Monster high games. How and when did basic Monster High dolls appear in Russia?

Barbie and Bratz have been replaced by new dolls - bright, unusual, fashionable. These are dolls Monster High. Probably, many girls are familiar with these Monster High horror films. Girls live their whole lives with the students of the “School of Monsters”, transfer their stories to themselves and want to be like these bright beauties.

What is so special about the beautiful and terrible Monster High?

Here are a few aspects that explain the incredible popularity of Monster High dolls:


The designers did a great job on the Monster School toys. Even the simplest Monster High dolls are a real work of art. What can we say about the outfits - initially, the concept of even the most budget Monster High dolls was associated with the creation of extraordinary fashionable images of each heroine. In addition, the compact size of Monster High allows you to take these toys with you always without any problems.


On the site we sell only real Monster High dolls from Mattel. For high-quality Monster High dolls, all the details are worked out with special care - from the outfit to the decor of the skin and face. And remember that an expensive Monster High doll does not always guarantee high quality.


The price of Monster High dolls can be very different: basic collections are cheaper, rare and exclusive ones are more expensive. But in any case, on our website you can place an order for cheap Monster High dolls - with a good discount.

Availability of accessories and add-ons;

Various expansions have been released for Monster High Horror. Coloring books and creative books “Color Monster High” were also released.

Variety of collections

Mattel's greatest pride is the variety of the most incredible and amazing collections of dolls dedicated to the release of a particular cartoon series. In many collections there was a re-release of Monster dolls. New Monster High characters are constantly appearing in new collections. New dolls for 2015 and 2016 are expected on our website very soon. And now you can check out the Monster High doll collections.

Here are just a few popular Monster High Horror episodes:

  • Photography Day (here Monster High students will have a photo shoot in stylish looks;
  • Monster High Music Festival;
  • Monsters in London;
  • Geek Shrik (or Monster High Scream Geeks: the girls in this series decided to prove to everyone that intelligence and beauty can go well together - that’s why all Geek Shrik dolls are equipped with glasses)
  • Dawn of Dance;
  • Monster High “Team Spirit” (in order to support their favorite team, by order of the director of the “Monster School”, the students created a support group. Thanks to such a Monster High horror support team, victory is guaranteed);
  • Basic series;
  • Deadly beautiful polka dots;
  • New Scarmester (the holidays have flown by, which means that the students of Monster High are going back to school;
  • Monster High "I love shoes."

On our website for children's goods, you can order any Monster High doll in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and other cities of Russia. We have already known to many Monster High doll Claudine Wolf, Frankie Stein, doll Venus McFlytrap Monster High, Spectra Vondergeist, Jinafire Long. And for connoisseurs, we offer rare exclusive heroes: Gilda Goldstag doll, Scara Scrims, Viperina Gorgon, Gigi Grant, headless Monster High “Headmistress Bloodgood” doll. From us you can also order Monster High boy dolls: Heath Burns, Hoodoo Voodoo, Nathan Roth, Monster High Garrote Du Roc and others.

Monster High Horror Sets and Accessories

To make playing with your favorite dolls closer to reality, and you and your little sorceress can create the world of “Monster School” in your own room, we recommend paying attention to the wonderful Monster High sets. Presented on our website big choice such sets, here are just a few of them that are definitely worth purchasing:

Castle "Catacombs";

Like any fairy-tale castle, it keeps many mysteries and secrets - to unravel them, you need to buy the Mosntre High Catacombs.

Design laboratory;

This set will be an excellent way to develop the creative abilities of girls from 6 to 15 years old. The Monster School design laboratory is a game printer with which you can create new heroes.

School recreation area.

There are also changes at Monster School. To take a break from classes, the “monsters” go to the Monster High Student Lounge.

Monster High children's products on the site are represented by a wide variety of dolls and accessories for them. For true fans of the “School of Monsters”, the new Monster High toy is a real cry from the heart..

And why does the vast majority believe that only children play with Monster High dolls? Let's start with the fact that each of us is a child at heart (just remember how very happy you are about something). Well, then - not all want to buy monster school dolls in order to play them. Some simply follow the idea itself, the author’s idea, and buy Monster High dolls for collecting. If you are one of these people and these dolls are not just pieces of plastic for you, then we are pleased to present you a series of wonderful toys. Buy Monster High dolls cheap in Moscow means making a great gift for yourself, because any of them can decorate your collection. In addition, each of them has its own history.

Buy Monster High dolls?

Recently, the fashion for this particular series of Monster High dolls has grown rapidly, so the desire of many to buy cheap Monster High dolls is quite justified. They are often bought for children because they are simply delighted with these cute creatures. Anyone who liked Barbie dolls will definitely appreciate and love these characters. All Monster High (Monster High) dolls are made of high-quality materials, so they are safe for play even with small children. Each character has its own story, which even adults will be interested in learning about, and buying Monster High dolls inexpensively in our store will also allow you to save a lot of money.

You can buy Monster High dolls inexpensively from 1000 rubles wholesale in our store by placing an order through a special form. You will never regret having these wonderful creatures take a place (in the children's world) on the shelf in your home among other collectible toys.

Our online store of Monster High dolls allows you to buy dolls for pick-up in Moscow; at the pick-up point you can clearly select or examine each Monster High doll. This is very convenient because if you wantbuy monster high dolls in Moscow, then you have the opportunity to make sure for yourself that this is exactly the doll you have dreamed of for so long and check the quality of the product yourself. Hurry up to buy Monster High inexpensively while all the conditions are there.

Why is Monster High such a popular toy series?

The thing is that children grow up very quickly and they get bored with toys. Your girl will have absolutely no interest in playing with the same Barbie dolls as soon as she turns at least 11 years old. And here the dolls from the School of Monsters will declare their advantages - after the small romantic Barbie dolls, the Monster High series looks completely different. These are completely different toys, of a different level and style. They can perfectly replace computer games, various gadgets and other things that children today begin to get involved in from an early age.

How and when did basic Monster High dolls appear in Russia?

Mattel, the manufacturer of these dolls, has been known throughout the world for more than 50 years. The first series of toys from this manufacturer were Barbie dolls, known all over the world and still very popular. The first dolls appeared in 1959 and at that time they were the best toys for girls. Since the company focused its products specifically on children, many factors were taken into account that allowed those dolls to be the most favorite toys in childhood among girls and not only. Later, when the desires and psychology of children underwent significant changes, it was decided to release other dolls, some of which are now right in front of you.

Now these toys are called fashion dolls. Monster School toys, unlike Barbie, have their own unique design, their own face and a separate story. Actually, like all the characters from horror films and literature of a similar genre, from which they borrowed their image, albeit with significant changes that allow parents to buy Monster High TV for their child and not be afraid of the harmful influence of the image of these toys on the child’s psyche.

It is because of their own philosophy that these toys attract so much attention. And, by the way, not only the attention of children, but also of adults. It will be very interesting for children to play with a doll that very much resembles a vampire, but a very kind one, whom they saw in their favorite cartoon (surely, you understand which Monster High doll we are talking about). The series of these toys is so diverse that you can find here almost any monster about which films have been made, video games made and books written. There are also those monsters that can be called this word with great stretch, because they are more reminiscent of cute fairy-tale characters, and the image of Monster High Toralei, which can be purchased in our electronic catalog, is a vivid example of this.

We all owe the creation of such extravagant characters to Glen Hanson, who was the author of the idea of ​​children of monsters studying in the same school. Kelly Riley took the baton and now what you can read about each doll (her biography, favorite treats, habits, etc.) is her work. The idea of ​​releasing dolls along with their favorite pets, diaries, and toy accessories turned out to be very useful - this greatly increased interest in this series and helped everyone who saw at least one of these dolls form their own idea about it, based not only on external data. Along with the dolls, you can buy a Monster High diary, which will help you learn a lot of new and interesting things about this character. In general, know that if your child asks you to buy Monster High dolls, then only his own imagination can draw the line where new available images will stop appearing in his head and he will decide exactly what the recently purchased toy will become for him. But you should also be on alert - as soon as your child’s fantasies run out, he will definitely come to you and ask you to offer him another batch of ideas that will diversify his game of Monster High dolls.

Monster High toys from a technical point of view

Great attention was paid to design when creating Monster High dolls. This is visible to the naked eye - each doll has a unique bright outfit and, moreover, not alone. Experienced designer specialists worked on each of them, creating for each individual toy exactly the kind of wardrobe that will fully correspond to its style, image and even character.

Well, now the most important point, which makes you admire the perfection of these toys over and over again. The bodies of these dolls can move as if they were alive due to bendable limbs. Not many toys can boast such outstanding flexibility indicators. This makes it possible to come up with many additional games, because the doll can take almost any position. Also, due to their excellent flexibility, these dolls are very easy and convenient to change clothes.

The website of Monster High dolls, on which the manufacturer publishes news and talks about its own products, has repeatedly reminded potential buyers The impressive durability of these toys - even with these miniature joints installed in the dolls' joints, they are strong enough to withstand awkward movements or accidental handling by your child. And this, you see, is very important.

Our Monster School store will allow you to make a great gift for your child, who will choose the character he likes. We would also like to note the uniqueness of the dolls’ outfits. The external characteristics of Monster High dolls differ very sharply from each other, allowing you to take into account the smallest details when choosing the desired toy.

The creators also paid great attention to furniture and accessories for dolls, which made it possible to collect unique, interesting sets. For example, if you decide to buy a Monster High doll, you can supplement the purchase with some interesting subject game interior. Many people choose the Monster High bed as such an addition, since all the girls really want to be like their mothers and also put their toys to bed.

We will help you buy Monster High dolls profitably and inexpensively in Moscow!

Our range is so diverse that you will have to think seriously when choosing a doll for your child. If your daughter has a birthday or some other important holiday, the Monster High store will provide your little one with great gifts that she will certainly love. Now a question like “where to buy Monster High” should no longer arise in your mind, since now you know a great place to find any doll that your young princess likes. Our Monster High store is always open for you!

Why did these dolls suddenly become so popular all over the world? Probably the fact is that all children adore comics and cartoons. American children were the first to appreciate the new product, and they really liked the idea of ​​​​teenagers from the School of Monsters, who, despite the fact that their parents are scary and ferocious monsters, themselves quite fit the definition of an ideal to follow. The creators of cartoons about children of monsters very competently approached all aspects that are of primary importance to children. So, buying Monster High cheap will mean that your child will be even more interested in the plot of this cartoon. In it, through the example of bright and exclusive characters, many qualities were demonstrated that it would not hurt for all of us to have. Attitude towards friends, mutual assistance, respect, kindness, punctuality and many, many other important qualities for a person are presented here “decorated” interesting story. Manufacturers Monster High Mattel have provided their dolls with different qualities, creating both positive and negative characters. Positive personality traits are emphasized here in such a way that the child can independently and without prompting understand that this is good for him and that he can learn it. At the same time, negative qualities, on the contrary, are ridiculed and condemned, as a result of which the child himself begins to learn to distinguish bad from good, and understand how to act and what should not be done. Monster High toys will once again be a reminder of what kind of character this doll was in the cartoon - positive or negative: if the first, then the girl will try to be like her, be like her, do everything like her, if the second, then she will remember how she can’t lead and what mistakes should not be made.

It’s worth mentioning separately about the clothes that you can buy Monster High cheaply in our store. If in the same Barbie dolls their outfits were more reminiscent of fairy-tale costumes, then here everything is different. All, both expensive and cheap, Monster High dolls have unique outfits, which can already be considered as a visual aid for choosing style and fashionable items. So, buying Monster High in Moscow for your baby will also be useful because from early childhood she will learn to choose the right dresses, suits, jeans, and so on. Believe me, this is very important for the girl, as she will certainly need it in the future.

Where can I order and buy Monster High dolls at a profit?

Until recently, Monster High dolls were worth their weight in gold, because they were produced exclusively in America, and it was practically impossible to buy Monster High dolls in Russia. But then Mattel expanded its production and now most of these toys are produced in Asia (of course, by consistently following American technology). The number of products increased sharply, and it gradually began to enter the markets of other countries. It quietly reached Russia, and just last year Mattel opened its representative office in Moscow. This made it possible to purchase Monster High dolls in almost any city in our country. The goods are delivered to the regions by mail. Ordering Monster High in St. Petersburg, of course, will also not be a problem, because our delivery service operates in the northern capital, which will allow you to receive the goods from our courier and pay for the purchase near your doorstep.

Why is it profitable to buy Monster High in an online store?

Yes, because it is profitable to buy any product in an online store. There are usually two reasons for this: firstly, in an online store the choice will always be more varied, and secondly, you can buy Monster High to order in a virtual store much cheaper. The wide range is explained by the unlimited space for storing goods, and the low price is due to the absence of rent and salary for employees who work in regular stores. The Monster-High online doll store is certainly the best solution for purchasing these popular toys. You will save time, money and nerves, and you will also get the opportunity to buy exactly the kind of monster school dolls that your child has been asking for.

Our Monster High store in Moscow is located at Avtozavodskaya str. 5

Let's liven up the interior with Monster High dolls!

The popularity of these toys was also greatly influenced by the fact that many adults who love collecting dolls and other toys became seriously interested in them. Some people simply liked these dolls and they go to buy Monster High dolls online store just to choose a doll and turn it into a decorative decoration for their own home.

Let's not forget that all the characters in Monster High are great at style and what we call fashion. Therefore, with their appearance in your apartment, they will definitely decorate it and make the interior design more unusual, even if the doll is purchased in the singular.

People with incomes are in no hurry to buy cheap Monster High dolls. They choose exclusive monster dolls, which are much more expensive than ordinary ones and have no similar ones (one of a kind, unique, handmade by enthusiastic designers). For such people, Monster High dolls turn into a real asset to their own home, not to mention how this doll can “revive” the interior space of a living space.

If you've long been tired of fairy-tale and sugary vanilla games about princesses and unicorns, then it's time to try something new and extraordinary! Monster High games will take you to a mysterious and mystical world inhabited by the descendants of the most terrible and bloodthirsty monsters in modern history. Just choose this category and go to the gloomy corridors of the Gothic castle, where far from ordinary children are trained.

The history of Monster High began with the creation of a unique series of dolls, which, according to the developers, were the children of zombies, vampires, mummies and the undead. Despite the originality of the idea, girls all over the world liked it, as a result of which an animated series and several books were released about little monsters. These games will allow you not to part with your favorite characters and actively participate in their exciting and unusual life.

While playing Monster High, you can try yourself in the role of an extravagant fashion designer, fashion stylist, dance teacher or cooking specialist magic potions. The main thing is to help children realize their otherworldly abilities and overcome all the accompanying difficulties with dignity.

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