Games similar to Cal of War. Call of War is a tactical strategy about the Second World War. Review of the game Call of War RU

Start playing the online game Call of War in Russian without sending SMS to unknown numbers and without any such murky actions!

In order to start playing Call of War, you don’t need to engage in long searches and registrations on various sites. The Call of War client game must be downloaded, installed on your PC and started playing, minimum time and effort, maximum results.

To achieve the desired result, namely launching the Call of War game, you need to click the "Start game..." button located just below this text, then you will go to the official website of the Call of War game, then download the game, then you just have to start the game and immerse yourself in the new amazing world of Call of War.

Don't forget to look at the system requirements of the client game Call of War, compare them with the characteristics of the computer (PC) / laptop on which you will play the online game.

It should be immediately noted that, regardless of the requirements, on most computers and laptops you can run almost any game, including Call of War, only in some cases you will have to set the graphic settings to minimum.

So you can play Call of War online without any problems, try, install and play exciting online projects!

Play the Call of War client game in Russian for free, go to a new world in search of adventure and new achievements along with thousands of other players!

Fans of large-scale, tactical strategies will be pleased. Playing Call of War 1942 is one continuous, not easy, but quite exciting activity. It is strengthened by the fact that the Call of War game is in Russian, the actions unfold in real time. Everything happens in the distant, bloody year of 1942. For our people, this is a painful, yet very attractive topic. Everyone wants to get in touch with that difficult era for our people. Unfortunately, the developers moved the theater of military operations to Europe and distant North America. It is not clear what they were guided by. Especially with overseas territory. Let's leave it on their conscience, especially since we are not able to change anything. Let's move on to the game itself.

You will be greeted by the official registration page, designed in military style. Next, according to the worked out scenario. We choose a name for ourselves, preferably a sonorous and memorable one. Enter your email address, which must be valid. We come up with a password that would make the devil break his leg. Or we do the same thing through a social network. As you can see, nothing complicated, clear, quick. You are in the project. The official website, in the full understanding of this term, is not here as such. If, usually, the game process and the game website, with all its functionality, are completely different pages, then in our case, everything is combined into one whole. Where you play is where you “live”. It’s good or bad, we won’t say. As they say, to each his own. I like it, great. No, it doesn’t matter, nothing can be changed.

Game Features

The ability to have your own military bases in occupied territories. Support your regime with aviation, navy, motorized and ground forces. Do not leave “white” spots on the map. Wherever possible, your soldier's foot should step;
Economy, production, war, concepts of the same order. Thoughtful interaction between them will make your nation great;
Without the loyal attitude of the population and the army, it is difficult to avoid unrest and spontaneous riots. Follow the mood of the masses, do not give reasons for discontent;
Stagnation led to the collapse of more than one army. Master new types of weapons. Make active use of scientific developments. Try to stay one step ahead of progress;
Surprise is the key to success. Make unexpected raids behind enemy lines. Those whose actions can be calculated will meet a sad end. For the enemy, you should always be a mystery.
Battles take place “automatically”. The victory will be won by the one who, before the duel, correctly deploys his troops, chooses more successful tactics, has more trained personnel, and so on;
Create intelligence cadres. The spy network must envelop the entire enemy territory. Knowledge is power. In war, this is especially valuable;
The enemy must not sleep peacefully. Sabotage groups must “remind” themselves around the clock. There is no point in limiting ourselves to destruction alone. By working in the right direction with the population, you will inflict no less damage on the enemy;
There is no desire to communicate, join coalitions, it’s up to you. Play alone. It will be difficult, but that makes it interesting. If you change your mind, the doors of communities are always open to you;
Declare wars, impose sanctions on those you don’t like, block trade routes. In a word, wage a full-fledged war, with all the consequences.

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Beginning of the game

First of all, you need to go through “quarantine”, better known as the “young fighter course”. The training is not large, but meaningful. The main thing is not tiring. The fact that the Call of War game is now released entirely in Russian has greatly simplified life for the players. It is advisable not to ignore this point. After all, you have to manage the masses, and armed ones at that. You will be taught the basics of army management, reproduction, resource extraction, infrastructure construction, and so on. Let's take a look at the list of buildings that need to be rebuilt first:

Barracks - provide the army with human resources;
Industrial complex - resource extraction, factories, financial institutions and much more;
Fortifications are defensive structures that allow the rear to feel relatively safe;
Military bases - the formation of your army begins here.

We won’t list everything. Separately, we note “scientific research”. At first, when you just start playing the free browser game Call of War 1942, they are not relevant, but later, without them, it’s like “without hands.” Without careful development of this point, your army will never become modern.

In general, if you outline the basic strategy for the game, your ultimate goal is world domination. Achieve this in all available ways. Make alliances, develop diplomacy, strengthen the economy, train the army.

Infantry - includes the most diverse people. In addition to professional military personnel, militias can join the army (in difficult times for it). However, motorized, mechanized ground forces are considered the most mobile, combat-ready unit.
Armored vehicles - in addition to armored vehicles, this type of military includes artillery, air defense (anti-aircraft guns), light and medium armored vehicles. It is clear that every player wants to take offensive action. However, you should not forget about defense. Defensive structures equipped with firing points and pillboxes will bring nothing but benefit;
Air force - air supremacy often becomes the determining factor. A properly planned raid will ensure a positive outcome of the battle in advance. The use of bombers should be a priority. Without forgetting about the clear sky above your head. No one dares to disturb your army from the air. To do this, you will have nimble interceptors at your disposal, ready to fly out and eliminate the threat at any second;
The Navy is the sea, another element where your superiority should be dominant. The list of the most significant ships must include destroyers, cruisers, battleships, and submarines. Submarines are incredibly good in terms of sabotage warfare. Play and evaluate;
The secret services are a branch of the military that everyone uses according to their own understanding. It is impossible to predict where the missile silos will be located. Where exactly will the railway artillery begin to destroy the tracks? Where exactly the troops will land or where the nuclear aircraft carrier will appear.

As we mentioned above, battles take place automatically. All you have to do is calculate everything and send the troops into battle. We will have to show the talents of a commander. Based on intelligence data, having carefully studied the enemy, finding out the deployment of his troops, position your units in accordance with the situation. Everything must be on time. Art. Preparations, air raid, massive attack from the sea. Victory depends entirely on you.


Everything that moves, shoots, flies, walks on the sea can, no, must be pumped up. The process, frankly speaking, is not fleeting. But the results exceed expectations. You don’t have to look far for examples. He flew in your Air Force, not a plane, but a “stick with wings.” After a couple or three hours, you get a modern jet plane. The military base is experiencing energy shortages. Why, the matter has arisen. It's time to change the run-down power plant to a nuclear one. The question will disappear by itself. For all these “miracle transformations”, resources are needed. What exactly is being used:

Money, gold bars;
Metal, rare materials;
Combat strength, special literature;
Food, oil, essential goods.

If, for example, it’s really a burden, it’s simply unbearable, for example, to wait for the factory to provide you with the necessary products, you can find the necessary goods at an auction, exchange with “comrades” or buy from them.

Call of War - Our impressions

A free multiplayer project in the strategy genre, the game Call of War 1942, which we began to play from the day it appeared, left a pleasant impression. Let’s face it, the process is not common, not everyone will like the fact that some part of the “work” is done by a computer. We're talking about battles. But everything else pleased me. Every action you take carries a certain meaning. Every step influences the course of events. This is really interesting. In addition, for a game in the strategy genre, the project was noted for its high-quality graphics. For a browser, this is very, very worthy. After this, the lack of control over units in battle somehow quietly fades into the background. It becomes not critical. Finally, the fact that from now on and forever and ever, Call of War in Russian is simply wonderful. In a word, we highly recommend it. You will not regret.


Your first game will be a tutorial game, designed to introduce you to the very basic mechanics of Call of War. You will learn how to create units, how to construct buildings, upgrade and research, as well as how and where to use gold (premium currency). You will start with a random nation on a random map, but later the game may offer you a free choice of country. You can skip the training. But we suggest you complete it. Who knows, maybe there will be a gift for you after you complete it.

Welcome to the world of Call of War - go and conquer all of Europe!

Now you are the leader of a powerful nation during World War II.

Your nation consists of several different provinces:

Each province can produce a resource.

There are many different buildings that you can build in your provinces (depending on other buildings and structures that you already have).

Use mouse drag to move your units.

Joining and creating a game

Click on the "Games" tab to open the games menu. While My Games shows your current games with all the important information, New Games is the place to create or join other games. Games that you no longer play or that have ended can be moved to the archive. After several days (or weeks) of storing this game, the archive will begin to clear.

Join us

When you click “New Games”, you will be able to select one of the games offered to you. However, you can search for a specific option (if a friend has opened a game they'd like to join) or use the Search Options filter, for example for a specific map type.


To create a game, click "Create" on the cross in the upper right corner. You can name your game and add a description. While the name is required, the description is optional.

Creation options

If you scroll down the page, you will see various options that can be used when creating a game: "Golden features" are only available to players with a Premium account. Elite AI (Artificial Intelligence, that is, those countries that are not processed by the players, but by the game engine) is the so-called “golden feature”, when used, 5000 gold is deducted from your account, as well as from each player who joins this game. If you have a Premium account, joining and creating “golden features” is free. "Country Selection" allows you to set up a game where everyone can choose their favorite country.

The "Newspaper" will keep you up to date with all the current events in the game and is also quite a powerful tool for all country leaders (i.e. for players): read the latest headlines and propaganda messages for today about friend or enemy. You can also view details about the war, such as casualties and the total number of soldiers killed on both sides.

Write articles

Log in to the newspaper through the newspaper button under the profile panel.

After you open the newspaper, you will see 4 important things in the title: the top left above the title is the game identifier, the top right is the date and current day of a particular game. On the left side there is a newspaper number. Click "Write an article" to publish a message in the Newspaper. You can select a title that matches your shocking revelations and enter your text.
However, if you feel that your article may cause diplomatic problems, you can check the "Anonymous" checkbox to have your article published incognito. Otherwise, it will be published as an official government communique from your country. Members of the High Command (premium status) can additionally upload an image.

Other functions

The first striking feature may be the map, which depends on the game you choose. It will be updated once a day. Jump to Old Events Newspapers will always show the map as it was on that day. This way you can get an idea of ​​current events in Europe, such as the spread of nations.
Red icons that resemble flames indicate where uprisings are occurring (province below 30% morale) or where war may be ongoing.

The nation index is sorted by victory points:

In the game information you can find valuable information such as the number of victory points needed to win the game, or even see how much time is left until the next day. If there are any rules for this game, you can see them here.

Statistics will show you 1 of 4 details of the game (depending on the day), such as: countries with the largest economies, most technologically advanced countries, the most powerful armies in the world and the richest countries.


Next to the newspaper you can find a button for diplomacy. Here you can check and sort by country the different tabs. You can see who is active, their relationships, the number of points they have and the number of provinces. Here you can go to the “Messages and transactions” section.

Here you can communicate with other players, be they allies or enemies. You can also trade relationships, resources, provinces or armies.


Diplomatic relations are an important aspect of the game. Your choice is whether you want to declare war on someone or become allies. The decisions you make determine whether you reach the end of the game. There are many options to choose from, so choose carefully.
Here are 6 types of relationships you can have with another country.

War: You and the enemy country are at war. Any units that overlap will fight. Any units in the bombardment zone will be damaged and any crossing of an enemy province or reaching a point (city point) will result in that province being captured. There is an automatic embargo on both sides.

Embargo: You cannot use the market to purchase offers from a country in which you have been embargoed.

World: markets are open (no embargoes). You receive no moral penalties from war.

Right of Passage: Grants access to passage through territory through an allied country without declaring war.

Map details: a full-fledged alliance, in which you can see the territory and troops of an ally in the same way as he himself sees them.

Intelligence Sharing: Same as Map Details, but plus the ability to share received intelligence (only available to High Command members). For example, you are Morocco, share a map with Turkey, and then Turkey shares a map with you. Now you can see both the land of Morocco and the land of Turkey.

You can propose a relationship to someone through the first page of diplomacy by clicking on the relationship icon. This will give you a choice of what to offer. This does not always mean that the player will immediately respond to what you offer him. This is useful when working with AI. If you submit a proposal for a right of way, they usually respond within 2-3 days.

Another way is to create a trade with a player to whom you can offer a relationship in exchange for something else. This is much easier when working with active players. So you cannot trade with AI.


Research plays a crucial role in Call of War. You won't be able to create a unit without researching it.
The research tab is located in the upper left corner, below the flag and next to the diplomacy tab - its icon looks like a microscope:

The research function or technology tree consists of 5 different branches: infantry, armored, air, naval and secret. On the right side you can see research slots, information about the corresponding module and the time required to research it. Select what you need and click “Start Research” to start studying the technology. Each use of research features costs a fee. The price depends on the technology itself and can be seen in advance in the lower right corner. Research can be accelerated with gold.

If you look closely at the technologies available for research, you will see 4 different colored dots in the lower right corner of each of them. An orange dot on the units image means the device can be researched, blue means the device is currently being researched, green means the device has already been researched, and red means the device is not available for research.


Coalitions are similar to alliances, but coalitions are only active in one game. Therefore, you need to create a new one for each map you play on.
A coalition is a good way to interact and communicate with allies. In the upper left corner you can find a button to open the coalition menu.

Building a Coalition
To create a coalition, you simply need to click on the create coalition button. You can then enter a title, description and attach an image for the flag. Make sure the image is not too large, otherwise you will not be able to download it. Once you have created a coalition, other players can apply to join it.

Joining a coalition
To join an existing coalition, you need to click on the information button. The coalition leader will then receive your application and make a decision.

Leaving the coalition

To leave a coalition, simply click "My Coalition" and use the "Leave Coalition" button.

Provinces and buildings

Each nation starts with a certain number of provinces, some of which produce resources, while others only produce manpower and money. Human resources and money are produced all over the world (which means in every province). Provinces are also distinguished by the number of Victory points they provide you. Some provinces do not give Victory points at all.

If you click on a province, you will be able to see the daily production on the far left of the pop-up window (shows resource, money and manpower. Clicking on the "i" icon next to productivity will show you resource production, daily consumption (if it is your province) and population .

Another valuable information you see is when you press the "i" next to Morale. This will show the morale level, morale trend (level of combat power in the province), military strength (if the army is stationed in the city) and morale influence (factors affecting the development of morale, such as distance from the capital).

Low morality in a province can lead to an uprising - this province declares itself part of another country. Daily intake is very important - failure to fill it results in low morale. Losing food/oil will begin the process of decreasing morale.
To raise morale in the province, you can either use gold or increase their daily consumption, after which morale will slowly increase as the day changes. Additionally, building fortifications and placing your capital close to provinces can help with this.

Victory points, province type and terrain

In the upper right corner of the province menu you can see information about the type of province. Newly captured provinces have a production penalty of -75%. They have a striped background. You can also see the flag on the left and find out who owns the selected province.

The star next to the province type indicates the number of Victory points. This is what you need to achieve the necessary condition to win the game. The number of points varies depending on the province and the amount of points it provides. At the end of the game, all remaining active players receive gold from Victory Points.

The image on the right edge (the city in this picture) shows what territory the province is in. Terrain is a key factor that will influence the outcome of many battles.

Each type of terrain has different features:
Plains- motorized devices are faster on plains. Tanks can use their agility to inflict more damage on their opponents. Motorized armored units receive a +50% bonus on the plains.
Hills- varied terrain that can be used by both infantry and mechanized units to their advantage. Militia receives a +75% bonus.
Mountains- mountains reduce the movement speed and combat power of all units. Only the landing force has special training to successfully fight on this terrain (bonus + 100% strength). Motorized/armored units have a 25% penalty.
City- tanks are slow and easy targets for infantry units in urban battles. All motorized armored units have a -50% penalty. Tanks, in addition to the fortification penalty, have half their maximum HP (Health Points).

Construction, production, spies

While the button "Construction" opens a menu for building buildings, "Production", on the other hand, allows you to create troops. Function "Spies" shows the number of active spies and allows you to hire or fire spies. In your country, the last function on the right is the “Rally Point”, which can be set to gather your troops. In a foreign country, you will see the ruler, as well as their attitude towards you (for example, peace or war).

In Call of War you have the choice between 34 different units from 5 different types: infantry, armored, air, naval and secret. Each of these types offers a set of unique features regarding speed in different terrains and strengths or weaknesses in combat with other units on different terrain. Units must be researched and require certain buildings to produce them. The information button (i) on the research tab will tell you more about specific units.


Each unit requires certain resources for daily maintenance. Failure to provide for your troops will reduce their morale. If a unit is moving, the information block (bottom center) will show the province in which the unit is moving, travel time and arrival time.

To boost morale, you can use Gold or leave them out of combat in one of your provinces. You can specify a name for certain units (battleships and nuclear bombers) - to view the name, you select the unit and then select its image (square icon).

Here you can access very useful information such as: enemies destroyed, status, damage efficiency at the state level, the battalion the unit is part of and the number of units. Unit attributes can only be viewed under information about the unit itself.
Aircraft have a range - You can see a unit's range by clicking on it. The white circle is the range of the aircraft without the need to stop for refueling at another air base.

Damage effectiveness based on condition

Damage effectiveness is the overall combat ability that a set of units adds up to.

Having more units (of the same type) reduces the damage effectiveness, meaning they don't fight at their full potential. For this reason, large units can stay on the battlefield longer. Therefore, finding a balance between them is important during your conquests.

Attack: Select the control block (bottom right) and give them the attack command or simply drag them to the province you want to attack. If your army intersects with an enemy army, or when its path passes through the main city in a hostile province, a battle begins. If your army wins the battle, the remaining troops will carry out the previously given command and continue moving in the original direction. If you and your ally attack a province at the same time, the army that does not attack first will not receive that province and will cancel its attack.
March: Moves the unit to the selected point.
Separation: Splits your army into several parts.
Delay: delays the movement of the army and forces it to reach its goal at a certain time. Selecting multiple armies will force them to reach their goal at the same time.
Forced March: Increases movement speed by 50%, but gives 5 morale damage per hour.
Add Target: Provides the ability to select additional targets.

Combat system

If all diplomacy has failed and a peaceful alliance is no longer possible, then this is the time to take control of your troops.


Most attacks happen automatically: if your army crosses path with a hostile army or when its path passes through a city in a hostile province, battles begin. If your army wins the battle, the troops will carry out the previously given command and begin moving in the original direction. Artillery also has an automatic bombardment feature: an idle long-range weapon will begin firing at the nearest enemy. It is often better to have units automatically select targets instead of being given orders themselves.
Even infantry has range. Thus, it may happen that your army begins to fight before it reaches its goal. In this case, the battle will be completed before the army begins its journey to the goal.
In some cases, more than one country will launch an attack on the same enemy province. If your ally wins a province before you do, your units will continue to attack the city and automatically trigger a war between you and your ally. To avoid this, you must not attack the city and withdraw your troops in time.


If it turns out that your troops pass through the city of another country, then they will automatically enter into battle when they meet the troops of the country through which they pass. This occurs when another country's status in your country is either "war", "trade embargo", "ceasefire" or "peace". Peace simply means that specific troops will not launch attacks when they are in range (in the case of weapons with range, like artillery, rails or battleships). The only way for them to cross roads in one of these statuses without causing war while they are in international territory (such as at sea).
Countries that have the right of passage, a common map, or common intelligence can meet and pass anywhere on the map without starting to fight.

Spy Headquarters gives you the opportunity to spy on other countries or protect yourself from espionage. It is located on the vertical left side of the screen.

Select the province you want to place the spy in, and choose between scouts, economic sabotage, and military sabotage. Recruiting a new spy costs $15,000.


Select the province you want to protect and assign spies. Spies will complete their mission and receive money once a day, but can also be caught. There is no limit to how many spies you can send into a province! Different types of spies have different abilities:

Counterintelligence: Shows enemy spy activity on your territory.
Scouts: collect information about the enemy’s diplomatic relations and economic activities.
Economic spies: cause damage to morale in the province they hit, and also destroy resource production.
Military spies: Try to interfere with the enemy's military plans and infrastructure.


Gold is the premium currency in Call of War. It can be used to obtain various special functions. You can also play very successfully without gold, but using gold can also be a decisive factor in winning.
The premium account is called High Command. As a member of the High Command, you can use certain functions that are not available to other players. In addition, among other things, you will receive better opportunities for cooperation with other players and it will be more convenient for you to control your units and production.

Some premium account features:

- Free game creation
- Rally points
- Creating a queue (in production)
- Advanced fire control
- Joint reconnaissance
- Ability to upload pictures in the newspaper

Main functions

Gold can be used in many different aspects of the game: it allows you to research and build faster, reduce enemy morale, start a propaganda campaign to boost your morale, and much more. Every function that allows you to use gold has a gold button. Even resources can be purchased with gold. This example shows an opportunity to speed up your research:

Army reinforcements

If your troops are fighting for a long period on foreign soil or are weakened by a forced march, you have the opportunity to boost their morale by sending them reinforcements. Costs are based on the total army size: the higher the attack power, the more expensive the gold costs. Thus, increasing the number of mechanical units is more expensive than infantry units, since they have more attack. The morale boost can be found in the Army Information window next to the Morale label. If you click over the button, the costs for that selected army will be shown.

Acceleration of construction

If you are constructing a building, you can reduce the construction period of the building by 12 hours. This is possible in the corresponding province, by clicking on the "Acceleration" button in the "Province Information" window or by clicking on the image of a building under construction, which will take you to the assembly menu, where you can also speed up production by 12 hours for only 850 gold.

Accelerating unit production

Just like reducing construction time, you can do the same with units at the same cost of 850 gold to speed up production by 12 hours. This is possible in the relevant province, with the "Acceleration" button in the "Province Information" window or by clicking on the image of a building that is in production, which will take you to the build menu.

Spy missions

At Spy Headquarters you will also find, in addition to the usual options, the opportunity to recruit an experienced spy. With this option, you don't have to wait and the spy reports will be displayed immediately. The expectation of working at headquarters every night is not applicable for such a spy.

This is a completely new real-time military strategy game announced in 2017. Currently, it is only available in the browser version on the official website, but it is also worth noting that its copy will be presented in the Steam version for personal computers with the client in October this year. Positioned as a simulator of the Second World War, where you can completely change the course of history and conquer the world using various tactics and maneuvers.

Game Features

After the start, you are immediately sent into training mode, where you need to complete several simple missions to understand the basics of the game. Already here you will receive starting resources that will help you build your first and most important buildings. The main task of the player is to destroy enemies on the map around him, conquering new territories, and build more and more buildings, improving each of them. Basically, nothing new.

But Call of War 1942 has a very thoughtful gameplay system that is not built on the linear extraction of only one resource. You will have access to 8 different types of resources, each of which is intended for different buildings, hiring units, and purchasing individual options. This includes provisions, money, gold, rare items, metal, oil, goods and combat strength. It’s very rare to see strategies with such a spread of resources, and it’s encouraging!

Which strategy to use is up to you to decide. But during the game you will have to build a large number of factories, various factories, stations. There are indeed a lot of buildings, and each of them has its own priority and purpose. With the help of some buildings it will be possible to significantly increase the production of certain resources, and with the help of others, it will be possible to open access to special units.

Particular attention should be paid to the tactical capabilities of the project. Here you will not just mindlessly destroy your enemies, but think through tactics. It doesn't have to be a bloody fight. For example, you can mislead the enemy, sometimes blackmail, rob and, in the end, mercilessly kill using units and equipment.

The game has 6 production categories, namely:

  • Buildings with which you can significantly increase the player’s potential;
  • Infantrymen, who are the main units for combat;
  • Naval forces (mostly ships);
  • Air Force (air support);
  • Equipment is the basis of combat power (artillery, heavy equipment, support equipment, etc.);
  • Elite units and equipment.

Each unit and technique has its own level of development. And the higher a given level, the greater priority it has in battle. Accordingly, you will have to think through not only battle tactics, but also tactics for the development of each type of soldier and equipment.


For a browser game, the gameplay is generally good, but it’s worth noting right away that these are not the usual games that you usually see on monitor screens. Here you do not see the process of the battle itself, and you do not participate in it. All that is in your field of vision is a large map where different sectors (yours or the enemy's) are located. You see the countries they belong to and a few lines of description.

On the top panel you have a resource panel, where data on each type of extracted or looted resource is updated in real time. During the process of constructing and selecting buildings, you see complete information about each object, but the construction process itself is hidden. Only the countdown timer is visible and nothing more. Combat, as a rule, depends not on your skills, but on the number of units in your army and its types, pumping. In fact, it is quantity and quality that decides, but not skill.

But it cannot be said that the project is based only on this. It is important to think through every move of constructing and selecting buildings, leveling up units, capturing territories, choosing the priority for extracting a particular resource, so in general the browser is very well thought out and balanced. And against the backdrop of all its qualities, the lack of unit management is a minor minus.

Call of War 1942 graphics

Just look at the Call of War trailer! This is a real bomb. You can compare it with Wargaming projects, for example, with the same ships or tanks. Yes, but you shouldn’t expect such 3D effects! This is just an attempt to attract players, but in reality you only get part of the video presented.

Nice graphics, user-friendly interface with various tabs and footnotes with descriptions. The strategy is also available in the Russian version. An excellent dynamic map that allows you to examine in detail even those few graphic elements, which, by the way, are drawn very well.

On the map you will see all the units used, but not in full quantity, but only in single units. Icons with quantities will be displayed next to them so as not to confuse the user.

The game, to be honest, is not for everyone. Yes, this is a strategy, but a very unique one. Not every gamer will like a project where some of the operations are performed for him. Well, what did you expect from a browser game? But the question arises, what are the developers preparing for us in the version for Steam? Well, we'll find out in October! But there is a very well-thought-out gameplay system, where literally for every resource you need to wage war in different ways. Large selection of troops, a huge number of unit types, developed infrastructure.

Other names of the game Call of War: Call of Var.

Game type: Client

Status: Game started

Distribution model: Free, Free-to-Play (F2P)

Availability of Russian language in the game: Yes, the game has Russian language

Steam gamers in the game: Approximately 130 gamers are playing Call of War on Steam right now!

Popular tags on Steam: Free Game, Strategy, World War II, War, MMO, Military, Grand Strategy

Find out more details about the Call of War strategy, this page provides an overview of this free online game, as well as screenshots (11 screenshots), videos, trailers, gameplay videos, announcements, release date, game rating, system requirements, dates of OBT, CBT and other useful and interesting materials on the Call of War game project are collected in one place.

The client online game Call of War is a Strategy, developed by Bytro Labs GmbH, the game is available in Russian, this project has many features that are interesting to players, including 2D graphics, military, in Russian, it should be noted that the online game Call of War can be downloaded for free, which means you can start playing immediately after installation.

Over the past month, 2 news have been released on Call of War on Steam, which means that the developers have not abandoned the game and are actively making corrections, new content and supporting the game in every possible way, among the news are the following:

  • 2019.08.02, Doomsday
  • 2019.07.24, New Feature: Scenario Rotation

Call of War System Requirements

Below are the minimum system requirements for the game Call of War, if the computer meets these requirements or better, then the game should run with an acceptable level of frames per second on low graphics settings. If your computer is slightly inferior in performance, then it’s worth trying to run Call of War.

  • OS:Windows XP
  • CPU: Intel Pentium or compatible
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Free disk space: 500 MB

Also check out the complete minimum and recommended system requirements for the free game Call of War, before installing, find out how much the game weighs and will take up space on your computer (PC).

How many people are playing Call of War now?

This game is currently (2019.08.03 04:40) played by approximately 130 gamers via Steam. You just need to remember that the number of players online often changes greatly during the day, come here often, check how many players are online and playing Call of War right now.

Please note that it happens that games released online are available not only through Steam, but also through third-party gaming platforms, as well as on other gaming platforms, Xbox, PlayStation, so there may be even more players online! And of course, we must not forget that most often there are separate servers for different regions.

Screenshots of the online game Call of War

A few screenshots from the game for a quick visual assessment, but don’t rush to conclusions, the first impression can be deceiving, take a closer look, study the interface details, open the screenshots in full screen and try to feel the atmosphere of the Call of War game. Don’t chase instant impressions, the devil is in the details, this is especially true for complex online games and hardcore genres. More screenshots can be found in the section
