English games for children. Children's games for learning English. Types of games in English for children

Psychologists have long confirmed that children, regardless of their age, get tired much more from the monotony and monotony of performing a number of identical tasks than from these tasks themselves. Outdoor games can help add much-needed variety to an English lesson.

In the warm season, it is convenient to spend them outside, and in cold weather, you can use them to organize fun physical education sessions indoors. Outdoor games in English can be divided into actual games and song games.

Among the most popular outdoor games are the following:

  • Simon Says
  • Letters and Numbers
  • Sea-Ground
  • Eatable-Uneatable
  • Hide and Seek

Game Simon Says

In such a game, the number of participants must be at least three people. One of the children plays the role of Simon and speaks out loud simple instructions in English: Touch your nose, Touch your ears, Jump in the air. For those children who are familiar with colors in English, you can use the commands Touch something red, Touch something green, etc.
The whole point of the game is that children must follow only those commands from the leader that are preceded by the phrase Simon Says. For example, Simon says... touch your left ear, Simon says... touch something black in the room.
If this phrase is not heard, the command cannot be executed. Gradually, those who were not too attentive drop out of the game, and the winner takes Simon's place.
Of course, first of all, this game is aimed at developing the child’s attention. However, such a fun form allows you to provide children with a little physical activity and cheer them up. In addition, the game Simon Says is very useful for reinforcing the necessary vocabulary in a convenient and unobtrusive form.

Letters and Numbers

This game is well suited even for those children who are just starting to learn English and are familiar only with letters and numbers. However, this game is not designed for a large number of participants - maximum 4-5.
Circles are drawn with chalk on the floor or asphalt, in which you need to place a letter or number. After this, the presenter calls one of these letters or numbers, and the participants look for it on the ground and try to stand in a circle.

Thanks to this game, children will run around and remember well the names and graphic images corresponding to a particular letter or number.


On the ground or on the floor in the classroom, a large circle is drawn with chalk, the middle of which will be the Sea, and the entire space outside will be the Ground. When the leader says the word Sea, all children must jump into the center of the circle. When the word Ground is called, children must jump out of the circle. If there are quite a lot of children, you can invite them to have a competition - the fastest one. And the one who jumps out of the circle last becomes the leader.
It cannot be said that children will learn many new things in this game. English words and expressions. But the game Sea-Ground will give them a lot of joyful emotions and will enliven any lesson, even a rather drawn-out one.

Eatable-Uneatable (Edible-Inedible)

To play this game you will need a ball, it is best to use a bright and fairly noticeable one. The presenter must throw the ball to the participants and at the same time call out various words in English. If the named concept refers to food and turns out to be edible, then the child should try to catch the ball, say Eatable and throw it back. If the word corresponds to something inedible, then the child needs to throw the ball away and say Uneatable.
For example, the presenter throws a ball to one of the children and says in English the name of some fruit, say, Apple. The child catches the ball and says Eatable. Otherwise, the presenter says Table out loud, and the child, of course, throws the ball away and says Uneatable.
With the help of such a game you can perfectly repeat the most different words in English – both on individual topics and on any learned vocabulary.

Hide and Seek

This game, known all over the world, will help children learn some common English words. Also, with its help you can have a great time outdoors and have a lot of fun for your little students. One of the children who will drive closes his eyes and begins to recite a counting rhyme in English.

On a note

There is nothing special in the words of this popular counting rhyme, however, it will allow you to repeat such important combinations as look for, whatever the weather, as well as numbers from one to five.

Hide and seek we play together.

Hide and seek, whatever the weather.

One, two, three, four, five

I'll look for you and find.

At this time, all the other children run away and hide.

After pronouncing the words of the counting rhyme, the leader tries to find all the children. And they, in turn, try to run to the designated place and be the first to say the words Tap, tap on me.

Games based on songs

If ordinary outdoor games are mainly designed for children who have been studying English for some time, then games based on songs are suitable even for those who have just begun to master the language. All that is required of the children is simply to repeat the necessary movements following the words of the song.

  • Head and Shoulders.
    The simple words of this song will help to firmly cement the names of body parts in the child’s memory.

    Head and Shoulders song on video

    After making sure that the children have learned the song well, teachers or parents can play a game with them without the song - name some part of the body out loud, while the children should touch it with their hands. Or, on the contrary, an adult touches some part of the body with his hands, and the child names it out loud, repeating the movement.

  • We're going on a bear hunt.
    An excellent game option for learning not only individual English words, but also the whole system of prepositions: over, under, through. True, this active game will require some charisma from the teacher, because all its movements must be performed with expressive facial expressions and gestures. The video below shows a version of this song with subtitles.

    Of course, you may well ask a reasonable question: what other games are there in an English lesson? You need to remain serious at school, because education is not just anything, but a serious matter in the life of any person. And, naturally, you will be right, but if you think about it, is it really easy to convince a child of this? Is every parent (and, especially, a teacher) able to explain to a student how important this is? That's right - no.

    Doesn't anyone talk about how childhood ends too early, that children are given too many responsibilities when they want to have fun? No, conversations about this are ongoing, and not without reason! But, of course, this does not mean at all that there is no need to learn, especially when developing cognitive abilities are so conducive to this. But the big question is how to do this so as not to frighten him with the seriousness of the responsibilities assigned to him?

    The beauty of outdoor games for children in English is that they are not played for the sake of splashing out energy - like, for example, tag. In fact, their main goal is to teach, without involving the child in the not-so-pleasant and necessary (in the student’s opinion) memorization of phrases, for example. Knowledge still remains, because the brain does not stop working and remembers everything, especially when repeated. How it works - let's look at examples.

    Games for memorizing common phrases

    Of course, to learn English at the proper level, memorized phrases are not enough - and no one will argue with that. But it is very difficult for a child to remember a massive grammatical block and comprehend the difficult rules of composing sentences - why, some adults even have problems with Present Simple, let alone children?

    But this does not mean at all that this should not be done. A child should speak it from the very beginning of learning a language - at least in order to get used to the sound of his speech in a foreign language (possible foreignness of speech is a common reason that people cannot speak quickly), and for this, dialogues must be maintained - like with classmates and with the teacher. Such active games in English for children, like, say, “What time is it, Mr. Wolf?” ", they help perfectly with this.

    Games for instant translation

    Everyone is familiar with the game “Edible - Inedible”. Of course, in the native language, the goal pursued is clear: to let the child understand what he can and cannot eat - this is good for his health. But what about games for learning English? , then the pursued goal is somewhat different: to make the child remember how this or that word is translated, and quickly, while the ball is flying, make a decision whether to catch it or not. If he doesn’t remember, his classmates are guaranteed to laugh, and not a single child can stand that. As a result, the skill of rapid translation, which is so necessary for spontaneous speech, is trained, and vocabulary is consolidated. You can, of course, use any variations of the game, focusing on different lexical blocks - and you can be sure that the child will definitely learn the words, knowing that he will have to be a participant in such a game again. Again, no one wants to become a laughing stock!

    Or, for example, a game to memorize numerals - a very important aspect in any language. Competitiveness, the desire not only to be the first, but also to do it in general, help the child to quickly remember the required numeral and stand in his place. Fortunately, with proper organization, no confusion arises, and therefore the game can be fun, carefree - and useful.

    In a word, outdoor games in English for schoolchildren are not at all as meaningless as they might seem at first glance. Remember that any immersion in the language environment, even such a small one, always helps to learn the language and greatly simplifies the learning process, without in any way affecting its quality.

    In this section you will find various active games for learning English with children.

    With a little effort and imagination, you can turn language learning into a fun and exciting activity. Children will love English and will study with pleasure.

    An absolutely wonderful collection of over 40 English mini-lessons, each lesson with a vocabulary, song and online games ami for children. Games on all topics of the English language for beginners are presented: Dating, Family, Birthday, Colors, Numbers, Body Parts, Face, Home, Food, Fruits and Vegetables, Clothes, Animals, Time, Seasons, Weather, Transport, Places in the City , Verbs, Prepositions,…

    Today we have a whole range of educational online games on the topic “phonics”. In the proposed games we will look at the letters of the English language and their combinations and listen to what sounds of the English language can correspond to them. In terms of execution, the games are very exciting and entertaining; while playing them, it is simply impossible not to remember which letters or letter combinations correspond to which sounds. AND…

    Today we will help Santa Claus and the elf Emmy choose gifts for the children. We listen to what Santa Claus says about the children’s hobbies and try to choose two gifts for each of them that match their interests. If Santa Claus' speech is difficult to understand at first, you can look into the text 😉 English 4 kids (English for children)

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    IN modern world The popularity of the English language has reached its peak a long time ago. The language is considered international, and in many European countries local residents speak English. This is a huge advantage for those who love to travel the world.

    Many parents today want their children to study at the most prestigious international universities in Europe and the USA, and for this, at a minimum, they need to know English. That is why children have to learn a foreign language from an early age. Of course, on the one hand, this is very good, since kids absorb much more information than adults, but on the other hand, it is quite difficult from a learning point of view. When an adult plans to learn a foreign language, he does it consciously, he has motivation, incentive. Kids don’t yet understand why they need this and whether they need it at all. But in this situation there is a way out. The most important thing in teaching English to children is the ability to interest them and involve them in the process, and the most interesting process for little children is play. That is why this article discusses the main types of children's games for learning English.

    We can say that games for learning English for children are the main form of teaching a foreign language. They create a relaxed environment in which learning occurs more easily, compared to forced teaching methods. During the game, children not only remember new words, expressions or rules, but also develop attention, memory, thinking, observation and, of course, creativity. The use of games in learning helps to maintain interest in the English language, and also makes it easier to learn, consolidate and master the lesson material.

    Now it’s worth taking a closer look at English games for children. They can be used individually or in small groups.

    1. "Simon Speaks."

    Very simple game, which is better and more fun to play in a group. The teacher acts as a leader and must give instructions to the children to perform some action. For example, “Simon says: touch your ears!” - “Simon says, touch your ears!”, “Simon says: put your hands on your shoulders!” - “Simon says, put your hands on your shoulders!” There can be many options here.

    2. “Countable – uncountable.”

    This game was invented on the principle of the game “edible - inedible”. Players throw a ball to each other and shout out nouns, and the one who catches the ball must answer whether the object is countable or not. For example, the first player throws the ball and shouts “book”, the one who caught the ball must say “countable” or “uncountable”. If the player who caught the ball answers correctly, then he now throws the ball and says his word, but if he makes a mistake, he simply leaves the game.

    3. "Crocodile".

    This game is familiar to everyone. Its essence is to explain with gestures the words of the topic that is being covered or has already been covered. You can use different parts of speech as the words shown, but with kids it is better to try only nouns and verbs to begin with.

    4. “Try and guess.”

    A variation of the game “crocodile”, but in this case the children need to explain the word. You can play the game in two ways. The first method is that the student takes one card from several offered and tries to explain to other students what the word is on his card.

    Let's say the word “chair” is written on the card. This concept can be explained like this: “It’s a piece of furniture” (this is a piece of furniture). “It’s not big” (it’s small). “It is wooden” (it is wooden). “You can sit on it” (you can sit on it). The explanation does not have to consist of long complex sentences; on the contrary, it will be more interesting when the student pauses between sentences to allow others to think a little and turn the information over in their heads.

    The second way is as follows. One student takes a card and looks at what word he came across. His task is only to briefly answer the questions of other guys - yes/no (yes/no). That is, those guessing will try to find out for themselves what is being hidden by asking leading questions that can only be answered “yes” or “no.” For example, the word “ball” is guessed. To guess this word, you can make the following questions: “Is it big?” (is it big?), “Is it brown/red/green etc.?” (is it brown? Red? Green?), “Can you eat it?” (can you eat it?) and so on. Questions must be asked until the word is guessed.

    5. "Guess what I'm doing?"

    Another type of game "Crocodile", which has a more grammatical focus. The student who has guessed the action must depict some process as accurately as possible, and the other children need to guess what he is doing and say the sentence in English in a certain tense form. For example, a student must show that he is dancing, and the guys need to compose a sentence in the Present Continuous, therefore, the result will be: “He is dancing.” - "He is dancing". Whichever student correctly guesses the movement and correctly composes the sentence will be the next to depict the action.

    6. “As much as possible.”

    This educational game in English will help children learn a large number of new words more easily. It is best for her to divide the students into two teams. The essence of the game is to name as many words as possible on a given topic. For example, the theme “Weather” (weather). Students can name different words and phrases that relate to a given topic, and the part of speech can also be any. Such words may include “sunny” (sunny), “wind” (wind), “clouds” (clouds) and so on. The team that can name the most words related to this topic will be considered the winner.

    7. “Difficult word”

    This game in English is suitable for children who already have a certain vocabulary. The essence of the game is that you need to make a word from three to five words of the same topic, and the next word must begin with the same letter with which the previous word ends. Let's say the teacher asked the topic “Colors”. An option that can be accepted as an answer is gre Y ello W hite. That is, gray ends with the letter “y”, and the next word “yellow” begins with exactly the same letter “y”. In this way, you can make other words from three to five words, but these words must be of the same topic.

    8. "Colors"

    The game is very simple, but at the same time interesting. It is best played in a group of six to eight people. Its purpose is to promote the development of attention and memory, and with its help it will be easier for children to remember the names of colors. So, if there is a small variety of colors in the classroom or office where classes are held, then before the game the teacher will need to arrange colorful objects. Moreover, the number of items of different colors will differ. Let’s say there are 6 people in a group, which means you need to choose 6 colors – red, blue, white, green, orange, yellow. But the number of objects of each color should be different, for example, you can take six red objects, five blue objects, four white objects, three green objects, two orange objects, and one yellow object. That is, the game is designed for the reaction of children, so that after the teacher’s command to choose an object of a certain color, the children grab the right thing as quickly as possible, and the one who did not have time is eliminated. As a result, the course of the game will look like this: the teacher gives the command: “Children, take red pencils!” Children, take blue balls! Children, take white paper! Children, take green apples! Children, take orange stamps! Children, take yellow books!” The winner is the one who has all six items of different colors.

    9. “Gather everyone.”

    This educational game in English is designed to reinforce words on a specific topic. For example, you can take the themes “At the Zoo” and “On a Farm”. The task for the students will be as follows: In one large pile there will be animal toys that need to be distributed into groups - some to the Zoo, others to the Farm. Each student must choose a toy and put it in the correct box or drawer, while naming the animal in English. Let's say he took a cow and said: “It’s a cow” (This is a cow). The task can also be made a little more difficult by having the student add a sentence about where the animal lives. For example, like this: “It’s a cow. It lives on a farm" (This is a cow. She lives on a farm). And so on until the last toy is in its place.

    There can be many variations in this game. You can also classify animals by country, or choose shapes and have students classify objects according to their shapes. It all depends on the topic the students are studying.

    10. “Snowball”.

    One of the most popular games in English for schoolchildren, which will force students to be as attentive as possible. However, it is recommended to conduct it when the number of students does not exceed eight people. It is better to choose words of the same topic so that it is not so difficult. So, the first student says his word, the second repeats this word, then says his. The third student must first name the word of the first student, then the second, and then add his own word, and so on. To complicate the task, you can do two circles. It will look something like this (let's say the theme is "Vegetables"):

    First student: tomato…
    Second student: tomato, potato...
    Third student: tomato, potato, cucumber...
    Fourth student: tomato, potato, cucumber, cabbage...
    Fifth student: tomato, potato, cucumber, cabbage, onion...
    Sixth student: tomato, potato, cucumber, cabbage, onion, carrot...

    To make the game meaningful, you can introduce a rule: whoever makes a mistake is eliminated from the game. Then in the end the most attentive will remain.

    So, we looked at examples English games for schoolchildren and children, which can be used when teaching English. Remember: the more lessons a teacher teaches in game form, the more interest children have in learning the language. And the greater the interest, the easier the learning process is.

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