Children's games in Soviet times. Yard games of Soviet childhood - Locals. What games did you play in the yard?

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Immediately after finishing their last school year, most of yesterday's students already firmly know which university they want to enroll in. But life is unfair, and situations are different. You may not get into your chosen and desired university, and other educational institutions seem unsuitable for a variety of reasons. Such a “trips” in life can knock any person out of the saddle. However, the desire to become successful does not go away.

The reason for the lack of a diploma may also be the fact that you were unable to take a budget place. Unfortunately, the cost of education, especially at a prestigious university, is very high, and prices are constantly creeping up. These days, not all families can pay for their children’s education. So a financial issue can also cause a lack of educational documents.

An obstacle to obtaining higher education may also be the fact that the university chosen for the specialty is located in another city, perhaps quite far from home. Studying there can be hampered by parents who do not want to let their child go, the fears that a young man who has just graduated from school may experience in front of an unknown future, or the same lack of necessary funds.

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The same problems with money can become a reason for yesterday’s high school student to go to work in construction instead of university. If family circumstances suddenly change, for example, the breadwinner passes away, there will be nothing to pay for education, and the family needs to live on something.

It also happens that everything goes well, you manage to successfully enter a university and everything is fine with your studies, but love happens, a family is formed and you simply don’t have enough energy or time to study. In addition, much more money is needed, especially if a child appears in the family. Paying for tuition and supporting a family is extremely expensive and you have to sacrifice your diploma.

Hi all!

Today we will talk about what outdoor games allow children to diversify their walks. After all, it is so important that outdoor recreation is active and beneficial!

We will tell you about interesting games that are familiar to many parents because they played them in their childhood.

You can play different games in the yard:

Children's outdoor game "Traffic Light" - rules

Draw two parallel lines on the site with a distance of about 6 m from each other. All players stand in one line, and between them, with their backs to all participants, is the driver. The driver names a color. If the player has it in his clothes, he passes unhindered across the other line. If the named color is not in the clothes, the player tries to run over the line, and the driver must make fun of him. If you show off, the player takes the place of the driver.

Sedentary game "Sabzhe" - rules

Children sit down on a bench and a leader is chosen to stand in front of them. The presenter approaches each player, comes up with a question, voices it and throws the ball, offering his own answer options.

If the player likes this option, he catches the ball; if not, he hits it.

The presenter offers each player up to 3 answer options. If a player pushes away all three, he is assigned the third option by default.

The presenter has the opportunity to throw the ball and say:
- Sabzhe!

If the player catches the ball, he himself comes up with the answer he likes to the question asked.

Different questions are used, for example:
- What is your name?
- Where do you live?
- How old are you?
- Who is your wife (husband)?
- How many children do you have?
- What is your car?
- What do you do for a living?

Children's outdoor game "Olympiad" - rules

To play “Olympiad” you need a company consisting of at least 3 people. And also a very important prop - an elastic band, about 5 m long.

The elastic band needs to be tied. Two players stretch it and cross it, as shown in the picture:

Or these:
- “Olympics,
eat three poisons
and choke!”

During the last words, the participants who are holding the rubber band tangle it by placing their feet on it (one foot), raising their hands up, or one up, one down, or in another way. A kind of cobweb is formed. It is important that it be more intricate.

Next, the players who hold the elastic band freeze in this position. Everyone else must get through the web without touching the elastic. You can jump over the rubber band, you can crawl under it, etc. The most important thing is not to touch it. Whoever touched it lost. This participant takes the place of one of those who held the elastic band.

Children's outdoor game “Counselor-Counselor, Give a Pioneer” - rules

Children are divided into two teams. These teams line up opposite each other, approximately 15 steps apart. Children join hands and hold each other tightly. In turn, each team calls a player from the other team, saying the phrase: “Counselor, counselor, give us the pioneer!”

- Whom? — the other team answers.

- Vasya (Tanya, Sasha...).

The named player must run up and break through the line of the opposing team (break clasped hands). Children usually hold the defense tightly, and the players who must “break through” it choose the weak ones. If the chain is broken, the “pioneer” takes an additional player to his team; if not, he remains on the opposing team. The team with the most players remaining wins.

The game lasts until one of the teams runs out of players.

Creative game “The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried – two”

The leader is selected. He turns away from the other players and says the following words: “The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two, the sea is worried - three, the sea figure is in place - freeze.”

The rest of the players are moving chaotically behind the leader's back. When the word “Freeze!” is heard all players must stop and freeze in the most unusual position. The presenter goes around all the participants and carefully watches, whoever laughs and moves first is eliminated from the game. The player who can hold the frozen position the longest wins.

Children's outdoor game “Grandma, unravel the threads!”

We choose a leader. He turns away. The team stands in a circle and all participants join hands. Everyone is intertwined into a ball, a kind of tangled mass. The main condition is not to break your hands. Having become confused, the players call the host: “Grandma, unravel the threads!” The presenter untangles all participants without breaking hands. If someone lets go of their palm, they take the place of the leader.

Outdoor children's game “The slower you go, the further you will go. Stop!"

The leader is selected. Children line up, 15-20 steps from the leader. The presenter stands at the finish line, with his back to the players, and says the following phrase: “The slower you go, the further you go. Stop!". While he speaks, the players quietly take small steps towards the finish line. Saying the word: “Stop!”, the presenter turns around. If he notices even the slightest movement, he sends the child to the start. The game continues until someone reaches the finish line first. At the finish you need to touch the leader with your hand.

Sedentary children's game "Ring"

The leader is selected. All players, except the leader, sit on the bench with their palms cupped. The leader also cups his hands and puts a ring in them. Next, you need to go through each participant and put your hands on them. He discreetly puts a ring on one of the participants. At the same time, the presenter should gesticulate, wink, indicating that the ring went to someone else. After this, the presenter says the phrase: “Ring-ring, go out onto the porch!”

The participant who has the ring in his hands must quickly stand up and jump out of the bench so that he is not detained by other players. If he succeeds, he gets the role of leader; if not, he drops out of the game.

Outdoor children's game “At the Bear in the Forest”

The site must be divided into two fields by a line parallel to the long sides. A line is also drawn on the short side of the site. The players are located behind it. And on the other short side, mushrooms, berries, trees are drawn behind the line - this is a “pine forest”. In the middle of each field, the “dens” of bears are depicted in the form of circles.

Two leaders are selected - these are the “bears”. They occupy their “dens” and turn their backs to the players. Secretly, after consulting, the bears hand two small balls to one of the players.

One of the “bears” recites a verse:
At the bear's forest
I take mushrooms and berries,
And the bear growls
He's angry with us!
The basket overturned
The bear rushed after us!

While it is playing, players go into the forest, passing the bears. To the sound of a poem, they depict picking berries and mushrooms and show how a basket overturned.

When the last word is heard, the “bears” come out of their “dens” and begin to kill the players who are on their field. The players run to their homes. If a participant freezes and stands motionless, the “bear” cannot grease him. Those children who are touched by a bear are temporarily eliminated from the game.

The player who got the balls can “shoot” the “bears” by hitting them with the ball. The “shot” “bear” returns and crouches in its den. He can no longer pick off players.

If one “bear” is “killed”, the second one must kill the players on two sites.

In the 21st century, children quietly disappeared from the courtyards of big cities - now they play computer games or have a well-behaved time in specially organized children's clubs. Along with the children, the culture of yard games and yard socialization (with all its features) disappeared. And while kids can still be found on the playgrounds under the supervision of relatives, schoolchildren are almost completely invisible. "Gazeta.Ru" looks around the empty spring courtyards and remembers the disappeared games that in many ways made us the adults we have become.

Rubber bands

How to play. The main attribute of this game for girls is the elastic band. The ideal number of players is 3-4 people. Each participant performs jumping figures and combinations at different heights: from ankle level (the “first” jumpers) to neck level (the “sixth” jump). Jumping through a rubber band stretched at hip level had the mysterious name “pozhepe”. As soon as the jumper makes a mistake, another participant takes her place, and the girl who made the mistake puts on an elastic band. If there are four players, the pairs switch places when both players from one pair alternately make mistakes.

What develops: vestibular apparatus, coordination, attentiveness. Teaches you to train, win, lose with dignity, jump the highest and be friends with girls, even if at the moment they are rivals.


How to play. Requires crayons, an asphalt pad and a pebble (or washer). You draw small cells with numbers in a certain sequence, and you can jump even alone. The main thing is to hit the cage with a stone, jump to it on one or two legs and return back the same way. The luckiest player is the one who manages to go all the way from one to ten. There can be any number of hopscotch players.

What develops: dexterity, accuracy, ability to concentrate and knowledge of numbers if the players are very young.


How to play. Participants in this ancient Russian folk game are divided into two equal teams and stand opposite each other in ranks, holding hands, at a distance of 10-15 m. The teams move towards each other, pronouncing a long chant in turn: "Boyars, we came to you, dear ones, and we came to you..." The dialogue ends with the words: "Boyars, open the gates, give us the bride forever". The one who is chosen as the bride must then run away and break through the enemy’s chain. If the attempt is successful, the player returns to his team; if not, he remains in another. The losing team starts the next round. The goal of the game is to gather as many participants as possible into a team.

What develops: the ability to be part of a team and win in a “one against all” situation.

If you drive more quietly, you will continue - stop

How to play. The driver’s task is to stand with his back to the participants at the finish line (the greater the distance between the driver and the participants, the better) and say loudly: “If you drive more slowly, you will stop further”. While the driver is talking (and he can do this at any pace), the participants try to run as far as possible towards the finish line. As soon as the driver falls silent, you need to freeze in place. Anyone who did not have time to stop or made an accidental movement is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who gets to the finish line first and touches the driver.

What develops: coordination, ability to run quickly and react to changing circumstances.


How to play. Participants run away from the driver (this game is a type of tag). The driver catches up with the player and touches him - he gets dirty. The saluted person spreads his arms, and any other participant can run up, touch him and “help out.” The driver’s task is not to move far from the person who has been greased and not to let anyone get one step closer to him. The summer option for sorcerers is to run around with “sprinklers” and pour water on each other from holey bottles. Usually, five minutes after the start of the game, everyone is wet, but very cheerful.

What develops: the ability to run quickly, think quickly and enjoy life to the fullest.

The sea is agitated once

How to play. The presenter turns away from the players and says a little rhyme:

The sea is agitated once
The sea is worried two
The sea is worried three,
Marine figure, freeze in place!

While he speaks, the participants move chaotically in any order, depicting the movements of waves with their hands. As soon as the driver falls silent, you need to freeze in some figure. The driver approaches one of the players and touches him. The player depicts his figure in motion, and the driver guesses what it is. The player whose figure was not guessed becomes the driver himself.

What develops: imagination, spontaneity and artistry.

Cossack robbers

How to play. Players are divided into two teams - “Cossacks” and “robbers”. They agree on what territory they will play on. This could be a yard, an entrance, a street, several courtyards. The "robbers" make a secret word. The "Cossacks" move to the side so as not to see the "robbers". The “robbers” run away, marking the direction of their movement with arrows on the asphalt (walls of houses, curbs, trees, etc.). They begin to run in a group, and then scatter in all directions, trying to confuse the “Cossacks” with arrows. The task of the “Cossacks” is to find the “robbers” using the arrows. The “Cossack” brings each “robber” to the “prison” and guards him, trying to find out the secret word, for example, using nettle torture. The "Cossacks" win as soon as they find out the secret word or find all the "robbers".

What develops: basic skills of scouts, the ability to navigate the terrain and not give up “our own.”

12 sticks

How to play. The game is reminiscent of classic hide and seek. 12 small sticks are placed on a “lever” (for example, on a board and a pebble placed under it) so that stepping on the lever can scatter the sticks. The driver’s task is to collect the sticks, put them on the lever, say a little count with your eyes closed and go in search of the hidden players. As soon as the driver discovers the player, he runs to the “lever” and breaks the sticks, calling the name of the one found. The player becomes the driver. If the one found manages to get ahead of the driver and reach the sticks first, the driver does not change.

What develops: the ability to competently hide and quickly run when necessary.


How to play."Bouncers" - two players - stand on both sides of the court. The remaining players are in the center. The task of the “bouncers” is to throw the ball to each other and hit any of the “central” players. The players' task is to dodge the flying ball. The one who is hit leaves the game. Other participants can “save” the eliminated player by catching the ball in the air (the main condition is not from the ground, otherwise you will also be thrown out). When there is only one participant left in the team of “central” players, he must dodge the ball as many times as he is old. If he manages to do this, all those who dropped out return to their original places.

What develops: the ability to dodge fast-flying objects, think about your neighbor and endure pain.

I know 5 names

How to play. The first player takes the ball in his hands and says: "I know one girl's name", hits the ball on the ground with one hand and calls the name. Then he continues with different variations: "I know one boy's name", "I know one color", "I know one animal", "I know one city". When all combinations have been used, the player recites the same counting rhymes, only on the count of two: "I know two girl names"- and further in a circle. The game continues until ten. If, while hitting the ball, the player did not have time to say his name or hit the ball, the turn passes to another participant. When the ball, having passed through all the participants, returns to the first player, he continues to play from the phrase on which he made a mistake. The winner is the one who first gets to ten in this chant.

What develops: multitasking, erudition, the ability to correct your mistakes and move on.


How to play. All players sit or stand in a row. The driver throws the ball to one of the participants and at the same time names an object. If the item is "edible", the player catches the ball. If not, he repels. The driver’s task is to confuse the player, for example, in the chain “apple-melon-carrots-potatoes” he suddenly says “iron”. If the player makes a mistake and “eats” the “inedible”, then he himself becomes the driver. The faster the driver throws the ball and names objects, the more exciting and interesting it is to play.

What develops: sense of humor, ability to listen carefully and react quickly.


How to play. Players mark a circle on the ground. Then, one by one, they try to get a knife into the enemy’s delineated territory and thus conquer as much land as possible from him. The knife can be thrown from the shoulder, with a flip, from the nose and even from the head. There are many versions of the game of “knives” under different names: “land”, “cities”, “benches”, “grandparents”, “tanks”, “ships”, “football”, “sea battle”. The knife can be stuck into the ground, sand and even a wooden bench.

What develops: ability to handle edged weapons, attentiveness and caution.


How to play. Players sit in a row and cup their hands. The driver holds a small object in his fist or folded palms, for example a coin, button, ring. He goes around each player in turn, putting his own into his “boat” and saying the rhyme: “I wear and wear a ring and give it to someone.” The driver’s task is to discreetly place a “ring” on one of the players and say “Ring-ring, come out onto the porch!” After this, the player who got the item jumps up and tries to run away. The task of the other participants is to detain the escaping person.

What develops: the ability to monitor the manipulations of others, to act quickly and decisively.

Will you go to the ball?

How to play. The driver says the rhyme:

Don't say "yes" or "no"
don't call it black and white
Will you go to the ball?

Its task is to confuse the player. After the counting, the driver asks the player a variety of clarifying questions: what will he wear, what will he ride on, what color will the dress or trousers be, what is the name of the groom, etc. The player's task is to answer questions without using the words "yes", "no", "black", "white". The most interesting thing is to mix simple and complex questions, change the pace of speech and intonation.

What develops: the ability to think outside the box, monitor one’s own speech, maintain attention and quickly find a way out of the current situation.

I was born a gardener

How to play. Each player chooses a name for himself - the name of the flower and tells it to the "gardener" - the driver and other players. The driver says a little rhyme: “I was born a gardener, I was seriously angry, I was tired of all the flowers, except...” And calls the “name” (name of the flower) of one of the players. A dialogue takes place between the driver and the player. The player says the name of one flower from those on the team. The participant whose name was announced must respond. The dialogue continues. The one who made a mistake: for example, did not respond to his name, mixed up the name of the flowers, gives away a forfeit (any of his things). At the end of the game, forfeits are played out. The “gardener” turns away, they take out the thing and ask the driver: "What should this player do?" The “gardener” assigns a task (jump on one leg, squat, sing, recite a poem, etc.) - the player “works off” the forfeit and takes his item.

What develops: memory, attention, courage and willingness to be responsible for one’s actions.

Kiss meow

How to play. The driver and one of the players stand in front of the other participants: the driver with his face, the player with his back. The driver points to one of the participants and asks: "Kiss?" If the player with his back turned answers "scat", the driver continues to choose. As soon as the player speaks "meow", the driver asks him: "What color?" The player chooses a color and turns to face the other participants. Depending on the chosen color, the player and the team member complete the task. The player has no right to refuse the task. White is the scariest color. The two should retire in the entrance. What they do there - history is always silent. Green - three questions to which the player can only answer “yes”. Usually tricky questions like: "You love him?" Red - kiss on the lips. Pink is the same, but on the cheek. Yellow - three questions in private. When choosing orange, you need to walk hand in hand, preferably past adults. Blue - kiss the hand. Purple - commit a bad deed. For example, stepping on your foot, pulling your hair, or taking away your jewelry.

What develops: the ability to communicate with the opposite sex, control your impulses and find socially acceptable forms for your desires.

In the 21st century, children quietly disappeared from the courtyards of big cities - now they play computer games or have a well-behaved time in specially organized children's clubs. Along with the children, the culture of yard games and yard socialization (with all its features) disappeared. And while kids can still be found on the playgrounds under the supervision of relatives, schoolchildren are almost completely invisible. Gazeta.Ru looks around at the empty spring courtyards and remembers the disappeared games that in many ways made us the adults we have become.

Rubber bands

How to play. The main attribute of this game for girls is the elastic band. The ideal number of players is 3-4 people. Each participant performs jumping figures and combinations at different heights: from ankle level (the “first” jumpers) to neck level (the “sixth” jump). Jumping through a rubber band stretched at hip level had the mysterious name “pozhepe”. As soon as the jumper makes a mistake, another participant takes her place, and the girl who made the mistake puts on an elastic band. If there are four players, the pairs switch places when both players from one pair alternately make mistakes.

What develops: vestibular apparatus, coordination, attentiveness. Teaches you to train, win, lose with dignity, jump the highest and be friends with girls, even if at the moment they are rivals.


How to play. Requires crayons, an asphalt pad and a pebble (or washer). You draw small cells with numbers in a certain sequence, and you can jump even alone. The main thing is to hit the cage with a stone, jump to it on one or two legs and return back the same way. The luckiest player is the one who manages to go all the way from one to ten. There can be any number of hopscotch players.

What develops: dexterity, accuracy, ability to concentrate and knowledge of numbers if the players are very young.


How to play. Participants in this ancient Russian folk game are divided into two equal teams and stand opposite each other in ranks, holding hands, at a distance of 10-15 m. The teams move towards each other, pronouncing in turn a long chant: “Boyars, we have come to you, dear ones.” , and we came to you...” The dialogue ends with the words: “Boyars, open the gates, give us the bride forever.” The one who is chosen as the bride must then run away and break through the enemy’s chain. If the attempt is successful, the player returns to his team; if not, he remains in another. The losing team starts the next round. The goal of the game is to gather as many participants as possible into a team.

What develops: the ability to be part of a team and win in a “one against all” situation.

If you drive more quietly, you will continue - stop

How to play. The driver’s task is to stand with his back to the participants at the finish line (the greater the distance between the driver and the participants, the better) and say loudly: “The slower you go, the further you go, stop.” While the driver is talking (and he can do this at any pace), the participants try to run as far as possible towards the finish line. As soon as the driver falls silent, you need to freeze in place. Anyone who did not have time to stop or made an accidental movement is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who gets to the finish line first and touches the driver.

What develops: coordination, ability to run quickly and react to changing circumstances.


How to play. Participants run away from the driver (this game is a type of tag). The driver catches up with the player and touches him - he gets dirty. The saluted person spreads his arms, and any other participant can run up, touch him and “help him out.” The driver’s task is not to move far from the person who has been greased and not to let anyone get one step closer to him. The summer option for sorcerers is to run around with “sprinklers” and pour water on each other from holey bottles. Usually, five minutes after the start of the game, everyone is wet, but very cheerful.

What develops: the ability to run quickly, think quickly and enjoy life to the fullest.

The sea is agitated once

How to play. The presenter turns away from the players and says a little rhyme:
The sea is agitated once
The sea is worried two
The sea is worried three,
Marine figure, freeze in place!
While he speaks, the participants move chaotically in any order, depicting the movements of waves with their hands. As soon as the driver falls silent, you need to freeze in some figure. The driver approaches one of the players and touches him. The player depicts his figure in motion, and the driver guesses what it is. The player whose figure was not guessed becomes the driver himself.

What develops: imagination, spontaneity and artistry.

Cossack robbers

How to play. Players are divided into two teams - “Cossacks” and “robbers”. They agree on what territory they will play on. This could be a yard, an entrance, a street, several courtyards. The "robbers" guess a secret word. The “Cossacks” move to the side so as not to see the “robbers”. The “robbers” run away, marking the direction of their movement with arrows on the asphalt (walls of houses, curbs, trees, etc.). They begin to run in a group, and then scatter in all directions, trying to confuse the “Cossacks” with arrows. The task of the “Cossacks” is to find the “robbers” using the arrows. The “Cossack” brings each “robber” to the “prison” and guards him, trying to find out the secret word, for example, using nettle torture. The “Cossacks” win as soon as they find out the secret word or find all the “robbers”.

What develops: basic skills of scouts, the ability to navigate the terrain and not give up “our own.”

12 sticks

How to play. The game is reminiscent of classic hide and seek. 12 small sticks are placed on a “lever” (for example, on a board and a pebble placed under it) so that stepping on the lever can scatter the sticks. The driver’s task is to collect the sticks, put them on the lever, say a little count with your eyes closed and go in search of the hidden players. As soon as the driver discovers the player, he runs to the “lever” and breaks the sticks, calling the name of the one found. The player becomes the driver. If the one found manages to get ahead of the driver and reach the sticks first, the driver does not change.

What develops: the ability to competently hide and quickly run when necessary.


How to play.“Bouncers” - two players - stand on both sides of the court. The remaining players are in the center. The task of the “bouncers” is to throw the ball to each other and hit any of the “central” players. The players' task is to dodge the flying ball. The one who is hit leaves the game. Other participants can “save” the eliminated player by catching the ball in the air (the main condition is not from the ground, otherwise you will also be thrown out). When there is only one participant left in the team of “central” players, he must dodge the ball as many times as he is old. If he manages to do this, all those who dropped out return to their original places.

What develops: the ability to dodge fast-flying objects, think about your neighbor and endure pain.

I know 5 names

How to play. The first player takes the ball in his hands, says: “I know one girl’s name,” hits the ball on the ground with one hand and says the name. Then he continues with different variations: “I know one boy’s name,” “I know one color,” “I know one animal,” “I know one city.” When all the combinations have been used, the player recites the same counting rhymes, only on the count of two: “I know two girl names” - and then in a circle. The game continues until ten. If, while hitting the ball, the player did not have time to say his name or hit the ball, the turn passes to another participant. When the ball, having passed through all the participants, returns to the first player, he continues to play from the phrase on which he made a mistake. The winner is the one who first gets to ten in this speech.

What develops: multitasking, erudition, the ability to correct your mistakes and move on.


How to play. All players sit or stand in a row. The driver throws the ball to one of the participants and at the same time names an object. If the item is "edible", the player catches the ball. If not, he repels. The driver’s task is to confuse the player, for example, in the chain “apple-melon-carrots-potatoes” he suddenly says “iron”. If the player makes a mistake and “eats” the “inedible”, then he himself becomes the driver. The faster the driver throws the ball and names objects, the more exciting and interesting it is to play.

What develops: sense of humor, ability to listen carefully and react quickly.


How to play. Players mark a circle on the ground. Then, one by one, they try to get a knife into the enemy’s delineated territory and thus conquer as much land as possible from him. The knife can be thrown from the shoulder, with a flip, from the nose and even from the head. There are many versions of the game of “knives” under different names: “land”, “cities”, “benches”, “grandparents”, “tanks”, “ships”, “football”, “sea battle”. The knife can be stuck into the ground, sand and even a wooden bench.

What develops: ability to handle edged weapons, attentiveness and caution.


How to play. Players sit in a row and cup their hands. The driver holds a small object in his fist or folded palms, for example a coin, button, ring. He goes around each player in turn, putting his own into his “boat” and saying the rhyme: “I wear and wear a ring and give it to someone.” The driver’s task is to discreetly place a “ring” on one of the players and say “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch!” After this, the player who got the item jumps up and tries to run away. The task of the other participants is to detain the escaping person.

What develops: the ability to monitor the manipulations of others, to act quickly and decisively.

Will you go to the ball?

How to play. The driver says the rhyme:
Don't say yes or no
don't call it black and white
Will you go to the ball? How to play. Each player chooses a name for himself - the name of the flower and tells it to the “gardener”-driver and other players. The driver says a little rhyme: “I was born a gardener, I’m seriously angry, I’m tired of all the flowers, except ...” And calls the “name” (name of the flower) of one of the players. A dialogue takes place between the driver and the player. The player says the name of one flower from those on the team. The participant whose name was announced must respond. The dialogue continues. The one who made a mistake: for example, did not respond to his name, mixed up the name of the flowers, gives away a forfeit (any of his things). At the end of the game, forfeits are played out. The “gardener” turns away, they take out the thing and ask the driver: “What should this player do?” The “gardener” assigns a task (jump on one leg, squat, sing, recite a poem, etc.) - the player “works off” the forfeit and takes his item.

What develops: memory, attention, courage and willingness to be responsible for one’s actions.

Kiss meow

How to play. The driver and one of the players stand in front of the other participants: the driver with his face, the player with his back. The driver points to one of the participants and asks: “Kitty?” If the player with his back turned responds “Shoot,” the driver continues to choose. As soon as the player says “meow,” the driver asks him: “What color?” The player chooses a color and turns to face the other participants. Depending on the chosen color, the player and the team member complete the task. The player has no right to refuse the task. White is the scariest color. The two should retire in the entrance. What they do there - history is always silent. Green - three questions to which the player can only answer “yes”. Usually the questions are tricky like: “Do you love him?” Red - kiss on the lips. Pink is the same, but on the cheek. Yellow - three questions in private. When choosing orange, you need to walk hand in hand, preferably past adults. Blue - kiss the hand. Purple—commit a bad deed. For example, stepping on your foot, pulling your hair, or taking away your jewelry.

What develops: the ability to communicate with the opposite sex, control your impulses and find socially acceptable forms for your desires.

And I’m in the “house”!

- How many rubies do you have?
– 50!
- Wow! Pokezh, what kind of mill do you have?

I overheard this dialogue the other day with the neighbor boys. They sat on a bench and pointed at each other's phones. Looking around, I didn’t see any children playing “Dog” or drawing a field for “The slower you go, the further you will go.” Modern children, alas, prefer to tap on the keyboard and sit on VKontakte.

The yard games that we played for days on end (until they were driven away) are gradually becoming a thing of the past. But most of them not only develop agility, endurance and strength, but also teach such important things as cohesion and mutual assistance.

I invite you to remember our favorite yard games and introduce your children to them.

Hide and seek

One-two-three-four-five, I'm going to look.

A simple game - you can play anywhere, anytime. It’s especially exciting in the evening when it gets dark.


First, a driver is chosen. To do this, in childhood we knew a billion rhymes. Then the driver stands facing the wall (tree, pole...) and counts out loud to 20 (50, 100...). The players are hiding.

The players' task is to hide so that the driver does not find them. The driver's task is to find everyone who is hiding.

When the driver finds one of the players, he needs to run headlong back to the wall (tree, pillar...) to “catch” him. If the player came running first, then with the words “Knock-knock I” he takes himself out of the game. Whoever the leader catches first becomes the leader in the next game (“The first chicken closes his eyes”).

Code phrases:

  • “Axe-axe, sit like a thief and don’t look out into the yard,” the “caught” players shouted to their comrades when “danger” approached (sit and don’t stick your head out).
  • “Saw-saw, fly like an arrow,” they shouted to indicate that the driver was far from the wall and they could get out of the shelter.

Number of players: the bigger, the better.

Tag / Catch-up

Salki - they are catch-up, they are patches, they are lyapki, they are kvach. According to Wikipedia, this game has about 40 (!) names (almost every region of the former Union has its own).

At the same time, the game is simple. The essence of ordinary tag is to catch up (“tag”) players (if you are driving) who are running in different directions.


The driver is selected using a counting table (where would we be without it?). Players stand in a circle and at the command “I am a tag!” scatter in all directions. (The playground was often specified: “Don’t run beyond the fence,” “Don’t run beyond the swing.”)

The driver's task is to catch up with one of the players and touch him with your hand. Whoever is touched becomes a “tag”, and the driver turns into an ordinary player.

There is a variation of the usual tag, when the driver, having caught up with one player, does not become a player himself, but continues to catch up with other guys along with the first “greased” one. Then together they catch the second, third, etc., until they catch everyone.

Number of players: from 3 and more.

Salk variations:

  • Tag with a “house” is the same, only a zone is selected (sandbox, circle on the asphalt, etc.) where players can run and take a break; they can’t “salt” there, but they can’t sit in the “house” for a long time either.
  • “Above your feet” - to avoid getting “salted”, you need to jump on something and lift your legs up (“Above your legs from the ground” / “Legs in the air”), however, according to the rules, you can’t lift your legs for a long time either.
  • “Tea-tea, help me out!” - in this version of the salok, the “greasy” one can stop, shout this magic phrase and his friends will come running to his rescue, but the driver is on the alert, and there is a possibility that a second and third will be added to one “victim”.
  • Sifa - in this version, “salat” is not done with your hand, but with a “sifa” (a rag, twisted rope and any “stinky” thing you find in the yard); whoever is hit becomes a sifa, that is, a leader.

This game, beloved by many, also has many names: “Tsar”, “Pop”, “Klek”, “Sticks”, “Banks” and others. The rules seem complicated, but only at first glance. Each yard had its own variation of the game. But, in general, its essence boils down to the following.


  • sticks (bits, pieces of reinforcement, but the most chic thing is a broken hockey stick);
  • tin can (plastic bottle, wooden block, etc.);
  • chalk (to outline the area).

First you need to prepare the playing area (about 10 by 6 meters). Lines are drawn parallel to the short side of the site every meter and a half: 1st line – pawn (soldier); 2nd line – queen; 3rd line – kings; 4th line – aces, etc.

From the beginning of the site to the last line is the rank zone; from the last line to the end of the court is the baker’s zone (king, priest, etc.).

At a distance of 5 meters from the last line, a circle is drawn in which the ryukha is placed (sometimes on a brick).


First, a “Baker” is selected and the order of churning the ryukha is established. To do this, players place one end of the stick on the toe of the foot, and rest the other on the palm, after which they push the stick into the distance with their foot. Whose stick flew the farthest, knocks down the ryukha first; whose closest is that “Baker”.

The “baker” takes a position “behind the can”, the players are at the first line. Next, the batsmen take turns trying to knock out the ryukha. After this, the “assault” begins - the players run for their bats and return back to the “rank zone”. At this time, the “baker” runs after the ryukha, sets it in place and protects it. But his main task is to prevent the stick from being “stolen” from his territory. In addition, he tries to touch the players with his bat and then knock down the ball himself. The one touched by the "Baker" becomes the "Baker" in the next horse, and the old "Baker" becomes the player.

For each shot down, the player rose in rank. In other words, he moved further across the field and approached the ryukha. In addition, each “title” has its own characteristics and privileges. For example, the Ace is invulnerable and cannot lead.

Number of players: not limited.

Many people think that the “classics” were invented in the USSR. In fact, this is a very ancient game. Already in the Middle Ages, boys (originally the game was for boys) jumped on numbered squares. In Russia, hopscotch was widely played already at the end of the 19th century.


A rectangular field with 10 squares and a semicircle (“cauldron”, “water”, “fire”) is drawn on the asphalt with chalk. There are several options for jumping and marking the site. But, as a rule, players take turns throwing a cue ball (pebble, candy box, etc.) into the first square. Then the first player jumps from square to square and pushes the cue ball behind him.

  • No. 1 – one leg;
  • No. 2 – one leg;
  • No. 3 and 4 – left at 3, right at 4;
  • No. 5 – with both legs (you can take a break);
  • No. 6 and 7 – left at 6, right at 7;
  • No. 8 – one leg;
  • No. 9 and 10 – left at 9, right at 10.

Then turn 180% and back in the same manner. Did you step on the line or did the cue ball hit it? Did you stand on both legs? The move moves on to another.

Number of players: not limited.

Playing this game, it was possible to get hurt by the ball, but the excitement was off the charts. Moreover, it does not require anything other than a ball.


“Bouncers” are selected (usually 2 people on each side). They stand opposite each other at a distance of about 10-15 meters. The “knocked out” stand in the center of the site.

The task of the “bouncers” is to hit all the players with the ball (if you are touched by the ball, you leave the field). The task of the “knocked out” players is to be agile and fast and to dodge the ball.

When there is only one player left in the “kicked out” team, he must dodge the ball as many times as he is old. If successful, the team returns to the field.

Cult yard game. It’s hard to find a child from the 1980s-1990s who didn’t jump in rubber bands. The owner of a new elastic band (it was in short supply) was considered a “major” in the yard and was especially popular.


Simple and complex at the same time. On the one hand, you don’t need anything other than 3-4 meters of elastic. On the other hand, you can get confused in the levels and exercises (in childhood everyone knew them by heart). Two players pull the rubber band between them, and the third one jumps.

  1. elastic band at ankle level for holding (lightness!);
  2. elastic band at knee level (almost everyone managed);
  3. elastic band at hip level (somehow they managed it!);
  4. elastic band at the waist (almost no one succeeded);
  5. elastic band at chest level and elastic band at neck level (beyond fantasy).

At each level you need to perform a certain set of exercises: runners, steps, bow, envelope, boat, etc.

Number of players: 3-4 people (four usually play in pairs).

The game is also considered girly. The boys rarely jumped, but they loved to watch the girls. :)

The red seal is for no one to run away.

This is a fun game that combines the adventurism of tag and the excitement of hide and seek. There is an opinion that the game originated in the 16th century, when the Cossacks protected civilians from wandering robbers.


The rules of the game vary by region and are often greatly simplified. One thing remains the same - the players are divided into two teams (“Cossacks” and “robbers”). “Atamans” are immediately selected and the “battlefield” is determined (they do not play outside of it). The Cossacks choose a headquarters, and the robbers come up with passwords (one is correct, the rest are false).

The task of the robbers: to capture the headquarters of the Cossacks. The task of the Cossacks: to catch all the robbers and “extort” the correct password.

At a signal, the robbers scatter and hide, leaving arrows on the asphalt so that the Cossacks have clues where to look for them. At this time, the Cossacks are setting up a “dungeon” and figuring out how they will “torture” the prisoners (tickle, scare with insects, “sting” with nettles, etc.). After some time, the Cossacks set off to look for the robbers. If they succeed, then they put the robber in a “dungeon”, from where he has no right to escape. The robbers, in turn, try to get close to the “headquarters” and capture it.

Number of players: from 6 people.

Not a single summer was complete without a ball. One of the favorite outdoor ball games for Soviet children is “hot potato.” Its essence is as follows.


Players stand in a circle and throw a “hot potato” (ball). If someone hesitates and does not hit the ball in time, he sits in the “cauldron” (center of the circle). While sitting in the “cauldron” you can try to catch a ball flying over your head, but you cannot get up from your haunches. If the player in the “cauldron” managed to catch the ball, he frees himself and other prisoners, and the player who unsuccessfully threw the ball takes their place.

In addition, players throwing “hot potatoes” can specifically free someone from the “cauldron”. To do this, when hitting the ball, he must hit the player sitting in the center of the circle.

Number of players: no less than 3.

This game, as a rule, was played by older children, because it is quite traumatic, somewhat uncultured, but wildly fun.


Players are divided into two teams - elephants and horsemen. The elephants become a chain, bending in half and putting their head under the armpit of the one in front. Riders take turns trying to ride the “elephant” from a running start.

The elephants' task is to stand under the weight of the riders. The riders' task is to jump as close to the "elephant's head" as possible.

If one of the riders could not stay on the “elephant” and fell, and also if all the riders sat down and the “elephant” took them to the finish line, then the elephants won. If the "elephant" fell apart, the riders won.

Number of players: from 3-5 people in each team.

This is one of the variants of games with a ball and a wall, where for fun you need, in fact, a wall, a ball and jumping ability. It was mostly girls who played it, although boys, having had enough of the “war game”, were not averse to jumping near the wall.


A line is drawn on the wall (the higher, the more interesting) - you cannot throw the ball below it. The players line up in a row, one after another. The first player throws the ball, it hits the wall, bounces, hits the ground, and at this moment the player must jump over it. The next player picks up the ball, repeating the same thing - and so on in a circle.

Anyone who does not jump over the ball receives a “letter” as punishment (l - i - g - y - w - k - a). Collected all these letters? You are a frog!

Number of players: not limited.

What games did you play in the yard?

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