Games for children on the theme of vegetable garden. Didactic game "What grows in the garden, in the vegetable garden?" Progress of the game: A garden is drawn on one album sheet, a vegetable garden on the other


Didactic game for children preschool age"Our garden"

Didactic game “Our garden”» can be used by teachers of preschool institutions in working with children of primary preschool age in classes on familiarization with the outside world, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, and speech development.


1) learn to determine the spatial arrangement of objects;

2) clarify children’s knowledge about vegetables, where they grow, and the benefits of vegetables for


3) learn to distinguish vegetables by appearance, describe them according to their characteristic features;

4) learn to use the general concept “Vegetables”;

5) enrich vocabulary by denoting qualities;

6) develop attention, memory, coordination of movements, fine motor skills of the hands.

Game description:

1. The teacher asks the child to collect the harvest. The child takes vegetables from the beds one by one and names them. While completing the task, the child learns the names of vegetables in Russian and Tatar.

Second for children junior group When “harvesting”, you can offer to describe the characteristic features of vegetables.

2. Invite the child to place a certain amount of vegetables in the “bed”.

For example: plant 2 carrots and 3 cabbages.

3. By planting vegetables in the “beds”, children can fix the location of objects in space.

For example: the teacher invites the children to plant carrots, cabbage to the left, and cucumbers to the right.

4. The teacher asks the child a riddle about vegetables. The child must choose the answer and place it on the “bed”

For example: I am long and green,

Tasty and salty

Delicious and raw.

Who am I? (Cucumber)

Sitting in prison

And the braid is on the street. (Carrot)

I was born to glory

The head is white, curly

Who loves cabbage soup

Look for me in them. (Cabbage)

Doesn't upset anyone

And it makes everyone cry. (Onion)

With the help of this game, a teacher can perform many developmental tasks with students. The game “Our Garden” performs a cognitive function and develops fine motor skills.

Didactic game"What is planted in vegetable garden»

P. z. - teach children to classify objects according to certain characteristics (by the place of their growth, by the method of their use, to develop speed of thinking, auditory attention, speech skills.

Game rule. You need to answer the driver’s questions only with words. "Yes" or "No".

Game action. Whoever makes a mistake gives a forfeit, which he then wins back.

Move games. Educator asks: “Children, you know what they imprison vegetable garden? Let's play this one game: I will name different objects, and you listen carefully. If I name what is planted in vegetable garden, you answer "Yes", if then what in the garden doesn't grow, you say "No". Whoever makes a mistake is loses» Educator. Carrot. Children. Yes! Educator. Cucumbers. Children. Yes! Educator. Beet. Children. Yes! Educator. Plums. Children. No! If someone is in a hurry and answers incorrectly, the teacher can say: “If you hurry, you will make people laugh. Be attentive

Didactic game"Gardener".

P. z. - development of general speech skills, coordination of speech and movement, development of fine motor skills, development of grammatical structure of speech.

Yesterday we walked in the garden, (Children walk in a circle holding hands.) We planted currants. (They depict digging a hole and planting a bush in it.) We whitened the apple trees with lime and whitewash. (Move your right hand up and down.) We fixed the fence (Imitate hitting with a hammer.) We started talk: - Tell me, our Gardener, what will you give us as a reward? (They stand facing in a circle, one child comes to the center.)“I’ll give you a reward of purple plums, honey pears, the largest, ripe apples, a whole kilogram of cherries.” This is what I will give you as a reward! (For each name of fruit, bend one finger on the right hand.)

Didactic game“Which tree is the leaf from?”

P.Z. - know the features of the shape and color of tree leaves in autumn; be able to quickly navigate the area based on a signal and find the right tree; name trees, recognizing them by their structure, bark, remains of seeds, leaves; name their colors and shades.

Didactic game"Gather the Harvest"

P.Z. - know how to store vegetables and fruits; be able to select storage options for specific vegetables and fruits, and talk about it.

Move games. The teacher shows a picture of a vegetable or fruit, and the children must match it with symbols. designations: storage, preservation, drying, freezing, salting, etc.

Didactic game"Taste vegetables"

P.Z. - consolidate knowledge about vegetables, the ability to recognize vegetables by taste.

Move games. The teacher has whole vegetables on his plate, and the children have saucers with different pieces of vegetables on their tables. Having examined the vegetables on the plate, children take a piece of any vegetable from their saucer, eat it and then name the vegetable and its taste.

Didactic game"Tops - roots"

P.Z. - develop speed of reaction to the teacher’s question, attention, memory; develop interest in games in which children can show their knowledge.

Move games. The teacher clarifies that children will call the edible root of a vegetable roots, and the edible fruit on the stem - tops. Explains; that you can only answer in two words: tops and roots. Whoever makes a mistake will pay a forfeit, which at the end games are redeemed. The teacher names a vegetable, and the children quickly answer what is edible in it - the tops or roots. The teacher warns that children should be attentive, since some vegetables contain both. Children with ODD and mental retardation need object pictures for support.

Didactic game"Autumn Fair"

P.Z. - develop speech, role interaction; cultivate a culture of communication.

Move games. The fair organizer should talk about what vegetables and fruits are prepared for the winter and how. The seller must offer his goods and release them, the buyer must name the goods he wants to buy and the method of procuring them.

Didactic game“Who can name more dishes?”

P.Z. - develop speed of reaction to a question, attention; cultivate endurance and patience.

Move games. The teacher names a vegetable or fruit and asks them to remember the dish that can be prepared from it. The one to whom the ball is thrown must name the dish without repeating itself. A child who makes a mistake or does not say anything misses the game. The teacher can set a dish, and the children must remember its components and agree on what component each of them will be. The host shouts out what he wants to put in the pan, and the one who recognizes himself jumps into the circle. The next one jumps up and takes the hand of the previous one. Until all the components are in the circle, the game continues. You can use mask caps, medallions with images of vegetables and fruits.

Didactic game“What is eaten raw and what is cooked?”

P.Z. - develop phrasal speech, voluntary attention; develop the ability to listen to your comrades, patiently wait for your turn.

Move games. The teacher shows the children vegetables one by one and asks what can be eaten raw and what cannot. Gives a sample answer: “Cucumber can be eaten raw”, "The potatoes need to be boiled". Then the teacher suggests clapping your hands if the vegetable can be eaten raw, and sitting quietly if it is not.

Didactic game"What grows in the garden, vegetable garden

P.Z. - develop the ability to act quickly on a signal; foster honesty in following rules games.

Move games. At a signal from an adult, children select small cards in accordance with the picture on big map in an adult. The one wins Who was the fastest to close all the empty cells and name the plants correctly? Small cards are reviewed by children in advance.

Didactic game"Find by description"

P.Z. - develop memory, attention; develop the ability when guessing not to interrupt your comrades, not to shout, attentively listen to the teacher.

Move games. The teacher describes in detail one of the presented vegetables or fruits (shape, color, size, coloring, taste, what it feels like, what it looks like outside and inside) and invites the children to name it and show it. Then the adult asks riddles, the children guess and find a card with a picture. A descriptive story can be written by a child and guessed by an adult.

Didactic game“Which branch are the kids from?”

P.Z. - develop memory, attention, vocabulary of adjectives and numerals; cultivate the ability to react calmly when passing the stake to other children.

Move games. The teacher asks the children a question: For example: “What is the name of the tree on which apples grow?” Children answer, look for apples among a variety of fruits and « hang» them to the tree branches. The teacher asks to count the apples and answer how many are hanging on the apple tree. If the children make a mistake in the name of the fruit tree, then the right to guess is transferred to others.

Didactic game"Guess"

P.Z. - develop the operation of classification, attention; cultivate the ability attentively listen to the teacher’s instructions and comrades’ answers.

Move games. The teacher distributes all the pictures to the players and suggests putting pictures with drawn fruits on one side, and pictures with berries on the other. Children must list fruits and berries and name them with a general word.

The teacher distributes pictures with drawn berries, invites the players to divide pictures with forest and garden berries into groups, list them, and call them with a general word. It is necessary to take into account that some berries grow both in the forest and in the garden.

The teacher distributes pictures with drawn fruits, invites the players to sort pictures with fruits from our region and hot countries into groups, list them, call them with a general word. .

This didactic game can be used in working with preschoolers of mass groups, as well as with children who are diagnosed with ODD and stuttering. The game is played with a subgroup.


- enrich children's vocabulary with the names of vegetables and fruits;

- teach preschoolers to compose a descriptive story about a subject, coordinating adjectives with nouns in gender and number;

- develop coherent speech, elements of logical thinking (analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification), tactile sensations, visual attention and memory.

Develop self-control skills and interest in the game.

Equipment: pictures depicting vegetables, fruits and berries; silhouette chips (the same vegetables and fruits); description plan; scarf, watering can, apron; natural vegetables and fruits.

Progress of the didactic game with preschoolers

On the table around which the children stand, object pictures are laid out with the images facing down. A gardener (boy or girl) is selected. He dresses accordingly and imitates watering.

The teacher (speech therapist) says the call:

Our Kolya the worker

I'm not used to being lazy.

He did a good job

Reaped a good harvest.

You go into the vegetable garden,

Look for some tasty fruit for yourself.

The teacher explains the conditions of the game: “Kolya wants to invite you to his garden and to his garden. You will take turns taking pictures from the table, carefully examine them and, without showing them to others, describe what you have drawn, so diligently that your comrades will definitely guess whether you took a vegetable or fruit from Kolya’s garden.”

Option 1.

The child who composed the best descriptive story becomes the gardener-gardener. The game continues until all the pictures have been sorted out.

The role of a gardener is performed by an adult. He distributes pictures taking into account the speech and mental abilities of children. To make it easier for them to write a descriptive essay kaza, offers a plan diagram. It looks like an accordion book, which consists of eight cardboard pages with supporting drawings on them. On the title side there is a paper pocket where the subject picture is inserted. Based on the supporting pictures of this diagram, the child should name:

1) species (generalization word: vegetable, fruit, berry);

2) color;

3) shape;

size 4;

5) what it feels like (hard, soft, smooth, rough);

6) taste;

7) where it grows (on a tree, bush, in the ground);

8) how it is used for food.

Children make up descriptive story from memory (without diagram). The child plays the role of gardener. Children take pictures and take turns describing what is depicted, and the rest guess what it is. Whoever guesses the correct name first becomes a gardener.

Option 2.

The teacher tells the children that the gardener brought fruits and vegetables for them. But he will feed only those who complete his task. Those children who answer correctly are given a chip in the form of some kind of fruit.

Sample tasks and questions:

Name the vegetable (fruit) yellow wow, green, red,... colors.

Name the largest (smallest) vegetables.

Name the vegetables that are eaten raw and which ones are boiled (fried).

What vegetables grow on the surface of the earth; what are in the ground?

What vegetables are pulled out; tear; dig up; cut off?

How n name the tree on which apples grow; plums; pears; cherries? (Apple, pear, plum, cherry).

What is the name of the garden where apples, plums and pears grow? (Fruit, or orchard).

Option 3.

A gardener shows children whole vegetables (fruits); in section; cut into small pieces. Children carefully examine them, name them, smell them, and try them. Then the teacher calls one person, blindfolds him with a handkerchief, and gives him a piece of some fruit to try. The child determines by smell and taste what it is, and by touch finds it among others. If a vegetable (fruit) is named correctly, he becomes a gardener.

Tatyana Gennadievna Tikhonova

Didactic games help children consolidate knowledge gained in classes, excursions, while watching cartoons and videos, etc. I bring to your attention didactic game"Plant a vegetable garden"I made this game with my own hands. There was a competition in our kindergarten educational games according to Wenger. All groups took an active part.

Purpose of the game:

A game consists of two types of cards. The cards are divided into four parts.

Some cards have yellow and green circles glued on them.

Others are empty.

I cut out silhouettes of cucumbers and turnips from cardboard, painted them and varnished them.

Children sit at the table, sort out cards with empty squares. On the table in front of the children are silhouettes of cucumbers and turnips. The teacher has cards with circles. The mugs are glued on differently: Somewhere there are only green, somewhere only yellow, on other cards the colors alternate. The teacher shows the children a certain card, and the children must put the correct image in silhouette on their cards - " plant"cucumbers and turnips into a certain "hole".

At first, it is difficult for children to lay out the image correctly, but with experience comes skill.

I think many people have one a game, but I made this game with my own hands.

We have garden It doesn't grow on the window.

We're into it let's play, we develop our minds.

Publications on the topic:

Campaign “Plant a tree” The action “Plant a Tree” Prepared by teacher Svetlana Anatolyevna Karasteleva took place in the “Yagodka” kindergarten in October 2016.

Author's didactic game on environmental education “Plant a forest” for children of the middle group Author's didactic game environmental education"Plant a forest" for children middle group The game is designed for middle-aged children.

Didactic game "What is harmful, what is useful" Purpose. To consolidate children's knowledge about harmful and beneficial phenomena and objects. Develop the ability to explain.

Printed board game “Make a story from a picture” (This game can be used as additional material to development classes.

Didactic game “Garden and vegetable garden?” intended for children younger age, to consolidate knowledge about fruits and vegetables. Goal: consolidation.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution " Kindergarten No. 97 combined type" Moskovsky district of Kazan PASSPORT.

Games with food have always been interesting to children as such. Role-playing games to the “shop”, “garden”, “kitchen” are simply irreplaceable for girls.

Didactic game “Funny vegetable garden” can be used by teachers of preschool institutions in working with children of primary preschool age in classes on familiarization with the outside world, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, and speech development.

Objectives: to consolidate the ability to compare two equal groups of objects using the application method; learn to determine the spatial arrangement of objects; clarify children’s knowledge about vegetables, where they grow, and their benefits to humans; learn to distinguish vegetables by appearance, describe them by their characteristic features; learn to use the general concept “Vegetables”, enrich vocabulary by denoting qualities; develop attention, memory, perseverance, coordination of movements, fine motor skills of the hands.

Materials and tools: black fabric, strips of green Velcro tape, pictures of vegetables, ruler, needle, green and black threads.

Manufacturing Description:

Cut out a rectangle from black fabric and fold it in half.

Sew strips of green Velcro (soft part) to the front part of the fabric; various vegetables will be attached to it.

You can make vegetables yourself, use ready-made appliqués, or cut them from fabric with a pattern. I printed the pictures on a color printer and covered them with tape for strength.

On the wrong side of each figure you need to sew pieces of the hard part of Velcro.

Game description:

With this game you can conduct various activities with children.

Lesson 1.

The teacher asks the child to collect the harvest. The pupil takes vegetables from the beds one by one and names them. While completing the task, the child learns the names of vegetables. During the “harvest”, children of the second younger group can be asked to describe the characteristic features of vegetables (a tomato is round red).

Lesson 2.

You can invite your child to guess riddles about vegetables. And he chooses the answers himself from the proposed pictures and places the picture with the answer on the “bed”.

I grow in the soil in a garden bed,

Red, long, sweet


What's that squeak? What's that crunch?

What kind of bush is this?

How can there be no crunch?


Lesson 3.

Invite your child to place vegetables of a certain color in the “bed.” For example, the teacher asks the child to choose green vegetables. The student plants cabbage and cucumbers in the “bed.”

Lesson 4.

In individual work with children in classes on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts this game can be used to compare groups of items using the application method. The teacher places two pictures of cabbage on one “bed”, one picture of pepper on the second under the onions and asks the child to compare which vegetables are the most.

Lesson 5.

By planting vegetables in the beds, students can fix the location of objects in space. The teacher asks the child to plant an onion, and to the right of it a carrot, then to the left of the onion to plant cabbage.

Lesson 6.

The game “Name it affectionately” is to teach children the correct education and use of diminutive forms of nouns. The child plants a vegetable in the “bed” and calls it affectionately: tomato - tomato, cucumber - cucumber, carrot - carrot, beet - beetroot.

Lesson 7.

Game "What's extra?" The teacher places vegetables on the “bed”: carrots, potatoes, onions, carrots, cabbage, eggplant. Informs that it is necessary to cook cabbage soup. What is unnecessary here? The child removes the extra vegetable (eggplant).

With the help of the proposed game, the teacher can perform many more developmental tasks with students. In addition to the fact that the game “Funny Garden” performs a cognitive function, by manipulating pictures on Velcro, the child develops fine motor skills.
