Games half life 2 zombies. The new zombie is better than the old one

Common headcrab

When moving, the headcrab raises its front claws and moves with the help of two back and two small front legs

This type of headcrab is called an ordinary or classic headcrab. It appears as a small sac-like creature with four long, thin limbs. The creature moves in two ways: with the help of its hind limbs and small front paws, while raising its claw-like front paws, or on its hind and front large paws. At the bottom of the headcrab's body there is a wide mouth opening with sharp hooked teeth inside. The creature's skin is whitish with a yellowish tint. The claws are painted red.

The structure of the gonarch is in many ways similar to the headcrab. Gonarch has no head, but a very noticeable swinging sac under his body from which headcrab larvae hatch. This bag is quite dangerous for people who are close, it is also a mouth. In one of the videos made with the help of the editor, it is shown that a scientist who comes too close is immediately swallowed by Gonarch.

The queen is very fast and aggressive. The uninvited guest is immediately stabbed with a sharp foot and sprayed with acidic saliva. Gonarch howls when he is angry or in pain.


The creatures make very specific sounds. When not hunting, a headcrab is usually silent or makes sounds vaguely similar to cooing. When attacking, the headcrab squeals loudly and rushes at the victim.

The headcrab swallows the harvester's skull so hard, perhaps to break through the helmet, that it is impossible to remove it from the host while preserving the head. If the headcrab can be torn away from the body, only the bones of the base of the skull and the lower jaw will remain from the head.

Sometimes in the game you can make out the words that the zombie communicates over the radio. Basically, this is a set of phrases like "sector is not secure"(in the sector there is danger) and "enemies in perimeter"(enemies in the perimeter field). It turns out that, unlike other types of zombies, zombies retain remnants of their minds - perhaps this is due to the cyborgization that all Alliance soldiers undergo. The death sound of a zombie harvester consists of the wheezing of a normal zombie and the reverse sound of a harvester's death. In the beta version of Episode One, zombies could use weapons, but they shot very unprofessionally, and sometimes even pointed the gun at themselves. The same thing happens in Half-Life 2: Episode Two, where they are armed with a grenade and are capable of blowing themselves up if they do not throw it away in time.

You can also listen to the English version of Radio Chatter.

Half-Life 2 won the AOL Games Zombie Award for the Golden Brain, in the "Villains and Zombies Teaming Up to Win the Best Zombie Villains Award."


It can also be assumed that Lamarr eats watermelons (in Kleiner's laboratory you can see a note on the wall: "Find more watermelon for Lamarr").

Biological weapons

Headcrabs crawl out of the crab shell

A headcrab-shaped helmet was included in the April 1, 2011 events of the MMORPG Vindictus as an exclusive item.

Related products

Critical perception

In 2008, the poisonous headcrab became the second most feared enemy in video games of all times in the log list Cracked due to his ability to reduce the player's health to one with his poison. In 2011, the poisonous headcrab was ranked number one on GamesRadar's list of "enemies that run and jump in your face".



  1. Hodgson, David Half-Life 2: Prima Official Game Guide. - Prima Games, 2004. - ISBN 0-7615-4362-7
  2. Mark Laidlaw's response to the letter (English). Info received from valve ONLY - NO questions/discussion. Forums (

So, the first tip is to hide in the shadows (). You won't be noticed in the dark. Tip two - while avoiding the viewing area of ​​human individuals, try to jump on the head of one of them (). Don't forget that even though your steps are inaudible to the victims, the sound you make when jumping can attract their attention, and during the mutation of the victim you will be completely defenseless.
In Game: To perform a jump attack as a headcrab, press the main attack button (left mouse button by default), and to just jump, press Spacebar. Headcrabs can jump further than a normal person, but their flight control is somewhat more difficult.

Chapter 2, or why are zombies better than humans?

Perhaps you can't decide to become a zombie. Therefore, let me list a few main advantages of zombies over humans:

Chapter 3, or why zombies are not perfect?

Unfortunately, like any object that exists in reality, zombies are not perfect. Of course, they can mutate to eliminate their shortcomings or turn them into advantages, but the newly formed zombie has several serious disadvantages that I, as an honest author, would like to talk about:

  • Zombies have some communication problems. A normal zombie cannot order others to follow him or simply go to a specified point, in best case scenario- push them.
  • An ordinary zombie due to imperfect control of the central nervous system cannot move quickly or jump far. This causes some inconvenience when moving through open spaces in the presence of armed human individuals, but is usually not a problem, because the victim can not only be caught up, but also ambushed.
  • As a zombie, you won't be able to use anything more complicated than an elevator call button. Of course, you don’t have to do this to exist, but, for example, doors with a lock can become an insurmountable obstacle in your way.
  • Unfortunately, you, like any creature, need to eat. In your case, ignoring the nutritional needs can lead to the loss of the host body, since it tends to decompose and only organic substances obtained through nutrition can reverse this process. In addition, when you feed, you receive material for subsequent mutations. (In Game: aim at a human corpse and hold down the "use" button, default - E)

Chapter 4, or how to become better?

As I already said in the previous chapter, you obtain the material necessary for the passage of mutations through nutrition (In Game: the number of “mutation points” available to you is displayed in the lower left corner of the screen next to the health indicators and is indicated by this icon). You can spend this material at your own discretion on any improvement available to you at this stage of development ( In Game: To launch the upgrade selection menu, press the show points button, by default - Tab. In the menu that appears, you can choose from the mutations shown. Short description and the mutation price will be shown when you hover over the button. Illuminated buttons indicate already acquired mutations. To mutate, simply click on one of the unlit buttons and, if you have enough “mutation points”, you will acquire the selected mutation, and its cost will be deducted from your “mutation points”). Mutations and the material for them are stored in the headcrab's genetic memory, so if you lose the host body, you will not have to go through this path again. On the other hand, you also cannot cancel the choice and its consequences. The mutation tree is shown below:

Table 2. The >> icon indicates the connection of mutations, and the icon indicates that the mutations are not related.

Powerful, durable, dangerous. When choosing Crasher as your starting mutation, keep in mind that along with his twice the strength, the ability to destroy objects that other classes cannot, and the headcrab's additional ten health units, you will receive a reduced movement speed and loss of the ability to crouch.
.Increased health
Everything is obvious - it increases the headcrab’s health. Another 5 units.
[ Makes it accessible ]
.Improving the health units received by the host body
The upgrade was called ArmorUp from the time when zombies had armor, and not the health of the victim. Now it increases the health points of the host body obtained by feeding by one and a half times.
[ Makes it accessible ]
.Acid throw
After mutation, you will be able to throw lumps of your stomach juices at enemies. They deal a small amount of damage, but can be useful at Crasher's speed. In addition, they have a chance to short-circuit the stationary machine guns, either causing them to break immediately or even disrupt their programming, causing them to consider you a friend and everyone else an enemy. (In Game: Click the extra attack button, default is right mouse button)
Every 10 seconds, returns one lost headcrab health to you.
[ Requires ]
..Reduces damage from bullets by up to 30%
Again, everything is obvious. Your host body takes three times less damage from bullets.
[ Requires ]

Fast, stealthy, deadly. The only drawback is the loss of such important five units of headcrab health. In return, the rusher can run faster than any human.
.Long Jump
Improves the rusher's jump, making him faster and increasing the distance he can jump (In Game: press the crouch, jump and forward key, by default Control, Space and W, exactly the same as if you were jumping with the longjump module in the original Half-Life).
.Silence of steps
Makes your steps silent. You can safely run behind the backs of your enemies, they will not sense anything wrong. However, jumping and banging can still be heard.
[ Makes it accessible ]
.Armor Penetration
After mutation, your hits ignore body armor and helmets on HECU guards and soldiers, meaning you deal full damage to them.
[ Makes it accessible ]
When you activate frenzy mode, you strike twice as fast, but this comes at the cost of increased metabolism, draining vital juices from the wearer's body much faster than normal. (In Game: Press the special ability button, default is Z, to enter or exit frenzy mode. If nothing happens, check your control settings. If the madness mode is on, one health unit of the host body is taken away every second). In addition, due to increased pressure and accelerated blood circulation, vision is impaired, everything becomes as if covered with a bloody veil.
..Fading into the shadows
You can hide in the dark, just like a headcrab.
[ Requires ]
..Critical hit
Gives you the ability to kill in one hit, but the enemy must not see you to do this. Please note that you cannot just run around an enemy who notices you and kill him in the back, because he knows where you are, so the blow will not be unexpected, and therefore not so fatal. It’s another matter when you strike from the dark - a person cannot expect such an attack.
[ Requires ]

The most unusual of the three classes. He has no advantages in strength, endurance, or speed over an ordinary zombie, although there are no disadvantages. Its strength lies in subsequent mutations.
.Increase in the number of transferred individuals
A breeder with a similar mutation acquires a slightly different mouth structure - it increases significantly in size and radically changes its structure, allowing it to carry friendly living creatures in it. Increases the stock of stored individuals (headcrabs and barnacles) by 7 and 5, respectively.
[ Makes it accessible ]
Allows you to carry the embryo sacs of barnacles that fall out of them after they die. Such a bag can be thrown at an enemy, causing acid damage, or at the ceiling. In the latter case, the bag will stick to the ceiling and turn into a new barnacle. In Game: Select the third weapon category, by default - by pressing button 3, then confirm the choice by pressing the main attack button, by default - the left mouse button. After that, while aiming, press the main attack button to throw the embryo sac.
."Follow" command
After mutation you will be able to order zombies to follow you or stop (In Game: Press the "Use" button (default is E) while aiming at any zombie to make it follow you or stop).
[ Makes it accessible ]
..Raising baby crabs
By choosing this mutation, you create a cocoon on yourself in which babycrabs will grow. Through a special exit channel running along the right arm, they will be able to get out if you allow them to do this by opening it. In Game: Select the fourth weapon category, by default - by pressing the 4 button, then confirm the choice by pressing the main attack button, by default - the left mouse button. After that, while aiming, press the main attack button to release the baby crab.
[ Requires ]
..Command "Attack"
Improves your communication skills, allowing you to guide zombies to the desired area without having to go there yourself. If a zombie sees an enemy along the way, it will attack him. In Game: Press the special ability button, Z by default, to give the zombie a point where they should go. If nothing happens, check your control settings. It is best to point directly at a point on the floor, although this is not necessary, you can simply point in the direction..
[ Requires ]

Chapter 5, or what it's like to be a zombie?

It would seem, what is so special about zombies? Well, just think - flesh without a soul, what a miracle! Meanwhile, these slightly rotten, slow, trying to mumble something in their defense and even somewhat touching creatures continue to win the hearts of players. Considering that Left 4 Dead has not yet been released, and many people want to fight zombies, we have to carefully search for quality products. The game I'm going to tell you about is just like that. Despite being just an online mod, Zombie Panic surpasses many commercial products in terms of fun and depth. Interestingly, in the end, people from Valve even drew attention to the developers and promised to add this mod to the list of steam games. Well, in the meantime, we’ll learn how to properly hunt carrion...

New zombie better than the old one!

The film “Resident Evil 2” is being filmed, a scene in a church.

Already the first version of Zombie Panic was a good time, but there were many disadvantages. There was no balance on the maps, zombies were killed immediately with one blow, had truly inhuman health, and the weapons were borrowed from the original game...

The creators of the new product relied on the atmosphere... and they were right. In addition, the engine itself has been redesigned beyond recognition. Almost everything has changed - only the mounting, physics and menu design give Source away. The soundtrack is not so brilliant that you can listen to it apart from the game, but it also works well to immerse the player in this gloomy world. It becomes scary to play, and considering the cards... Brrr... But more on them a little later.

The balance is generally maintained, but zombies win more often. This is mainly due to the revival and gradual impoverishment of people for ammunition. Zombies don’t want to sell them, as in the joke about the Arab-Israeli conflict. Well, we praised the modification, and now let’s look at each side in detail.

This is interesting: rounds in the game are endless, except on maps where you need to survive certain time, to win. Therefore, people who sit in a dark corner cause natural hatred. Don't do this, respect your opponents.


What can a living person do as opposed to a dead person? First of all, let's talk about speed! The living are 20% faster than the dead, and it would seem wonderful. But at the same time, they have such a parameter as endurance. The speed of movement depends on it, and over time it decreases. Its consumption depends on the amount of equipment attached to you - no one forbids you to load up all types of weapons, ammunition, body armor, but you will almost immediately run out of steam. The tactics of a heavily armed but slow tank are, of course, present here, but not welcome. Usually, in order to realize the benefits of a large number of trunks, you need to run at least to some kind of shelter, where it’s easier to hold out, but walking at the speed of a turtle, you won’t be able to do this - they’ll eat you, sir.

Of course, stamina can be instantly restored for 5 seconds by using "panic"(default - key p). When this mode is activated, all weapons and ammunition are thrown away, except for what was in the hands. Typically, this technique is used when zombies have devoured all the defenders except you, and you really want to live. The function is extremely useful, and it is not for nothing that it is included in the title of the game.

The next trick people have is the ability to use flashlights. The batteries are endless, and this is very pleasing - what kind of flashlight is it if it runs out of juice after 10 seconds of use, as happens in many games?

What are they afraid of? They're dead...

This is interesting: quick commands for messaging are made in the style of Battlefield - a circular window from which we select the desired phrase (by default - keys x And c ). It's funny that phrases are not displayed in the chat, so you need to react by ear. For example, when you click on z the character will swear. Although it would be more useful not to have an abstract outlet of emotions, but something like “Give me some ammo, you bastards!”

People, oddly enough, use weapons, first aid kits and body armor. The most common question for newcomers is: how to shop here? The correct answer is no. All weapons are searched for in the level. The living ones start with some kind of drekoly, a pistol and ten rounds of ammunition for it. Ammunition can be shared by pressing t And v . The last one is to choose the type of ammunition, the first one is to throw it away.

It is important: if your character is injured, the screen turns red. Nothing short of blood filling your eyes. It is difficult to see anything behind the red veil, and this is very unpleasant. Experimenting with graphics options doesn't help. Get used to it.

People don't see who killed whom, and they also don't know who is playing as zombies and who is playing as humans. Only available to them full list players enrolled in the survivor team. But you can find out how many there really are by asking in chat or voice communication. If you hear promising silence in response, it means you are left alone and it’s time to panic.

By the way, some players believe that they can sit in a dark corner and the zombies will not find them. However, the developers have provided an ingenious defense against such behavior - when left alone, a person begins to talk very loudly to himself, and over time he will begin to do this almost continuously. As you understand, it is much easier to find it. On the other hand, the map can be large. In general, the balance has been maintained.


Modern xenobiologists distinguish two types of zombies - the white one, which I prefer to call the alpha zombie, and the regular one, which arises from the players. The differences between them are cardinal. Let's start with the fact that you can only become a white zombie at the beginning of the round by choosing the appropriate faction to join. Here you should be lucky, because at the start three zombie players are selected.

The “alpha” has more health (250 versus 200 for a normal one), hits harder (35 health units per hit versus 25) and has a unique ability infect people upon impact. How it works?

With each blow, there is some chance that the person will get sick. At first he will cough, then instead of a health indicator several pointed dots will appear, and finita la comedia - turning into a dead man. This unpleasant event will happen in a minute. It’s especially nice when a zombie appears in a barricaded room and, due to the element of surprise, devours everyone present. The probability of infection is determined by the server parameters, for example, “65% infection” means that you can get sick with a 65% probability. If you have infected someone or see someone infected, it is recommended not to touch him - he will die on his own, and if you are lucky, he will bite someone else.

It is important: When a player becomes infected, Friendly Fire mode becomes active for players on his team - even if it is disabled on the server. But you can only kill the infected.

Zombies regenerate seven hit points every two seconds. This allows you to loom in front of your enemies, receive damage, bounce, regenerate, jump again - and so on until you run out of ammo.

“Listen, I think the one at the table is infected. Let's shoot him?

All zombies can run. Responsible for this Feed-o-meter, satiety indicator. Initially there are 6 divisions on it, and this is enough seconds for 4 sprints. But then the rotten muscles of the zombies make themselves felt, and you can no longer run until you bite a person (for each bite or blow, one division is restored).

U Walking Dead there is also Zombie Vision, something like a thermal imager. In it, all living players are marked red, and the more injured they are, the brighter their color, and if a player is infected, then he appears green.

Zombies can easily push objects - this is more convenient for them than for humans, since they do not need to press two keys. The ability is great for breaking barricades, especially if you crouch and crawl carefully to avoid being noticed. Then you can break the fortification and crawl inside.

Quick commands they don't use it, but they can growl ( z ). If one player hides behind a wall and growls constantly, it will become scary. Even if there is only one zombie, and there are fifteen of you behind the barricade.

The developers have made it so that zombies, by default, hear what people say over voice communication, and what they themselves say, and people only hear their own. This can bring a significant tactical advantage and a lot of interesting moments.

Dead people who fall from any height receive only 13 points of damage. This can be easily verified on the Subway map, where when falling into an elevator shaft they receive exactly this kind of damage. What’s interesting is that if you jump from a lower height, you’ll still get 13 damage. This is a lucky dead number.

And most importantly, zombies can be reborn as long as they have lives left. The number of lives is indicated in the upper left corner. There are usually 25 of them, but on mission maps they are endless. If there is only one zombie regular map, he only has 10 lives.


The weapons in the game are made with love. Especially drekolye. And most importantly, there are no definitely useless types of weapons; any can be useful in a specific situation. The same drekolye and even the starting unit-pistol.

The weapon cannot be unloaded, but if you try to pick up something you already have, the ammo from it will automatically move to the backpack, and the weapon itself will remain on the ground. However, keep in mind that for shotguns that take a long time to reload, this is not very convenient, so it is better to pick up an empty barrel and reload it in advance.

Melee Weapons

What if you cut off his head with a keyboard? Oh, No! This is your...

Arsenal of a young fighter against evil spirits.

There are so many types of them here that have probably never been seen in any game. Except maybe Condemned. How can you bring joy to your neighbor?

Just nothing - a valve, a tire iron, a golf club, a water pipe, a shovel, a frying pan, a saucepan, a keyboard, a folding chair, a stick with nails, a hammer, an ax, a wrench and a machete (which seems to be not a machete, but a kukri, but everyone insists on calling it a katana), a billiard cue and a bunch of other things. Using these useful items, I concluded that the most powerful in this class are an axe, a machete, a hammer, a shovel and... a saucepan. Moreover, if we compare the speed of damage, then the pan wins. It removes approximately 40 health units per hit, which occurs once per second. A platoon of five "saucepan makers" can defeat a similar platoon of zombies without loss of personnel.


There are several types of them in the game - PPK, glock17c, glock18c and USP. The PPK has seven rounds in a clip, so we immediately cross it out, because it is too small to fight effectively. Better with a saucepan, by God. The Glock models are almost identical, with 17 rounds each, except that the eighteenth model is slightly more powerful. But the best choice is the USP. There are only two fewer cartridges compared to the Glock, but the destructive power is significantly higher.

By the way, pistols do a pretty good job of killing zombies. About eight bullets to the head or neck reliably convince the “alpha” that he needs to lie down and rest. Therefore, many players do not bother looking for other weapons, but run around with pistols. The cartridges for them look like a red box. The maximum in a backpack is 45.


The revolver here is one in its class, but it is the most lethal thing in the entire game. With one shot he can demolish a regular zombie and practically kill a white one. You just need to shoot in the head, which removes 233 units of life. When shooting at the body it is ineffective - the damage is about 40 units. If a trained player manages to get to the revolver, it’s death to everyone dead on the server. And how to deal with snipers who came to visit from Counter-strike is generally unclear - they are used to people jumping up to them and trying to kill them close, using jumps, squats, running from side to side - so they easily prescribe a headshot from any positions from any distance. There are 6 charges in the clip. Ammo - gray box. Maximum cartridges - 18.


There are two types of shotguns - “Super shorty” (like a sawed-off shotgun) and classic. There is no point in choosing between them, because the classic one is better in all respects - it takes more lives (110 if it hits the head, versus about 90-100 for a sawed-off shotgun), and the ammunition capacity is higher (six rounds versus three).

This weapon works very well when defending barricades, and specifically when shooting at the heads of zombies who dare to poke their nose in, as well as when retreating (zombies see that you are running away, enter into the excitement of the hunt and no longer make any attempts to evade. Which means that two shot - and the corpse is ready).

The cartridges are the square red boxes familiar to us from the movies. The maximum in a backpack is 24. Judging by personal impressions, shotgun shells are the heaviest.

Slot machines

Available in two varieties: MP5 and AK-47. The number of cartridges for each is the same - 30, but other characteristics vary. For example, in many games we are accustomed to the MP5 hitting extremely closely even in long bursts, but here everything is different. Its recoil is incredible, even more than that of a Kalashnikov. Therefore, it is better to use the latter. In addition, he has enviable killing power.

You need to shoot in short bursts not only to reduce recoil, but also to save ammo. For one zombie, if you shoot in the head or neck, it will take eight bullets, so the ammunition runs out very quickly, because most often they shoot not in the head. Ammo - yellow box. The maximum you can warm in your bosom is 100 pieces.


"Where have you been? Drank again? Here's a pan to your head!"

There is a light machine gun on the windowsill. But they won’t let you use it; you’ll have to use a frying pan again.

They are rare, but with one explosion they can destroy the entire enemy squad of zombies and even kill a white one if he is nearby. Grenades can be thrown in two ways, just like in Half-life 2 - just throw them far away or throw them under your feet.

There is a wonderful tactic: when you realize that you are about to be eaten, and there is a grenade lying around in your backpack, pull it out and have time to press “fire” at least a second before death. You may not have time to throw it, but it will fall cocked, and zombies often do not have time to run away. This is especially true at the end of the round when no one can move. This way you can kill up to 6 enemies at a time. By the way, even if you did not have time to activate it, the grenade can still explode. Either this is a bug, or this is how it was intended. It is better to throw them from behind the barricades, when the zombies gather in a crowd to dismantle your fortifications.

Body armor

Provides 50 units of additional protection. However, when struck, health is also taken away, namely, from a strike from an ordinary zombie, 20 units of armor and 5 life are lost, from a white zombie - 28 and 7, respectively. Therefore, do not be outraged if you are killed with one blow, even in a bulletproof vest. Does not affect movement speed, usually lying around in secluded places.

First aid kits

They come in two types - a large one, similar to Half-life’s (restores 45 health units), and a small jar (10 units). The latter is often confused with fixed interior parts. Be careful and don't waste them.

General Tactics

Well - after getting acquainted with deadly machine guns and frying pans, it's time to move closer to the body... That is, I wanted to say - to the point!


We showed up at the start. We immediately throw away the drekolye we have, turn on the flashlight (the keys responsible for this are conveniently located nearby) and rush around the level in search of weapons and ammunition. Some people think that it is better to immediately turn on panic, but this is useless - at the start there is a full supply of stamina, and there is almost no luggage. Better to save it for later.

What are the criteria good shelter?

    One entrance. This happens rarely, and it should be taken into account that one input means one output.

    Lots of indestructible objects that can be used to block the entrance. It is advisable that the objects are heavy so that the zombies do not push them back.

    Weapons and first aid kits are in the shelter itself. Not necessary, but very useful.

    If there are many entrances, then the passages should be narrow so that the zombies climb in one at a time, exposing their heads.

We sit in the shelter and fight off the undead. If we're lucky, we'll just kill all the enemies. If you're unlucky, it means the dead will have time to jump inside and start eating their comrades. Then the only way out is to try to escape. The main thing is not to confuse the moments when you can still fight back and when you can only get cold feet and panic.

You need to shoot one by one so that at least someone has ammo left. It should be done in this order.

    First, players with shotguns shoot from the barricades at point blank range, causing maximum damage.

    Then people with revolvers shoot at the heads that appear.

    Then players with pistols stop the zombies from getting inside. Don't forget about grenades too.

    And when the zombies burst into the shelter, the machine gunner opens fire.

It is important: pressing "H" removes the weapon. Why is this necessary? This makes it possible to push objects using right button mice. Many people are not aware of this option because if there is no object in range, the character refuses to kick fresh air. This is a very useful command, especially for building barricades. If you simply push objects with the attack button, things will go very slowly, and if you use this method, the object can fly off a decent distance.

Escape from a room being cleared by zombies is reminiscent of Assassin's Creed after killing the target - the same dodging from skirmishes, almost the same parkour (since you can collide with zombies in a straight line), and in the end you need to hide somewhere or make the last stand. Often it’s both.


Zombie tactics are almost independent of the map. At the beginning of the round, there are three dead on a full server - a white one and two regular ones. You should spread out and try to kill as many people as possible to replenish your army. If luck is on your side and you break into an enemy crowd while playing as an alpha, do not focus on one target - try to hit as many as possible so that at least one gets infected. This is especially beneficial on servers where the probability of infection is 100%.

We are rich, we are fabulously rich!

When everyone you didn’t manage to immediately eat is killed, you need to start preparing for the assault. If there are several entrances, then you need to storm from both, diverting attention from one and attacking from the other. If it doesn’t work out, you should loom before your eyes, provoking shots, hide, recoil after receiving damage and heal. At the same time, several squads of zombies should attack those who are holed up in less reliable shelters.

Over time, they will run out of ammunition, and the time will come for the final assault. Having scattered the barricades, we rush inside and commit genocide. If someone has managed to climb onto the cabinet and is waving a drekoly, it is advisable to jump around, trying to bite the living person on the heel. Sooner or later it will succeed. However, there is a possibility that people will climb into a shelter inaccessible to zombies (there are such, and I will tell you where they are and how to deal with them), and you will have to try hard to smoke them out. You can, of course, try to appeal to the conscience of a living player. But I’ll tell you right away - it doesn’t work. They are unscrupulous... People, what do you take...

Final stage- catching survivors. If the room is closed, then you don’t even need to think about it - just eat everyone in bulk. But if there is an exit through which you cannot get inside, for example a window, you can put a couple of zombies below.

There are also all sorts of funny tricks. For example, if there is a fire behind one of the defenders, you can fly in like a violent hawk and start kicking the person. Naturally, he gets scared, automatically jumps back, falls into the fire and begins to burn. Often does not survive. I know from myself - it’s very offensive. I call it a psychic attack.


I have prepared a review of several of the most successful, in my opinion, official maps. Perhaps we will return to the rest, but for now, read and study. A list of the most interesting shelters and weapon locations is attached.


There are already two varieties of this card - Zpo_Subway and Zps_Subway. I never thought the metro could be so confusing. There are at least three levels, numerous passages, ventilation shafts, stairs... As a result, even veterans who have played many times get confused, and cries of “How to get to the first platform?!” Zpo is a map with a mission in which you need to send a train and get away. Along the way, you will have to press buttons and open doors many times. Zps is different in that all the passages are initially open, and you just need to kill the zombies. Let's take a closer look at the cards.


To start the train, you need to do the following.

    Take the key card on the way to the generator room. There are two ways to get there - along the train path (you will see it at the same time) and through the cafeteria. The second method takes longer, but along the way you can find a machine gun and cartridges. If you go through the train, know that you can get a bulletproof vest in it, and in the toilet, which is on the side of the main stairs to the first platform, you can get a shotgun. In the room with the key there is another shotgun with cartridges.

    Pull the switch in the generator room. A two-minute countdown will start, after which the metal gate to another generator will open in the Cargo Room (the inscription above it is 6m). There are two generators behind them, we need the one next to the mobile transformer. Two minutes after the train leaves, the door will open and you can escape. Along the way, by the way, you can see the exit of “plan B” (if you don’t catch the train). This is the gate with the inscription 6m above them.

    It is important: While in the Cargo Room, do not forget to close the “window” where the zombie spawn point is located. The button you need is right under the hatch. The hatch is on the wall farthest from the stairs. Now they have only one way left - along the stairs from where you came. It's narrow, so it's easy to hold them there.

    And then the door opened. We go down to the generator, punching through wooden obstacles with a hammer. There is a revolver there (cartridges will be found along the way). We press the button and return to the same Cargo Room, where we wait another minute until they open...

    Large doors to the floor. Next we pass through a long tunnel to the train. Make no mistake, there are two tunnels here, one will lead completely in the wrong direction. We need the one whose road is longer. Along the way there will be a shotgun or a machine gun, we select it. We pass through the train (it contains a revolver and shotgun cartridges), climb onto the platform and break through the door to the security room. There are several first aid kits, another bulletproof vest, a machine gun, two packs of cartridges and a grenade. We press the button. Now you need to go to the generator room again.

    We pass along the beam into the hole in the wall. We go up the stairs to the ventilation hatch, then we move from the roof of the elevator along the stairs. When going up the stairs, remember that zombies can throw many objects into the elevator shaft, making it difficult to move up to the point of making it impossible to climb. Then I'll have to go the long way back, and this most likely means defeat. We will assume that you have successfully ascended. We go straight, at the first turn - left. Here is the generator room. We press the button. The train has started and will leave in three minutes. And you need to have time to run.

But that is not all. There is one important aspect, namely, we need to return not through the cafeteria, but through the generator room directly to the train. The fact is that zombies can press the button in the watchman's booth at the turnstiles, and then the door on the stairs will close. It’s very disappointing to reach it together with the last cartridges, expecting to leave and get a fig (yes, I experienced this myself). And the door, once closed, does not open again.

When you get to the train itself, don’t forget to look at the ceiling - there may be zombies hiding on the beams. All you have to do is fight back and jump on the train. If it doesn’t work out, you know about “plan B”.

It's easier to play as zombies here. First of all, they have an infinite supply of lives. Secondly, they are reborn in a special room, where the living cannot get, and zombies can teleport from there to the generator room, to a cafe... The main thing is to act in a crowd and catch people at stages of their journey. Then they won't get there. And don't forget to close the door from the watchman's booth.


The second option is a game of destruction. Here all the doors are already open, so you can immediately disassemble the weapons.

A crowd of people rushes very quickly into the security room, makes a barricade there and shoots zombies. This room is the most convenient due to the many objects for creating a barricade, weapons, first aid kits and body armor.

There are other places for barricades, but they are worse. You can, for example, hide in the kitchen of a cafeteria - if you move two shelves to the counter and hold them, the zombies will not push them away and will growl sadly.

You can also hide in the ventilation. It is difficult for both humans and zombies to get through there, and what is most offensive is that it turns out very slowly. There is only room for one, but if there are more, they might bite. To speed up, you can climb while constantly bouncing. The method is strange, but it works.


Every army needs a leader. If it exists, you can gather a horde like this.

Just like a country resort - countryside, a dam, a house with a basement. This map is very atmospheric and thought-provoking. What is a zombie corpse doing on the table in the basement? Why are electrodes connected to it? Is the zombie corpse in the cage on the top floor just another test subject? Not far away there was a man leaning against the wall, a pool of blood, including above his head, a pistol next to him - apparently his nerves couldn’t stand it. A crater appeared either from a gas explosion, or from an artillery shell... Think about it at your leisure.

The main shelter here is the roof, which you can climb onto from two windows on the second floor. From there you can control both the street and the house through the windows. But an attack from two sides (two windows at a sufficiently large distance from each other) can quickly eliminate all living ones. People have also come up with a way to climb onto the roof of the garage by jumping there from a shovel and a cart, but if the zombies pull a box up there, they can bite you on the heel. You can also hide in the toilet, because although there are two passages there, they are narrow, and zombies will inevitably expose their heads. You can also take refuge in a house by the river (you will find a headcrab in a saucepan). There is only one entrance, but the window can be broken, although zombies, in a fit of bloody madness, usually climb into the door, where they are shot in the head.

In the basement there is an AK (to the left of the entrance to the basement), a magnum (to the right of the bar, in a crack) and cartridges for them (at the corpse at the feet, at the tanks on the left).

It is important: greed is bad. If you fill your backpack with the principle “Everything is mine!”, then, firstly, you will soon become exhausted and walk like a turtle. And secondly, the weapon you did not use could have saved the life of someone else. Remember that Zombie Panic is team game.

On the first floor, to the right of the entrance, slightly ahead, there is a destructible wall with a corpse and armor. There, right at the main entrance, behind a destructible barricade lies MP5. There is a real hunt for its possession. If you turn right, into the kitchen, you will find a grenade and some kind of killer weapon, like a hammer. If you turn left, you will find a shotgun.

Another shotgun with cartridges lies near the cage on the second floor. Two grenades lie at the second, secret exit to the roof.

In addition to the house, weapons can be found near the house on the river. In the house itself there is a machine gun, near it there are cartridges of any kind (they appear randomly at the beginning of the level) and melee weapons (also random), along the way you can find a revolver.

Zombies are reborn in areas around the house and in the water (shown as red circles on the map). Therefore, in the basement, as in the house by the river, they can attack almost continuously. But with a revolver in people this is often meaningless.


Judging by the padded cells in the basement, there was a mental hospital here. And in appearance it looks like a solid country mansion. Well, think about it, with a crematorium. People have different whims. In general, there is room for flights of fancy.

There are a lot of weapons here, almost every room has something. People start right in front of the house. If you turn right from the entrance to the first door, you will find a magnum with cartridges. If you turn into the storage room (second door on the left), you will find a machine gun, cartridges, a grenade and a bulletproof vest. Everyone and everyone is trying to break into these rooms at the start. If you turn left through the first door, you will see a shotgun. If you turn right and then left, you will find an exit to the street and a shotgun with cartridges. It’s better not to linger on the first floor, zombies are actively arriving. On the second floor we are interested in the toilet, where there is a shotgun and a first aid kit, and if you go deeper into the building, you can find two packs of machine gun cartridges at a table. In the basement there is an assault rifle in a cell and a shotgun in what appears to be a laundry room. In addition to the shotgun, there is a first aid kit or body armor.

Usually people sit on the roof canopy on the second floor, often all 20 people. But since there are two doors nearby from which zombies can unexpectedly jump out, the advantages are equalized.

You can hide in the basement, because although there is a zombie spawn point there, it rarely triggers. You can hide in a laundry room or crematorium. The last place is simply wonderful. If you climb into one of the extinguished stoves from the side, you will not be smoked out of there, even if you only have a crowbar. When trying to jump, zombies get hit in the head and fly back.

Bugs and a little bit of shamanism

There are bugs in regular games, and in modifications. Here is a list of the most famous and nasty varieties and how to deal with them.

    When loading the map, the following message appears: “Map N.bsp differs from server’s.”

    The mistake is very common, and without clearing your mind, it cannot be solved so easily. This happens due to the fact that there are several editions of the map that have the same name. You downloaded one of them to play on a certain server, and then decided to switch to another, or changed the edition on the original one. The game connects, tries to match two different areas, it fails, and an error occurs. To solve this, delete all reminders about the previous map, including the log (the document included in the kit - it will be called, for example, “zps_town” or, for example, “subwaychangelog”). Then the game will decide that the map has not been downloaded at all and will begin downloading the server version.

    Getting stuck in objects (furniture, character).

    Quite a common mistake. To get out of captivity, you need to press the keys to move, jump, squat, hit and push away an object. You will crawl out centimeter by centimeter at a time.

    One picture for the whole team.

    Occasionally, all characters on the server's picture changes to a random one (but from the list of those present). The player whose picture was copied needs to re-enter the game or wait until he turns into a zombie.

    Permanent inscription “Awaiting more players”.

    Why it appears is unclear, but to solve the problem you need to wait for the end of the round or re-login. Apparently this only happens to one person on the server.

    When minimizing with Alt+tab, the game crashes.

    There is no treatment. Just don't fold. Although there is a probability of about 15% that it will not crash, but then the menu will go to the upper left corner of the screen, and instead of the main image in the menu there will be an image from Half-life 2.

    In observer mode, the camera does not work correctly - it gets stuck in place or in the floor and does not move.

    It is believed that this is due to players turning Zombie Vision on and off too many times. Restarting is not a solution, because it doesn’t change anything. Usually everything returns to normal after changing the card.

    Buttons in the menu are not displayed correctly.

    Most likely, Steam does not accept the Russian interface language; to fix it, set it to English. (Settings > Interface > Language).


This is an argument from the realm of fantasy. If the server you want to join is full, then auto-selection is usually set to wait for free space, after which potential people and zombies go to drink tea and wait to join. But often it takes a very long time to work! There is a tricky way - set the game to auto-selection, and then alternately click about 5 times on the “update” and “join” buttons. The probability of instant joining is about 85%. Maybe this is a bug, maybe their mechanism for this process is not debugged, but the mechanism works about 8-9 times out of 10. Try it - maybe you will get lucky.

In conclusion - where can I get the modification? Can be downloaded from the official website (, or you can - from the April LKI disc. Join the friendly ranks of survivors or zombies. Perhaps it is in your ability to change the balance of power? And may the world submit to you.

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