Game program in the city of traffic experts. Scenario of a game program on traffic rules for preschool children "fun ABC of traffic. according to the rules of the road

Game program on traffic rules for children preschool age“Red light – you can’t play, yellow – let’s get ready friends, green – start playing”

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description: This scenario will be of interest to teachers of preschool educational institutions to consolidate children’s knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the road. The scenario can be used as a final event on the topic of safety, or as a leisure activity.

Target: Consolidate the rules traffic on practice.
Systematize children's knowledge about traffic rules.
Develop intellectual functions: thinking, memory, spatial orientation when performing tasks.
Cultivate children's interest in accumulating knowledge of traffic rules.
Preliminary work: conversations, memorizing poems, reading stories, games on traffic rules.

Educator: Guys, to understand what we are going to talk about today, I suggest you watch the cartoon. Attention to the screen.

Uncle Styopa: Hello girls, hello boys,
And hello to the teachers.
We'll show you some fun
About traffic rules.
Guys, do you know the rules, don’t you break them?
Uncle Styopa: They say you know
Road rules.
I'm starting to check
I invite you to play.
First, try to guess my riddle:
- This light tells us:
“The path here is closed for you now!”
And it's dangerous to go now,
The traffic light is on.....
- And this light tells us,
Wait a little,
How the green one will tan,
You can cross the road!
- If this light is on,
So the way is open for us!
Uncle Styopa: Well done, you solved the riddles. And now I invite you to play, we all stand up like a train, I give commands - loudly, clearly, understandably, and you must listen to them and follow them. Let's remember once again what we do at a red light?
Uncle Styopa: To yellow? To green?
Children answer.
Uncle Styopa: And now we are going on a journey according to the rules of the road. Ready?
Uncle Styopa: The green light is on, what do we do?
Children They answer, “We’re going...”, and they set off like a train, following each other in a circle.
Uncle Styopa: Red light - children stop.
They play like this for 3-5 minutes.

Uncle Styopa: And now I invite the kids to play. Let's split into two teams. You need to collect the colors that are on the traffic light. There are balls of different colors in front of you, you need to choose only those colors of balls that are on the traffic light sign. First, take a ball of the same color and begin passing the ball along the chain to the end of the team. The last player receives the ball, holds it tightly, he no longer plays, but waits for all the colors to be collected. Then the first player on the team takes the ball of the second traffic light color and also passes it along the chain (roll the ball between the legs). We do the same thing with the third ball and assemble our traffic light from balls. Whoever completes the task faster, that team wins.
Game: “Assemble a traffic light.”

Educator: Guys, we completed the task and it turned out to be a wonderful traffic light. Now take a minute of rest and a little quiz, remember the rules and answer the questions.
- Can I play next to the roadway? (no)
- Are cars moving at a red traffic light? (no)
- What is the name of the place where we are waiting for the bus? (bus stop)
- The road along which you go to kindergarten in the morning? (sidewalk)
- These stripes are painted on the roadway with white paint so that we can cross the road safely. What are these stripes? (zebra)
- Is it possible to travel to public place without a ticket, without paying for travel? (no)
Uncle Styopa: They answered correctly, you can play. For this game we need 2 children from senior group and 2 kids. There are cars in front of you, the kids from the older group must drive the kids on the car between the pins, the main thing is not to drop anyone and follow the traffic rules. There is a traffic light on your way, I will give commands, you listen and look carefully at the traffic light. Babies are your cargo, you need to deliver them to their destination safe and sound, not to lose them or drop them anywhere.
One, two, three “Carry the cargo.”

Educator: Guys, what if an accident happens, where should we go?
Educator: So our drivers got into an accident, we send them to the hospital.

Educator: I suggest a little warm-up. And we invite Uncle Styopa too.
The guard stands stubborn (Walking in place).
He waves to people: Don't go!
(Move your arms to the sides, up, to the sides, down)
Here the cars drive straight (Hands in front of you)
Pedestrian, you wait! (Hands to the side)
Look: smiled (Hands on belt, smile)
Invites us to go (We walk in place)
You machines, don't rush (Hand clapping)
Let the pedestrian pass! (Jumping in place)
Uncle Styopa: I’m already tired, I need to rest a little.
Educator: Rest Uncle Styopa and listen to the poems that our guys have prepared.
- Child senior group:
At any crossroads
We are greeted by a traffic light,
And it starts very easily,
Conversation with a pedestrian.
Green light - come on in
Yellow better wait.
If the light turns red -
This means it’s dangerous to move!
- Child junior group:
You need to obey without arguing
Traffic light instructions:
Need traffic rules
Carry out without objection.
- Child senior group:
To live without knowing grief,
To run, swim and fly,
You must follow the traffic rules,
Always and everywhere comply.
Be careful on the street, children!
Remember these rules firmly.
Always remember these rules
So that no trouble happens to you!
Educator: Our kids give you Uncle Styopa another minute to rest and sing a song for you.
- If you are kind...
If the pedestrian walked correctly,
And he stomped along the passage.
So this is all very good,
And when it’s the other way around, it’s bad.
The traffic light is burning brightly on the way,
Each eye looks strictly,
Listening to him is good
And when it’s the other way around, it’s bad.
Listening to him is good
And when it’s the other way around, it’s bad.
Rules are always, very necessary for everyone,
Even a little one remembers.
If you know them, that's good
And when it’s the other way around, it’s bad.
If you know them, that's good
And when it’s the other way around, it’s bad.
Educator: Well, Uncle Styopa, did you rest?
Uncle Styopa: While I was resting, I prepared a new and interesting task for you. I have small fragments in my hands, they are all different: there are yellow, green and red. I just can’t understand what this is? Something familiar, maybe you can help me and put these fragments together into a whole picture.
Children assemble a traffic light from cut-out pictures.

Uncle Styopa: Guys, tell me, are all the signs the same or are they different?
Uncle Styopa: How are they different?
Answers: by color, shape.
Uncle Styopa: That's right, there are cards on the tables in front of you, I will now read the lines, and you must find a card with this sign and lift it up. I think that we will entrust this task to the children of the senior group to complete.
There's a land crossing here
People walk around all day.
You, driver, don't be sad,
Pedestrians, let them pass!
- "No Pedestrians"
In rain and in clear weather
There are no pedestrians here
The sign tells them one thing:
You are prohibited from walking!
- "Crosswalk"
A pedestrian! A pedestrian!
Remember about the transition!
Underground, above ground,
Know that only a transition
It will save you from cars!
"Passenger transport stopping place"
In this place the pedestrian
The transport is waiting patiently.
He's tired of walking
Wants to become a passenger.
- "Hospital"
If you need treatment,
The sign will tell you where the hospital is.
One hundred serious doctors
There they will tell you: “Be healthy!”
Uncle Styopa: Now that the event has come to an end, I invite the kids to color the “Traffic Light” coloring pages, and the older kids will draw road signs from memory on easels.
Educator: Now we’ll rest a little and check how attentive you are.
Answer my questions: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.”
Which one of you always goes
Only where the transition is?

Who always hurries forward
Not noticing the traffic light?
Answer: silence.
Who knows all the rules
And does he strictly follow them?
Answers: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
Who knows that red light -
Does this mean "No move"?
Answers: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
Who's on public transport?
Gives place to elders?
Answers: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
Who plays with the ball?
Near the roadway.
Answer: silence.
Uncle Styopa: You guys are great! You know the traffic rules very well and I am sure that you follow them!
Gives gifts to children. Goodbye. And finally, I suggest you watch a cartoon about me. Until next time.

additional education

"Chainsky House of Children's Creativity"

Scenario of the competitive game program

according to traffic rules

"Jolly Crossroads"

Prepared by: I.G. Romanova,

methodologist MBOU DO "Chainsky DDT"


Scenario of a competitive game program on traffic rules

"Jolly Crossroads"

Purpose of the event: to develop in students the skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads.


1. Consolidate children’s previously acquired knowledge of traffic rules.

2. To consolidate children’s knowledge about road signs, the purpose of traffic lights, and their signals.

3. Deepen children’s knowledge about transport and rules of behavior on the bus.

4. Develop physical qualities: strength, agility, speed in relay races.

5. Develop thinking, memory, speech activity.

Equipment: drum, sectors with the names of competitions, road signs, a set of “Car” puzzles, cards with riddles, plates with numbers, skittles, tokens.

The event takes place in the form of a game. Competitions are determined by the participants themselves by rotating the drum on which the sectors are located. The sector pointed to by the reel arrow is determined as the current competition. 2-3 teams participate, in each of which a captain is elected, and the names of the teams are determined. The event is conducted by two teachers (leader and assistant).

Progress of the event.

(the presenter reads a poem)

There are rules everywhere, you should always know them:
Without them, ships will not set sail from the harbor.
The polar explorer and the pilot go on a voyage according to the rules,
They don’t just walk around the city, on the street:
When you don't know the rules, it's easy to get into trouble.
Be attentive at all times and remember in advance:
The driver and the pedestrian have their own rules.

Hello, dear pedestrians and passengers! I think such an appeal to you is not surprising. After all, everyone knows that when we walk down the street, we are called “pedestrians,” and when we travel in public transport, we are passengers!

We invite all of you – pedestrians and passengers – to take part in educational game“Merry Crossroads”, in which you not only have to solve riddles, but also perform interesting tasks, participate in the road relay race, but also remember the rules of the road. After all the law of streets and roads is very strict. He does not forgive if a pedestrian is walking down the street and decides not to follow the rules. But this law is also very good: it protects people from terrible misfortune, protects their lives. Therefore, only constant adherence to the rules allows us all to confidently cross the streets.

But before we start playing, I want to check your readiness.

Answer the following questions:
1. What did Emelya ride on to the Tsar’s palace? (on the stove)
2. Leopold the cat's favorite two-wheeled mode of transport? (bike)
3. What gift did Uncle Fyodor’s parents give to the postman Pechkin? (bike)
4. What did the good fairy turn the pumpkin into for Cinderella? (into the carriage)
5. What did old Hottabych fly on? (on a magic carpet)
6. Baba Yaga's personal transport? (mortar)
7. What did the absent-minded man from Basseynaya Street go to Leningrad on? (by train)
8. The bears rode a bicycle
And behind him are mosquitoes...
What did the mosquitoes fly on? (on a balloon)
9. What did Baron Munchausen fly on? (on the core)
10. What did the queen and baby wear in the fairy tale about Tsar Saltan? (in a barrel).
Now I I see that you are ready to hit the road. Go!

Our game will play out as follows: three squads make up three teams. Your task is to choose captains and come up with names for your teams.

In the center of the hall, there is a drum on which the sectors are located.The captains from each team will take turns making a move. The reel's index arrow will determine the game sector.

Sector “Riddles on the roads”.

(the riddles are printed on pre-prepared images of different cars.)

Teacher: There are different cars in front of you, back side which contain riddles. In turn, members of each team choose a car and read the riddle. The team whose participant drew the card guesses. If a team finds it difficult, the right to answer passes to other teams. For correctly guessing the riddle, the team receives a token.

1.What kind of sign is this?

Stop - he tells the cars.

Pedestrian, walk boldly

Striped black and white. ("Crosswalk")

2. The house on the street is coming,
It takes everyone to work.
Not on chicken thin legs,
And in rubber boots.

3. Not a dog - but with a chain,
Not a horse- and with a saddle. (Bike)

4. A canvas, not a path,
A horse is not a horse - a centipede
It crawls along that path,
The whole convoy is lucky. (Train)

5. I'm walking around the city
I won't get into trouble.
Because I know for sure -
Right I'm doing it. (A pedestrian)

6. Here's a car speeding along the rails
Holds on to the wires.
And she doesn’t need gasoline,
To rush back and forth.(Tram)

7. There is a hole under the road.
Who realizes it the fastest?
Why on it in the morning
Are people walking back and forth? (Underground pedestrian crossing)

8. Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz,
A beetle is running down the street
And the beetle's eyes are burning,
Two shiny lights. (Car.)

9. There are no police caps,

And in the eyes there is a glassy light,
But any machine will say:
You can go or not. (Traffic light)

10. This device reveals
Those who exceed the speed limit.
Strict locator says:
- Violator on the road!(Radar)

11. The bus doesn't roll here.
Trams will not pass here.
It's peaceful here for pedestrians
They are walking along the street.
For cars and trams
There is another road. (Sidewalk)

12. A thread stretches, winding among the fields,
Forest, copses
Without end and edge.
Nor break it,
Not to wrap it in a ball.(Road)

Sector "Bus"

(pins or road dividers are prepared in advance for this competition)

Now we are going to play a game called “Buses”. But before we start playing it, let's remember the basic rules of behavior on the bus:

1. Boarding and disembarking from the bus is carried out only when the bus has come to a complete stop.

2. Having taken your seats, fasten your seat belts.

3. While the bus is moving, it is strictly forbidden to distract the driver with extraneous sounds (screams, loud conversations, etc.).

4. Maintain order on the bus: it is prohibited to litter, damage property and the interior of the bus.

6. While driving, it is prohibited to unfasten your seat belts, get up from your seats or run around the cabin.

All these simple rules you must comply while playing.

Rules of the game: “Buses” are teams of children “driver” and “passengers”. Flags are placed 6-7 m from each team. At the command “March! » the first players quickly walk (it is forbidden to run) to their flags (pins, go around them and return to the columns, where they are joined by the second players, and together they again make the same path, etc. The players hold each other by elbows. When the bus (the front player is the “driver”) returns to its place with a full complement of passengers, it must blow the whistle. The team that arrives first at the final stop wins.

Sector "Road Sign Park"

(small cards with images of road signs are prepared in advance and posted inside the institution where the game will take place (under the table, under a chair, on a windowsill, etc.); in the summer, cards can also be posted outside, on the territory of the institution)

Teacher: Important road signs –

Compass for adults and children.

Children! Be careful!

Know what is not allowed and what is possible!

Do it without fail

Whatever the signs say!

And at our intersection there was a hurricane and it blew road signs all over the House of Creativity. Your task is to find them. As soon as the music starts, all participants return to their places. Whose team finds the most road signs will win this competition.

Sector "Auto repair shop"

An image of a car is prepared in advance, which is cut into several parts, the number of which depends on the age of the participants. The older the children, the greater the number of puzzle pieces.)

Teacher: Your task is to assemble a bus from cut parts.

Teams are given tasks. Children begin to complete tasks when given a signal. The team that collects the picture first wins.

Sector "Road Rules"

(Signs with numbers 1,2,3 are prepared in advance. The presenter reads out the question and three answer options. The teams’ task is to raise the sign with the number of the correct answer, in their opinion).

Teacher:I hope the most resourceful, smart and savvy guys have gathered here.
Now we will try to find out what you know about the rules of the roadmovements. It is no secret that a large number of road transportaccidents occur due to the fault of pedestrians and drivers who do not comply with these rules. How The better we know the rules of the road, the saferwill be our life.

I'll ask questions and name threeanswer options for them. After you've talked a little, I thinkAt the signal, you need to raise a sign with the number of the correct answer. Ta
the team that gave the correct answer receives 1 token.

Questions and answers:

1. At what light should you cross the street?

1) red;

2) green;

3) yellow.

2. Is it possible to cross the street at a red light if there are no cars visible:

1) yes, because there is no danger;

2 ) no, danger can arise at any moment.

3. Crossing the road:

1) look only straight;

2) first look in both directions - first to the right, then to the left;

3) first look in both directions - first left, then right.

4. At what age are you allowed to ride a bicycle on a public road:

1 ) from 14 years;

2) in any;

3) c 16 years.

5. At what age is it legal to sit next to the driver?

1) at any age;

2) after 12 years;

3) after 10 years.

6. When crossing the street when the light is green, do you need to look first to the left and then to the right?

1) No, if it’s green, you don’t have to do this;

2) Yes, you should make sure that all cars have stopped;

3) A traffic light is a useless thing, so you need to cross the road where there is none.

7. Where can you cross the carriageway outside? settlement, if there is no pedestrian crossing?

1) Anywhere without interfering with the movement of vehicles;

2) In places where the road is clearly visible in both directions;

3) At a bend in the road.

8. Pedestrians must move on sidewalks

1) sticking to the left side;

2) in the middle;

3) sticking to the right side, and where there are none - along the side of the road.

Sector "Road savvy"

The task of each team is to make as many words as possible from the word CAR.

The team that composes more words in the nominative case, in the singular, will receive more tokens.

At the end of the game, the tokens are counted and the team with the most wins.

Our game has come to an end

Did you like it?

Thank you all for your attention,

For healthy laughter,

For the excitement of competition,

Guaranteed success!

Scenario of an event on traffic rules at an elementary school “Road Labyrinth”

Game program on traffic rules in elementary school

Goals and objectives: consolidate children’s knowledge of road signs and traffic rules; develop the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Equipment: road signs, board game “Place signs along the road.”

Game participants: two teams.

Game plan

1. Quiz.

2. Game "Cross the street."

3. Game “Recognize the sign”.

4. Game “Prohibited-allowed”.

5. Game "Red-Green".

6. Game “Place signs along the road.”

7. Role-playing games.

Progress of the game

I. Introductory part.

Leading. Hello guys! We have gathered with you to talk about very important things - about traffic rules, about road signs. We live in a beautiful city with wide streets and alleys. There are many cars and trucks moving along them, trams and buses. And no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians. And in order to calmly cross the street, you need to know the rules of the road.

We give the guys a warning:

Learn the traffic rules immediately!

So that parents don’t worry every day,

So that drivers can be calm behind the wheel.

II. Game program.

1. Quiz.

Who are called pedestrians?

Why are traffic rules necessary?

What is an intersection, why is it dangerous, how to cross it?

At what traffic light signal can you cross the street?

Which part of the road should pedestrians use?

Why can't you cross the street?

How should you get around a stationary tram or bus?

2. Game "Cross the street."

The presenter has two cardboard mugs. One is covered with green paper on one side and yellow on the other. The second - red paper, and the opposite - yellow. All players are divided into two teams. There are two parallel lines, one from the other at a distance of 7-10 steps. This is the "street".

The players line up opposite each other across the line.

Conditions of the game: when the leader waves the green circle, the players take a step forward, the red circle - a step back, the yellow circle - stay in place.

Those who make mistakes are eliminated from the game. The team whose player is the first to “cross the street” wins.

3. Game “Recognize the sign”.

The presenter distributes to the teams prepared road signs and pairs of them (pictures showing what the sign means), mixed together. Each team receives a certain group of signs: warning, prescriptive, informational, service signs and matches the received signs with pictures. For example, to the “Children” sign - a picture of a school or kindergarten. The selected pairs are cut together with a paper clip so that there is a sign on one side and a picture on the other.

For an incorrectly selected sign, the team receives a penalty point.

4. Game “Prohibited-allowed”.

How many guys gather, as many can play this game. But just so that everyone has several square cards depicting various road signs.

The presenter shows his sign (any one). Anyone who finds the same sign must tell him what this sign allows, what it prohibits, what it informs about, etc.

5. Game "Red-Green".

The presenter has two balloon- green and red. The host can give any participant in the game a ball of any color. If you get a red one, call the prohibition sign. If you get a green ball, call the sign “permissive”, “prescriptive”. If you don’t name it, you’re out of the game.

6. Board game“Place signs along the road.”

For this game you will need a playing field and 18 road signs: “Entry prohibited”, “Children”, “Wild animals”, “Road works”, “Railway crossing without a barrier”, “Railway crossing with a barrier”, “Roundabout”, “ Bus (or) trolleybus stop”, “Tram stop”, “Pedestrian path”, “Pedestrian crossing”, “Drinking water”, “Underground pedestrian crossing”, “Traffic police post”, “Point one medical care", "Food station", "Traffic light control", "Telephone".

The teams are given the same number of signs. On the way, the players place the appropriate road signs that they have on their hands. The places where you need to place signs are marked with crosses on the playing field. For example, when passing a telephone booth, they put up a “Telephone” sign, near the crossing - a “Underground passage” sign, and near a school - a “Children” sign.

The team that places all the signs correctly along the road wins.

7. Role-playing games.

1) Crossing the road due to stopped vehicles.

Goal: to instill the skills of safely crossing the road from behind a stationary bus, trolleybus, or tram.

Attributes: bus and car models, badges, steering wheels.

2) Training in the rules of safe crossing of a two-way road.

Goal: to develop the habit of safely crossing a two-way road due to stopped traffic.

III. Summarizing.

This game is designed to be played in a summer camp.

Game program on traffic rules for primary schoolchildren “Merry Crossroads”

Goals and objectives: develop children’s skills for safe behavior on the streets and roads; promote mastery of traffic rules and knowledge of road signs; to cultivate attention and skills of conscious use of knowledge of traffic rules in everyday life.

Equipment: road signs, traffic lights, pictures. Participants of the game: two junior teams.

Game plan

1. Quiz “Green Light”.

2. Game “Three traffic lights”.

3. Attention game “Red, yellow, green”.

4. The game “Allowed and prohibited”.

5. Game “Pick up the signs.”

6. Game “Draw the signs”.

7. Game “Collect signs”.

8. Game “Collect pictures”.

9. Role-playing games.

10. Fun relay races.

Progress of the game

I. Opening remarks.

Leading. Hello guys! Today we will talk to you about traffic rules and road signs, and play games.

Guys, the law of streets and roads, which is called “Road Rules,” is strict. He does not forgive if a pedestrian is walking down the street and decides not to follow the rules. But this law is also very good: it protects people from terrible misfortune, protects their lives. Therefore, only constant adherence to the rules allows us all to confidently cross the streets.

You all know very well that road signs are very important and necessary. Without them it would simply be impossible to move.

(Song about road signs plays)

II. Game tasks.

Leading. So we start the game. Two teams are invited to participate.

1. Quiz “Green Light”.

What is the name of the pedestrian path?

How should you walk on the sidewalk?

What do red, yellow, green traffic lights mean?

Where can you cross the street?

What should you do before you start crossing the street?

Where on the roadway can you wait for traffic?

Is it possible to play on the pavement?

Where can you ride a bike?

Show traffic signs that allow and prohibit cycling.

2. Game “Three traffic lights”.

The teams are given homemade traffic lights.

Leading. Do you know how to follow traffic light commands?

Children: We know! We know!

Leading. Now I'll check, as you know. I will read you poems from Oleg Bedarev’s “The ABCs of Safety,” and you turn on the right light at your traffic lights.

(The presenter shows how to honk with a homemade traffic signal)

Attention! I start:

There are traffic lights

Submit to them without argument.

The pavement is seething in movement -

Cars are running, trams are rushing.

Tell me the correct answer:

What kind of light is there for pedestrians?

(Participants show red lights at their traffic lights)

Right! The red light tells us:

Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed!

Special light - warning!

Wait for the signal to move.

Tell me the correct answer:

What kind of light is on?

(Participants show yellow light at traffic lights)

Right! Yellow light - warning!

Wait for the signal to move.

Walk straight! You know the order

You won't get hurt on the pavement.

Tell me the correct answer:

What kind of light is there for pedestrians?

(Participants show green lights at their traffic lights)

Right! The green light opened the way:

The boys can cross.

At the end of the game, the presenter learns poems about traffic lights with the audience:

The red light tells us:

Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed!

Yellow light - warning!

Wait for the signal to move.

The green light opened the way:

The boys can cross.

3. Attention game “Red, yellow, green”.

Description. If the presenter shows a red circle, the children clap their hands, a yellow circle - do not move, a green circle - stomp their feet.

4. The game “Allowed and prohibited”.

Play on the pavement... (prohibited!)

Crossing the street when the traffic light is green... (allowed!)

Crossing the street in front of nearby traffic... (prohibited!)

Walking in a crowd along the sidewalk... (allowed!)

Crossing the street via an underground passage... (allowed!)

Walk along the highway on the shoulder on the right... (prohibited!)

Crossing the street when the traffic light is red... (prohibited!)

Crossing the street when the traffic light is yellow... (prohibited!)

Helping old men and women cross the street... (allowed!)

Cyclists should not cling to passing cars... (prohibited!)

Walking around vehicles parked on the sidewalk from the front... (prohibited!)

Walk on the sidewalk on the left... (prohibited!)

Running out onto the roadway... (prohibited!)

Riding a bicycle without holding the handlebars... (prohibited!)

Wait out the flow of traffic at the “safety island”... (allowed!)

Leading. And these are not traffic rules, but rules of respectful relations between pedestrians, passengers and drivers.

Pulling girls' pigtails... (prohibited!)

Chatting and laughing loudly in public transport... (prohibited!)

Respect traffic rules... (allowed!)

5. Game “Pick up the signs.”

Each team receives the same number of cards mixed together. The team that matches the signs with their names faster and correctly wins. For example, to a sign that depicts a red circle with a white stripe - “Entry is prohibited”, to a white triangle with a red border and silhouettes of running children - “Children”.

The selected “pairs” are fastened with paper clips so that there is a drawing on one side and text on the other.

6. Game “Draw the signs”.

Players are offered for certain time Draw traffic signs with felt-tip pens.

The team that draws the most symbols correctly within the specified time wins.

You can invite the children to draw signs from one, or even better from two groups (for example, warning and prohibiting or prescriptive and informational) within a certain time.

7. Game “Collect signs”.

Teams are invited to have 3 people who assemble a road sign cut into pieces.

8. Game “Collect pictures”.

The guys collect pictures cut into pieces and determine which traffic rules were violated by fairy-tale characters.

9. Game "Road problems".

Task 1.

The picture shows an uncontrolled intersection: no traffic lights, no traffic police inspector. A boy is standing on one sidewalk. On the other is an Ice Cream kiosk. On the roadway there is a bus and a truck on the right and left. Help the boy cross the street safely to buy ice cream.

Task 2.

Look at the picture and say how a girl and a boy should cross the road to meet at the newsstand.

Answer: the boy calmly crosses the street - the traffic light is green for him. The girl stops at the edge of the sidewalk, since the light is red for her, and will wait until the green signal appears.

10. Fun relay races.

1) Attention game: children stand in a circle, two leaders are selected, children are given circles of red, green and yellow colors. On command, children must find their leaders.

2) Collect warning and prohibition signs on command.

3) Relay race of car drivers.

III. Summarizing.





Deputy Director for Water Resources Director of MBOU DO "DDT" Khanymei village

M.V. Savelyeva _________________ M.G. Krylosova

"___"_________________2016 "____" ________________2016.


educational and game program on traffic rules “Literate pedestrians”

Developed by Sokolova M.V.,


Khanymey village


Goal and tasks

  • Reinforce children’s knowledge previously acquired in this area.
  • To form in students correct behavior on the streets of the village (city).
  • Cultivate attention and concentration.
  • Development of communication skills, creativity, development of logic and thinking.
  • Creating a favorable emotional environment.
  • Contribute comprehensive development children, provide physical education.

Methods used

  • Verbal: presentation by presenters.
  • Visual: stage design, presentation.
  • Practical: game tasks for speed of execution.

Preliminary preparation

  • Preparing presenters to conduct the program.
  • Musical accompaniment.
  • Preparing props for competitions.
  • Creating a presentation.


  • Stage design.
  • Decoration of the hall.

Educational and game program “Literate pedestrians”

To the music performed by V. Leontiev “Green Light”, children in sports uniforms run into the hall.

Leading: Hello girls and boys! Today we have gathered with you in this beautiful hall for a holiday. It will help us remember the traffic rules that you know. Interesting but difficult tasks await us. I hope you and I can easily cope with them.

First of all, I need your help. A hurricane came through and made a mess! Each participant needs to take one circle and stand in place. Got it? Come on guys, on the count of three, everyone is in harmony! One two Three!

And now those with red circles go to the first table, those with yellow ones go to the second flag, those with green ones go to the third! So we got three teams.

1 team "Reds"

2nd team "Yellow"

3rd team "Green"

Guys, it’s not for nothing that we named your teams that way. Tell me, what do the colors red, yellow and green tell you? Children: These are the colors of the traffic lights.

Host: Correct!

How many of you cross the street on your way to school? Who already does this alone, without adults? Tell us how you do it? (Children's answers are listened to.)

Why is it necessary to know the rules of the road? (Children's answers are listened to.)


The traffic light has three lights...

Red light-

Team 1: No way!

Presenter: Yellow –

Team 2: Get ready for the journey!

Presenter: And the green light -

Team 3: Go!

Now let's play: I show circles of different colors, and you perform the following movements: stand silently at a red light, clap at a yellow light, walk in place at a green light. So, let's begin. (The presenter shows circles of different colors, children perform movements according to color.)

Well done! Did a great job! Now let's play with me. I will ask each team riddles, and you will answer. To answer, you need to raise your hand, not shout.


1. I never sleep, I look at the road. I'll tell you when to stand, when to start moving. (Traffic light)

2. The car won’t work here. The main thing here is the pedestrian. In order not to disturb each other, we need to keep the path to the right. (Sidewalk)

3. There is a striped path under Seryozhka’s feet. He walks along it boldly, and all the people follow him. (Zebra)

4. They stand on the roadsides, silently speaking to us. Everyone is ready to help. The main thing is to understand them. (Road signs)

5. The two roads walked for a long time and approached each other. They didn't quarrel, they crossed paths and ran on. What kind of place is this? We all wonder. (Crossroads)

6. Our bus drove and drove, and arrived at the site. And people are bored on it, silently waiting for transport. (Stop)

7. Two wheels are enough for him, and the engine will not let you down. You just need to start it - and have a nice journey! (Motorbike)

8. What kind of store is this? It sells gasoline. A car pulls up and fills them with a full tank. She started up and ran. For another one to come. (Gas station)

9. It lies next to the highway, no traffic runs along it. Well, if suddenly there’s trouble, then everyone comes here. (Curb)

10. I’m sitting behind the wheel, looking at the road. (Driver)

11.You can’t take this ribbon and weave it into a pigtail. She lies on the ground, Transport runs along her. (Road)

12. You and I have a riddle, We are looking for a train... underground! Electric current runs - And the train rushes through the tunnel! (Metro)

13. You will always remember strictly: This is not a place to play - ... (road).

14. Triangular road sign Tells us: (“Caution!”)

15. In the red triangle Schoolchildren are running somewhere: Forgetting all the rules in the world, Here…(children) may appear.

16. The traffic light gives a signal that it is time to go forward. And there are no obstacles for us, After all, the green light is on.

17. Here the transport is patiently waiting, When it arrives, everyone will get on it: The bus will approach us deftly, After all, this place is ... (stop).

18. At the post without delay Regulates traffic, Always sets an example Strict... (policeman).

19. Cars are racing. Immediately, at a gallop, the ball flies towards the roadway. Everyone, friends, must remember that running after the ball... (impossible)!

20. Drives quickly and easily, Can go far, Raised dust along the road And sped away... (car).

21Who always walks? Did you guess it? …(A pedestrian)!

Leading: Well done boys! You completed this task easily. Now let's warm up a little. Let's form a circle.

The rhythmic music “Green Light” performed by V. Leontiev plays.

Physical exercise: “Pedestrians”

The guard stands stubborn(Walking in place).

He waves to people: Don't go!

(Move your arms to the sides, up, to the sides, down)

Cars drive straight here(Hands in front of you)

Pedestrian, you wait!(Hands to the side)

Look: smiled(Hands on belt, smile)

Invites us to go(We walk in place)

You machines, don't rush(Hand clapping)

Let the pedestrian pass!(Jumping in place)

Leading: Well done. Guys! The warm-up went well. Now listen carefully to the next task.

Something has happened somewhere!

Someone is crying! Someone is suffering!

Someone needs an ambulance!

Guys, we need help! Let's play ambulance!

We dress the captain in white robe with the emblem of the ambulance telephone number “03”, he has a large hoop (steering wheel) in his hands. The captain quickly runs the distance from start to finish, comes back, picks up the second team member (puts a hoop on him) and the children run together to the finish line and back. And then they take the third player. Until the whole team is in the hoop.

How nimble and fast you are, smart guys! The team that comes first receives 3 flags, the team that comes second receives 2 flags, and the team that comes third receives 1 flag.

Leading: Task number two:

It's time to do it.

Fold the traffic light faster -

And press the gas as hard as you can!

Each participant is given a fragment of a traffic light. The first team member jumps to the finish line on two legs, lays out his fragment of the traffic light (red) and runs back to the start. He passes the baton to the second participant, who also jumps to the finish line and lays out the second fragment of the traffic light (yellow), and so on. Until all team members complete the task. The team that assembles the traffic light correctly and fastest wins. (1-rectangle, 2-roof, 3-pillar, 4-red circle, 5-yellow circle, 6-green circle, 7-rod)

Did a great job! Now the next task: I will ask you questions, and you must answer “yes” or “no”.

A game

You can't drive fast, right? -Yes!

Do you know the traffic rules? -Yes!

The traffic light is red

Can I go across the street? - No!

Well, the green light is on, then

Can I go across the street? -Yes!

I got on the tram, but didn't take a ticket.

Is this allowed? - No!

Old lady, very advanced in years,

Will you give up your seat on the tram to her? - Yes!

The lazy man was given the answer,

Well, did you help him with this? - No!


Well done guys, let's remember

What is “no” and what is “yes”

And do what needs to be done

Always try

Host: Oh! Guys!

Our friend, our traffic light, has fallen silent.

He doesn't look at us directly.

All its colors are gone -

He's a kid waiting for help.

We need to help him so that he can start working again! To do this you need to pass the following tests:

Stage 1: crawl on your stomach along a gymnastic bench, pulling yourself up with both hands;

Stage 2: jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop (three hoops red, yellow and green), throw the ball into the basket;

Stage 3: run up to the easel and paint one of the three unpainted windows on your traffic light with paint of the desired color. Run back to the start and pass the baton to the next participant.

Leading: Everyone tried. Well done!

The traffic light was saved for us.

It will always shine

Trouble will run away from us.

We know the road signs,

Let's be careful on the way!

Look, guys are animals who don’t know how to use a traffic light and don’t know why it’s needed. And with them there is also a policeman. Let's see what they have prepared for us.

“Scene – Traffic light in the forest”

In the forest, where everything is without rules
We've been walking so far
One day appeared
Road traffic light.
From somewhere off the road
The Bear brought it.
And the animals came running
Look at the technology.

And the Hedgehog started first:
- What nonsense!
Needed for traffic lights
Both current and wires.
And if he doesn't
How to burn
Then we need this thing
It's not worth watching!

– I agree with Hedgehog! –
Said the yawning Wolf. –
- And if he worked,
What good would it be?
When I'm chasing a hare,
It just doesn't make sense to me
Run towards the green light,
Stop at a red light!

- And I, - said the Bunny,
When I'm already running,
Watch the traffic light
Sorry, I can't!

“With us,” said the Fox. , –
There are rules here,
And we are at the crossroads
No need for a traffic police post!

- I don’t need it either! –
The Mole said from the hole, –
I'll dig for myself
Underground crossing!

Hearing underneath me
Wise words
- I actually fly! –
The Owl hooted. –
And I don't need it at all
Looking at the red light
When I crossroads
I can fly over.

Everything remained as it was.
The dense forest is noisy.
Swinging on the Christmas tree
Slacker traffic light...

But you and I are not hares,
Not wolves and moles -
I go to work
And you go to school.
And cars rush past,
Steel ants.
And to us at crossroads
Traffic police posts needed!
They help us
We are taught from an early age
Step into the green light
Stop at a red light.

Now let's summarize our competition.

“Road signs are our helpers.” I give each team one road sign, where the direction of movement is indicated. You, children, go in the indicated direction and will find incentive prizes (coloring pages with traffic rules).
