Game program in the city of traffic experts. Game program on traffic rules: “Me, walking down the street.” Game “Funny traffic light”

Game program on traffic rules for primary classes

Scenario of a game program on traffic rules for primary schoolchildren

Event scenario according to the rules traffic V primary school"Road Maze"

Game program on traffic rules in elementary school

Goals and objectives : consolidate children’s knowledge of road signs and traffic rules; develop the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Equipment : road signs, board game “Place signs along the road.”

Game participants : two teams.

Game plan

1. Quiz.

2. Game "Cross the street."

3. Game “Recognize the sign”.

5. Game "Red-Green".

6. Game “Place signs along the road.”

7. Role-playing games.

Progress of the game

I. Introductory part.

Leading. Hello guys! We have gathered with you to talk about very important things - about traffic rules, about road signs. We live in a beautiful city with wide streets and alleys. There are many cars and trucks moving along them, trams and buses. And no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians. And in order to safely cross the street, you need to know the rules of the road.

We give the guys a warning:

Learn the traffic rules immediately!

So that parents don’t worry every day,

So that drivers can be calm behind the wheel.

II. Game program.

1. Quiz.


Who are called pedestrians?

Why are traffic rules needed?

What is an intersection, why is it dangerous, how to cross it?

At what traffic light signal can you cross the street?

Which part of the road should pedestrians use?

Why can't you cross the street?

How should you get around a stationary tram or bus?

2. Game "Cross the street."

The presenter has two cardboard mugs. One is covered with green paper on one side and yellow on the other. The second - red paper, and the opposite - yellow. All players are divided into two teams. There are two parallel lines, one from the other at a distance of 7-10 steps. This is the "street".

The players line up opposite each other across the line.

Conditions of the game: when the leader waves the green circle, the players take a step forward, the red circle - a step back, the yellow circle - stay in place.

Those who make mistakes are eliminated from the game. The team whose player is the first to “cross the street” wins.

3. Game “Recognize the sign”.

The presenter distributes to the teams prepared road signs and pairs of them (pictures showing what the sign means), mixed together. Each team receives a certain group of signs: warning, prescriptive, informational, service signs and matches the received signs with pictures. For example, for the “Children” sign - a picture of a school or kindergarten. The selected pairs are cut together with a paper clip so that there is a sign on one side and a picture on the other.

For an incorrectly selected sign, the team receives a penalty point.

4. Game “Prohibited-allowed”.

How many guys gather, as many can play this game. But just so that everyone has several square cards depicting various road signs.

The presenter shows his sign (any one). Anyone who finds the same sign must tell him what this sign allows, what it prohibits, what it informs about, etc.

5. Game "Red-Green".

The presenter has two balloon- green and red. The host can give any participant in the game a ball of any color. If you get a red one, call the prohibition sign. If you get a green ball, call the sign “permissive”, “prescriptive”. If you don’t name it, you’re out of the game.

6. Board game“Place signs along the road.”

For this game you will need a playing field and 18 road signs: “Entry prohibited”, “Children”, “Wild animals”, “Road works”, “Railway crossing without a barrier”, “Railway crossing with a barrier”, “Roundabout”, “ Bus (or) trolleybus stop”, “Tram stop”, “Pedestrian path”, “Pedestrian crossing”, “Drinking water”, “Underground pedestrian crossing”, “Traffic police post”, “Point one medical care", "Food station", "Traffic light control", "Telephone".

The teams are given the same number of signs. On the way, the players place the appropriate road signs that they have on their hands. The places where you need to place signs are marked with crosses on the playing field. For example, when passing a telephone booth, they put up a “Telephone” sign, near the crossing - a “Underground passage” sign, and near a school - a “Children” sign.

The team that places all the signs correctly along the road wins.

7. Role-playing games.

1) Crossing the road due to stopped vehicles.

Goal: to instill the skills of safely crossing the road from behind a standing bus, trolleybus, or tram.

Attributes: bus and car models, badges, steering wheels.

2) Training in the rules of safe crossing of a two-way road.

Goal: to develop the habit of safely crossing a two-way road due to stopped traffic.

III. Summarizing.

Natalia Pushkina
Scenario of a game program on traffic rules for primary schoolchildren “Joyful Crossroads”

Scenario for an event on traffic rules for younger children school age "Merry Crossroads"

Goal and tasks:

Expand students’ understanding of the rules of the road, the rules of behavior for pedestrians and drivers in street conditions;

Develop attention and observation, memory, thinking;

Cultivate respect for traffic rules, teach rules of conduct on the street and in society.


Road signs,

Balloons (red, yellow, green,

toy cars,

Puzzles with the image of a road sign,


Form of the game: two teams of 6-8 people are formed from students in the class. The game leader in each competition gives tasks to the teams and evaluates them using round cardboard tokens: green, red, yellow. For a correct and complete answer at the stage, teams receive a green token, for an incomplete answer - a yellow one, for an incorrect answer - a red one. At the end of the game, the teams count points based on the number of tokens (for 1 green token - 3 points, for yellow - 2 points, for red - 0 points). The team with the most points wins.

Progress of the event:

The song “Green Light” is played (words by N. Zinoviev, music by R. Pauls) performed by V. Leontyev

Leading: Hello, dear guys, I am glad to welcome you to the “Jolly Crossroads” competition. Let's start with getting acquainted. There are 2 teams taking part in today's game. So, it's time to greet each other. (Introduction of teams: captain, name and motto.)

Leading: Wonderful! Teams are ready to show good results in their knowledge of traffic rules. To check how truly the guys are in great shape and good spirits, I offer a game for the most attentive and friendly team “It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!” I will read out the questions, if you agree with the statement, then loudly and unanimously shout the phrase “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends,” if you do not agree, be silent. Let's start!

Who walks to school every day in a cheerful troop?

Who always walks forward with his mouth wide open?

Who lets cars through, obeys all traffic rules?

Who walks indiscriminately at traffic lights?

Who always gives up their seat to older people on a crowded tram?

Who, holding on with one hand, dashes along the pavement?

Who will cross the road only where there is a crossing?

Who kicks a funny ball on the road in front of school?

Who, when playing in the yard, explains to the kids “Remember the rules of movement, like the multiplication table!”?

Leading: Our next competition, called “Fun Traffic Light”, involves balloons, with their help you will need to create a traffic light.

I explain the conditions. This competition is attended by 4 people per team. Each team must light the traffic light, for this you are given three hot air balloon and threads. And at a distance of 3 meters, pay attention, there are assistants, they will act as a stand on which you will hang all three balls using a clothespin. The winner is the team that lights the cheerful traffic light faster and better. So, let's start, attention, march!

Music by V. Leontyev sounds. “Green light” is the “Fun traffic light” relay race.

(The results of the “Happy Traffic Light” relay are summed up, teams are given tokens)

Leading:"Auto relay" is our next competition. There are letters at the finish line, you need to transport them to the start using a children's car. On command, the players with the first numbers run to the finish line, put one of the letters into the machine and run back, pass the machine to the second participant, taking their letter, etc. After all the letters are at the start, you need to make a word from them. The team that moves the letters forward and forms a word wins.

The music is playing and the relay race is going on.

Props: 2 children's cars, 2 sets of letters for the word "bicycle".

Leading: Guys, tell me, do you like to relax with your parents in nature, with a tent, a fire, where there is a river, dads enjoy fishing, and moms cook fish soup. Great! Our next competition is called “Auto Fishing” - a competition for captains.

I ask the captains to come to me. Here are the fishing rods, and at a distance of 2 meters there is a so-called “lake” where “fish” live. The captains take their places at the cone of the corresponding color. Your task is to catch as many fish as possible from the lake in 1 minute and give the correct answers to the questions asked. Let's start, pay attention. Let's start. Time has passed.


At the landing sites

Transport passengers are waiting,

Established order

You can’t break it here either.

"Bus stop location or


This kind of sign:

He is on guard for the pedestrian.

Let's go with the doll together

We're on our way to this place.


On the roads for pedestrians

It became easier with the transition.

Even the square is underground

The transition is much easier.

"Underground crossing"

There are only cars driving here,

The tires flash by them menacingly.

Do you have a bicycle?

So, stop!

There is no road!

"Bicycles are prohibited"

I'm in a circle with a red outline,

This means it's dangerous here.

Here, understand, it’s prohibited

Pedestrian traffic.

"No Pedestrians"

The man in the blue circle -

This is clear to the whole area:

Cars won't go here,

Pedestrians - good luck.


Lida with the doll is worried:

They need a doctor on the road.

Don't look sad

Help is coming! The doctor is nearby!

"First aid station"

The car rushes at full speed,

And suddenly a sign comes towards us:

It shows a fence.

I rub my eyes and look straight ahead:

Is the highway closed with a fence?

What kind of sign is this?

"Railway crossing with barrier"

A man digs the earth.

Why is there no passage?

Maybe they're looking for treasure here

And old coins

Are they in a big chest?

They were probably brought here in ancient times

A very greedy king hid it.

"Men at work"

I want to ask about the sign

Drawn like this:

Guys in the triangle

They are running somewhere as fast as they can.

My friend says:

This means the path is closed.

With numbers on the chest.

There is a relay race on the road,

The kids need somewhere to run.

But I'm afraid, however,

The sign has a different meaning.

We were walking home from school

We see a sign on the pavement

Circle, bike inside

there is nothing else

(Bike Lane)

I want to ask about the sign

The sign is drawn like this

Guys in the triangle

running as fast as they can somewhere.

If you put your foot down

on the road

Pay attention friend:

Road sign - red circle

man walking in black

crossed out with a red line

And it seems like a road, but

Walking here is prohibited

(No Pedestrians)

Are you waiting for boarding

On a designated area

You don't need skill -

This place (stop)

Man drawn

A man digs the earth

Why is there no passage (Road work)

I didn't wash my hands on the road,

Ate fruits, vegetables,

I'm sick and I see a point


What should I do?

What do i do?

Need to call urgently

Both you and he should know

In this place... (phone)

A fork here, a spoon here

refuel a little

fed the dog too

say thank you sign (food point)

Leading: The next competition of our game is “Theatre - Impromptu”. In our theater, you will all be actors and each will play your role. I will give you cards with the names of animals, objects, people, each with their own. You should portray each of your heroes only when it is about him. So let's begin.

Text options.

On road.

Night has come. The full moon rose in the sky and began to shine in all directions. The stars began to spin in a round dance. A Mercedes appeared on the road, rushing at great speed. The driver did not notice the log lying on the road. The Mercedes crashed into him and flew into a ditch. Sparks flew from the driver's eyes. He got off the road, thought and sat down on a tree stump. The stump cracked. Ahead a dog barked sadly. “So there are people nearby...” the driver scratched the back of his head, sighed heavily and trudged off for help.

Who is guilty?

It was a clear day. The sun was shining cheerfully. Sasha was returning home from school by bus. He got off the bus and, to make it faster, began to walk around the front of the bus. Suddenly a growling truck appeared in front of him. Sasha screamed in fear, the brakes creaked. A traffic police inspector arrived on a motorcycle. He looked at the boy and sighed with relief. This time everything went well. People were running from all directions.

Leading: The next competition is “Automulti”

Guys, do you remember how your mother read and told you fairy tales as a child? Remember? Let's remember some of them. So, I will name a fairy-tale character or a literary hero, and you must name their vehicle.

1. What vehicle did the crocodile Gena and Cheburashka travel in? (train)

2. What did Emelya ride on to the Tsar’s palace (on the stove)

3. Leopold the cat's favorite two-wheeled mode of transport? (bike)

4. What did the good fairy turn the pumpkin into for Cinderella? (into the carriage)

5. Name the vehicle that Baba Yaga drove. (mortar, broom)

6. What means of transportation did the robber Ali Baba have? (horse)

(teams are given tokens)

7. What did old Hottabych fly on? (on a magic carpet)

8. What gift did Uncle Fyodor’s parents give to the postman Pechkin? (bike)

9. What did Carlson, who lives on the roof, smear with jam? (your own motor)

10. What did Baron Munchausen fly on? (On the core)

11. What did Kai ride? (Sledging)

Leading: The next competition is “Build a car”

Each team receives an envelope with a “disassembled car” (puzzles). The team that assembles the car first wins.

Presenter: The next competition is “Who is faster”

Competition for the speed of passing the track. Each team member needs to “drive” a course with obstacles (made of pins) in a toy car.

Leading: The next competition is “Auto Riddles”

1. Worth a tower

Whistle of the strum,

Blinks his eyes

The road controls.

(Traffic light)

2. The houses stand in two rows,

Ten, twenty, hundred in a row.

And square eyes

They look at each other.

3. Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz,

A beetle is running down the street.

And they burn in the beetle's eyes

Two shiny lights.


4. Small, remote,

Screams loudly.


5. Surrounded by a stone belt

Hundreds of cities and villages.

6. It starts from home,

It ends at home.

7. Rushes and shoots,

He grumbles quickly.

Can't keep up with the tram

Behind this chatter.


8. Early in the morning outside the window,

Knocking, and ringing, and chaos.

Along straight steel tracks

Red houses are walking around.


9. Me at any time of the year

And in any bad weather

Very fast at any hour

I'll take you underground.

10. The house is walking down the street,

He's taking us on an excursion.

Not on chicken thin legs,

And in rubber boots.


11. They are round and forbid us everything,

Those triangular ones warn us,

That's what they tell us,

How to behave

And what awaits us along the way.

12. Strange Zebra:

Doesn't eat or drink

But without food and drink he will not die.


13. Here he stands on the pavement

A tall, slender guard.

Twists and turns his head

He says to all passers-by:

The path is now open for you.


14. I run with two legs,

While the rider is sitting on me.

My horns are in his hands

And the speed is in his feet.

I'm only stable when I'm running,

I can't stand still.


15. I want to ask about the sign.

The sign is drawn like this:

Guys in the triangle

They are running somewhere as fast as they can.

16. Miracle wand, she

Everyone knows it, everyone can see it.

Visible during the day, but in the evening

Lighted from inside.

(Traffic Controller's Rod)

17. Here come four brothers

Along the well-worn road,

But they are not legs at all.

They never part,

Two tracks wind behind them.

18. We were walking home from school,

We see a sign on the pavement:

Circle, inside a bicycle,

There is nothing else!

("Bike Lane")

19. Brake quickly, driver!

You can crash into a fence!

Who blocked our way

And blocked the road?

(“Railway barrier”)

20. On four legs

We put on boots.

Before putting it on,

The pump began to inflate them.

21. There is a pedestrian in the blue circle

He's in no hurry, he's walking.

The path is safe

He's not afraid here.


22. Here is a circle with a red border,

But there is no drawing inside.

Maybe a beautiful girl

Should there be a portrait inside?

The circle is empty in winter and summer,

What is this sign called?

("Movement Prohibition")

23. Why would this suddenly happen?

The arrows stood together in a circle,

And the cars one after another

Are they running around in circles?

What is it, really?

It's like we're on a carousel!

We are on the square with you,

There is no straight road here.

("Roundabout Circulation")

24. The man walking in black

Crossed out with a red line.

And the road, it seems, but

Walking here is prohibited!

("No Pedestrians")

25. Wears a trunk, not an elephant.

But he is stronger than the elephant.

It replaces hundreds of hands.

Without a shovel, he digs.


26. A rolling pin walks along the road,

Heavy, huge.

And now we have a road,

Like a ruler, straight.

(Road roller) 27. Soon there will be a vegetable garden -

A sign lets you know about this.

If you have a shovel with you,

You are always welcome there, guys!

("Men at work")

28. Apparently they will build a house -

Bricks hang all around.

But in our yard

The construction site is not visible.

("No entry")

29. This sign is visible to those

Who studied best

And so to him

They stuck the letter U.

(Training vehicle)

30. The sign has a strange shape

There are no more like them, guys!

It is neither a square nor a circle,

And the cars suddenly stopped.

(“Driving without stopping is prohibited”)

Leading: The next competition is “The Artist’s Island”

Assignment: “Draw a tram” blindfolded. The artist's assistant can give hints without touching him.

Leading: Well, the last competition of our program is “Cut Sign”

Each team is offered an envelope containing a cut road sign. Teams must make a road sign and name it. The team that collects the sign the fastest wins. (any road sign.)

Winner's reward ceremony.

Leading: We congratulate our participants and wish them to always and everywhere be friendly, active, attentive, and smart.

The song “Green Light” performed by V. Leontyev is played

Tatiana Zhuravleva
Educational and game program on traffic rules for children of the preparatory group

Educational and game quiz

"What? Where? When?"

By traffic rules

Developer: social teacher SP " Kindergarten № 53 "Topolyok"- MBOU "Blagoveshchenskaya Secondary School No. 5"-

Zhuravleva Tatyana Nikolaevna

Target: consolidate knowledge children according to traffic rules and safe behavior on road, on the street, in transport.



Consolidate knowledge children about traffic rules, O road signs, O street rules, on roads, in transport.


Develop the ability to negotiate in the game.


Develop logical thinking, attention, concentration.


Cultivate skill children live by the rules that keep them alive and health.

Methodical techniques: conversation, didactic game, game with rules, reading fiction and riddles, visualization, use of ICT.

Rules of the game: played by two teams of six people. Using the top with an arrow, select the envelope with the task. The presenter reads out and then gives time for reflection and discussion. For every correct The expert team's answer is awarded one point or point. The jury sums up the results.

Didactic and practical material: emblems, a top with an arrow, envelopes with questions, a black box (box, traffic light toy, rod, puzzle game « Road signs» , didactic game lacing "Traffic light", layouts road signs.

The quiz game consists of 10 rounds:

1. Smart guys and smart girls (use of ICT).

2. Literary quiz.

3. Training competition.

4. Crossroads of poems and riddles.

5. Automulti.

6. Finger pause.

7. Talking signs.

8. Black box.

9. Blitz survey.

10. Tricky question.

11. Musical break /participation of the propaganda team - 3rd grade students/

Regulations: 35 minutes

Progress of the game:

Leading. Good afternoon Dear Guys, dear adults, guests and jury of our programs! Today will take place unusual game, a quiz game, and the name of the game "What? Where? When?". Experts take part in it. Do you know who the experts are?

/Answers children/

Leading. Right, Experts are people who have knowledge about something and can answer questions quickly.

Leading. First question for you, Dear Guys. Do you know Traffic Laws?

/Answers children/

Leading. Now we will check. I ask the team of first grade students and the team of experts to take their places at the gaming table preparatory group children.

experts take their seats to the music

Guests and fans greet the players.

Leading: The game is our friend - big and smart,

Will not let you get bored and discouraged,

Starts an argument, cheerful, noisy,

It will help to learn new things.

Leading: Wise Owl is playing against you. Her tasks are hidden in envelopes and will help us find the top with the arrow. The solution to a given question is discussed by the entire team of experts, but the answer to the question is given by one player. If the answer correct, the team gets a point. The teams' answers are evaluated by the jury.

The presenter introduces the jury members.

Leading: Attention! The game begins, first round. Spin the top / music from the program plays "What? Where? When?"/

After the top stopped at the envelope,

The presenter reads the name of the round and the task.

1."Smart Men and Women" (ICT, Appendix No. 1)

Dear experts! Your task answer questions correctly. Attention!

1. What is the name of the part of the street along which pedestrians walk?



2. Which part of the street? transport is moving?

Along the road

On the sidewalk

As he wants

3. How should a passenger behave at a bus stop while waiting for transport?

Go out onto the roadway and see if the bus is coming

Play the ball

Calmly wait for the bus without going out onto the roadway

4. What is a traffic light?

- road sign prohibiting traffic

Adjustment device traffic of cars and pedestrians

5. What is the purpose of a red traffic light?

He allows movement

He forbids movement

6. Where should the pedestrian move outside? settlement?

Along the left edge of the roadway towards traffic

By right edge of the roadway along the way traffic

Does not matter

7. How should you get around the bus?


Wait until he drives away

8. Is it possible to lean out of the window of a car, bus, or trolleybus?

9. Where can a child play when he leaves the house for walk?

In the courtyard

At a pedestrian crossing

10. At what traffic light can you cross the street?

On red

To yellow

To green

11. How should a passenger behave in transport?

Run around the salon

Sit quietly and throw candy wrappers

Calm down and don't push

12. Where can a child ride a bike?

On the roadway

At the playground.

2. "Literary Quiz"

Guys, you know many works and poems by K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov. Attention, exercise:guess which work these lines are from:

1. Ay, ay! My bunny

Got hit by a tram!

My bunny, my boy,

Got hit by a tram

He ran along path,

And his legs were cut,

And now he's sick and lame,

My little bunny! Dr. Aibolit. (K. Chukovsky)

2. Rolled under the gate,

I reached the turn.

There I got under a wheel,

It burst, popped - that's all! Ball (S. Marshak)

3. I'll tell you a secret,

That I serve in the police

Because this service

I find it very important!

Who's with a baton and a pistol

On duty in winter and summer?


This is the same sentry. Uncle Styopa is a policeman. (Mikhalkov)

4. I roll on two wheels,

I turn two pedals,

I hold on to the steering wheel, I look forward,

I know the turn is coming soon. Cyclist (S. Mikhalkov)

5. No one in the world can do this

One hand movement

Stop the flow of passersby

And let the trucks pass. My street (S. Mikhalkov)

6. In snow and rain,

In a thunderstorm and storm

I'm on duty outside.

Thousands of cars are rushing -

ZISs, ZIMs, M-one,. Policeman (S. Marshak)

3. "Training competition"

Dear experts, you need to complete the puzzles in one minute « road signs» .

4. "Crossroads of Mysteries"

Dear experts, your task is to listen to the riddle and guess the corresponding road sign.


This kind of sign:

He is on guard for the pedestrian.

Let's go with the doll together

We the way in this place. (Crosswalk)

In the round hall "Human"

Crossed out in red -

This means running straight

It's very dangerous here. (No Pedestrians)

A schoolgirl and a schoolboy ran into a triangle.

All the drivers in the world

They understand – these are children. (Children)

A round sign with a window in it.

Don't rush here rashly,

But think a little.

What's a brick dump here? (No entry)

If you are driving along it,

You become more important than everyone else,

And to you, as if to God,

Everyone gives in the road! (home road)

If you need treatment,

The sign will tell you where the hospital is.

One Hundred Serious Doctors

They'll tell you there: "Be healthy (hospital)

If the hood and tires are covered in mud,

We urgently need to wash the car.

Well, if it’s necessary, then it’s necessary.

Here's a sign that the car wash is nearby! (washing)

If you need to call

Whether home or abroad,

The sign will help, he will say,

Where to look for your phone! (telephone)

When you need food,

Then come here.

Hey driver, pay attention!

Food station coming soon! (food point)

If you see this sign,

Know that he is there for a reason.

To avoid problems,

Give in way to everyone! (give way the road)

You, driver, take your time,

See the sign, stop!

Before I continued on my way,

Don't forget to look around. (movement non-stop is prohibited)

You won't get there without gasoline

To the cafe and shop.

This sign will tell you loudly:

“There’s a gas station nearby!” (gas station)

Apparently they will build a house -

Bricks hang all around.

But in our yard

The construction site is not visible. (No entry)

And under this sign

No way

Don't ride, kids.

By bike. (Movement cycling is prohibited)

5. "Automulti"

Exercise: you are asked to answer questions about cartoons and fairy tales that mention "vehicle".

What did Emelya ride on to the Tsar’s palace? (On the stove).

Leopold the cat's favorite two-wheeled mode of transport? (Bike).

What did Carlson, who lives on the roof, use to fly? (Motor).

What gift did Uncle Fyodor’s parents give to the postman Pechkin? (Bike).

What the good fairy turned a pumpkin into for Cinderella (Into the carriage).

What did old Hottabych fly on? (on an airplane carpet).

Baba-Yaga's personal transport? (Mortar).

What did the absent-minded man from Basseynaya Street drive to Leningrad? (By train).

What were the mosquitoes flying on? When did bears ride bicycles? (On a balloon).

Who traveled in the cartoon "Chunga-Changa"? (Boat).

What did Kai and Gerda ride? (Sledging).

What did the queen and her baby wear in the fairy tale? "About Tsar Saltan"? (In a barrel).

6. Finger pause

Children are offered a lacing game "Traffic light"

(three circles of the same size, color -

red, yellow, green with holes)

Exercise: assemble a traffic light using a string

and give an idea of ​​what each color means.

7. "Talking Signs"

Dear Guys. There are many different things on the streets road signs. Road signs – best friends drivers and pedestrians. Each sign has its own name and purpose.

I'm sending you road signs(layouts). Divide them into groups based on common characteristics(Signs: warning, prohibiting and indicative (priority) and service marks).

8. Black box

The presenter lifts the blanket, under it -

"black box".

Dear experts, you must for

take one minute to guess the object that

is in "black box".

For team No. 1:

Pedestrian's friend

He is standing at the crossing.

He gives signals

Wait or go forward.

(traffic light)

For team No. 2:

This object is held in the hands of a man who is standing at a crossroads and controls the movement of cars.

What is the item hidden in the black box? (Traffic Controller's Rod).

9. Blitz survey

I want to know what kind of passengers you are, are you driving correctly yourself on public transport. Here are the questions:

1. You can talk during driving with a driver? Why? /No, the driver is distracted. /

2. Is it possible to lean out of the window? Why? /You can’t, it’s dangerous. You may get injured.

3. Is it possible to talk loudly on the bus? Why? /No, it interferes with other passengers/.

4. Is it possible to play around at a bus stop while waiting for transport? /No, you can create road traffic accident/.

5. Who are the front seats for? /For mothers with small children, for the elderly, for the disabled/.

6. What do you do when an elderly person comes in and there are no empty seats in the salon? /I give up my place/.

7. Is it possible to enter a vehicle with ice cream and nibble on the seeds? /No, because you can get passengers dirty and litter the cabin/.

8. Do you need to yield to passengers when getting off if a vehicle has arrived and you need to get on? /Yes, first you need to let those leaving, and then calmly go inside/.

10. Tricky question

The task is completed in one minute.

Attention to the pictures!

Team assignment #1: it is necessary to indicate under which number the underground passage is shown.

Team assignment #2: indicate under which number the traffic controller is shown.

Leading: Guys, we answered all the questions to the Wise Owl and she is pleased with your answers. The jury will tell us how many points you scored after the count.

While the jury is summing up, the presenter offers to take a solemn oath.

Leading: I ask everyone to stand up and say the word "I swear"after every sentence:

I swear to cross the street only when the light is green!

I swear to faithfully observe Traffic Laws!

I swear not to play on the roadway!

The jury speaks and the teams are awarded.


They don’t just walk around the city, down the street,

When you don't know rules It's easy to get into trouble.

Be attentive at all times and remember in advance:

They have their own driver and pedestrian rules.

We say goodbye to you. And please always remember and respect Traffic Laws(each participant and fan is given a memo about the game as a gift).

Annex 1

Memo for children

A preschooler should know!

1. What is the sidewalk used for? (For pedestrian traffic) .

2. How to walk down the street (at a calm pace, keeping right side of the sidewalk so as not to interfere traffic of oncoming pedestrians).

3. Why you can’t walk along the roadway (it is intended for car movements) .

4. Can the car stop instantly (no, even if the driver presses the brake, it will continue to move by inertia for a few more meters) road).

5. How and to which traffic light signal you can switch the road(either via a ground crossing when the traffic light is green, or via an underground crossing, you must first make sure it is safe; you cannot cross the street on rollerblades, skateboards, scooters, etc.).

6. How should you move if there is no sidewalk (toward movement transport along the roadside or edge roads, in this case, not only the driver sees you from a distance, but you also see the approaching car).

Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

Appendix 2


1. Teach your child to cross the road at a measured pace, the child must firmly know what to run through the road is dangerous.

2. Teach your child to look. The child must develop a solid skill: Before you take your first step off the sidewalk, you need to inspect road in all directions. This should be brought to automaticity.

3. Teach your child that when transitioning roads You can’t be distracted by extraneous things or conversations.

4. Explain to your child that the roadYou can only cross in designated areas: at a pedestrian crossing or intersection. If the pedestrian crossing is regulated, then, like the red, yellow traffic light signal is prohibitive, since drivers can finish movement.

5. Teach your child to observe the situation on road: show him those cars that are preparing to turn, driving at high speed, etc.

6. Explain to your child that going out onto the roadway from behind bushes, snowdrifts, or cars is very dangerous. Must be inspected first the road, or even better, cross it where it is clearly visible in both directions.

7. Teach your child that an adult always gets out of a vehicle first, and out of a car only towards the sidewalk or curb.

8. Do not allow your child to play on or near the roadway.

9. It’s better to walk on the sidewalk if there is an adult on the side of the roadway. Little ones children you need to hold the hand tightly, and be prepared to hold it when trying to break free - this is a fairly common cause of accidents involving preschoolers.

10. Explain to your child that there may also be cars in the yard, so running out of the entrance is dangerous.

Scenario for a game program based on traffic rules “Being distracted is dangerous!”

The program is designed for schoolchildren aged 7–10 years and is entertaining and educational in nature.

The author sees the main task of the program as the need to update and, through repeated repetition, consolidate children’s ideas about the basic rules for pedestrians, also providing the opportunity for practical training in safe behavior skills.

The effectiveness of the program will depend on the acceptance of these tasks by the LEADERS and on the thoroughness of its preparation. Preliminary work should include not only rehearsals, but also the production of special props, as well as the recording of a specific soundtrack with original lyrics of song adaptations to well-known melodies. In the color design of the props, it is advisable to adhere to the “traffic light” range.

List of required details:
– 2 clown costumes
– a suitcase decorated with themed stickers (circles of traffic light colors, road signs for pedestrians, arrows, etc.)
– details for the image of the “Abstract Man” (“frying pan”, “gloves on heels”)
– a set of pins for fences
– sets of themed souvenirs or specially made fake “awards” (medals, badges, tokens)
– 2 signs with inscriptions: on one side – “right”, on the other – “left”
– a mat made of thin flexible plastic, painted with black and white stripes (for a zebra crossing)
– 2 “Pedestrian crossing” signs on a collapsible riser
– tablets with the texts of verses for “karaoke”
– 8 hand-drawn tablets with stylized images of various cars “full face”
– “Traffic Light” construct (collapsible “leg”-riser, battery-powered 3-color traffic light box)
– a set of hats in 3 traffic light colors (hats, berets, caps) according to the expected number of participants in the game
– a set of booklets about traffic rules
– whistle
– chalk briquette

(A musical introduction sounds: a bravura and ironic march. The clown KSUSHA runs out onto the platform, greeting the audience with a comical parade alley. The music is mixed.)

KS. - Hi guys! Here I am!
And my name is Ksyusha, friends!
I work at the Pinocchio Theater
I carry dolls by the arms and legs.
I have to stand behind the screen,
And I really want to perform myself!
Today is my dolls' day off,
Today on the program – my way out!

Games and entertainment await you
According to the rules of the road!
A fun school about a serious matter -
About traffic rules!
And to make it doubly interesting,
Now the clown Kesha is coming to us!


(The soundtrack includes the squeal of brakes, the howling of a police siren, and alarming chords to the rhythm of Tõnis Myage’s song “Detective.” The clown KESHA flies into the hall in a panic, loaded with props in the image of the hero of Marshak’s poem “The Absent-Minded Man.” He rushes around the hall and sings to the melody songs "Detective".)

KSH. - What just happened to me?
At the intersection of two roads:
The car almost ran over me
I could barely drag my feet!
The car almost ran over me
I could barely drag my feet!
I could barely move my legs - oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-ok!
Save, save, save-i-ite
My broken heart-o-o-o!
Hurry, hurry, hurry-i-ite,
Find it, find it!

(Exhausted, he dumps the props in the center of the hall, falls nearby and looks around wildly.)

KS. – What kind of disguise is this?!
Well, how awkward you are!
Why are you late?
Got into history again?!

KSH. - I was in a hurry, I was running,
I was packing my things in a hurry...
I rushed across the road -
And he ended up under the car!

KS. – Have you even looked in the mirror?!
Well, what are you wearing?!
Instead of a hat, I put on a frying pan as I walked,
Instead of shoes, you pulled gloves onto your heels -
Just like Absent-Minded from Basseynaya Street!

(Helps him change his hat and shoes to regular clown ones.)

KSH. (Wearily plops down on a suitcase and sings to the tune of Vodyanoy’s song from the cartoon “Airship.”)

- They call me absent-minded...
There is not a day without adventure:
I confuse everything, I lose everything,
I always forget everything...
Eh, life is just a nuisance!..
Fuck her into the swamp!..
Something needs to be done with her...
I must become different, I must become different,
I want to become someone else!..

(The music gradually fades out, fading away completely towards the last lines of the next text.)

I'm barely alive from fear,
And also something with the head:
I mixed everything up and forgot...
Why did I rush here to you?!..

KS. - You and I have a show today
Just according to the rules of the road!
It's clearly stated in the title,
That being distracted on the street is dangerous!
And if we want to stay alive,
We need these rules...
(asking the audience for help)
- what, guys? –
That's right: - figure it out!
And what else? - exercise!

KSH. - Traffic Laws? What, do the roads really move?! People move - I know, cars move - I know, and how! So I moved a little on the road, and the car moved me as fast as it could!..

KS. - I moved my feet in the wrong direction,
Now I’ve moved... with my brains!
And these rules are very strict! –
About how to behave if we are on the road!
We'll sing a road song now.
Perhaps you will understand at least this time?!
Let's help Kesha, guys, come on?!
I'll start, and you repeat!

(The intro to the song “If you went on a journey with a friend” sounds.)

KS. (sings, encouraging the audience to repeat certain lines after her)
- If you set off on a journey,
(If you set off on your way)
Don't yawn on the road!
You gape a little
(You gape a little) –
And stretch your legs!
So don't yawn
And don't lose attention
And know the traffic rules!

(Chorus repeated with the audience)
Verse 2:
- So as not to risk your life,
(So ​​as not to risk your life),
It is necessary, without a doubt,
Study and comply
(Study and comply)
Traffic rules.
So don't yawn
And don't lose attention
And know the traffic rules! –

(repeat chorus with audience)

KSH. - Yes, I heard something somewhere...
Or, it seems, read?
(in a pose, with pathos)
"To the rules of the road
Must be treated with respect!”
No, I don’t remember something...
But I respect you all the time!..

(Walks around, showing exaggerated “respect”)

This is how I walk and respect!
You see how much I respect you! But they don’t respect me! This... what's his name... Auto... auto... mat!... No. Auto... sports?.. Not either. Well, these... what's their name... cars are different!

(finally, as if illuminated by a hunch, triumphantly)

Auto - countries - port! Here! (confused) Such a strange... port... Right, right?! Well, tell me, guys!

KS. – We meet different cars!..
(addressing the audience)
What one word are they all called?
Come on, together: av-to-trans-port!

KSH. – That’s right, I remembered: motor transport! Because it transports! So, this auto transport doesn’t want to respect me at all! I’m walking along the road, and he’s rushing back and forth, back and forth...

KS. - Yes, because where you decided to walk,
Only vehicles are allowed to pass through!
Come on guys, who can guess
What is that part of the street called?
Where are cars supposed to go?

(If there is no answer, she calls herself.)


KS. - Wow, passing through! Well then, of course, it is only for the passage of vehicles. How did I forget?! He drives past me like that, drives by, and I just walk past him, walk by... Oh, where am I going then?! For me on the street too, that means there must be a special part! And she’s called a passerby! Right?!

(dances joyfully, muttering to the beat)

To pass - passing, to pass - passing!

KS. (addressing the audience) - Is that so, guys?
(answer from the audience)

KSH. – Where should I go then?! Why are you guys confusing me?!

KS. – Have you ever heard the word “sidewalk”?

KSH. - TORTUAR? Are there cakes there? How can you eat cakes: it’s almost like bread, and you’ll smear your feet with cream?!

KS. - Yes, not TOR - tuar, but TRO - tuar!
We'll have to, apparently, guys,
Repeat for him syllable by syllable,
To make it completely clear,
How to pronounce it correctly!
Come on, three or four:

(conducting the hall, encourages the audience to chant three times)

–TRO – TU – AR, TRO – TU – AR, TRO – TU – AR!

KSH. (desperately waving his hands)
- Yes, I understand, I understand! And I’ll even take you out first rule,
Same for all countries and peoples:
The roadway is for vehicles,
And the sidewalks?..

KS. – And the sidewalks are for pedestrians!

KSH. – For walking? Who else is this?! Are some people walking on a chessboard with pawns?!

KS. - Yes, not on pawns, but ON FOOT! Come on, guys, let's repeat it for Kesha,
What is the name of the one
Who walks on the sidewalk?
Let's say in unison: PE - SHE - MOVE!

KSH. (fooling around) - Pedestrian - walking! Pedestrian - walking!
Great idea! Just not very much. I walked along this very sidewalk by chance. And there are even more people there than there are cars on the roadway.
One is pushing from behind
Another one bumps in front!
Well, I decided to stop in the middle -
They also scolded him saying that he was blocking the road!

KS. “That means you were walking on the sidewalk incorrectly!” Right, guys?!

KSH. - Right wrong!..
Why are you still lecturing me?!
You yourself, I suppose, only know it IN WORDS!
Well, let’s get to the point – I’m tired of suffering!
Hey, who is brave - come meet me halfway,
Let's see how you do?!

(Takes one of the spectators onto the site and performs the “Oncoming Traffic” clowning exercise with him, deliberately provoking a collision several times. At the end, the correct flow is carried out once - keeping to the right side. Kesha exaggeratedly solemnly rewards the partner with a thematic souvenir - a medal / badge - and sends to the place.)

KS. - Well, one on one will always go wrong:
Look how much free space there is left!
But if there are more people,
Yes, someone is going to overtake someone -
This is where the hustle and bustle begins!
And you won’t prove anything to me, we bet?!

KS. - Let's prove it, guys?!

KS. - Well, let's see!
Come on, come out here, whoever is brave!
Not just one at a time, but a whole group!
Although I am absent-minded, I noticed:
How to stretch out in a heap for an entire block,
They shout, they push, they play with the ball!
What are the rules?! - They forget about everything!

(goes to the props)

Now we have something suitable
Here we will mark the sidewalk!

(Takes a set of pins, arranges them, indicating “sidewalk”)

Come on, Ksyusha, let's help.
Place the guys on both sides for now.
Let them meet each other halfway -
Let's see WHAT the rules are here!

(KSYUSHA brings 10-12 participants onto the site, dividing them into two groups. The groups are placed facing each other at opposite ends of the fenced-off “sidewalk”. THE LEADERS set the task: at the signal, go towards them - and in each group they secretly appoint overtakers.)

So, attention, let's start the game!
Let's have fun and walk together to the music!
Whoever passes the best will be rewarded!

(To the accompaniment of the song “It’s fun to walk together,” the crowd “Counter Movement of Groups” is held. LEADERS, each at the head of their own group, lead them towards each other in the forward and reverse direction, first creating erroneous situations. After commenting, they repeat again, helping to adhere to the action rules of consumption: pass, keeping to the right, and overtake the person in front - on the left. At the end, the results of the game are summed up, and rewards are awarded.

KS. - We walked, we walked,
Our little legs are tired!
We'll take a little rest
Let's sing a song in chorus!

(Sends the participants to their seats, and KESHA takes the verse tablets with the text for karaoke and stands with them facing the audience. The phonogram “It’s fun to walk together” is turned on again, but with the proposed text pre-recorded. KSUSHA conducts the hall, and everyone sings together.)

Sidewalk, sidewalk,

We are in pairs, we are in pairs.

We walk towards each other - don’t push,
If we offend someone, we apologize!
After all, we need to remember that we are not alone,
Pleased pedestrians with your behavior!

It's fun to walk along the sidewalk together,
Sidewalk, sidewalk,
If we went out for a walk in pairs,
We are in pairs, we are in pairs.

KS. - All! You are doing very well!
But there is some kind of secret here!

KS. - But now we’ll ask the guys themselves,
And they, of course, will explain everything to us:
If we must part ways with someone we meet,
Which side should you take?

(leads to the answer “Keep to the right”)

And if we are in a very, very hurry,
Which side will we overtake from?

(leads to the answer “You need to overtake on the left”)

KSH. - Oh, thanks! Now I have become twice as literate
And I can name the second rule:
You can safely walk along the sidewalk -
If you are going on the right and overtake on the left!

(Walking cheerfully in place, chanting)

If you do everything right -
It will work out well!

(having jumped up, he loses the rhythm of the cross movement of his arms and legs, tries to continue marching, waving his one-sided legs and arms - and all this against the background of the text, pronounced in a confused and dumbfounded tone.)

Only in the left - right somehow
I also began to get confused.

(Looking at his limbs in bewilderment)

Left is right, left is right...
How to figure it out?
Two arms, two legs - you can get confused!

KS, - Guys, Kesha needs help again -
To understand where the left side is and where the right side is.
He will raise the sign - and you answer:
Just raise the right hand and call it!
Just watch, don’t yawn!

(Takes from the props signs with double-sided inscriptions “left” - “right”. The handing over of the signs to Kesha is carried out like a blitz clownery: a confusion of hands and corresponding signs is played out. Then KESHA conducts a crowd meeting with the audience, showing the signs in direct and mirror images and periodically confusing them In the last few repetitions, he reinforces the correct orientation of the children’s hands, standing with their backs to the audience.)

KSH. - Well, the secret is finally revealed
With hands - sides:
It's all a matter of where you're facing
You and I stand alone!

(Rejoicing at the discovery, he begins involuntarily, as if surprised and testing the correctness of the definitions, to recite in recitative, alternately extending the corresponding limb forward. The text is accompanied by dotted chords of the melody “Dance of the Ducklings”)

This is the right hand
This is the left hand
This is the right and left hand!
This is the right leg
This is the left leg
This is right and left-va-ya no-ha!

Wow, how cool! Now it works!

KS. - Attention! A special walking dance is announced!
Come on guys, everyone stand in a circle.
And learn to dance it with us!

(They line up the audience in a circle on the site, stand in the center facing each other, inviting participants from the semicircle behind them to synchronously repeat all the movements. The instrumental phonogram for the song “Dance of the Ducklings” is turned on. THE PRESENTERS sing, illustrating the text with the simplest dance movements .)

KS.+ KS. (together)
- This is the right hand
(extend your hand forward)
This is the left hand

This is the right and left hand. (pull out alternately + three claps

This is the right leg
(foot forward on the heel + hands on the belt)
This is the left leg
This is the right and left-va-ya no-ga. (alternately with a jump + 3 stomps)

We'll turn right
(half turn of the body, hands on the waist)
We'll turn left
We're right and left. (half turns and full turn to the right)

Only on the right we will go (step with a stomp to the right)

We’ll just go around on the left (step with a stomp to the left)
Only on the left pedestrians oh-boy-dem! (4 steps in a circle to the left)

We need order (march to the center of the circle)
Strictly observe (jumps in the center)
And from these rules (march from the center)
There is no way for us to retreat (jumping in place, clapping)

(Chorus repeated twice)

(It is possible to repeat the dance, but in two separate circles, which will give participants the opportunity to consolidate their left-right orientation, overcoming the confusing influence of mirror image - when looking at those standing opposite. LEADERS, standing in the center of their circle, constantly change their location, turning in different sides around its axis so as to be mirrored in front of different fragments of the circle. At the end of the dance, everyone returns to their seats.)

KSH. - So, arms and legs are collected,
Disassembled from left to right,
And my head seems to be in order -
I won’t even set foot on the roadway!
Now I’ll just walk on the sidewalk -
There's no way cars will hit me there!

KS. - What a confusion you are, Kesha, by God!
What if we need to cross the road?!
After all, you almost got under the wheels
Precisely because I crossed the wrong way!

KS. (confused, then triumphant)
- But how?.. Ah, I remembered!
To cross the roadway,
Some kind of ZEBRA needs to be found!
Is there a zoo nearby?
I’ll take a zebra there – and everything’s fine!
Imagine: I’m sitting astride a zebra,
I look down on motor vehicles,
And I cross the road anywhere.
The zebra is striped, you can see it from a distance -
Cars won't hit an animal!

(KSYUSHA takes out a roll of plastic from the props, unfolds it, and it turns out to be a tablet painted as a “zebra” - a transition path. He teases Kesha with it, like a bullfighter.)

KSH. (shook away in fear)
- Oh, what a horror! And got a zebra?!
Is this all that’s left of her?!

KS. - Well, Kesha, you and the balabon!
As they say, I heard a ringing - but you don’t know where it is!

(explains instructively)

Notice, at almost every intersection
A path is drawn in black and white stripes.
This is what pedestrians need to find,
So that the roadway can only be crossed.
So our “zebra” lies, but does not walk:
After all, a pedestrian crossing is called a “zebra”!

(Puts the track on the floor.)

KSH. - And what will it be like for us?

KS. (selecting details of the “Pedestrian Crossing” risers from the props and inviting Kesha to install them.)

“We’ll draw a street here now.”
And so that you don’t make mistakes anymore,
The guys will help you practice.

(They fence off with pins or draw with chalk a fragment of the road from the two edges of the zebra crossing, installing a “Crossing” sign at both ends.)

But before our experience begins,
You will have to provide detailed instructions.
With a song it will be easier for us to understand everything.
I'll start - and you try to repeat.

(The phonogram of the melody for the song “Dance while sitting” is turned on. KSUSHA begins the verse, KESHA joins in, working with the audience on repetitions of the lines.)

KS. - You walked along the sidewalk together
Or got out of the transport where necessary -
How can you go if all the time
Are there cars running along the roadway?
You must definitely hold on
And don’t just rush anywhere.
So as not to end up under the wheels,
Remember the rules here:

(Second part of the melody)

KS. KS. (with hall)
Across the road Across the road
You're not in a hurry, you're not in a hurry,
Before the transition Before the transition
Better get there. Better get there.
Left and right Left and right
You look around, you look around,
Is there no car? Is there no car?
You will be convinced. You will be convinced.

(Third part of the melody)

On the transition On the transition
Don't push, don't push,
Only on the right Only on the right
Move around. Move around.

(The accompaniment includes 4 chop chords - and a transition to the last musical phrases of the song “Cat Purr”)

You move these rules

(And once again - repeat with the audience)

We are moving these rules
You have to memorize it like two and two!

KS. - So, let's start training.
We listen carefully - we do it deftly!

(The presenters form 2 groups from the audience: “Pedestrians” and “Drivers.” The game task is explained to each group separately.
KESHA divides the “drivers” into 2 subgroups of 4 people, they are given tablets with full-face images of various cars. The subgroups are located on two sides of the “roadway” from opposite ends facing each other - to illustrate 2-way traffic. At a further signal, the participants, imitating “vehicle transport,” will have to start moving towards each other. At the same time, they are given the instruction to let “pedestrians” pass by the “raised hand of the Leader” sign when they enter the zebra crossing. One of the “drivers” in each subgroup is secretly designated as a “violator.”
KSUSHA also divides the “pedestrians” group into 2 subgroups, which are placed on opposite “sidewalks” in a random order away from the crossing, so that during the game they have a reserve distance for moving towards the “transition”. In subgroups, “violators” are also secretly appointed.
The soundtrack of the song “Dance while sitting” is restarted. The LEADERS, each leading their own group, give the command to start the game.
On the first verse of the subgroup, the “drivers” begin to move along the “roadway” towards each other, and the “passers-by,” dancing to the rhythm of the melody, under the control of KSYUSHA, “walk” along the “sidewalks,” heading towards the crossing.
KESHA secretly gives a sign to the “violators” among the “drivers” to overtake on the right - and immediately comments for the rest of the participants in the game, drawing their attention to the confusion this is creating.
On the second verse, the “pedestrians” stop in each group at their own edge of the “zebra” and then act, accurately illustrating the content of the text: “Don’t rush across the road...”, etc.
On the third verse, “drivers” continue their “drive”, and “pedestrians” step onto the “zebra” to cross the street, and in turn, KSYUSHA gives a signal to secretive “violators” to incorrectly overtake those in front, pushing - thereby creating a clear example for illustration pedestrian errors and their consequences, based on the most effective principle - “You learn from mistakes!”
The game is repeated: once with the same composition of groups of “drivers” and “pedestrians” - this time in compliance with all the rules, and a second time - after the groups have swapped places.
At the end, the PRESENTERS sum up the results, give rewards and return the participants to their seats.)

KS. - Okay, we convinced you, so be it.
Now I will only walk along the zebra crossing.
It’s better not to be too lazy to get to the crossing,
Than, in a hurry, end up in the hospital.

KS. (with the sly one)
– And I’ll ask you to remember one more DEVICE,
Which is known to every baby.
If you pay attention to him more often,
You can walk the streets without fear!

KS. - What kind of device? What do you mean?

KS. – You’ll find out if you solve the riddle!
In the meantime, look in our props,
Is there anything there in reserve?!

(KESHA goes to the props, rummages through them, then takes out and mounts the traffic light parts on a collapsible riser, as if simply by blind guess, while demonstrating complete surprise. He examines the result, as if not understanding what he did.)

KS. (continues, addressing the audience)
– This device is the master of crossroads,
He signals with his three-colored eyes.
Standing on a leg or hanging over the road -
He looks carefully in all four directions.
Controls all traffic on the roads
And he prescribes a strict order.
His job is to indicate:
Who should go, who should go, who should stand.
And we, road users,
We all obey his orders.
Well, what is the name of this device?
Everyone knows, of course, what this is...

(pauses, waiting for an answer from the audience. If he does not receive an answer, he gives a hint by syllables)

(Takes the traffic light installed by Kesha, installs it in the center of the hall and encourages the audience to repeat the name.)

KS. - Just think, America is being discovered!
Yes, I’ve known about him for a long time!
But, in my opinion, everyone is wrong,
And the device is called completely differently.
CVETO-for - that's what we'll call it,
Because there are COLORED windows in it!

KS. - But behind these windows the LIGHT is burning,
That’s why we need to say “SVETO-for”!
Now listen carefully
And answer carefully:
If the red light is on -
Is the path open or closed?

(The red light comes on at the traffic light and flashes it, seeking a response from the audience.)

The path is open to pedestrians -
So, WHAT light is on?

(Switches the traffic light to green, blinks it, waiting for the audience’s response.)

And now the same thing, but in reverse!

KS. (to the rhythm of the Winnie the Pooh song, chanting recitative)
- Oh, I remembered!
If the light is green, then go!
If the red light comes on, don't go!
If it's yellow, if it's yellow...

(as if stumbling while accelerating, he turns to Ksyusha in confusion)

If it's yellow, if it's yellow...

(turning to the audience in search of an answer - pleadingly)

If yellow, if yellow?...

(The expected response from the audience is “Wait!” If there is no answer, he finishes himself, as if finally making a discovery)

WAIT – yes!

(continues in a maliciously defiant manner, as if in an attacking defense against shame for his ignorance)

But I heard that guys
Colors are often confused!

KS. – We’ll check it now.
Come on, quickly, everyone here!

(Calls and leads spectators to the site for the “Traffic Light” game. Participants are given hats painted in the colors of the traffic light, and the PRESENTERS explain the rules:
– holding hands in a chain, the participants will have to follow the LEADING snake / which he will entangle as much as possible, eventually twisting it into a spiral /. At the signal - stopping the phonogram in random order by one of the Presenters - the chain scatters, uniting into subgroups by color: two gather around the Presenters, one - towards the traffic light. The game is repeated 2-3 times with changing gathering places. At the end of the game, the props are returned by the Presenter. The game is played to the tune of Oleg Popov's song. The presenters need to plan everything so that the background music continues until the participants return to their seats)

Traffic rules are for us - not for anyone else.
I went for a walk - please don’t yawn on the road
And be careful when crossing:
If you are sure, when you are completely sure,
Then just walk.
Traffic rules - parting words for the journey.
If you are getting ready to set off, please consider:
When the green light is on, calmly touch it,
You will see red, and if you see red light,
Don't run out!
Read the traffic rules before bed,
Swallowing breakfast and getting on the tram.
And even if you go around the Earth in the coming day,
But these rules, wonderful wise rules
Don't break it!

KS. (joyfully jumping and clapping)

KS. (conducting the audience, repeats with them)
- A pedestrian lives well in the world,

KS. – If he follows the rules all year round!

KS. – If he follows the rules all year round!

KS. - And who does not comply with them,

KS. - And who does not comply with them,

KS. - He gets hit by a vehicle,

KS. - He gets hit by a vehicle,

TOGETHER - Here!!!

KS. - Thank you guys
That they helped me remember everything!
I’ve become so literate that I’m just wow!

KS. - Oh, Kesha, how awkward you are!
After all, there are still many rules, good and different.
It’s difficult for us to remember them all at once:
About getting out of transport, about road signs...
You'll have to say goodbye now
And quickly go to the pedestrian school.

KS. - How was school? Again?
I do not want to study! I want to play!

(KYUSHA puts her hands on his back and, pushing him with force, directs him towards the props, KESHA desperately tries to slow down.)

KS. (strained, as if carrying some kind of weight)
– So as not to end up in this situation again –
Traffic rule violator!
Now, if a car ran over you -
Can you imagine what grief that would be?!
Indeed, in some countries, in road accidents
More people die than in all kinds of wars!

KS. (continuing to resist, he twists and calls out to the audience from behind Ksyusha’s shoulder
looking for the latest support)
- Well, guys, now it’s clear to you,
That being absent-minded on the street is dangerous?!

(KSYUSHA, “exhausted,” stops in exhaustion, barely catching her breath, and addresses the audience)

KS. - Ugh! You need to reply to Kesha, guys!
Well, let's repeat loudly and unanimously:

(conducts, setting the audience a rhythm chanting according to the words)

Now, of course, it is clear to all of us,
That being absent-minded on the street is dangerous!

(Applauds, stimulating and the audience applauds)

KS. (dejectedly submitting, continues)
– Science of road safety
I'll have to repeat it again...

(but as if having found a way out, he joyfully realizes)

And then, of course, I will have to

additional education

"Chainsky House of Children's Creativity"

Scenario of the competitive game program

according to traffic rules

"Jolly Crossroads"

Prepared by: I.G. Romanova,

methodologist MBOU DO "Chainsky DDT"


Scenario of a competitive game program on traffic rules

"Jolly Crossroads"

Purpose of the event: to develop in students the skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads.


1. Consolidate children’s previously acquired knowledge of traffic rules.

2. To consolidate children’s knowledge about road signs, the purpose of traffic lights, and their signals.

3. Deepen children’s knowledge about transport and rules of behavior on the bus.

4. Develop physical qualities: strength, agility, speed in relay races.

5. Develop thinking, memory, speech activity.

Equipment: drum, sectors with the names of competitions, road signs, a set of “Car” puzzles, cards with riddles, plates with numbers, skittles, tokens.

The event takes place in the form of a game. Competitions are determined by the participants themselves by rotating the drum on which the sectors are located. The sector pointed to by the reel arrow is determined as the current competition. 2-3 teams participate, in each of which a captain is elected, and the names of the teams are determined. The event is conducted by two teachers (leader and assistant).

Progress of the event.

(the presenter reads a poem)

There are rules everywhere, you should always know them:
Without them, ships will not set sail from the harbor.
The polar explorer and the pilot go on a voyage according to the rules,
They don’t just walk around the city, on the street:
When you don't know the rules, it's easy to get into trouble.
Be attentive at all times and remember in advance:
The driver and the pedestrian have their own rules.

Hello, dear pedestrians and passengers! I think such an appeal to you is not surprising. After all, everyone knows that when we walk down the street, we are called “pedestrians,” and when we travel in public transport, we are passengers!

We invite all of you – pedestrians and passengers – to take part in educational game“Merry Crossroads”, in which you not only have to solve riddles, but also perform interesting tasks, participate in the road relay race, but also remember the rules of the road. After all the law of streets and roads is very strict. He does not forgive if a pedestrian is walking down the street and decides not to follow the rules. But this law is also very good: it protects people from terrible misfortune, protects their lives. Therefore, only constant observance of the rules allows us all to confidently cross the streets.

But before we start playing, I want to check your readiness.

Answer the following questions:
1. What did Emelya ride on to the Tsar’s palace? (on the stove)
2. Leopold the cat's favorite two-wheeled mode of transport? (bike)
3. What gift did Uncle Fyodor’s parents give to the postman Pechkin? (bike)
4. What did the good fairy turn the pumpkin into for Cinderella? (into the carriage)
5. What did old Hottabych fly on? (on a magic carpet)
6. Baba Yaga's personal transport? (mortar)
7. What did the absent-minded man from Baseinaya Street go to Leningrad on? (by train)
8. The bears rode a bicycle
And behind him are mosquitoes...
What did the mosquitoes fly on? (on a balloon)
9. What did Baron Munchausen fly on? (on the core)
10. What did the queen and baby wear in the fairy tale about Tsar Saltan? (in a barrel).
Now I I see that you are ready to hit the road. Go!

Our game will play out as follows: three squads make up three teams. Your task is to choose captains and come up with names for your teams.

In the center of the hall, there is a drum on which the sectors are located.The captains from each team will take turns making a move. The reel's index arrow will determine the game sector.

Sector “Riddles on the roads”.

(the riddles are printed on pre-prepared images of different cars.)

Teacher: There are different cars in front of you, back side which contain riddles. In turn, members of each team choose a car and read the riddle. The team whose participant drew the card guesses. If a team finds it difficult, the right to answer passes to other teams. For correctly guessing the riddle, the team receives a token.

1.What kind of sign is this?

Stop - he tells the cars.

Pedestrian, walk boldly

Striped black and white. ("Crosswalk")

2. There's a house on the street,
Everyone is lucky to get to work.
Not on chicken thin legs,
And in rubber boots.

3. Not a dog - but with a chain,
Not a horse- and with a saddle. (Bike)

4. A canvas, not a path,
A horse is not a horse - a centipede
It crawls along that path,
The whole convoy is lucky. (Train)

5. I'm walking around the city
I won't get into trouble.
Because I know for sure -
Right I'm doing it. (A pedestrian)

6. Here's a car rushing along the rails
Holds on to the wires.
And she doesn’t need gasoline,
To rush back and forth.(Tram)

7. There is a hole under the road.
Who can figure it out the fastest?
Why on it in the morning
Are people walking back and forth? (Underground pedestrian crossing)

8. Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz,
A beetle is running down the street
And the beetle's eyes are burning,
Two shiny lights. (Car.)

9. There are no police caps,

And in the eyes there is a glassy light,
But any machine will say:
You can go or not. (Traffic light)

10. This device reveals
Those who exceed the speed limit.
Strict locator says:
- Violator on the road!(Radar)

11. The bus doesn't roll here.
Trams will not pass here.
It's peaceful here for pedestrians
They are walking along the street.
For cars and trams
There is another road. (Sidewalk)

12. A thread stretches, winding among the fields,
Forest, copses
Without end and edge.
Nor break it,
Not to wrap it in a ball.(Road)

Sector "Bus"

(skittles or road dividers are prepared in advance for this competition)

Now we are going to play a game called “Buses”. But before we start playing it, let's remember the basic rules of behavior on the bus:

1. Boarding and disembarking from the bus is carried out only when the bus has come to a complete stop.

2. Having taken your seats, fasten your seat belts.

3. While the bus is moving, it is strictly forbidden to distract the driver with extraneous sounds (screams, loud conversations, etc.).

4. Maintain order on the bus: it is prohibited to litter, damage property and the interior of the bus.

6. While driving, it is prohibited to unfasten your seat belts, get up from your seats or run around the cabin.

All these simple rules you must comply while playing.

Rules of the game: “Buses” are teams of children “driver” and “passengers”. Flags are placed 6-7 m from each team. On the command “March! » the first players quickly walk (it is forbidden to run) to their flags (pins, go around them and return to the columns, where they are joined by the second players, and together they again make the same path, etc. The players hold each other by elbows. When the bus (front player - “driver”) returns to the place with a full complement of passengers, it must sound the whistle. The team that arrives at the final stop first wins.

Sector "Road Sign Park"

(small cards with images of road signs are prepared in advance and posted inside the institution where the game will take place (under the table, under a chair, on a windowsill, etc.); in the summer, cards can also be posted outside, on the territory of the institution)

Teacher: Important road signs –

Compass for adults and children.

Children! Be careful!

Know what is not allowed and what is possible!

Do it without fail

Whatever the signs say!

And at our intersection there was a hurricane and it blew road signs all over the House of Creativity. Your task is to find them. As soon as the music starts, all participants return to their places. Whose team finds the most road signs will win this competition.

Sector "Auto repair shop"

An image of a car is prepared in advance, which is cut into several parts, the number of which depends on the age of the participants. The older the children, the greater the number of puzzle pieces.)

Teacher: Your task is to assemble a bus from cut parts.

Teams are given tasks. Children begin to complete tasks when given a signal. The team that collects the picture first wins.

Sector "Road Rules"

(Signs with numbers 1,2,3 are prepared in advance. The presenter reads out the question and three answer options. The teams’ task is to raise the sign with the number of the correct answer, in their opinion).

Teacher:I hope the most resourceful, smart and savvy guys have gathered here.
Now we will try to find out what you know about the rules of the roadmovements. It is no secret that a large number of road transportaccidents occur due to the fault of pedestrians and drivers who do not comply with these rules. How The better we know the rules of the road, the saferwill be our life.

I'll ask questions and name threeanswer options for them. After you've talked a little, I thinkAt the signal, you need to raise a sign with the number of the correct answer. Ta
the team that gave the correct answer receives 1 token.

Questions and answers:

1. At what light should you cross the street?

1) red;

2) green;

3) yellow.

2. Is it possible to cross the street at a red light if there are no cars visible:

1) yes, because there is no danger;

2 ) no, danger can arise at any moment.

3. Crossing the road:

1) look only straight;

2) first look in both directions - first to the right, then to the left;

3) first look in both directions - first left, then right.

4. At what age are you allowed to ride a bicycle on a public road:

1 ) from 14 years;

2) in any;

3) c 16 years.

5. At what age is it legal to sit next to the driver?

1) at any age;

2) after 12 years;

3) after 10 years.

6. When crossing the street when the light is green, do you need to look first to the left and then to the right?

1) No, if it’s green, you don’t have to do this;

2) Yes, you should make sure that all cars have stopped;

3) A traffic light is a useless thing, so you need to cross the road where there is none.

7. Where can you cross the roadway outside a populated area if there is no pedestrian crossing?

1) Anywhere without interfering with the movement of vehicles;

2) In places where the road is clearly visible in both directions;

3) At a bend in the road.

8. Pedestrians must move on sidewalks

1) sticking to the left side;

2) in the middle;

3) sticking to the right side, and where there are none - along the side of the road.

Sector "Road savvy"

The task of each team is to make as many words as possible from the word CAR.

The team that composes more words in the nominative case, in the singular, will receive more tokens.

At the end of the game, the tokens are counted and the team with the most wins.

Our game has come to an end

Did you like it?

Thank you all for your attention,

For healthy laughter,

For the excitement of competition,

Guaranteed success!
