Games similar to gothic. Games similar to Risen Similar games to Risen

Throughout its existence, the Piranha Bite company has made exactly one game - and this is “Gothic”. The irony of life is that even if you do something well, very quickly there will be someone who will do the same thing much better - and therefore the stagnating Gothic series by the third part lost its army of fans who dispersed throughout TES, Neverwinter Nights and other games that did not hesitate to borrow Gothic mechanics. Piranha Bite had a quarrel with its publisher, lost all rights to its own brainchild, but did not stop pursuing its line - creating a project in a new setting, but with the old spirit. This is how Risen appeared - complex and deep role-playing game with an unusual combat system, a kind of leveling up and a constant path from rags to riches. Many people liked the project’s approach – we will recommend to them several similar games to Risen.

Let Dark Souls and is considered a new step in the development of role-playing games, but the combat mechanics here are the purest distillate of the classic Gothic combat system, which then migrated to Risen. Focus on the enemy, splitting attacks into powerful and simple ones, various blocks and dodges - all this is very similar to Gothic, with one caveat - Dark Souls has very seriously developed all these systems. That’s why every weapon here feels new, every enemy is unique, and the local locations themselves are a real deadly labyrinth.

Dark Souls lives without the superstructure of narrative and cutscenes, leaving the player alone with the mechanics and his own curiosity. You yourself come up with the mythology of the local universe, interpreting current events and yourself explore the possibilities for passing the next level. Without exaggeration great game, which changed the industry.

Gothic 3

In 2006, Piranha Bite were at the peak of their popularity. They received a colossal budget for development, enlisted the support of the press and fans, and showed at exhibitions luxurious graphics and a huge world and were not afraid of direct confrontation with TES: Oblivion, and then it came out...

The third Gothic was the first game whose release gave rise to a real industrial scandal. Dead brakes, constant crashes, lopsided balance and lost saves – fans who bought the first edition of the game from stores had to endure all this. The Internet in those days was weak, and therefore a lot of patches had to be expected in the disks included with gaming magazines - and only a month after the game was released, fans who had already hated Gothic 3 were finally able to play it normally.

And the game turned out to be luxurious. Huge world with two dozen cities, a cool life simulation, a deep leveling system that does not incline you to choose a specialization, and a redesigned combat system - all this literally sucked the player into Gothic. Alas, devastating reviews and total negativity from players in the first weeks after the release completely killed off all possibilities for generating hype - and therefore the third “Gothic” sold poorly, and the developers transferred all the developments to Risen.

One of the main successes of Risen is its setting. The pirate theme turned out to be close to the players, which is why even those who did not like the original Gothic played Risen. Clearly inspired by Risen, Ubisoft decided to make their own Assassin's Creed about pirates. It turned out even better.

Unlike Risen, there is no such attention to leveling up the character, his loot and, for example, magic resist - instead, Assassin’s Creed offers an unusual combat system, where the player has to act on instincts and reactions - counterattack in time, remove the enemy block on the swing, and, for example, run away when there are too many enemies.

But the main feature of the game was naval ship battles. We took control of the schooner, equipped it with cannons, recruited a crew and off we went. You can either fight with guns and cannonballs or board enemy ships. It looks simply fascinating, and when, after a successful shot, the enemy ship goes to the bottom, you feel real delight. Games haven’t given such emotions for a long time, because Black Flag is still considered the best of Assassin's Creed.


Elex is another direct continuation of the ideas of Piranha Bite. Having finished with the Risen trilogy, the developers moved on to another project - and made perhaps their best game.

Elex is amazing in scale. A huge fantasy world divided into three radically opposing factions: augmented people with the latest technology; Priests relying on magical artifacts and barbarians endowed with insane power are at war with each other on a continent full of various anomalies. In the middle of all this is you, with your philosophy and conviction.

Elex doesn't try to put the hero in a box. You choose your playstyle, proximity to factions and leveling up. The hero is easily able to wield weapons ranged or a staff, and if necessary, can pick up a sword - but given the peculiarities of the local world, you often still have to choose a leveling branch. However, due to the uniqueness and versatility of the local universe, Elex does not get boring at all. This is a very deep, thoughtful, complex role-playing game that embodies all the ideas laid down in the very first Gothic. A real swan song for Piranha Bite, for whom Elex may well last game like Risen.

Games like Gothic, offer to update the entire fantasy RPG (computer role-playing game). Like the Witcher, they challenge the pre-existing rules of the RPG genre and present it in a unique way. The Kingdom of Myrtana suffers from attacks by hordes of orcs. The king tries to do something after a lost battle. To maintain the possessions, magic ore is required, this will allow you to forge a powerful weapon in order to get out of the resulting impasse.

Khorinis is a large colony useful for ore mining, where prisoners are walled up inside and cannot overcome a mysterious barrier. The gamer enters this colony, discovering that it is in chaos. The colony split into three factions, leaving the player to choose who to fight with and against. Players can join people who remain loyal to the king and Kingdom of Myrtana, rebels who want to leave, or the Brotherhood who worship an old god.

10. Dark Souls: Prepare to Die

Dark Souls: Prepare to Die is the first part of the legendary series. In Prepare to Die, you must focus on the city of Lodran, which is preparing you to die. During the game you encounter various traps, mobs, dragons and demons. The whole world is cruel, and you will have to discover the death of others in order to be able to learn how to learn to survive.

9. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Create any character imaginable to explore the rich and vibrant world of Cyrodill. The task is carried out with the Knights of the Nine, it is of course a big risk to go through the chaos and madness of the Shivering Isles, but you have the opportunity to grow in the game as a thief, wizard, fighter or assassin. The choice is yours in this insanely detailed and mesmerizing game.

8. Red Dead Redemption

Play as John Marston, a former criminal who is now forced to turn against his old partners in the criminal world to protect those he loves. Make your way across the American border as you complete missions, have the opportunity to collect outfits and try your hand at poker. With an amazing multiplayer feature, the game will keep you coming back to play the story again and again.

7. Fallout 4

Fallout 4 may become a story dedicated to the year 2287 in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. The event takes place after the nuclear destruction of the United States. The main character may be the Sole Survivor who learns about the murder of his wife and the kidnapping of his son. From now on, he is on a mission to find his son in the land of the Commonwealth.

6. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Latest Single player game a series Elder Scrolls, Skyrim takes you into the cold landscape of the northern province of Tamriel, torn apart by strife, civil war and the recent doomsday dragon plague. In this open world RPG you can grow your character in ways you can only imagine.

5. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

Explore the entire world of Amalur in a story created by author R.A. Salvatore. Create a unique character and customize him with different abilities, weapons, skills and armor. Save the world from being torn apart by war. Seize control of immortality to become the first warrior who can be resurrected. Use fate as your tool in this fantasy epic.

4. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen It starts out incredibly difficult. You have lived your daily life still as a peaceful resident of a fishing village. So naturally, when a huge dragon attacks your village, you take your sword and aim it. In addition to you trying to defend yourself, the dragon is trying to become something much bigger than you.

3. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Play as Geralt, a man in an exhausting race with humanoid creatures specially created to kill monsters. Your exploration will take you around the entire military land, solve puzzles, interact with strange characters and sit down to play rare cards with your content!

2. Ryse: Son of Rome

Here you play as Marius Titus, a Roman soldier who travels with the Roman army to Britain to avenge a family killed by barbarians. Rise through the ranks and become a leader of men and a defender of the Empire on a quest for revenge. Enjoy brutal, authentic combat in this cinematic exploration of history.

1.Neverwinter Nights

Grow your PC in an exciting campaign lasting over 60 hours. Defeat the cult, cure the plague, save the cities, all while passing through the Sword Coast of the Forgotten Realms. Based on the hit Dungeons & Dragons Neverwinter Nights, you can customize your character the way you want. The toolkit allows you to create personal scenarios and mods.

On this page we have collected best games similar to Gothic. This series is known to most gamers as one of the ancestors RPG genre and for many it is still the standard of quality. Many of today's projects have failed to eclipse the Gothic star, and this despite impressive advances in graphics and computer capabilities. However, there were still several worthy competitors.

More details


Probably the most similar game to Gothic, not only in its gameplay, but also in its plot. Both games begin almost identically: a beggar and ragged character appears in an unfamiliar place, after which the thread of the plot begins to gradually unwind and the hero finds a meaning to existence. The gamer is asked to enter into a confrontation with the High Inquisitor Mendoza, who holds an island lost in the ocean at bay. To do this, the player will have to weave intrigues, run back and forth on quests and, of course, chop up the local fauna, including ordinary people. As you progress through the story, the hero acquires new abilities, including both combat and peaceful ones. This system is familiar to everyone who has downloaded a game similar to Gothic at least once. In terms of graphics, it is not inferior to many modern projects, although this RPG came out more than 5 years ago.

The Witcher 2

The second part of the famous RPG series, created based on the fantasy novels of the Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski. The plot of The Witcher 2 continues the story of Geralt, who has become even more like a walking buzz saw. In any case, compared to the first part, the number of corpses left behind by the end of the game increased noticeably. Another feature of the project is the abundance of sex scenes, which cannot be avoided, no matter what tricks you use. For those who like to fight, the developers have prepared a powerful system of combo attacks, seasoned with a large number of magical skills, which Geralt uses without a twinge of conscience at any opportunity. Finally, the game features bosses, some of them also being witchers.

Fable 3

This game like Gothic managed to form its own army of fans. Already in the first part of the series, the developers set a course for creating the most realistic and believable world, and in Fable 3 this intention took shape in an amazing universe where NPCs that look like soulless mannequins are as nonsense as a blaster in the hands of a Gothic hero. Relationships with NPCs in Fable 3 are reminiscent of the well-known series - people in this game behave at ease and relaxed, and do not at all resemble those blockheads that we are used to seeing in other RPGs. Fable 3 also seduces with its incredible style and abundance of details, which is noticeable in any gameplay video.

Two Worlds

A good RPG that tells the story of a simple guy who, under the pressure of circumstances, turns into a seasoned mercenary who has to find 5 parts of a powerful artifact that can unleash universal evil. Connoisseurs of games like Gothic will guess that no evil will be released, but main character by the end of the story he will finish off all the bad guys. The presence of a predictable plot does not negate the advantages of the game: Two Worlds allows you to make a real multi-avatar out of your character, for which you just need to find the right trainers who will unlock hidden talents. The desire to download the game will become even stronger if you remember the combat, which looks extremely dynamic even without the use of skills. Sharp blows, fluid movements, excellent animation - fights in Two Worlds can be compared to watching a good historical action movie, even if you play as a magician.

Gothic X Project

Many Gothic fans have probably wondered what the online game of the same name could look like. There is still no answer to this question, although some attempts are being made to bring the series online. We are talking about the Gothic X Project, which was announced back in 2008, but until that time had failed to show any acceptable results. It is known that the battles in Gothic X Project will be session-based, which clearly does not fit into the concept of the series, which has always been famous for its open world. All this suggests that we still have a long time to wait for a high-quality online game like Gothic.

Other games:

  • Risen
  • Fable 3
  • Two Worlds
  • Gothic X Project

“Gothic” is an epoch-making series of role-playing games in which we transform into strong warriors with magical abilities and go on an unforgettable adventure, wanting to save the world. But all games are completed sooner or later, sometimes even several times. Of course, mods come out, for example, Gothic X Project. But I don’t want to repeat the same thing, although it would still be nice to return to my favorite atmosphere. For such a case, there are games similar to the legendary Gothic. We will consider them. This will be a review from a reputable portal which makes the list extremely useful. We have a lot of reviews and previews, so read on.

In the games on this list, you control a character from a third-person perspective and lead him forward through the story, facing many challenges and using available equipment to complete quests. Games like the famous Gothic always contain:
- atmospheric soundtrack;
- large open world;
- fantasy elements.
Vivid examples include The Elder Scrolls Oblivion Morrowind and Skyrim. Especially The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim. We invite users of our portal to learn more about similar games.

Risen - Inquisition or bandits

Almost like in the third Gothic, here the beginning of the game is marked by the hero’s arrival on the island. True, in Risen this did not happen of his own free will. Together with Inquisitor Mendoza and the gypsy Sarah, the hero tried to destroy the Titan. But he turned out to be stronger, as a result of which Mendoza teleported, and the hero and Sarah almost drowned. Once on the island, the player will be asked to choose an opposing side. You can become a bandit or join the Inquisition. The game is not allowed to change this information without written confirmation from the player in the form of a click in the appropriate window.

A little later in the story, the character learns the plans of the Supreme Inquisitor, who wants to penetrate the mouth of a mysterious volcano, where incredible power may be stored. To do this, he asks the hero to obtain five crystal disks - the keys to the indestructible door to the volcano. Having obtained everything necessary after titanically difficult quests, the player will be able to please the inquisitor with the keys. It’s better to do this without a cheat, which somehow simplifies the game. What the player learns after opening the door will change his understanding of the world of Risen Action. We won’t spoil it so as not to spoil the pleasure of playing through it. Let's just say that the developers have prepared a lot of interesting things for fans of role-playing adventures, just like in Neverwinter Nights 2. By the way, the project was released on Windows Mac and Xbox.

Fable 3 - another revolution

The third part of this “Gothic” type game takes place fifty years after the events of the second. It turned out that the main character of “Fable 2”, who became the king, died, leaving behind heirs. The eldest son in Fable 3 rules the kingdom, having a younger brother (or sister, depending on the player's choice). The player will have to take control of a blood relative of the current ruler and make a revolution. Why? It turns out that the king turned into a tyrant and made the life of his subjects unbearable.

The main character needs to throw him off the throne and join the ranks of the great kings himself. Only after the revolution it turns out that the former tyrant was not so stupid. An army will soon arrive, which appears once every thousand years. We need to prepare for her arrival. And this can only be done by tyrannizing his subjects. The player in this series will have an important choice - to follow the lead of their friends and remain weak in the face of terrible danger, or to do everything, no matter how terrible, to survive. There will be no clearly white or black actions like “Gothic” - any action will bring positive and negative consequences. Other projects already proposed on this moment also have hints of such a system. And Two Worlds II is also worthy of mention in this context.

The Witcher 1 2 3 - indestructible warrior

The magical adventures of a gray-haired fighter with gothic monsters were successfully transferred from books to virtual reality. The developers came up with an exciting RPG project in the action genre, which combined everything that you can enjoy while holding a sword and traveling through an open fantasy world. They created large open locations with amazing landscapes.

“The Witcher” and “Gothic” have many similarities, but the first one has stepped far forward in terms of technology. The Witcher 2 received enormous popularity. And the third part of The Witcher Wild Hunt RPG franchise has generally become an ideal for most gamers. In terms of graphics, dynamics, quality of storytelling and combat mechanics, the game is one of the best. The main character Geralt is now known to the whole world, largely thanks to his brutality and ability to seduce the most beautiful women on his way. He even became the hero of Soulcalibur VI. However, the above is not enough to fight monsters - Geralt has magical techniques and knows how to destroy every type of monster. This game is really similar to Gothic - try it! Enjoy gameplay and the setting Additional information search on the official website. The Witcher 3 is a must-play!

Dark Souls is an incredibly difficult game

About how hard it is to defeat bosses in action rpg “ Dark Souls”, any gamer knows. From the first part, the game was released in order to test the strength of players accustomed to casualness. And since we are considering the best games similar to “Gothic”, it is worth noting that the setting here is made in the Gothic style - the environment is gloomy, terrifies the traveler and encourages escape. But there is nowhere to retreat, because the main character is a soul trapped in the afterlife, where it must find its place and continue to exist.

This is a role-playing game with good tools for leveling up. Online Games and flash games are famous for their powerful artifacts. But here the objects are not so powerful. Even with top-end equipment, you can “fly away” from an ordinary monster with a few hits if you are not careful. Boss battles generally turn into an almost endless dance with dodging titanic blows. By the way, Dark Souls Remastered yesterday announced another patch for Xbox - perhaps it will become even more difficult. Read the news on all updates on the official website.
