Mitro outcome game. Metro Exodus Official System Requirements. How do developers choose when to release?

Thanks to the impressive trailer for the game Metro, many gamers became interested in the future fate of the shooter. Of course, what the public would most like to know is the release date of the Metro Exodus game, and also find out what system requirements the creators present. By the way, the development is carried out by the famous Ukrainian company 4A Games, which has given the world many exciting shooters. Games in the Metro series have captivated the public for a long time, so they do not require additional advertising, but everyone wants to know new details.

And just recently, the developers were able to decide on the exact release date for Metro Exodus, and set the premiere for February 15, 2019.

This time we have to go to the future, where the year 2036 has unfolded with all its might. The main character of the game “Metro” was able to survive the not-so-pleasant events of the past (not without the support of the “blacks,” by the way), but his life cannot be called cloudless. It’s not sweet for his family either, because dark forces forced the couple to change their place of residence and leave their beloved home. Now Artem leads a team of rangers and prepares to find a new refuge , where humanity can exist without fear and constant stress. But not everyone will be able to endure the dangerous journey, because the world of Metro is merciless and unfair. You will find out for yourself closer to the release date of part 3 in the Metro series who will have to be sacrificed in the name of the future.

Depending on the sequence of the player’s actions, the further fate of the heroes will be determined - that’s what the creators say. Among other things, Metro Exodus is a first-person game, which has recently become very popular among gamers. As for system requirements, everything is extremely simple. and without any special frills. Owners of a PC with a version of Windows at least 7 will be able to embark on an exciting journey. To install the 3rd part of the Metro game, you will need 60 GB of memory, which does not surprise anyone - modern graphics and a capacious plot require sacrifices.

As mentioned above, the first trailer for the upcoming premiere was recently published online, which intrigued everyone who watched it. Enthusiastic players are actively discussing the characteristics of the game and are waiting for the release date of the popular shooter “Metro Exodus” and Artem will go towards unpredictable changes.

Game system requirements


Fairy tale. A fairy tale for adults and not only. Happiness overwhelms you when you understand that adults do not see or understand virtual world, and you and several tens of thousands of players have this pleasure. Several games in my memory are related to the subway. I especially liked: Metro and Metro 2, but this..... this is IT. You can't wait for a sequel to Stalker, thanks to the developers at least for this pleasure. Play and feel what will happen to us, our children and grandchildren, after pressing a button: the launch of a rocket with several nuclear warheads. Sad. No future. Without children.

On this moment I don’t play much because the kids are already doing it, but this game impressed me. It went away in a few days because the child wanted to play. I was impressed, it was even a pity that it ended so quickly. I am glad that this is a development of our companies at a fairly good technical level. Only programmers will understand, and not ordinary gamers, who simply provide graphics and simply their wishes for games. Emotions are strong, impressions too. For me, beautiful gameplay, fairly high-quality graphics and mechanics (it’s clear from the credits, this is not the same company), average script. Of course there are disadvantages, but I didn’t notice them much. At times there are long inserts, a lot of corpses, of course, considering that 20 years have passed (as if they should already turn to dust after the nuclear attack), a lot of obscenities and especially the Ural part with flayers and cannibals. Absolutely not for children. Only over 18 years old, otherwise you dream that it will be too much. I say this as the father of two boys. You be the judge, I really liked it, but for adults.

Well, what can I say... This is no longer the metro, of course. Yes, the plot continues, but this is no longer the subway. The atmosphere of a real metro, which was in the first two parts, was lost somewhere in the vast expanses of post-apocalyptic Russia. This game reminded me a lot of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series. Only Metro: Exodus naturally looks more advanced (and this is natural, the age difference affects it). And so, game process looks the same, only with different decorations... In my opinion, spacious locations have appeared that are too, in my opinion, for this genre, in which there is essentially nothing to do except look at corpses of varying degrees of preservation, from the number and type of which, I I was very tired at the end of the game. (And this spectacle could only be diversified by the endless collection of various resources (which, surprisingly, were never really enough), they were located with the same corpses or in any drawers or boxes near them. More on you could be attacked by various mutants of different calibers. All this seriously slows down the dynamics of the plot development and artificially stretches out the passage of the game, which is why the integrity of the illusion is violated (sometimes you fall out of the plot a little and begin to make efforts to remember what the main task actually is at the moment, you start looking at the map...). And the main difference from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is that you cannot return to previous locations. Otherwise, I have often caught myself thinking, this is not the Metro, but essentially S.T.A.L.K.E.R..

I didn't like the game with two endings again. In all 3 parts, I had bad ending, because due to stealth, I can’t and don’t want to play (not according to my character and temperament). That's why good endings I was not destined to see it in principle! (And this is again a minus, well, you see, the FPS genre, and here it’s up to you to play the entire game in stealth (to say the least, this is absurd...).

I really liked the plot itself, as well as all the RPG elements, really cool, a lot of things pleased me and even pleasantly surprised me. There was only one thing missing, guys, teach Artyom to talk, please (otherwise, on streams, you had to carry on the conversation for Artyom yourself)!)

WITH technical side everything is as usual. Very beautiful graphics (everything looks more beautiful than in life, which is why I don’t really like it in the entire Metro series). Optimization is average, but it is there.

It’s not tempting to replay (I remember the dull and artificially extended gameplay). (But the game deserves a solid rating of 4.0 points!

P.S. While playing Metro: Exodus, I kept remembering the game Metro: Last Light Redux, which I really liked in all respects, namely for its balance in everything and the unforgettable atmosphere of the post-apocalyptic Moscow metro. I will definitely go through it a third time in the foreseeable future.)

I don’t really want to talk about the game, so as not to spoil it, I’ll say one thing, I’m not a fan of the series, and I’m not a fan of such shooters! So let's say a stealth horror first-person shooter! I will say this, few games leave an aftertaste, usually I pass it and forget about it! And here I am writing a review a week later... The plot is not strong, the graphics are not very good, so-so, the gameplay is ordinary (this is a plus, by the way, for me). But the ending, the music in it... There's nothing more to write. I’ll say this: to argue with me, beat the game! Too strong ending. Too sweet aftertaste! You're waiting for a sequel, but he can't beat it!

Post edited by user 03/11/2019 14:23:16

(Review without spoilers) I’m not a fan of Metro, and the previous games in the series: “Metro 2033” and “Metro Last Light” did not impress me at all, so after playing them for reference, I safely abandoned them. However, when I saw the trailer for Metro Exodus, I became interested. Firstly, because the game came to the surface from the dull and dark tunnels (which terribly infuriated me in the first parts), and secondly, it acquired large locations(well, that's what the developers said). Having pre-ordered the game, I waited. I waited. Passed.
Now impressions: The voice acting of Artyom’s steps immediately terribly infuriated me. He shuffles his feet like an old man with acute cerebrovascular accident and is generally not in time with his movements on the screen. Jumps... The jumps are masterpieces. That's the impression. that Artem shitted his pants and because of this he jumps like a disabled person with a severe form of motor dysfunction of the lower extremities. By the way, he runs as well as jumps. It seems that Artyom is a young, trained warrior, but after running a shitty 150 meters, he begins to choke like an asthmatic, his heart begins to pound rapidly and the blood begins to pulsate in his ears. It’s strange somehow...
What else was annoying (surprising in a bad way)... The shooting, but not all of it... In particular, shooting from the fully improved "Bison" was pleasing... At the same time, it was surprising when the enemy was killed at point-blank range from the "Uboynik" with 2 - 3 shots, and with a small ball, from a long distance from a pneumatic "Tikhar", an enemy of the same level is taken out with one shot... Or even cooler - the enemy dies from the throw of a throwing knife that hits him in the leg... I'm not against game conventions, but not like this... I understand the justification such damage from the “Tikhar” when Artem received an additional upgrade in the form of “Rails”, and the “Tikhar” became more like a Gauss cannon... but before that...
Everyone hated the facial animation and the excessive pretense of the dialogues and gestures of the NPCs... it didn’t bother me at all, but the bullets that sometimes flew through the textures of the enemy’s head without causing damage really irritated me. Because of this, it was necessary to replay some parts of the game, since a bullet flying through the head and not causing damage immediately revealed Artyom’s location and stealth was covered with a copper basin. Stealth was also “pleased”; those who played will understand: if you are in the shadows, you are an “invisible person”; if you are in a lit area, you can be seen from any distance, even if you are in cover.
And the last annoying thing is that the game has only two open locations “Volga” and “Caspian”, everything else is a corridor of different widths...
Among the advantages: atmosphere, a large number of small details of Soviet life, Russian inscriptions on the walls, a constant feeling of lack of ammunition, first aid kits, filters, the possibility of variable completion of missions, Russian rock, long conversations with characters creating the illusion that they (the characters) are real, radio receiver, crafting weapons... I liked the game as an adventure, they would have added a little more shooting and stealth, and then in general everything would have been normal.

4A Games excelled. We created a linear shooter in which you need to kill as little as possible. Bravo! Well done!
But seriously, what the developers from 4A Games are constantly up to when they come up with such ingenious mechanics for a shooter is unclear. In normal games, the player's choice in a given situation affects the ending, not the style of play. Moreover, the game is in a post-apocalyptic setting. And as you know, in such realities, human life is valued very low. This game is not bad, but it doesn’t qualify as a game of the year or a masterpiece. For example, what if I don’t know how to play stealth or don’t want to do it? Why the bad ending? There is nothing to say about bugs. They are the same as in the first Metro. Well, I hope they fix it with patches. This game is worth 6 - 7 points maximum. According to the rating of this site, it cannot be given more than 3.5.

What can you say about the new Metro?
A lot of everything! It’s hard not to call this shooter a masterpiece, despite numerous attempts by many to criticize the new game, moreover, paying attention to the smallest details.
So two days... I’ve already passed two days and I don’t regret the time spent! Every game has its pros and cons, but this one has a negligible amount of cons and a huge amount of pros. What advantages caught my eye:
- Convenient control system, that is, everyone actually knows that it has not changed since the first parts and that’s great! While other developers completely change the control system and sometimes make it terribly inconvenient, in this game everything remains in place.
- Exactly like the engine. In fact, this is the same engine as in the first parts, the same mechanics. The developers did a very wise thing - they took something old that people liked and, it’s impossible to believe, they didn’t change it! Therefore, the graphics were well improved, but the engine remained the same... accessible or something.
- And the game hasn’t lost its atmosphere! Everything is just as gloomy, post-apocalyptic, although more Soviet than in the first parts (to be honest, I didn’t even know in the first parts that before the war there was a Soviet Union in an alternative universe). Beautifully done, creepy, dark, although not horror. Well, it’s not scary at all!
- Realistic combat mechanics. If anyone says that the enemy is behaving chaotically, then I will call that person an exceptional liar! Opponents can run around chaotically, but only if they are stirred up, misled, if they start to get nervous. Otherwise, when detected, they shoot, move quite realistically, scream if they see you and warn others where you are. If things don’t turn out in their favor, the enemy may surrender and then you will have a choice - to knock them out or to kill them in cold blood.
- The stealth component is also very exciting. You can do everything bloodlessly or bring in a nimble! As well as different ways to solve the situation with the old mechanics.
- Animations have changed little, new ones have appeared. But everything is pretty cool, scripted and looks interesting.
- The plot is just awesome, there are a lot of unexpected moments, experiences, it’s generally well done and you can’t even complain at all, but I’ve seen a lot of plots.
But every game has its downsides, although this one doesn’t have many of them:
- The main character remained mute... He doesn’t speak, but only listens to your Gordon Freeman. And it's very annoying.
- The crafting system is as simple as the world... There are two resources - chemicals and mechanical parts. Well, and also various modifications that come across on weapons. Using parts and chemicals, you can automatically (naturally, in the workbench area) clean weapons, create new ammunition, first aid kits (which are just being created, they cannot be found) and filters for a gas mask. Well, or actually create modifications to weapons. It's all pretty boring, but it's not the realism that makes us love this game.
- They lied quite a lot about freedom in the game... Ever since the days of "Ray of Hope" I dreamed that they would make a Metro where you could travel, despite the plot, go wherever you wanted. But bad luck... Freedom and the open world are limited to not very large locations and you just choose to explore this or that place and which bandit camp to clear first... And then you rush to your favorite train again and three months pass... you just go to such a new location. The minus is huge, but what the game has presented is a big plus!
The conclusion is that this game actually has few disadvantages and a large number of advantages. This is a shooter and for a game of this genre such disadvantages are not terrible, but such a number of advantages is unusual. Therefore, this is truly one of best games of a similar genre and I recommend everyone to play it!

The computer game Metro Exodus will be the third first-person shooter game in the Metro series. The plot of this game, like Metro: Last Light and Metro 2033, is based on the works of Dmitry Glukhovsky. The game is being produced by 4A Games from Ukraine and German publisher Deep Silver. Metro 3 is scheduled for release in February 2019.

The game is a shooter where the gameplay is based on combat using any weapon. The player perceives everything that happens through the eyes of the protagonist. Metro Exodus features elements of stealth action and survival horror. The main character can disguise himself, hide from the enemy, using disguise. The emphasis is also on instilling fear and anxiety, and the survival of the character.

The shooter will be a continuation of the story of the second game in the Metro series: Last Light. In the spotlight - main character Artyom, he and a group of survivors, travel on a modified Aurora train from the Moscow metro to the east. They are looking for a new place to live since the Earth was destroyed as a result nuclear war which happened in 2013.

The story begins with nuclear winter. The character from the book “Metro 2035” and the game of the same name, Anna, will return to the game; she is Artem’s wife.

Game plot

The game takes place in Russia after the apocalypse. The player will have to cope with all the dangers of the world, fight hostile people and fight mutating creatures. He needs to protect train passengers from robbers and mutants. In addition, you need to look for a new place to settle and supplies. The player will have a large number of firearms and other weapons in his arsenal. It can be improved as you progress through the game.

The player is provided with open locations and linear levels for exploration. The game has a dynamic day and night system. The weather and seasons will change as the story progresses. Traveling between locations is possible by train.

What to expect from Metro Exodus

  • The creators of the game have revealed some secrets. So, they admitted that they took some of Ubisoft’s work. The game will include clearing out outposts and bandit outposts. But these clearings are not necessary to continue further through the game, as was the case in Far Cry 5. You can ignore these locations and pass by. Only next time there will be no survivors.
  • They say that new part The game will be larger than the previous two. There will be an even more developed plot and improved graphics. The head of the game promotion department at the publishing house Deep Silver, Huw Beynon, admitted that gamers will be pleased with the elaborate weapon customization.
  • There will no longer be RPG elements, but each player will be able to independently customize their in-game weapons using hundreds of combinations. Unnecessary weapons can be disassembled for parts to assemble new weapons.
  • You can also improve your hero's equipment. Another innovation will concern gas masks, but what kind of innovation this is is still being kept secret.
  • The main method of transportation and the entire house on wheels will be the modified Aurora train. It will be possible to attach additional carriages to it and invite passengers who can give access to new equipment and weapons.

Metro 3 release date

In June 2018, the game's creators announced that development had already been completed. Now Metro 3, which has a February 22, 2019 release date, needs some polish. A team of specialists will improve details, fix bugs, and test the game.

The game will be the first PC game to support Nvidia's RTX. This will allow you to achieve a realistic reflection on three-dimensional models, create the illusion of soft lighting. True, they say that this technology is only compatible with expensive Volta video cards. But by the time the game is released, cheaper video cards should also be released.

Name release date
Metro 2033 16.03.2010
Metro: Last Light 14.05.2013
Metro Exodus 22.02.2019


The game, in general, was not bad. Very atmospheric.
But nothing promised by the developers, open world, of course, is out of the question. This is, rather, a kind of interactive movie, where the player is given some freedom in choosing the sequence of tasks on the maps. It’s also a pity that Artyom, despite his decent age, has never learned to speak and the only thing he can do is kill or not kill. And as a result, the player walks like an experimental mouse in a cleverly composed maze from one script to another, from cut-scene to cut-scene, and all the variability revolves around whether to kill or not to kill - there is no opportunity to talk or come to an agreement either with enemies or with friends and, unfortunately, no way to influence events in any other way.

It seems to me that this game evokes indescribable delight only among desperate fans of the METRO series.
But I personally didn’t find anything outstanding in this game.
I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had already seen all this, only in other games.

And of course, the biggest respect to the creators for the mute character in 2019.
(or does he really not know how to talk?)

Very difficult to evaluate this game. On the one hand, there is amazing character development, which is why the ending gives you goosebumps. Soulful atmosphere, good music, story, the best opening in a video game in my memory. BUT, as a game, the Metro works very creakingly, constantly getting stuck and skidding. Monsters, mechanics...we already saw all this in two parts before Exodus. A hopelessly drawn-out gameplay that, given its length, lacks bright moments. Untapped potential children's camp, the banality of the desert, endless bandit camps can ruin the desire to play and positive emotions at the root. Nevertheless, for Anya, I’m ready to give the game a high score - for the first time I wanted the main character to survive for the sake of someone else.

One of the advantages of the game is the excellent work of the artists with attention to detail. Also music that evokes nostalgia. Average ability to customize items and still craft. Not bad voice acting. And everything else:
1) Plot. Despite the fact that, according to the plot of the universe, 20 years have passed since the end of the world, complete degradation is evident, educated people have slipped into a dense village. GG is a mute errand boy, without the right to choose, which is essentially used by everyone who is not too lazy, pretending to be friends, but leaving him to solve suicidal tasks alone. The characters, as well as the plot, are formulaic and invented on the knee, although the obsessed GG Anya is even more so.
2) Peace. The world is 95-99% made up of enemies, ala Mad Max and poor, fearless disabled ghouls. There are only crazy people around and everyone is up to their ears in shit.
3) AI. The dumbest AI I've seen lately, although these guys made a stalker with interesting shootouts. Most enemies don’t see you at point blank range and only start to aggro when you shoot at them without changing your position; they don’t use grenades either.
4) Gameplay. Walk along the rails of tasks, with disgustingly implemented shooting at stupid dummies, and admire the work of the artists. You can also knock out villains with your fist under stealth, to the sound of a blow from old Indian films, the only thing missing is the cry “Kiya”.

release date: February 15, 2019
Genre: Action, 3D, 1st Person
Developer: 4A Games
Publisher: Deep Silver

Metro Exodus - a new game in the first-person shooter genre, developed by the Ukrainian company 4A Games and published by Deep Silver. It is the third game in the Metro series, based on the novels by Dmitry Glukhovsky, and a continuation of Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light. The game combines open combat, stealth with survival and exploration of one of the most atmospheric game worlds in history.

The game takes place in the post-apocalyptic wasteland of the former Russia, where the player must cope with the new dangers of the world and participate in the fight against mutated creatures, as well as hostile people. As you travel across Russia, you will become attached to your companions, attract new like-minded allies, and face fierce enemies in the wasteland. The player owns an arsenal of unique firearms and other weapons that can be improved. The game features a mixture of linear levels and open locations available for the player to explore. There is also a dynamic weather system, a day/night cycle, and seasons changing as the story progresses.

Screenshots of Metro Exodus

Metro Exodus trailer

Metro Exodus System Requirements

Metro Exodus Minimum System Requirements

Low graphics settings, 30 FPS, resolution 1920x1080:

  • Processor: Intel Core i5-4440
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 / AMD Radeon HD 7870
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • Operating system: Windows 7/8/10
  • DirectX: DirectX 11 / 12

High graphics settings, 60 FPS, resolution 1920×1080:

  • Processor: Intel Core i7-4770K
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 / NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 / AMD RX Vega 56
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • DirectX: DirectX 12

Ultra graphics settings, 60 FPS, resolution 2560x1440:

  • Processor: Intel Core i7-8700K
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti / NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 / AMD RX Vega 64
  • RAM: 16 GB
  • Operating system: Windows 10
  • DirectX: DirectX 12

Extreme graphics settings, 60 FPS, resolution 3840x2160:

  • Processor: Intel Core i9-9900K
  • Video card: NVIDIA Geforce RTX 2080 Ti / AMD Radeon VII
  • RAM: 16 GB
  • Operating system: Windows 10
  • DirectX: DirectX 12

Computer for Metro Exodus

Based on system requirements and testing of the video card, processor and RAM, we recommend the following PC components:

Video card for Metro Exodus

Video memory consumption

Video memory consumption in Metro Exodus at extreme game settings:

  • 1920x1080: 3.9 GB - 4.5 GB;
  • 2560x1440: 4.8 GB - 5.2 GB;
  • 3840x2160: 5.5 GB - 6.0 GB;

Thus, the optimal video card for Metro Exodus in any resolution is a video card with a video memory capacity of 6 GB or more. With a smaller amount of video memory, the RAM will be additionally loaded, which can lead to freezes.

FPS in Metro Exodus

Average and minimum FPS in Metro Exodus on various NVIDIA GeForce GTX and GeForce RTX video cards:

Resolution 1920x1080, extreme graphics settings
GeForce RTX 2080 Ti 11 GB
GeForce RTX 2080 8 GB
GeForce RTX 2070 8 GB
GeForce RTX 2060 6 GB
GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 11 GB
GeForce GTX 1080 8 GB
GeForce GTX 1070 Ti 8 GB
GeForce GTX 1070 8 GB
GeForce GTX 1060 6 GB
GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4 GB
Resolution 2560x1440, extreme graphics settings
GeForce RTX 2080 Ti 11 GB
GeForce RTX 2080 8 GB
GeForce RTX 2070 8 GB
GeForce RTX 2060 6 GB
GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 11 GB
GeForce GTX 1080 8 GB
GeForce GTX 1070 Ti 8 GB
GeForce GTX 1070 8 GB
GeForce GTX 1060 6 GB
GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4 GB
Resolution 3840x2160, extreme graphics settings
GeForce RTX 2080 Ti 11 GB
GeForce RTX 2080 8 GB
GeForce RTX 2070 8 GB
GeForce RTX 2060 6 GB
GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 11 GB
GeForce GTX 1080 8 GB
GeForce GTX 1070 Ti 8 GB
GeForce GTX 1070 8 GB
GeForce GTX 1060 6 GB
GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4 GB

For comfortable game in FHD resolution at ultra settings you will need a GeForce GTX 1070 8 GB or GeForce RTX 2060 6 GB video card, but if you take a weaker video card, you will get less than 60 frames per second and will have to change the settings to medium and lower. For 2K gaming, 60 FPS will be achieved by GeForce RTX 2070 8 GB or GeForce GTX 1080 8 GB. For the most demanding gamers who prefer 4K, you will need a powerful video card - GeForce RTX 2080 Ti 11 GB.

Processor for Metro Exodus

Metro Exodus uses a maximum of 16 computing threads. You will need a powerful processor of the Intel Core i3-8100 level or higher to run the GeForce GTX 1070 8 GB video card at ultra settings.

RAM for Metro Exodus

As mentioned above, your video card must have at least 6 GB of video memory for any resolution so as not to occupy RAM resources. RAM consumption at extreme settings:

  • 1920x1080: 4.9 GB - 6.4 GB, or 5.9 GB of RAM if video memory is 4 GB;
  • 2560x1440: 5.0 GB - 6.4 GB, or 6.1 GB of RAM if video memory is 4 GB;
  • 3840x2160: 5.0 GB - 6.4 GB, or 6.7 GB of RAM if video memory is 4 GB;

It can be seen that Metro Exodus consumes up to 6.4 GB of RAM, provided that all other applications are closed and there is sufficient video memory. At least 8 GB of RAM will be required. The optimal amount of RAM required for comfortable gaming is 8 GB.


Metro Exodus requires an above average gaming PC. Optimal build to get 60 FPS at maximum settings in FHD resolution it looks like this:

  • GeForce RTX 2060 6 GB video card;
  • Processor Intel Core i5-8600 or Ryzen 5 2600;
  • 8 GB DDR4 RAM;

We hope this guide helps you understand what kind of computer you need for Metro Exodus, or what to look for when purchasing a pre-built computer. We also invite you to familiarize yourself with our gaming computers, which are perfect for Metro Exodus.


    Mid-range gaming computer based on GeForce® GTX 1660 Ti 6 GB graphics card, AMD processor Ryzen 5 2600 and AMD B450M chipset. Play at maximum settings in Full HD resolution.

    • AMD Ryzen 5 2600 3400MHz
    • MSI GeForce® GTX 1660 Ti VENTUS XS 6G OCV1
    • 16 GB DDR4 3000Mhz
    • 240 GB SSD
    • 1000 GB HDD
    • PCCooler GI-X4
    • Zalman I3 Window
    • 600W
    59 900 from 5491 RUR/month
  • Gaming computer based on GeForce® RTX 2060 6 GB graphics card, AMD Ryzen 5 2600 processor and B450 chipset. Play at maximum settings in Full HD resolution.

    • AMD Ryzen 5 2600 3400MHz
    • 16 GB DDR4 3000MHz
    • 240 GB SSD
    • 1000 GB HDD
    • Cooler Master MasterLiquid Lite 120
    • Zalman Z9 Neo White
    • 700W
    69 900 from 6408 RUR/month

    Gaming computer based on GeForce® RTX 2070 8 GB graphics card, AMD Ryzen 5 3600 processor and B450M chipset. Play modern games at ultra settings.
