Games on valeology. Game on valeology “Happy Accident” in the preparatory group. Forms of work with parents




Goals: Teach knowledge of yourself, your individuality. Teach children how to make a human face (using various items). Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Reinforce children's concepts of color (blue, green, gray, brown eyes). Strengthen the idea of ​​parts of the face; activate the vocabulary: eyes, mouth, lips, nose, eyebrows. Develop tactile sensations.

Material:multi-colored braid, buttons, sticks, plasticine, sandpaper, velvet paper, foam rubber.


Goals: Teach the sequence of actions of the washing process. Activate the dictionary: soap, washcloth, brush, towel. Form the need for compliance with personal hygiene rules. Teach practical skills development healthy image life.

Material:pictures with rules, toiletries, small toys, three-dimensional animal figurines, labor items.

1 – thoption– the teacher invites the children to choose pictures that correspond to the rule when it is necessary to wash their hands, and according to the picture, find three-dimensional objects.

2 – thoption– the teacher invites children to imitate the movements of the washing process (creativity and imagination develops).


Goals: Intensify children's attention to their skills and physical capabilities of their body. Develop research activities, cultivate self-esteem.

Content. Any number of children can participate in the game (from 1 to 10). The presenter throws the ball to the child and says: “I can” or “I can’t.” The child, having caught the ball, must continue the phrase, explaining why he knows how to do it (what helps him) or does not know how to do it (can he learn), and return the ball to the leader. For example:“I can run because I have legs,” “I can’t fly because I don’t have wings.”


Goals: Exercise children in selecting identical plates, comparing their surfaces using tactile sensations (blindfolded).

Note.The child must explain what helped him correctly identify different materials.


Target. Exercise children in guessing familiar objects by touch, naming the characteristics of this object.

Content. The child must identify the object in the “wonderful bag” by touch and characterize it, highlighting as many features as possible. The teacher offers to name the color of the object and finds out why it is impossible to do this. In order to complicate the game in the bag, you should put only one item for guessing, after showing it to the other children. For each correct answer, a chip is awarded.



Goals. Activate children's knowledge about the dominant development of a particular sense organ for people of a certain profession. Activate the vocabulary: cook, intelligence officer, conductor, perfumer, magician.

Content. Each player receives a large card with a picture of a person of a certain profession. On the table there are small cards with the image of one or another sense organ. Players take turns taking out one small card at a time and either keeping it if it matches the image on the large card (i.e. if this sense organ is important for people of this profession), or returning it back. (For example: for a large card with a picture of a perfumer, the child matches a small card with a nose on it.) The game ends when each player has one small card corresponding to the big one. Players then take turns justifying their choice. The rest of the players listen carefully and evaluate the correctness. The winner is the one who did not make a single mistake or made a minimum number of inaccuracies.

Note. The number of cut cards should be more than necessary. You can offer a game option in which each child has the right to choose several large cards. This becomes possible as preschoolers acquire relevant knowledge about the peculiarities of the development of a certain sense organ in people of different professions.


Target. Intensify children's attention to the fact that a large number of analyzers involved in the work make it easier to perform any work.

Note. Talk with the children about in what case it turns out to count faster and why.


Target. Exercise children in understanding the meaning of certain gestures, postures, and facial expressions of a person.


Target. Introduce children to basic relaxation techniques, which have a positive impact on well-being and self-awareness.


Target. Exercise your hearing organs in identifying and distinguishing different sounds.

Content. To play the game, children are divided into two teams and sit with their backs to the teacher. The teacher imitates various sounds using various objects and instruments. For this you can use musical instruments, paper, foil, inflatable balloon, glass and metal dishes, a pump for inflating balls, a rubber squeak toy, etc. Players from each team take turns guessing the sound. The winning team is the one that gives more correct answers and makes fewer mistakes. For each correct answer, the team receives a chip.



Target. Train the hearing organs and activate the attention and auditory memory of children.

To make the game more difficult, you can give children a rattle. The teacher points to the next player who must rattle his rattle. The driver determines which of the game participants rattled the rattle. In this case, the driver can stand in a circle, his eyes should be closed.


Target. Using tape recordings, train children in the perception of various sounds.


Goals. Develop children's phonemic hearing.

Content. The teacher invites each child to be the house of some sound (the children themselves choose and name whose house they will be). To do this, they choose a badge with the image of any sound of the Russian language ([р], [о], [y], etc.). While listening to a poem (story), children determine the first sound of each word. Having heard a word with its “own” sound, the child needs to quickly get up and sit down. The teacher monitors the correct completion of the task.


Goals. Develop children's hearing. Intensify their attention to the strength of their voice, at which their speech will be clearly heard. Form a culture of speech.


Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about the visual features of living organisms.


Goals. To develop children's eye, teach them to correlate the size of objects, the length of segments, etc.

Mark the center of the circle with a pencil.

Divide the rectangle in half.

Draw a line of the same length.

Cut a strip of the same size.

Cut out the same shape.

Then the teacher helps to check how correctly and accurately the tasks have been completed, and, if necessary, gives recommendations.


Target. To develop children’s ability to establish the positive and negative effects of foods they eat on their teeth

To prepare for the development of tactile sensations, a number of game tasks.

Target– familiarization with samples of various types of surfaces (stone - hard surface; down - soft; silk - smooth; thorn - prickly; knife, razor - sharp; fire - hot; snow, ice - cold surface).

1 . Take the stone in your hands. Squeeze it with your fingers. Do you feel how hard it is? Look for objects on the table that you can say “hard as a rock” (pencil, pen, etc.).

2 . Take the fluff in your hands. Do you feel how soft it is? Look for objects on the table that are as soft as feathers. How can you say about the fur of a cat or puppy? (A cat's fur is soft, like down. A puppy's fur is also soft, like down.)

3. Place soft and hard objects separately.

4. Game "Solid- soft" Two people take part. At the leader’s command, children alternately name hard and soft objects. To help each player, they are given a bag with a set of samples of materials (pieces of stone, iron, flax, wool, cotton) and products made from them; the one who names last wins.

5. Touch the seeds of different plants. Determine which of them are harder (cannot be peeled with nails) and which are softer. Set aside seeds that can only be cracked with a hammer (very hard): nuts, seeds of cherry, plum, apricot, peach, etc. Tell me, whose child has soft clothes? (An oak child has soft clothes. A chestnut child has soft clothes, etc.)

6. Touch the hedgehog's thorn. Look for prickly objects on the table, like a hedgehog, like a thorn (a metal brush, a branch of rose hips, roses, etc.).

7. Touch a piece of silk, stroke it. Touch other objects on the table. Which of them can be said to be “smooth as silk”? (Christmas tree ball, polished cabinet, puppy fur, etc.)

8. Game "Barbed- smooth." Two people take part in the game. At the command of the leader, children alternately name prickly and smooth objects (first prickly, and then either mixed). As in the game “Hard - Soft,” children are given sets of suitable objects or images to help (if they have previously become familiar with these objects in real life). The last one to name a spiky or smooth object wins. The game can be played in another version, replacing prickly objects with rough ones (with a rough, convex surface).

9. Carefully touch the knife, razor, awl. Why are they called spicy? Look on the table for objects as sharp as a knife, objects as sharp as an awl. Name them by comparing them with an object that has the same tip or edge of the surface (broken glass is sharp like a knife; a ski pole is sharp at the end, like a spear, etc.).

10. Find objects on the table that do not have sharp edges(ball, ball, cone, doll, etc.). Why are toys made for small children not sharp?

11. Game "Spicy- blunt". It is carried out in the same way as the games described above.

12. Remember if you have ever sat by the fireplace, a fire, or raised your hand to hot coals. What objects can be said to be hot, like fire, like heat?

13. Touch the snow and ice. They are cold. Think about what objects they say “cold as ice.”

14. Game "Cold- hot"(carried out using the same method).

Serebryakova Natalia Yurievna
Didactic games in valeology for older preschoolers

Didactic games on valeology for older preschoolers.

We see, we hear, we feel.


consolidate ideas about the senses;

to train children in the ability to analyze their feelings and express them verbally;

consolidate the words see, hear, feel.

Equipment: pictures depicting sensory organs (ear, nose, hand, jars with odorous products and substances (garlic, lemon, apple, perfume, gasoline, etc., objects with different surfaces (smooth, rough, fleecy, cold, wet, a bell, a tambourine, a sheet of paper, an audio cassette with recordings of theatrical noises, subject and plot pictures.

The teacher suggests remembering which organs help a person see, hear, feel objects, and exercise their organs feelings: correlate sounds, pictures, smells, sensations with images of the senses. For example, a teacher plays an audio recording of the sound of rain or a storm at sea, the child names the sound, shows a picture of an ear and says that he hears this sound with his ears.

Healthy foods


consolidate knowledge about which foods are healthy and which are harmful to the body;

bring to the understanding that not everything tasty is healthy.

Equipment: subject pictures depicting products (cake, various fruits and vegetables, smoked sausage, candy, sparkling water, porridge, milk, jam, etc.).

Children are asked to sort object pictures into three table: healthy, not so healthy, harmful foods.

Tooth A little bit

Target: consolidate knowledge about the need to take care of dental health.

Equipment: cards with images of healthy and diseased teeth, food.

Option 1. The teacher hands out cards with pictures of food products to the children, shows a picture of a diseased tooth, offers to hold up cards with pictures of foods that are harmful to dental health, and explain their choice. The same thing applies to the image of a healthy tooth.

Option 2. Children are given small cards with pictures of healthy and diseased teeth. The teacher shows a picture of the product and offers to raise the corresponding picture.

Option 3. Children are asked to attach pictures of foods that are healthy or harmful to dental health to the corresponding pictures of teeth.

Kids are tough

Target: consolidate knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, understanding that physical education, hardening, proper nutrition and adherence to a regimen contribute to good physical development.

Equipment: pictures depicting exercise, walking, visiting the dentist, playing sports, etc.

Option 1. The driver shows pictures, the children describe them and explain how this or that situation is beneficial for health.

Option 2. Children are given pictures depicting routine processes. Children lay them out in the appropriate sequence, explaining their choices and suggesting changes and additions that can be made to the daily routine.

Who knows more about themselves

Target: consolidate knowledge about your body and the functions of its organs.

Option 1. The teacher asks questions: children demonstrate what your arms, legs, etc. can do.

Option 2. The same, but verbally.

Askorbinka and her friends

Target: Concretize knowledge about basic vitamins and the foods that contain them.

Equipment: subject pictures with stylized images of vitamins and products in which they contained: A – tomato, sea buckthorn, carrot, pumpkin; B – oats, buckwheat, millet, potatoes; C – lemon, cabbage, rose hips, orange, black currant; E – tomato, sweet pepper, vegetable oil, potato.

The teacher gives the children pictures depicting foods, shows pictures with the designation of each vitamin, clarifies their names, offers to hold up pictures depicting foods that contain each specific vitamin, and name them.

We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.

Target: consolidate the names of sports and the corresponding actions of athletes, develop coordination of movements.

The driver leaves the room, the children agree among themselves which athletes will imitate the movements. The driver, entering the room, speaks: “Where were you, what were you doing?”. Children answer: “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.” and perform the movements. If the driver guesses the sport, the player becomes the driver.

Guess the taste


consolidate your understanding of your body;

contribute to the formation of knowledge about the role of taste sensations for humans.

Equipment: pieces of various fruits and vegetables that can be eaten raw.

The teacher invites the child to close his eyes and puts a piece of fruit or vegetable threaded on a skewer into his mouth. The child guesses the name and says in what form this product is used: raw or cooked and what can be prepared from it.

According to the World Health Organization, “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or injury.”

A number of factors influence a child’s health:

  • heredity (share of influence is 20%)
  • environmental impact (share of influence - 20%)
  • medical care (share of influence - 10%)
  • lifestyle (share of influence - 50%).

These data force us to pay the most serious attention to the fourth group of factors. It consists of the child’s attitude to his health, his nutrition, adherence to the daily routine, physical activity, hardening, proper sleep, and mastery of hygiene skills. The games and exercises offered in this section will help children develop the right attitude towards their health.

Who do I look like
Goal: developing the ability to look at oneself from the outside, compare humans with other animal organisms, find similarities and differences, and promote the development of imagination.

Material: photographs of parents, other close relatives of children, prizes.

Description: invite children to carefully look at the photographs and find similar features. The one who finds the most signs wins a prize.

Who was born

Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about how living beings are born.

Equipment: three large pictures depicting an egg, caviar, a bottle of milk and a pacifier; small pictures depicting people, animals, birds, amphibians, insects.

In front of the children are pictures with animals, insects, amphibians, and people turned upside down. Children choose any picture and tell how this creature was born. Then they combine a small picture with a large one - with the image of an egg, an egg, a bottle with a nipple (for mammals).


Goal: familiarization with the external structure of the human body, to develop the ability to see the good in other people.

Description: children stand in a circle, the leader is the gardener in the center. He utters the following words: “I was born a gardener, I was seriously angry, I was tired of all the flowers, except for Yulenka! “Then the “gardener” talks about Yulenka’s virtues. Then Yulenka becomes the leading gardener. She chooses one of the guys and tells why he (s) is good, thus explaining her choice.

Name it correctly

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about hygiene products, their purpose and correct use.

Material: subject pictures of various subjects, including images of hygiene products, chips.

Description: children choose from a variety of items those that help them take care of themselves. For example: “I wash my face” (what objects help you with this), “I take a shower”, etc. For right choice-chip.

Choose clothes according to the seasons

Goal: developing the ability to distinguish items of clothing depending on the time of year.

Material: clothing items used in different seasons, 4 dolls.

Description: children are divided into teams, each of which “dresses” its doll for a certain time of year.

Who needs what to live?

Goal: consolidation of knowledge and ideas about the basic needs of living organisms for heat, air, food, habitat.

Material: cards depicting living beings (human, dog, tree, flower, etc.; cards depicting food, habitat.

Description: invite children to choose a pair for each card, answering the questions - choose what the bird needs to live? What does a dog need so that it can live.

Who am I?

Goal: expanding the child’s knowledge about himself, his name, his surname, age.

Equipment: mirror; subject pictures depicting animals and birds.

Tell us what you know about yourself (name, age, height, hair color and length, eye color, date of birth, girl or boy).

Tell me who you are like: mom or dad.

Do you have signs that are present in any animal or bird?

Health traffic light

Goal: developing ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Material: circles of red, yellow, green colors, subject pictures.

Description: offer to “light” the health traffic light. The green circle is what helps a person lead a healthy lifestyle; yellow is something that needs to be treated with caution, red circle is something that is harmful to health.

Name the athlete

Material: pictures of athletes.

Goal: to develop a respectful attitude towards athletes, to develop the ability to distinguish and name sports.

Description: Children play in pairs. One takes a picture of an athlete and shows the given sport with a movement, the other guesses. Then the players change places.

Where are the vitamins hidden?

Goal: to consolidate the understanding of vitamin groups, their importance and health benefits.

Material: baskets with letters indicating groups of vitamins (A, B, C); dummies of fruits and vegetables.

Description: suggest placing the dummies in baskets with the corresponding group of vitamins.

What first - what then (daily routine)

Goal: to reinforce the idea that following a proper daily routine is good for health.

Material: plot pictures depicting actions characteristic of a certain period of the day.

Description: invite players to arrange the pictures in the correct sequence and explain their choice.

Sun, air and water are our faithful friends

Goal: to form an idea about the means and types of hardening (water, air, solar), their importance for health.

Material: story pictures.

Description: children look at the pictures and determine what health benefits the sun, air and water bring. The one who names the most useful properties wins.

Why did the guys get sick?

Goal: to develop the ability to identify cause-and-effect relationships, cultivate a caring attitude towards one’s health, and develop coherent speech.

Material: plot pictures depicting correct and incorrect actions (leading to illness).

Description: children choose pictures depicting incorrect actions and explain their choice.

Name it correctly (medicines)

Material: pictures depicting medications included in the “home first aid kit”, “first aid kit”.

Description: children are asked to assemble a “home first aid kit”, naming the medications, and explaining their choice.

Choose medicinal plants

Goal: familiarize yourself with the names of medications that are used for treatment and which are part of the “home medicine cabinet.”

Material: subject pictures depicting plants, “Aibolit” doll.

Description: children choose medicinal plants from all the proposed pictures, and “Aibolit” explains what medicinal properties they have.

How should you take care of yourself?

Equipment: top, chips, cards with questions.

The presenter spins the top, which determines the card with the question. For the correct answer, the child receives a chip. The one with the most chips wins.


1. Name the items you need for washing (soap, towel).

2. Name the items you will need to take a shower (shampoo, soap, shower gel).

3. How often should you wash? (Every day).

4. How often should you brush your teeth? (In the morning and in the evening).

5. How often should you cut your nails? (At least once every 10 days).

6. How often should you wash your ears? (Every day).

7. How often should you change your underwear? (Every day).

Show me and I'll guess

Goal: to develop a respectful attitude towards athletes, to develop the ability to distinguish and name sports.

Description: one subgroup of children, using specific movements, shows (makes a guess) what kind of sport they are involved in. Another subgroup guesses who was depicted (skier, swimmer, hockey player, gymnast, etc.).

Good words

Goal: to create a desire to see the good in other people, the development of speech and imagination.

Description: children stand in circles, passing the ball around, name one of the good qualities neighbor or call him by his affectionate name.

Making a menu

Goal: developing the idea that health depends on proper nutrition - food should not only be tasty, but also healthy.

Material: play dishes, dummies of fruits, vegetables, food.

Description: The presenter tells the players: “In front of you is a table set for lunch (dinner). Put in the first plate what you want to eat first, then fill the second plate, and the dessert bowl. Mark those players who filled their plates with more than just sweets, and who “created a menu” that is healthy.

To keep your skin healthy

Goal: developing skills to monitor compliance with personal hygiene rules.

Equipment: pictures marked with a red rim with incorrect actions of children.

Children look at the pictures and find what is wrong. For the correct answer, the child receives a chip. The one with the most chips wins.


The child licks abrasions and cuts.

Boy in dirty underwear.

The girl puts on someone else's shoes.

What do we know about things?

Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the rules of safe behavior at home; develop attention and memory; foster a sense of cooperation.

Material: four playing cards depicting a cut, burn, hand bruise and fire; pictures depicting various household items.

Description: 4 children take part in the game, each of them takes game map with the image of "trauma". The teacher (child) is the leader. He picks up a picture of an object one by one. Participants must guess what injury could result from improper handling of this item, match it to their card and take the picture. When selecting, the child must explain why this or that object is dangerous and tell the rules for handling it.

Godovykh Svetlana Alexandrovna
Card index of didactic games on valeology


Goals: Teach knowledge of oneself, one’s individuality. Teach children how to draw a human face (using various items). Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Reinforce children's concepts of color (blue, green, gray, brown eyes). Strengthen the idea of ​​parts of the face; intensify dictionary: eyes, mouth, lips, nose, eyebrows. Develop tactile sensations.

Material: multi-colored braid, buttons, sticks, plasticine, sandpaper, velvet paper, foam rubber.


Goals: Teach the sequence of actions of the washing process. Activate dictionary: soap, washcloth, brush, towel. Form the need for compliance with personal hygiene rules. Teach practical development of healthy lifestyle skills.

Material: pictures with rules, toiletries, small toys, three-dimensional animal figurines, labor items.

Option 1 – the teacher asks the children to choose Pictures, corresponding to the rule when to wash your hands, and accordingly picture find voluminous objects.

2nd option - the teacher invites children to imitate the movements of the washing process (creativity and imagination develops).


Goals: To activate children’s attention to their skills and physical capabilities of their body. Develop research activities, cultivate self-esteem.

Content. Any number of children can participate in the game (from 1 to 10). The leader throws the ball to the child and pronounces: "I can" or "I can't". The child, having caught the ball, must continue the phrase, explaining why he can (what helps him) or doesn't know how (can he learn) do this and return the ball to the leader. For example: "I can run because I have legs", "I can't fly because I don't have wings".


Goals: Exercise children in selecting identical plates, comparing their surfaces using tactile sensations (blindfolded).

Note. The child must explain what helped him correctly identify different materials.


Target. Exercise children in guessing familiar objects by touch, naming the characteristics of this object.

Content. The child must identify the object by touch. "wonderful bag" and characterize it, highlighting as many features as possible. The teacher offers to name the color of the object and finds out why it is impossible to do this. In order to complicate the game in the bag, you should put only one item for guessing, after showing it to the other children. For each correct answer, a chip is awarded.



Goals. Activate children's knowledge about the dominant development of a particular sense organ for people of a certain profession. Activate dictionary: cook, intelligence conductor, perfumer, magician.

Content. Each player gets a big card with the image of a person of a certain profession. There are small ones on the table cards with the image of one or another sensory organ. Players take turns taking out one small card and either keep it if it matches the image on a large card(i.e. if this sense organ is important for people of this profession, or it is returned back. ( For example: to big card with a picture of a perfumer, a child picks up a small card, which shows a nose.) The game ends when each player has one small card, corresponding to big. Players then take turns justifying their choice. The rest of the players listen carefully and evaluate the correctness. The winner is the one who did not make a single mistake or made a minimum number of inaccuracies.

Note. Number of cut cards should be more than necessary. You can offer a game option in which each child has the right to choose several large cards. This becomes possible as preschoolers acquire relevant knowledge about the peculiarities of the development of a certain sense organ in people of different professions.


Target. Intensify children's attention to the fact that a large number of analyzers involved in the work make it easier to perform any work.

Note. Talk with the children about in what case it turns out to count faster and why.


Target. Exercise children in understanding the meaning of certain gestures, postures, and facial expressions of a person.


Target. Introduce children to basic relaxation techniques, which have a positive impact on well-being and self-awareness.


Target. Exercise your hearing organs in identifying and distinguishing different sounds.

Content. To play the game, children are divided into two teams and sit with their backs to the teacher. The teacher imitates various sounds using various objects and instruments. To do this, you can use musical instruments, paper, foil, an inflatable balloon, glass and metal dishes, a pump for inflating balls, a rubber squeak toy, etc. Players from each team take turns guessing the sound. The winning team is the one that gives more correct answers and makes fewer mistakes. For each correct answer, the team receives a chip.



Target. Train the hearing organs and activate the attention and auditory memory of children.

To make the game more difficult, you can give children a rattle. The teacher points to the next player who must rattle his rattle. The driver determines which of the game participants rattled the rattle. In this case, the driver can stand in a circle, his eyes should be closed.


Target. Using tape recordings, train children in the perception of various sounds.


Goals. Develop children's phonemic hearing.

Content. The teacher invites each child to be a house of some sound (children choose and name whose house they will be). To do this, they choose a badge with the image of any sound of the Russian language ([p], [o], [y], etc.). While listening to the poem (story) Children identify the first sound of each word. Hearing the word with "yours" sound, the child needs to quickly get up and sit down. The teacher monitors the correct completion of the task.


Goals. Develop children's hearing. Intensify their attention to the strength of their voice, at which their speech will be clearly heard. Form a culture of speech.


Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about the visual features of living organisms.


Goals. To develop children's eye, teach them to correlate the size of objects, the length of segments, etc.

Mark the center of the circle with a pencil.

Divide the rectangle in half.

Draw a line of the same length.

Cut a strip of the same size.

Cut out the same shape.

Then the teacher helps to check how correctly and accurately the tasks have been completed, and, if necessary, gives recommendations.


Target. To develop children’s ability to establish the positive and negative effects of foods they eat on their teeth

Content. Children stand in a circle. Driving adult or child (depending on the age of the children in the group) names objects, products. ( For example: stone, bun, cutlet, bone, finger, nut, etc.). Children say "Yes" and raise their hands up if they can bite it with their teeth, or say "No" and squat if it cannot be bitten with teeth.

To prepare for the development of tactile sensations, a number of game tasks.

The goal is to familiarize yourself with samples of various types of surfaces (stone - hard surface; down - soft; silk - smooth; thorn - prickly; knife, razor - sharp; fire - hot; snow, ice - cold surface).

1. Take a stone in your hands. Squeeze it with your fingers. Do you feel how hard it is? Find objects on the table that you can talk about "Solid as a Rock" (pencil, pen, etc.).

2. Take the fluff in your hands. Do you feel how soft it is? Look for objects on the table that are as soft as feathers. How can you say about the fur of a cat or puppy? (A cat's fur is soft, like down. A puppy's fur is also soft, like down.)

3. Place soft and hard objects separately.

4. Game "Hard - soft". Two people take part. At the leader’s command, children alternately name hard and soft objects. To help, each player is given a bag with a set of samples of materials (pieces of stone, iron, flax, wool, cotton) and products made from them, the one who named last wins.

5. Touch the seeds of different plants. Determine which of them are harder (cannot be peeled with nails), and which are softer. Set aside the seeds that can only be cracked with a hammer (very hard): nut, seeds of cherry, plum, apricot, peach, etc. Tell me, whose child has soft clothes? (An oak child has soft clothes. A chestnut child has soft clothes, etc.)

6. Touch the hedgehog's thorn. Look for items on the table that are prickly, like a hedgehog, like a thorn. (wire brush, rosehip branch, roses, etc.).

7. Touch a piece of silk, stroke it. Touch other objects on the table. Which of them can we talk about? "smooth as silk"? (Christmas tree ball, polished cabinet, puppy fur, etc.)

8. Game "Prickly - smooth". Two people take part in the game. At the command of the leader, children alternately name piercing and smooth objects. (first prickly, and then mixed). Just like in the game "Hard - soft", children are given sets of suitable objects or images to help (if they were previously familiar with these items in real life). The last one to name a spiky or smooth object wins. The game can be played in another version, replacing prickly objects with rough ones (with a rough, convex surface).

9. Carefully touch the knife, razor, awl. Why are they called spicy? Look on the table for objects as sharp as a knife, objects as sharp as an awl. Name them by comparing them to an object that has the same tip or edge of the surface (broken glass is sharp like a knife; a ski pole is sharp at the end, like a spear, etc.).

10. Find objects on the table that do not have sharp edges (ball, ball, cone, doll, etc.). Why are toys made for small children not sharp?

11. Game "Sharp - Dull". It is carried out in the same way as the games described above.

12. Remember if you have ever sat by the fireplace, a fire, or raised your hand to hot coals. What objects can be said to be hot, like fire, like heat?

13. Touch the snow and ice. They are cold. Think about what subjects they are talking about "cold as ice".

14. Game "Cold - hot" (carried out using the same method).

Showing publications 1-10 of 151.
All sections | Healthy lifestyle, valeology, human body. Didactic games

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Publication “Didactic game on developing the foundations of a healthy lifestyle “Happy and Sad...” Developer: Kuznetsova E.A. Educational area: physical development; speech development; social and communicative development. Goal: to introduce children to the basics of a healthy lifestyle. Objectives: to expand children’s knowledge of what is healthy and what is harmful to health; develop...

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Didactic games on healthy lifestyle Didactic games on healthy lifestyle middle group Educator: N. A. Okuneva “Pick up objects” Goal: To develop the ability to group objects; consolidate knowledge about personal hygiene items; The child is asked to look at the pictures lying on the table, choose from the proposed pictures...

Didactic material on valeology for preschoolers 6–7 years old Game “Good or Bad” Purpose: to introduce children to the rules of personal hygiene and a correct, careful attitude towards their health; develop children's thinking, speech, attention, memory. Material: images of pictures with various situations (negative and positive. Progress of the game:...

Didactic game as a means of developing the psychological health of preschool children in the work of a teacher-psychologist Psychological health is a necessary condition for the full functioning and development of a person in the process of his life. The problem of deteriorating children's health, both physical and psychological, has been on the agenda for a long time. Doctors, psychologists, teachers,...

Healthy lifestyle, valeology, human body. Didactic games - Didactic games on valeology for children of the middle group of preschool educational institutions

Progress of the game: A Dwarf came running to the group of children. The hair is disheveled. Hands and face are dirty. Gnome: Hello, guys. I’m visiting you, I want to play toys with you. Educator: Hello, Gnome! We are very glad to see you! But you look very strange. I suggest you bring yourself...

Didactic games for developing ideas about health and healthy lifestyle in preschoolers Games to develop positive motivation to maintain and improve health [HEALTH IS ONE OF THE MAIN VALUES OF LIFE. A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE IS NOT YET THE FIRST PLACE IN THE HIERARCHY OF HUMAN NEEDS AND VALUES IN OUR SOCIETY, BUT IF WE TEACH CHILDREN FROM A EARLY EARLY...
