Throwing fool games. What card games can you play for four? Card game for 4 people fool

Simple throw-in fool, transferable

Fool - free game in cards online on a flush. Playing in a throw-in translation "fool". Implemented in Flash 4. Version 2.1 from 5.06.01. By rabbitkiller.

Play can be from 2 to 4 players, with one of the players necessarily a user, and the rest of the players are computer.

There are options for playing a "simple" (throw-in) fool, or a translation (see the "Settings" section). In the latter case, the first round is not transferred. The first "hang up" up to 5 cards.

In the "Settings" menu, you can select the number of players (2 to 4). Select the slow play mode, check the box if you think that computer players are acting too fast. You can also specify the type of game: simple or translated.

Playing the fool online with candidates for the President of Ukraine: Yanukovych, Tymoshenko, Yushchenko.

Card Fool is a fool game on flash, a game similar to this one by the same developer.

Throwing Fool is a flash game with a cool interface.

Throw-in Fool is a popular javascript card game in Russia for the IE browser.

Russian chess - free flash chess in Russian online.

Simple throw-in fool, transferable Fool is a free online card game on a flash. Playing in a throw-in translation fool. Implemented in Flash 4. Version 2.1 from 5.06.01. By rabbitkiller. Games ...

Simple throw-in fool, transferable Fool is a free online card game on a flash. Playing in a throw-in translation fool. Implemented in Flash 4. Version 2.1 from 5.06.01. By rabbitkiller. Games ...

Card game into a fool online game playing the fool - playing a fool with the candidates for the presidency of Ukraine: Yanukovych, Tymoshenko, Yushchenko. Your opponents will be thinking, serious ...

Online card game fool free online Fool is a free flash card game for two to four players. You can play absolutely free and without registration. Developer, author - Gallaxina ...

The acquaintance of many of us with cards began with the "fool" thrown. This was facilitated by the simplicity of this game and the ability to connect a large number of participants (up to six). Perhaps her only drawback is the inability to play alone when all friends are busy with their own business. But with the development of advanced technologies, this is no longer a problem.!

If you are not satisfied with the game "for fun", then choose virtual fun with elements of cruelty to the music of rock. Here, the loser, as in life, gets a crack, a crack, or even ... a punch! At the moment of punishment, the opponent makes ironic comments. Take revenge and get even with him! Throw-in Fool cards will give you many unforgettable minutes.

There are also less bloodthirsty versions of the game. For example, having won a victory, you will receive a dance from a beautiful girl. The more often your opponent loses, the more the beauty tries. And you can also move to the gambling table where famous politicians are located. Show them who they really are by making them fools. Maps, the right tactics and a little luck will help you in this game. Come on in, it's always free on our website!


Each game will be interesting and different from the previous one, because the simulator is not as simple as it seems. Yes, this is not chess with hundreds of different combinations, but it is not tic-tac-toe either. There is something to think about here!

Flap characteristics:
Unlimited age of players
Minimum batch time - 15 minutes
Easy rules
The element of chance

At the same time, the game "Fool" develops tactical skills, logical thinking, and also teaches to calculate different variants and memorize the opponent's cards. Otherwise, you will not be able to defeat your opponent. In addition to the throw-in one, there are three more options for this fun: "Simple", "Transferable" and "Spades by Spades" (or "Japanese"). In each of them, despite the differences, one principle remains: to beat the opponent.

You can always play the fool on the site for free and without registration.

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What card games for four can you play

Cards, from the moment they appeared in human everyday life, have become a guarantee of an interesting pastime. Carrying several functions, they were positioned as entertainment for the people. Composition card deck changed the level of the game. For example, 54 cards are money games. A simplified version of 36 pieces is also less complicated according to the rules of the game. In addition to all card games, there is a separate category of games that will help answer the question of what to play for four.

Games that don't require a full deck

One of these card games for 4 people is called "Thousand". 24 cards, mathematical approach, 4 people are the necessary components of this game. The goal is to collect more than 1000 points. The game in terms of intensity and shenanigans is reminiscent of preference. This way of spending time will kill a few hours. There is no need to increase interest in this game of cards for four.

Another representative of this type of card games for four is "Bura". 32 cards, small contributions, 4 people - all you need for this game. The goal of the game is to collect three trump cards - Bura. Interest in the event is supported by well-known means - excitement, betting.

A game with a minimal set of rules - "Pig". On the cards arranged in a pile, two playing sheets in the form of a hut are installed. The task of the participants is to draw out the card without dropping this structure. The person who failed to cope with the task receives the title of a pig. The game develops agility and predictive abilities.

Another way to spend time for four is “Everyone in the house”. The cards of the highest ranks are involved here - from jacks to aces. Candidates to win are rolled over until one draws four cards of the same denomination. This game of cards for four requires a reaction and is interesting for those who like random layouts, rely on the finger of fate and their physical capabilities.

Games based on a 36-sheet deck

There is a game that is taught to beginners first. This is "Fool". 4 people is the optimal amount for playing the "Fool" of various modifications. For example, "Throwing Fool", "Translated Fool" and others little known to the general public. These variations of the game make life difficult for the player who is being played. The goal is to fight back, and remain without cards, in the absence of a stack with a trump card. You can stimulate to win in the following way. The loser in this 4-person card game will have to fulfill the wish of the winner. This is a space for imagination and funny tomfoolery.

Another game with simple conditions is "21". Bets, dealer and clients - the composition of a successful event. To start the action, you need to set the lowest and highest amount that is deposited into the bank. The goal is to score more points within 21 points.

"Hen". Here you need to combine your cards with those on the table and manage to get rid of four cards of the same rank. This game can go on until someone gets rid of all the cards. The game develops attentiveness and intelligence. You can set a limit on losses, which will slightly increase the time and allow you to rank the participants in this mini-competition.

There is a game that develops logical thinking and requires four participants. This is the Nine. She does not have a bank of cards, everything is distributed at the same time between people. The one who has a nine of clubs in the deck starts. The rest put cards similar in terms of "face value and suit". The goal is to get rid of all cards before others. Interest in the game can be increased by offering a certain amount of penalty points. They are counted according to the cards remaining in the hand, their face value. Eliminated beyond the maximum amount of penalty points fulfills the wish of the winners.

A game requiring pair interaction - "Trinka". Ideal for young couples. The goal is to score the number of points based on trick counting over several rallies. This game helps to establish communication between participants in couples, teaches them to find compromises and develop general strategies interactions. By the way young people act in pairs, one can understand what kind of relationship they are in.

What can you achieve by playing cards?

Most of them are games in which everyone must rely only on themselves and only indirect help can be expected from other participants. It develops individual skills and abilities. In several sessions, you can count the number of maps and learn how to determine the location of any map. And it can be both in the deck and other participants in the game. The game, based on interaction in a pair, socializes the participants and teaches them to understand the behavior of the opposing team of two.

Sitemap - it is very user-friendly and understandable.

There are many card games, new ones periodically appear, but the classic one in "Fool" is still popular. Not everyone knows the rules in the game "Fool", as there are other subtleties and nuances here. In addition, there are several options for tabletop battles. "Fool" can be a throw-in, simple, Japanese translation.

General rules of the game "Fool" in cards - the beginning of the game

A simple, transferable, throw-in "Fool" begins with the preparation of the deck. Usually they use the one with 36 cards, in rare cases they play 52-piece cards.

The cards need to be shuffled well. Usually, the dealer, holding the deck in his hand, hands it to the player sitting to his left with the words: "Take off the fool's cap." This must be done, as the dealer can "cheat" and spy last card or put yourself a trump card.

These are the rules in the Fool game. The loser is appointed as the dealer in the next round. From 2 to 6 people can participate in the tabletop battle.

Distribution and moves

After the deck is shuffled, 6 cards are dealt to everyone. The first deck manager puts the participant sitting on his left hand. When one card is dealt, also in a circle, clockwise, the second is dealt. And so on until each has 6 cards.

The next card from the deck is turned face up and placed on the table. This is a trump card, the remaining stack is laid on it perpendicularly.

The one with the smallest trump card begins to walk. The goal of the game is to get rid of your cards as quickly as possible. Whoever does it first is declared the winner. The latter remains in the "fools", loses and deals the cards for the next round.

Throw-in option

These are general rules in the game "Fool". It is interesting to know about certain nuances that correspond to different variations of the tabletop competition. Just as in the simple, transferable, flip-up version, you can move with 1-4 cards of the same denomination. For example, from sixes or tens.

The one to whom they are intended must beat them. You can put the same suit of the highest value or a trump card. When all of them are repulsed, the one who walked has the right to give a similar one. That is, if there is a 6 on the table, he will throw 6 of a different suit.

When the walker has nothing to throw, this is done by the next player sitting to his left. That is, the one who is behind the beating one. He has the right to give only 1 card so far. After it is beaten, the right to throw the card goes back to the one who played. It is very important to know the rules of the "Fool" throw-in game in order to follow the detailed sequence. After all, players often try to quickly throw off the cards they have, which leads to a hustle and bustle. There are more of them on the table than 6. But in one move you can throw only this number of cards. But in this case, the batter can choose which card to cover.

If the players have nothing to throw, they say "beato", and the move goes to the person who just fought back. If he could not fight back, he must take all the cards of the turn and thrown.

The Fool's rules state that the first move must consist of no more than five cards thrown in. Cards from the deck are also taken in the order of turn - first, this right is given to the walker, then, sitting on his left hand, clockwise.

This is evidenced by the rules in the game "Fool". The loser is announced when no one has any cards left, but he has them.

Translated "Fool"

A very interesting kind of game. First, in the same way as in the first case, cards are dealt. The first move follows the same canons. Starting from the second one, you can transfer one or more cards of the same denomination. So, if they went under you with a six, you can put one or two sixes of a different suit and transfer them under the one who sits on the left hand.

If he also has a six, he can transfer it and those that are on the table to the player sitting next in a clockwise direction. These and some other rules of the "Fool" game remain unchanged. But there are others that must be agreed upon before the start of the intellectual battle in order to come to a common opinion.

So, some suggest exchanging a trump ace lying open under the deck for a trump six. You can come up with such additions to the rules, from which the game turns out to be even more exciting and interesting.
