Game helping the wounded. Scenario of musical and sports entertainment in the senior group for Defender of the Fatherland Day. Game deliver the shells

Ekaterina Saygusheva
Thematic event on patriotic education “Victory Day in kindergarten”

Target: 1) Education of civic feelings, feelings of love for the Motherland, native land;

2) increasing interest in the history of one’s family, the history of one’s country;

3) upbringing feelings of pride and belonging to the heritage of their ancestors.

Tasks: 1) Give children knowledge about the meaning victory our homeland in the Great Patriotic War;

2) cultivate love for the homeland;

3) To form a historical culture among children and their parents, the desire to take part in conducting events to preserve the memory of the heritage of our ancestors.

“On June 22, 1941, early in the morning, German fascists attacked our Motherland. They dropped bombs on sleeping cities. Quiet villages were shelled with guns. The fields were set on fire. They didn’t know where the adults were, where the children were - they killed everyone on their way. And they trampled and trampled our native land.” (Yu. Yakovlev) This bloody war lasted for four long years. Our entire people rose up to fight the fascists, each defending their Fatherland. And they called this war the Great Patriotic War.

Music played by a Soviet announcer in 1941. Yu. B. Levitan, with the announcement of the beginning of the war. The recording you just heard was made 69 years ago on June 22, 1941 by the famous Soviet announcer Yuri Borisovich Levitan. It was from this message that everyone learned about the start of the war.

It is a long war, a terrible war, a hungry war, a cold war that has brought a lot of grief and suffering to our people. The soldiers went into mortal combat and fought sparingly. The soldiers tried to delay the enemies, they fought to the death, selflessly fought for every piece of their native land. Many heroes died on the battlefields. But instead of the dead, new soldiers joined the ranks. The wounded soldiers healed their wounds and returned to the front. The boys were growing up. They also wanted to go to fight for their Motherland.

Children read poetry:

1. All the streets are dressed in flowers,

And sonorous songs are heard.

It is a holiday today - Victory Day,

Happy, bright spring day!

2. We meet Victory Day.

He comes with flowers and banners.

We are all heroes today

We call by name.

3. We know not at all simply

He came to us - Victory Day.

This conquered the day

Our great-grandparents.

4. Victory Day! Sun of May!

Music can be heard everywhere.

Veterans wear

Military orders.

5. Victory Day! The long-awaited holiday!

Peaceful blue skies.

Peoples, countries remember on earth,

In that the day the war ended!

6. On the ninth jubilant may day,

When silence fell on the ground,

The news rushed from the edge to the edges:

World won! The war is over!

During the war, the soldiers also had moments of calm; the soldiers rested, sitting by the fire, mending their clothes, cleaning their guns and remembering the days of peace.

But when the rest was over, they went back into battle to defend their homeland. Intelligence was a difficult and dangerous business in war. Carefully and unnoticed, the scout had to make his way through the forest, swamp and minefield... He, no matter what, needed to get a package with important information and urgently deliver it to headquarters.

To take the enemy by surprise,

Use your wits.

And it won’t be out of place here

Sports training!

A game "Scout"(Carefully jump over the swamp, go around the pins, jump rope and goose-step and run to the package and bring it to the presenter)

Ved.: What’s interesting in the package?

Yes, these are riddles!

Guessing riddles.

Girls nurses displayed considerable courage and bravery during the war. They had to carry the wounded from the battlefield while explosions thundered around them and bullets whistled overhead.

A game "Help the Wounded"(the same attributes only a wounded soldier is sitting on a chair, the girl makes her way through the obstacles, takes a bandage from her pocket and bandages the soldier’s hand)

Relay races "It's the other way around" with checkboxes

Rules: at the command of the leader, the first participant begins to run with his back to the indicated line back and forth, holding a flag in his hands. Having reached the team, he passes the flag to another... Continues until all team members have passed.

Relay race "Inseparable Friends"

Rules: the first two participants run to the specified place and back - their legs are tied (left - one participant and right - another) jump rope. Task: Don't fall while running.

Relay race "Sharp Shooters"

Who will hit the target more?

Ved.: Well done! Our competition has come to an end. I believe that friendship won.

The soldiers fought fearlessly and endured the sweltering summer heat, winter snowstorms and frosts. Forward, just forward! After all, the soldiers defended their home, their mothers, sisters, children who believed in them.

Many soldiers did not return home from that war. We will never forget our heroes, no matter how many years pass.

A minute of silence is announced.

All those who defended the Fatherland

Glorifies our people!

About the heroes who fell in battles,

Eternal memory lives on!

The march sounds Victory.

Adaptation game more successful in a setting that simulates a kindergarten. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct it directly in the kindergarten group with access to the walking area of ​​the preschool institution. In the warm season, an adaptation game can be organized in a free area kindergarten. (In practice, this form of work is called adaptation site). Duration of stay at the adaptation site is 2-2.5 hours, visiting is free. The best results are obtained when the child's parents, siblings, or emotionally supportive loved ones participate in the game.

The game is structured as a role-playing of the main routine moments spent in kindergarten: morning reception of children, breakfast, free activity, lunch, nap, going home. Organization of an adaptation game for children requires preliminary preparation and necessary equipment. At the request of the specialist, children bring cookies, fruits, and drinks with them.

The game begins with the arrival of children in kindergarten, they are warmly greeted by the teacher (educator-psychologist or other pre-trained specialist), and involved in a variety of activities, preventing them from getting bored and feeling lonely. Children and parents do exercises, read books, draw, build with sand, play outdoor games, etc. Calmer rhythm gaming activity embodied by “breakfast” and “lunch”, and then “going to bed.” The teacher intensifies play cooperation in the group in every possible way: gives instructions (for example, water flowers or help set the table), pays attention to calm, cheerful children, provides support, expresses approval for joint games etc.

As an illustration, here is an example scheme for conducting an adaptation game for children.

The adaptation site is elegantly decorated. Equipment for children's free activities is located in different places.

Equipment for the outdoor area: slide, sandbox, toys for playing with sand (buckets, shovels, molds, etc.), table, chairs, hanging basket for throwing cones, large sheets drawing papers, wax crayons, ball, books, blanket, role-playing etc.

Equipment for an indoor area requires the presence of a variety of toys and objects for various types of activities (play, work, motor, object, visual).

FIRST PART. Reception of children (20 min.).

The teacher warmly greets the children and the adults who come with them, talks, offers to do something interesting, for example: slide down a slide, play with a ball, draw a sun, look at an interesting book, etc.

Then children and adults sit in a circle.

Educator (V.). I am glad to see you in our kindergarten. My name is... I am your teacher, and you are my children. You are so Beautiful! Big and small, girls and boys. Do you know what children do in kindergarten? (Children answer.) Yes, in kindergarten children do exercises, eat, play, draw, listen to fairy tales, sleep, and then go home with their mother. Let's hold hands, look at each other, smile.

Game “One, two, three - look!”

IN. Look, the little bunny Kuzya came to visit us. (Shows a toy hare.) Kuzya wants to play hide and seek with you. You close your eyes, and the bunny will hide behind someone’s back. When I say: “One, two, three - look!”, quickly open your eyes and look for Kuzya. (The game is repeated 3-4 times.)

SECOND PART. Charging (5-8 min).

IN. Children, little bunny Kuzya wants to say something. (The adult brings the toy to his ear and pretends to listen carefully to what the hare “whispers” to him.) Kuzya reminds us that it’s time to do exercises. Children in kindergarten always do exercises in the morning. Listen carefully and follow my steps.

A bunny came running to visit us.

Hurry up, come on, get up.

(children stand in a circle.)

Let's help the bunny

We do the exercises.

Reached for the sun

(Stand on your toes, arms out to your sides)

Clap your hands

(clap your hands)

Looked at the meadow

(hands on the belt, body turns to the right, left)

And they picked a flower there

(lean down, touch the floor with your hands),

Turned to the left side

Show everyone the flower

(turn your torso to the left, move your left arm to the side),

Turned to the right side

(turn your torso to the right, move your right arm to the side)

And sat down on a tree stump

(sit down).

The sun is shining over the lawn.

(stand up, show the round sun, arms forward, up, down through the sides).

A hare and a bunny are nibbling grass

(sit down, tap your fingers on the floor).

They bounce like balls

These are the bunnies

There's a big bad cloud here

Came running to dance

(run to the center, turn around and back),

Quickly let out the rain

(slowly squat down with your arms swinging in front of you).

One two three four five

(knock on the floor).

The bunnies got scared by the cloud

(grab your head, shake it).

They ran away in all directions

(running in all directions).

Hid under a bush

(sit down, clasping your knees with your hands),

We won't miss the rain

(stand in a circle, hold hands).

We will jump and gallop

(jumping on two legs).

We'll clear up the rain

(movements with arms from the chest to the sides).

THE THIRD PART. Eating (15 minutes).

The teacher selects one or two confident and cheerful children and asks them to help set the table for breakfast (lunch). The attendants put on aprons, wash their hands, and only then lay out napkins and place plates and cups. When everything is ready, the teacher invites the rest of the students to the table. But before sitting down to the table, he reminds you to wash your hands clean. Children wash their hands and have breakfast (lunch). After eating, the attendants help remove dirty dishes from the table. The teacher praises and thanks those on duty for their help.

FOURTH PART. Walk (45 minutes).

Game "Blowing Soap Bubbles".

The teacher blows soap bubbles and says:

Be careful of bubbles!

Oh, what!


They're getting bloated!

They sparkle!

They're having a blast!

Here - with plum!

That's about as big as a nut!

It didn't burst for the longest time!

Children catch soap bubbles.

Game “Once upon a time there lived a goat with grandma.”

Children stand near the teacher.

IN. Once upon a time there lived a goat with my grandmother. He had legs like this (children put their legs out one at a time), and hooves here (they squat and touch their heels), horns here (put their hands to their head), a tail behind their back like this (point with their hand, looking back). There was a little goat (children squat), then he grew up and became big, like this (they stand up and rise on their toes). The goat's horns were small, but then they grew big! The tail was small, but it grew big and long (show with hands). The goat wanted to take a walk, he went through the fields, through the valleys, over the high mountains (the children get on all fours and disperse throughout the entire area). The grandmother calls the goat home, but he says: I don’t want to! Go home, little goat, or the wolf will eat you! (The teacher portrays a wolf and invites the children to run away from it.)

Water games

Equipment: a bowl of water, floating objects (duck, ball, boat, etc.) and sinking objects (stone, metal plate, etc.), paper boats according to the number of children, 2-3 watering cans.

The teacher shows a bowl of water, draws the children’s attention to the fact that the water is clean, cold, transparent, and asks why it is needed. Children touch the water, throw various items, noting which objects float and which sink. The teacher says that you cannot drink dirty water or swim in it. Reminds you to conserve water and not pollute it.

At the end of experiments with water, children launch paper boats and blow on them, pretending to be the wind.

After the game, water is poured into watering cans and flowers, bushes, and trees are watered.

Collective work “The radiant sun smiled cheerfully.”

Equipment: a sheet of Whatman paper with the image of a large yellow circle, colored pencils.

Children place their open palms, “rays,” on the circle, and parents carefully trace each finger. Then the drawn palm is painted, and a cheerful face (eyes, mouth) is drawn in the center of the circle.

Game "Carousel"

Holding hands, the children and the teacher move in a circle, saying:


The carousel started spinning

(the carousel moves slowly to the right).

And then, then, then

Everybody run, run, run

(the pace of speech and movements gradually accelerates)!

Let's run, let's run,

Let's run, let's run

(everyone runs)!

Hush, hush, don't rush,

Carousel os-ta-no-vi-te.

One-two, one-two (pause),

The game is over

(the pace of movements gradually slows down, after one or two words, everyone stops and bows to each other).

Repeat the game 3-4 times, each time changing the direction of movement.

Free activities for children.

FIFTH PART. Sleep (8-10 minutes).

The teacher invites the children to sit on the carpet (or on a blanket) and reads the poem:

The distant forest stands like a wall.

And in the forest, in the wilderness of the forest,

An owl is sitting on a branch.

Sleepy grass grows there.

They say sleep-grass

Knows sleepy words.

How he whispers his words,

The head will immediately drop.

I'm at the owl's today

I'll ask for this herb.

Let you sleep - grass

He will say sleepy words.

(I. Tokmakova)

And it's time for you to sleep. Place your palms under your head, close your eyes...

Exercise after sleep

IN. The children slept soundly,

They saw many dreams

But so that everything is in order,

I need to do physical exercises.

Stretched, stretched

(arms up, pull toes).

And now we've turned

(turn one way, then the other).

Now we have risen to our feet

(stand up on feet),

Let's run along the path

(running in all directions).

Children leaving home. Farewell to the teacher and the hare Kuzya.

Of exceptional importance for increasing the effectiveness of adaptive play is the belief based on who may be in kindergarten and what they do here. Therefore, each adaptation game begins with the teacher introducing and clearly pronouncing the main activities of children in a preschool institution. Preliminary familiarization of future pupils with the life activities of kindergarten significantly reduces the consequences of emotional stress and contributes to a more rapid normalization of the body's defenses.

Tasks: Expanding children's knowledge, skills and abilities in the field physical culture and sports. Expanding the range of forms used physical education. Ability to find a solution in an unforeseen situation. The desire to play in a team and win.

Equipment: Posters for stages, compass, flag, basket, 5 balls (sandbags), 4 bandages, 20 meters of elastic band, 2 benches, 2 hoops, 12 leaves (made of paper, cardboard) stopwatches at each stage, 1 military shirt, 1 backpack (children), 1 gas mask, 1 bag, 1 large backpack, 1 blanket, set of dishes, things, 20 “traces” (from linoleum), tape recorder, recordings of the march, flag.

Dictionary: Sports play, endurance, elevation, athletic achievement.

The site is prepared for the start of the game: Stages are outlined, there is signage for each stage, arrows indicating the direction to the next stage, equipment needed for a particular task. All judges are trained.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guys, guests. Today, many sports fields celebrate World Children's Day. And today we will also celebrate this holiday with our sporting achievements. (Three children come out.)

1st child.

We need peace - you and me, and all the children in the world,

And the dawn that we will see tomorrow must be peaceful.

2nd child.

We need peace, grass in dew, smiling childhood,

We need peace, a beautiful world,

received as an inheritance.

3rd child.

We need a colorful meadow and a rainbow over the meadow,

We need to run, jump, sing and talk about it.

Support group performance.

Leading. Today we are holding the sports game “Zarnichka”. Four teams will compete for the title of winner. We are pleased to welcome teams of young athletes. (Greetings from the teams.) Each team will receive a route map and will follow their own route. At each stage, after all team members have completed the task, the judge records the time spent on completing the proposed task at that stage. Participants must not only complete all tasks correctly, but also quickly. The winner will be the team that is the first to complete all stages and place the flag on a hill.

Route maps:

When writing route maps, make sure that the teams are not together at the same stage at the same time.

Leading. You will be watched by a strict jury, which will determine the winner at the end of the sports game. And now, before we compete, we should quickly warm up.

A game is played to the accompaniment of cheerful music - a display task. Children repeat the movements after the leader.

Leading. And now fun competitions await you. (Each team follows a stage according to its route maps. At each stage, the children are met by a judge. Children complete tasks. The judge monitors the time and technique of execution. Marks mistakes. All this is entered into the route map of this team. Children move from one stage to another. Children are accompanied by an adult.)


1. Cross the swampy area. From start to finish (distance 10 meters) there are “footprints” made of linoleum, and between them there are 2 large “swamps”. At the start there is a judge with a stopwatch. When the first participant completes the task, the stopwatch starts. Children must walk this distance along the “footprints” and jump over the “swamps”. The stopwatch turns off after the last participant in the team completes the task. Error - children do not follow the “footprints” (one child - 1 mistake, etc.).

2. Hit the target. The distance from the starting line to the basket is two meters. The children of each team need to throw five balls into the basket (in any way). The task is performed by all team members in turn. Each person takes turns throwing one ball. The stopwatch turns on when the first participant begins to complete the task, and turns off when there are five balls in the team’s basket. If the ball jumps out of the basket, it does not count.

3. Provide assistance to the victim. It is necessary to bandage the wound on the head of the victim (he is chosen from among the team), carry the wounded person from start to finish and back (a distance of three meters in one direction). Children determine for themselves how to transfer the wounded. From the moment the task is completed, the stopwatch starts and turns off when the wounded person is brought back to the start. Error - poor assistance, the victim performs the movement himself.

4. Cobweb. All team members participate. You need to go from start to finish, climbing over all kinds of ropes (elastic band). At the start there is a judge with a stopwatch in his hands. When the task begins, the stopwatch turns on and turns off when the last team member completes the task. Error - not all team members complete the proposed task.

5. In intelligence. One person from the team participates. You need to find north using a compass, take five steps north and stick a flag in the ground. Error - the cardinal direction was found incorrectly.

6. Obstacle course. At a distance of ten meters from start to finish, there are two benches and two hoops. The task is to crawl on your stomach along one bench, pulling yourself up with both hands, run along the second, jump over the first hoop, put the second on yourself, and run to the finish line. Return to your team. The task is carried out by all team members. Time is determined by the last participant. Error - children perform tasks inaccurately (one person - one mistake, etc.).

7. Captains competition. The captains of each team participate. Quickly put on a military shirt, a gas mask, and a backpack. Run 3 meters to the flag, return and take off all your uniform. When the task begins, the judge turns on the stopwatch and turns it off when the proposed task ends. Error - not all items are on, did not reach the landmark, did not go around the landmark.

8. Take out the item. Twelve multi-colored leaves are hung on the tree. Each team needs to pick three leaves in the shortest time. The difficulty is that the leaves are hung high and it is impossible to get them right away. You need to climb a tree and pick off the leaves. Everyone can participate in turn or just one person, as the team decides. The judge starts the stopwatch when the first participant begins to perform the task. The stopwatch turns off when the team picks three leaves from the tree. Error - not all leaves are torn off (one leaf - one error, etc.).

9. The most resilient. Press. One person from the team participates. It is necessary to perform strength exercises fifteen times in the shortest possible time.

10. Pack your backpack. All offered items are located next to the backpack (blanket, dishes, things). It is necessary to carefully put all things and objects into a backpack in a short time. Everything must fit into the backpack. Three people from the team participate. Error - not all things went into the backpack (one thing - one mistake, etc.).

11. Jumping in pairs. The team is divided into pairs. Task: jumping in pairs to an object and back. The distance is five meters in one direction, five meters in the other. Error - children do not jump, but run (one pair - one mistake, etc.).

Determination of the winners. The winners are determined by the shortest time after completing all 11 stages. If two or more teams have equal time, the team that showed the best result in the press gets an advantage. For each mistake in completing all stages, one second is added to the team’s total time. After completing all stages, the teams gather together.

Leading. It's coming to an end sport game. It was a pleasure for us to watch all the teams. You have shown yourself not only to be dexterous, strong, resilient, brave, and fast. You showed yourself to be friendly and well-mannered. We saw your kind eyes, heard your endless joyful laughter. And I really want you, our dear children, to always feel good, joyful, and peaceful. And now we give the floor to the judges.

The results of the competition are summed up and the winning team is announced. Teams are awarded for active participation in the competition. The winning team receives gifts and takes a victory lap.

Games for the holiday "Victory Day"

"Help the wounded man."

Girl nurse dressed in white robe, makes his way through all the obstacles on the battlefield to a wounded soldier (a boy sitting on a chair). (“arc”, without touching it, carefully walk “through the swamp”, low cubes, or “heels” made of paper, go around the “mines” (pins) with a snake). He takes a bandage out of his robe pocket and bandages the fighter’s leg (arm). The winner is the girl who completed the obstacle course the fastest and helped the wounded.

"Walk through the barbed wire"

Target: step over the “barbed wire” obstacles so as not to get hurt.

Rules of the game: If a child touches the “barbed wire,” he is considered wounded, and the orderlies bandage him.


Target: hit an enemy truck carrying ammunition with a bag(bumps).

Rules of the game: You can’t cross the line, otherwise you might “explode” along with the truck. The team with the most hits wins.

“Walk through the swamp.”

Target: get over the “swamp”(hoops, bumps). Bring shells(cones ), which are stored on the other side of the “swamp”.

Rules of the game: You should not step on the red hoops - these are peat hummocks that can burst into flames at any moment. A child who steps on a red hoop is considered injured.

“Shoot down an enemy plane.”

Target: hit with “shells” - cones - into a plane that is hanging on a tree.

Rules of the game: Each child's hit on a target earns the squad 1 point. Each participant has the right to make one throw.

After completing the task, commanders are given the following package


Children at this stage are greeted by honey. kindergarten sister.

She tests children's skills in bandaging arms and legs.

Asking questions:

– what medicinal plants do you know? (Plantain, chamomile, nettle, coltsfoot.)
– what medical means can be used to provide first aid for a cut? (Brilliant paint, adhesive plaster, bandage, iodine.)
– how you can move a person if he is wounded (with two people, show).

After completing the task, you are given a package with the next task

"Agitation Brigade"

At this stage, the children are greeted by the music. a kindergarten worker, she plays backing tracks for children to melodies of songs from the war years. Children need to guess the name of the song and sing it:

- “Katyusha”.
- "Victory Day".
- “Dark-skinned woman.”
- “Dugout”.
- "Holy war".
- “Three tankers.”

After completing the task, you are given a package with the next task.

"Orientation" (map of the area where the minefield is located).

1. "Guess a riddle ".

Rules of the game: children must guess the riddle and find the answer on the site. There will be the next landmark.

2. “Go on assignment.”

Take ____ steps straight, then turn to the right, take ___ steps, find the sign, from the sign make ____ jumps towards the fence, turn towards ____, find the next task.

3. “Clear the field.”

Target: Children must find buried plastic bottles under the sand and unscrew the caps. Only in this case the mine is considered neutralized. When all the mines are cleared, you can look for the flag.

Rules of the game: if a child pulls a mine out of the ground, then it is considered that it “exploded”, the fighter is wounded and needs “ health care”, the orderlies are bandaging him.


Two teams play. Each team has an important package that must be delivered to headquarters. /WWII veteran/. At a signal, children overcome obstacles: run across a bridge, jump over a ditch, crawl under a wire, walk through a swamp, etc. The last one on the team gives the package. The veteran accepts the packages and says that the guys are dexterous, brave, and fast.

"Help the Wounded"

Girls nurses are playing. They play in twos. Opposite them, “wounded soldiers” / boys / are sitting on chairs. At the signal, nurses should run, crouching low or bending over. Run to the wounded person, quickly bandage his arm or leg and deliver him to the medical unit\specific place\. The game is played several times.


(on tennis rackets, they take turns taking the bags and running, trying not to drop them)

Military sports game “Zarnitsa”.

Marching music sounds, older children and preparatory groups under the leadership of the squad leader, they gather on the site and line up along the perimeter. Then the general comes out to solemn music.

General: I wish you good health, comrades, fighters!

Children: Hello!

General : Comrade soldiers, an emergency occurred at the General Staff: the flags of your units were stolen. Your task is to find the flags and deliver them to the headquarters. It is very difficult, you will need to overcome many obstacles. You will need courage, bravery, boldness, determination to achieve your goal. Comrade soldiers, are you ready to carry out your combat mission?

Children: Ready!

General: Unit commanders should prepare to submit reports and report their readiness. Submit a report to the commander of the “Snipers” squad!

Commander of the Snipers squad:Squad, stand at attention!

The commander marches up to the general and reports:

Detachment commander:Comrade General! The “Snipers” squad is ready to carry out a combat mission! Squad leader. The report has been submitted!

General: Report accepted!

Detachment commander:Comrade General! The “” squad is ready to carry out a combat mission! Squad leader. The report has been submitted!

General: Report accepted!

The commander of the “” detachment gets into formation.

General: To complete the task, each squad is given a package with a task, you must act strictly in accordance with the task, at each stage you will be given the next package with a different task, whoever overcomes all the obstacles first and finds his flag will be the winner

The commanders approach the general and take the plans.

General: The units begin to complete the task.

The squads are grouped, get acquainted with the plan, find the place from which they need to start completing the task, and begin their route, performing one task after another.


Three adults participate in the game. They stand in different places of the hall, holding fireworks (bundles of paper ribbons) of red, green, yellow colors. Children are given fireworks in the same colors as adults.

Part 1. A merry march sounds. Children with bundles of ribbons march around the hall in different directions. At the end of the music, the adults say: “Fireworks, light up, get ready quickly!” Children gather around an adult who has fireworks of the same color as theirs and shout “Hurray!”

Part 2. It sounds like a waltz. Everyone is dancing. Adults also dance, changing places. When the music ends, the adults say: “Fireworks, light up, get ready quickly!”

The children again gather in three large groups (according to the color of the fireworks) and, raising the fireworks high above their heads, shout “Hurray!”

3rd part. Fun, fast music sounds. Everyone is running around the hall in different directions. When the music ends, they gather in the “Salute” and shout “Hurray” in unison. After each part, the presenter notes which “fireworks” came together faster than others.

Objective: to form an idea of ​​life situations that are dangerous for a person and ways of behavior in them.
1. Strengthen the ability to take on various roles in accordance with the plot of the game; use attributes construction material, maps, diagrams.
2. Expand the understanding of the professions of rescuers, medical workers, media workers (correspondent, cameraman)
3. Develop the ability to conduct dialogue with the teacher and peers.
4. Continue work on enriching the vocabulary: equipment, evacuation, equipment).
5. Consolidate the knowledge that, if necessary, call by phone: “01”, “02”, “03”.
6. Continue to cultivate friendly relationships and the habit of playing together.
7. Cultivate such qualities as empathy, responsiveness and kindness.
Preliminary work:
Classes, conversations, didactic games, familiarization with equipment that helps in emergency situations. Examination of illustrations on topics of extreme situations.
Demonstration by a nurse of the correct first aid.
Creating and solving problem situations with children: “what would you do?”, “what to do if...”.
Introducing children to the rules of behavior and evacuation in case of fire, fire prevention measures (do not play with matches, gas and electrical appliances).

Rescue Service headquarters (telephone desk, walkie-talkie, journal, safety posters. Helmets, belts, shovels, buckets, stretchers, life belt, first aid kit, group map, inflatable pool.
Progress of the game.
Educator: “Guys, have you ever found yourself in a dangerous situation?”
- How did you behave during this?
-What would you do if your friend or neighbor became ill? (Call an ambulance by calling "03").
- How many of you have ever seen a real fire? What professions do people rush to help during a fire? (firefighters).
Continue my thought: I saw smoke, don’t yawn and the firefighters....(call)
- What phone number should I call the fire department? ("01").
- How many of you guys have ever seen real firefighters? What qualities do you think fire rescuers have? (dexterous, brave, hardy, fearless, etc.)
2. Educator:
- Guys, when emergencies happen, who should you call for help? (rescuers)
- What emergency situations have you heard or seen?
- Give the phone number of the rescue service in the city of Balakovo. (112)
- Who are the rescuers? Let's collect in my palms many words that denote the personal qualities of rescuers.
Children: courage, strength, masculinity, discipline, endurance, professionalism.
- Can women be rescuers? (can be as a doctor or nurse).
- What qualities does a doctor have? (kindness, mercy, patience, affection).
3. Educator:
- Do you want to be real rescuers today? Depending on how long the working day for rescuers and doctors lasts for a whole day, you and I will be divided into two shifts. One shift is on duty and the other is resting. How do adults relax? (children's expected answers). We need to select a team of 4 people, two dispatchers, two doctors and an ambulance driver, construction workers and victims to play the role of rescuers. I will be a correspondent today, I will try to remember everything and write a report about your work, I need help from a cameraman who will film.
-Let's first choose builders. Who wants to be a builder? You have to build a house according to the drawing. Choose a foreman, mason and carpenter and start construction.
- Who wants to be a rescuer? (4 people) . As we noted that rescuers are disciplined people, you need to choose a commander or foreman to whom everyone will obey. Decide for yourself who it will be, put on overalls and position yourself in the headquarters.
- Who chose the role of doctor, nurse, ambulance driver? What does an emergency doctor do? (provide first aid to the victims and take them to the hospital for further examination). Take all the necessary attributes and take your seats.
4. Correspondent:
Attention! Attention! I am reporting from the control room of the Rescue Service headquarters. I ask the first question to the dispatcher: “Tell me, how often do you receive calls asking for help? Who comes to you more often, adults or children?
- And here is the first call.
- Hello! Emergency Services is listening! What's happened? Give the address. Don't worry, we will help you.
Dispatcher 2:
Attention! Is the team ready for the call?
Rescuers: “Ready. Who needs help?
Dispatcher 2: “On the bank of the Volga, a child fell into a hole.”
Foreman: “Let’s begin the task. Take the necessary equipment: a rope, a life belt. We’ll ride on the Buran all-terrain vehicle.”
Why do we travel not by car, but by all-terrain vehicle?
Because we will have to get to the victim by thin ice, but driving a car is dangerous.
We arrived at the scene. Rescuers began the rescue operation. Here is one of the rescuers carefully crawling across thin ice, the other is belaying him. It is clear that the victim is holding on with all his strength.
Hold on, we will help you now. Don't be afraid, everything will be fine.
But doctors are already rushing to help. What are your actions?
Doctor: He has severe hypothermia, he needs to be warmed up and examined. Be patient. You will feel better now. Calm down, the worst is over.
Correspondent: The operation to rescue a man trapped in the wormwood was successful. The victim was sent to the hospital, and we are returning to the headquarters of the Rescue Service.
2. Dispatcher: Hello! Emergency services are listening. What happened to you? Give the address. I'm sending a team to help you.
Dispatcher 2: Attention! Attention! Is the team ready to go?
Rescuers: Ready. Where is our help needed?
Dispatcher: A building collapsed on Lenin Street.
Brigadier: We take everything we need. Go.
Correspondent: I am reporting at the scene of the incident. The first question to the rescue team commander: “Tell me what happened?”
Brigadier: We have arrived at the site of a house collapse, there are casualties.
Correspondent: What are your actions?
Brigadier: First of all, we need to clear the rubble.
Correspondent: Rescuers are starting to work carefully, clearing the rubble. It seems a victim has been found. He is immediately treated by emergency doctors. I see that the doctors are putting a splint on my leg and securing it with a bandage. The injured person is taken to the hospital, and the rescue team and I return to headquarters.
Oh! Look what I see - a real tiger just ran down the street. He must have escaped from the zoo. This is dangerous for passers-by. What will you do?
Brigadier: We urgently stop and prepare for the operation. You need to call the zoo and find out if a predator was running away from them?
Correspondent: The rescuers are talking about something, taking out some kind of device and a map, trying to determine where the animal is.
What are your actions?
Brigadier: First of all, we need to declare a city alarm.
Dispatcher: Attention! Attention! We ask all city residents to be careful. A dangerous predator is walking around the city. Don't leave home unless necessary.

Rescuers: We shouldn't be afraid. Only brave people go to work as rescuers. We will catch the animal with a net, give it a sleeping pill and send it back to the zoo.
Correspondent: How do you find out where he is?
Rescuers: A device that picks up a signal via satellite will help us. The animal has a chip on its neck that will tell you where it is.
Correspondent: I watch how deftly they throw a net over the beast. He doesn't even try to escape from the rescuers. He's probably very scared himself. They give him an injection, carefully place him on a stretcher and take him to the zoo.
And we are returning to headquarters with a rescue team
It was one of the rescuers' working days. I thank you for your work and wish you peaceful duty. The report was conducted by Lepilina L.V., cameraman Alexander Petrov. Until next time.
