Games for girls create your own anime avatar. How to create your own anime or your own manga character

In a game called Create your own anime avatar, the user will prepare two characters at once for the upcoming celebration. Soon a ball will begin in the castle, to which all the noble people from all over the country will come. But the most important event of this evening is the meeting of the prince and princess, who have been in love with each other for a long time. This evening should be special for them, because the lovers have not seen each other for a long time. They are very worried about the upcoming meeting and are trying to prepare for it as best as possible. But the guy and the girl just don’t have thoughts that suggest what images would make their meeting unforgettable. It is at this moment that you will come to their aid and support them in such a difficult situation.

Your task is to completely transform the appearance of the prince and princess. First, choose who you would like to work on first. As soon as you make a choice, proceed to the most important and responsible work. You are allowed to change your hairstyle and hair color, make your characters smile or be sad. Remember about clothes that should match your hair and makeup. Be sure to choose jewelry and put a crown and tiara on the heroes, which will help complement their image.

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Before starting the gameplay of any game, many projects first suggest choosing an image for a character, take at least a life simulator The Sims. And sometimes it’s so captivating that it becomes more interesting than the plot itself. Not surprisingly, a huge field for fantasy and imagination opens up, especially if there are quite a lot of parameters for changing appearance. Against this background, various flash drives on this topic began to appear, where users can pay more attention to the creation of their character.

Each game where you need to create a hero has its own specific theme; these can be already familiar characters from cartoons that you need to collect for the journey. But it’s no less interesting to come up with your own unique characters; they can be cartoons, animals, dolls, girls from anime, and so on. To create an interesting image, each flash drive offers many functions. Thanks to them, guys can change their body, face, hair, eyes, nose, lips, emotions, clothes, height and much more. Each participant can feel like a real artist, developer and come up with their own unique and completely unusual hero.

Superheroes, unique animals or cartoon characters

Games where the main task is to create your character are available at any time; gamers can always and at any time be on the field and take advantage of a wide range of functions for this. Applications may especially appeal to those who like to use their imagination. Such creative people can immediately imagine what kind of character they will get, or they can succumb to chance and only see what image will come out at the end of the process. In addition, there may be a lot of heroes and they will all be different and interesting. You can also not only make new creatures from different parts, but also draw them. You can create it by absolutely anyone and even see what happens next, how it will move and achieve its goals. And if you start creating superheroes, then gamers will have more tasks, because they need to come up with exactly what powers they will have.

Sometimes you watch cartoons and think, if only you could slightly adjust the appearance of the main characters, but now this is actually possible, thanks to fascinating flash drives. The girls would really enjoy coming up with new looks for Lady Bug and Super Kota, Winx fairies and even start developing a new pony, girls from Equestria and the like. But boys may be interested in changing some of the parameters of Naruto, Ben 10, or choosing an interesting image for the new Ninja Turtle.

Given the fact that there is quite a large number of different cartoons, fairy tales, anime and comics, it is not a fact that all the characters can be well made and well thought out. If you suddenly feel like some character is missing a certain detail, this can all be easily corrected with the help of themed flash drives. Besides this, it is very easy and fun to re-imagine a cartoon creature. You can add chic long curls to a character or, on the contrary, make him bald, give him a grin, a kind smile, remove or add eyelashes, decorate his face with a scar, freckles, choose the color of his hair, eyes, and even improve his appearance using functions that are responsible for makeup. Not only girls like such games; everyone is sometimes interested in discovering their creative streak and doing a rather unusual, but very exciting art.

» Anime dress up - create your own character

Everyone who considers himself an anime fan dreams of creating his own character at least once in his life. Dress up games provide this opportunity to everyone. Are you ready to dive into the world of big-eyed beauties? Then this section is for you.

How do YOU ​​see yourself?

Anthropomorphic girls - these are the ones you can simulate in the corresponding game.

  • fish tail;
  • cat paws;
  • hooves;
  • mandibles;
  • centipede belly;
  • horns;
  • wings (from insects and birds) - be afraid of your wild imagination.

There’s no need to talk about changing hairstyles, clothes, etc. One piece of advice - for clarity, immediately select a color - this will make it easier to track changes. The choice of decorations has been expanded: if you wish, you can add a surface of water, water lilies, a park bench, a ball, etc.

The anime character constructor is interestingly implemented. Excellent drawing, many options for the shape of eyes, eyebrows, nose, hairstyle (in 3 layers), clothes, additional cute things - this set will not leave anyone indifferent.

Your heroine will be completely unique and meet all the canons of anime style.

Whether you're working on creating your own character, and even if you just want to write fan fiction for your favorite anime, or you want to create a character that will be interesting and make people read your story (without turning into a Mary Sue!) WikiHow can teach you how to create interesting characters, as well as teach you how to draw them! Start with Step 1 below or check the Table of Contents above for more detailed help.


Part 1

Search for personalities

    Determine your blood type. Blood type is seen as a general indicator of personality in Japan. You can use this to determine what your character will be like. Blood types and associated personality traits:

    • O - confident, optimistic and strong-willed, but at the same time self-centered, unpredictable
    • A - creative, reserved, responsible, but also stubborn and intense
    • B - active and passionate, but also selfish and irresponsible
    • AB - adaptive and rational, but also absent-minded and critical
  1. Select your date of birth. To determine individuality, you can use both the Western and Eastern Zodiac. You can use this to determine a character's age or date of birth.

    Use the Mayer-Brigg indicator. If you are really passionate about creating a full portrait of your hero, you can take the Myer-Brigg test. Personality types based on the study of psychology can be useful to fully reflect your character.

    Use the personality balancer. You'll also want your character's personality traits to be balanced. To create a convincing, believable image, you need a balance of positive and negative qualities. Count the bad ones and good features your character and try to make less negative qualities. At the end of your story, the hero develops and gets rid of a couple of bad qualities. Examples of negative aspects:

    • Manipulator
    • Lies often
    • Disappoints others
    • Doesn't think about relationships with others
    • Focuses only on own goals
    • Poor control of emotions
    • Often touchy, even to minor or accidental slights
    • Often careless and impulsive
  2. Give the hero a great name. Many people believe that a name can influence one's personality. Studies have shown that people with incompatible names often get sick and suffer from personality disorders as a result of these illnesses. Some even believe that a name can completely define a person’s essence. True or not, this will help you determine the name.

    • Try to avoid using unusual names that are inconsistent with reality. This makes your character irrelevant.

Part 2

Creation interesting story
  1. Determine your hero's final goal. Where do you want your character's story to end? What is the lesson from this story? What would you like to teach the hero, what to change? You can show a comparison of your hero at the end and at the beginning of the story.

    Think about where it all began. Knowing how it all ended, you need to determine where it all began. This should be a logical start to the result at the end. If you want to show a hero who learns to value others, you must accordingly show at the beginning of the story how he does not value others.

    Decide how the hero came to change. Think about when you want to make the beginning and end of the story. In particular, what contributed to such changes in the character of the hero? It is in these reflections that you can find a brilliant idea for your story, because what led to the changes in the character's character can become a great plot or even an entire storyline.

    Avoid cliches. His girlfriend was killed. He has been an orphan since childhood. He grows up to be an immortal boy. All these cliches will jump over the stage of the beginning of character development. And since these are stamps, they will only get in the way. Try to avoid them. The originality of your work lies precisely in the development of your hero. This is what will make people more interested in your character and make them want to do the same as the hero of your story.

Part 3

Drawing a hero

Part 4

Bringing your skills to life

    Study human anatomy. Creating a character that looks great starts with basic knowledge of anatomy. You wouldn't want your character to have too many or too few muscles, too many or few joints, a disproportionate body, etc. Get a good anatomy book and study the arrangement of bones and muscles, where they bend and extend.

    Draw from life. Creating a manga character requires basic knowledge of the human body structure. The easier it is for you to draw a person, the easier it will be to draw manga. So start by drawing (for experience) your friends and even yourself while sitting in front of the mirror.

    Use different, dynamic poses. To draw your character in a certain pose, take a photo of yourself in that pose and try to draw your character as well. You can also use the companion site PoseManiacs.

    • As you draw these poses, try to keep a picture of the anatomy in mind. You don't want your character to end up looking like Rob Liefeld's drawings.
  1. Keep training! The more practice you have, the better you get.

  • Try to draw your character over and over again to get a feel for what works and what doesn't. The more you get used to drawing a hero, the easier it will be for you to portray him in a given situation. It will even improve your artistic abilities over time, so don't worry if the hero looks a little awkward or weird at first. Also try to draw your character from different angles.
  • If the hero seems too bland, that's okay! Get some criticism from experts or people who are also interested in this. If you are creating a public character, get feedback from your target audience.
  • When creating an image, do not overdo it with special effects. You don’t want to see 3 cool belts, 5 attractive bracelets and 8 machine guns on your hero! Keep it simple. Remember that a small person must first go a long way!
  • Check these blood types and values:
    • O - cheerful, open, caring, energetic
    • A - even-tempered, cool, caring, positive
    • B - even-tempered, cool, negative with occasional expressions of joy
    • AB - prone to exaggeration, cheerful, positive thinker, cool, great personality!
  • The shade can make your character more attractive. Shadows should be applied so that it is clear where the light is coming from. Shadows under the hair, between the strands, at the bottom of the neck and in clothes. Make the shadows lighter in the inner recesses and darker on the outer elements. Don't overdo it with shadows either.
    • Here's how to draw an eye - draw a circle and then make two curved lines - one above, covering a small part of the circle, and the second similar below. Add a small circle in the center of the circle and add a couple of bubbles in the larger circle. Make small lines coming out of the small circle. The length of the lines is equal to half the distance between the smaller and larger circles. Add shadows and you're done.
  • You can make your character special by adding marks or scars.
  • If you find it difficult to come up with something new, remember what you have seen in anime/manga before. Then connect or select features for your hero.
  • Observe the people around you. You can use someone as a character.
  • Practice drawing as much as you can. You will be rewarded for this later with compliments on your drawings.


  • Be careful not to plagiarize other anime or manga.
  • Draw your line sketches lightly, otherwise you won't be able to erase them.
  • Don't draw their weapons as huge! You don't want your hero to carry a five-foot sword! Simplify. Just make the sword big enough for the hero to defend himself
  • Don't draw too big eyes.
  • We plunge into the world of fantasy, as a rule, in order to get away from problems in real life and from real social interaction. If you decide to contribute to the anime or manga world, try to join a club to make sure you still keep in touch with reality
