Panda kung fu games. Kung Fu Panda: Furious Fighting Panda Fight Games

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Kung Fu Panda: Furious Fight

Kung-fu Panda: Yarostnij Boj

Do you want to feel the atmosphere of one of your favorite cartoons again - Kung Fu Panda? Then feel free to join the game "Kung Fu Panda: Furious Fight". This exciting game in the style of a fighting game, where you can feel like a real master of martial arts. The game has two modes: competition mode and training mode. Choose any of them and start the game. The rules are quite simple. To begin with, select a fighter, here you will meet almost all the main characters of the cartoon: the panda Po, Shifu, Mei Mei, Tigress, Mantis, Viper and others.

After choosing an opponent, you will find yourself on the field with an opponent, whom the game automatically selects at random. The main task is to defeat your opponent in battle. To do this, you need to use your skills and apply special attacks in parallel. In the free game "Kung Fu Panda: Furious Fight" your opponent is no less prepared, so get ready for a serious battle. The round continues until one of the players' life indicator is empty. Then it will be possible to start

It is in fights that both animals and people find out their primacy. This rivalry originally exists in nature. And each of the animal kingdom has its own unique style and manner of fighting. A new test awaits our Panda Po - these are fights in the ring. Now, among the many participants, she is, of course, the most famous. And although her fat belly looks ridiculous, there are no limits to her abilities. Who will risk going against our hero? Is there really such a reckless beast that will decide to compete for the champion title? Panda is opposed by the evil and treacherous snow leopard Tai Lung.

It's finally time to find out who deserves the title of champion. Be on the side of the determined and selfless black and white bear, start a bloody battle. Victory will be our hero, because Panda's skill is unsurpassed. Face to face with a hated enemy. This is the only way to prove your superiority in a fair fight. Brave fighters know no fear. This is how Kung Fu Panda wins the Fight in every round.

The life of the giant panda changed amazingly when he accidentally found himself in the election square next to the Furious Five Warriors. The Great Master unexpectedly chose him as a Dragon warrior. From a simple son of a noodle maker, he became a great Kung Fu master. However, such a transformation is not easy for anyone, especially the fat, slightly lazy and slightly gluttonous panda. Nevertheless, Poe’s strong character, will to win and at the same time cheerful, friendly disposition allowed him to achieve amazing success. He was able to justify the trust of the Great Master and comprehend the wisdom of the Dragon Scroll. Thanks to this, the newly minted Kung Fu fighter defeated the powerful but evil Tai Lung in a tense battle. Do you want to take part in the funny adventures of the panda Po and learn all the wisdom of Kung Fu together with him? Then play for free Online Games about it on our website!

Kung Fu Panda is a 2008 American animated film from the DreamWorks studio, created by directors Mark Osborne and John Stevenson. In the English version, the cartoon characters speak in the stellar voices of Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Lucy Liu, and Jackie Chan.

The Story of Po the Panda

The action takes place in the Valley of Peace, a fictional region of Ancient China inhabited by humanoid animals. Panda Po lives with his adopted father Goose, learns how to make noodles and dreams of becoming a kung fu master. Looking at Po, it is impossible to believe that his dreams will ever come true: the panda is fat, clumsy and awkward. However, fate decrees otherwise...

Kung fu master Oogway has a revelation in which the evil snow leopard Tai Lung escapes from imprisonment and attacks the Valley of Peace. Sensei foresees future dangers and begins to look for a warrior capable of resisting the strong and power-hungry Tai Lung. However, you don’t need to look far for a hero, because the Master has five best warriors kung Fu. To determine who will fight the leopard, Master and teacher Shifu announce a tournament. Po also comes to the tournament, but not in order to declare himself as a warrior, but in order to get at least a glimpse of the great masters of kung fu.

Late for the tournament, Poe ties himself with fireworks, flies over the fence and lands right in the middle of the arena. To everyone's surprise, Oogway chooses Po, and the panda begins preparing for battle.

Cheek brings success

Despite the ridicule of his teammates, Po the panda studies hard and gradually turns from a clumsy bear into a real superhero. He has one advantage over other warriors, which for the time being no one realizes: Po is insensitive to fighting techniques - Tai Lung's main weapon. Together with his friends, Po goes through many adventures and, in the end, defeats the treacherous Tai Lung, wins the mysterious Scroll from him and saves the Valley of Peace.

Reception by film critics

Since its release, the animated film Kung Fu Panda has received many positive reviews. According to rating system On Rotten Tomatoes, the film received 88% positive reviews out of 163 submitted. The film was warmly received by 76% of professional critics and 83% of users of the thematic site. According to the survey results, the film received a score of 73 out of 100.

Richard Corliss from Time Magazine gave the film a positive assessment, emphasizing that the film successfully intertwined exceptional graphics quality and entertainment component. In one of the critical articles published in " The New York Times,” the following characteristic appeared: “The first impression of the project’s vague concept and obvious box-office focus quickly gives way to surprise that the film finds its way to the very heart.”

Chris Barsanti, a professional critic for the website, commented on the appearance of the film as follows: “Kung Fu Panda” compares favorably with other modern films with its pure artistic beauty. When you watch the film, you realize that it is a classic, and you find analogies with Disney cartoons from the Golden Age. Michael Phillips of the Chicago Tribune emphasized that Kung Fu Panda is one of the few comedies of 2008 that knows what it's doing on screen.

There were critics and reserved reviews. CNN's Tom Charity said the film was a whirlwind of chaos that was impossible to make sense of and lamented the lack of a meaningful plot. According to Charity, the creators of Kung Fu Panda have produced entertainment that is not enjoyable.

Interestingly, the film was received very warmly in China. The box office in this country amounted to 110 million yuan. Chinese director Lu Chuan said, “From a production point of view, the film is perfect. Its American creators showed a sincere attitude towards Chinese culture."

In essence, the story about the fighting panda is a story of personal development, a story that makes children and teenagers believe in themselves and move towards their goals, no matter what. The film won official recognition: it was nominated for an Oscar and a Golden Globe, and received eleven Annie Awards.

  • Most of the main characters in the cartoon belong to critically endangered species: the giant panda (Po), the red panda (Shifu), the South China tiger (Tigress), the golden-nosed monkey (Monkey), the Snow Leopard (Tai Lung) and the Java Rhinoceros (Wachir). )
  • The scene in the cartoon where Po ties fireworks to a chair in order to fly up and watch the tournament is very similar to the real historical fact of how one of the members of the Ming Dynasty did the same in order to fly to the moon.
  • According to director John Stevenson, all the cartoon characters are vegetarians. There is not a single predator among them
  • The code name of the film within the studio is Dreamer
  • The two pigs that Po interacts with on the steps of the palace are called the Shaw Brothers, which is a reference and homage to the Shaw Brothers studio, which made many Kung Fu action films in the 70s.
  • San Francisco Giants baseball player Pablo Sandoval was nicknamed Kung Fu Panda.
  • In the art book The Art of Kung Fu Panda, it is mentioned that Po's full name is Po Ping, which translates to "precious world".
  • When Po states that, unlike all the members of the Five, he does not have any special virtues, he specifically mentions that he does not have claws like Tigress, although in reality the giant panda has quite impressive sharp claws that help them climb trees and defend against enemies.
  • According to comments from crew members on the DVD release, Tigress is Po's favorite member of the Five, despite her dislike and lack of respect for him.
  • In the opening scenes of the film (in Poe's dream), he dispatches his opponents with quick kicks in the air. In the second part of the cartoon, he was able to actually apply this technique. Poe called it "Foot of Fury".
  • Po, Shifu and the Furious Five were parodied in an episode of MAD.
  • The only newborn panda in the United States, born at the Atlanta Zoo in 2010, was named Po.

With games about Kung Fu Panda you won't be bored - it's not every day that you have the opportunity to defeat Tai Lung with the help of the "Paw of Fury" or "Fire Claws" and then taste your favorite dumplings! Don't waste time - go ahead to adventure!

Amazing story

When life is settled and flows along a well-trodden track, it seems that it will always be like this and sometimes it even becomes boring. But there is always room for surprises and surprises when suddenly a situation arises that is unusual for the usual way of life. The well-fed and quiet little bear Po sold noodles and was quite happy with his lot, but one day it happened that he ended up in a kung fu school and attracted the attention of a martial arts teacher. History is silent about what exactly attracted the master, but that is why he is a master, in order to discern the true hero in his unsightly appearance at first glance.

Having passed the selection process and received the title of Dragon Warrior, Po suddenly turns from a simple merchant into combat vehicle, which destroys everything around. The fact that furniture collapses and the feet of others are trampled is not taken into account, because one can always say that this is an individual, unique technique. Now the bear has no time to be distracted by mundane concepts, because he has a meaning in life and an important mission. Constant training strengthened his character and made him strong. This is how he turned from a lout into a brave hero, albeit with his own preferences. He still loves to eat and this negatively affects his already considerable weight.

Help your favorite hero by playing Kung Fu Panda games

To shake up some of his fat, open the Panda Kung Fu games and make Po train. You can even show off your skills on a dummy, but don't think that sports equipment will make your task easier. He is capable of hitting back and you have to be really dexterous to dodge the retaliatory blow and deliver your own.

To maintain your figure, you are also offered to twirl a hula hoop with the panda or play basketball. It's amazing how adroitly this furry athlete gallops! And when you feel that you are ready for more serious tests, go save the inhabitants of the Valley of Peace and Mr. Pin. After learning several effective techniques, defeat the army of invaders and free all the characters. If you cope with this difficult task, you will not just gain game points, but confirm the high rank of Dragon Warrior.

While playing Panda Kung Fu online, you will have to perform especially dangerous tasks. One day a terrible dragon woke up from a centuries-old sleep. Once he was imprisoned and cast a spell, but he was able to free himself and now wants to take revenge. For this he needs magic crystals, hidden in an ancient temple, and he quickly heads there. Only the panda Po is able to stop evil and prevent disaster. But in order to gain additional power, the bear needs to collect the spheres of the souls of the warriors who once sealed the dragon in prison. Avoiding attacks and delivering your attacks, help Po defeat the dragon and return peace to his native country.

An exciting sequel!

But the process of playing Panda Kung Fu 2 repeats the plot of the second part of the animated film about this clubfoot. For some time now, kung fu masters have begun to disappear in the world, developing their abilities in different schools and directions. The panda's teacher Po learned this news and found out that it was all to blame for a certain tyrant who decided to establish his power over the world. So that no one would interfere with him, he decided to destroy all martial arts schools, their students and teachers. But he did not take into account the main thing - Poe never gives in to trouble, otherwise he would not have become the best student. Having called his best friends on a campaign, the panda sets off on a dangerous adventure to fight the enemy army. An incredible spectacle awaits you, flavored with martial arts, the use of tactics and cunning. And in order to crush the next attacker, do not forget to alternate defense and a series of accurate strikes.
