Test games 3. Fun tests for girls

We read one of the first tests for girls and young women in a famous fairy tale. The stepmother poured a plate of millet into a plate with poppy seeds and told Cinderella to sort it all out overnight. Cinderella quickly dealt with it - however, with the help of her godmother. It was a test of accuracy and patience.

Our tests are completely different - not tedious. No one claims that they are one hundred percent reliable, but you can still learn a lot of interesting things about yourself from them.

For example, there are tests that will tell you which guy is right for you, who you will fall in love with, which flirting style is closer to you.
Our love calculators will scrupulously, with an accuracy of one percent, calculate whether a fan with such and such a name or zodiac sign is suitable for you.
The "What to Wear Tonight" quiz will give you advice on your outfits without having to rack your brains. And not only about clothes - other tests will tell you what hairstyle you should wear, what shoes, what handbag.

Tests for girls free online

Where else can you find out the whole truth about yourself if not in our tests for girls! Play and be surprised!

Now any modern little lady has heard about the Ever After High dolls and the cartoon too. Surely you have wondered which of them you would like to become, or which of the magical beauties is most like you? The game "Tests 3rd Grade" will help you determine this.

Answer the questions posed only thoughtfully and honestly. This is the only way we can determine which one you are - a lover of stylish clothes, Brier Beauty, or a real tea party princess, Medellin Hetter. It all depends on your views on the world, hobbies and interests. You can play by yourself or with a friend, thereby helping you find out which doll suits her.

You have a wonderful opportunity to find out who looks like you from the famous cartoon and a series of dolls in the game “Tests 3rd grade”. We are sure that you will like it, but if the result does not show the one you consider ideally similar to, start over. Be bold, don’t be afraid to find yourself in the fantasy world of the famous school, and borrow a few secrets of style or communication manners from your favorite heroine. Good luck to you!

Quiz: What kind of celebrity would you be? Game for girls and girls! Quiz: What kind of celebrity would you be? Game for girls and girls in Russian. We have no doubt that if you were in the same situation as the heroines of this test, you would undoubtedly become a celebrity. But this test will tell you which one it is. Good luck!

Test: How well do you know the Oscar-winning cartoons? Game for girls and girls! Test: How well do you know the Oscar-winning cartoons - a test game for girls in Russian, as a memory test. Look closely at the game screen. There you will see pictures with characters from 12 famous cartoons that received an Oscar award from the American Academy of Film Arts in different years. Short texts will appear on the screen one after another. Based on their content, you need to guess what cartoon we are talking about. If your answer is correct, the picture will disappear from the screen. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Test: How well do you know cartoons?

Test: Who are you from the cartoon Lolirock. Game for girls and girls! Test: Who are you from the cartoon Lolirock - a game for girls in Russian. Girls, remember the animated series Lolirock? This cartoon is about friendship, music, dancing, wonderful main characters - princesses Aryana, Thalia and Iris - opposing evil and saving the world from tyranny. And to find out which of them you are similar to in your character, you girls just need to answer all the questions in the test. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Test: Choose a kitten and we'll tell you what kind of cat girl you are. Game for girls and girls! "Test: Choose a kitten, and we'll tell you what kind of cat girl you are" - a cool Test game in Russian. Cats, like people, are good and evil, generous and greedy, smart and stupid, sociable and loners, restless and sleepy. In general, they are different...Do you want to know what kind of cats you are? Then, in each proposed option, simply select the kitten that you like best. The game will evaluate your choice and give you the result. To control the game you need a mouse.

Test: Choose a kitten and we'll tell you which one you are

Test: What will your winter patronus be? Game for girls and girls! Test: What will your winter patronus be - an interesting Test game for girls in Russian. Before moving on to the Test, you girls will need to remember something about Harry Potter. Since we all learned about the story with the patronus from this film. A Patronus is an energy that takes the form of an animal that can scare Dementors away from a person. And dementors, in turn, are blind creatures that feed on the bright, joyful emotions of a person. You probably remember that Harry Potter and his comrades in Dumbledore's squad summoned a patronus using a special spell. Now, girls, fantasize a little and imagine yourself in that fictional world of Harry Potter. You, of course, would like to know who is able to protect you from dementors this winter. To do this, you just need to answer the questions in the test game - “Test: What will your winter patronus be?” Play with the mouse.

Test: Can you recognize a Disney princess by her silhouette? Game for girls and girls! Test: Can you recognize a Disney princess by her silhouette - a game for girls in Russian. Girls, look closely at the shadow of the princess’s silhouette on the game screen and say her name. Each time you will have a small hint. Good luck!

Test: Can you recognize a Disney princess by her si

Test: How similar are you to Rose from the Royal Academy? Game for girls and girls! Test: How similar are you to Rose from the Royal Academy - test game for girls and young women in Russian. Girls, hello! Girl Rose wasted a lot of time. Being keen on shopping, she could spend her last money on all sorts of trinkets. One day an amazing event happened in Rose's life. She received an invitation to study at the Royal Academy. As it turned out, the girl was the granddaughter of Princess Cinderella. The Royal Academy changed Rose into better side. She became no less worthy than Cinderella. And to find out how much you are like Rose, you will need to take this Test. Play with the mouse.

Test: How similar are you to Rose from Corot?

Test: Who are you from the movie Beauty and the Beast? Game for girls and girls! Test: Who are you from the movie Beauty and the Beast - a game for girls in Russian. Girls, you, of course, watched the movie - Beauty and the Beast. And, of course, some were admired, others were indignant. But this cool test game gives you the opportunity to find out if you have those traits for which you can admire yourself, like Belle. Or, on the contrary, treat yourself critically if you suddenly discover in yourself traits inherent in the Monster. However, don't forget. This is just a game. Play with the mouse.

Test: Who are you from the movie Beauty and the Beasts

Test: How well do you know the cartoon Monster High: Under Voltage. Game for girls and girls! Test: How well do you know the cartoon Monster High: Under Voltage - a game for girls in Russian. Girls, if you have watched this most interesting film from the history of the heroes of Monster High, then passing this test will be a pleasure for you. Remember this cool story in which Claudine Wolf will open a beauty salon for monsters and people in an abandoned power plant near the city? So, girls, read the test questions and, remembering the events associated with the electrofashion salon, choose the correct answer. If the answer is indeed correct, it will be highlighted in green. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Test: How well do you know cartoons?

Quiz: Which dress should you wear to the Royal Cotillion? Game for girls and girls! Girls, imagine if you were invited to the royal ball in Auradon. There you will certainly have to dance the ballroom dance Cotillion. Ladies dancing the Cotillion always look elegant and luxurious. Therefore, girls, the dress you wear to the ball should be perfect for such an occasion. “Test: What dress should you wear to the Royal Cotillion” and a mouse will help you cope with this task. Good luck!

Quiz: Which dress should you wear to...

Test: Which Ever After High hero are you based on your zodiac sign? Game for girls and girls! Test: Which Ever After High hero are you according to your zodiac sign - a game for girls and young women in Russian. To find out this, you need to get to your zodiac sign. Then just click on the strip button, Click to find out." On back side the results will appear immediately. Good luck!

Test: Which Ever After High character are you?

Test: Which Mysticon are you? Game for girls and girls! Test: Which Mysticon are you - a game for girls in Russian. Girls, have you watched the series about the Mysticons, the events of which take place in an unusual town in which ordinary people and magical creatures live? One day trouble came here. The sorceress Nekrafa encroached on the country of the Mysticons. Four brave girls - Arkana, Zarya, Piper and Em - dared to confront her. Are you like any of them? Find out! To do this, you will have to answer several questions on this test. The mouse will help you. Good luck! .

Test: Which princess are you from the animated series "Adventure Time". Game for girls and girls! Test: Which princess are you from the animated series "Adventure Time" - a test game for girls in Russian. Girls, remember the main characters of this series? This is the boy Finn and his friend - the dog Jake, who love to travel and rescue princesses from different, terrible situations - Princess Bubblegum, Princess Lumpy Kingdom, Flame Princess, Princess Turtle, Princess Hot Dog, Princess Berry, Princess Slime, Princess Bubblegum, etc. ... And to find out which of these princesses you are like (in character), you, girls, simply need to familiarize yourself with all the questions of this test and select one of the proposed answer options for each of them. The game will analyze them and display its summary. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Test: Which princess are you from the animated series "VR"

Test: Which Disney princess are you? Game for girls and girls! Test: Which Disney princess are you - a game for girls in Russian. Disney princesses - Aurora, Ariel, Snow White, Cinderella, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Mulan, Tiana, Merida, Rapunzel, Anna, Elsa - they are all so beautiful, talented, smart and at the same time all so different. Each of them has its own story of appearing at Disney. There is something to adore for all of them. There are many reasons why you would like to be like them! Girls, have you decided which of them you are like? Not in the literal sense, but in terms of actions, character, thoughts... If not, then the Test: > will help you. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Test: How well do you know Fairytale Patrol. Game for girls and girls! Test: How well do you know Fairytale Patrol - Test game for girls and young women in Russian. This Test game is based on the events of the animated series Fairytale Patrol. Remember the exciting adventures of four young sorceresses- Varya, Alenka, Snezhki and Masha? On the streets of the city of Myshkin they pick up an unusual animal, Sadness, who turns out to be a monster - Tosca. The presence of Tosca in the city threatens its residents with great trouble. But the girls - Varya, Alenka, Snezhka and Masha - united into a friendly team, found a way to control magical powers and therefore were able to save the city from Tosca. Girls, by playing this exciting Test you can find out how well you know the cartoon. And so, let's go! Good luck!

Test: How well do you know the Fairytale Patra

Test: How much do you resemble Princess Rapunzel? Game for girls and girls! "Test: How much do you resemble Princess Rapunzel" - Test game for girls in Russian about Princess Rapunzel and about yourself. I don’t know how you girls feel about Princess Rapunzel, but I just adore her! I hope many of you do too. Therefore, I suggest you take this awesome Test. Go?! And so, read the questions and choose the answer options you like. Your resume will not keep you waiting long. Good luck!

Test: How similar are you to Princess Ra?

Test: How well do you know Lady Bug? Game for girls and girls! Test: how well do you know Lady Bug - a game for girls in Russian. In fact, the brave girl Lady Bug is not called Lady Bug at all, but a beautiful name - Marinet. During the day she is an ordinary schoolgirl, but after school she turns into a super cool girl who guards the peace of the residents of the city of Paris. Our Test is about this brave girl. And if you girls are her fan, we invite you to test yourself: how well you know her. Ready? Then arm yourself with a mouse and go! Good luck!

Test: What kind of valentine are you? Game for girls and girls! Test: What kind of valentine are you - a cool Test game for girls and young women in Russian. Girls, as always, read the test questions and answer them. When all the questions are answered, the game will analyze them and give you its summary. Good luck!

Test: Guess the cat from the quote. Game for girls and girls! Test: Guess the cat by quote - a game for girls and young women in Russian. The heroes of many cool cartoons are cats and cats. We invite you to test yourself to see how much you remember their famous sayings - quotes. And so, all attention is on the game screen. Texts of quotes from cat characters from various cartoons will appear there. Read them and indicate which cartoon they are from. If the answer is correct, it will light up green. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Test: How long could you stay alive in a horror movie? Game for girls and girls! For you, girls, there is a special horror test - “Test: how long could you stay alive in a horror movie?” - after going through which, you will be able to conclude whether you should be more careful and prudent in order to increase your chances of survival in similar situations.

Test: How long could you last in

Test: Can you become a super girl? Game for girls and girls! Are you girls interested in knowing this? If yes, then take this cool test in Russian. The rules of the game are still the same. Get acquainted with the test questions and choose one of the proposed answer options. The game will analyze the answers and give you its summary. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Test: How well do you know the pony Fluttershy. Game for girls and girls! Test: How well do you know the pony Fluttershy - an exciting test game for girls in Russian about a small horse - Pony Fluttershy - created based on the animated children's series, Friendship is a Miracle. So, girls, let's go! Read the test questions and answer them. After reviewing your answers, the game will give you its summary. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Test: Who is your fairy? Game for girls and girls! Test. Who is your fairy - a game for girls in Russian. Girls, do you want to know what type of fairies you are? Then answer the questions in this Test. As an answer, choose one of the proposed options that seems correct to you. To move on to another question, click on the NEXT button. When the Test is passed, you will be given an answer, from which YOU will find out what type of fairies you belong to. Good luck!

Quiz: What Disney princess does your friend look like? Game for girls and girls! Test: What Disney princess does your friend look like - a game for girls in Russian. To find out this intriguing news, you girls will have to answer several questions in this test. Delve into their meaning and choose the answer you like. The game will analyze your answers and give its verdict. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Quiz: What Disney princess is she like?

Test: What kind of princess Elsa are you? Game for girls and girls! Test: What kind of princess Elsa are you - test game for girls in Russian. Girls, we are sure you adore Princess Elsa. But she, like all talented individuals, can be so different in different situations... Do you want to know what kind of Elsa you girls are like personally? It's very easy to do. Read the Test questions and answer them by choosing one of the proposed options as an answer. The game will analyze all your answers and give its conclusion. Good luck!

Quiz: How well do you know Mal from Descendants? Game for girls and girls! Girls, hello! We are offering to you cool game A test in Russian, in which you can test your knowledge of the main character Mel from the Disney film, Descendants." To remind you, a few words about her. Mel is the daughter of Maleficent. She is a student of the Auradon school. Do you remember what she was up to in the film? She wanted steal the magic wand from the Fairy Godmother. And so, girls, get to work! Read the questions and choose the answers to them. Good luck!

Test: How well do you know Mel from Nasledni

Test: Are you Marinette or Ladybug. Game for girls and girls! Test: Are you Marinette or Ladybug - Test game for girls in Russian. Marinette and Ladybug are one person. It’s just that in different situations a girl can be completely different. Marinette is a talented, cheerful girl and at the same time very modest. Ladybug is a different person. She is determined and persistent. It's better not to stand in her way. Do you want to know who you are: Marinette or Ladybug? So do it! Although you won't be disappointed. They're both so cool! Play with the mouse.

Test: Are you a predator or herbivore from Zootopia (Zootopia). Game for girls and girls! Test: Are you a predator or a herbivore from Zootopia (Zootopia) - a game for girls in Russian. Zootopia is the name of the city, which in English is written as Zootopia. The population of the city of Zootopia is famous for the fact that there are no people among them. These are different animals: carnivores and herbivores. So Nick the fox is a predator, and Judy the bunny is a herbivore. This does not mean that Nick is terrible, but still, in his character and way of life, he is different from animals like the charming Judy Hopps. And so, let's start the game. Questions and suggested answers are waiting for you. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Test: Are you a carnivore or a herbivore from St.

Test: Which Monster High cat are you? Game for girls and girls! Test: Which cat are you Monster High - a game for girls in Russian. Girls, I think you've all had to watch ordinary cats. And you, of course, noticed how different they are: proud, affectionate, aggressive, cunning, persistent, timid, etc. Koshy monsters, children of werewolf cats, inherited their character traits from their parents, so it is quite natural that they They are a lot like cats. So, girls, if among you there are fans of these characters, then a cool test is at your service: Which Monster High cat are you. In order to play it, you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Test: Who are you from the cartoon The Secret Life of Pets. Game for girls and girls! Test: Who are you from the cartoon The Secret Life of Pets - a game for girls in Russian. Girls, remember this fascinating story about animals: cats, dogs, rabbits, etc. Main character In this story, the terrier Max found himself in an unenviable situation after the mongrel Duke appeared in his owners' house. There would be a long war. But Snowball the rabbit gathers an army of abandoned animals to take revenge on the lucky ones like Max and Duke. In the face of a common threat, the dogs unite and become friends. So, girls, passing the Test is very easy. Read his questions and choose one of the answer options. The game, as always, will analyze them and give you its summary. Play with the mouse.

Test: Who are you from the cartoon The Secret Life of D

Test: Who are you from the cartoon Elena of Avalor. Game for girls and girls! For you, girls, - Test: Who are you from the cartoon Elena of Avalor - in Russian. Remember her story? She lived happily in her Avalor with her parents and little sister. But suddenly the sorceress Shuraki appeared there, captivated her parents and sister, and with the help of her witchcraft made her part of Sofia the First’s necklace. Sofia unraveled the secret of the necklace and freed Elena. Princess Elena returns to Avalor and, with the help of her friends, finds a way to defeat Shuraki. So, girls, in order to get an answer to the question you are interested in, you will need to answer the questions asked in the Test. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Test: Who are you from the cartoon Elena from Avalo

Quiz: How much do you resemble Princess Moana? Game for girls and girls! Test: How much do you resemble Princess Moana - a game for girls and young women in Russian. Girls, in this game, of course, we are not talking about external resemblance to Princess Moana, but about her magnificent spiritual qualities. To get the answer to this question, you, as always, will need to answer the given test questions. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Test: How similar are you to Princess Mo?

Test. Who's yours best friend from the History of Witchcraft. Game for girls and girls! Test. Who is your best friend from Witchcraft History - test game for girls in Russian. Girls, are you still impressed by the American TV series “A Witchcraft Story” with cute witches? Do you want to know which of them is closest to you in spirit? It will be very easy for you to do this. Read the Test questions. Choose the answers to them and get your characteristics. Good luck !

Test who you are from the Royal Academy. Game for girls and girls! Test: Who are you from the Royal Academy - a game for girls in Russian. Girls, in this game we are talking about the characters of the animated film "Royal Academy" - the girl Rose and other characters she met at the Royal Academy. Remember this unusual story. While Rozuz was at school, she was often late for classes because at that time she visited stores, buying a lot of clothes there. Very often these outfits were not in demand, which Rose greatly regretted. However, this story repeated itself endlessly. Rose's life changed only when she received an invitation to study at the Royal Academy. There she learned that she was Cinderella's granddaughter. So, girls, in order to get an answer to the question you are interested in, you need to familiarize yourself with the Test questions and answer them. And then, as always: the game will analyze Vshi’s answers and give out its summary. Play with the mouse.

Test who are you from the Royal Academy

Test: Which of the new Barbie dolls are you? Game for girls and girls! Test: Which of the new Barbie dolls are you - Test game for girls and young women in Russian. Throughout the history of the Barbie doll, we have seen its numerous modifications. According to cartoons, online games and in real life we could watch how new doll Barbie's facial features, hair color, hairstyle and even skin color changed. From the same sources, we know Barbie as the owner of more than 150 professions, which, of course, made adjustments to her character and lifestyle. With all this, one thing remained unchanged: changing, Barbie always remained the standard of beauty and decency. Girls all over the planet have always wanted to be like her. Now, girls, let’s find out what kind of Barbie you might be like. To do this, you only need to answer a few questions. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Test: Who is your friend in the world of Lady Bug. Game for girls and girls! Test: Who is your friend in the world of Lady Bug - a cool test game for girls and young women in Russian. Girls, you, of course, remember the story of Lady Bug and Super Cat but who pretend to be something other than who they really are. And they are the girl Marinet and the boy Adrian. Both study at school and turn into superheroes at a time when the city of Paris is in danger. Nobody knows who is hiding under their masks. And they, united as Lady Bug and Super Cat, together oppose Hawkmoth, who sends dark butterflies throughout Paris, turning its inhabitants into villains. So, girls, I think you would be very interested to know who from the world of Lady Bug could be yours best friend. It's very easy to do. Give an answer to each question in the Test. The game will analyze them and give you its summary. Good luck!

Test: What kind of heroine are you from My Little Pony. Game for girls and girls! Girls, you, of course, are fans. exciting games series, "Friendship is Magic" - My Little Pony - and are familiar with the characters who came to these games from the famous animated series, the events of which take place in fairyland Equestria, inhabited by Ponies and other animals. Main character of this series - Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle) - on the instructions of Princess Celestia, goes to the city of Poneville, where she finds friends and learns for the first time what true friendship is. The ponies that inhabit Equestria are divided into several types. Among them there are ordinary ponies. They mainly deal agriculture. Pegasus ponies are endowed with wings and are able to fly and walk on clouds. These Ponies control nature. Unicorn ponies are endowed with a magical horn, with which they cast spells. Unicorns have telekinesis. Alicorn ponies have wings and a horn and have properties common to all types of ponies. So, girls, if you want to find out what type of Pony you might consider yourself to be, you just need to answer a few questions of the proposed test. Good luck! Play with the mouse.
