The game is not fun parent meeting middle group. Parent meeting “Game is not fun. Summary of the parent meeting "Family Traditions"

(V mixed age group №2)

increase the level of pedagogical culture of parents


1. Performance “Games of our children” (group teacher: Litvinenko O.Yu.) (Report attached).

A) Discussion “Is it necessary to supervise children’s games?”;

B) Working with reminders;

C) Stories from parents from the experience of family education;

D) The game is a task.

2. Elections of the parent committee for 2014-2015.

3. Summing up the meeting. Opinion exchange.

Educator: “Hello, dear parents. The theme of our parent-teacher conference is “Game is not fun.”

Presentation of the report “The relevance of play activities for older children.”

In order for our children to have a happy childhood, play should occupy the main place in their lives. In childhood, a child has a need to play. And it must be satisfied not because business is time, fun is an hour, but because while playing, the child learns and experiences life.

“Play permeates a child’s entire life. This is the norm even when the baby is doing something serious. He has a passion and it must be satisfied. Moreover, his entire life should be imbued with this game. His whole life is a game."

A. S. Makarenko.

Let's talk about the game today.

Considering the fact that all life preschool age takes place in the game, which begs the question about the essence of the game. There are many theories on this subject, the most significant of which are the theories of Piaget, Freud, and Montessori.

Piaget considers the essence of play to be that a child plays not because he wants to play, but because of his way of thinking. According to Piaget, play is a child’s way of thinking, a form of his existence.

Freud has a different approach to play. For him, a game is a symbolic activity with a specific object, and a dream is symbolism in its purest form. He assumed that the game expresses the child’s connection with life, adults and everything around him in the same way, in the form of symbols, as the dreams of an adult. Freud is sure that play has two tendencies: one is the desire to be an adult, the second is a tendency to repeat, and repeat until the tension associated with playing on the this topic. That is, according to Freud, play acts as a psychotherapeutic tool that relieves traumatic stress. This is true for mentally traumatized children as a means of diagnosis and treatment. However, not only offended, traumatized children love to play. And for the nursery gaming activity It is not necessary to offend and traumatize children, since play is a healthy children’s activity.

The most successful preschool program developed by Maria Montessori, built on children's natural inclinations combined with management, specific materials and personal experiences.

Senior preschoolers play different games: role-playing, active, didactic, games with rules.

Role-playing is an activity in which children take on the roles of adults and, in a generalized form, reproduce the activities of adults and the relationships between them.

Games with rules. The peculiarity of these games is that they seem to accumulate all other types of games and become dominant. game form in older preschool age. In these games, the child plays out the role of an adult, with the conditions of the game gradually becoming more difficult. However, it should be noted that along with games with rules, children continue to play functional, symbolic, and role-playing games.

Games with rules arise from role playing games with an imaginary situation. Their content is a rule and a task. The motive of these games is contained in the game process itself, but is already mediated by a specific task.

Outdoor games can be divided into five groups:

1. Intellectual procedural games and elementary exercise games with objects.

2. Dramatized games based on this plot.

3. Story games with simple rules.

4. Games with rules without a plot.

Sports games and games-exercises focused on certain achievements.

These games with rules include not only outdoor games, but also didactic games. The purpose of these games is to develop the child’s cognitive activity through the child’s solving didactic tasks.

Depending on the material used, there are games with objects (toys, natural materials, etc.), board - printed and verbal games.

Children of senior preschool age are characterized by games - dramatization, fantasy games, and daydream games. The motive of these games is focused not on the process of the game, but on its result.

If we look back into the past, we can note that games were approached as a child’s free activity, the initiator of which he himself was. The role of the teacher was to create conditions for the game and provide it with game material. In recent decades, play has come to be seen as a form of organizing children's lives.

This is due to the understanding of play as the leading activity of children of this age due to their psycho-physiological characteristics.

The role of the teacher has also changed. From a passive-observational function, she moved on to tactical management of the development of games and the formation in their process of moral qualities and intellectual skills of children. It should be noted that intervention in children's play presupposes that the teacher has necessary knowledge and skills, as well as authority, respect and trust in children. Otherwise, a negative effect will occur.

Play activity children is based on the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by children in the past. The teacher should try to see the world through the eyes of a child, understand what he knows, and in accordance with this, encourage the child to overcome his ignorance or inability through play. “Adults are expected to behave in ways that help children feel knowledgeable and confident in their ability to overcome challenges.”

In order for the process of awareness and cognition not to stand still, the teacher is required to:

- the ability to observe the game, analyze it, assess the level of development of gaming activity, and, in accordance with this level, plan techniques aimed at its development;

- For further development game plot enrich children's experiences;

- in order to diversify the plot of children's games, it is necessary to draw children's attention to various impressive aspects of children's lives;

— the teacher is required to be able to organize the beginning of the game, to interest children in the plot of any game;

- the teacher must be able to create favorable conditions for the transition of the game to more high level;

- establish playful relationships with children;

- be able to teach the game in direct ways (showing, explaining, telling);

Use indirect methods of guiding the game (questions, advice, reminders) that activate his experience, mental processes, problematic situations;

- be able to get involved in the game yourself in the main or secondary roles;

- offer new roles, game situations, game actions for the further development of the game;

important point The teacher should also take responsibility for settling relationships and resolving conflicts that arise during the game.

The teacher is required to be able to involve children with a low sociometric status in the game, offering them bright game roles, and to include shy, insecure, inactive children in the game activities.

To consolidate positive aspects, for a deeper understanding and assimilation of any qualities and actions acquired during the game, an adult must teach children to discuss the game and evaluate it

3. Game-tasks: “Different opinions”, “Games at home”.

Now we propose to play the game “Dispersion of Opinions”.

The teacher hands out cards with the first words of the sentence, and the parents must continue it:

“My child loves to play...

“At home, my children and I play games...

“These games can teach a child...

2nd game.

Educator: “We suggest remembering your family evenings and giving them self-esteem. If you do as told, then you place a red chip, not always yellow, never blue.

    Every evening I spend time playing with the children.

    I'm talking about my games as a child.

    If a toy breaks, I repair it together with the child.

    Having bought a toy for a child, I explain how to play with it and show different variants games.

    I listen to a child’s stories about games and toys in kindergarten.

    I do not punish a child with games or toys, that is, I do not deprive him of games or toys for the time being.

    I often give my child a game or toy.


If there are more red chips on your table, then the game is always present in your house. You play as equals with your child. Your child is active, inquisitive, loves to play with you, because play is the most interesting thing in a child’s life.”

4. Discussion: “Is it necessary to supervise children’s games?”

Educator: “Do you think it is necessary to supervise children’s games? How many of you play games with your children that you remember from childhood? "

(Parents' statements)

The game is a serious matter. What a child is like at play, so in many ways he will be at work when he grows up. Therefore, the education of a future leader occurs primarily in play. Teaching children to play means teaching them to live.

Play is a way for a child to learn about himself and his capabilities; it is work that requires real effort, and not imaginary “make-believe.” The game reinforces useful skills and habits in children. Children learn to understand each other, have compassion and rejoice.

Game-school of morality in action. You can explain to a child for as long as you like “what is good and what is bad,” but only a fairy tale and a game can, through emotional experience, through putting oneself in the place of another, teach him to act and act in accordance with moral requirements. Games, when skillfully organized by adults, teach many virtues: tolerance of others, kindness, responsiveness, mutual assistance, honesty.

We must remember that play is the leading activity in childhood, an activity that determines the development of the child’s intellectual, physical and moral strength.

When playing with your daughter or son, remember that you cannot suppress the child’s initiative. Play with him as equals. When playing, watch your speech: the even, calm tone of an equal playing partner instills confidence that he is understood, his thoughts are shared, and they want to play with him. Therefore, you need to make it a rule: to join your child in the game several times a day, this encourages him to take new actions.

5. Conducting a master class on creative making of funny toys.

Educator: “And now I invite everyone to make a toy for their child.”

Educator: Thank you, dear parents, for your active participation in the parent meeting. We will take into account all your suggestions and wishes.

Parent meeting

"Game is not fun"

Target: increase the level of pedagogical culture of parents.

Preliminary work:

Competition “Skillful Hands” (making games and toys jointly between parents and children);

In the group, arrange an exhibition of didactic games;

Exhibition of books on the topic “Game activity”.


In order for our children to have a happy childhood, play should occupy the main place in their lives. In childhood, the child has a need for it. And it must be satisfied not because work takes time, and fun takes an hour, but because, while playing, the child learns and experiences life. Let's talk about the game today.

Discussion “Is it necessary to supervise children’s games?”:

Question to parents: “Do you think it is necessary to supervise a child’s play?”;

Generalization by the teacher.

If you don’t play and don’t guide your child’s play at an early age, he won’t develop the ability to play both independently and with other children.

IN younger age the game becomes a means of development and education if it is built on meaningful communication with adults. When playing with your daughter or son, remember that you cannot suppress the baby’s initiative. Play with him as equals. When playing, watch your speech: the even, calm tone of an equal playing partner instills in the child confidence that he is understood, his thoughts are shared, and they want to play with him.

Stories from parents from the experience of family education:

- “Family games in the family”;

-"Leisure time in the family."

Game - task

I propose an unusual task: remember your family evenings and give them self-assessment. If you do as told, you place a red chip, not always yellow, never blue.

  1. Every evening I spend time playing with the children.
  2. I'm talking about my games as a child.
  3. If a toy breaks, I repair it together with the child.
  4. Having bought a toy for a child, I explain how to play with it and show different options for the game.
  5. I listen to a child’s stories about games and toys in kindergarten.
  6. I don’t punish a child with games, toys, etc. I don’t deprive him of games or toys for a while.
  7. I often give my child a game or toy.


If there are more red chips on your table, then the game is always present in your house. You play with your child as equals. Your baby is active, inquisitive, loves to play with you, because play is the most interesting thing in a child’s life.

Excursion to the game library

The teacher talks about the children’s favorite games and toys and answers parents’ questions.

Parent meeting decision

Take an active part in children’s games, making games, toys, and repairing them;

Take an active part in the life of the kindergarten.

Home > Abstract

Parent meeting summary
"Game is not fun"

Target: increase the level of pedagogical culture of parents Preliminary work: 1. Competition No. 1 “play corner in the family” (Visiting other families to get acquainted with the play corners, photographs of the play corners, a story about the play corner)2. Competition No. 2 “Skillful Hands” (Making games, toys together with children)3. Poems and riddles about toys (Learning poems and riddles with children, you can compose them together)4. In the group, arrange invitations for parents with the children5. Design posters “game is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity”6. Exhibition of books and magazines on the topic “Game activity”7. Tape recording with questions:
Do you like to play?
What games do you play at home?
Do you have any favorite toys? Which? How do you play with them?
Do adults play with you? Who?
How do you take care of your toys?

Progress of the meeting.
(The song “Where does childhood go” sounds, music by A. Zatsepin, lyrics by L. Derbenev)

1. Introduction. In order for our children to have a happy childhood, play should occupy the main place in their lives. In childhood, a child has a need to play. And it must be satisfied not because work takes time, fun takes an hour, but because by playing, the child learns and experiences life. “Play permeates the whole life of a child. This is the norm even when the baby is doing something serious. He has a passion and it must be satisfied. Moreover, his entire life should be imbued with this game. His whole life is a game."
A. S. Makarenko Let's talk about the game today. 2. Discussion “Is it necessary to supervise children’s games?” a. listening to a tape recordingb. Questions for parents: Do you think it is necessary to supervise a child’s play?c. Generalization by the educator: If you do not play and do not guide your child’s play at an early age, then he will not develop the ability to play both independently and with other children. At a young age, play becomes a means of development and education if it is built on meaningful communication with adults. When playing with your daughter or son, remember that you cannot suppress the baby’s initiative. Play with him as equals. When playing, watch your speech: the even, calm tone of an equal playing partner instills in the child confidence that he is understood, his thoughts are shared, and they want to play with him. Therefore, you need to make it a rule: to get involved in your baby’s play several times a day, this encourages the child to take new actions. 3. Working with reminders a. Exercise: Underline the points that you have already completed b. Generalization by the teacher “What is a good toy?” First of all, it is a safe toy, appropriate for the child’s age. The more diverse the toys. Them more interesting game kids. But variety does not mean abundance. Before making your next purchase, it’s a good idea to ask your baby how he will play with it. If 90% of the play comes from the child and only 10% from the toy, then it is a good toy. An empty cardboard box that you can climb into can be a great toy for your baby. It can be a ship, a fortress, and a rocket. This toy stimulates both fantasy and imagination. It can be used as it is. Or you can cut holes in it - portholes, paint it. Homemade toys have great educational value. 4. Stories from parents from the experience of family education a. “Family games in the family” b. "Leisure in the family" 5. Game-task I propose an unusual task: remember your family evenings and give them self-assessment. If you do as told, then you place a red chip, not always yellow, never blue.1. Every evening I spend time playing with the children2. I talk about my games as a child3. If a toy is broken, I repair it together with the child4. Having bought a toy for a child, I explain how to play with it and show different options for playing5. I listen to a child’s stories about games and toys in kindergarten6. I don’t punish a child with games, toys, etc. I don’t deprive him of games or toys7. I often give my child a game or toy. Summary:
If there are more red chips on your table, then the game is always present in your house. You play as equals with your child. Your baby is active, inquisitive, loves to play with you, because play is the most interesting thing in a child’s life. 6. Excursion to the game library The teacher talks about the children’s favorite games and toys and answers parents’ questions 7. Decision of the parent meeting 1. take an active part in children’s games2. take an active part in the manufacture of games, toys, and their repair3. organize family excursions based on children’s interests4. take an active part in the life of the kindergarten
  1. Summary of the parent meeting "Family Traditions"


    The majority of parents are not professional educators. They do not have special knowledge in the field of raising and educating children and often experience difficulties in establishing contacts with children.

  2. Summary of the parent meeting “How to interact with a child in a conflict situation?”


    THE WORD is the subtlest touch to the heart; it can become a tender, fragrant flower, and living water, restoring faith in goodness, a sharp knife, picking at the delicate fabric of the soul, and a red-hot iron, and lumps of dirt. A word can

  3. Summary and self-analysis of one credit lesson. Summary and self-analysis of a leisure activity


    Plans and outlines for organizing play activities (one group), work activities (one group), their analysis, as well as an outline plan for working with parents.

  4. Playing with imagination Desired transformation Unattractive appearance Unrealistic ideas about defects and advantages Complex appearance “Victims of fashion” Ideals of female attractiveness Illusory ideals


    Entertaining classifications and tests, philosophical parables and real life stories make this book not only useful in solving everyday problems, but also very exciting to read.

  5. Association game 15 Visual and audio 23


    There are books that are born like trees in a forest among countless others of their own kind. Others can be likened to trees that grew in the most unexpected places - in the middle of a plain, in a dry valley, on a rock.

Summary of the parent meeting in the early age group “Butterflies”
“Is the game fun?”

Educator: Yantushkina Elena Anatolyevna

Target: increase the level of pedagogical culture of parents.

Preliminary work:

1. Making games and toys together with children.

2. Design posters “game is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.”

3. Exhibition of books and magazines on the topic “Game activities”.

Progress of the meeting.


Good evening, dear parents! We are glad to meet you. Today we will talk about games, children's toys, and their impact on the development of our children.

In order for our children to have a happy childhood, play should occupy the main place in their lives. In childhood, a child has a need to play. And it must be satisfied not because work takes time, fun takes an hour, but because while playing, the child learns and experiences life.

2 . Psychological warm-up “Smile”

I want to know your mood. How to give people a good mood without words? How to communicate your good mood without words? Smiled at the neighbor on the right, smiled at the neighbor on the left. Smiling will show your friendliness and improve your mood.

3. Exhibition “We made a toy”

(exhibition of children's works-ships)

You can make toys for children yourself. An empty cardboard box that you can climb into can be a great toy for your baby. It can be a ship, a fortress, or a rocket. This toy develops a child’s imagination, thinking, and imagination. You can use it as it is, or you can cut holes in it - portholes - and paint it.

4. The meaning of the game. Types of games.

The game is not empty fun. It is necessary for children’s happiness and development. The game develops memory, thinking, and creativity. The game has a huge impact on mental development, speech, physical. That is, the game contributes to the harmonious development of the child’s personality.

In the game, the child grows, develops as a person, acquires communication and behavior skills in society. We must teach the child to play the most various games.

There are several types of games:

Creative (games initiated by children)

Didactic (games initiated by adults with ready-made rules)

Folk (created by the people)


TO creative games relate: role-playing games, theatrical activities, design

Stories from parents from the experience of family education:

-Games in the family

-Leisure time in the family

5. Serious thing - toy

Before you make a purchase, it’s a good idea to ask your child how he will play with it.

Every child should have a toy with which he can complain, scold, regret and console. She is the one who will help him overcome his fear when his parents leave. Undoubtedly, a child should have a certain set of toys that contribute to the development of his perception, thinking, and horizons, allowing him to play out real and fairy-tale situations and imitate adults. When choosing toys, you need to pay attention to the fact that with the help of them the child will work out the basic necessary character traits.

6.Teacher advice

If you don’t play and don’t guide your child’s play at an early age, then he won’t develop the ability to play both independently and with other children.

At a young age, play becomes a means of development and education if it is built on meaningful communication with an adult. When playing with your daughter or son, remember that you cannot suppress the baby’s initiative. Play with him as equals. When playing, watch your speech: the even, calm tone of an equal playing partner instills in the child confidence that he is understood, his thoughts are shared, and they want to play with him. Therefore, you need to make it a rule: to get involved in your baby’s play several times a day, this encourages the child to take new actions.


I propose an unusual task: remember your family evenings and give them self-assessment. If you do as told, then you place a red chip, not always yellow, never blue.

1. I spend time every evening playing with the children.

2. I talk about my games as a child.

3. If a toy is broken, I repair it together with the child.

4. Having bought a toy for a child, I explain how to play with it and show different options for the game.

5. Listening to the child’s stories about games and toys in kindergarten

6. I do not punish the child with games, toys, etc. I don’t deprive him of games or toys for a while

7. I often give my child a game or toy.

If there are more red chips on your table, then the game is always present in your house. You play as equals with your child. Your baby is active, inquisitive, loves to play with you, because play is the most interesting thing in a child’s life.

7. Current issues Decision of the parent meeting

1. take an active part in children’s games

2. take an active part in making games, toys, and repairing them

3. take an active part in the life of the kindergarten

Organization: MBDOU Kindergarten No. 38 “Forest Glade”

Locality: Perm region, Tchaikovsky

Goal: to educate parents on the issue of organizing games for children of primary preschool age.

1) Develop group interaction skills.

2) Introduce parents to a variety of objects that can be used to play with their child.

3) Arouse interest in the topic covered through the organization of practical exercises.

Form of delivery: Seminar-workshop

Preliminary work:

1. Questioning parents on the topic of the meeting.

2. Design of the photo exhibition “Children’s play corners” (parents are responsible).

3. Design of the photo exhibition “My small world"(responsible - educators).

4. Preparation of a mini-lecture “Game is not fun.”

5. Making instructions for parents “How to choose the right games and toys for children 3-4 years old.”

6. Collecting the necessary material for the practical part of the seminar:

Seeds of watermelon, apples, zucchini, pumpkin;

Peas, beans, beans;

Nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, acorns);

Water containers;

Plastic and wooden balls, sponges, funnels, spoons, cups, cocktail straws;

Album sheets;

Laces of various colors;

Materials for making toys – “Crumb” ( balloon(thick), flour, funnels, spoons, self-adhesive paper, scissors, markers).

7. Making invitations to a meeting for parents in the shape of autumn leaves

Dear parents!

How to make children’s lives interesting with the help of games, how to play with a child, what toys to buy and how to develop children through play - this will be discussed at the parent meeting “Game is not fun”, where we are waiting for you __________ at ____ o’clock.

Hall decoration:

* Photo exhibition by parents “Children’s play corners”

* Photo exhibition of children's play corners “My Little World”

* There are three tables in the hall, each with material for certain games:

With water;

With cereal;

With names.

Progress of the meeting:

Parents are invited into the hall and asked to sit at the table where they feel comfortable.

1. Opening speech by the teacher.

Educator: Good evening, dear parents! Today our meeting will be held in the form of a workshop.


1. Mini-lecture “Game is not fun” - Balashova Zhanna Gennadievna.

2. Workshop “Game in the kitchen” - Samarina Marina Leonidovna.

3. Making the “Crumb” toy.

4. Plan of activities for the group and garden for the year.

5. Presentation of letters of gratitude to parents.

2. Mini-lecture “Game is not fun.”

In order for our children to have a happy childhood, play should occupy the main place in their lives. In childhood, a child has a need for play, and it must be satisfied not because there is time for business, an hour for fun, but because by playing the child learns and experiences life.

And now we propose to start our conversation with dialogue.

Parents are invited to draw one question at a time - a ticket.

Question 1: Do you think it is necessary to supervise a child’s play, play with the child and take equal part in his play?

(Parents' answers)

Educator: If you do not play with your child and do not guide his play from an early age, then the child will not develop the ability to play both independently and with peers.

The games of such children come down to aimlessly rolling a car or rocking a doll. Finding no other use for toys, children quickly give up playing and demand something new.

Question 2: How should you play with children?

(Parents' answers)

Educator: In early childhood, play becomes a means of development and education if it is built on meaningful communication with adults. When playing with a child, do not suppress his initiative, be on an equal footing with him.

It is necessary to engage in the baby’s play several times a day; this encourages the child to take new actions and, in turn, contributes to more successful mental development.

Question 3: How do you teach your child to play?

What does your family do to ensure that the child knows how to play?

(Parents' answers)

Question 4: Where to store toys?

(Parents' answers)

Educator: When the conversation turns to where to put toys away, adults usually complain about the lack of space. It is not necessary that all toys are in the child’s field of vision. Their very location in the children's corner is designed to prompt the child to play.

The assembled pyramid can be placed on a low table, or a toy bear can be placed on a typewriter. Place the doll at a table or on a crib, construction material designer in a box.

Books, magazines, pencils are not toys; allocate a special place for them.

To store toys, it is good to have open shelves so that the child can pick up the toy on his own.

Question 5: What is the best way to intervene in a child’s play: “Well, stop fiddling with your car - go have lunch! How long can I wait for you!” or “When the car reaches ... let the driver go to lunch.”

(Parents' answers)

Educator: Calm playful involvement of parents in the game will give much better results than rude shouting.

Question 6: What to do if you are tired of the noise your baby makes? You want silence, and your child also needs to calm down before bed.

(Parents' answers)

Educator: Your baby is active and mobile - that’s good. But now he can learn to play quietly, if only you teach him this. Try playing with him in silence. After all, children love everything that is called play, because play is the most interesting activity in life.

Let's continue the mini-lecture. “Having access to the fairy-tale palace, whose name is childhood, I always considered it necessary to become to some extent a child,” wrote V.N. Sukhomlinsky.

Let us, dear parents, penetrate into this childhood palace not as strict judges, commanders and watchmen, but as kind helpers, advisers, and play partners.

The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity. Our children should live in a world of beauty, fairy tales, music, and creativity.

3. Workshop “Game in the kitchen”

The teacher draws the parents' attention to the objects that are on the table.

Parents are encouraged to consider all this and think about why it is needed and what can be done about it.

(Parents' answers)

Educator: I agree with you: we can use these riches, or objects, for children's games.

Each team tells and shows how they will play with the children with the objects that are on their table.

Educator: Take your child with you to the kitchen, because there he will make so many new discoveries for himself.

Show your child how to play with this or that object, and soon he will not only repeat the game you suggested, but will also come up with many new entertainments.

4. Making the crumb toy

And now we will make a toy with our own hands. This is crumb. A toy for developing fine motor skills.

* Take a balloon, fill it with flour, compact the flour.

* Tie the remaining part of the ball into a knot.

* Cut off the extra “tail”

* We design the face using self-adhesive paper and colored markers.

Educator: Well done, you made such cute “Crumple” toys

I think your children will really like this toy gift! And now I would like to hear your opinion about the last meeting.
