klondike - free online game, which does not require installation on your computer. You can also play “Klondike: The Lost Expedition” through such social networks as: Mail.ru, Odnoklassniki.ru, Facebook.com

1.13 My question is not on the list. What to do?

Type your question in the search box: the answer is probably somewhere else. The search will find the desired page. There is a lot of useful information on the site.

1.14 How to hack the game Klondike?

You will find the answer to this question in the topic Upgrading and hacking Klondike games.

1.15 Do I have to scroll through the page to find the answer I need?

Use quick page search - Ctrl+F

1.16 What is the point of the game?

The point of the game is to develop. Development requires basic resources: coal, raspberries, wind, stones and especially water. Everyone has their own criteria for development: some measure it by experience (level), some by the amount of resources, some by the ability to quickly clear a location. Coins in the game are a secondary resource. No one measures their development: they can be quickly obtained if you have basic resources (See the answer to the question Where to get coins quickly.) The game is economic: everything needs to be counted. You play, count, think, analyze, develop. And most importantly, in the game you make new friends.

1.17 When will there be a map of the new location? Why has the card been missing for so long?

We try to post information quickly, accurately and in detail. If you hurry, you will make people laugh. Please be patient.

1.18 Why don't bonus links work? Where can I find them?

1.19 When will there be a discount on the hive?

A discount on the Hive is given at the initial stage of the game - at level 35. In other cases, there have been no discounts on Hive yet.

1.20 Why don't I get paid for working for my neighbors who hire me?

Your coins go to the developers because they are the ones who actually work.

1.21 What determines the cost of hiring an employee?

The cost of hiring a worker depends on how long ago he logged into the game and how many neighbors are hiring him at the same time. The less often they come in and the more often they hire, the higher the price. The more often they come in and the less often they hire, the lower the price.

1.22 Can I start playing again?

It is forbidden. If you delete and reinstall the game, nothing will change. The game starts again only the first time you sign up on a page on a social network.

1.23 I can’t get 5 emeralds from a quest at the very beginning of the game (a reboot window pops up).

Official recipe (follow all steps carefully):
1. Open Settings on your page (button at the top right);
2. In the Privacy section, set all items to “all users”;
3. Unlock hidden friends;
4. Check whether the news on the “tell your friends” task is posted on the wall;
5. Restart your browser, enter the game and receive your reward.
P.S. Pay attention to the items “Who can invite me to communities/applications” and the “Other” section. Don't forget to make changes to them too. Everything should be open.

1.24 How to find out why you were banned?

1. Link to the ban archive: https://vk.com/board85258097 - go to.
2. Enter your first and last name in the search field. You can enter id (with the letters "id").
3. Read the information.
What to do if I'm banned:
1. Temporary ban - read the rules, wait for it to be lifted and don’t violate it again.
2. Eternal ban - there is a section for those who repent - you can try, but the chances are low.

1.25 How to remove non-playing friends and neighbors?

If a player has not logged into the game for 14 days or more, he is called a “ghost”. Special items for ghost hunting: black cat, accurate acorn, arrow with a message, bright summer and a bouquet of tulips (women only). How to remove a non-playing friend/neighbor
1. Go to the warehouse - find a special item - click on the gift icon.
2. A list of ghosts will appear.
3. Click on the ghosts’ avatars (yes, right on the photo!!) - their social network pages will open in separate tabs.
4. On the pages that open, you remove yourself from friends (the main thing is not to lose your real friends).
5. If the ghost is not a friend (the Add as friend button is active), then it is a neighbor added by id. Find and delete it in the Neighbors menu to the right of your friends feed.

1.26 How to respond to a bouquet (dove, etc.)?

1. We count how many bouquets there are. We first select one type to answer.
2. Open the donor’s page through the avatar in gifts.
3. We accept a bouquet from him.
4. Repeat points 1 and 2 as many as there are bouquets in response.
Result: windows with the names of donors are open.
5. Open the dialog for the selected bouquet and in the search box write the names from open windows donors (just hover your cursor over the title) - and we give in return.
6. Given as a gift - close the window. The line is moving.
7. All windows are closed, which means everyone has been answered.
8. Move on to another type of bouquet and repeat from step 1

1.27 I lost resources in the game. How to return?

There can be three reasons for things missing in the game:
1) player actions: forgot where he put it; forgot what I used; got shortchanged. In this case, you need to calmly remember and check everything again;
2) technical failure: incorrect operation of the program due to external circumstances; In this case, nothing can be predicted or corrected - the player is out of luck;
3) an error in the game program: a fantastic option, since all possible game actions are repeatedly used by players and an incorrect (illogical, etc.) operation cannot happen for one player - there will be several at once. The developers are monitoring and correcting this case on their own. Personally, I have not heard of such cases. The only exception is operations with emeralds - their developers track them specifically, because this issue is related to money. As you can see, there are no options to return any of the things: either they were never lost, or they are lost forever. Therefore, raising the issue of returning things, much less demanding it, is pointless. The moderator can only suggest how to search and sympathize. Just in case, check your lost items in the warehouse search in the Watchtower. Well, if it’s lost, don’t be upset: you’ll earn more.

2.1 How to get energy beyond the limit?

1. Raise energy with any (most accessible) energy drinks to the level of “maximum minus 1”;
2. Eat the maximum energy drink;
3. Take honey from the hive, if available;
4. Gain experience to the next level (relevant if it is close);
5. Open pre-prepared caches at the home station (instead of caches, an object with 1 remaining unit is usually left).
Further to choose from:
- dig under neighbors' decor (golden shovels are usually obtained from the Good Luck collection);
- bring treasures with energy from other locations (it is recommended to save them there).
You can use the help of a companion - she has a limit of 300 points.

2.2 What is the best use for dynamite?

First - on Indigo to get to the tree behind the lake. Then - in other nearby locations to clear them for vegetable complexes. Then - on the lakes, because the wind blows away the treasures from them. Then - on everything.

2.3 How to donate a collection?

Collections - select the one you need - click on the gift icon on any item - select a friend in the list (the search box will help) - check the "All" box - indicate the quantity - write a message in the field - click the "Gift" button. If you need a collection, just put any element in your Wishlist - when you click the “All” and “Show who is looking” checkboxes, a filter is applied to any of the elements.

2.4 What to spend emeralds (raisins) on?

Everyone decides for themselves. Here is one of the options in descending order of usefulness:
1. rabbits (sold only for emeralds)
2. cat
3. territory on the mountain (sold only for emeralds)
4. trading post
5. super, condominium/hotel, bakery
6. wigwam, gardener
7. dogs (4 pcs)
8. botanical garden
9. repeat step 5 until saturation
10. amplifiers, navigator, modern sled (after saturation)
11. after saturation, buy what you want
Water pumps do not make sense as long as there is an exchange, due to the long payback period. Limit for emeralds - at the initial stage, some people buy it. But, although it is difficult, it is possible to do without it. The golden beacon does not make sense, since golden shovels are easier and cheaper to get from the Good Luck collection. The bird house only holds six nests, so it is rarely used. The bird fence for emeralds lost its practical significance after the introduction of the Optimal mode function. Improvements for sleighs, except for amplifiers and a navigator, either have an alternative craft without emeralds, or are not used due to limited slots. Decorating with emeralds is not an acquired taste.

2.5 How to visit a neighbor’s page?

How to visit a friend or neighbor's page:
1. Click on the gift icon on any product in stock.
2. Find a friend through the search window (type nickname, last name - whatever you know).
3. Click on your avatar.
The transition is not possible in some browsers.
Go to neighbor's page:
1. Click on the Neighbors button.
2. Find your neighbor visually or using the search box.
3. Click on your avatar.

2.6 How to buy a building for emeralds so that it ends up in the warehouse?

1. If there is a trading shop, go into it and click: Hire a merchant - Add (left) - Shop (top) - Buy the desired building. We cancel. The purchased building is in storage.
2. If there is no shop, go to a neighbor whose merchant buys the desired building, go into the exchange dialogue for the desired building, click “Buy”. We cancel the cross exchange. DO NOT PRESS the exchange button! The purchased building is in storage.

2.7 What can you buy and sell at the trading post?

At the trading post you can exchange almost everything that is given as a gift, with some exceptions (decor, improvers for the sleigh). Items that have a gift icon next to the image and collections are given in the game. Some things can only be put up for sale: a black cat, a well-aimed acorn, an arrow with a message, bouquets. Some things that are not sold or given away: all gold, energy drinks, toad, varnished board, lens, weather vane, cinnamon, bismuth, safety glasses.

2.8 Who wants what in the store?

In the game: on the left - you give, on the right - you receive. In the exchange on screenshots of merchants, it’s the other way around (after all, merchants take pictures of their game).

2.9 How can I restore the limit if I received unnecessary special gifts?

Remove unnecessary gifts - the limit will be restored.

2.10 What to do if a message appears: “These lands cannot feed such a huge number of animals.”

Limit on animals. Since 2014, the game has a limit on keeping animals (including rabbits), birds and golden statues outside farms - 500 units. If the limit is exceeded, you will not be able to display golden statues from farms and botanical gardens, nor will you be able to breed rabbits. To return to the limit, collect golden statues and remove unnecessary animals. There is also a limit on animals in the Wind Song and Indigo locations.

2.11 What to do if the game does not allow you to go to a new location?

Location limit. Reasons: restrictions of the game developers. Only 15 permanent stations can be opened at a time. Temporary ones don't count. When the limit is reached to open new location, on one of the old ones you need to create a settlement (close the location). A location in a settlement can be closed by completing the main building on it and completing all the tasks of the location. After this, in the menu of the main building on the “Settlement” tab, the “Create” button becomes active.
Attention! All items except the building will disappear on the location. Remove them before turning them into a settlement. General Tips for closing locations in a settlement:
1. Nearby locations can be useful for growing vegetables and fruits. Close them last.
2. Locations where there is a Leoncia mine can and should be closed, otherwise there will be no access to the mine.
3. Distant locations can be safely closed. The further away the location, the less convenient it is to use.

2.12 What is a settlement?

A settlement is a scenery territory. It only operates a warehouse, barter and the Leoncia mine (if provided at the location). The point of creating a settlement is to save resources on the developers' server. Attention: when converted into a settlement, all resources and treasures that you did not take to the warehouse will be lost. You won't be able to cut anything down and take it away later.

2.13 Will I receive a reward if I create a settlement?

Yes. Creating a settlement is equivalent to completely clearing a location.

2.14 How to create a settlement? Why can't I create a settlement?

A settlement cannot be created in all locations - check the list of locations in which a settlement can be created. A settlement can be created after completing location quests (the “Tasks” section in the key building). To create a settlement, click the “Create” button in the “Settlement” section of the key building. If there is no “Settlement” section in the key building, then a settlement cannot be created at the location. Attention: when converted into a settlement, all resources and treasures that you did not take to the warehouse will be lost.

2.15 If I create a settlement, will there still be barter, and will I be able to make rabbit traps?

You can. After creating a settlement on the Edge, the crafting of traps turns into barter for the key building of the location.

2.16 Which locations will not be able to be turned into settlements?

There is no provision for settlement in the locations Song of the Wind, Indigo, Diamond and Polyana.

2.17 How to find an item or collection element in a warehouse?

General search for the home station warehouse - write “*” in the search box in the general section. General search for all warehouses - write in the search box in the "Warehouse" section in the Observation Tower.

2.18 How to add to Wishlist?

To add an item to your Wishlist, you need to click the plus icon on the image of the item: freebies - in the free gifts menu (top left); vegetables - in the menu of vegetable complexes; materials - where they are involved in crafting (barn, fisherman's house, bakery, buildings in locations with barter); elements of collections - in the collections menu (if you need the entire collection, just put one of the elements in your Wishlist). Remove from free services - right there.
You can find out which craft an item is involved in on the KlondikeCity website by searching:

2.19 Where is the Hive in the shop?

Shop - Animals - Birds - scroll through

2.20 I can’t completely clear Indigo. How to remove a tree in the fog?

You need to blow up the lakes as shown in the picture. More details on the Indigo location page:

2.21 How to specify a large quantity and price (more than 99999) in the merchant?

Specify the maximum number - 99999. Press +1 or +10 until the desired number is reached. For a large number of clicks and to save time, many players use a clicker (the built-in one is not suitable).

2.22 How to give free gifts correctly? What does it mean to “give according to the filter”?

2.23 Why, after the quest Echo on the Wind Song, the next quest Calm is not available?

To open the Calm quest you need to build a hut in the Ukhta location.

2.24 How to drive away wolves, bandits, Count Von Velden and others?

The game requires ammo. To drive away the creature, you need to use noisy cartridges (link). Bring them to the location, unload them, stock up on energy, point the cursor at the creature (a gun will appear) and shoot. One shot - minus 1 energy. When shooting, the same restriction applies as when cutting down: the player must have more energy than the target has points left. If there is not enough energy, you will not be able to shoot. (When the target's points are less than the player's energy limit, the limit does not apply.) To shoot in the Midnight Cave, put noisy ammo in the sled and then go into the cave. You can use the help of a companion - just like when cutting down resources. You can also use dynamite.

2.25 Why can’t I start chopping a resource?

The player must have more energy than the number of points left in the resource. If there is not enough energy, cutting the resource will not work. (When a resource's points are less than the player's energy limit, the limitation does not apply.)
- to start chopping stone with 120 energy, you need to accumulate energy above the limit to at least 120
- to chop the same stone, but already started, when there are 10 points left in it, 1 energy is enough, because 10 points is less than the player’s energy limit.

2.26 The location is 99% cleared. Why? After all, everything has been cleared!

You didn't notice the blade of grass. Bring dynamite to the location and move it around the location - the blade of grass will light up. Don't put dynamite on the ground - it WILL EXPLODE.

2.27 The location is 99.5% cleared. Why? After all, everything is cleared!

There is kerosene somewhere on the ground behind the decoration - look for it. Such cases have happened.

2.28 Why create a settlement?

The settlement is created to:
- receive a prize for clearing (if there is no desire to clear);
- gain access to the Leoncia mine (where it is);
- make room in the limit for other locations (see Limit per location)

2.29 Where does the extra windy sock come from?

You get 15 socks when completing a mini-task at the Arkan location. An extra sock is given for completing the quest Horns and Hooves: . There is also crafting of socks in the Arkan Tent.

2.30 How to gain experience with gnomes?

Goal: quickly gain experience.
Requirements: a friend with a very large limit and a lot of coins.
1. We find a gnome (any one) in the shop.
2. Click on the gift, indicate the number of gnomes under the friend and send it to him. In this case, your coins are written off.
3. The friend removes the gift (otherwise he will have to place it on the ground individually). The friend's limit is not spent.
Result: 1% of the coins spent goes into experience, that is, for a thousand experience you will need one hundred thousand coins. This method is usually used to reach a similar level and get an energy boost.

2.31 Is it worth buying the Hive?

The hive is a stable, but rather slow means of obtaining energy. You can easily do without it: digging for energy from neighbors and unloading treasures with energy is much more efficient and faster. Not a priority purchase unless at a discount. But additional energy above the limit has never bothered anyone.

2.32 Is it worth buying a Botanical Garden?

In the Botanical Garden, the resource costs for obtaining pears are greater, but there is a gain in time and the ability to work on preloading without the participation of the player. The more pears are required, the more obvious the need for a Botanical Garden. And not even one.

2.33 We need pages from my father's diary. Where to look for marsh grass and bushes?

Swamp grass is found in the Khanbulat, Scalp, Mirages and Claw locations.

2.34 Limit on gifts - what is it?

If you are not in the game, 300 free gifts (75 pages) are saved. When this number is exceeded, new gifts displace old ones. There is no limit to the number of free gifts you can receive while you are in the game. If you leave without accepting gifts, the limit will be triggered. For special gifts, the limit is 1000 regardless of whether you are in the game or not.

2.35 Is it possible to remove a retail store, condominium, or bakery into a warehouse? I want to sell it.

Trade Shop, hotel, condominium, inn, large rabbitry, botanical garden, bakery, golden lighthouse, beehive, wigwam (after any improvement) are NOT removed from the ground to the warehouse. These are your buildings forever. A dog, a cat, a super complex, a small rabbitry, a gardener, a wigwam (without improvements), a poultry house - these “buildings” can be put into a warehouse, exchanged through a merchant, bought and put back on the ground. Buildings for coins, regardless of whether they are put into storage or not, are yours forever.

2.36 I can’t find a chest/jug/tangerine, etc. Everything is cleared. Help! Maybe the map is inaccurate?

The location map is accurate: it is taken from the game. The map shows places where you need to look for things to complete the task. Cut down everything you can in these places. There should be no fog or unclear outlines there: sometimes a small blade of grass covers a large chest. Do this and make sure that everything is in its place and easy to find.

2.37 What materials will no longer be used in the game?

According to official information, it will not be useful in the future (can be sold): Dreamcatcher, Peacock Feather, Wind Sock, Ore (in the cart), Fresco, Star Anise, Tulips, Ribbon for making bouquets, Jeweler's Box, Golden Tank Box
Perhaps useful (not recommended for sale): Chair (with a blue back), Decanter, White Swan Egg (used in crafting worms on Scalp), Penguin Egg (used in crafting ropes on Wind Song and Indigo), Silver (silver ore).

2.38 How to completely clear a location?

Full clearing is the removal of all resources that are cut down by normal energy (a pick or shovel appears when you hover over the cursor). The clearance percentage is checked in the Achievements – Expedition section or on the trip map (the clearance percentage is written under the location).

2.39 How to change your nickname or name in the game?

1. Click on a character in the game.
2. In the “Enter a name” field, text - it will be displayed in the game as a nickname.

2.40 How to find a location on the expedition map?

1. Go to the Home Station menu: Achievements - Expedition.
2. Find the desired location (there is a search box at the top).
3. Click on the target icon on the left of the location picture.
A map will open and the location will be indicated by an arrow.

2.41 In what order should I open the locations?

There is no strict order, but it is better to work it out for yourself. Here are some guidelines: 1. Arrows on the map (where there are two directions, choose an older location);
2. In order, as in the Observation Tower. But, after Scalp, it is better to build a lighthouse in Arnica and bring treasures there with energy. Arnica is right at the crossroads of all roads and close to home, it is very convenient to store it there.
3. In order of location on the Locations page (from bottom to top);
4. In order of location on the Assignments page (lines from bottom to top);
5. Sleigh upgrade chain: Wind Song, Eagle's Nest, Polar Side, Indigo, Arnica (there are amethysts) and Indim; plus Khanbulat (fasteners there);
6. Leoncia chain of mines: Ukhty, Polar Side, Khanbulat, Sunrise, North Paso;
7. Locations where materials are created that are used in the construction of buildings at the Home Station and the discovery of recipes: Wind Song, Eagle's Nest, Ukhty, Polar Side, Khanbulat, Scalp, Arnica, North Paso, Kaldos, Inti Coast;
8 Look at the unlockable locations for inventory barter - this is a hint for opening the next ones.
We advise you to open only the necessary locations. Don't forget: the limit on open permanent locations is 15 pieces.

2.42 I cleared the location completely, but they don’t give me a prize. Why?

Check the level of clearance at your home station in the Achievements - Expedition menu. Or on the Klondike map - under the location icon. 100% - the location is cleared, no - look for a blade of grass in the location.

2.43 How to use the built-in autoclicker?

1. Place the cursor over the resource.
2. We compare the amount of energy required for cutting down with what we have on the scale.
3. Press and hold the left mouse button - the clicks rotate automatically until you release.
The autoclicker works at locations and home station. Careful: On Windsong and Indigo, the clicker can knock out birdseed and hay bales (corrected: can no longer do so). The clicker cannot: dig from neighbors, display food, accept gifts.

2.44 I made it to the next league, but I don’t know where to play it...

Chain of locations with Leoncia mines in league order: Ukhty, Polar Side, Khanbulat, Sunrise, North Paso. Leoncia Mine league information: home station menu - Achievements - My League - hover over the shield (do not click) - read the pop-up window. Colored shields are the available leagues. Gray shields are not yet available leagues. Shields with numbers represent leagues that you have successfully completed.

2.45 How to quickly collect treasures from the ground?

Hover the cursor over any drop from a resource (treasure) so that the sleigh icon appears, press the left button and, without releasing it, move over the treasures that need to be collected - they will fly into the sleigh (all that remains is to periodically unload the sleigh).

2.46 Which is better: condominium or hotel?

+ 2-3 times cheaper than a hotel; + saves space: 40 people are hired at once;
+ hiring time is longer than in a hotel;
- rental is much more expensive than a hotel;
- to save coins you need to spend time looking for a cheap worker;
- more resources are required for construction.
Hotel:+ cheapest rent - 5400,
+ saves the player’s time, because no need to choose
+ easy to build,
- very expensive
- only 20 employees
- you will need to buy more than one and spend a lot of space.
Typically the lower levels use condominiums and the higher levels use hotels. There is almost always both a condominium and a hotel. Analyze the pros and cons and look at your gaming funds, capabilities and personal time.

2.47 What does a dog protect? How many dogs do you need? I bought a Dog, but they still steal eggs, what’s the matter?

The home station consists of 4 territories (islands): the valley (main), the right bank (behind the bridge over the river), the Golden Plateau (behind the rubble) and the territory on the mountain. The dog guards nests and hiding places only in the territory where the booth is located. To protect the entire station, you need to buy 4 guard dogs and place one in each of the territories.

2.48 How to move objects (buildings, decorations)?

There is a yellow arrow above the "Store" section at the bottom right. Click on it, then on the blue “Move” arrow. Next - on the decoration or building that needs to be deployed

2.49 What are caches and where to look for them?

Caches appear after complete cutting down of resources, stones and trees at the station. If you don't pick them up, your neighbors might. Then you will only get 30 coins from the cache.

2.50 How to dismantle a building?

You can dismantle the building for materials by using the “sell” option in the bottom menu on the right (red cross). After dismantling the building, you can get back what you spent: 2-10% of the amount in coins, 60-80% of the amount of materials spent on construction. Attention! Emeralds are not returned for dismantling buildings.

2.51 How to quickly level up?

Most quick way, is to raise birds. On this moment, in terms of the cost/result ratio, the best options are the penguin and peacock. The fact is that penguins and peacocks are not bought with coins, but are created from their eggs and fire. You can also level up using coins. Scheme: we exchange a collection of indigo in an exchange (or you can get it by breeding some birds) - we exchange it, receiving coins - we give decor to friends, gaining experience.


4.1 How do scammers deceive players in the Klondike?

1. “You throw first” - the victim must be the first to send the goods as a gift. She won't wait for an answer. There may be pressure on the victim: “I don’t trust you!”
2. “I am a moderator” - the victim is additionally presented with a fictitious moderator (a copy of the real moderator’s page) and is offered an exchange through him. There may be pressure on the victim: “If you refuse, you will be banned!”
3. “I have a superbot” - the victim is offered an unfavorable exchange that supposedly will not work.
4. "Throw me more!" - the victim must provide assistance and patiently wait for an answer.
5. “Exchange of parts” - the victim is offered an exchange with payment in parts, one of which will not arrive. Options: advance, deposit.
6. “I’ll scam coins, emeralds and energy” - the victim must provide the login and password for the page and wait for manna from heaven.
7. “Numbers in the nickname” - the numbers in the nickname are given as a level according to the goal: a high one evokes trust, a low one evokes pity. The level is not visible in gifts - you need to check it in your friends' feed.


5.1 What to do if the game does not load? The game won't start! Help!

Symptoms: The game does not load, some of the graphics, buildings are missing, there are bears everywhere, the map does not load, the game constantly requires a reboot, etc.

Try the following:
- Clear your browser cache and restart your computer. How to do this is described here:
- Try deleting the application with the game and installing it again. In this case, everything will remain in its place, nothing will be lost.
- Try running the game from other browsers. Recommended browser Google Chrome
- Check your Internet connection and its speed: the lower it is, the slower the game loads. At very low speed there will be messages about the plugin hanging - restart.
- Restart your computer and launch only the browser: it may be due to insufficient computer resources.
- You can make it easier to launch the game by reducing the image quality: right button on the game - the quality is low (when loading and in the game itself - separately).
- If the error “Game server is not available” is displayed, we recommend bypassing it via a VPN connection (depending on the reason, this may be a temporary or permanent solution to the problem).
- There may be a problem with the server on which your character is located (others may have the game running), so we’ll wait.
- It happens that the game doesn’t load for anyone, so we have to be patient and wait for it to be fixed. The rest is for the developers - the link is at the bottom of the game window.
- The game often requires a reboot when gilding statues, when there are a lot of them. Be patient and restart the game - everyone who should get rich will get rich, and everything will work again.
- If the game constantly requires a reboot, most likely the reason is a large number of elements in the location and a large number of animals and statues in the location (not in farms and rabbitry). It is necessary to reduce the number of living creatures: remove animals, birds and statues from the location until a new reboot - and so on until normal operation is restored.
Options for solving the problem are also indicated on the page The game does not load:

5.2 What should I do if instead of a game there is a white bar with the words “Get Adobe FlashPlayer”?

FlashPlayer plugin did not start. You need it:
- or enable (if disabled in the browser),
- or install (if not installed),
- or update (if old)
and restart the browser.
If the game still does not load, see the answer “What to do if the game does not load”

5.3 Bypassing blocking via VPN connection

Cause: not available game server, problems on the line or blocking by the provider.

Solutions options:
- Use the Opera browser, enabling VPN mode (create a private window, click on the switch to the left of the address bar)
- Or install one of the extensions: Traffic Saving (from Google), Tunnerbear, Zenmate, FriGate.

Animals and birds

6.1 Where did the chicken (cow, sheep, goose, turkey) go?

Turned into a golden statue. All animals and birds of the Klondike have a production limit, after exhausting which they turn into golden monuments (die). Golden statues can be opened with one click. Coins, elements of collections, and products of the animal whose monument was opened fall out of it. Only the owner of the farm can open the monument.

6.2 How many feedings are left until the golden statue?

Hover the cursor over the animal/bird - the completed feedings and the number to the statue will be written. The difference is the remainder of the feedings to the golden statue. Find out the feeding limits for animals and birds in their description on the website.

6.3 Why did only coins fall out of the nest?

Everything has already been stolen before you. If you opened a nest at your station and received only 30 coins, then your neighbor in the game opened the nest before you. You need to protect yourself from such neighbors: buy poultry houses or a guard dog (for each part of the station there is a dog - 4 in total). On Windsong and Indigo, eggs are not stolen - raise birds there.

6.4 The price of bird food is 5000 coins, but the selling price of a tray of eggs is only 6000 - what makes sense? Why raise birds?

Bird food doesn't have to be purchased with coins. It can be made from Beans and Rye in the Granary. From Grapes and water - to Fontana for emeralds. From red currants and water - in the Manor. Calculate which is more accessible and profitable. If it's not profitable, don't do it. Trays of eggs do not have to be sold: they are involved in the creation of other materials - check the site. How to earn coins - see the question Where to get coins quickly. Birds are raised to earn experience.

6.5 The price of a cow is 25,000 coins, the price of a sheep is 10,000. A cow gives milk worth 5,000 coins, a sheep gives wool worth 3,750. What is the benefit? Why raise animals?

Animals in the game are raised to obtain food, collection items, and experience. The real value of an item is shown not by the price in game coins, but by the exchange rate for water and other game items. The main value in the game is experience and energy; everything else is assessed by its ability to bring it to the player. The cow gives milk, from which, for example, water and kefir are obtained, other animals are fed, as well as the cat, which collects eggs. Kefir is subsequently used to prepare energy drinks. The sheep produces wool, from which, for example, water, woolen threads, and baskets of turkey eggs are obtained. Threads are used to make things for the construction of buildings (plaid, sweater). Baskets are sold to obtain coins. Golden animal statues drop valuable collections, coins, and experience. There is a detailed article about each animal and bird on the site. Analyze them, go through the chain of crafts and determine for yourself those animals that you need.

6.6 How to feed a chicken, goose, turkey, sheep, cow?

Having bought a sheep and a cow, they need to be given milk (6 milk) so that they begin to produce products. The Cow and Sheep eat grass at your station. If you run out of grass, you can provide the animals with bales of hay. By eating one unit of grass or one serving of hay, animals produce one unit of production. In order for Chickens and Geese to start laying eggs, they need to be given 4 worms, and Turkey needs 5 worms. Chickens, geese and turkeys eat bird food, which can be bought in the store; create in the Barn from Beans and Rye or in the Fountain for emeralds from Grapes and Water. On a farm, animals are fed by creating compound feed. For more information about birds and animals, see the Animals section - there is a separate article about each.

6.7 I want to breed Rabbits, what do I need for this?

Rabbits in the game are white and black. White rabbits need to be bought for emeralds (see the Rabbit article on the website). Black rabbits are created in the Sanctuary (see the Black Rabbit article on the website). To breed rabbits, you need at least two copies. Rabbits eat grass bushes and hay bales. If the grass at the station runs out, it is created in the fountain. Hay bales are created in the Barn and obtained by exchanging the Holiday Collection. Compact bales are made in a golden box (see article Golden Box). After every five feedings, rabbits can be bred. After 26 feedings, they turn into golden statues, from which they drop experience, useful things and collection items. Attention! If all the rabbits turn into statues, they will need to be purchased or recreated. Hungry rabbits do not die, so they are kept in a hungry state. For convenient handling of rabbits, you need a rabbitry (see articles Rabbitry and Large rabbitry). Raising rabbits requires organization. More information about this is written in the comments in the article Rabbit.

6.8 Why do I protect birds and animals with a regular fence, but they run away? Is it possible to protect birds? What can be done to prevent birds and animals from scattering around the station?

Ordinary decorative fences will not be able to contain animals and birds. To do this, you need to buy a special fence for emeralds, separately for birds and for animals. There is no need to fence birds and animals: the game has an optimal mode. The optimal mode is snowflake in the game control panel. dark - off, light - on. It fixes (freezes) birds and animals in one place. If you do run away, birds and animals (and rabbits) can be collected in one place by luring them with food and then freezing them. How to attract animals:
1) take food from the warehouse;
2) turn off optimal mode;
3) wave food in front of hungry animals/birds so that the icon above their heads disappears (do not place food on the ground);
4) enable optimal mode;
5) bring food into Right place and when all the animals come running to him, place it.
Please note: the food can be moved if the food is far away, especially on another island, animals and birds may not see it. Rabbits can be carried in a rabbitry.

Energy, emeralds, coins

7.1 Why did the maximum energy level not increase when leveling up?

1 unit of energy is added to the total Energy limit at the 3rd, 6th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 28th, 30th and further at each +5 level. At level 99 they give a maximum limit of 44. The exact list of levels can be found on this page:

7.2 Where to find or get emeralds?

Emeralds can be obtained: by purchasing for votes; +1 emerald for each achieved new level in Game; for completing some tasks, in prizes for clearing locations and sometimes in ancient chests. Upon reaching high levels give 5 and even 10 emeralds. See the Levels page for more details.

7.3 I’m trying to cut down a tree or stone, but they offer to buy me energy, why?

On your own (personally as a character), you will be able to chop a resource (tree, stone, bush), in which the number of units of the resource at the moment is not greater than your maximum energy level. Example: if there are 18 logs left in a large sequoia tree, you can chop it down with your character if your maximum level energy is greater than or equal to 18, no matter how much energy you currently have. If more energy is needed to cut down a resource, you can accumulate it with super-shovels under the decorations of your friends.

7.4 Where can I get coins quickly?

1. Sell gold
- except for statues used to create materials (leave 100-200 of each type in case of different quests)
2. Make and sell baskets of eggs
- ostrich
- turkey
3. Exchange collections and sell materials from them
- indigo
- sea
- festive
- miner (fabric)
- stones (windows)
- cowboy (for porridge for horse feed)
4. Make and sell materials
- horse food (made at the Estate from porridge and fish oil)
5. Sell materials that are used little or not at all:
- Peacock feathers
- fish oil (if you don’t have the Estate and porridge, but don’t sell it all: it’s needed on the farm)
You can also get coins: for a new level in the game; buy with votes; for passing new tasks, selling materials or resources and when exchanging some collections.

Friends, neighbors and companions

8.1 Can my neighbors take my gold statues?

No, the golden statue can only be opened by the station owner.

8.2 Why don't I get paid when my friends hire me?

The game developers do not provide this option. This is unlikely to change.

8.3 How do I know if someone hired me or not?

You can walk through the neighboring stations. If you see your character at a friend's station, he hired you. If they are trying to hire you, but the hiring price is higher than usual, then you are already hired by someone.

8.4 Can neighbors open my hiding places after cutting down trees and stones?

Yes, if you forgot to pick up the Cache after cutting down a resource, your neighbors can clean it up. To prevent this from happening, buy a Guard Dog from the store.

8.5 Why is the cost of hiring some friends very high?

The hiring price depends on two factors. The hiring price will increase if a person does not log into the game for more than 2 days. Also, the hiring price increases if a friend is already hired by someone else. In a Hotel, for example, the rental price is always the same.

8.6 Is there a limit on neighbors? How many neighbors can you have in the game?

There is a gaming term “neighbors” - those who are added by id. The limit on neighbors by id is 300. There is a general concept of “neighbors in the game” - those who are in the feed at the bottom of the game (whom you can visit), that is, neighbors by id and friends on the social network who have the game installed. The limit on them depends on the social network:
- the limit on friends on VKontakte is 10,000 people.
- limit on classmates -5000.
In total, the maximum number of neighbors in VK is 10,300, in OK - 5,300 people.

Materials and collections

9.1 The creation of a basket of goose eggs does not involve goose eggs, but only milk, wool and glue, why?

Wool, milk and glue need to be given in the Granary only once, so that in the future it will be possible to create baskets of goose eggs from Brushwood and Eggs. This is a payment for opening a prescription.

9.2 How and where to exchange collections and materials? How can I add friends in the Klondike game?

Collections and materials can be exchanged with other players in the "Klondike Game Exchange" section. You can add friends in the "Add as friends" section. Any question about the game can be asked in the Gazebo

9.3 How to make a window (or any other material)?

How to create a material can be seen on the individual material page from the general list of materials.

9.4 Where to dig or what does the bear collection (or any other) drop from?

To see what collections you can dig up under, select the collection you are interested in from the general list of Klondike collections.

9.5 How to get water from Deaf Echo?

This means that Deaf Echo and Silent Shadow can send one of the free gifts, including water, once a day.


10.1 Materials have accumulated at the locations - I cannot remove them. How to donate materials directly from the location?

Materials can be given to friends at will from a warehouse in any location. Go to the desired location, go to help your companion - and give it as a gift.

10.2 How to quickly transport materials from a location to a home station?

A new way of mass transportation of goods from location to home station:
The method is based on the fact that when you come to help a companion from a location, a line of friends opens to whom you can give materials according to your wish from the location’s warehouse.
Two people participate: 1st and 2nd.
- both have a large limit,
- the 1st has a partner’s request for cutting down,
- 1st has a lot of goods on location.
1) 2nd puts the goods that need to be transported in the wishlist;
2) the 1st goes to the location, comes to help the companion and gives the goods to the 2nd through the wishlist;
3) The 2nd donates what he received to the 1st.
Result - the product has moved to home location 1st.
You can throw it at a strong fake and then pick it up.
You can exchange the same product with friends.
You can sell to trusted players directly from the location.
Only applies to materials. Collections do not work: they are decommissioned from the home station warehouse.

Klondike free game VKontakte and other social networks. In the story, your hero goes in search of the gold miner's father. To do this, you have to follow the steps of your father and overcome obstacles and explore the entire northern region. In addition to the main mission, you need to survive in harsh lands, build a hut and develop a farm so that you have something to eat. Do farming, raise animals and plants and earn money for it. Although the game is free, there are purchases in the game to speed up the process. Gold coins and emeralds will be needed to make purchases and unlock items. But all this costs money, players often try to download cheats Klondike to get money for free. But breaking the rules of the game can lead to loss account. To avoid this, you need to use the play store. Using bonus codes you can get a lot of money in the game for free and enjoy the game without restrictions. Show your achievements to your friends and surprise them with your high level.

Klondike codes for free:

  • 500 emeralds – lcz#t5s1ugq
  • 1,111 emeralds – ljz#8o52tf1
  • 600,000 coins - thl#ez5nzig
  • 2,700,000 coins – bx4#zdgjxho
  • Restore energy - zdh#3sn7sdh

Money is needed for the expedition. Using secrets, you can quickly unlock all items in the game, buildings and animals. Accelerate your experience gains and level up quickly. Using Klondai emeralds The player instantly loses energy units. There are codes for their instant recovery. This allows you to quickly advance in the game and complete tasks. Speed ​​up the construction processes and buy the things you need.

This is a browser game with nice graphics that you can play on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and mail.ru. The main mission of the game is expeditions in search of the father, but we will spend most of the time on the farm. After all, we have very little money and in order to develop in the game we need to buy resources for emeralds, or spend all our free time on the game. From the very beginning we have to learn all the basics Agriculture, how to manage the farm and build key buildings.

The economic part of the game limits the speed of completion. To get significant success there are not enough coins and emeralds. When performing actions, construction, or harvesting, a unit of energy is taken away from us. This prevents you from quickly gaining experience, which is required to unlock buildings and animals. The Shop and Warehouse are key places in the game where the player can purchase new items. To unlock the most interesting of them you need emeralds, or hack Klondike. This allows you to buy animals and premium buildings and receive more varied items in the Warehouse. In the latter, you can sell things and make money from it.

Household - Tricks

  • Do not sell large gold nuggets from storage. They will be needed for the quest, and getting them is not so easy!

  • Not enough emeralds to buy a building? Take your time, wait for discounts. The store often has discounts on popular products.

  • Leaving the station for several hours does not make sense to leave sawmills and quarries running, because after 7-45 minutes they will stop anyway, and the hired workers will spend their time idly. It is much better to provide them with a long-term assignment in a forge, furniture factory or pottery. Make them make tables, beds, chains, slates, things that take a long time to make! And rest easy knowing that your money was well spent on hiring.

  • Do you need living space to hire workers? Don't build too many shacks and tents! This is not a way out. They are extremely expensive to hire! It is much better to accumulate resources and then build more expensive housing, but renting it is much cheaper.

  • If you need to break a stone faster, place only 1 stone in one quarry.

  • If you have a lot of friends, log into the game more often to accept from them free gifts, since they have a limit of 300 gifts, then the previous gift is replaced by the next one. this way you simply lose free gifts.

  • Take care of the limit. If possible, purchase windows, nails, tiles and other materials in collections. They don't take up your limit.

  • If you need baskets or packages of eggs, it is better to put in your wishlist not ready-made baskets, but the eggs themselves. You'll collect it faster! Firstly, neighbors will find two or three extra eggs much more often, and secondly, eggs, unlike baskets, do not take up a limit in the barn, which is important if you only have one barn.

  • It is very beneficial to use fertilizers when growing crops in greenhouses. Using 4 fertilizers, you get 8 harvests. Collection time depends on the fertilizer. By applying 50% fertilizer in greenhouses, ripening time is reduced by 75%.

  • Don't be lazy to dig! 100 free shovels are extra experience and collection items.

  • It is more convenient to search for gold veins with the help of a dog.

  • Have you acquired a merchant? Ask your neighbors who is selling what and for what. Don’t forget to put an ad in the Exchange indicating the goods in the store.

  • Use the exchange! You now have a shortage of material, and someone doesn’t know where to put it! Look for convenient exchange options.

  • Feel free to visit our website. This will allow you to save time and resources. Knowing what items you need to build buildings and complete quests, you can avoid unnecessary waste of energy. For example, in one of the quests you will be asked to grow cabbage, you must admit it’s a shame if you plant a lot of this cabbage before the quest, and it doesn’t count for you, you’ll have to plant it again. Or you will rivet extra stools when you are given them as a reward for one of the quests.

  • Stock up on resources such as coal, grass, wind. The higher the level, the more you will need these materials.

  • If the store has new decor, don’t be stingy and spend some coins to purchase it. All the advantages of purchasing decor.

  • A very useful thing is a fake. If you don't have one yet, think about getting one.

  • Take advantage of discounts! Quite often, discounts appear in the game on this or that product, and you have the opportunity to purchase something you couldn’t before, save emeralds, or buy 2 things instead of one.

  • As soon as your level allows, buy cherry and pear seedlings. Even if you are not going to make porridge, shovels from the fruits, or breed livestock on the Wind Song, then by selling the crops, you can earn a tidy sum of coins. The payback for one tree is about a week, then the trees are net profit. In addition to everything, Pears are a source of worms that are very valuable in the game, and gold nuggets or antiques fall out of the golden tree statue. Cherry brings items from the ladies' collection, and when disassembling statues - items from the holidays! However, it is very profitable!

  • Visit first of all those friends who are already employed by you. If they discover a gold mine, they will not have to be hired additionally.

  • When hiring workers, try not to fill the sleeping places to capacity unless absolutely necessary; leave a couple of places for those neighbors who will need to be hired when you dig up a gold mine from them.

  • If you need to quickly pluck a goose or simply collect more eggs, you need to be online, since offline birds do not eat or lay eggs.

  • When you enter the game, first of all, harvest the crops and sow the seeds, and only then go collect products from factories. By the time you walk around everything, the harvest of strawberries, rye or beans may already be ripe. Yes, and several units of energy will have time to be restored.

  • Not enough space to grow crops on the station, and Indigo and Windsong are already filled with animals? It is enough to transport vegetable complexes or vegetable super-complexes to Almaznoye or to Arnika (closer to the station), and calmly grow crops there. You can also take a wigwam there, it will help harvest the crop. Do not forget that the seeds must be brought in a sleigh for the first planting. and then just make sure that there is no overload during harvesting. Naturally, you need to go to the harvest having previously accumulated more energy, or take energy drinks with you in the sleigh.

  • Do you prefer to fly by plane? Then there is no point in putting equipment in the sled. You simply won't need it. But it is very possible and necessary to increase the load capacity with the help of folding backrests or amplifiers. Place the maximum possible number of harnesses, which increases the carrying capacity, because the plane is not afraid of distances.

  • Re-read this page from time to time. Worldly wisdom does not come immediately. During the game, we study our mistakes and share with you our experience and tricks. The page is constantly replenished and updated.
  • Quite an interesting question, since in any toy there are regular structures and “bonus” ones. We'll talk about each of them.

    Residential buildings

    Of course, in any game there are such things as residential houses. They usually generate income. In the Klondike game, this “industry” is used to accommodate friends and make a profit from it. In total there are 11 different types of houses, ranging from the simplest tent to a large estate.

    Of course, construction requires some resources. For example, in order to fully erect a tent, you need to stock up on 1000 gold coins, 5 stones, 3 pieces of clay, 5 logs and 5 spruce boards, 3 nails and 3 regular boards. In addition, you will need fabric. It is obtained by collecting a miner's collection or in a spinning mill. But to build an estate you will need a lot of resources and materials of the highest quality. They are usually produced in different workshops. In addition, Klondike is a game in which new buildings become available as you level up and complete certain tasks. Remember that some houses can also be obtained as a reward.

    Holiday is around the corner

    Undoubtedly, the buildings of the Klondike game, as in many applications, have the category of “seasonal” structures. They are usually available in certain time year and at a certain time (for example, or Valentine's Day). Let's see what kind of buildings can be found during promotions and holidays.

    A snowman is a building that requires the participation of friends. Without them, “making a snowman” will not work. Snowdrops are required for construction. After March 8, it is possible to turn into a mountain of gifts.

    Klondike buildings also include a herringbone pattern. It is built for friends and gives various gifts for the New Year. The building is temporary. Available for purchase during the New Year holidays.

    There are also different play structures for Valentine's Day. As a rule, these are heart balloons, statues in the shape of hearts or flowers. Typically, such Klondike buildings provide an opportunity to play roulette or simply decorate the interior.

    Particularly popular are haunted houses and signal towers for Halloween gifts. In a haunted house, by the way, you can create various items to build other structures during Halloween events.

    The Golden Tank is an interesting “Klondike” building that is being built during the period. From it, like all the others, you can collect gifts. True, it is quite difficult to create such a decorative element - it requires many parts that are produced by factories.

    Production and extraction

    "Klondike" is a game where gamers constantly have to develop their farm and extract some resources. To do this, you can create various types of structures. The main building here is the so-called barn. It is necessary for quickly creating some elements without hiring. In the game "Klondike" the construction of a barn occurs in 4 stages. Once creation is complete, the player will have the great opportunity to “manufacture” game pieces for quests and other structures.

    You can also find a quarry and a forge in this section. In addition, various factories are located here. For example, milk production or a pottery workshop. You can easily get planks by building a sawmill, and build some objects from metal using the metallurgical plant you bought and built. Here you can also find an incubator that allows you to produce “fire”.

    Among other things, you can build a bakery and a Choco factory on your territory. The Klondike buildings are necessary for completion since they can produce cheesecake, which, in turn, is necessary for the granary.

    Auxiliary buildings

    But in our game today there are also things that help with the development of plants and animals. The Klondike project includes 10 auxiliary buildings. These include:

    This way, you will be able to protect your territory from pests and collect/produce the resources you need in a timely manner. For example, if you give a kitten 25 cans of milk, it will start collecting eggs in the chicken coop. The gardener helps to quickly water and harvest crops from trees, and vegetable complexes from beds. A trading post is necessary to exchange resources with friends. But there is another category of buildings in the game.

    For clearing

    In Klondike there are 16 different gifts for clearing the territory. They are usually obtained for certain achievements. Among these buildings there are 4 gifts. They include exclusive decorations and are given for certain quests. Typically, for clearing certain land of resources.

    Klondike buildings for achievements are unique buildings. Some of them provide the opportunity to play roulette, others - to produce resources and items, and others even serve as decoration. Here you can find:

    • mill;
    • Wow;
    • Eagle Nest;
    • mirages;
    • sanctuary;
    • March;
    • dugout;
    • sunrise;
    • indim;
    • indigo;
    • polar side;
    • khanbulat.

    Game Klondike: The Lost Expedition has been available to you for a very long time. We all already know a little about the game, but we have a couple of tips to help you become the best. The tips will mainly be useful for beginners, but will also help experienced players.


    Coal is best mined manually, for this you will also receive additional experience, and perhaps you will find an element of the collection. As for stonemasons, use them to break only large stones, and when they can be broken main character- break them. This also applies to woodcutters.

    If you decide to hire friends in a sawmill or quarry, hire those who have few friends and who rarely log into the game. This will do you good.


    If you complete tasks, you should collect as much product as possible from animals. After fulfilling its limit, the animal dies and turns into a golden statue, which only the owner can open. The statue may drop collection items and much more. You shouldn’t mow all the grass on the farm, because the animals will have nowhere to graze and will have to buy hay.

    Friends and neighbors

    Like any other game, it will be more interesting to play with friends and, of course, more productive. Make new friends, give them gifts and maybe they will do the same to you.

    Gold veins

    As you know, a gold mine changes its location once a week, so you should dig under new buildings each time. And as we know, you can find a lot of useful things in a gold mine.


    You should not sell products from a warehouse in order to make money; you will definitely need them. If you are going to sell, it’s better to do it little by little, because we don’t know when we will need this or that resource; do the same with collections. However, read on and you will learn how to deal with collections.


    Finding collections is not very easy, so when exchanging or selling, think carefully about whether it’s worth it? Perhaps it will come in handy any minute. By the way, the most interesting collections come from golden animal monuments.

    We hope our tips help you. Well, if you were looking for cheats for the game Klondike: The Lost Expedition, we will disappoint you, they are not there. We'll have to play fair.
