Wings io games. Airplanes io Game wings io airplanes

What is not an airplane is an enemy

Let's imagine that you've already tinkered with the editor: you've chosen a worthy plane, slightly changed its appearance, changed its color, and given it a name. At this point, your possibilities have been exhausted, which means it’s time to leave the boring land. Get into the cockpit, grab the steering wheel tightly and climb up. You won't be alone in the air - dozens of planes of different shapes and colors are waiting for you to join them. Why do you think? They will not at all pirouette with you for company, will not teach you the rules of flight, will not compete; they have a completely different, hostile task - to destroy you.

Having looked around, open fire on the enemies, they have already managed to surround you and are about to shoot back and your plane is unlikely to withstand fire from all sides. If you get your bearings in time and take off, you may gain a couple of extra minutes, but if not, your brand new, but no longer good for anything, plane will fly down and probably crash to pieces. Sounds so-so, doesn't it? Therefore, if you want to stay in the sky as long as possible and prove to your brutal opponents that you are not a weakling, and that the pilot is no worse than them, you should constantly move from one place to another, perform risky stunts to divert attention. Collect bonuses that are generously scattered throughout the sky, because they will help restore the health of your plane.

From beginner to pro it's not just one step

When you first find yourself high above the ground, you will have a hard time. The fire will be almost constant, the enemies will press and attack, and all you have to do is respond to them in kind. Even if you have little experience, the plane is not the most powerful, and the life reserve is rapidly approaching zero - do not give up, fight to the last, until the engines fail.

Destroy enemies in batches, shoot without even aiming. Every killed enemy is a plus to your experience and honestly earned points. Accordingly, the more enemy planes fall from your brave and furious fire, the more you will earn, the stronger you will become. Of course, before you become a professional, you will sit at the controls of hundreds of aircraft, spend tons of liters of fuel, repair and improve your aircraft many times, but the results will make themselves felt. Having passed all the tests, you can proudly be called an ace.

Attitude and preparation play a big role in success. The first is entirely up to you: if you believe in advance in your own victory and don’t doubt it for a minute, then consider that you have already won. With preparation, everything is also quite simple - you have an airplane and some capital, which you can spend on repairing and upgrading the winged transport. You can also improve and expand the capabilities of the aircraft by adding a set of new engines, strengthening the wings, hanging a couple of guns on board, and so on - there are many variations. All you have to do is earn money and then nothing can stop you.

Finding yourself in enemy territory, your character had no idea what problems he would soon have, and now in a game called “Planes io” you have to help him get out of this terrible place. The fact is that the exercises in which your hero took part got out of control, and he ended up on enemy territory. Now he is surrounded on all sides, and no one except you can save the unfortunate pilot. If you're ready to go on the warpath and know for sure that you can help him get out of this hell, then it's time to hit the road.

Your character is completely out of ammo, so in the first minutes of your fight you will not be able to resist your opponents. At this moment, you need to evade the shells flying in your direction and not allow enemies to shoot down your plane. The entire distance that you manage to fly will be recorded, and you can see it at the top of the game window. As soon as you notice that an icon with shells has appeared on the playing field, pick it up and begin your fight. But do not forget that your ammo is limited and as soon as you spend it, you must look for new ones again, because if you do not eliminate enemies, you will not be able to survive.

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  • The developers of Agario decided not to stop with this project and continued their activities, and this is how the game that will be discussed now appeared. To be successful in this browser-based simulator, you need to actively engage in various tasks, the most important of which is survival. And in order to keep your Wings Io character intact, you need to constantly improve and develop it.

    Get ready to take the place of the pilot and get the plane at your disposal, with which you will interact during the passage. This small aircraft is capable of amazing feats. He is able to perform amazing tricks and turns, and is also suitable for collecting bonuses in the game Wings Io. By the way, the latter are scattered everywhere in the game, start hunting for them and fly around the playing field.

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    Don’t even try to soar in a relaxed manner; you need wings to win the fierce battle between airplanes. And the faster you understand the essence of what is happening around you, the faster you will join the active rhythm of the Wings Io game. In the area, vigilant players - your rivals - tirelessly roam the open spaces. They all crave victory, so there is no point in looking for allies here. Once you learn how to repel and parry attacks, half the battle is in the bag, then the game will be easier. And remember, in, every winged hero is controlled real person, so intelligence is inherent in opponents.

    An effective attack is the key to success

    So, you already have excellent transport in Wings.Io, but you still can’t get to the TOP? The reason may lie in an insufficient amount of experience, since it is this that is decisive here. Therefore, do not rush to fold your arms, but take up intense training. Learn aerobatic maneuvers and raise your skill level to a professional level. Even if you started out as a clumsy beginner, you have every chance of becoming a game winner and appearing at the top of the local rankings.

    In Wings Io, what matters is not only how masterfully you draw loops, but also your ability to aim and shoot accurately. Do you want to learn how to “waltz” in the sky and fire at the same time? Then you will have to play more than one game, and not even two or three. Constantly move and try to ensure that the route is not primitive, even. It should have more twists.

    Moreover, when you reach impressive parameters, it is easier to hit you, which means you cannot be predictable, so as not to turn into an easily accessible victim. In it’s not easy to get rid of the enemies sitting on your tail, they are wildly pestering, so that it’s unlikely to be possible without shootouts. Fortunately, the controls in the game are simple in principle and remembering which keys to press is not difficult.

    Turn on your imagination and imagine yourself in the role of a brave hero from Wings Io, a defender, then you will complete tasks with great diligence. It's fair that everyone has an equal chance here. Come up with a funny name for your flying partner, and then work hard to ensure that this nickname shines at the top of the rankings. When you're cool, everyone respects and fears you at the same time. Enjoying such a status is a real pleasure.

    Conquering the world of Wings Io on our own

    The official website of the programmers who gave the world the game Wings Io not long ago notified fans of multiplayer entertainment about the release of a new “brainchild”. And they greeted the flyer with a bang. To her storyline those who grew worms and bacteria, as well as new gamers, joined. It’s very convenient that in order to become part of a popular adventure, you just need to press a couple of buttons and now you’re in the center of dynamic events and the sounds of gunfire are heard all around.

    Every second someone is defeated, and no less often, newbies appear at the game location, a little confused. They are the easiest prey. But when you are already a respectable fighter, there is no point in feasting on such babies. Here you will have to weave intrigues against more serious opponents, who are not easy to lure into a trap and outwit. But everything is real, you just have to want it.

    Let's play the game “Wings io” - better known as “Planes io” - the latest hit of MMO games, released in 2016? This is the first AI shooting game with airplanes, where only live players participate in air battles, without bots or cheats. Beat the enemy, take care of yours combat vehicle and improve it as the game progresses to become the king of the server!

    Welcome to “Wings IO”: play online, for free and even without registration, in the most unexpected “flying game” with airplanes in the IO format. An exciting air battle with pilots awaits you different countries. You can play your plane against friends if you send them the room code before downloading. The controls are very simple: the plane follows the movements of the cursor and shoots by clicking the left mouse button or pressing the spacebar.

    Game Features

    Each Wings IO player controls his own fighter and must shoot down the planes of other gamers, dodging his pursuers. The ultimate goal of the game is to climb to the top 10 and increase your rank. You can collect yellow shiny dots to restore your life scale. Bonuses are delivered by parachutes, these can be multi-barreled machine guns, laser guns, rockets, a first aid kit with a lot of health. For a high score, the player is promoted in military rank, receives bonuses and better ammunition.

    At the start of the Wings IO game, you get a simple combat vehicle, but you can improve it with the help of kit modules: equip it with additional weapons and increase the rate of fire. This feature distinguishes Airplane IO from similar games. You can choose a chaotic or careful battle strategy - dodge the chase, collect upgrades if possible, and enter the battle with a reinforced vehicle.

    Pros of weapons

    1. A laser cannon shoots down a plane with one hit.
    2. A multi-barreled machine gun fires multiple rounds of ammunition at the same time.
    3. Missiles can block players' movements.

    How to decorate a Wings IO plane

    When loading the game, you can customize your plane - select the detail and set the color of the jet trail. Instead of skins, Wings IO practices placing a flag on board the aircraft. This is a free option. Just enter the name of the country (ITALY, BELARUS, RUSSIA, USA) or any other instead of the nickname to get the corresponding symbols. Control your plane and shoot down other players to become the master of the skies.

    You have no idea how difficult it is to be an army airplane pilot. You have a huge responsibility that is almost impossible to handle alone. In order to help the man sitting at the helm of a military aircraft carrier, the game “ Airplanes” called you. Outside help will make the boy's task much easier. He is so tired that he does not see the enemy, and they constantly pull the trigger, firing at everyone they can get to. Moreover, there are no teams - every man for himself. It is impossible to agree on a truce, and you have to fight to the last.

    Once on the playing field, you don’t have many tasks - find enemy infiltrators and, if possible, destroy them. Naturally, they will fight for their own lives, since they are eager to remain in the game, and not drop out at the most crucial moment. The fact that there are many villains around is both good and bad. We argue that even without aiming, there is a chance of hitting somewhere. Then, when there are fewer targets, you will have to conduct targeted fire.

    The matter is complicated by the fact that no one stands still. Move, make sure that Planes don't get too close. Then they'll fire a rocket at you and that's it most exciting game will end. And fly yourself, just so that you won’t be noticed earlier. Red spots represent the enemy. They are drawn on the card. If someone is nearby, the pattern becomes brighter and more noticeable.

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