Games for children 5 nights at Freddy's. Freddy games. A very scary story

Have you ever thought that in the glass eyes of plush and plastic animals there lurks an unknown danger and a wild, natural passion for murder? After playing 5 nights with Freddy, you will definitely throw out all the soft kittens and bunnies that are in the apartment, because you will no longer be able to sleep while they are around. The games 5 Nights at Freddy's appeared quite a long time ago, and have already become recognized classics of horror! And it’s completely deserved, because once you start the first mission, it’s impossible to tear yourself away until, frozen in horror, you complete them all.

When the sun goes down

In all mythologies of the world, the time from sunset to dawn is special, mystical. While the sun is below the horizon, the earth is ruled by evil and dark forces. Under the cover of darkness, the kind faces of the puppet characters are distorted, turning into disgusting grimaces, and evil rises from the depths of their black and thoroughly rotten souls.

How cute Freddy Bear is - it's a pleasure to play with him! Little children call their parents every day to a small pizzeria on the outskirts of the city, because they so like real puppet show, organized by the owner of the establishment. Who’s there: Foxy the fox and Bonnie the bunny... They seem so charming that you just can’t take your eyes off them!

It’s also better not to take your eyes off at night. But for a completely different reason... The security guard recognizes her on his first shift - this is how the 5 nights with Freddy games begin. The confused voice of a former employee tells the newcomer about the terrible secret that shrouds the gloomy establishment. Cute animals are animatronics that come to life after midnight and go to stretch their mechanical joints. And it’s better not to catch their eye if you don’t want to become one of them - a lifeless corpse, just an endoskeleton inside a mechanical doll.


The setting of the main game of 5 Nights at Freddy's is quite simple. Exactly two buttons - for the door and the lamp, - a map of the room with the ability to view CCTV cameras and... that's it. You can look around a little - in another part of the room there are two more exactly the same buttons.

These 5 nights with Freddy will have to be played by his rules! There is nowhere to run, no one to call, no weapons. Decay and hopelessness, especially considering the fact that immediately after your predecessor’s call, dolls thirsting for your blood begin to move around the neighboring rooms. You cannot defend against them - you can only try not to let them into your territory until the sun rises and they return to their corner.

There are doors to keep people out. However, at the whim of the creators of Freddy's game, they are designed in a rather unusual way: when closed, they consume a lot of energy, and therefore it will not be possible to simply lock them all night. To understand when it’s definitely time to close more securely, you need to monitor the movements of enemies in the cameras and highlight the entrance with a flashlight. The main difficulty is that there is only one energy source for everything! So, the longer you wait to find out when you need to close, the greater the chance that there won’t be enough electricity to close it.

But when you survive all 5 nights and don’t fall into the clutches of Freddy and his friends, a bonus awaits you: two more levels of an exciting game!

Backstory to follow

Like any truly hit entertainment, the Game Five Nights at Freddy's has several official sequels and prequels, as well as many fan-made sequels, the authors of which are happy to post them online so that everyone can play them for free online.

Of course, new games from the authors of the original toy are of increased interest, because they are not only made in the same style and with no less quality, but also tell the story of the terrible events that surround the mysterious pizzeria. So, in the second part, the first of the guards, Jeremy Fitzgerald, is faced with the unusual behavior of animated dolls. The action takes place in 1987, and at that time no one even suspected how dangerous ordinary decorations on the trading floor are! So far, during the day they calmly walk among visitors, and at night they wander around the floor just as freely.

The third chapter of the game Freddy Bear tells what happened thirty years later. The purple man, a killer looking for peace, is trying to undo what he once did. A terrible secret of the animated dolls is revealed: it turns out that the bodies of murdered children were used as endoskeletons; and the souls of the little ones now dream of being freed, of breaking free.

The fourth story reveals the secret of the famous “Bite of 87” - an event that largely predetermined the course of history in the game and assigned Freddy Bear and the rest of the dolls the unenviable fate of night killers.

Want to know more? We have collected the most complete selection of original and fan versions of the famous game. On our website you can play with Freddy around the clock - so try to survive at least the required 5 nights!

Fear is a natural reaction of the body based on the instinct of self-preservation or as a reaction to danger. And if you forgot about them, then know that they tend to come back. Immerse yourself in a world of fears dark stories and creepy characters this section allows you. Everyone has their own level of fear, so if you are not ready to test your strength, we advise you not to play.

By storyline, the main characters will be robotic dolls - animatronics. Meet Chica the chicken, Bonnie the hare, Foxy the fox and Freddy the bear. They look shabby, tired and old, but this is because after the power is turned off, they take on a different appearance. In the main part of the indie horror, the action takes place in a pizzeria, where your hero gets a job as a security guard. He was warned that the animatronics were sometimes violent and capable of moving and communicating with each other.

But any equipment can fail. Therefore, this night will not be another boring shift for you. After all, the animatronics acquired an evil appearance due to a long power outage and started hunting for you. The player's main task is to survive until the next morning. To do this, you will have to show ingenuity, efficiency and complete various mini-quests. You cannot leave your room. But you can monitor what is happening from cameras, check rooms for the presence of strangers and turn on/off the lights.

In addition to this game, there are other quests in a similar gloomy style. They are more condensed in format, but no less exciting. Good luck!

Exciting and quite scary Online Games 5 Nights with Freddy is well known to all connoisseurs of quality horror films and entertainment of a specific indie genre. They combine elements in a surprisingly organic way survival horror- "survival in a nightmare", an original plot and simple graphics typical of almost all indie games, as well as emphasized simple controls in the "point and click" style. The need to do nothing but move the cursor across the screen, coupled with ever-increasing tension and an ever-increasing sense of paranoia, has a mesmerizing effect on gamers and firmly glues them to the screen.

These entertainments were created based on the original video game 5 Nights with Freddy or Five Nights at Freddy’s - the brainchild of the famous American developer Scott Cawthon. The first part appeared in 2014. On this moment the original series consists of five toys, four of which are united by a common plot, but the last one is different, not only in the main story, but also in style, since it gravitates more towards the RPG genre than to the indie one. During the first week of its release on the market, the horror game about 5 Nights at Freddy's became the best-selling toy on the digital distribution platform Desura, and videos recording its passage broke all conceivable viewing records on the YouTube channel. Our section about 5 Nights at Freddy's allows you to play many more games, all of which are available for free, so there's no need to buy anything.

A very scary story

The events of the first game Five Nights at Freddy's take us back to 1987, to a pizzeria called "Freddy Fazbear's Pizza". Its main character, Jeremy Fitzgerald, is just looking for a job when he comes across an advertisement that the establishment urgently needs security guard. The guy happily grabs the opportunity, not even imagining what his nightly vigils in a seemingly harmless public catering establishment will turn out to be like. And the whole point is that creepy animatronics roam around at night, whose only entertainment is to catch a person and put him in a suit , which will begin to squeeze the unfortunate person with an endoskeleton (a metal support for large toys) until he dies.

During the daytime, the animatronics are quite harmless and look like large plush animals in a factory, entertaining kids in a pizzeria. But at exactly midnight they come to life, turning into nightmarish monsters with their own will, logic and desires, and wander through the back rooms of the pizzeria until exactly 6 in the morning. They say that once upon a time the mechanism of the toys malfunctioned, they went berserk, attacked visitors and even killed several children, whose souls are now locked in toy figures, like in cages. Some enterprising businessman sold the scary dolls to the unsuspecting owner of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, and he is still blissfully unaware of his acquisition, only he is often forced to look for new night guards. The old ones disappear to God knows where.

Survival Instructions

Before you start playing the creepy 5 Nights at Freddy's, you should get to know the monsters you'll have to hide from. IN different versions of the original toy, their number varies, but the main “backbone” remains the same. It includes Bonnie the rabbit, Chica the chicken, Foxy the fox and, of course, the captain of the monster company, the scariest animatronic of the game - Freddy the bear. You should be wary of him first of all, but also carefully keep an eye on the other creatures. Moreover, game process designed so that surveillance will become your main occupation.

The night guard is deprived of the ability to move and leave the room in which he is located, and therefore whether he will survive or not depends on how promptly you turn on and off the lights in the corridor, also remotely slam the doors and watch the animatronics in the security cameras. The trouble is that all these manipulations sharply increase energy consumption. And when all the electricity is used up, the equipment and lighting of the pizzeria will turn off for a few seconds until the backup power comes on. This is where the turning point of the Freddy Bear game comes - the appearance of animatronics on the stage. The eerie sight is accompanied by an equally strange and frightening melody - Freddie's favorite lullaby. As soon as the energy reserves are exhausted, the music stops playing, Freddy the bear will attack the main character and kill him.

To avoid this and still manage to stay in the building until 6 am for 5 nights in a row, you need to constantly monitor the energy consumption meter, spend it sparingly and try to listen to the advice of the “phone guy”. According to the plot of Freddy's game, he is a security guard who worked in your place before, one of the few who managed to survive 5 scary nights in the company of monstrous toys. For three nights in a row he instructs your character, but on the fourth the call is interrupted and you have to act at your own peril and risk. We really hope that you will be able to play in such a way that you never hear Freddy’s mournful lullaby to the end and never see the grinning mask of the screamer, which always appears exactly a second before the death of the main character.

Creepy stories of the game 5 nights at Freddy's

Rarely do games come along that can truly make a splash. Sometimes even a great idea does not live up to expectations, but the “pearls” of the virtual space are still being born. In 2014, programmer Scott Cauthon created a unique animated game in the style of survival horror (survive a nightmare). The 5 Nights at Freddy's games are available for free and are indie games, where the development and launch of the product lies entirely on the shoulders of the developer or a small group.

The toy has been pre-tested and approved for distribution, and can now be played on smartphones, tablets and computers.

As befits a horror film, there is a constant tension that gradually builds up, suggesting that danger lurks around every corner, in every shadow cast.

The plot outline of the gameplay

Mike Schmidt finally found a job as a night watchman at a pizzeria. Nothing special, but he soon realized that something terrible and mysterious was going on in this establishment. You will play games for 5 nights with Freddy on his behalf, defending by all means the establishment entrusted to him and hiding from the animatronics. Mike begins receiving voice warnings from the former employee to be extremely careful. Animatronics used to serve visitors, but one day one caused a serious head injury to a child, and this case was coded "Bite 87". They are now prohibited from appearing during the day, however, if the animatronics are kept disabled for a long time, their servos are blocked, so they are allowed to roam the hall at night.

The former watchman also warns about another threat - having noticed a person, the robot will decide that this is an endoskeleton, that is, an unfinished toy, and will try to fix it by stuffing it into a Freddy bear skin suit. Naturally, this will be a deadly test for a person, since the inside is full of all sorts of glands.

One of the cameras shows a note in a newspaper, where eyewitnesses claim that a certain person, wearing a Golden Freddy costume, killed five children, and also complain that the animatronics look suspicious with a muzzle stained with blood and smell terrible.

To survive, Mike must survive from 12 to 6 in the morning, which in real time is 8-10 minutes. Main character cannot move around the territory, and monitors the situation from a closed room through video cameras. Sometimes he turns on the lights to make sure that no animatronics are approaching him. Batteries are at their limit, and energy must be used sparingly. If it runs out, the light will go out and the equipment will not work. The backup power will turn on for a while, and Freddy will appear accompanied by lullaby music, and when the melody ends, this light will go out, after which the bear will attack Mike, killing him.

Animatronic heroes

Play with all parts of this unusual toy and enjoy the fear. Each part expands the space and introduces new characters. In the first one you start getting acquainted, and the process of playing Freddy Bear 2 will require you to concentrate so as not to miss the killer and track the cameras. Further - more, and when the turn comes for a new test, the game Freddy Bear 5 does not skimp on secrets, traps and dangers.

You are being stalked by:

  • Bonnie is a blue-violet rabbit with a guitar and a red bow tie;
  • Chica - a yellow chicken wearing a bib with the inscription "Let's eat!";
  • Foxy is a red fox with an eye patch and a hook instead of a paw;
  • Freddy is a brown bear with a microphone;
  • Golden Freddy is a yellow bear who appears on the screen.

Complete the 5 Nights at Freddy's games if you're so brave!

Created and released by Scott Cawthon on August 8, 2014, 5 Nights at Freddy's can be classified as a horror film. The player must fight for life, fighting the surrounding monsters online.

It gained real popularity and was distributed on the Internet for free. Therefore, on November 10, another version of 5 Nights with Freddy was released, and on March 12, 2015, another version of entertainment was released. In fact, in each of the new releases five nights at freddy`s remains the same, only the graphics change, appearance characters and location.

Horrors in a pizzeria

The action of the game 5 nights with Freddy takes place in a restaurant, where everything is arranged to create a good mood among visitors: stylized rooms, atmosphere, behavior of the staff and mechanical toys - animatronics that represent a rock band, can play on different musical instruments, sing and dance, delighting the local audience.

Following the plot of the game 5 Nights at Freddy's, the establishment would have flourished further, but in 1987, the unexpected happened: someone took a bite out of the car. little boy frontal part of the brain, he died. And the incident shocked people and led to the fact that the cafe fell into disrepair and is on the verge of closing.

It's fun to play here. Everything interesting and mysterious begins from the very beginning. Any watchman who goes on duty disappears without a trace, and those who have not disappeared categorically refuse to go to work. It would seem like a mystery, but it’s getting worse: robots are killing everyone, they hunt for living creatures and put them in a bear suit.

In the guise of security guard Mike Schmidt, you will have the opportunity to spend all 5 nights with Freddie. A minute of play will turn into hours, challenges await everywhere. However, if you last three levels without losses, you will receive a bonus, additional ammunition.

There are no weapons in Five Nights at Freddy's. In 5 nights with Freddy, the only thing you can use is video surveillance, which you can use to keep an eye on your opponent. There is nowhere to hide, your hiding place is a security room with iron door, which should be slammed in time. To make it not very difficult to start games, we will tell you about the main opponents and their methods of attack.

Animatronics five nights

Freddy the bear is patient, he studies you for the first two shifts. He is predictable, always moving along the route: stage - dining room - eastern hall.

Long-eared rabbit with a guitar, green. The most active, sometimes jumps out of the ventilation or goes freely wandering through the corridors. The most agile one goes out and stays to the left and enters all the rooms except Pirate's Cove. He waits for a long time, this threatens with loss of energy. If a hare sneaks into the office, take the tablet, he won’t be able to attack until you put it down.

It’s easy to defeat the beast - shine a special flashlight into its eyes. It is possible to add light if the hero has this item, called by the participant in the passage using the Ctrl+C button combination on the PC keyboard. Its charge is discharged quite quickly - at a critical moment it will turn off if you do not charge it.

Chica is a yellow chicken, the most dependent representative of the four killers. In most cases, she follows the company and serves as their assistant. Moves to the right and visits the kitchen and toilet. We are most afraid of it at the catering unit; there is no lighting there.

Foxy the Fox - appears on the second night of the game and sneaks around quite quietly. It has become very worn out in its well-deserved retirement, and is gathering dust in the far corner behind the screen. You need to be careful, as he travels the whole way in 35 seconds.

These are popular toy creatures that attack in various quests. And since everything has been told, get ready to tickle your nerves for free and raise the level of adrenaline in your blood online. In general, perform all controls using the mouse and do not forget to play while watching everything.

Let the 5 Nights with Freddy games become your triumph, don’t drift and get started, because stylish gameplay and well-chosen music will give you wonderful emotions for a long time. Download mods, skins for any mobile phone or a personal computer and play scary games without registering on official server in a regular browser. Plunge into virtual world pizzeria, defeat all enemies and become a true winner!

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