DIY games for children “Where is whose baby”, educational puzzles for kids about animals. Educational and methodological material on the topic: Didactic game “Whose cub?” from matchboxes Games for kids whose baby

It doesn’t take much time to make educational games for children with your own hands, if you have the desire. I myself made a lot of games for my baby in just a few hours.

How to teach a child to love our little brothers? I encountered this problem when my two-year-old child began constantly kicking the cats and dogs he met on the street. All admonitions and requests not to offend the little ones did not find any understanding in his face. Then the idea came to me to make pictures for him - puzzles with animals and their babies. To clearly show and explain that every animal on earth has children, as small and defenseless as he himself. Mothers always protect their babies and protect them.

After spending a little time on the Internet and Photoshop, I prepared for him educational pictures of domestic animals and pictures of wild animals, in the form of puzzles, so that he could connect them and remember them, thereby studying the animal world.

The educational presentation contains 24 cards for children with animal “Moms” and their “Babies”.

These educational cards for children with animals you can download and print here for free. And make such cards yourself - puzzles with animals for your child.

My son and I glued them onto cardboard and covered them with tape on top.

Educational game for children about animals “Where is whose baby”

Educational game for children about animals “Where is whose baby”

DIY educational games for children about animals

Cut it out and started studying pictures about animals . I explained in detail to the child who is depicted on the “Mom” card and who is on the “Baby” card, and offered to put them together.

She told me that all living animals also feel pain when they are offended. After a little practice, my son easily collected all the pieces of the puzzle about animals and named all the animals depicted. Luckily for me, we stopped kicking the cats.

On the topic “Animals and their babies” you can watch an educational video for children from the channel MamochkinKanal

Chigasova Irina Ivanovna
MBDOU d/s No. 4 combined type,

Lebedyan, Lipetsk region

Didactic game "Whose children?"

Group: 2nd junior

Goal: To introduce them to domestic animals, their cubs, who cries how; practice correct sound pronunciation; develop the ability to correlate the image of cubs with the picture of a large animal.


Getting to know animals and their babies, learning to name them and compare them by size.


Development of coherent speech, curiosity;

Development of thinking, visual attention.


Fostering love and respect for pets.

Methods and techniques: Reading poems and stories about animals, looking at illustrations of pets, encouragement, solving riddles.

Material: pictures of animals: a goat and a kid, a pig and a pig, a cow and a calf, a cat and a kitten, a dog and a puppy, a book with riddles by Yu. Korinets. "Who lives in our barn"

The teacher prepares for the game: a flannelgraph and a set of pictures depicting animals and their young; cow and calf, horse and foal, goat and kid, dog and puppy, cat and kitten.

Educator: - Children, you and I have read a lot of books about different animals.

What pets do you know?

Now let's play. Look - this is a clearing. (There is a strip of green paper on the flannelgraph).

What a beautiful lawn! Animals will roam here. I'll give you the pictures now. Different animals will come to the meadow. They will call for their young. You will find that cub whose mother is walking through the meadow and calling him to her. You will put up the picture only after you hear the animal’s voice. It's clear?

Now listen to the riddle, what animal is this?

His woolen coat

Let's cut Aunt Lyuba's hair too

From it he will spin yarn for us,

He will knit a sweater and socks for us

He has horns, cool

As if curled in rings

Who is this? (Ram)

What does he call his son?

Guys, what is the name of the baby ram?

Who has a picture of a Lamb? (The child comes out with his picture and puts it next to him on the flannelgraph).

Who ran to his mother?

And the sky is hidden from this -

She keeps looking at the trough

Or, tail raised in a hook,

Digs the ground with his heel.

Who is this? (Piggy).

What does she call her son?

Who is she calling? Piglet. (A child runs out with his picture of a pig and puts it next to him)

Who ran to his mother?

Let's listen to the riddle.

In summer she eats grass

And in winter there is hay.

I approach her, without breathing, I:

She's very big!

Who came out onto the lawn? (Cow).

(The teacher puts the picture on the flannelgraph)

What does she call her baby? And who is her baby? (The child comes out with his picture and puts it next to it.)

Who ran to his mother?

Let's listen to the next riddle.

This one is hiding on the roof -

I call, but he doesn’t hear.

Pretends to be asleep

He watches the birds himself.

Mom will come out of the hallway -

He quickly runs after her.

Who is this? (Cat). What does she call her son? (The teacher puts the picture on the flannelgraph).

Who will walk with her? Kitty. (The child comes out and puts up a picture of a kitten.)

Let's listen to another riddle.

I have a big mane

Ears and hooves.

I'll give him a playful ride,

Who won't be afraid?

My fur is smooth

Who am I? (Horse).

(The teacher puts the picture on the flannelgraph.)

Who knows what she calls her baby? - Who will walk with a horse on the lawn? Foal. (The child comes out and puts up a picture.)

Educator: - Well done guys! Look at the lawn. All mothers found their babies.



Who did we talk about today?

How to call them in a general word?

What animals did we talk about today?

Who remembers the names of the cubs?

Thank you for playing!

“Whose cub?”

This educational game "Whose baby is it?" will introduce children to animals and their cubs! On each box of this didactic game you can see an image of an adult animal, and in the inside of the box there are pictures depicting cubs in the plural and singular. Among the proposed options, you will have to find a mother or father for each cub. Please note that a small animal is usually very similar to its parents, so the child can easily complete the task.

Age orientation: 37 years.

Material: 9 matchboxes with images of wild animals, plastic box.

Purpose of the game: Teach your child to compare wild animals with their cubs, correctly name the cubs in the singular and plural. Develop visual attention, memory, perseverance, observation, fine motor skills. To consolidate and expand children's knowledge about wild animals. Activate children's speech. Replenish your vocabulary. Generate interest in the game.

Manufacturing algorithm: To make this game, matchboxes were taken, onto which images of an adult wild animal were pasted, and inside the box, pictures with their cubs in the singular and plural were pasted on both sides. Everything is placed in a plastic box.

Game description:

Option 1.

The child is offered matchboxes with images of wild animals. If a group of children is playing, the boxes are divided equally. The teacher offers to name the animal depicted on the box, then asks to find the cub of this animal and name it in the singular and plural. If the child finds it correctly, he takes this box for himself and pushes it into the box. The winner is the one who fills all the boxes the fastest and correctly.

Option 2.

Children are offered matchboxes with images of wild animals and their cubs. The teacher makes a riddle, and the children guess. Whoever guesses first takes away the box with his image. The child who collects the most boxes wins.


Who, having forgotten worries,

Sleeping in his den?


Cunning cheat

red head,

The fluffy tail is beautiful!

And her name is... (Fox)

Who is cold in winter

Walking around angry and hungry?

Touching the grass with hooves,

A handsome man walks through the forest,

Walks boldly and easily

Horns spread wide.

And through pines and firs

She runs fast

He sees where the cones have ripened,

Where is the virgin mushroom soil? (Squirrel)

A ball of fluff, a long ear,

Jumps deftly and loves carrots. (Hare)

Angry touchy-feely

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles

And not a single thread. (Hedgehog)

What a big cat!
I'd like to play with her a little.
But I had no time for games,
How did you know it was...

Who is the most important here?
Yellow, with a gorgeous mane,
I'm not used to hiding my anger,
King of beasts, fierce!
(A lion)

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Didactic game "Whose baby?"

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GAME “Whose children? »

What does play give to children?

The game is aimed at developing correct sound pronunciation, clarifying, consolidating and activating the vocabulary. This game promotes the development of mental activity, overcoming shyness, timidity, and silence.



Didactic game “Whose children?”

Preschool educational institution No. 2 “Bee”


didactic game

“Whose children? »

II junior group

Educator: Pokhomtseva G.P.


GAME “Whose children? »

1. What does play give to children?

The game is aimed at developing correct sound pronunciation, clarifying, consolidating and activating the vocabulary. This game promotes the development of mental activity, overcoming shyness, timidity, and silence.

2. Purpose of the game:

To consolidate children's knowledge about domestic animals, their cubs, who screams what. Practice correct sound pronunciation. Develop speech activity. Develop the ability to correlate babies with a picture of an adult animal.

3. Game material:

flannelgraph, a set of pictures depicting animals and their young: a cow and a calf, a horse and a foal, a goat and a kid, a dog and a puppy, a cat and a kitten.

4. Rules of the game:

You can put a card with a picture of a baby on a flannelograph after you hear the voice of an adult animal, which children imitate, and also after you name the baby correctly.

5. Progress of the game:

The teacher sets up a flannelgraph with a green strip of paper on it.

This is a clearing. Animals will walk here.

The teacher gives the children pictures of animals and their babies.

You will find that cub whose mother is walking through the meadow and calling him to her.

Here I came out into the meadow...

Children: cow. (a picture is displayed)

What does she call her son?

Mu-mu-mu - the children say in unison.

Who is the cow calling?

Calf. (children post a picture).

Other animals are placed in this manner in turn. Children make sounds characteristic of each animal.

My first games "Who's whose baby" -The game introduces you to domestic and wild animals and their young, and gives an idea of ​​their habitat.The game includes 9 large cards depicting animals against a background of nature. Each card contains 2 animals: duck-hare, elephant-lion, cat-goat, kangaroo-koala, boar-bear, horse-cow, pig-chicken, dog-sheep, turkey-goose. And 18 small cards with pictures of cubs. Animals are drawn realistically.

One of the features of the "Who's Whose Baby" puzzles is also that each logical pair of pictures has its own unique lock - even if the child matches the pictures incorrectly, he will be able to correct himself. The bright pictures depicted on the cards will not let your child get bored, and it will be interesting for him to assemble the puzzle, and the thick cardboard will not tear - so your child will be able to play as much as he wants!
The goal of the board game "Who's Whose Baby" - make a logical chain and match the main picture with cards with images of babies of this type of animal.
The game includes a detailed description of the games that you can play using cards. A total of 3 games are described:
Get to know the cub.
Progress of the game:
The presenter shows any card and asks the players who is depicted on it. Player,The one who gives the correct answer takes the card for himself.The one who collects the most cards wins.
Describe the animal.
Progress of the game.
The presenter shows any card, and the players must determine which animalsare depicted on it. The first player to name the animals shown on the card must describe them one by one. For example, he says: “A boar and a bear are drawn on the card. These animals live in the forest. In the summer, the boar eats acorns and plant roots, and the bear eats honey and raspberries.” The presenter can ask leading questions: what does the animal look like? Where does he live? How many cubs does he have? Etc.If the first player finds it difficult to answer, the next one can complete it.Reported mostcomplete information about the animal, takes the card for himself.The one who collects the most cards wins.
Progress of the game.
The presenter shows any small card. Players must name the cub depicted on it and its parents. The one who has the corresponding animal depicted on the large card takes the card with the baby for himself and applies it to her. The first one to match two small cards to his big card wins.The presenter can ask the children additional questions. For example: what are the names of the cubs? What benefits do these animals bring to people? Where do they live? What sounds do they make? And so on.
My first games "Who's Whose Baby" introduces domestic and wild animals and their young in a playful way, and gives an idea of ​​their habitat. Children will learn to relate animals and their babies.

The set includes:

  • 27 cards;
  • guidelines.

Buy my first gamesYou can “Who’s whose baby” in Novosibirsk in the store of educational and board games “Pochemuchek Games”.
