Find yourself a friend game. Games for children aimed at introducing children to each other Rules for games find friends

In childhood, there is time that children spend without the participation of adults - this is communication with peers. The child's internal and emotional development, relationship with other people, and his own self-esteem depend on how much time is spent for communication. A child under seven years old cannot do without children of his own age, but communication does not always develop successfully without adults. The preschooler should be encouraged to express his feelings, emotions, desires, perceptions, helping to find a way out of a difficult and difficult situation, to feel compassion for another, helping and teaching to distinguish the child good from bad behavior.

"State your name"
What for: the game helps to introduce children, to establish an attitude, to get used to society and the group.
Conditions of the game: The game runs in a circle, the child calls his name and tells something about himself, then each participant repeats this. The game helps to introduce all the children in the group.

What for: the game helps to remember the names of the children, to establish communication in the group.
Conditions of the game: The participant is the first from the leader to pronounce his name. The second repeats the name of the previous one, and also pronounces his own name. Everything is repeated in a circle. The first participant finishes the game, calling the names of the whole group.

"Affectionate gambler"
What for: an educational game, helps to remember the names of children, to improve communication with each player.
Conditions of the game: How pleasant or affectionate your loved ones call you? When using a ball, call one or more of these names when throwing the ball to any player. Remembering the one who left him. When everyone has called their names, the ball goes the other way. And now we throw the ball to the one who threw it first to you, remembering his beautiful name and pronouncing it.

"Say hello"
What for: the game develops the child's horizons, helps to improve communication.
Conditions of the game: The facilitator talks about the methods of greeting, while using jokes and unusual greetings. Then each player greets the other by touching his hand, ear, nose, cheek, while inventing his own unusual greeting, and say hello. All repeat in turn.

"Roly stand up"
For what: the game improves communication, helps to develop attention and observation.
Game conditions:
The presenter says: "Stand up, kids ..."
- who likes to run in puddles;
-who likes to give flowers;
- who likes to eat sweets;
-who loves his brother;
- who likes to jump and jump rope, etc. Any player can be the leader. Then the presenter asks the children who is the most attentive: who among us likes to jump and jump? All the children in turn answer. Then we complicate the questions: Who in our group likes to give flowers and loves sweets, and each player takes turns answering, and if he cannot remember, the next player helps him, and so on in turn.

"Show your name with your body" (for children from 6 years old)
Why: play improves communication among children in a group, bringing the group together, helping children express their emotions.
Game conditions: Everyone sits in a circle. In turn, children make gestures that speak of their name. The game is more interesting if you ask to repeat the name and body movement. The game is exciting.

"Tell me what your name is, your favorite toy" (for children from 5 years old)
Why: the game relieves nervous tension, helping to relax, removing all obstacles in communication.
What you need: two toys as tall as the player.
Conditions of the game: The player introduces himself with the help of a toy, talking about himself, describes himself. The players and the facilitator ask questions: What do you like? Why? What are you playing? What do you like to eat? Your dream? And so in a circle, everyone gets to know each other.

What for: an educational game that draws the child's attention to the appearance, what are the differences in children.
Conditions of the game: 1) The facilitator asks to look at the players' hair: "Your hair is all different colors. Change places so that the blonde is sitting on the right, the next one is darker, then even darker. If the children cannot cope, an adult helps. 2) Everything is the same. , only with eye color, lighter, darker The game continues with the transition to the next player.

"Describe the player"
Why: this game teaches description, observation, increasing the child's vocabulary.
Conditions of the game: Participants are divided into pairs, standing with their backs to each other, and begin to describe their partner, remembering what color his hair is, the color of his clothes, the color of his hairstyle. Then the description is compared and summed up about the accuracy and completeness of the matches, so the children get to know each other better, replenishing the vocabulary.

"What has changed?"
For what: the game teaches observation, develops attention, improves communication in the group.
Game conditions: Each player takes turns leaving the room. At this time, other players in the group change the children's hairstyle or something in their clothes, for example, tying a bow, untie the laces or change seats, any two or three changes. The task of the one who came out to notice these changes in the group and describe them exactly. All changes should be vivid so that the child can notice them. They all play in a circle.

"Describe your mood"
What for: the game helps to describe the mood, recognizing the mood and emotions of friends.
Conditions of the game: Participants are invited to describe their mood: drawing it with a certain color, animals, show it with a movement, so that others can describe its mood in words. And so the game continues in a circle, others try to find out and describe the player's mood.

"Guess the feeling"
Why: the game teaches you to express emotions in a non-webral way.
Conditions of the game: The participant transmits along a chain from one to another a certain feeling by gestures, touches, facial expressions. After completing the circle, discuss what the feeling was. Then the next player begins this chain again, repeating the gestures. Adults can help the child choose a feeling by prompting in the ear.

"Emotions in color"
Why: play improves imagination by expressing your emotions in movements.
Conditions of the game: The participant closes his eyes on a signal, everyone else chooses a color. When the participant opens his eyes, all behavior, show this color, without pronouncing it, the driver must guess the color. Splitting into two teams: some represent the color, others guess it.

What for: the game helps to develop non-verbal communication, teaches to understand each other.
Game conditions: Everyone sits in a circle. The main thing is to say the phrase non-verbally, which the presenter whispered in your ear. Everyone completes the task without words. The rest guess the phrase. The goal is to guess the sentence said by the host.

What for: the game helps to improve the emotional state of children, developing the facial expressions of each participant.
Game conditions: Each participant is given a pictogram or picture with an emotion. The drawing is cut into several parts. The goal of the participants is to collect the picture as quickly as possible. And then you can depict the facial expressions that are drawn on the pictogram.

What for: the game develops intelligence and helps in describing objects.
Conditions of the game: choose one participant who will become a "birthday boy", all the others in turn give him gifts, leading gifts with unusual, their movements and expressing it with their face, facial expressions. It turns out interesting game, all in turn, then the birthday person changes. All participants must visit the birthday boy.

"Hand play"
Why: This game develops, helps in the expression of feelings, and also helps to understand and feel the touch of another.
Conditions of the game: the game is played in pairs, with closed eyes, the players sit opposite each other, at a distance of a meter. The facilitator gives the children about two to three minutes of time, saying:
- Close your eyes, pull out the handles, get to know the kids with each other only with handles. Try to get to know your friend better. Lower the handles.
- Again pulled the handles forward, find the handles of your friend. Now there is a quarrel of hands. Show it. Put your handles down.
- The pens are looking for each other again, but now they reconcile and ask for forgiveness, the children repeat it all. Now pens are friends, they are friends, show it. Children show it all.
Then ask the children: what feelings did they feel during the game, what did they like and what did not? Children will be able to express their thoughts, speak up.

"Send a smile"
What for: playing in a group, develops communication and friendliness, teaches and helps children express their emotions.
Conditions of the game: all participants in the game join hands, then one shakes hands and smiles at the next player. Thus, transferring a smile to the next player. Another repeats, but in his own way, expressing a smile, the game is on round. In the end, everyone is smiling and having fun.

"I am sitting on a pebble"
Why: play teaches to help others, teaches compassion for others, develops sympathy in children.
Game conditions: All participants stand in a circle and sing a song, and one player squats in a circle, covering his head with a handkerchief. And he also sings this song:
- Oh, poor, poor, I'm sitting on a pebble,
- Oh, poor, poor thing, I'm sitting on fuel,
- And who loves me very much?
- And who will replace me?
- Will he replace me, change me?
- Yes, and a little bit too?
After the song, any of the participants comes up and strokes the head of the one who is sitting in the circle, saying pleasant and gentle words to him, comforting and soothing him. Then he himself sits down in a circle and also covers his head with a handkerchief, repeating the words that his previous grieving man said. Everyone continues to sing the song. He is comforted by the next participant, expressing sympathy with his words, his hugs. And so everything is in a circle.

"Emotional outburst"
Why: the game helps to assess the situation and behavior of the players.
Conditions of the game: the presenter reads an interesting story to the children. Players are given small pictures of faces with emotions in advance. When reading a story, the child chooses pictures with suitable emotions, close to the hero of the story. After reading, each of the children explains what emotions the hero had, what prevailed. What does this mean, was he sad or showing joy. You can play individually or in groups. The text of the story is not large, but with a description of emotions that are understandable to children.

"Help in communication"
For what: the game helps to learn to communicate.
Conditions of the game: the players are divided into pairs and communicate in dialogue, choosing interesting and suitable topics: "my favorite color", "favorite animal", "the most beautiful day of the week", etc. At the beginning, the children sit facing each other, then one sits on a chair, and the other stands near a chair (exchange seats), then they sit back to back and continue the conversation. At the end, the players are asked: what did you like the most in communication and why?

"Play of sounds"
For what: helps children to understand, feel, developing perception to catch by ear.
Conditions of the game: the presenter explains what intonation is. Children take turns repeating these feelings. With different intonations (joy, evil, sadness, thoughtfulness, resentment). You can conduct a game in the form of a story by the participants, and discuss the conversation with the heroes of the fairy tale.

"Drawing lesson"
Why: develops the imagination of children.
Game conditions: The players are given the task to draw a kind favorite animal, calling it an affectionate word, embodying an unusual means of understanding. Turn on a quiet, slow melody, use paints or crayons, felt-tip pens. Then ask everyone to choose the kindest animal. The winner is chosen - children from another group. The winner will be given a prize - a medal with a smiley face.

Information from the book by L. V. Chernetskaya "Development of communication skills in preschoolers"

The exercise is performed among children or between parents and children. One half is blindfolded, given the opportunity to walk around the room and offered to find and get to know a friend (or parent). You can find out with your hands, feeling your hair, clothes, hands. Then, when a friend is found, the players switch roles.

The wind blows on ... (for children 5-10 years old)

With the words "The wind blows on ..." the presenter begins the game. In order for the participants in the game to learn more about each other, the questions may be as follows: "The wind blows on the one who has blonde hair" all blonde are gathered in one pile. “The wind blows on the one who ... has a sister,” “who loves animals,” “who cries a lot,” “who has no friends,” etc.

The leader must be changed, giving everyone the opportunity to ask around the participants.

Secret (for children from 6 years old)

The presenter distributes to all the participants a "secret" from a beautiful chest (a button, bead, brooch, old watch, etc.), puts it in his palm and squeezes his fist. Participants walk around the room and, eaten away by curiosity, find ways to persuade everyone to show him their secret.

Mittens (for children from 5 years old)

To play, you need mittens cut out of paper, the number of pairs is equal to the number of pairs of participants in the game. The presenter throws out mittens with the same ornament, but not painted, to the room. Children scatter around the hall. They look for their "pair", retreat to a corner and, with the help of three pencils of different colors, try, as quickly as possible, to color the mittens in exactly the same way.

Note: The facilitator observes how the couples organize the joint work, how the pencils are divided, and how they agree. Congratulations to the winners.

Touch ... (for children from 5 years old)

All players are dressed differently. The host shouts out: "Touch ... the blue!" Everyone should instantly orient themselves, find something blue in their clothes and touch this color. The colors change periodically, who did not have time - the presenter.

Note: An adult makes sure that each participant is touched.

Shadow (for children from 5 years old)

One player walks around the room and makes different movements, unexpected turns, squats, bends over to the sides, nods his head, waves his arms, etc. All the others line up behind him at a short distance. They are his shadow and must quickly and clearly repeat his movements. Then the host changes.

Broken phone

Age: from 5 years old

Children chain a word in each other's ears. The latter should say this word out loud. Then the guys figure out what word they should have conveyed, where the "phone" went bad.

Princess Nesmeyana

Age: from 5 years old

Players are divided into two teams.

The members of the first team of “Princess Nesmeyana” sit on chairs and look serious or dull.

Members of the other team - "mixers" in turn or together must make "Nesmeyan" laugh.

Each smiling “Nesmeyana” leaves the game or joins the team of “laughters”.

If within a certain period of time it is possible to make all the “Nesmeyan” laugh, the team of “Mixers” is declared the winner, if not - the “Nesmeyan” team.

After the announcement of the winners, teams may switch roles.

Exercise Cheerful Counting

Purpose: to relieve the internal tension of the participants, to rally the group by joint and simultaneous exercise.

Age: from 5 years old

Course of the exercise: The facilitator calls a number that does not exceed the number of people in the group. The named number of participants rises. During the exercise, it is necessary to achieve synchronicity, the participants should not confer.

Psychological meaning of the exercise: the exercise allows participants to feel the other, to understand his thoughts in order to more efficiently complete the task.

Discussion: Why couldn't the task be completed at first? What helped in completing the assignment?

Exercise Who is Faster?

Purpose: team building.

Age: from 5 years old

Course of the drill: The group must quickly, without words, build, using all the players of the team, the following figures:

square; triangle; rhombus; letter; birdhouse.

The psychological meaning of the exercise: coordination of joint actions, distribution of roles in the group.

Pyramid of love

Purpose: to foster a respectful, caring attitude towards the world and people; develop communication skills.

Age: 5-7 years old.

Stroke: children sit in a circle. The teacher says: “Each of us loves something or someone; we all have this feeling, and we all express it in different ways. I love my family, my children, my home, my city, my job. Tell us who and what you love. (Children's stories.) Now let's build a "pyramid of love" out of our hands. I will name something favorite and put my hand, then each of you will name your favorite and put your hand. (Children build a pyramid.) Do you feel the warmth of your hands? Is this state pleasant to you? Look at how high we got the pyramid. High, because we are loved and love ourselves ”.


Age: 5-7 years old.

Purpose: to continue to cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, the ability to show attention and care.

Stroke: Children are asked to imagine that they are magicians and can fulfill their wishes and the wishes of others. For example, we will add courage to Volodya, agility to Alyosha, etc.

Play with whirligig

Purpose: Development of the ability to cooperate.

The players sit on the floor in a circle. One child goes to the middle of the circle, spins the whirligig, calls the name of another child, and returns to the circle. The one whom he named should have time to touch the whirligig while it is spinning. Spins it up again and names the next player. Those who did not manage to reach Yulia and pick her up are eliminated from the game.


  • Contribute to creating a calm, trusting environment in the group.
  • Ensure the development of social confidence in preschoolers. Improve children's self-esteem, their self-confidence.
  • Develop the ability to feel and understand another.
  • Develop curiosity, observation.

Exercise "What is my name"

Children call their name: short, full, affectionate, most beloved (as a basis, you can take the conversation "How can you call a person by name")

Game "Bunch of grapes"

To calm music, children sit on a carpet around a rope laid out in a circle, hold hands, and close their eyes. At this time, a bunch of grapes is placed on a plate in the middle. When the bell rings, children open their eyes and lower their hands.
The teacher asks one child to pick up a bunch of grapes, examine it and pass it on to his neighbor. After the bunch has passed the whole circle, the teacher asks to pass it through the second circle, tearing off the "berries", while the children introduce themselves, ie have to name themselves.
Attention is drawn to the fact that both the bunch consists of berries and the group consists of different children. The berries hang on a branch all together, holding on to it tightly. So the guys should always be both together and strong friends.

Plastic sketch "Sun"

From the affectionate names it became warm as from the sun. All of us will now become suns and warm each other.

Game "Touch ..."

Today we got to know each other better, learned everyone's favorite names, warmed each other with the warmth of the sun, and now take a good look at each other, who is wearing what and what color of clothes.

Etude "Say good things about a friend"

A child is chosen at will, he is put in a circle, and each one says what he likes about this child. The teacher draws the attention of children to the fact that they do not repeat, gives a sample. In their statements, children note the external and internal dignity of the child, give examples of any life situations.
Choose more than two children in one lesson. Return to this study periodically in other activities.

Find a friend game

Children are divided into two groups, one of which is blindfolded and given the opportunity to walk around the room. They are offered to walk and get to know each other. You can learn with your hands, feeling your hair, clothes, hands. Then, when a friend is found, the players switch roles.

Game "Ball in hand"

Game "The wind blows on ..."

Etude "Let's write a story"

Dragon game

"Magic ball"

Children sit on chairs or on a carpet in a circle. The teacher passes the ball of thread to the child, he winds the thread on his finger and at the same time says an affectionate word, or a good wish, or affectionately calls the child sitting next to him by name, or pronounces a "magic polite word", etc. Then the ball is passed to the next child.

"Kind animal"

Children stand in a circle and join hands. The teacher in a low voice says “We are one big kind animal. Let's hear how it breathes! " Everyone listens to their breathing, the breathing of their neighbors. "Now let's listen together!"
Inhale - everyone takes a step forward, exhalation - a step back. So not only does the animal breathe, its big kind heart also beats evenly. Knock - step forward, knock - step back, etc.

"Friendship begins with a smile"

Children sitting in a circle hold hands, look their neighbors in the eyes and silently smile at each other


Sitting in a circle, everyone joins hands. Looking into the eyes of a neighbor, I must say a few kind words to him, for something to praise. The recipient of the compliment nods his head and says, “Thank you! I am very pleased. ”Then he compliments his neighbor. The teacher encourages, prompts, tunes children.


Stretch your arms forward and connect them in the center of the circle. Stand quietly, trying to feel like warm sunbeams.


We are all friendly guys
We are preschool children
We do not offend anyone
We know how to take care
We won't leave anyone in trouble
We will not take away, but we will ask
May everyone be good
It will be joyful, light!

"Name yourself"

Purpose: To teach to present oneself to a collective of peers.

Move. The child is asked to introduce himself, giving his name as he likes, as they call at home, as he would like to be called in the group.

"Call affectionately"

Purpose: To cultivate a benevolent attitude of children to each other. Move. The child is offered to throw a ball or pass a toy to any peer (optional), affectionately calling him by name.

"Magic chair"

Purpose: To educate the ability to be affectionate, to activate gentle affectionate words in the speech of children.

Move. One child sits down in the center, on a "magic" chair, the rest say affectionate words and compliments about him. You can stroke the seated person, hug, kiss.

"Transfer of feelings"

Purpose: To learn to convey various emotional states in a non-verbal way.

Move. The child is given the task to convey a certain feeling "along the chain" with the help of facial expressions, gestures, and touches. The children then discuss how they felt.


Purpose: To teach the ability to transform into objects, animals, depicting them with the help of plastic, facial expressions, gestures.

Move. Children (in turn) think of a certain "image", depicting it without naming it. The rest guess, giving a verbal portrait.

"My favourite toy"

Purpose: To develop the ability to listen to each other; describe your favorite toy, noting its mood, behavior, lifestyle.

Move. Children choose which toy they will describe without naming it and talk about it. Others tell.

"Gift to a friend"

Purpose: To develop the ability to non-verbally "describe" objects. Move. One child becomes a "birthday boy"; the rest "give" to him, conveying their attitude to the "birthday man" with movements and facial expressions.


Purpose: To teach to negotiate and interact in a peer group.

Move. One child is a sculptor, three or five are clay. The sculptor "sculpts" the composition from "clay", arranging the figures according to the conceived project. The rest help, then together they give the name "composition".

"Magic flower"

Purpose: To teach to express your individuality, to introduce yourself to other children in the group.

Move. Children are encouraged to imagine themselves as small sprouts of flowers. At will, they choose who will be what flower. Further, to the music, they show how the flower blooms. Then each child tells about himself: where and with whom he grows up, how he feels, what he dreams about.

"Colorful bouquet"

Purpose: Learn to interact with each other, getting joy and pleasure from it.

Move. Each child declares himself a flower and finds himself another flower for the bouquet, explaining his choice. Then all the "bouquets" are combined into one "bouquet" and arrange a round dance of flowers.


Purpose: To develop the ability to manage your emotional state, relax, talk about your feelings and experiences.

Move. Children in comfortable positions sit around the candle, gaze intently at the flame for 5-8 seconds, then close their eyes for 2-3 seconds (the candle goes out). Opening their eyes, they tell what images they saw in the flame of a candle, what they felt at the same time.

"Sunny Bunny"

Purpose: To continue to foster a friendly attitude of children towards each other, to develop an atmosphere of warmth, love and affection.

Move. Children are offered to catch a "sunbeam" with the help of a mirror. Then the teacher says that he also caught the "bunny", offers to pass it in a circle, so that everyone can caress him, warm him with warmth. When the "bunny" returns to the teacher, he draws attention to the fact that during this time the "bunny", treated kindly by the children, has grown and no longer fits in the palms of his hands. "Bunny" is released, but everyone catches particles of his warmth, tender rays with his heart.

"Pyramid of Love"

Purpose: to foster a respectful, caring attitude towards the world and people; develop communication skills.

Move. Children sit in a circle. The teacher says: "Each of you loves something or someone; we all have this feeling, and we all express it in different ways. I love my family, my home, my city, my job. Tell us who and what you love. (Children's stories). And now let's build a "pyramid of love" from our hands with you. I will name something favorite and put my hand, then each of you will name your beloved and put your hand. (Children build a pyramid). Do you feel the warmth of your hands? Do you enjoy this state? Look how high our pyramid is. High, because we are loved and love ourselves. "


Purpose: To continue to foster a friendly attitude towards each other, the ability to show attention and care.

Move. Children are asked to imagine that they are wizards and can fulfill their desires and the desires of others. For example, we will add courage to Volodya, agility to Alyosha, etc.


Purpose: To contribute to the formation of responsibility for their actions, reverent attitude towards each other. Help children feel a sense of love and trust.

One of the players represents a stone. He assumes a comfortable position for himself and "freezes". Children put their hands on the stone, while they say with the presenter: "I give you, stone, the warmth of my hands, the heat of my heart, my love." The stone comes to life (each player must be in the role of a stone).

How did the stone feel?

What happened to your hands?

What did you like more: to give or receive human warmth?

Children pair up

One of the children stands behind the other's back and "writes" letters on his back with his finger (or draws something). The task is to determine which letter is written (what is drawn). Two minutes later, on command, the children change roles.

Children sit in a circle

"Now we will throw a ball to each other, naming some state or feeling, and when we catch the ball thrown to us we will call the opposite state or feeling.

Try to be careful not to throw the ball to anyone again until everyone has had the ball. "

Children are divided into pairs

"Sit with your backs to each other. After I say" started ", focus on each other and three times, without agreeing, try to look at each other at the same time."

Children pair up

"One of the members of the couple will be a" mirror ", and the second - a" monkey. " “monkeys.” After 3-4 minutes the children are asked to switch roles.

The exercise is aimed at developing the ability to feel into another person, to anticipate his actions.

Children stand in a circle

“Let's imagine that this (the teacher shows the ball) is an orange. Now we are going to throw it to each other, while saying which orange you are throwing.

Be careful: try not to name the qualities already mentioned, the properties of an orange and make sure that all children take part in the work. "

The exercise is aimed at developing fluency of thinking, the speed of retrieving information from memory, as well as the ability to consciously move into new content areas.


Children move freely along the shore, find beautiful seashells and, holding them to their ears, listen to the sound of the sea, and also offer to listen to the "voice" of the found seashell to their comrades and the teacher.

"Warm rain"

The rain moistened the earth, refreshed the grass and leaves; let's play with raindrops. At the beginning, we hid our hands behind our backs, then we bring forward a straight right (left) hand (palms up); hide the left (right) hand behind the back. Repeat 6-8 times.

"Pouring out of a jug"

Everyone, sitting on their heels, slowly tilts their heads to the floor and "pours" out of their heads what should not be there now: pain, resentment, anger. Children imagine their head as a painted jug with handles, from which dirty water can be poured to fill with clean water.

"Crystal water"

Sit down, pick up handfuls of "water", raise your hands with "water" up and pour out the "water" on yourself, often jumping up and down and uttering a loud and joyful long sound "and-and-and".

Run 3 times.

Plastic sketch "Sun"

From the affectionate names it became warm as from the sun. All of us will now become suns and warm each other.

Game "Touch ..."

Today we got to know each other better, learned everyone's favorite names, warmed each other with the warmth of the sun, and now take a good look at each other, who is wearing what and what color of clothes.

The teacher suggests: "Touch ... blue!" Everyone should instantly orient themselves, find something blue in the participants' clothes and touch this object.

The colors change periodically, who did not have time - the presenter. The feeder makes sure that each participant is touched.

Game "Ball in hand"

The teacher in turn throws the ball to each child in the circle, and the one who caught must answer the question: "What do you love the most?" or "What do you dislike most?" or "What do you like to do?" or "What are you most afraid of?"

Game "The wind blows on ..."

With the words "The wind blows on ..." the teacher begins the game. In order for all participants in the game to learn more about each other, the questions may be as follows: "The wind blows on the one who has blonde hair" - all blonde ones gather in one pile. "The wind blows on the one who has a sister ... a brother ... who loves sweets the most ... and so on." Variants can be taken from the previous lesson (the game "Ball in hand").

The leader must be changed, giving everyone the opportunity to ask around the participants.

Etude "Let's write a story"

The educator begins the story. “Once upon a time there were children senior group one kindergarten... ", the next participant continues, and so on in a circle. When the presenter's turn again comes, he corrects the plot of the story, makes it more meaningful, and the exercise continues.

Dragon game

The players stand in a line, holding the shoulders. The first member is the "head", the last one is the "tail" of the dragon. The "head" should reach up to the "tail" and touch it. The "body" of the dragon is inseparable. As soon as the "head" grabs the "tail", it becomes a "tail". It is desirable that more participants have been in two roles.

The game “Roar, lion, roar; getcha, train, getcha "

The teacher says: “We are all lions, a big lion family. Let's have a competition to see who growls louder. As soon as I say: "Roar, lion, roar!" - let the loudest growl be heard.

Then everyone line up one after another, putting their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. This is a steam locomotive. He puffs, whistles, the wheels work precisely to the beat, everyone listens and adjusts to their neighbors. The locomotive goes in different directions, tempo, making loud noises and whistles. The driver changes at the stations. At the end of the game, a "crash" can occur, and everyone falls to the floor.

Studies for the expression of suffering and sadness: - "Oh-oh, my stomach hurts!"

Two teddy bears Tim and Tom ate delicious but unwashed apples. Their stomachs ached. The cubs complain:

Oh, oh, my stomach hurts!

Oh, oh, I'm sick!

Oh, oh, we don't want apples!

We are sick. Tom and Tim.

Expressive movements: the eyebrows are raised, the stomach is pulled in, the hands are pressed to the stomach.

The teacher invites the "cubs" to feel sorry for each other.

Etude "I'm so tired"

The little gnome carries a large spruce cone on his back. So he stopped, put the bump at his feet and said: "I am so tired, I am very tired ...".

Expressive movements: standing, arms hanging along the body, pubescent shoulders.

The teacher invites one group of children to portray gnomes, and the other to help convey the big shot, to feel sorry. Then the children change places.

Sketch "Save the Chick"

The teacher says that many animals need our help, offers to save the little chick:

Imagine that you have a small helpless bird in your hands. Extend your arms, palms up. Now warm it up, slowly fold your palms one finger at a time, hide the chick in them, breathe on it, warming it with your even, calm breath, put your palms to your chest, give the chick the warmth of your heart and breath. Now open your palms and you will see that the bird has happily taken off, smile at him and do not be sad, he will still fly to us.

Study "Eye to eye"

The teacher says that you need to be very attentive to the people around you. Invites you to practice understanding facial expressions, each other's eyes. Children split into pairs, join hands.

The teacher offers:

Looking only in the eyes and feeling each other's hands, try to silently convey different emotions: "I'm sad, help me!"

Children perform the sketch in pairs. Then the children discuss at what time what emotion was transmitted and perceived.

Game "What's the mood like?"

The children take turns talking about what time of year, natural phenomenon, the weather is similar to their today's mood. Better to start with the memory "My mood is like a white fluffy cloud in the calm blue sky, and yours?" At the end, the teacher summarizes - what is the mood of the whole group today: sad, funny, funny, angry, etc.

It should be borne in mind that bad weather, cold, rain, gloomy sky, aggressive elements indicate emotional ill-being.

Game "Sunny Bunny"

The teacher says that spider children love the sun like children: - Imagine that a sunbeam looked into your eyes. Close them. The bunny ran further across the face, gently stroke it with your palms: on the forehead, on the nose, on the mouth, on the cheeks, on the chin, stroke gently so as not to frighten off the head, tummy, arms, legs, he climbed into the collar - stroke it there too ... The sunny bunny is not a mischievous person, he loves and caresses you, and you pet him and make friends with him. So the spiders have a friend.

Outdoor game "Cobweb"

The teacher says that children, like spiders, will now weave a confused web. Children stand in a circle, hold hands and, crawling under their hands one by one without unclenching their hands, entangle the cobweb, and then unravel it

The teacher says that often we are overly worried, we cannot concentrate on something, we worry, we are anxious.

We must learn to help ourselves.

Exercise "Pull yourself together"

As soon as you feel that you are worried, you want to hit someone, throw something, there is a very simple way to prove your strength to yourself: clasp your elbows with your palms and press your hands tightly to your chest - this is the pose of a self-possessed person.

Exercise "Grow into the ground"

Try to press hard, hard with your heels on the floor, fold your hands into fists, and grip your teeth tightly. You are a mighty, sturdy tree with strong roots, and you are not afraid of any winds. This is the pose of a confident person.

Exercise "Relieve Fatigue"

Stand up, spread your legs wide apart, bend them slightly at the knees, bend your body and lower your arms freely, spread your fingers, bow your head to your chest, open your mouth. Sway slightly to the sides, forward, backward. Now sharply shake your head, arms, legs, body. You have shaken off all fatigue, a little bit remains, repeat again.

Exercise "Steadfast Soldier"

When you are very excited and cannot calm down, pull yourself together, stand on one leg, and bend the other at the knee, lower your hands at the seams. You are staunch tin soldiers, honestly performing your service. Look around, notice what is happening around you, who is doing what, who needs help. Now change your leg and look even closer. Well done! You are real defenders!

Exercise "Cake"

The teacher says that the children tried very hard, and for this he wants to treat them to a cake.

He invites one child to lie on the rug:

Now we are going to make a cake out of you.

Each of the children is one of the constituent parts: flour, sugar, milk, butter, eggs, etc.

The teacher is a cook.

First you need to knead the dough. You need flour - "flour" with his hands "pours" the body of the lying person, lightly massaging and pinching it.

Now you need milk - "milk" is "poured" with your hands over the body, stroking it.

Sugar is required. He "sprinkles" the body, and a little salt - a little, gently touches the head, arms, legs. The cook "kneads" the dough, kneading it thoroughly.

And now the dough is put into the oven and rises there - it lies evenly and calmly and breathes, all the children depicting the components also breathe like dough. Finally the dough was baked. To make the cake beautiful, you need to decorate it with beautiful flowers. All participants touching the “cake” give him their flower, describing it. The cake is extraordinarily good! Now the chef will treat each participant with a tasty morsel. (The exercise should be fun.)

Exercise "Energy Charge"

The teacher invites the children to sit freely, stretch out their arms and prepare two fingers: thumb and forefinger.

Take them by the very tips of the ears - one on top, the other on the bottom of the ear. Massage your ears, saying: "Ears, ears hear everything!" - 10 times in one direction and 10 in the other. Press lightly. Now put your hands down. Shake off your palms. Prepare your index finger, extend your hand and place it between your eyebrows above your nose. Massage this point 10 times with the words: "Wake up your third eye!" Do not press hard. Shake off the la-dos. Gather your fingers in a handful, find a hole at the bottom of your neck, put your hand there and say: "I breathe, I breathe, I breathe!" - massage the fossa 10 times in one direction and 10 times in the other direction. Do not press very hard. Well done! You see, you hear, you feel!

Exercise "Breathe and think beautifully"

When you're worried, try to breathe nicely and calmly. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and mentally (to yourself) say:

“I am a lion,” breathe out; breathe in, say: "I am a bird," breathe out; breathe in, say: "I am a stone," breathe out; breathe in, say: "I am a flower" - breathe out; breathe in, say, "I am calm," breathe out.

And you will really calm down.

Exercise "Glasses"

The teacher explains how to make light massaging movements with two index fingers from the bridge of the nose under the eyes, behind the ears, down the neck to the hollow at the bottom of the neck (6-10 times).

Exercise "Mustache"

The teacher explains and shows how to do massaging light movements with two index fingers from the supralabial cavity along the lips, down the neck to the cavity at the bottom of the neck (6-10 times).

Exercise "Lips".

With the index and middle fingers of the hand, massage lightly over the lips and under the lips (6-10 times).

Exercise "Beard"

With a pinch of the fingers, the chin is massaged lightly (6-10 times).

Children are encouraged to relax and learn to control their bodies.

The dancers stand in a circle. Rhythmic music sounds. The teacher shows the order of the movements. First, you need to make movements only with the head and neck in different sides, forward and backward in a different rhythm (careful!). Then only the shoulders move, then together, then alternately, then forward, then back, then up and down. Further - the movements of the hands in the elbows, then in the hands. The next movements are hips, then knees.

And now you need to gradually add each worked-out movement in order: head + shoulders + elbows + hands + hips + knees + feet.

At the end of the exercise, one should try to move all these parts of the body at the same time.

Collective work "Miracle drawing"

The teacher invites the children to compose an animal, portrait, person, city, etc. at will. from different flowers, from vegetables, from bunnies, squirrels, birds, etc. Each child lays out or draws a fragment of the overall picture.

Collective dance movement

The teacher offers to turn into birds, butterflies, dragonflies. Calm music sounds. The dancers "fly", whirl, jump high up. It is easy, fun, joyful for everyone.


Children are divided into pairs. One sits down in the "fetus" position: draws his knees and tilts his head towards them, feet are firmly pressed to the floor, hands clasp his knees, eyes are closed. The second one gets up from behind, puts his hands on the shoulders of the seated person and begins to gently swing him like a swing. The rhythm is slow, the movements are smooth (2-3 minutes).

“Shores” help with their hands, with gentle touches, the movement of the chip, which chooses its own path: it can swim straight, it can spin, it can stop and turn back ... When the chip floats all the way, it becomes the edge of the coast and stands next to others. At this time, the next sliver begins its journey ...

The exercise can be done with eyes open or closed (optional).

The participants in the game then share their impressions, feelings ...

"Common circle"

Let's sit on the floor now, but so that each of you can see all the other guys and me. Now let each of you greet everyone in a circle with your eyes. I will start the first, when I say hello, the neighbor will start to say hello (the teacher looks into the eyes of each child in a circle and slightly nods his head. Having greeted all the children in this way, he touches the shoulder of his neighbor, inviting him to say hello to the guys).

"I want to make friends with you"

The driver is selected. He says the words: "I want to make friends with ...". Then he describes the appearance of one of the children. The one who was asked must recognize himself, quickly run up to the driver and shake his hand, then he becomes the driver.


The teacher plays the role of a "coil". Children join hands. The one who stands first gives him a hand. It turns out a "thread" attached to the spool. The last child leads the "string" in a circle until it is all "wound" on the "reel". Teacher: “Now feel what a strong, friendly tangle we have got. Let's live in it for a while, breathe together "

Used Books:

  1. E.A. Alyabyeva "Correctional and developmental classes for older children preschool age»
  2. N.V. Klyueva, Yu.V. Kasatkina "We teach children to communicate"
  3. EO Sevostyanova "I want to know everything!"
  4. Magazine "Preschool education" No. 6, 1998
  5. Handbook of the senior educator of a preschool institution 5/2009.

Irina Dyulicheva
Didactic game "Find friends"


Develop logical thinking, be able to build a logical chain of reasoning;

Strengthen the ability to group objects according to certain criteria;

Develop coherent speech;

Activate the children's dictionary;

Learn to find several answers to one question.

The course of the game.

The child is given a card and asked to find friends, in this example, for a cucumber. Having considered the proposed pictures on the card, the child must choose his own version and justify it. In this game, he is insured against the wrong choice. Since any option will be correct. You only need to correctly justify your choice:

Cucumber + tomato = "vegetables";

Cucumber + oval = "The same form";

Cucumber + frog = "Same color";

Cucumber + figs = "A lot of seeds inside".

The principle of building a game can be used for any lexical topic, choosing the necessary material.

This game can also be offered for home use. This is once again a repetition of the past, as well as the opportunity for children to communicate with their parents, which is so lacking in our time. And not all parents cope with the task, which is shown by the conduct of the game on parent meeting... They usually stop after the first found and a reasoned answer.

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This game is a complex of games aimed at expanding and consolidating children's ideas about animals, birds,.

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Dear colleagues, I continue to acquaint you with didactic games made by parents for the contest "Multi-colored sensorics". Didactic.

Purpose of the game: to form a meaningful perception of form geometric shapes, to form an idea of ​​basic colors and geometric ones.

Purpose: To teach children to find the given silhouettes by overlaying. Tasks: -Develop cognitive activity. -Develop visual in children.

And defeat is perceived by him as a real tragedy. Therefore, it is not surprising that games like this often lead to. In addition, frequent failures in play form a child's low self-esteem... But there are games that can teach you how to work in a team and strive for success together.

Connecting games will show the child that there is something in life that he cannot do alone, but together with his friends he will be able to do it. This does not mean that, but when he is alone, his powers are limited. By playing connecting games, children learn to build friendships, reckon with each other's opinions, and use the advantages of each to achieve success in a common cause.

At first, for connecting games, children will need an adult presenter who will explain not only the rules, but also the importance of a particular game. Over time, you will notice that the quarrels have stopped, the children have become more tolerant of each other and began to play together more often.


Target: reduction of negative emotions between participants.

This game helps children to straddle, to feel what other participants feel; feels like after a storm that has passed and no one has been hurt.

So, everyone gathered, you can start. Rub your palms, making a sound similar to the beginning of rain. Participants following you should repeat this movement.

Then you snap your fingers to show that the rain is getting stronger. Participants repeat after you.

The rain is pouring harder and harder - you pat your knees with your palms. It is joined by thunder, which is created by stomping the feet.

And finally, the peak of the storm comes - all together stamp their feet strongly.

After that, the storm begins to subside, and you need to do each action in the reverse order: stamping feet, patting your knees with your palms, clicking your fingers and, finally, rubbing your hands.

Notify that the storm has passed and you can continue playing.


Target: unification, increased energy levels.

Stand all in a circle. Have everyone raise their right hand and extend their index finger up. Then, closing your eyes, lower your hands, try to connect with your index fingers in the center of the circle. Open your eyes and check where your fingers are. The game continues until all fingers manage to connect at one point.


Target: acquaintance of participants with each other, relaxation, unification, overcoming alienation between participants

Have the children pair up. Each participant tells about himself, answering leading questions of his partner. Both must find something in common with each other, after which they share with all that common that they found in their pair. For example: "We met and found that both (both) love to watch cartoons."


Target: uniting, co-tuning with each other, increasing energy levels

Each participant thinks of a color of the rainbow. At your command, everyone shouts out the name of the intended color. You give the command over and over, until all the children come to one color. The task of the participants is to listen to what others are shouting out and strive to come to a common answer.



Target: unification, concentration of attention; suitable for starting or ending games.

Sit in a tight circle on the floor or on chairs, hold each other's hands. Start the game by shaking hands with your right-hand neighbor. When he feels a squeeze, he must pass it on to his vessel on the right. So the handshake goes from left to right in a circle until it comes back to you. Play the game slowly and calmly for the first time, accelerating your pace with each round. You can invite the participants to play with their eyes closed. Finally, the participants tightly squeeze the hands of both of their neighbors, and then open my eyes.

To encourage children to concentrate even more, you can complicate the game with "repeated impulses" over time: after sending a handshake, send a second one after it; shake hands in both directions at the same time.
