French games. A market that constantly attracts new customers

Municipal budgetary educational institution

additional education for children


Lysva, Perm region

Methodist DDYUT


Game “What? Where? When?"

On the topic “Connoisseurs of France”

for teams of educational institutions of the city and region


1. Presentation of teams and jury.

2. Rules of the game

3. GAME: “What? Where? When?"

- Warm-up (3 questions)

3 blocks:

1 and 2 blocks– 10 questions each (in Russian)

3 block– 10 questions (in French)

- Game for captains

3. Summing up and rewarding.

Game support:

Questionnaires for parents

Answer papers

Results table

Signs on tables

Game for captains



Game script.

Music is playing. (Game anthem)


Good afternoon, dear experts! Hello, dear fans!

We are glad to see in this room children who want to know everything about France and their leaders who want to help them with this. Today we are holding intellectual game"What? Where? When?" as part of city intellectual game competitions.

And before we remind you of the rules of the game, let’s get acquainted with the participants of the game. Each team presents us with their business card.

(Command View)

- P Let's get acquainted with the jury.

(Jury Presentation)

- And now it's time to remind the program of our game:

- Warm-up (3 questions)

2 rounds:

1st round– 10 questions each (in Russian)

2 round– 10 questions (in French)

- Game for captains

Let us recall the rules of the game “What? Where? When?".

Rules of the game

"What? Where? When?"

    Game “What? Where? When?" consists of two rounds of 10 questions each. All participants play simultaneously in the same room.

    The participant’s task is to provide a timely written answer to the question asked by the presenter. Answers will be accepted on forms.

    Rules for reading the question: the presenter announces the question number, pronounces the text of the question and the wording. The facilitator then says the word “Time,” after which the discussion time begins to count down to 60 seconds. 10 seconds before the end of the discussion time, the presenter gives the appropriate signal. After a minute of discussion, the presenter says the control word: “Time” and informs the participants about the need to submit answers within ten seconds, for which he says “ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero " After the countdown ends, no answers will be accepted.

    The question may include printed materials.

    After all the answers have been collected, the presenter announces the correct answers, accompanying him with comments if necessary.

    Answers submitted late will not be considered.

    If the answer is correct, the participant receives 1 point. In case of an incorrect answer, the team receives 0 points.

    The answer is considered incorrect if at least one of the following conditions occurs:

    the answer does not reveal the essence of the question with a sufficient degree of specificity (the required degree of specification must be indicated in the question or determined by the panel of judges);

    the participant passed more than one answer option;

    There were gross errors in the answer (names, surnames, titles, dates, etc. were stated incorrectly), distorting or changing the essence of the answer.

Game “What? Where? When?"

Warm up.

1. Name the longest river in France.


2. Was she accused of witchcraft and then canonized? Who is this?

(Joan of Arc)

3. When do the French celebrate their national holiday?

I round

1. This building is an example of high-tech architecture, made of steel and glass. Can we say about it that it is built with its “insides” facing out?

(Center Georges Pompidou)

2. What French word is used to describe lovers and connoisseurs of delicious gourmet food?



Who wrote these novels:

    "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea"

    "A Little Sun in Cold Water"

    "Notre Dame Cathedral"?

(J. Verne, F. Sagan, V. Hugo)

4. This is the oldest surviving bridge in Paris. The length of this arch bridge is 280 m and the width is 20 m. But the name of the bridge does not correspond to reality. What is the name of this bridge?

(New Bridge)

5. What was the name of the dog of the famous French comic book heroes Asterix and Obelix?


6. The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889 and, according to the contract, was to be scrapped after 20 years. However, in 1918, a compelling argument was found in defense of this structure. Which?

(A radio antenna was installed)

7. Freshness and direct perception of life, depiction of instantaneous, seemingly random movements and situations, apparent imbalance, fragmentation of the composition, unexpected points of view, angles, sections of figures. The main difference was the color, the object of drawing was the landscape. Name this movement in French painting.


8. What is the name of the traditional cake that the French eat at Christmas?

(Christmas log cake).

9. “The fairy castle, erected in the middle of the sea” - this is the name of the most beautiful of all the abbeys in France, built on the top of a cliff. Name it.

(Abbey of Saint-Michel).

(Edith Piaf)

2nd round

1. Les Français parlent: “E lle a tête dans les nuages, les pieds sur terre et une santé de fer.”

(la tour Eiffel).

2. Le QUESTION-FLASH. Appelez les symboles nationaux de la France.



    La femme.

(la Marseillaise, le coq gaulois, Marianne,).

3. Louis XIV - le roi de la France. Il reignait 72 années. Le partisan de la monarchie absolue. Quel surnom avait ce roi?

(Le Roi-soleil)

4. Le 1 mai les Français fêtent la fête du travail. Ce jour ils offrent l"un à l"autre les fleurs, ils les gardent, puisque on croit que cette fleur porte bonheur. Quelle fleur est le symbole le 1 Mai en France ?

(Le Muguet).

5. Â côté de l"île de la Cité il y a encore une petite île. Comment il s"appelle?

(l'île Saint-Louis).

6. Appelez la devise de la République Française, qui comprend trois mots.

(la Liberté, l"Égalité et la Fraternité).

7. Le drapeau de la république française est tricolore. Bleu et rouge c"est la couleur de la garde nationale de Paris. Que symbolise la couleur blanche?

(le pouvoir Royal).

8. Il a inventé le scaphandre autonome et la chambre sous-marine, il a créé le film “le Monde du silence” et “le Monde sans soleil”. Qui est-ce?

(Jean-Yves Cousteau)

9. Comment s"appelle la course cycliste annuelle qui est la plus populaire et traditionnelle en France.

(Tours de France).

10. Qu"est-ce que c"est D. ABOUT . M. et T . ABOUT . M.?

(les territoires D"outre-mer et les départements D"outre-mer)


French cinema actors.

1. Pierre Pichard

2. Samy Naceri

3. Gerard Depardieu

4. Alain Delon

5. Louis de Funes

Modern games have ancient traditional roots. The most common type of games are religious ones, originating from the pagan past.

In France, the attitude towards children is special - from an early age, parents teach them to be independent. This feature can be traced even in old games. Young children do a lot themselves.

Christmas games in France

In France, Christmas begins on December 6 and continues throughout the month. December 6 is a special day: according to ancient French beliefs, it is at this time that Melchior, Gaspard and Balthazar, the three wise kings, visit their homes. Children help their parents prepare cookies or cupcakes and put them in slippers. Shoes are placed on windows for kings. Children believe that the kings, tired from a long journey, after tasting all sorts of goodies, will leave expensive gifts. On December 6, children themselves go to their neighbors’ houses and sing traditional carol songs with good wishes to the owners. Upon entering the house, children write 3 letters on the door with chalk: K+B+M. It means "Christ has blessed this house."

On the end of Christmas, January 6th (called the Feast of Kings), children also take part in a traditional game: they hide a miniature toy crown in an almond cake. At the festive table, the one who gets the crown is declared the King or Queen of the holiday.

Another old French game is interesting: making a Christmas log. Previously, the log was carved from oak, cherry or beech; V last years They began to bake it, beautifully decorating it with cream and chocolate. The youngest girls in the family light candles that decorate the edible log.

New Year's games

New Year is less popular than Christmas, and games on New Year's days are more modern. Crackers with surprises are popular among children: at exactly 12 o'clock, two children tear open a large cracker and as a result receive small gifts hidden inside.

Easter games

Easter in France is not celebrated as brightly as in Russia, but much attention is paid to family and children. Everyone's favorite game is search. easter eggs hidden on the lawn or in the garden. Children are happy to look for eggs, and if they don’t find them, they recite a poem asking them to reveal the secret of the “treasure”. Such rhymes are one of the ancient French traditions.

French children love the Easter ball game. The game itself consists of throwing the ball to each other. The one who never drops the ball wins. Moreover, the sports equipment itself symbolizes the Sun (as in Russia - pancakes). Ancient legends say that the sun ball returns to the sky after winter during the game.

The symbol of Easter in France is a beautiful bell. Parents build nests in trees in the garden or forest, where they hide painted bells or chocolate eggs. Children race to find “treasures”. The ringing of found bells is an indispensable attribute of the holiday.

Parrot Festival

On May 7, some French provinces celebrate the Parrot Festival. On this day, children shoot with arrows at artificial parrots made together with their parents or purchased in shopping centers.

French developers have long enjoyed well-deserved international recognition in the manufacturing industry computer video games and online games in particular. Today France is considered the second largest producer of computer games in the world after the United States. About 300 French studios are involved in video game development.

The largest developers: Ubisoft Entertainment, Arkane Studio.

French games have always been distinguished by their quality and originality. The descendants of the Gauls even turned out to be pioneers in a number of areas of creating computer games. For example, the emergence of the genre Survival Horror we owe it to the French. Thus, one of the first games of this genre is considered Alone in the Dark (1992), created by the company IESA(since 2009 transformed into Atari). The project was created based on the works of E. A. Poe, H. P. Lovecraft and C. E. Smith.

It should be noted that in France there are special schools for training specialists in the field of computer games, which have received international recognition. For example, the Goblen School of Visual Arts or the National School of Video Games.

In area multiplayer games the inhabitants of the Fifth Republic also succeeded. The same company Ubisoft, known for its single-player games, is also developing MMO games. For example, on our portal you will find Might games and Magic: Duel of Champions and Might and Magic: Heroes of Kingdoms created in the famous Might and Magic universe.

In this section you will find the best French computer games in all game genres. Here you can read the description of the game that interests you, watch videos and screenshots, learn the secrets of passing and little tricks that will help you achieve great success in the game.

This tutorial presents the results practical work according to the program "French for children"; its preparatory stage, called “French for kids”. You will find here a description of the author's developed language games on the proposed topic. May be of some interest methodological developments teaching preschoolers the basics of French grammar.






(Association “French for Children”)


“Organization of games in French lessons:

oral advanced stage"

"Description themed games for children from 5 to 7 years old"


  1. Compiled by: Lyubov Yuryevna Perevalova, additional education teacher

MOSCOW, 2012-2013

  1. Theme: Animals.
  1. Game “Walk.
  2. Game "Locomotive".
  3. Game "Hunting".
  4. Game "Roundup".
  5. Game "Who's Hiding?"
  6. Game "I'm turning into"
  7. Game "Animal Olympics".
  1. Theme: “I believe.”
  1. Game "Smart Computer".
  2. Game "Math chain".
  3. Game "Shop".
  4. Game "Solve the problem."
  5. Game "Chain".
  6. Game "Good owner".
  1. Theme "Colors".
  2. Theme: “Vegetables and fruits”.
  1. Game "Shop".
  2. Game "Edible - not edible."
  3. Game "Draw".
  4. Game "We draw a still life."
  5. Game "We have harvested the harvest."
  6. Game "Guess".
  7. Game "Dotan".
  1. Theme "Portrait".

5.1 Game “Complete the Draw”.

6.2. Game "Collective Portrait".

6.3. Game "Guess who it is?"

7. Theme "Family".

7.1. Game "Nonsense".

7.2. Game "Pantomime".

8. We draw poems and songs.

9. Beginnings of grammar for preschoolers.

9.1. Articles.

9.2. Linking verb “est”.

9.3. Introduction of the phrase “c`est”.

9.4. Introduction of the phrase “je suis”.

9.5. Introduction of the pluralnouns

This manual presents the results of practical work on the French for Children program; its preparatory stage, called “French for kids”. You will find here a description of language games developed by the author on the proposed topic. Methodological developments in teaching preschoolers the basics of French grammar may be of some interest.

Theme "Animals".

Since this topic is an initial one in learning the French language, the main task is for children to master their first words. Their number is mastered in portions, gradually, starting from 4 - 6, adding two new words with each subsequent lesson.

The problem of the first lessons is the following: it is necessary to introduce lexical units and consolidate them in the first lesson (there is a lot of time, but few French words).

What to do with children? To prevent fatigue and maintain interest, several options for games with the same words (lexemes) are offered.

1. Game "Walk".

Children are given a set of animal toys (for example, rooster, wolf, chicken, cat). All children have toys. The teacher names the animals - whoever has the named toy gets up and “goes for a walk”, portraying this animal. And so on. After the walk, the children exchange toys, and the game continues until everyone has “turned” into all the animals. From the very first lesson, children remember words, can replace the teacher and call animals for a walk.

2. Game "Steam Locomotive".

Children have toys in their hands. The teacher announces that everyone is going on a train ride. To do this, each animal must occupy its own trailer. The teacher names the animals, the children go out with these toys and make up a “train”. We drive around the class to music or a song that we need to learn. This game can also be used to learn a little rhyme or poem. In the future, when the children have learned all the necessary names of the animals, one of the children replaces the teacher and seats the animals, naming them. When studying other thematic blocks, this game can be used as a physical education lesson.

3. Game "Hunting".

This is a variant of the first game with a small addition. One of the children sits in ambush (for example, a wolf). All the animals went for a walk on command. When a wolf is called, everyone must have time to hide (squat, for example). The wolf's task is to catch the animal. Whoever is caught becomes a wolf. In the future, this game can be used as a language game. The teacher asks - Who are you? the child answers - I am a cat (mouse and so on). When mastering this question-and-answer structure, children replace the teacher.

4. Game "Roundup".

The teacher announces which animal needs to be caught, for example, a mouse. Children are divided into 2 teams. The division into teams occurs under a counting rhyme (children perceive it by ear and at the same time remember it faster). One team is the “jury”. The second team is the “hunters”. The teacher names the animal and throws the ball to the child. He must catch the ball if he hears the right word (in this case, “mouse”), or throw the ball away. The “jury” sums up the results, then the teams change places. In the future, when the required number of words has been mastered, the children from the “jury” name the animals instead of the teacher.

5. Game "Who's Hiding"".

A set of toys is laid out on the table, starting with 4 items. Children look and name who is in front of them. Then the teacher asks them to close their eyes, the children “fall asleep.” The teacher hides one toy.

Then the children “wake up” and guess who is hiding. It is assumed that at the final lesson, instead of the teacher, the child leads the game.

6. Game "I'm transforming."

To develop imagination and creative imagination One of the children is invited to portray some animal so that the other children do not hear it. The child portrays and represents his hero using movements characteristic of this animal. Children must guess who it is and name him in French. Everyone can play.

7. Game "Animal Olympics".

We study methods of movement: walking, flying, running, jumping, swimming. Children have toys in their hands. The teacher names the animal in French and how it moves, for example: the cat is walking. First, the teacher shows this method of movement.

The goal of this game: the person holding the cat must stand up and repeat the movements. Subsequently, commands are performed without visual support (the teacher does not show this movement). Then the children themselves lead the game.

Topic: "I believe."

To study numbers (from 1 to 12), cards, lotto, toys, dummies, models, improvised materials, etc. are used.

1. Game "Smart Computer".

Children lay out the cards in front of them in ascending order, starting with 3. Each card represents a “computer” button. The teacher explains to the children how to teach the “computer” to count in French. You need to say the desired number and click on the corresponding button card. More cards are gradually added. In the future, instead of the teacher, the children themselves teach the “computer”, taking turns calling out the numbers.

At the final lesson, an operator is called for personal work “on the computer”. Everyone is welcome to participate.

2. Game "Mathematical chain".

The teacher distributes cards to the children so that everyone has 5-6 different numbers on their hands. The teacher calls out all the numbers in a row. Whoever has this number picks up the required card. Gradually the pace of the game speeds up. But in the end, instead of a teacher, a child (anyone who wants to) leads the game.

3. Game "Shop".

This game is played after studying the topic "Fruits and Vegetables". Children are encouraged to buy several vegetables or fruits. For example, 5 carrots, 3 lemons, 6 apples and so on. Models, cards, pictures are used. During the final lesson you can buy real products.

4. Game "Solve the problem."

This game can be used as a step-by-step, educational game, or used as a control for mastering lexical material. You can hold a Mathematical Olympiad among several teams. The teacher asks the children to add two numbers and throws the ball to the child, who counts and gives the answer.

In the team version of the game, the whole team participates, i.e. the answer is given after a short meeting. At the initial stage of learning to count, the child gives the answer based on the cards, that is, he shows the answer by picking up the desired card. When playing the team version of the game, children name the answer orally without visual reference to numbers.

5. Game "Chain".

This game involves the child laying out cards with numbers (there can be from 4 to 10) in ascending or descending order. In this case, numbers are compared (more - less). A prerequisite for this game is that there are always fewer cards than the numbers learned. For example, a set of cards with the numbers 3, 8, 4, 2, 6 is distributed. Children can count to 8. Therefore, the child must put the numbers in the following order: 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 or 8, 6, 4, 3 , 2.

Now the child is asked to name these numbers in order, as they lie. This game can be played both as a stage game, when practicing lexical material, and, as a final game, when monitoring learning.

In the last lessons of studying counting, you can use a version of this game in the following form. The child is asked to name the numbers that are not on the cards. You can play in pairs, when one child names the available numbers and the other the missing ones.

When studying other topics, you can use this game to review the vocabulary of the topic "Counting", thus maintaining an active vocabulary for children. You can also use this game when organizing competitions for knowledge of the French language.

6. Game "Good owner".

The teacher tells the children a fairy tale about a king who knew about everything that was happening in his kingdom, and counted everything in it to the last blade of grass. Children are asked to count everything in the classroom. This game can be played from the first lesson, when children have learned the first few numbers, for example, 1, 2, 3. In this case, those items are counted whose number coincides with the material learned. This game is best played in the middle of the lesson so that the children relax and move around. They walk freely around the classroom and count in unison, or a counting officer is specially selected. You can count windows, walls, cabinets, chairs, desks, etc.

Theme "Colors".

The rules of the games are the same as in the “Animals” topic. To study lexical material on this topic, it is proposed to use cardboard paint substitutes. They are convenient because children place them on desks or on easel models and at the same time easily correct themselves if they make a mistake. At the beginning of studying this topic, the teacher gives the task of laying out the necessary colors, and then the children replace him. When children have mastered the names of several colors (for example, 4 - 5), you can offer another version of the game “Preparing Paints”. Children are given stencils - sheets with circles. The task is for the children to paint each circle with the desired color at the teacher’s command. Then a comparison with the sample occurs. In the future, the children themselves name the colors in turn or one “main artist” is selected.

This game can be played in a different version. For example, draw a seven-flowered flower so that each petal is a certain color. As a control option, you can invite children to draw a flower with petals, the colors of which the children can name themselves.

At the final lesson, children make a flower applique with all the colors they have learned. When performing this collective work, a conversation follows the example: - Natasha, what are you doing? - Flower. - What colour? – Blue, etc. Alternatively, you can invite children to draw and color butterflies. At the same time, there is also a conversation about what the child is doing.

Theme "Vegetables and fruits".

When studying this thematic vocabulary, cards, dummies, lotto and games described in the “Animals” section are used, and special games for this topic.

1. Game "Shop".

In the first lessons, the teacher plays the role of a salesman, then the children replace him. During the process of this game, children first learn receptively and then actively the “Seller - Buyer” dialogue.

2. Game "Edible - inedible."

You need to catch the ball if a word is heard that denotes an object that can be eaten. Here, vocabulary from previously learned topics is used, thus activating the vocabulary. At first, this game can be played for the whole group, then you can divide the children into teams.

3. Game "Draw".

Considering the tendency of children preschool age for visual activities, and for the development of fine motor skills, children are invited to draw:

  1. - vegetables and fruits named by the teacher (hereinafter any student);
  2. - vegetables and fruits that the child himself can name in French;
  3. - Vegetables and fruits that can be bought in the store (spring, summer, winter, autumn);
  4. - vegetables and fruits that grow in our country;
  5. - vegetables and fruits that are brought to us from other countries;
  6. - vegetables and fruits that he loves.

4 Game. "We draw a still life. "

This type of collective work is offered to children at the final lesson or as part of a competitive task at some holiday or language Olympiad.

5 Game. "We have reaped the harvest."

This type of activity is offered to children as a collective creativity at the final lesson, Olympiad or competition. It is offered in two versions: either make a composition on the above theme, or make an applique. When doing this work, a conversation is conducted in the form of an interview, where children talk about what they are doing. For example, - What are you doing? - Apple. - What color is it? - Yellow. - Do you like apples? - Yes, I love apples.

6. Game "Guess".

This game can be played in teams. Children are asked to guess which vegetable or fruit they got from eyes closed from the bag.

7. Game "Get it".

A variant of the previous game. The child is asked to take two different objects out of the bag, for example, a cucumber and an apple or a tomato and a carrot.

Theme "Portrait."

Since there is no lotto with different parts of the face, children are asked to draw a portrait at the teacher’s command. At the beginning of the study of this thematic lexical material, the teacher accompanies his words with a demonstration, that is, he pronounces the word and at the same time shows its meaning (for example, eyes, nose, and so on). Then the children themselves give these commands, first in turn, and then the driver is selected.

1. Game "Complete the Draw".

A portrait of a man is offered in which some parts of the face are not drawn. For example, eyes, mouth or hair are missing. The child must complete the drawing and name what was missing in the portrait. This game is best played first in teams and then individually, which is an excellent control task for mastering lexical material on this topic.

2. Game "Collective portrait".

This task-game is performed at final classes or at olympiads and competitions. It can have two options. In the first, the teacher himself names what needs to be drawn. Children take turns drawing each part of the portrait. In the second option, the children themselves name what they are drawing while performing. During this task, you can conduct an interview conversation along the lines of: - What are you doing? - I draw eyes. - What colour? - Eyes are blue. - How many eyes do you draw? - Two eyes. - It is beautiful? (Do you like it?) - Yes, it’s beautiful. (I like).

3. Game "Guess who it is?"

When the lexical thematic material has been mastered, a riddle competition is held. The teacher describes a portrait of one of the children present, i.e. names the color of his eyes, the color and length of his hair, whether he is a boy or a girl. Children must say the name of this child. After studying this topic, some children can already make such riddles themselves.

Theme "Family".

When studying this topic, lotto, various pictures, photographs, and toys are used. It is also suggested to draw family portraits in class or at home. Then, based on these portraits, the children talk about their family. At the beginning of studying a topic, a question-answer system is proposed, that is, the teacher asks and the child answers. For example: - Is your family big? (small) - Yes, my family is big (small). - How many people are there? - 5 people. - Who is this? - This is Dad. Etc.

1. Game "Nonsense".

Children really like this game because they use all their acquired vocabulary. The teacher writes a sentence and asks the children if this happens. Children translate the sentences and answer. You can play this game in teams or as a task at an Olympiad or competition. The questions can be very different, for example: - Mom eats a banana. - Dad flies. - Sister is green. - The mouse eats the blue hare.

2 Game. "Pantomime."

The child is asked to pantomime one of the family members, depicting his behavior in everyday life. For example, mom washes the dishes, dad reads the newspaper, the child plays with a ball or doll. In this game, children actively argue, guessing family members, since mother can easily be replaced by grandmother or older sister, and so on.

We draw poems, songs, fairy tales.

In French classes for preschoolers, time is allocated for illustrating the poems, songs and fairy tales being studied. You can draw illustrations for poems immediately after children first become acquainted with it, i.e. after the first presentation. Children make drawings for songs after learning them, and illustrations for fairy tales can be assigned at home, and parents’ help is encouraged. When completing these tasks, children develop and consolidate a stable interest in learning the French language, develop fantasy, imagination, creative perception, as well as fine motor skills.


  1. "Butterflies"
  2. "Apples"
  3. "Cockerel"
  4. "Walk",
  5. "My puppy"
  6. "Candy cookies."
  7. Song "Boat".
  8. Fairy tale "Teremok".




The concept of the article is introduced in the first lesson. Semantization of vocabulary is accompanied by a demonstration of animal toys. After repeated repetition (naming and showing), the toys are divided into two groups. Then, in turn, all items from each group are named. Children are asked to determine what they hear in common, which word can be isolated from a speech stream that is repeated several times. Children guess and name.

The teacher invites the children to mark the word une with a red bow, and the word un with a blue bow. The teacher explains that all words in French are divided into two genders - masculine and feminine, that is, “boy words” and “girl words.” We agree with the children that “girl words” will be indicated by a red bow and the word une, and “boy words” will be indicated by a blue bow and the word un, respectively.

After a little training, children easily learn these concepts, since for them it is a game. Now, if a teacher shows a bow to a child, it will mean that the latter forgot to say it or used it incorrectly. Thus, children easily correct themselves.

At first, when practicing the concept of an article, children are given names of animals whose sound is similar to the Russian language. For example, un crocodile, un girafe, un dragon etc. At the same time, children's attention is directed to understanding the function and meaning of the article. In the future, bows serve to control and guide the child when constructing an independent statement (not prepared).

At the end of studying this topic, the child can already imagine the animal and tell how it moves.

In this case, it becomes necessary to use both the indefinite article (un, une) and the definite article (le, la) in speech. It seems appropriate to gradually introduce these concepts into speech already in the topic “Animals” as follows. The teacher holds a bow (children know the meaning of this symbol) in one hand and a toy (animal) in the other. Children know what they have to say. For example: - Un (blue bow) chat, or une (red bow) poule. Next, the teacher tells some funny story about this animal.

This story is accompanied by a demonstration of a toy (it would be better if it was a finger puppet); you can even show a small performance-sketch. Then, during a conversation about the plot, it turns out that this hero is already well known to us. A bow of the appropriate color (red or blue) is placed around the neck of this hero. Now we will talk about this hero using new words - le, la.

Thus, the bow on the neck of an animal will be a new symbol for this animal - the definite article of the masculine (blue) or feminine (red) gender. If the plural is used, the technology for introducing the definite article les will be similar.

Linking verb est.

In Russian, the verb “to be” is not used in the present tense, but in French its use is necessary. Therefore, it is not possible to use the principle of relying on the native language to explain to children the function of this R.O. (speech turn). Considering that a preschool child willingly talks about his favorite animal or toy, it is advisable to begin introducing children to the verb “être” in the 3rd person singular present tense, that is, R.E. (speech unit) est is introduced.

It is proposed to use a substitute object, which is conventionally called "est". What is this item? The champion's medal is presented and displayed to the children. This could be a gold medal model cut out of cardboard or some other solid material. Children understand the purpose of this item and the process of awarding medals is clear to them. Children understand that at the moment of awarding (a medal is placed around the neck) a person becomes a champion. The teacher’s explanations are as follows: a medal is repeatedly placed around the neck of a child, and this action is accompanied by the words “Misha is a champion,” “Sveta is a champion.”

In this way, children become familiar with the function of the word est. So, we called the gold medal est, therefore, when demonstrating this object, children must say a replacement word.

In the future, by performing various training exercises, children “get used” to the need to use a linking verb. But this only applies to the 3rd person singular of the present tense.

This word is initially introduced in the first lessons of the “Colors” topic. Children are invited to color a stencil of an animal “in French.”

What does it mean? The teacher explains to the children that paint will not “stick” to French animals unless you say one magic word, and this is our famous Golden medal. The teacher hangs a medal on the neck of an animal, for example a cat, and says: “Le chat est noir.”

After this, the children color their stencils and answer the teacher’s question what color the animal is.

At the first lessons, each child has in his hands a substitute object for the verb est, that is, a model of a medal.

In the future, this object is only exhibited by the teacher (at the same time the child remembers its function).

As a result, after repeated exercises, the child remembers the purpose and place of this word in a sentence.

Maintaining speech circulation c`est.

In the first lesson, children are introduced to the names of animals in French. After some exercises, when children can already distinguish the names of 4 to 5 animals by ear, they are offered the game of translator. Children are asked to guess what the teacher said. The latter names the animals and shows them with a pointer to the children. For example. - C`est une girafe. C`est un crocodile. C`est une poule. It is proposed to isolate the same R.E. (speech unit) from the stream of speech. Children highlight c`est. Then they are asked to guess what this R.E. means. If the children cannot guess, then the teacher himself translates and explains its meaning, which is assigned to the substitute word- pointer . That is, when showing a pointer to children, they say c`est. Now you can make small sentences about animals, which is itself a substitution exercise. It is very important to start from the very first lessons, so that the child sees and feels the function of the learned words, as well as their place in the sentence. Thus, from the very first lessons, the child can say his own phrase, relying on substitute words (symbols) and toys (animals). To do this, he uses a pointer (c`est), a bow of the desired color (red or blue) and a toy.

For example:

C`est (pointer) un (blue bow) crocodile (toy).

C`est (pointer) une (red bow) girafe (toy).

Semantization of speech"Je suis."

It is proposed to conduct the game “I am transforming” at each lesson. Already in the first lessons, when children remember the first names of animals, you can invite them to turn into this animal. The best way to do this is by playing. At the same time, perception, imagination, fantasy, acting skills, interaction develop, and the psychological barrier, timidity, and shyness are removed.

To do this, you need costume elements, masks or animal finger puppets. The transformation consists of the child choosing a mask or an animal doll and saying “magic words” - je suis. For example, - Je suis un chat. Only now he has become a cat and shows everyone what kind of character his cat has, everyone evaluates his actions with applause. Thus, children become familiar with and practice the use of the verb être in the 1st person singular present tense. At the same time, his passive vocabulary expands, which gradually turns into active due to the question - Qui es-tu? After acquiring some acting skills, children can easily play the fairy tale "Teremok" or any other about animals. When studying subsequent thematic blocks, it is proposed to use this game with new words, that is, a well-known grammatical structure is filled in with new words. For example - Je suis une pomme. Je suis maman. Using these expressions, children can act out small scenes within the new theme.

Introduction of plural nouns.

After children have learned to count in French and have learned the names of animals, vegetables and fruits, they can be introduced to the plural of nouns. That is, it is necessary to introduce the child R.O. (speech figure) ce sont, and the plural article des. Children already know about the function of the expression c`est. The teacher explains the situation when it is necessary to point to several objects (objects) at the same time. To do this, it is proposed to make a mock-up of a sign that can be placed at the intersection of several roads. It is explained to the children that each arrow indicates its own path. A mock-up of such a sign is placed on the table (for example, with four arrows pointing in different sides), identical objects are placed opposite each arrow (for example, 4 apples). The teacher says the phrase: - Ce sont des pommes. In this case, the plural article is accompanied by the display of several blue and red bows. Subsequently, objects are replaced - pears, bananas, hares, wolves, and so on. Children easily learn a new concept - the plural of nouns, relying on their knowledge of the function of the "pointer".

Thus, in order to compose their own sentence using the plural, it is enough for children to have (for support): a pointer (ce sont), several bows (des), several identical objects or pictures (pommes, bananes, poules, chiens). For example, to say that apples are red, it is enough to have several apples (two or three), several medals (two or three) and a red circle. Les (red bows) pommes (dummies of apples) sont (medals) rouges (red circle). Based on the symbols described above, children can easily cope with the task of describing one or more homogeneous objects, since they (symbols and objects) are easily replaced literally.

When introducing new words, that is, learning new topics, children easily cope with the task of making a sentence (for example, introducing or describing something or someone). Since children are already familiar with the necessary R.E. (speech units), this type of activity for them will consist only of filling in a known grammatical structure with new lexical material.

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